Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 12

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LAKE (JOuNT-Y TNDEPENrDEi4T.. FRIDAY,MARcH 4, 1910. 5MARGARETTA ODREXEL 6 SN'W-SLIESIHeireas Who Sets Date Of Ma, 1 rage te Viscount, on iJune2. Wtem Dig ODoprtoiy il e!um is of Idaho le1mes Todiy ý,UIeÉOFDEÀDYETUNKNOWNi ofg e Saving Posbibte Survivors Froin Wrcckatîe Spurs on Hun- dreds of Toiters in Their Lztbor of Relief. Spokae, 9V sii. 'Iiarch 2.- Wcrtlnr deutrartely andi almest eshaittel. b" îtdretia f miairs are tUI-lng in dis Iront packed Ice. snonyanti wriekage the deati andi tajîtreit thotiglîtto lie lquiied ln le six northrnIridahto as%- tanèhes whilh bave iaiîsed dealh and destruction tanlse ait tîso cday, Tbe deatiî Il-t,vr. i ch iîclîîîet'illte- teen yeî terday. bas reac-hotd ii n aid fitla believpti mtore- dclii: ilt III, foî te spîtterti cabitîs whîi.! lîosed leiteanilles c f the ititîtiis. At iat, 'here the fitst asalancise ____ gtruck. cieen are knowa tn bc dati ant igrl.t tre, ba(Ily ljureil Ssecpltg HEIRESS TO BECOME BRIDE dom ithe :nôt afainslde. the greai massq of siios anti nartit crushedthetti cabitîs Mss Drexel Sets Date of Her Marriage and sint Il boîta's, burying tlîe o001 to Vscount of Maistone. I;. ni tii tglet mass of del)i . So Jar thirty amea, womenansd chi]- anîîînt.itî h 'SiaMiargarelli 01.55bave been rescued frointhtie 'uace Drexel, daugiter ')f Anthony J.lirexel, <.aidi by tbe minera, wbo are tili wot- fiilatelpila hanter, lias set itine 2.5 I ng tu shifts tryiag te suceuor tisose -as the date for her marriage f0oGuy wbonaylieaile bneais iseentis ontagne George Fitz-tiattnn, Vis of suow andti iubers. count Mialistone. At Burke, wbere tbe second lida VIscount Maidstone fitst niet hiE omcrred. a few bout-a after tise one Amerîcan fiance fise nionths ago ai at lMac, five are kaown to bc deati a dance neiti at the boutie nifir. and amsd liye tataliy Injureti. Sucis la tise. jura. Itexel la Grossenot- square. ciaoiIc condition la the oraati nng __ lovai, bowever. that the list la beleved BO RM OHSE net te, lie aaywhere near complete. AK FO RCHSE * At Carbrnate Hiii, wbere thse thiîrd sd.c'urred, two are dessi anti hait Local People Seli Out Gas Plant They a doses men are finjuredIhtla not OndTee Iuowu bow maay more are burteti. OndTe _______ Fî-om Wednesdayas SUN. EXPRESS TRAIN HIT BY SIIBE! ..WV.Garîtatt of the Rocheester Upokane Express Stalled on Top ofMiaLgt e adIo rcofl CAsadeMoutais, urid. liy andi a weil kîîowî formier Watt Cascae Montaîn, Uuied. kegaîite who îircîîglî he rernsittin, Btvorett, Wash.. M arcS 2.-The Great here of bis tatttly hlas ttoi t fresi NortiieruSpsokane express. whisch has iieîce In te Cit, rettinetil îîee s bâas *Wited on thse sumIt of tise CasqCade rnouî'taliu,;Rinen lat Tlurs- i tet-iay butt slitgo at otite tiiiloopest dae,,.vas burled by a slide Tunaday. ont anti later loto Kentucky Io ieli Jt tu betieved tbere muat bave been îrîng is plants ai varionts points ir Steft loRs rflilfe. A relief train bas sp ele,.froîn Rverel,-. but It wiil aot me to sitaîe for tise svîtdicate lîy sihicý Ale tu get wtbin several Mlles î01 5e laIstulloyed on tise vitl. tOi traIn. r. Carnant wi'tt tii Raciset a Place For Orndésoe,,of Grant Waahingtou. le-, 16-1-t Lieuien mt Ulusces S. Grant, thirti. corps of .sslees, Uaied States armY, grand- muof aI reitient Grtat, bas beniai> pofttîet siîîertnteadenn of the state, &a nd navy buildIng ta tis acipy. PROPOS"D PECE MS MARY 0. SPIERS PLAN IS: REFLJSED Young Womun Appointed au Dusiuess Men f0 idProtest Uwiuig Tuight i. Phil-I STATECONSTABULARYDEPARIS i Plot, Alleged to Have BScenDscevereti ta Blow Up Subway Etevated, Most Important Limk ln Company's Systemn. 1Philatielpisia, Mtarch 2. Tse Rstsld I Transit comptiny mis serveti notice on ii,î ctlzens of Philadeiphia lthat ti- v woîsid do Nýel to mmnd thIser owîî busi- ness. Every ofer matie by clergyment, s. assocations of business mien, civîi bodies andi indivlduals, suggesting a nie-ïns of arbitraion nas î'eea rfused. Thse dellance of thse P. R. T. was anonunceti afier ten business men representing thsecilg down town store3 tre Nfid calleti on thse directors. U D E S FTR L N couaicils wouid bat-k up a tiu *arbitrate, t bas beconje known usa' *of 86 mien ln thse couneils. a msjorlty. Crowd at Los Angeles Off ice. bave announced bhat tlîey are desiroui for Yuma Opening. Oif taklng some action that will bt-Ing alîrîqttpe (,,P. A nmass meeting of business mena i 173 4êAvr. arma Willt U-e Osfosed itiantet for tonîgbt ln Musical hail. of by rawlng on the 2th ai whilch 9 ,eheswilil'be matie Uv l',e business aien who bave faknt a. Day of Mzzrch. %)iillt art *lu trylrg bhriitg abonti _____ y iitrin.,, The sate cnnttahiularys g h manager ftrtIltle Ilallîthtlet e wilewtt WAS ownitd iii lîîeal peioitlle. I t sold jîtat recent h tii Illi- gis titpatll, lîeaîed hy iE A it el' Iiil 'hleaRgO and Mr. Gartîstit gelsi a ll(tnOOlloh to a road rpositioni He i laalalie itanail lIetîsl flt1mOs I ~ARE Praissd By Great Musicians Ile-VIAnd yc u cani sce just what kind ý1j 1 ' of instruments they art without go. ig to Chica go. We have the Conover 111,' Pianos for Fale atthe store of 9.\4 F. IKALLS & BRO. WUUIA, ILL. or LY O BROS. LIBENTYVILLE anti we invite ever v ery particular rmitcliit as wcil as othcrs wbo want îîîîy the highest grade of l'iaîîos to cail and get ,fill information and prices. .-Mme. Schumann-Heink, Nine. Lillian Nordîca, AMots Burgstaller and other artist. of internationîal frme have giv- en enthusiastic testlmonials on these instruments, I heir decision certainly is well wîi th considtriing if vo(it watt a piano of fine musical iualitit and yet areflot perfectly sure of your own jtîdgmnent. The prices arc low consîîlertng the nîcrits of the iîtstriu mnents anîd you can buy on the rnonthly paynient tplan. Other lastruenints Wblch We Have for Your Inspcton:: If, however, yoti do not wish aConover, %ve are pre tret! to give you your choiee from a fine collection of sable, Kingsbury and Wellington Pijanos. You can't mal<e a mis- take in selecting any of thcm because each is thte htst that -eac be given for the price askeîl for it. Prices are from £22ý; up. Slightly used pianos at sery loj prices can be obtaine.d from our salesrooms at Chicago. hise haft. Tisey were wtisdrawn 1to Aaee, a utc ia i-i- piaceti on titts iSouth RefUie. tise lati officiais flirew oten Ttise tcr heit. In their places wlll he a detacis- of Shirne Auditoîrium tisev r-Wî, ment of mounteti police, 200 la nuai- aformeti hy a tbrong of more thain 900 ber. Thse Fenciblea Veri' also muas- mea anti women eager to enfer their, tereti out., names for tise 17.1 fort y-acre feramelI Tise Rapîi Transit conpaay bave lise Yuma Irrigationatistrict. If was, isearti of a plot in blow up thic subs. thse greafest ilad rush lever seen liere. a'ay elesateti, tise mosImptotiatlIink ln tise van of tise crosTil wet-e about la tise companys systetu. 100 miea anti womn who bard remaineti Tise compaay. alarmeti by the reve- campeti about tise big building ail lation, decidnd te, garrIson the Sixthy- nigist.Tbe distribution oif thse fartais, Ninti Sstreet terminus of tiselinee sowevet-. lies aitogefhinl the reaam' Armnd amen are patrctiliuig tise prop-, of chance. They wlll be tiltribtiteti erty. 'Searchiights play consaatiy by means of a dtfawlng on Mat-ch 20. aflter dat-lt upon aiiitise adjacent fer-__ ritory anti loatiet gîtas stand ready WESTERN PIREMEN TO STRIKE fo repel aftack. l' Nebraska Ralîroatis Jota Movementi' Feuille Notifled of Appointinta. FrIcere a Autinl, Tex. Marcis 2.-Jutige Franki Frlcest ae Fetullie, atorney geaet-al of Potto Omahsa, Nuis., iarcis 2. Locqinoi.lve Rico for several years past. staiedt ta firemen on ail Nebraska railroads have, ise bard been adiseti of bis appoint- voter] to strilîe icas tiseir demnaads men as chief consul for tise Panama are compled it wîiuy MarcS 7. TIe canal commiasion anti Panama tail-, vote bas just heen tlnlsbed and the way. ballots were taken to (hiiago, wisere tbey wlll bce îfficlaily counfret today,ý The Weather. aloaz wiis thebellots of tise otaerl lllinola -Fait- anti warmer iodaI' ant i bg western ralîroatis tomorrow. Tise fireotea. alniemisers of lise it-otherisooti. teÇandeti an met-case ls THE MARKETS wages anti seniorlty rîgisîs antimet-e Trettseri bs tise railroada. Chicago Cash Grain Mar-ket- Winter wcita by sample-No. 2 rTI PRINCE AND COUNT IN DUEL $1.23@1.25; No. 3 reti, $1.180 .22: No _____ 2 iard wiater, ti50.64; No. 1 rul toeOe oe qabe bard winter, $1.201.161h; No. 1Trul osOv MnySabe- nortisera aprlag, $1.17n,ûl.18a/î; No. Prince Severeiy Wountied. 2 nortisera spring. $1.1634@1.1734; No. 3 s5priag, 11.12(i.17. Cotn-By sam. L.ondon, Stan-h 2.-A duel fotîgisi pie: No. 2, 64c; No. 2 white, 640 iereisy l'rince Franeesco Dle Drago i 641/c; No. 2 yellnw. 64111 6414c; No. 3.5Jtti (ount Filiiiiio, wist elotieti somne 62403c; No. 3 ns ihte, 63@634c; No. yeara ago wlth Dlonas-lI t-, scond 3 yeliew-, 62Y4f63½/c; No. 4, 561h,@ dauglîler of tise Lat Don Carins, pre- 54.Oata--No. 2, 47c; .Nn. white, tender f0 tise Stianisis titrone. reaîleI 41 4811; No. 3. 46%/c; No. 3 white. la tise prince helng severeit woîîntieti 4611E4711c; No. 4 wisite, 45046½c, la tise bIIi standard. 47%048%c. Tise tr-iihlite at-se niet-a mîoue) rHog-Recelpts 1,0.Qîtotalions lîtItahisie. fona Aivira lailîna a ranged at .9@0. for gooti to lit iaig lt-cm tiste Pf't-n's trotiser. mprime heavy, $9.81fe9.90 fair to xod Giovanni. mixeti. $9.00@9-50 90@140 l1) pige,- $,@îîo.oSatage. RAILROAD Y. M. C. A. BURNED! rCat±e-Recelpts 6,000. Quotalions' tangfid et $7.40948.10 for chutsotIf Tht-ee Mes Lose Their Lîves in Dia-ý prie sees. 4.5@t75goond to astrous Conflagration. chioce beef cowe, $4.75e6.00 gondt e cisoie beifera, $9.501110.00 gondti;ti, Scienpctadv, N. Y.,Marris 2-Fit-e; choice calves, $5.25e5.75 seiectedl bas tiestt-tsed the Boston andi Maine feeders, $.5@ 5gond f0 chooce ttallroaii Y. M CA. ibuildting anti boltl1 stockera. 1aftRotierdaini unctiion. Sieep-Receipts 10,000. Quotailas Tht-et'meii weru burned 10ticdatis, rangnd at $9.00@Ü9.40 for gondtrifi Arthsur Stephens. an engineer of AI-ý chsoie Imbe, $7.400i7.90 gondtInf baay. .1.E. Mitchell, fireman of Fonda, cisoice wetisers, $7.0007.25 -gondtr i anti Hart-y Itissel, janitor of tise choie eves. Union station ai Noth Adamas, Masrs. Lîve Poultry. Tisere were tbirty miea latise building Turkeys, pet- lb. 17c chitikeas anti wisen the fit-e siacteti towîs, 17c; apringas, 17c; roosters _______ 12%c; gesse. 10e; ducks, 17c. PO OES BOT PIE Butter. PO OES BOT PIE Creamery, extra, 31c; priais, 23c; extra fÉrato, 30c; tfra, 29c; dainles, It Wiî Cort $10 te Bd a Bleacherite extra. 26c; lir3tB 21c; pack;ng, 21 c. anti $100 for Box Seat et Fight. Omaha Lîve Stock. Cattle--Recelpsts. 4,400 lieat; mar-ý San Franciscoi, Feb. 2.-Tex Riekarti ket sfroag f0 10c hîgiser; native anti Jack Gieason bave declied f0 steers, $4.7507.50; cowa and beaifera, charge from $10 to $100 to Seetise $43006; aners, $2.75@175; stock. Jeffiles-Johtison fight. Bleacheritea ors anti feetiers, $3.25@6.40; calves, wiii psy $10. box seats viii cont $100. $408S.26; buIle, stags. etc.. $3.7505.50. Rtckard expiains tbat Il wiii be a, Uogs-Recelpto, 9.000 heai; amarket, bard mater tri accommodate more gîter; Ieavy. $5009,60; mîxed ti.tsa 30,000 asti that beceuse ofthtis 9.45; light, $93009-45; pige,; big expease If would be aecessary te U509.215; buik of sales, $9.40C9.50. bonat prices. lieep-Receipts, 6,000 bead; maI- i4$»%#Ày fa sfrong; yeafltngs. 86.7 SETS SISTER'S DRESS AFIRE 08.60; IWetbers, $7@7.65; ewes, $7U 7.50 lami. &400Il0 Kansasa City 5-ear.Old Who Siape East Buffalo Live Stock, r Brother le Burned te Death. Dnpînning & Stevens, Live Stock îCommission Mrchsants, East Buffalo, Kansas lily, Mo., Marcl 2-Bis- N. Y., qui. as followa: Cattie-Rn- rageti becatise bis 5-year-oid sister. I eî1tis 8 car; mar-ket steady. Hogs- Doris, iaptidhlm, Morris Blond, ageti I Realpi 10cars ma-ketbiser; 2 ears, deliberately set ire ta hep Iheavy.110.1591025; TYotkers, $10.10@ drs ai tiseir home. 217 East 34th 1 015; pige, $980. Sheelu sud Lamb-, trenet.,iere. andthie girl Tells So badly IRocelps 10 cars market slow ; lest1 burnedt ta she tieti of bier injuries, I ambes, 89.3009.40; yearlings, $8.5 The motiser heard the girls secreams 8.60; wethers, $7.40@7.60; oves. 6.5 anti tan to ber assistance, but tise j.*..OO.Calea-~at, 5.0010,0. -îtîiîd reaisfouad taib. latally lisymeL We are showing'1O Cravenettes... and Top Coats Ail the new styles in short, box, and three-quarter lengths. Also the long cut cravenettes for pro- tection against the wet weather. Give us an op- portunity to show you. $10Oto $25 Speciail Suits and Overcoats We have tut ail our $18, $20 and .1 $22 Suits and Overcoats of 1909l to ... l3e5 When you sec what these Suits and Ove rcoats are that we're selling at $13.50, you'II realize how very Iow priced they are. You'lI lorget that they are 1909 goods, and they'II look a lot better to you than $13.50 looks We are showing great values in Our Pant Section Men's $3.50 Pants, $2.35 Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Pants, $3.95 Men's Corduroy Pants, with welt seams, full peg, cuiffbottom, regular $4.00 value for $3.00 4 ~.s- ~ à MNF--.;It - 1 2elig

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