ina5 a r ~ . ~rW~v '5" . 5v SUan. ,.. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 22 TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLr, LA.KE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, YRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1910-1-2 Pages PART ONE s.30 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ARRESTED l'OR anid Highland Park. etl h pos- BLACK IIAND LETTER lan. The. letter ho wrote In cliara2- -tors, lich e confesed, bie tried to Man Who Old Odd Job. About High- inako as mucli liko Italien handwrlt- lad Park Threetuned to KiII the. îng ai possible. Daughter of Mm is.ll If Mney Wer. 'Il sent the letter. I knew Mr. Hill Net Dpoulted Where H. Culd Ont was away and I rieeded the monel," It-Dummy Ltter Trape AI.g.d Martin told InsPector Stuart. "I ha" - passedl the bouie lots o! tîmesanBid saw Stick Mander nt GlehcOe Pont Oflici. that thre litte girl often stood et the Captired by menis o1a docoY lot-. wludow oron heportico. ItlIcikai ter it-r ho had madle a darirr t lîke I mglt have aàcchance ta putt h. tumpt to blakmail Mr@. Rusell D. thing over." Hill1 of Highland Park bY tirrea t Martin was arrsigned bel are United kW Helen. lier 9-year-oîdd Luelgter. States ComIirnlaoner Mark A. 7100W John H. Martin confeuaOd W ouorslwalved examinstion, and was hélci 80 James F. Stuart of thre pont office tu, thé federal grand jury. apectors' devartment Tlnrraday tirt l'h letter was malled to Mr.IU181 be tlate vrflg WfOfrom tbe late on monday anrd ah. reclysd fil frI~~.dmo&ror.Tuèsday inarning. Frtt-ed by th. Io a la élàd rrp la tbe Cook many referonces t-demi>, lie. 'fU o"ty »Q tu détfault of ISAOO iMI. appealeil to her iâ forpioctlim mrs Hit rosratitby tIre ebock, lis Ciptured by Deooy Latter. with r btittut augtir st tiere roi Post-mater James Fletcher of 0105- douce of W. M. (oodrU4S». 317 L-rrl ce cas not!ied and ho called upon avenue, Hlghland Park. Mr. Hil, cho Inspector Stuart. PlansaiW caPture sa president of R. D. Hill1 & Co., li&i the letter enrter by moufle of a docoy estate dealers at 135 Adamns treO1t- je letten were"-' uM-ýe. ý traveling ln Japon. "There are many eo-caled bllsk- Mr@. 1Hill eau ln a hysterIcai condi- mraling schemes." sad luepector Stu- tion througliout the evenlng, and Il art. "but many are t-he pransofo ad- aie cas able to say was: verturous youths or lunatica. This 'lt-s too terrible. Ite too terrible." one. tbougli. ls a serlous case, flot Mrins threats to kilt Helen Hill only because or tbe anguish caused itnles er miot her madle a paYment of the mother but for the reasor t-at $600 tuo-C.AA. Krugger" by order %lartin appears to have been deter- of the 'llIal!ta-apparent-ly t-le black- mlned to get the nioney The namne nnailers apeliig o! the word Mala- Krugger Is that of a laborer wbo re- wce ru ade iu a long. dramatic letter.,cetis left- Gle.nroe and by ifsq use The money cas ondered sent by mail Mlartli evIdent-ly thought that lie rould tu "Krugger." rare of tbe gerierai de- îlirow off gusi)iclofl" livery at Giericoe. Wben Martini appeared athte Glen- cue post office Tlrursday he watt hand-'SILAS GRUMP ed the dummny letter sent to lin by SAID IT f IRST Gen. Stuart. Post office luapertors ___ Cbunes Drlggs anrd J.R. Elston ar-1 rosted the mari as Boon as lie opened Slau Gru mp Takes Stand that he "Got There Firat" When he Reade This the missive. Current Week's Issue of Coliler'* Text of Death Threat Letter. Great National Weekiy Whlch ln This la the letter Martiln sent to Taking Polil on Cannon, Found Fosu Mrs HIII"Nt There" Decidedly. .%Ira Hil 0itbs hogb , t-ou George Edmiund' la Important to you. MensIllfo or deat-l. 1 ueed monoy. YTou got- lota o! mouet-. Tour ato got dauztbe t-r If you love daughter btter thair1 mcney thon you give me $600. Refuae un give and sce tihl dbIld. 'Tou are tI koep thie to yourself. for ce scear lit the Malfta to kilI child If you tell. -We shoot chId as she tans!du lui-I dcc or don ar n citho treet. We are noar sud cari see girl and ce seoar by the o HuI-Maia t-n kif] your cblîd If youutol anynne o! thie or refuse ta givo us $600. e are hourd by caili to kîi chilti "You mat- tet une o! us. but-not t-be ct-ers. su If you tell policeman or auy crie and any barm cruie to une o! us se kilI thild sure as ce lice. 'XVe swaesclit-oSt-bo! Malfta, our sscrrdodat-b chicli ce bolti dean abuse ail îblîîgs, esen flfe or lberty. aud ce scear by t-he otu ru keep ail thinge, 5-,he ai sd truthis letton \Vo scear1 tu it 50 i oui rau do as t-ou feel YOu rau tell policeman or nu serid money or yîru cari keep secret t-is leter and seýnti money,s-bit-h cilI lie best- -WîIl Shoot Chîls!ln Wlndow." ('bild live ls overythlng to you-j Ilie. liappîilress, ail thinge. Six buri îred dollars nothînt to rhIld Su sen(ti monet- atnt tell nu one. 'Refuse to send sud t-nu tell ary une, ce shoot- hld as she standidn vindoa or un street auy pare. Yau seé ce are uer. We 800 ber uearly esery day. KiII thild easy. 'Se tiuk over vry careful. sud do Mse e et. Put mouey lu itte box, tén, twoty ant i Ive dolar bilhs. Taire te Cinroe. Put- lu post- office sasmail by folowirg directions: Addreaa C. A. A. Krugger, Gencoe. Ili., generah de- ivont-. You write It-andird vo iii tet it- and remember by Tuestiat noon or lit 3 ot-hock, Tueaday. auyaway. nie fl!toont-h o!fllebruary e mean anti don't-fort-et- on cwarnint-. Ift-ou telh sny one-Eleath Wo chilti aune. We swoan t- lit-t-le oath o! Malft-a. "*Don't Porget St. LouIs Case" -Do a ce aay ant i al clîl lie cel. Na bari reeto rhild. gn dan't- for- get or oath, It- clho for bot, anti If t-ou thlnk over raretulhy t-ou cihi ses $600 not-hîngtto childlti 1e. SHORT IN ACCOLJNTS me BECOMES INSANE Joseph Connor, former chief clerk at the Elgin, Jollet & Eastern Railroad Company offices at Waukegan, Who re- algnes! Saturday, followlng alleged changes of belng responsîbie for a Mhortalle of about *1,00 In the office 8ccounts, w£8 TU0943Y at Elgin adjudaus! Insane and commtted te the @t. hosplUal for the Insane feur that lIty. eThus ends ln dramat-le fathlon one of the.~mout utoundlng and! 1nex lc m tt-be Most-aftect-irg soee,s able ceses that Waukegan hsi evefsaCr ofr tho prytig oye, sas thse hs!. reunlon bet-ceen the sou. juet out o! The placlng o! Cannor lu thoet-at-e asylum foloceti a mont- draiatk e&- cape ands!ptrsuit tirrongl tho main business treets a! Elgin. Connor ret-uned to the home o! bis parents iW ElginSatunday &fien ho hasi reigned i s post- as chie! oerk at tho Wasakegan oflice o! tho BoIt-lne. Taken 111 Saturday nîglit-. It- laalleg- en, tuu., neor ta- - ~have become suddenly vlolent-ly insane and t-is morning on complalut- slgued sud est-- rut-ed lit bis parents and relatives lie cas brought-to book for bis sanlt-y ilieople cbarged that if left- at- large ho couldl li dangprous to hlmn self and others aud tho comoîilîment- foliowd. Escape Oartig in the Extremne. Ag ('ornor Pt tttht coutiroorus li prison, andi t-le aged utother. now over elghty, cho liat-til aùlong aud an vainly for iis freodon. 'Tlie attitude of Hlgtland Park la one o! respect- tocards Cumminge and he 1s t-olie given t-be chance t-o forget-, to make a nec man of hlm- self. Determined I hes about-t-be jaw. a atraight- forwars.ilook ut t-be oye. these are indications that whbile Joliet- bas marked Itielf on Cumntige lier- souallty ho bas mat-urt-d ead vili mak ago cten.r, FELI DEAD AFTER IENDING SONG 'Hlelena, Mont., Pcb. 21. (Spec- ai ta the SUN.)-Tho moit pa- thetlc death ln ail the hlstory of Helena took place Sundzy in a church. Edwsrd C. Smith, plano tuner, singer and! church man from Wau- kegan, has! just finîsheds! snging "When I Shaîl Meet Thee Face ta Face" at the headquarters o! the Mont-ana Sunday Sciiocl Associa- tien hors, when ho turned about on hie stool and droppes! dead. Heart disease caused hie death. Thle abovie la t-be text o! a speelal message t-o t-ho SUN from Helenia, Mont-ana sud courprîseti the first- de- talled arcount- o! the late E. C. Smit-be deat-lit-o neacl t-be rit-y. A brie! message reached t-berît-y Sundat- nigit- t-o t-ho offert tbat Mr. Smithlias dead aud asklng Instructions lu regard lu tho body. Otber mesa.ges fllowed from, t-be H-elena coroner and the result cas t-bat aIl sonts o! things cere teared o! Mn. Smit-h from death liy accident- Crime o! Poasion Hi, tltatidou lu 191 lun tbt -ac a, o t Thtý- St N-st-t onît- ro) tind the- rtc Intt'18 reio! ie rat su1lae tbi ('uImminga t-be ieory goes l i n- voived lu a inere drîruketi lras i wil a negro ou otte ofut- e utatrii The negro ws a niaî it' i'ii 'asa çlareil lu a rlage and luniatt- trom Glenroe- t--ruet- o!int rteution les lîcil rointîhte Cumot in gasas tus .I of -I is otttlir -ii,- 810h(tiarte(] tbrîîîgh Frunits îrg hlmrisud kiliig hi tain Squtare ln Elgin ili plain siet o tf The trral %a, a tiortit ii,n eia St(» tcfour hinrdred hersons. t-o It waasliîs o tua i itilîti. til t-bhtir-; anti crs w-es at- once raised thon but- oighî-etî atnd ia btitti.t anti after a a'tort inte lounor ws a -P îýrt'lieitded atndlrî-sTorrd to his gard tans r'. ho Stai ýto ok hîr t-o the f111- t-vils tate lmitîtal, Stôry ta a Queer One. 'hiir Josepih Cotnur there vas no tulîrre etli-Ct.i îîng tian i Wali- kegan rt-itii lb,- tineocf t-be allegeti tilecos ors thlat lire wua It le Raid shont- 'Phia la chat Conier'e, t-be greatoat- Ilu hIe accotinit at thoeItoit- Une um-i tional ceekit-, chlch la tari e. poil cheno he cas anti chiot 'eu-AiSe- attitode Of! mienl40 t>r carde Speaker Cannon, bas this deek îat'.ekresîîliflis-t- lu regard te CongrossaninFusa: A Wabble r. Mett i bis houri e, tri Elgintandit l A Chicago business man, Mr. fi-Il rtI t-dlofo Chiet Cllrk Cie Chanis H. Wright, .,.t-. t.hlm t-ctbalance lii' l"'îke Itt sat.aidTo congresurman, George Edmund I ('tiviedClt e- rotundihitts-Ifi'i Fosis, thialettir:t5alid "Dear Sir:-As a Republican abile to mtalle a tbalance anti catît-Iilii voter in your congreasianal dis- ibe roruians atitor. Tîte atiittir trt-t, 1 would lie glad ta knaw, for came and s-itrttnutin r campte tarki, - my own guidance and that of anc or two othte, where you stand saud ru baseP coufconted hini 'i t ti, n reference t-c the re-elnction a! allegn-d prîtofs o! this lortagt- Joseph G. Cannon as speaker of Coour tht-n it s said mnf-tt tue hause af representatives, and! w4ether you would consîder par- struporus o! unsante rage anîd aheri1 ty expediency paramaunit ta the is isignari.tu cas det-ntded iatctf-il other Issue* involved? Retur Pd tlt--atitîttre sont-to Elgin sui-' postage la cnclased." effonts tii tet- lîl on the telc1îbîîî1i Cangresaman Fous replled thua: "Dear Sir:-ln ropîy to yaur let- yesterdar failldor tobviotrs reat.ortt- ter of the lth instant, I beg to lits uame liai ot- stel serr rotttci state that I have not pledged my- ed sirli tht' alleged BeIt Uit- short self for or against Mr. Cannon in aobt i h slt ht hs o case he ehould lie a canidat-e for sgt- ciw oiorl aterisan '. "'iî speaker of t-he next bouse of r is'ttrt-soî ro ate rîloîî resentatîves. On this mailler, as ntti tîte lten rî-vented as bail rotý on ail athrs. I desire to represent tht udet LirIe talion actioîn the -irets the wlshes o! mny constituent*." v-tîn ethailtt iîîuîîed hitur'îîi bits <.1 "Believe me, veny truly yaurs,4 Gea. Edmuns! Fos&." Tcageuy in-lie. Congreesman Fous le extremely Of Ilit, traîc.dy r intie tirig man's cordial, very wllllng, but- nderid!- NNhîicosai, prrhapv lbc-folio(] ed. We hope same thouuands o! h ilipigo htL o e hfIs consttuent* will give hlm lilp t-iuîlîîrîgtfiItr..tîwr toward making u p hi& mnd. giaidiast te- rîctit '1ttuiri tand. I And thpitjoke o! Il Is t bat- Collier's ut- cui ý rt- i utait ul i iiI il a! f foi' says rîut-iug nos, as the SUN bas sev- soti tit-e ncottitut rît-til lie saîd bOc I ral t-mes suggeat-edtthat tho cougros-auet shto. mari freusibis district- l a scoblehr' anei- ebst andt -at hoclias a wet cigarette for a Wiatiket-an liitis andî regrets from backboric. t-be borton o!fits beart t-be young Pllng it on. mati andis t-onditioni antd txtetîts As t-ougb t-is dore not- enou resmpty oitlticsat bowever. along cmns Representat-ive alure yptýt eai n A. K. Stearris. o! 'chon t-le Tribune frieuda chu cil lie astouuded mant- bas tho fohocIngtto say t-is mrning, o! thorn at tho neca. 'alun 'all lie eliowlngth -at ho la alan "s0150 dol- soîrpre6sad lu Elgin Itit-lereporred. ien' leisdes trt-tntto get- Laite on- C (y sony favarabît ('?) lu t-ele gisîatvo ornon's commit-mont usat ond a llmehight-: pouding case oclît- famuto. What Strarne Ods. Drink ans! Gamlng. After vot-lug againat-t-be enactlug Cass sigs!frth yug clause of t-be primant- bill yeterday Cufl asge o h or Represoitat-Ive A. K. Stearne cent W nmanas break cocu are saidto l le 1Chicago !nom Springfield at- a critical drink anti gamnlg. Ho cas commit-- point- andth-e falowing la chat- the tedlt-o t-beat-at-e bospit-si as a dango- Chiago Tribunesasaof t-ie 'net' nous manlar lit-Jutige Willams aud dent-: "Clerit MCauri cas eating along. t-le duers o! thoast-hum have loseti dien the gavel saiehes! airs!t-le spea- upon hlm perbape foreser. ton pjeseuted a telegram ho said ho Bet LIne Bilent bait lust recolvoti. as !ollocs, dat-es!etase t-be day le a bhîdat- not- Chcago: "Imperat-ise buiness maleune ta Chi- a Bot lUne officiaIiln Chicago couiti ecage todat-. Kiridly adJonmn legiia- lie re«cheti. It-la probable that t-boy tune for a !ew dat-a. We domens! a do rot- knnc chat liies bappenoti. rol all. f__ -- -iý "Du as ce nase anc foiîowd i- A. Kr STP3ARNS, necttions anti ailiilie ceIl. As aon CHESTER W. CHITRCH, as t-ou reacl t-isbIs une anti burl It C. S. NELSON, up. Dont fort-et aur cannint- anti C. A. SCHUMACHER, 0froa-hant dret-huaan ai chI "t- sowJ. M. KITTL9IMÂN." Our athanddirctins ad &l wll lu iewo! t-le demanti o! the mon- lie coîl. Do t-eniso-Deat-l W lens lit- ay' cf Chicago," aut-led tho clilît. speaker. "t-le bouse nmay roat- assures! "Remomben t-be St. Louis case. t- t-bat- there ilîl ho a moli cal." cilIho -besaie cilithia soleei nn 'lie OpInIon Locaîly>., wil bethesam wlh tisso eedour Theopinion localît- le tuat-t-is sec- carnint- aud koep allerit. Senti imon- t-sd "dotige" ou t-le part of Represen- et-. Burnutiis lott-r antiIl&U l lie talse Stearne mat- "ccuk bIs t-case" ai rit-bt. Othlercise. Deat-lt, t-acls!,plit-irat-. co scear l. C. A. A. Kruggor." Confesses and! la Hels! ta Grand Jury. The Lake Couut-y tndeirendont aird Martin ls 31 yeans nId anti ls a la- theWekly Int-or Oresir and larmer boren, dahut- a-d Jolie about- Glencoe $185 per t-ear. fron officiais to tho SUN It- le knowu t-bat- Counor cas the man Indimt-ed as respousîble for t-be ahegeti short- age wblcb mit-t aler ail have boon cuIt- a socles o! ocrora lunbOn-ke,,p- lug ait-bout-b officiais Insist that-t-is couId not- le. Waukegau bas orsy regrets anti pit-y. Joe Counor. thebe et- poat-et man ou t-be ElunJoliet- anti East- ernu raiiroad. t-ho happy man o! fami- It, tire popular and ct-Il kuocai yong Waukeganlte coulti rot I l bi rtt seuso. have douesot- loaat- cront-t-o ant-min. "i lx bail bt-t-rt aun istr-il le i lii ttg titnannsd.that bis mist tati lîtti licou a tendeury to li-uor. 110wv er pleas avai-l tit li di iian lie sv.ern-t-o prison. Ttr, witii il cti ftîr -rght yeacs and ti iit' itîtîttIi of l the funt-coît year -.î-rit-lt< t- it ii gnod iheavinon uniockoi t-le prisont dour and because ie bail ntIt-b eIast scratch o! aut- sort lit discredit ur mlabebavjctr agabsnt hirt Cummning7s svas !reed. lie la yorîug enouglit-o hase a lite o! grot! i- oehiri and hi-. teuple are contint-rdtI lin ss ill te .advautage o!hast-battre, Mot-hec Sutht Freedon. Art etory omeeting ut t-ht-state- lir dîon isenîl sirre th-btiunît- o!t-be sest teuce - 'Citmotirgs' ateu ttler lies ()Uught t-o obtan bis fret-(l-oi sud pt- titi attî-rlîctîttoîs hashi iii tirtiet dlîsit fîîr 'sotie-resoni Nite unîmng't t'. 0111ait(] te, a iii, lait, i 111i e II trit aifi-it ii iii tIli, lt-a-i lli sste t ht-nt St- the tati-s f tlic Joli-t ei-l tiire alter lit- bad l:it-.rit enoton l tt ', i(itizeits t-lothle-., a ti rt -u I sutgîti iii, audfi3tt.'d tout iwit lii- tut ofii lotît-sgtîr n for tht- E'. trs <t i .ti- gulng to fort-et tivti- t o (f ll4 an.igisd belîtleîtot tu gel taluns' luit i îsorld. Hlias rerti-cellu-îi .li l 1,11 55 t il-i lit l hEADS VIRGINIA GRANITE COMPANY Everett Maton Therefore, with Other Lake Cousit- Men. Heada Virginta Granite Company Capitalized at $35>0,000 and eitl Ten Million Cuhît- Feet o! The SesI Grade o! Granite as Big Stîmuls Buytng a Virtît ta tari on spot-nIa t-on Escrett Mactît o! Prairie Vies ln t-bIs routîîtrha'. diaraisored t-bat it-be !arm le thse site o! anti bellum granite quacni e, atii wtbchat Itlas alleged wilh amnosott-o 10.000.000 cubir foot o! the sert- beet granite lu sîglit bas st-art-rd t-ohomnit-be n glula Granito Cimltany.' aooklng lu soul $15,00 worili of stock lu Laike counity while $50,tlioociili e under- wnitt-n by the Set-ecit-les Sales Con- pany o! Mootreal. 1EserettMasori ue proaldent. Augrîsi Sehliermaun o! Giliner is vice president. Frank Tulîr y o! Eseroit- Is treasurer, anti Rot- M'son f fWaulc- Sgan hlaeerot-ary. 'Plie quarries are locateti near do- ylumbia, Virginla. Bridges and ar- queducts on t-be ]and hautcf granite froint-b te quarries have stet since beforo t-be wac. The quarnies are on t-le Rivarina canal sud four miles fro t tho Chesapeake sud Ohio rail- road. It le clainird t-bat thbe car forced a suspenision o! the operatlonis o! t-ho quarnios lotittirat t-ests bave isbocu t-be granirte suitable foc t-be hest purpoic SW. J. Davis of Toroto bas bren madle sales agent. Lal'.n-ppe peins tî,.îr pervade the eut 1tire at-st-en. Lalii ut-out-hat-batrat-k gand @train, are oluilukly rureti by FoIey's tHonet- sud 'ar. Ismnildît- laxative, sale 0and certain lu rewults. FSANx B. LoI'ELL. att-ertoont Vw5- 1 tuky çiotgh t o do ait Ends Real Estate Deal. On,, t rht-r <dd ii rcutttstartrri-i that 'lttîitSiii si mas to hase tomne frotît 1elî tic tutitîati- ,î rs-t-at, tiial ilhit lxiw srds t itI Veiaý,loaleir-ait-y tît 1ai ti-. t-iit- sal-etif Ir. Sothit-.iisn tarot of 127 acres at SandtiLake tii Atgîtat \V 0feof near 1 îî-taiilof 't o thtî alktng iittî tii,- itifit i f il î- Ittortîti sîtnd iil estaienmari the de.îtb message raine. Wae Promînent- Here. liih a~s rursstent li ti i\sihgant Ilis reisdenre t.'.oit Sýertnti sîrot- r'.brrlieand bis aged iotber rî'sid- e d. Ilit a a ,inger ci! talent- snd lrominerit ri social and cbîîrcliî aiars t-o a groat- degree. Last- spring ho cas ln tho lime ligit- a great deal frîmtht-e tact- that ho tu',iîtted on building a botuse vithout- union lalior aîîd seseral ailegod cases o! union sluggiug took pIare about- lie lîreutîses lut- Srit-bstock sud arrois to baie soit out. Pastor A.J. Altord ut the Helen-ri First- Niethodist cbtîrrb la tbe mans ho sont tbe death mtessage t-o Xaukegau to Siitîîîî asat-or bere, Roc . L.C. Bur, lîîîg. tu bis aged motbor and t-o ot-bera. Tue tari that t-be hast-or sent- some sud ~WILLIAM CUMMINGS FREED. WVillam CummInga <of I liglilai i Park steîîped fort-h from Jolit -tii tent-ary a free man Sat-urila ' torsarils dusk sud hy nirie t-hesaime îîîghî ws~ once again lu Highlandi Park still aî youug man but a mucl i wser one at ter over eight- years of peial servi tude for alleged munder. Ta show hie good intentions and hi& deie W live down the past whlch has bien so bitter for hlm Cumminge Sunday attended chur-ch ln Highland Park. that t-le dearli Mas rsot- une that ramei j outh lmb Deerfiels! ans! ta south lim- frrtt-n lines ungt coutiuued anîl t-be ta, the St. Paul moas! wil suspend traf- fort-ler tact that- unit- aat- lcday MSa !fic on four tracks for twenty minutes Smit-h, the mother, t-ut a lett-tr o! to let the dreulge pas@ lt- ads bridge henctul purpurt- fron ber soit oui at a point a haIt mile soulh af Rond-. ,vsts-t-notrirrrnd t-bus bellot out. A Beautifui Death. ilo te rocuad, aith ls quadruple The clccurnsuanres o! t-bn death. t-le t,,ak andtult-s ututoense traffir. rau aiger jost- endint- the chuncrb song. iat ttriie ote t-VOheu I Shal'tiret Ther Face t Iroug i s rluit, a tory -ac . statuît- tutas (lue lii liitie a i a g o tt E,1s v nyfv n iratîtiful lu thse extrente ' l Iuntlre-inn s tus'. 'aukin t e te 'Ple laie MSic ith b as seili k n it oint at- rih t-ho dretige. scouçirg and popular hbrrr t-e cas unruarcnd otort-le criitt. a il touurthe rosd, aiddbu-. lite Passiont aas music Tue fturtoruarts oft-hle rosul at the lle bridge art- tîi] o be 50 îreîared ANTIOCH FARM lN:SCPNDAL. rrar t-ht- tract-t iotîrifecao bcliIft-cd 0 t 1un8sci .ou-iantîutt-ackinlt-o place TPle liteîrîgsitntht-e Lord-Rt-d case as fast as t-le drrdge t-oea t-rout-h the ri e field btfore 'tlast,- t i liancert- eut- r wnyMnts Elarît t alauie tîs sroc-t 'Tle casenTwnyMut. s oune ut-the nout er a-satiosal oser y begîrînîiîg nos- sud makînt- ready trie-clin Lakie courIr anîd s an alhoged fou, sontethingt- -at ntayt- it actualît- affol-y as l ahîhthealegti ffn-takc- place foc a otont-li tet-t-ho St- aity St-asGelnesive hd.ait-occlutfi-:t-oPauîl coad %-fil anturalît- le able t-alot- ber oMisaestonty. ee ccordinabot-t-be dredge tbrougl Inlu icot-y minutes $10.000ifro iem loyrcleratiallout-asd pvithout- sut-possilhe Interruptieri $10,00 fom br eployr an allg-,o! traffler ed lovrn W. F. Lord. cho cas emr1Teuletl n h ormo o ployed as t-ho genoral agent- o! t-b i rde.Theuhvert e lut-o frto a p freIght dopant-meut o! the Wisconsintanlire brge 'tPli drâtig a b t-h Central ralîroai. Sic. Lord cas sa udout tlagrg-aph t in mut le takn marnieti man sud lad fourc misidren. 1ou-ch therp cres taon deodu, atie Mýisa Reed cas 26 yeara o!faâge weer ae fret- met- Mn. Lord lu t-he drotige ari pusaibhy t-et t-liough. Thle sprint- o! 1900 ln St. Paul, Mîin. MHe dretige olierators liveonout-he maciune dos! at- ber home lu Maceticr, N. 'Y andi mate thoîr home on t. Septombor 1ý, 1906 Misa Lord la TedeiecIhl - oiedr deecribed bly' une uftht-e cît-nsees in on t-be BlokIe la o! t-le type t-bat ilîl t-ho case as s at-itîngît hantisome co- aerage a quarter mile o! distance a coman, raIl. siub s tory gond fUgure. day, eat-ng out- t-ho teufoot- dit-rh vit-b beautifîtl large et-es anti pos~a! wamp h la odnant-be setaOsao!res- sesseti o! a vert- pleasilut mariner. orsaplnadteettsofe- oral mlllonaires. lncludlog J.' Otden When viailuntr ber Nec York home Aro. ,Mn. Lurd cent- lit the naine o! WiII The last bar in tbe day o! lustaliiit Adm."My Sceet- Wî!e ta Be." t-ho ditct-mble oc removoti cit-lit-le One latter lut-codurotihulvneiec om promise affo-cteti dit-b t-le at-an tron t-Mr. Lord te t-ho pretty terigra -_______________ pher hegina "To my sceotcIft lu h, (enevievf ," A lttto froinMis Root REALTY REVIEW. ru 'sic tord ht-gins "t- Dean fDarling- boy 'l Suas Roed leat-Iflet that Mn. The Lake Count-y Tithe & Trust iLord proposed niarriage to ber lu Compant- reporte rosIetat-e transitera MIay, 1903. 'Sali ho estiespmrat-eiy for t-be cesk: Number o! instrn- lu love cit-l me. bail nover beau lhappy 1monte filoti, 149; deeda. $85.952; boans, ln his marries! life. ho cant-es!te make $40,640. me li s ite a.,* so s lhe wruld lie free. Said he was going ta get a di- vorce tram %Irs. Lord. I agreed to marry hlm as soon as ho got- a div orce. 1Ilntroduced talmato uts parents as my lnt-ooded husband. The first- git- of $1,000 was madle after thia prom- Ise o! marriage.» Mrs. Lord Seeks ta Recover Farm. Mies Reed testled tpat at orie timo Mr. Lord gave ber $5.000 and tbat t-is sum was usesi for tbe purchase of the Kerr tarin at Antiocli for which $7,500 cas paid 'Plhe prosent litige- t-on ilalirougit- hy Mrs. Lord. cIa ts seeking t-o recover t-be farm framn Miss Reed because sbe alleges undue Influ- ence was used by 'Miss Reed lu oh- talniug the monoy as iens alleges lu ber bill that Mr. Lord died at Misa Reeds home urider mysterious cir- cuinstancea. Paeaed Mer as Sister. That- Mr. Lord fond his affinIty an expenalvo luxury la brouglit-out- In the tostlmouy of G. H. Varidercook, a brotber of SIre Lord. Mr. Lord told E. S. Lord. accordiug toafihe test-lmony. that h liadt a real expeusîve luxury on bis bande and that Mfiss Reed required a gond deal of money to bold ber and pay ber expensca. as she liadt no mon- ey o! ber ownu In traveling about wltb Mises RpeçtiMr.ord sometîmes Introduced her as is s ifes sister and sometinies as his own sister. Mc a. Laura, Jamnes o! Ant-locli testlfled t-bat Ir. Lord and Nfiss Reed visited et their bore nesd that- ho lntroduced Miss Rerdl as hîs wifes sîster, his qister ini law. This watt s!ter the Kerr tarot was turchaspti M r.ord recels cd a salary of $20 lier ronîli as general freigbt- agent aud bad an expense aliowanre o! $1t33:M per montb After bis death l t %vas fouud tbat he hasi bat $2.800 lu cash and le!t two' insuranco polîcies for $2,000 ecrI Attorneys Cookie, Pope aud Pope tand Pauîl Ntrt-îîiffin reltresent Mrs. EnsiaE. Lord, t-be widow, and At- torneys J. K. Orvis, Benjamin Parma- lee and ('braies King represeit Nliâss Reed. LIFT TRACKS TO LET DRIEDGE PASS Dredge That WiI Travel Fourth of a Mlle on Average Every Day at the Work of Excavation laeton «rail and so Large that Telegraph Wires will Have te lie Removed and St. Paul Bridge Taken Up In Sections. Within a few weeks the monster land dredge begins ta scoop out the S kokle drainage canal beinnInga t BABIES MUST HAVE CHANCE The baby in te have a chance n North Chicago If the combined e ffort& of the state board af health and local physiciana wilI cousit for anything. Assert-îng that unlcensed allen mldwivea te the number of 8w. Or tJiree are called In on lblrth cases an-d that numboe'sof deatha have followed, wur ha% been de- clsred on the *Id couutrey pretio of calllng In a mdwlfe on the o- casion ofa M brtis. The local aut-horties bave theIn banda fou. Ini corintnies of the lead world and oven lua t-iri country lt Id t-he practice W c, ca a endwife Instead of a physîciala. Ili t-is countr'y thbe physiciens de not- object at ail If the nrlLwifo lu ltcensed. aud regularly necffltzed. The Miate license It- lua ald costa but $10. Wliat t-he doctors do obJeet Ir are t-wo thinge: I-Ilumping lut-o trouble att-or belng called ou a hirt-h se clore a taid- wife bas beeri called prevloasly only t-o find berself unable tW cope wtt-h conditions. 2--Conipetlng wllh unlireused mid- w1ves. Iu regard t-o ibese latter and l12 justice to, theni It le sald t-bat son. of thon bave tbeir old couutry diplo- mas andl realir tblnk ibat t-bey can practîre tbeir anient- prcfession bore. Mldwlve8 are uit Watikegan and North Chicago alutost exclusively ral.- ed by t-be foreigu bornit-o attend their tfs pr-tig. Conditione Startling. That- a atartliug condition o! affairs bas prevalled lu Watîkegan and Nortb ('lilNa.go wiîb 1'espect ft the enploy- ruent o! alieged uîliceused aud Ignor- ant rnidwives Or' the fttreign residerits ls the charge co! Waikegau erîd Nort-h C'hicago pbyslciaus. \Vhile there are at least four practîr- loîg mldwives Ibtere la but onie chu bas ait Illinois license. accordlug tu a woîl itforoîed plyisscian. It la chargedi li dottors that these reported unlîceuseil utldwlces bave licou respousible for the deaf b o! a nuîner o! chuîdren and that mariv stilf birt-hs are direct-ly r rareahie to thoîr allcged Ignorance o! proper met-bode aud modern medical practice in> obstet-rîcal cases. Iu mauy Iustances it le Raid those Bo-called mldwives ronceal tbe reeults o! their mapractîce by baviug thre bodies o! the Innocent-s huried wlt- out t-be Issuance o! t-le required deatla eou44t. Burke Case Pendlng. tate's Attorney R. J. Dady h«u commenced s prosocution of Mrs. Katharlne Burkowskl, known as lins. 'Burke, who it- la alleged ast-ed as a nidwlfe wlien N's. Frank Tuneitis of Victoria street. Nort-h (blegt cau conflued on January 4. 1910. Mis. Burke le heirg proeecuted for prattin- Iug witbout a lîcense and t-bai se showed au alleged appalllng lacit of hoth knowledgo sud ekillIolecharged by Dr. L. B. Jolley. sho cas calles after t-be cbuld cas dead lie says. No Physîclan Calied. Healili Comnieseoner Jluer siatosi t-bat- be cas rallcd t-o t-be YuriejtIS home at- about- t-ree oclockInluthe afteruoon o! JanîîarY 4t-b. Accordtng t-o Informuation gicen Dr. Jolley hy s ister o! the woman Mrs. Buîrke had been with Mca. YuuejtiB ail o! the day sud had full charge o! t-be case. uo physlclau ltavlng been called. Wbhen the dort-or arrtved lie found lihe rmbilical cord prolapsed. cold aud litcltss, withoîît aur' pulsation or sigu orIf ie. Thse worniau told hlm t-bat- -lie had felt the lat s igu o! lite Iu th,- rhild aS i1:3i. Accordînz t-o this the riîild lîad died at- about ibis tîme l' uit the midwlfo did Dot know that- the cbîld cas dead. Reported Case t-o Authorities. Dr. Joulet promptly rFlxortedti t-b case to thbe coroner and to the deputY coronier bot-h o! chorr des'lded t-bat fliere cas no net-osIty for holding att irîqîeat- because t-be rase was onue ot! stillirtb.'Te sister o! Mn>. Yunjîls db cwas prescrit aIl of the day Itla a ald. clîl testifY to t-besaine farts that- Dort-or Jolley does. She weht- to a drug store aud asked ibat a physiclan lie sent- cithout- the mis!- wlfes knowledge lit le laimed. Stato Board Fighting. If thiis as t-be Only case O! tire klod t-be dort-ors of Wautkegari ans! Northb Chicago would rot- consider cou- ditions gan reedful o! investigatIin, but it la rharged that- anme o! t-leoMIl,- cerised midsilves preecribe t-oas a"d medirlues for women sud chIlfiren. and also that- tley give mediclres t-O 1 ring about aliortina. 'heY aise prescribe mediciriea lu cases Of eick- ness. The state board o!flieslt-lihbm beau fighting t-be unllreorsed mIs!- wives sucoasfully for Revendl Yeans A st-ste Ilicorse ooets but- about $10 aud la not diffleustt to u>btain. JUST "KIDDING" US. This ls t-le thnllllng story o! tho pliant-on gaine preserve, or nec Youà oses It- sud now you don't. Bomne tie ago Representat-ive A. IL Stearna arncounced to t-le SUN that lu counection wîtli the fish hatcirY t-c ho built-bere, if Waukegsir's bil passes, St-at-e Game ComMnissifOer Wheeler would st-art a gaine Preoinso lu a 5n5.ll way. Here's chat Wbeeler sys in a lot-- t-er te the SUN: "Tour lettor af t-he lIt-h mat,et i axrd. lteplylng wcliisay tiret 1 kuDe flot-ing chatever o! a st-ae gamo Pme- serve bourg entablibed In your local- lty.."