LAKE OOUNTY ¶I»IKPINDENT, F»AY. FEBRUÂRY 25, 1910 Ploelty of fresh air, .lepmg out-doors and a plai, noudiahng dietars *9i good and helpful. but 60. moat important of so :Emulsion prSScrbed by phy. àlovu *theWRUl f»otohol t0 se l and up &0s wasing FOR ELLE EALL DRUGGISTS a MUM b4S end 1..sKe FORTIl"_ Mach credit le givea Miss Adaline Miler.' whose baeket social waosusch a comple s ucSese lasI Friday evening. The appiause ot the people told that the cbiidren had tiai caretul traibing. She standq ighilaestimation ot ber pupils, and proveil herseeU wortby of the sanme. Mise Miller le a royal entertainer. Mre. C. L. Thomeon Pept Tbnreday aad Friday oft ast week xith relatives la Waukegaa. Mrm. A. J. Raymond, of VWo, waë a recent vi8itor at ber dangbhters, itre. Louis Luek. John P. Rock-oîl, wbî, bas been spend- ing severai weeke wvitli relativ"e t Aun Arbor, Mich., bas returned ta A. B Combe., Marna Weber, af Grant w ili asqst. Wm. Vandenboom with hie tarrin wark tble @ mmer. r-PALATONE Died at the home ot ber son ia Palatine, Mrs. Wolff ut olil age. FuneraI Friday aternoon at 1:30 at the Lutheran chnreh. 1ev. Druegmueller offilciatlu)g. Disil et the bajue ut ber son, Charley Berlin la Iowa, Friday, Feli. 11, Mr@. Cari Berlin. The remane arriveil boe Sunday moraing, hurl aa Highland Grove. Ber. Stanger officlateil. John C. T. Straberg dieil at is home boe Sunday morning ut pneumonia. Re leave four orphan children tu moura hi, deatb, hie wite having dieil two years ago. The tueraI wus held Wed- day atternoon. 1ev. Hoffmeister aftt ciatlns. Died at the hume ut ie son bere ut bronchitis andild aege, F. C. Sehumaker.É The tuneral waa held Tuesday at ther Lake Zurich church. Interment besîdei hie vite in the Fairfield cemetery. Marieil at the home af the bride'e Banday. Feli. 19, ise Alta lzlrsclage to Henry Langhoret loth of Palatine. Congratulations exi.ended. Mrg. Milan Rleynolds bas rtuîrneil tram an exteadeil vuit in Ierwin. MNr. andl Mr@. H. C. Statthuî. iîave for their guests at present Sir. and \lrs. Thos. Swick, otfLunilce.c lire. Wm. Wttenberg and son Ist Thumsdlay tar Sheridan, Misouri, ta vi$il Iriende and relatives. Word receiveil tram FVIanda that thes Palatine peuple are nat liaiing thie usuel fine weether they expeeteil. They are not able ta eDlaF tbe oean batbîng andl the wiater bat been generally dis- 1ev. Allen, tormer tatar ot the M. E. church boe bas reeeived a cai ta Bilehup, Cal.. and experts ta deli ver bis tiret sermon Mdarch lt. M. and Mr@. Henry (Jet andl Mr. and Mm . eo. Mitchell @pont a tew daye vitb relatives at Palatine lust week. 1 An entertainmenl yull be givenaet the flamnd Lake M. E. church, Mardi 11, for tht benefit ut thecharcli, cumaiencing st 8 o'clock. Mr. Coe, the pereonater,t trom Evanaton, wilil be boe.1 The Ladies' Aid met at the hume ut Mm. Fred Towner, Sr., lasi Tburoday. Tht dinner wae a sucesel. Over ten doUais vau relizeil. A surrseparti vas givea at the bomne 0t Mr- and Mr#. Geo. Mitchell. Bat.. nrdaY evenlng. A large crowd and a fi»e Urne vas reporteil by ail. Miss Claie Smith is on the ic.k lit. A dance wau given at the home of 1fr.r qMd lir. Fred Towner, Sr., Friday nigbt for the litt4s folk&. Henry Mille Mlleo played for the dance. Tbe D"aond Lake Cemetary Associa.c ticu vil meel vitb Mr$. C. A. Bilineki, Mrs. fler retujneil ta ber home at Libertyvile. Snnday atter epeniing a tew weeke in ilur village w ill Mr. anîd Mre. Jas. Mnrra. Quite a nunaier of the aid soliers ai unr village andl viciity atteîîded ths funeral af their aId cuairade Henry Seil) whiclî was nield at Lake Zurich last Saaday. Mr. and Mr@. 1H. J. Schalfer, af McHeury, cmlle1 an relatives in ,.ur village Suaday. John Murpny returneil home last Thuroday atter an extendeil trii. throughi the west andl olil Mexico. fie reporte un intei'eeting trip but eays there te nu place Ilke Illinois tor hlm and he will make bie home la Wanconda for the epring andl ammr montis aseisting his tather at the Lakeside botl. Claude Pratt rsturned home Frlday1 aller a few deys visit at Cary witb hie1 sister, Mr@. Jas. Tamlsky. The bg auction sale ot Roney, Laid &Co.. la ho lbe held neit Baturday, Feb. 26, wbea 150 head utlilve stock is tu suid and from ail report@ a large crevd wv ihe in attendauce. Floyd Cary, ut Libertyville, spent Sun- day at; hie home lu our village. Mis. Benry Os"ary@peut Prlday and Saturday ut last wsek la the city wlth ber sister, Mr@. Clle. McGurren. Theifirsaien held their regular maatbly meeting un Moaday eveing and fanding the tanils la their trsaeury quite depletel voted ho give an ouI tiais daace alter Vlaser endlChic! lanck accudiagly appointeil H. E. Maiman, B. C. BEarrie and W. V. Johns as a cummittee ta make ail neceseary arrangements fur the samne. Furthur alnnauncement will lie maiel lter. The lest olil tolk@ club dance beld eàt th@ Oakland an Tueeday eveniag was atteadeil by about 75 cauple the largest crowil they bave bail luring the satire season. A dune ayster en9per was served Iiy,Nire. (G. W. Pratt andl a very pleasant time is repartel lîy al whu atteudeil. The chickea pie supper gîven by the ladies' ot the M. E. church at the Ni. W. A hall last Saturday eveainu wa8 largely attended and a aimetsuai was netteil. O. E. Whitcamb une of the pioneer resideats af Waucanda passeil away at hi@ home launr village lait Wedaeeday at 7.15 p. ai. He bas been aiiag tor several years andl although lus Iriedilal medical ekill ho e ll;tmight h e heeicial it praved only temporary relie! and fnally the grim bandl ut death c"led. Wheu a youag mane the deceaeei maile his homq la Wauconda whers bo liveil unlil ater he vas marrisil lu Mary Hicks, when tbey moveil ho Chicago where ho engageil in business as comn- mission mnerchant un South Water St. and aller yeare hook bis son in the business whlch is now knowna@as0. E. Whtcomb & Son. Daring the wer ot the rebellion ha enllsted and serveil three yeare tor hie country ani l awaye bail gondl wordB for ail old cuairade. The lanera] was bell truai hie home Satar- day at 2 o'lock p. ai. atter which the remains were interredinl the family lut la the Waacuada cemeteri. ROKELEI Notice. I wilIl be at the Rocketeller l)rug Store. Wedaesdav, Feli. 16. ta mllect taxes. C P. Fienta, Tax Cllector, Libertyville township. c Obituary. Elizabeth Heariette Sclîenuk, danîcliter ut Carl Scheuk, wai bora Jualy 25, 18m1. O n the 24th day aof(lîtaber 1907 see was marriel ta John Albreeht, o! Ruckefeller. To thie union was bain son îvliî dird lan intancy, about a year aga. The lest year ias beecunaie ut euffering 'wbich resulteil in death on Tuesday morning, Feli. 1a, 1910. FuneraI services were bield Thnreday, Feb. 17, cuaduted hy Rev. W. L. Whipple. ai Lilertyville. The interment was in the Lakeside ceaietery. Cerd of Thanks. I wish tlu retura my sincere thanke tu those who asosted la caring for aiy wlte during lier ilîne8s whinh resultedi n1 death. JOHN ALBRECHT. 1 L WIANHOE Mn.i. Jenien and Marie vielteil withi Chicago relatives several dais laut week.1 Mise Minnie finyder, who bas been taklng a etenographic courses a the Waakegan BusIness College, bas accept-e ed a position at the aew Sheldua Uni. versity building andl will hefinhber dutfes about thetifret ut March. Miséses Ada and Lizzie Kueliker and1 Miss Avis Payne were emung the hume visitons Bundey. )Ar@. Myrtîs Gullidge and ladys Payne @pent Bnnday la Waukegan. The C. E. euciety wilbullse business meeting Sturlay evening in the prayer Boum ho Nr. andl Mrs. Fred Hapke a baby loy, Siaday. Henry Brandiag taak a triptlu Lt- bertyilîle Muaday. Yau will Sund the tax callectur at Eaul Frank'@ plaee every Saturday ta rocieve taxes. Henry Bue8ectîng, ai Chicaga, le viil- lng with lits uncel, Wai. Bueschiag, boe uver Snaday. Soie oatour citizens were liadly scared lait Suaday night, when the tire hall rang about il o'clock. Aficasotine light tank caugbt tire un Ernest Sheaiming's place. Throagh Theo. Schenlng's efforts the building wai saveil. The luswas about $25, For Highway Cammîsaloner. I bereby announce myself as a candi- date for Rigbway Commleiontr ut the town ut Ela, subject te the declsion ut the voler. uf the caucue, tluhobe ld March 19, 1910. 22-4 FRE GRIsi. Lift of Henr-y Seip. Henry fieip iras burn la HeomeDaim- stedt, Germany, JuIy 19, 1M4, a son of Henry and Anna Margaret 8elp. Be came ho thie country vitb bis parents lu 1848, locatinia la New York stâte. Three years Isar tbey came ho Lake cuunty and liought a tartainl Fremont township. Ater hie tatber's death ln 1856 hie remaineil witb hie@ iother on ths tai-m until he was tweatjy-five years of age. la 1865 he merrleil Miss Caroline Ritta, of Fremoat township. Thirteca childrea were bora by Ibis union, tour suas andil fie daughters are living, Abert Seip, Fred 8eip. ot Lake Zurich; Chas. Wep, of Paltine; and Louis Seip, ut Chicago; Mre. Wm. C. Bicknaee, Mrs. Eail Frank, a! Lake Zurich; \Ire. Fred Doolitîls, ut Wauke- gan; Emma and Jennie Seip, of Lake Zurich. ta Jaauary 1862 Mir. Seip enisteil la Company G. Sîst Ilinois Intaitry and and wae sent ta Kentucky andl tram tbere ta Missouri, wbere be was lis- cbarged alter tlîiee moathe service an acaunt ai a crîppied baud. He then went tu, Waukegan wbere ho etarteil a batel, a year lter lie moved to Valu wbere lie starteil a hotel tram there lie weut ta Meflenry wbere hoe mon a restaurant for sometime. He Ihea parchaseil a tarm in Fremoat township w hi-h lie later tradel tur Chicago property when lie traed ebi city hold- ings toi- a tartai near Waucouda but eftler eix monthe he soliloutl andl bougbt bis present propei-ty et Lake Zurich, whtrs he starteil business as a generat meichant and ateo the elevenor business aller the E. J. & E. was bilît. He ina thet business twenty-sevea yeai-s when he retîreil. He was tiosîmaiter of Lake Zurich fui five yeers. In 1896 vhen the hown waa incorporatel he was une ut the main womkers andl une ut the tiri-t truetees. Boeialîy lhe wae a moem. hem ut the Barrington Puet G. A. B. andl a charler member ot the Lake Zurich St. Peler chamcb. For the tait Ibree yeams lhe bas bs'en fadling la heaith andl lait taIt went lu the National Home where heottied l'eb. 15. The remains wvere brouglit bers wbere the faneraI wae bell Sunilay, 1ev. Titterman affilciateil. A aumber ot bis aId riende andl Grand Army nasa were pail bearere. The i-smaias were laid ta reet in lue Lake Zurich cemener-. Be tarea ile. four sous, five daugliners, ixteen grand chldren, aile brother, ance imter bemides other relatives andl iriende ta maouru is death. DEERFIELD. Mise Olive Jenke visîted in Cbicago Sun day. Ri.urt Eggert and Miss Mena Pocheýr speilI Sanday with Fred Horeabe-rger and taniiîy. The Ladies' Aid it the U nited Evan- gelical chai-ch gave a mieiceltaneaus ehuwer for Misis Ele Veut, Wednesilay atternoon aithIle lome o! %Ire. A. B. Muhike. Miss Vent wai the reelpient af may useful and ornemental gifle. Cofiee, sandwiches andl cake veme servait sud ail reportea very plsant afnernoon. The Young Peuples& Mlsioaary Society ut the IUnitedl Evangelicel churcihbave presenteil Miss Vent with e heentiful band peinteil salad havI. Mr@. Jacob Anto@ entertained aet e birthdey Party Sanda, aflernoon. Qulle a number ot friendls tram Chicago and alt Deerfielil belng pissent. Mr@. Anles ecelveil meny piesen le. Mr@. C. Antes aIea entertaînel mauy frisaIs et a birthday patty unuday attemnoon. Tht Mission Baud ut the United Evan. gelc" chu rch gave a pragrami e the rharch Moay alghî sud hrought out e full hanse. Miss Ridi, ut love, le vlslîlng vlth the Kress tamly. Mr. and Mre. Ellemmeyei enlertainel frisade truai Chcago, Bnnday. WEST FREMONT. tIenry Meler, of Lanse, vietted with hie brotherinlaw, G.H. Smith and family est week. Lloyd Llather laid Mr. Paddock, a echoolmate, with hlm over Sunday. Both attend Wankegan Business College, Harry Loomis will move hi@ family into the upper flat ot Fred Hereehber- ger's receatly vacated by Gust Loomis. Rev. and Mr@.- K,9eneke bad as their gueste last wek. Sir. and Mre. William Krelmeir, of Manhattan. fil., and over Suaday they entertained Miss Ellen Obrecht and lUttle nephew, ot Bonfield, Ill., and thîs week. they have Mr. and Mrs. John Kreimeir, of Manhattan, Ill., for a short viait. Knedier Bras, hbave the contract to deliver a car ut baor ho "The Society of the Di vine Word," located st Techny, Ill. Mise Clara BmW, has been serlo usly III but 1*s omewhat Iinproved. Mr. and Mie. Id. W. Knedier and son, Ted, vlsted with Mr. and Mrs. 1R. A. Smith, of Rockefeller, Sunday. Wbile la ber yard, Bunday atternoon, Mrs. Frank Mitchell tell on the le, dis- loctng ber hlp joint. Drs. isfoway and Tracy were.ealled and attended to the tnjnred lmh. But early Monday mornlag it aateia became dlsplaiced, ne- cesstatng a second operation. Dr. Foley, uf Wankegan, asieted by Dr. Gap~oway, replaced the joint. Although Mrs. Mitchell suffered excrnlatiag pain at that time, eh@ le aow resing more eaally. Mrs. Mtehelîs sister Mre. Ter- penlag. of Park Ridge, le heiping t.a cars for ber. Her mny trieride ex tend their sympathy and hepe for a epeedy re- cavery. Rev. W. H. Whipple, pastor ot the MI E. church af Libertyvîlle, w ilI speak la Orace ivangelical charcb at Prairie View, Tueeday evening, March 1, 1910. Rev. Whipple will speak on tuinperance. He es a forretul vanvincing speaker.,îpro- minent in temperanve work. Sa tont mises tlîea pparrunitS ta hear Ihîm. Ail are heartîly inviteil ta be pre»ent. About 60 inviteil gueets attendeil a coasting party given by Miss Irmia Ritzenthaler last Friday iaudit at lier home. Later retreeliniente served andl ail prement enjoyed an evening ot uaallayeu tun. Obituary. On Thureday marning, Feb. 10, 1910 lu Copemish. Midi., oecurrel tlhe Icaîl o! Merdas S. leason, w ho halunatît iseuln years made Hait Day bis home, heing oas ut the earty setlIers boe. Deceaseil wai bore la Owego, Tloga Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 15.37. At the age ot Ivelve ho came West with bis parents liy vey of the Erie canal andl Great Lake@ arriving la Waukegau la May 1850. Settting in Libetyvillis for e tsw yeare tine vich lime Halt Day baissa hiebi home almuel coatinuously titlinl hi@ declljaing laye be movel lu the place ot hie lealli six years ago ta lie néar bis sons. Mr. Otea vas unted in marriage Sept. 14,1859 t0 Miss Angeina Threshem, abo orecedeil hlm lu that better ]and tomne twsnty-tour ycame. Fraai Ibis union were horu tour chilîren. On Auguet 17, 1587 lie was îuarrued to Mis. NMary A. Bilt, tut Elgin. Be us survireil by bis taite aud tourchIldi-en, Allen L. and Fred M. Gleason, ot Cape- mieli. Midi ; Mrs. Claribet Turk and lire. Elulli DeLanur, il Osceola. te.: besîdes twa brothprs, Ruas S.anul Biran, E. (ileason, af HaIt Day and tour sieterm, Mrs. Mery Han-us, uot Grandl Rapids, Midi.,NlIre. Ainelle Ziiîîer andl ErmeIda Field., ioi iaîîistee, If ch. anI Li lia Gleason ofthlis place aiea seveileeni grand ebilîtrea ad Ihi-e reat grand chlldren. Hie many trieaIs and neigiîbure lîcre scilI cver rcuiciiber hîîîî as a kiaI, geacrouas acglîbor ever rcady xx tIia suile and au-le of uheer. la 1870 bim. self and w le unatel wlîh the Preob3 tei-- terian churuh boire, ever tealîng a chitian lite. Bi bad beau a patient sufierer ion amer a ysar w'hen dealh relieveil bum. HBuelmoing 1ays %were fillel with thaktunese tor the cars readerei hui. The ematas wsre accampanisil to Ibis place hy bis wlow and two tonsou Fmlday. Thc tunerai was conîncteil tram the home ut bis brother, H. E. Gleasan lu tbe lHait Day churcli aI 2 o'clock Buaday, Fsb. 18. Rev. Kueneke,t ut Prairie View, coadudleil the services and the romaine vers laid ta reet lu the taailly lot lu the Veruon cemslery, emung maay 0111 riends and loveil unes. Thus bas paste a lovinx buebnl sud ftîer, liaI asigbbor and conscientions chrisian. Bie dangblers were unable ho attend the funeaL~ Amaug thfet tram ontut oftuwn. *ore bis @lep sou,t -Theo Hill, vite andl son, ut Chicago; alIe Wm. Whigamn andl Peler Movers, uf Llbertyvilte.1 The iamity extnd thei heartfelt thaks to their mauy trtado toi their assistance, toi- foyer.sud other talent ut @y mpathy la Ibsir sad bersavement. t A basket social and short piogramn wilt be givea hy the Prairie View Baud et Herelihergersg Hall on Friday evsning Mer. 41b. Everybody velcome. Pruceede toho b usel in the purchase ut unifarme. t Pelas ut vaen, beai peins@, ton any pain@stelpped la 20 minutes sure, with Dr. fihuopes Pink Pain Tablete. tSes fuît formule on 25c. box. Balliy ALL DEALERS WIIO ARE TO BE ENUMIERATED The Ceneus Bureaus Instructions ta Enumerate an This Point. The explicit andl leugtby printedin l- structians la the ceusus enumeratoi-e, wbichbhave lisa preparAf by the United States Ceasus Bureau, give a clear idea ut the characten; ut the anewvers expecleil frma the peoule ut the Unitedl BraIes with regard lu the quesetians ln the population echedule to te cariel in the Decenal Cea@s April 15 next. AIl anewere are to have reference olelyv tu the "Cennse Day," wbich le April 15. Pensons living ou thet day. bat who diel atter àl and hetore the enumeraturs oeil, are tu be counted, but persona huma alter Aprîl 13 are nolt te inclulel la the tount. Perions vho were "anle on AprUl 15 are tu te repotd as ingle, aven thongh they haveéai.errieilsubse- qaentty and befors lhe canvasser han calleil. This la true, simllaly, ofpensons vho became wlduweil un divoiceil aller April 15. The cenus a w provîdes thet aIl per- sonasheaîl be enumeatel et their "usuel placeut aboIe" onApril 15. This means the place vhere tiey may be seil ta live on belung or the place vhich ie thelr bomne. As raIe. the nuue place ut aliode la not the place vbsre a persan vurke an wre he ets, but whers he regnlanly sleeps. The snaieretore are cautloned, hosmever, Ibat iresa maneahappenstuh slsep at the lime oft beonumei-aîlon may not be the place vhsre be regularly elespe, There vîlIlis a numberatf perebuns hav- ing their noua] places ai abode la eau- aismation districts@ wtuîî al libeabsent April 15. 'Fisse are ta leie tctudeil and enuaieraeel ater the facts regerdîag theai have lieeu abtainel tram their temîlies, relativ et, acquiantancjee or other persans elle tau xive the inurmne- tian. For instanc-e. it a menîber ut any tamily in an enuîuneraîuouu district is teni t)ariy a way trou iahomc on a vieil ai- on business, or truxveling for plýi-suire, or alteadiag si-boul ar î,llege our iiik ii a luaspital,.sucb absent perHon is ti lw- eauiteraîed and inctuiled wiî otli-r menibers ofthIle tamily. But a moni or daugbîcr i-guiarly livingina ruitler ti.cality ebuuuld nul l'e coui tel w i tthe family at hîîîei Servants, laburers oîr ather evulyees, wliu live with the taîuily, and .1i-epin the 8ame hanse or 'anItie premîses sboutd lie enumnerated witb the tuîmly. School Notes. Mesdames Pritchard, Barhbour aud YoungX visited r4e tiret grade dnrlag the pa8t week. Flarence ILavell lias gone ta Flarida wîth bler parents., Miss Delia Craker wasm a visitor in Mies Webbe raam Tueeday. May l)elhaye bas maved ta Higbland Park. Truman Taylor le stili astifl t roni Mise Webb'e raam. Mr@, Priee wae a vieltor Wa several ut the mrnai on Monday. The elxth grade have taken up the Rietory of Illinois. Misath Taylor vlslted the Hlgb Sehool *Tuesday. It le possibly noticeahls that the majorlîy of unr visîtors ilurlng the. past week came on Tuedày, Washington'& blrtbday, w bon practicaly ailthe ochoola 0f the conntry, certalnly Itllos, wsre, studylng patrlotlsiom lanrecognlzlag a holtlay dsdcated to the memory ut "Onr Counnrys Fatber." But we workeil. This contractor gS reults. Sonne y«mrs ago a connactor bud. lng a railroad la a warm climt.vau troubied a ~ et deai by alkneas smng the = eIl. He turned his attention at once to thefir food and toumd that t lwere àgettingtfull rations of mcat mwr drinklng water f rooe a stream near by. He ifenec!orders lu cnt down the amouat ut meat andl to increase 9matly the quantity ut Quaker Oas ted to thé meni. He aiso boileil Quaker Oats and mixeil tht thia osricai water with their drinking water. AlmosI intaatlY ail signe ou t soac disorders pamed and ie .,mea showedaàdecideil imorovo- ment la streagth and spirits. Tis oun- tractor hail experleace thai taught hlm -the great value of gouil oatmeau The coat was small; loc for reular size packages ; it je aiea packcdiL ai re size farnily packages at 25. is State ut Ittînole.County of Lake, es. In the C-ircuit Caurt of Lake County. Chartes If. Fax vs. Mary E. Fowler, Frank T. Fowîci- and Elam L. Clarke, Trustuýe. Bill ta foreclase. Oea. No. 4396, Public notice le bereby givea Gmat by vii-hue of an order sud decree cen- tci-clIn the ahove satittel cause lu sald Circuit Court et the Octoher Terrai A. D. 191,4 thercut. the anler.igned SpectltNMaster ln Cbaumei-y ut saId Couurt %vil] an Tnceday. It4e sti m ai h4arîlî A. l).lti0uit the biar o! Oas 'ctucl, la the atîci-noon of salI <tay at the East Mala cati-anme tu the Court Ilianesln the City of Waukc- gan. County of Lake and Stats ut Il- tinois, sel] ai pubtlieauction nu lb.. ColorHi Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now the hair even to, the alightest blonde hair la not miade à shade darker. But lt certatnIy does stop fâIIing hair. No ilquestion &bout tim. L> ad6ml«Sqiaof1 ea bssh 1adeed, ve boeait veiU top anery cm ror ftas alr unlies& there la tome vary uansuli eonplca.ton e.&hlRS-diy affectlug l*.0gZoeîaki t. enYom obouid .ouyour-bylclaf. Als. ah hlms about the nov Ayer'a HMair Vgor. ucea e irumt vin W hmap your ehk..s alway. h.aithy sa" hmb the.lye *a5J.d 1-fque y, c moue .e HCME LUMBER COMPANY Uh.artyvk ll. 1 F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Work of Every Description Th n u ucreau states tuaI there bîglies t an bbld er forcastAie CorreSpondence sollcited will tic. 'n flei- tier lai(].a icitain toltuwtng deecribedltaud aînd reai e nuin ,eroiii erci, uic uresetan îd iierbatu taie lîuatel la the Cuunty ut Laie liidgiig cand sLe,poifin dlaistricts et the en S t tîtlinois, to-vit: tiais o! the eauueîuîliua wbu(Ioanon wThe south sasl quarter ut the suuth vest quarter ut Section Tbree (31 126 Genesee St have their nuuelaes out ehî there. andl thie south halt of the north easl These are ntta beeîjuuîîeratel. Imait quarter uftIhe south wett quarter of Waukegan be asumeil niaI te.v ili becaumerateil Section Tires (3) and the south West slsewhsrs. The caxvasser ebol Dot, quarter ut the %outh easI quarterofttie. _________________ theefoeuni@8 t f pacicaly erainlan Tires (3) and lie sauti hall of thertar, uisseit s paciiallme th le forth veet quarter ut the' sauti ss that they will nult e enumeralel any- eat Quarter ai Section Tii-es (3) (e.- T l o e S n vhsn s e, enumerate or in-Jd iîth ce pt a slip uf landl tour hudreil torty t i o e Sc n the members f ai tuaîîynluy are ena lest (440) vidte off oi thes 5851 aide of msrtig nyuttu tiuîiwuitcases usproperty above descibeil whlcb It In Pro If It Pans. mertin aD ofthefo ovingclases ws herltorealI and conveyel by iri youdoas eltf Emanity Wiiinontl nte ssuictiend of thio.Dur Persans vîeting a tiiili, Lazeit C. Mazer aud lftilsl 1. NI. remarleuil. offet Tranmeet boarerr.tiur luibgers w un Do.Ugtas) attlanTownsbip Forty-fivc 1I..i orCia,,neixe. tel oiixih-nrned oft. bave somte other bsunliii- permianent (40l North, Rangs Tell (10) EnFt t ofnisetiiine! certisa liai tsuii.kcýersa, -r 1 thie J- I. sheuutalr sud .a aoUnaiiy pltace ofab uode: the 'l'lird PincipaelNilertulan contanta c I t ia aiu.s-urkO tD Sithaents or cnîtrelit aattordboardun 1 tuogeitier wlth e rtgbt ut way co the 5hoop és itlaiie nui , u ,iuprilj. wil a aoîly a iite ti aîeii c'ome îîulcehlgbhwaY west of thec property For ý!15i*iniCs tgha.'-,t Oie ean r.en,- tntforSuiiaah, Kldney s"d iean et o sebool. callege., or otber elucatîîîîuî a- hbrebhv roureyed. sîluatel rii fheeecyshees la Anasi-tea stihutuouî un tic tamality lut nî,î rentq To ýwlhl1 ut Ax an, Caunal9 ut takc WCsn the *unside' oreuinîeaiia serves of , De bo),; ,citai afin-gen to a ili. ixt laDr. louan'. ing lie plaie a h'r~anud State or Ilinias tiscti, e lhat hsn,îaleClyYimIeIid. ndéti-nte. linîcuo a, hirmai itb D tdJanuarv lIen. 1910, -'l. idhr ih C-se ar-_c. Uà argu l'reui uiaaie li rmelewilia RTHUR 1llCt.Kt.R, iii brktýheislhearais tumily but ladice iii- Ic..1, lsewbl-î-, t i1I S,ertaî Master la (iaurery lIdohn îî Klii. the StaI e h si-&Énua Serxvanti-, appru-allies, ucîîeerlereI lie iit o sreiîxeli xs suo ha l i lli-stolath cixployel by eaaiîîfa ii x akîg l____a_______________________cors o l,,ceeiauie-iitfuts. theoui the ho*or or)-heiie isesaîbtîîlouIlinig nnrea. And haeIn "lte sleeing lii*anii ic îr-meorba ut DR. EDW. V. SMITH- i-runs - aiubeiieee-11 sleepgere, iii- vva: iieiiprieile inera reec t1. -mtIl sesaicnd r il .iIewiqu l'ori aa.. tion uis h O cetin da s1 am- tanîuly. but bhue iii..tici',, uic a lien ice n lr- ci-an ai,],, to ,, ntihcus ufisi-u filan ut ilMate f ai ayîm, o 1 r. tii 12. 2 ta 0 1 ît d 7 i,) -.ji ici. nie.. lxii,'ayuercriitlio or ill liaday. nd home fo theiîîae ut au u'iniauxr. pruisb( e 11. u nui,îîe la h. thes.ex".ans l 1, UC ui te giil nti iuulbr~ p-ii,~, (uI rosi- tvicliBIl.,ust-ut, iC neat tons. ir r fiitlier instetuttion Iil îî, ii.. heT/iei wuîyhleul the blk take anyl aîate ia, caîîuu an îîug leraI SIiCI1A.T I 'ENTîm1N /c'he nan uru theincm ii-e euhset mate ma reiaii fr log prios o 1ena/or ,dure ruai bai <t jai 1do bij time.(1V-.T( i this remarkable nfer? JlulSEASî S (IF I .1iuha"eaaRheu.tide nndr-end Pisî YORK HOUSE. Trem ed. psy ni-ate lmea. ntic 13exîde. yoaaam-,fi-e W tat etint Tue Ladies' Aid met wîtliNlrý,. J. te IETVILLE, ILLIN'OIS raa wasid youbnhome hysicien. My adeioesnd N;elson lait Wednesdav anîl sas iveil __________________ ib ahso awrdorcsswtai mewcass.e ettendel. The Aid Cook Books are nov feens in lI en. ahetpedthncaMu puhIoýnde ici ir niri=va nee r ready tom sale. tnyoae wuehing a goalw pnenl advis nuIe.My hat efar cool bolk for a quarter vuli îdo Weil ta W . . I Io. itic i-ur simple liuy one. There are aeart3 500 leoeeilth.ess lt agend iarniert. &Tar reipee la it. IseauetnIleeesc Ni-s. Thomuas Canne lvsitel bemr VU isi leavicoi rou aoanysniently go lor daylt.L lai glter, Mme. MerrilI ?elsaa, Inet veel ý Butttiret. mir tuefor tics ordeflor aIl dring lins. Frank Burrie. vbho hb lissa19 la laintoeaViveUhé tst. thes Chicago bospitlftIhe pean feir isiAmr thtictmorrowny eyrer nesi. d Dr. ticoop. Box 12. Racine, Wii ireeke, ls hume again. vasé UM."s"au 1"i 5a ee Mrsm. Eliot Bacon vîitel ln Lihertyvilte Nu.1 On Dye No. t4For Wcais testveelNo.a a onnt Kidasgs lIn, e On EheswrnU Beatice Lou ie staying over Sualay lIth ber leacher, Miss Olayds Stewart, ut Gurnes.( Mr. Brus, ut Rocketeller, bas muvel on the Nelson Farai, cnwov ua by Mr. Pope, ut Chicago. Mre. Grant Benett visitel xvith triende bers test week. THE LARGEST MM m N A U ALE Gel the Information. OFMVIS FONE SiffMSIN 1THE WORLD. ..BUPERIOR TO OTS4ER MAKBa." Il le nut aecessry tom the farmers tu ..1 haseverni W. L Doust5sshooetfor thde tale eny chances la regard ta sesil cura. Pa"t IxMa Se ns. a swa Cd thdy an-efur si perler te ail ClIthgh gr-ad. shoot la stl. A majority oi theai are temiliar eith (the sOmforta"nd-aIIty' IW.O.JOeEE. 119 UOxesn-dAv*.. Ulle. N. Y. menner oftlestlng sel coi-n. 1It is the If I could tair Fou li nMylarge fac. duty oft he tarmer ta kuow sametbiag tories et Brocrtes..M"&s, u&Bdelnov yen about bisesc cuora betome it is put lata bOw caI5fiiiI W. L Douglas ah... an the groual. Thes prasperiny o!Illinoiset e .r'i"1 'ella. v«'imt., hem duig tbeysar ot 1910) le lavutreilin 1 amtof arsater velu. haasuyelbe-majka thia question out ssdcI ora. Business C4 iT-N 1't. . c 2ae aiea la the luvas and villages eboald f =l beh."D0 active la urging the tarmers lu prepare -l i5L N - and apply the lest lu their proposeil M. B. Colby Mercantile Co. seel dun'h.I LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. G Eq GRA 2nd et bonse, 411i et. luolel.., juay aie you, a harn, 1 ROCK einap a Wani able to se Beeýt . t sdi l r Hlenry 2714 El s Ail Klaus af AUCTION I TLion ever yetI tt is finei une Miîiil utes biiî graine.,iiu CORI SI r .:EA il.n" ai, a.tivc se years ag, that t bai I, was tru 0 #er the t i.n of tht- betors tii' Kidaey I me that t ta taie tl ty tbey b man. I wlI I tai-allure 241hunul Tax Cill M iss Cu Bunday e Walter frisadIs hi Irving Chicago 1 Mise le Giayslak Hil Sny will Mu, ifflk. Mr. asu the innen Tnsda Depbev, RIJSSIELL bumlber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My prices are rtght andl grades gool. Whether yoa bay or nul gel My figures. PREPARED WHITEWABB:: iS. HEAD.> Prop. 9 c