Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 3

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LAR OOUSTY PND]CPE NDEYrI, FIDA Y, MÂRCH 4,1910 à from one Select the d by hlm. )nsult hlmi are slck. of Ayerts or coughs usne It or wseBt rose r'. Pla n ddtn, »V au 1 a» esack or .ick beadache. r doctorinovun & bout tii.. TOW 1191101 Granite pnis ;of Every [on see St MysIto thse etek.- D' s meicines hav ialth Le phidve esta and a'itvi eau 6 emnd veytn or meldne¶ et tiseva Min-tutratlve. 5neyhr k e?,at. hese. c sepin. B esiheS . au ai! m Dot hrappoin l etorastlvs ..d emUt iMr tDo 0 vea n those who am me luit ai Tmn home physie- azsd tiboo )ut cou. ards o vilte nwwn for tomo w neie Piten. W51. Is Tee . 4 For Wce.d . 5 'or mme ý 6 On Rb-emtiun. Wantec.. The Gavernrment pays Railway Mail Cierks $800 te 81200, and other emnployecs up ta $2500 annually. I;ndle Sun viii haiS spring exami- tions tbrougboiit the country' for Rail vay Mail Clenke, Cutaus Hause Clerks, Stenogrs.phes, Bookkeepers, Depat mental Clers anS other Governnt Po- sitions. Tbouaands aif appolutnlents vil b. naSe. Any mani or vanuaven 18, la City or country' cau get Instruction unS fre Information by vrting at ance ta tise Bureau o! Instruction, 459C Hans lin Building. Rocheter. N. Y. emmertlsat -tise genulue <Ji Creek Libigi Vdiey GOal y-1l1go farth.l tIssu My bard Cmai you hum. Foae by tIse HomEc Lu»-ssCOsMPANY, Ub6rty tir.s. tuder, -!Libertyville, wus a vle udy eb. '27, a son. t A utyl Aan John Dobuer called on iriendsaut Lake Mn. and Mme. Tbos. Ckampeuny and t Hall, Mur. 1. Admission 25c for gents. Zurich Sunduy. %Erndat Barebl spet nuywt Mrs. Frank FlaryentertainedconpanY Clair Thomas upent Sunday wlth bis -Mr. a8 n i.e Winlrtheb klst iran Libertyville the latter part o! tise brother, Fred, t Waucouda. C________ weel.0 _________ John Dieu. spent Suuday wth Ilis YORK HOUSE c TYO RV parente bere. MN. and Mmr. Lightoot callil on tr.t TAYLR GOVE.__________anSdtirs. George Wels. The Ladis' Aid Society viii meet vitb FREMCNT CENTER Miss Maud Hawkine ba@ besu home - trs. F. R. Wilby, Mur. 9, t inuer. Miss Katie Obenals! und sister, tiartisa for the pait few Says, atteudlng ber Don't larget the sale t Peter Hausen'e visiteS lu Waukeguis une day lait veek. mother, wbo bas been quite sick. Mar. . tir@. Chas. Hawkins lusproviug. 'n r. nd r@ Jon Geel @ontSu tiMrs. Fred Masser, oi Chiscago. visiteS Mn,. W.IlPoB. oo and daugbter. day itbGeo Lain md axniy. lst Thusdnî vitis relative. In Fremont Hazel, are visiting Mn. and tins. Wii Thse King Daugistere viii give a sociaillada akgu at tb. John Ducan home onutise Lau A party mous Round Lake and souse The Ladies' Aid are bavlng good Eddy feaius F4day evening, Man. 4. of Prenaont young folkesp"nt a ple»amt sucSu selling their cook books. AnI'- Mo<n dut ndwothevnî Mîke y, Mrs. David Adam@, oruceaon b Mndi.evnlg.tiud Havkins ' Lyo'i store or Augusta 7. Berthsa Crawford visiteS relatives boesMtr, and Mn.. Frank Wagner vers Adamsse. Yger's Store, o n..O tif viliig tise pait wve.k In Chicago. Nelson. ROUND LAXE ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTE ~ O G EP. J. DRI'CE, Editor Phsone No. 11 TIIAT-We arelagente for the Burtngugoisanndry. Basket leavesi Orders Taken for JbWr Adeisn RasOn plcton jmeE Tbursday and returus Saturday. Al vork guaraàntoed. -wer THAT-We bave commutation rallroad tickets ou botb ronds. C. C. tiorvili, o! Fox Lake, trausacted Gieorge Strang transacted buius ins u b THAT-We are agents for tbe Kimbail PianKo Ca. We oeil or munt business bers Monday. Chicago, Tuesday. whi n M' pHTWecian. recosgmn o aaie@ec t. Mn.. Otto Waidusan in expectiug rmia- Oliver Hook, Who bas been tonlned ta o IiIAT-We mrfc re la re sigasut o maiss lbf. ontb.tîveo trous Engiand about the tiret o! bis hoine the peit thmee munthe le able aM T a-Welanufacur erea a ela si t evud April. ta ho out once more. Ha THfAT-We repair your glaise. Put In new louges upon short notice. Min Betha Kappie, of Waukegan, Lyle Converge, o! Foi Lake, cailed on o! THAT-We taire advertlsing, job vark and susoriptions for the Lake spent 8nnday at honmo. finehrsved ei T County Independant and We.kly Bun. Go. Adams lias rsnted tise Racel George Thomseon transacted businpes the TRAT-We alvai carry a fulli neo! Pure Druge and a fSue lineo! offam eviisicotnetlu Chicago, Tnesday. at j let rearaioi ad rugSudnis.carry the usail by ensploying extra belp isse Ruth Rie7 le on the sick. Ro, D R U** E D R G O .ontheteniiMsOsborne, ofLiberty ville, vs Lbdth j L/UIV J~,S* ~ ~ ~0Oi Horen transacted business at Long ber sister, Mnm. T. A. Eeynolda, Mondy.b i a toeH . asn R h t the Grayalaka Pbsrusacy and will JO, The trsRou in ..akse. . h Cicero Alleu and family viited at the cmec okaotArllt Ors1sihomo Chas..Thoamsn, R. Ph. Lias reeutcymmLute rabotasacpted aloti o r Roud Lkehom ofti. Aaus a Inleedeiuna- The klystic Workers went iu leigb ho, ----------Water God!rey, vbo bas been "pnd- loade ta Round Lake, Tuesday evening vi] -W*- 1 ing the vinter in England viii sale for ta attend the Round Lake camp. Tbey of! bouse the 12tb o! tbis montb. report a fine Lune.45 Mie. Bebm spent 15undaI' at Lberty- The case againot George Bttersbaii, jl ville, o! Haineeville, for alieged breachem o! tiseM Webb. Scott vas a Chicugo vlsitor peae vas continued Monday in Justice set Bunday. Murries office nitil Saturday, Marcb 5- La F OA EWin. Pester and famlly, Who bave Frncieinitd.y 2nd t., roo boo, lage lt, god trmeilff. 2a stret, r spe#Pnt teheiteint Er lai daregxpaced arechse Gaettedw humdfletrmus 135. 2,'ot.,8good t aine 1850 . teme1250. ome about the tiret f ApTi. Lentel, o! baurdg the Grayélake e 4tb et., 8 morne, largo plecs iand. $'160. Garfiud a7e., a 18ro MmL te nddaber, abel f Cad france hie FC. e letr iibts ietia botal. a onap and on ea.y terne. Lotsal ad baif.aciitracts oilto n y Wus. Kapie Wbe r iu d augte. m.Co.a mp hbs fordemeie vit The ot paymsnts. If you bave a ev iundrsd don't puy rual, wewa iiibulld for W.KaShSndy opalcny ba o., suleeit tthe Nfrats yon, and yonr reit viii pay for yonr bomne. Orchard et, 7 ô o5bonis, Mise Zta Massey vas a gueet at the chiorevlcls C., 8ben beorte serai. barie, a fine place and on tie seaet terine. . Dv so , fne large Warren Heath bouse at Libertyville lsaitchneti. but o util onday nigbt uanian ai a bargain. A ppisy ave., fins bouse wtb % acre landS cheap. Fnldmy evening. muitisembut o! uthe honad cousetoS RIOCKEFELLER. 2 bouse, 9 lotsi, fins place on electric and ioo leiinoyCa, a &Ca, ronv ult d tah'e majntfth ord acetd.u enap at $4300. ln their nev etore i tise Strang bock. The dei hetveen the Wilbur Lumber ve Mmr. Price, of Libertyvillie, vieited ber Ca. and tbheINorths Shore Ca., wW1 Want Ilouses to reut. 1 have die renters [or desor- ater, tirs. T. A. Reynolds, lait Thurs- probably faite place lu the miemr future. ] able bouses. Let me have gour biouse lot or [arm day. ln ail probahiliies thers viilbc a eub- W, to sll.Frank Druce transacted business at staton put lu hors. A fine stock o! store goods in Libertyville cheap anS torms. Rckfllhiodâ Btstand le Lake Cannty. Seo e eIf you vant ta lîuy or if youtnat te Mies Eva Carfield entertaincd about Cares Thomson Desd. L oei trie thirty of ber schoolmates at a party On et 1-p. n.. Marcb lot,. ssi r Friday evening- Games wLrm piayed OC'urred tise deatb of Chus. Thomson, Ki anS a generul good time enu[oyed by ail register pharmacisi. at his home user visaMe e it WoattendeS. lýakefihore Drive. Hevasltbevolingest 0 Pro. eit o tu NrtInIllnos@ou o! Wsn. Thomson, deeased, aud rof eu, o! ttheue toreru Moln- s M. Thouseon and bas alvays made bis Col aiege iii b. ah7Drnd Sts l M onmue vitb tissu. He graduated froîn la dyueyarl Tesday, Mais 7 axs d St if the Nortiseru Illinois college in 1899. th ______________________________ our eesare obîgyu otfi He with bis brother, Geo. Thonsoan tanr See'siSlenBrnvers the tounders o! the Oraysiakle Pl j trs. T. 'A. Reynolds vas tuken vitis a Pisarmacy. but lu 18991, Charlies iealti nE r,14ELIHA V£. MO CIT, IL. m. . Smben reurnd hme romparalytic stroke lait veek, leavior one vasl lu sncb poor condition It wae ReLideA AV. ZIOnCsb ve. L Cirsago. atumhausfeelin e hel ome r side o! ber body practically beiples@. A tbougbt bet by pisysicians for hlm ta pi AD l.é 1Hes, Hnce "e W Ell ba Ave. -Chiroeatura feinneI'vlitos -hsiinwas summoned and elle us go to adifferet linate. H weut with Ki iOaoor lesor Hanhfle a &I. v. . m,555 erWprao. ovude, tsecure o! a traiued nurse, bis parentsetaithut tinte ta Denver, gleiorsal orExeazse talTizes Mir. Sarah Tover vas a aii taLUion dosua as velianinisexpected Cl. ieete petafwyasas AUCTIONERINO OR PUBJames B G rWis. utda-y)! oP. Baron spent several dayo ai later goîug to Nev Mexico. He suffered Nil@@__________Adams,__of__Chiameo errltv.lait veek et Chicago. mncb Iroin rbeumatlem during bis stay ft leMss. tagblerAamont! Chrago Lv. Lester Sisanke and bis cousin, DWitt in the vest, vt'b loft hlm lame, afterd CIIROPODY leantn brprne o ek Smiths, le!ft Monday marning for a trip this ho regaineýd btter hemîtis anSdvisile il Bunionis and Corna Tretd. Mise Bter entertained friend. anStisrougb tiose velTbe firet point tbey in Cloradoise ovned and conducted a s INVESTIGATE gave a supper Tburiday evenltsg. viilmake le OrS, Nebraska. They viii drug store for tva years and vas ah Jouais TaylOr 1 Warren HoOk and !amily suaved ta go fron tisere througb Oregon, Waab- regieoter drugglst lu Clorado and Newv Tel ukbon s s 8 229 Genesie St. ti5ir haie rcetly purr aed fron K. ington and tirougb Caifornia. Mexico&as eli as In Illinois and ce Zel etsis n ll. 2 - t L . Sm ith s M o nd ay . c nidere d i t c a o p a m c e . m iii 224tMiss Tessie Horcher, o! Lake Villa, loveS h i re-asio anddrln tsetins ~isçsuts.uetUUWUu~~ E Miss Tiffiany viaited the home tolkte at visited berse Mondaýy. lv isroesvs saa io andorkb id sthend Antiocis rons FrlSay until tionduy. -Purs Caitoe Soap, tva 10ehobars for 15 The entetalument at the flockaday Pcentsaite Graelako10barscfor 15_ anI' bonis studying hie drug book@. --- ebol wa fne.Thechilreudidwel Cets t th Gryolke haracy ?M For tise pait loy nonthi until recentiy Sehol as ine Te cildsn id ei, The Womens Club vil met vitb Mrs.heastevibL.oratseOy- La M ile Park snd gtie akesasld fr *.00 Dv.ib . White next Tburaday evenlng. lake pbarmacy. In spite o! uhenir tr. an rd.E.a 0iraryi. trtind R. B. OoStrey. of Antiocis. traissacted ing anS prolongedS eckneei ho vas g itiTr. d Mn..E . inePterresnivebusinees bers Tueoday. aivays cheerful anS grtty and even a ombet ThuAdpay e nn. tablesinea Elmer Burge bai beau absent trous 1ev boum befors bis destis vas vblstllngc sii lt etions o! 680 acres verI' plensmxt evening @peut. echool Lb. pait voek on account of and soeeed very cbeerful anS It vas ad gbivded I 20 acre tracta Ed anS Min Tessie Cunningham vers ablué.hoedtab. out@aayn. eng hol bu o 1s - lviled ta Geo. Mllers Tbureday even- Han Loftus violted relative at Librty.le. bers o t a neCanil vei k nusns So th rn Ls. and worme t lg m er agreeably surprled by vilT ed ylir fo a m C rl w sW lkn n Coullea L n n vltint teir young f riendo in this viciiey. Wn. Lyon, Chas. Mson, Lynu Mourriegn LanS outy.Heyvb. b.sred bisk C. E. Tapir. Mar. 6, Christ Our Guide aIl of Round Lake trausacted business appreutriceshitu. He vas a jreined DYMOD &AUSINAgets, Luke 1: 76-79, John 1:13-Rev. 7 :16-17. bers Tueaday. young man o! good habits anS vel DYMONO& AUI, Agons.. tev. A. W. Saflord, leader. ; Teachers meeting viii b. beld bers iked by ail wb,, kuew hlm and bis mauy ----- 1 M. anSdtirs. B. B. Tover speut Mon- Saturday. iriende will b4 grieved ta heur o! bis M11M80day vihibtM. und Mm. Kappie, of! Grays- J. S. Murrie had a consultation of deatb, Thse lunerai vas held Tbumsday ____________________________lake. doctore laet wetk and hie condition la at i1tl ao(s ut the home. Burial ut Reciou.. Grayelake ,riist ry. CrystalBarberShop .ROUND LAKE, _____________________ Crysta Barbe Shop Accordifla ta the weatlier, en _______________________ tarnI, for the M. W. A. basket social L.uri's<vSturday eveiug, a favorabsle - --d S a i g 15C attended. Tbe pnuccees ussolnted to ArtistiC Hair Cuitting25e $7900. .Frn )'elhv LOUIS J. YEOMuv AN Flrst-class Work M. anS Mm. ru oelbu ô umovd to UMarlngo, Wlsere M. iowell Guaranteed. expeetto ruis livery buineor tîsere. L E*,A~~ Agent for Schriver Milton Lilviler and Athir Siober * I ~V ~ I Laundry. ~spent 8unday ut Libertyville, E EE LaunrY.Mrs. McCammick anS Lilab, ai Liberty. CHAS. E. MASON, Proprietor. ville spent Sunday beire. __________________________________ Rzrprtl ro. 22 Tbursday eveniug, Mur. 3, au aid folks __________________________________ dauce will b held lu Amane R ail. SEverybodyvwelcome. WEST FREMONT. GRANGE HALL _______________________________ The young peole so! tavn were well Frank Meyer le on tise sic. list. Railway Mail Cler mspmsented on Washingtan@ birtbday MisIaylsse Meyer and Ethel Fal r n r.J .Smsn fWue erk thb dancbhld i heOakld Eai i s8peut Sunuîay witb tise formers parents. gth et. ilonbue.dyadWdedy Klibouru City, Wiî., this week.. Born, Feh. 27, ta Mn. and Mm. James jHure, a son. tir. and tirs. J. W. Grey vers surprised set Tbursday eveniug by a number of tesr friende. Bey. Haudley, o! Waukeguu, viii mrach in the Guruee Christian churcb next Sunday evening. The Woodmen gave a Sauce and carS pantI Wednesday eveniug at the hall. LAME' tir. anS Mn.. Havthorne celebrate bheir 20th wedding annivenemry Satur. lay evening. A number o!f nienda e ee invited li ta spend tise evening. The Ladies' Aid Society' viii meet wîts lIns. Oco. Kuppie on Tbursday. tMar. 17. À. cordial invitation Io extended toall. Wiii O'Neil shipped five carloade of '.attie ta Chicago fiunday nlgbt. Thre uarload o! steers, bougst aifiR. W. Semis, c. c. Ames bai ioid hi@ grsy teaus of hans.ta Mn. Van Hagen, of Bmrrlngton, for $1000, instesd of to, Roht Day, a reported lu lait wseke paper. WiI O'Nel bas gone ta naithemu Wls- cousi fer mors covs. WIII Snyder bai bired ta, C. C. Ans for tise comng yemr. Mn. Carmichasi ls on thaelck iot. Sugar Gluten, Buffalo Gluten, Grano uten, Oh Meal, Cars anS Ont Feed, fiiuge, Shorts ut iÂBERTYÂiLLE isinxit Ca. c-28 A single ear oi corn vas solS tise other ly t a Wscosin fuir fan $650. Echange. If it had been a red ear it sght bave even brougbt mare than sut. Seven Saîry farmsers irons the viciuitY of i)lavan vho weme delivering mislk t t te Delavan Condenscd tiilk coipanY sers bauled io court leîore Justice ckonard ree-ently on cossîplaint oi the stte inilk inspector, und su pieading uslty were hueS $2, and saets, amount- lg ta a littie over $30) eah. The con- plaint was based on tbeir ueiîsg dirty cans for currviug milk ta the factary. Sixteeu bundred prisaners are now erving ternis, in the etate penlteutiary it Joliet, fi!ty-eigbt af the number besng wonen. The 1srimotierd are provlded with plain food, uvisî ,,ieut twice a day, sud the cost le Ibut 13 cents per bead per day, tbougb this privs. seScents in excese ioi tise coet ta, iceS the 1irieoners a few yeare ago. Mciieury counit. bas but six c lt s ini th e. institution, tw O 01 thcsc beiug isurdererH and eerviug lule ters. se lgy t îns si t hv be paid for a teails'If hanses lu Lake County ilu a loug tiios vas obtained re- cently when Mr. .4ues, visa ilves On the Gilbhert farm ut Gagest Lake, suIS a tean o! mares for sousething aven $b2o, jut buw nucbs not known. He aS belS tise tean ut $900 unS Robent DaSI' dickered lfo thein, finanaily ofiered hlm $82ý5 cash, but the offen vas refuseS. Later in tise veek they w ers soiS fon samtbing above the figure. Tise taum ls saiS ta be ane of Use fineet heavy teans seen lu the country lu ysars. Dissatlsfled. M& ary a ift11515 amb Withln a ltle Pen; AniS Mary. maiS. "DOW maS 1 am tecaue ih aloit a b"I', Gli da El ni th of th w IA st gi cu Wilderness was King a hundred yeags ago ln the territory occupied by the 50 or more towns and villages linked to- gether by the long distance lines of the North Shore Electric Co. Thousands of homes are connected on the uines for Electric Light the finest of illuminants and for current to operate EIectricaI Ilousehold Appliances that do the work of huinan hands. WiIl ou add Your hore to the Number ? We wire honses at cost, payable in 24 monthly installmetits. North Shore Electric Co. School Meeting nt Round Lake. Last Saturday aiternoon u't Round ake occurred a very Iteresting chool1 otig. The questions motlY involved re wbetber or not district No. 4-4 uId have a new sehool bouse and ber the site mbould be, and whetber or t tey sbould bond tbemseles to the Mount of $3,500 for the echool. ýst of the opposition came trous ýalne8ville citizens. wbo di@like the ides. rhavi ng the location ehanged and they 're qulte îustlfid n their opinion@ au iy naturally have their own intereet beart; while on the other band the ound Lake faction were also justiled wlshlng to brlng the school nearer to se towu and tbey carrled tbeY daY ya vote ot 46 tu 24, in tavor o! thé ew échool and new location and bonds. ohn Hart bas donated an aere of land )r the purpose and tbe uew chool ouse whicb la to be built tbis summer rl be located on the soutbeast corner fCedar Ave. and Main St. District No. 5,known as tbe Gilbert district will n theus and lu ail probabilities the lesde scbool and possible the Brick. choai frous the weet of tberu. Round ,ke bas brilliaut prospecte o! baving a e two room grade scbool net Ye- lsicb will cot about $3000. o mnch rdit to the energetlc cîtizenso!o Round ike who are ambitions te build up bair towu. FRffMONT. Phillp Wagner as a Chbicago caller snday. Mn. John Abart "net a lew daY lait sek at Waukegan. Mr. Adam 'Pitu. is quite slck. Mn., A. Behus la visltlng a few days at faukegan. GURNER - - - - - - - - - - - - somable la ppnoe. Your eyesght is prie- lesa. Il you are sufferlng from bond- ache or dira vision, don't de- lay, but coins and let me test your oyea, and fit jon with 9!1 proper glaie.. Lenses Dupicated no Matter Whoee Purchased.ET« es TCtCFr« Dr. W. Ml. Law, Graduate Optician. in nor 2 Lay Iln Your Pagie FenCe Maip' Cn LOW Xi'. the vise fsrmer that catches the bargains. Page Wov.W ro Fenca la cheaper rlght now thaii thse market wiii mainiain thse pres- eut loy price is a problem. Heuce every farmer lu this section who wiii have need of fence within a year should iay in his suppiy ai once. It may mean a saving Of many dollanstot you. You are fumiliar witb Page Feuce -made of Higis Carbon, Open- Heartb Steel Wre. It bus the tamous page Knot-tbe oniy Kuot that cani' corne off. Its strengt ia simpiy tremendous. Is elaatfr- ity id greater than any other vire feuce on the market. It is thse Most economicaj, moàey and iabor-saviug fence you cmii buy., Saves you 50 posta every 100 roda, besides extra staples and sveat-0f- the-brow. Tell y ou r neighbors- about our special low prices ou Page Fence. We carry a fulli hue, iucluding Standard Stock Feuce, Hog Feucet Pouitry Fence, etc., etc. Don't lail ta sec usi while price la iow. Cli on or wite to Austih Clement V. P.9 State of Ililuols. County o! Lako. se. Also beglnniug at a point four roda lu the CIrcuIt Court ot Lake County. amiS five Iluki nortis o! the soutis soit Daniel M. Summon mand Lillie E.0 Sasnsmon vs. Mary A. Wilson, Edvards Malone anS Aduison Blalsley. Gen.e No. 4414.t Public notice le beroby given tisat by virtue uf an orSon and degreo en-e tered ln the aboie entitied cause atb thse Deceniber Terni, A. D. 1909 of saiS Court, tise undersigued, Miaster lu Chaucry of aida Court. viii, 'on Tuesduy the lItb day of Marcb A. D. 1910 ut the heur of one o'ciock lu Use atternoosi of said day uithUe East door of thxe Court House la thse City' Of Watukegan, lis tbe county o! Lake and _tae uofllliils, si at public auc- tin ta the hlgtst and best biSer for cash the Iollowiug Sescribed lmmS and reul ostate, sîtuated lu the Coun- ty or Lake and State of Illnois, ta- vit: That part of the East hall of Sec- tion Twenty (20) lu Tovnsblp Forty- rive (45) North, ot Range Twelve (12) East o! tise Tbird Principal Meridian. Seecribed as toliOve: Beginnilug at a point iu tise conter o! thse COssnty RuoaS running nortis and sonus tbrtsiih rtise center of saiS euit ha!! wbere the outh lino o! Madion streot. lu Use CIity of Waukegaii.-niud luterseet tise conter of saiS rond tience nortts elgbt rode; Usence voit te tise vot linao!tthUs mt bal o!tiese outb Set quarter of saiS îectioni; thene soutis elgbt rode and tseUcOeusat 10tiseh place of beginulur; corner oftsenortb st Quarter ot saiS section tventY; thence bOt etgbt roda; tlsance vest ftt 'roda 10 tise conter of thse County Road, theaso norts aiong thse conter oa! Sati eTO eigbt rode.,eisd thence eautforty roda to tise piace o! hegiuing. nsXOePtli fron sald lest described prommestbMa part tisaneof visich s miconvyefl bY Danuiel M. Sammon and IlUsnIL E Sammon.bisvilfe, Mary hX. ilios and Jamues Wilson, ber busisu4 Al ESvard Malone. a bacheiOc, 10 tise Chicago & Milwauskee Iclectri e R*II rond campanI', hy verrsty dsedre-, corded 1lu tise Iecorder's 01110é et saiS Lae oCoimty lin Book 162 Or deeds, ou Page 24U thmneot DateS Frebrums7 litsX . 1910. EI#AM LU CLARKU, 20-4t muteai u hsmml. Tise clevermitatdon o!rosi0060s ever lot made la Dr. 8bIsoP'#HsathOaO li fineis n vradMmd on. minute. No btsdoam20 or Sp uts boililà&& Mae hua Pmp= graina, Mnamuto, @te. aâilofi.. CORLUT FDNIK t I yl bela Toumea ~eM ý241hUnil ad 0Tax Oollutor, t* ,I Phone No. 258 Yard ATERIAL t d grades yqu isuy or figures. [ITEWASH.: Prop. armers kamith Shop Tocs done. seshoeing. Y Repairing i Best Shops. Defe"iaer. aiS and Blodgsti P.o. P-%.4t ROUND LAKE 230 N. Genes« St. Waukegan, M CHICAGO. ILL, 1 Room 902. 200 Monroe Street.

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