Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 4

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OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKCE COUNTY 4-blo,5I*hO5e No. 1. Sditora ResldGro Telophone No. 1141. LbertyvIle Exchange Enérd t5et tI h PoNtffce t Uharzyyife. lu.. as second clans Ntteýr UMM UI 55LY. ÂIVRTLMNG R&TM MAO£5 KNOWN ON APPLICATION. Z UmSO8IPTION PRICE 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTLV IN ADVANCE 1eWNK iM. JUST ............. .................................................. Edtor1 W M. ARTZ ...................................................................... City Editor1 FRIDAY, MAROH 4, 1?1O. BONDS AT POST OFF IÇES. Omassmn MKll.yai uaBUt ba Jtrouce abihin onresa .tltriung il ootoffces a sli ovenmst bnda.Tii bi aIa sthoizas g~ .ratry f ti. reauryta ssu.Panmi ana bods n uaildenMI. mallsis achas ~0 sd $10, ayabe flty esrstra dat sn drai rgtbe f~ t atrsa. Seh is wold ake 1, gvementsecri- ~aie fo th avrag mantha iti. t pasen an anthig tat ~atsn tat iretio s f bneft tathepeale nd a b enourged. ai mkin itposibl fo ti. iailinvsto t.pcacba ehc ~ege ha ben sawnin rane wer. he avenm.t rnte ar wiely Mltlus, hsvlng Zproved moat popular fram he day the. pan was put ln trperstion. WHY NOT IN ILLINOIS? Governor Hay of the $tatea ofWashington plans ta have its good roade e*Bort go lmb a tata trunk rond 1100 muies long. This roddla d.signed ta amy. 75 par cen fthé ti population, naw estlmated ta bue sar 1,250,000, and1 esviti teuch slsven cities, alto taking ln a large number oi the. smaller towns aesa Spokcane and Puget Sound. The. route whlcii the governor han laidt fft starta et B.llinomhan ethe nartiiwast, procueding sauth.tet.Seattle, stilI ftrthsr suth 'ta Vancouver, eat to Wal& Walls, thoen n9rtii ta Spokasne, and téren wat b Seatte agaln. One af the. firet requisitea ln any gaod ronde corn- palgula a comprehansive plan for trunk lino rond*, lnstsad of the. aid system of spendlinq maney on pleceniehl roeds thet start nowhoe and end ln a mudhole. CLERKS NOT ENTITLED TO FEES. _Ths e îien of themprino ow'Mt*the ieffet Ibat nitiier cou nty Clarke lmlokwca of circuit court& havse aày r[om tobuatan ay ees or parts aof fsn 's$Wve by them ln, the, pursuanc. of thoîr dutio. provld.d they are racolv- tm SprO0ipd5tlf n asliybssapas t sttoafatet han a Momt.. the. right ta fix salaries for the»,. fficea, and which has been the. saourca 'e sle.arguments and rota litte 111 feeling. At prosent tii.clrkeoaithe eg r u say counti. ha0e timn rWcin and retainîng ans-haIt af thé lise «lfcuing eaturallzatian pmpers unîder s ruiinq af the. attorney general of M. Unitsd Itatss holding that ln lssuing papers the dcl s laacting me a ' *der effloar endtireht lns ths capacity hi& duties are, ln no wsy connected uoMtW oetty or atats and tiip ownty cieries have r.colved a fa. aof ton !gr.islng huntinfi licanes on thea groumd that the. fi.iiand gaie laws tâ*the tounty clent @hall roeave, wltb osaI application for iconse, mu'.u ie,.dollar, ton, eente of wbhiohahaî1lretain, end the. rematînder )10sl, trpilqmt to the. aat., treasursr." Tii. supremne court bolde that the. etsf" ni fwihIs. he ciais were plscod on a salary bâtss ntende ta mrake thé. s.Iay , mfl for ast purpases and that ailtees no matter bai. outhorlzed mnut be turn.d averto the county. SHURTLEFF ALWAVS FAIR. resrt credit. due Speaker Shurtiel? af MaH.nry county for the emîInent- y fuir snd Just anner ln whicbha treated the primary bill during tas con- slderaotioqi by the. hause. Thse Beacn tram the first worked bard for a direct pluality primary. À$psakeu ihurtiaf ln e oion just as etrenucuaiy opposed it tram the. beglnning. 'IMt that appooitIon did fnt tae the foi-m af tbea lightest attempt to Influence 14glsiston hy the. use af the gavai. Tihe prasdlno office,- af the house kept hie faitii wltb tihe people when h. -- prsad thst, coma what mlght, the primary lave sbcuid have a fair shnw On hie «!de of the capItal building. Whesr tesieakai- loft the chair ior the fon aif the bouse, as imapll*eandi duty, h.mai. te, It that the. man he placed in charge gave -"aIs pdoeary biihe nosam square demi that ho i.ould have given imeeIf. my vis.of hie affice, the. speaker ai th*. house balda a commandlng eptiei. When thée place le accupled by a man as emiAnantly tair as Edi.ard 0)6~-l thomela littie danger that the people will net pet a square demi.' -44"M »Ce ocon.1 concert. Mere. C. F. Wright sud C. H.i Kaisrmueatbe givenmuncb prais, for it1 ls lewand throngh the. utiriug efforts ofd - tii.., gsntlemien the. soesty was lus i M. 19. Ohureh Tu.sday Eysa- organiasd., Mrs& Mattochs muati k% flects Gret rdit ta Lbrty- uot lie forgotten ui on lier shoulders lay MOseýMoical Talent. the accmpayln a teions ta.k, > hungh w" itakeut ammofet se moyahie làb*Vyt Chral ociey w t tu er. ira. F. 9. Wl.. vias Grecs' '5. LhbertvilleoChorl Mecrt, Cith o l Gridiey and C. -tbe.aM aiother local artit gare their R. Kaiser, superintendents of the 40,bwss* ioab M.udencehuli 0Cddfférent sections, great praise la due and Mac ~4 4I.loti. Taudire re tuda a itla nndsrstood the. soclty wl sous * ~~up Mtch it. ii. rsi time in May render thoir second concert, "S ong of the Viking" by It l hopsd that the society wIli grow "rb Mngrn y rie" by p e aks. nlylarger and strongsr and that Lberty. "fi Mos b Gihe, wre xcelenlyville wl» turu Ot to an over packed ~sIofolow.d hy reading "The bouse. Sncb an organizetion is a credit ,,ob$W.m&rchsr Imeale Hyland Knigbt, t the town and siiould 'eaive the I r mlimg wa. ertisticlly rendered and c~prtion of both youuand ol * w. s vei rceied y ti. udinceespecially those wbo eau oing and bave téus necsssry to respond severel n tîoined. Your support solieited. thm tisa ird on the. program camne luis. à LobHalli, vocallt interpreting is '%unbeanW" by Ronald. Her voice M. E. Ciiurcii Services. aria o iafge caier, beautiful qualily, elair and pure, and receîve<i an Immense The Woan'sBome Mheionary Society evalion (mthe ii audience, to whicb sbe wili conduc t the service in the îuornlng, eeerli' resposided. Fourtb the Choral the occasion being their Annpal Tbank &obty, "The Les, of Ricehmond Hilp" Offering Service. Mrs. Hi, a women of hY LIWHi, "The. Boat Song" by Cowen. national reputation, wili b. the. speaker Ffth reeding. -Pauline Payovana" byOf the hmur. Mies Edith Weil, of Miweukee, wiio Tii. Brothenbood, or men's bible dlaoe app.sred beantilully gowned and in wbîcb is attracting attention and prov- 4<&adous muod and no well did @h. ing to b. of great interesl will meet at deliver lir readng that a long con- the. close of tbe.morning service ta tndy thusff applause trou tb. audience the. sub;ect, "Miràlee" gvetsdlie utmiir. t ws ncesary At the .venîng service the. initial for Kimei.l ta respond severel ties sermon oi n tbree weeks Evangeliaiî to encage. 1My Creole Bah. snet to ~nAn4iI ~ h hn.n muelc w given vti sncb flînese tiet 44d Mammr of fer seuth would have iaugbud vIt 107 at ber interpretation ot pouitng the Plcaninny ta leep. *Uth, "Is Slave Bang" by Del Riego 'a..ded hy lire. Rail vas tii tronget ad butumber. lier voicewasciarm- due, beaty applens brought fortb .ooel caly for itse. Hall to how ta ber #denie. Seventh, tie Cboral Society, ~'oTom the. Ppe's Sôn" iiy Allen, «~Q gus Tii. My Baby" iiy Suliîvan d d "Amade t liaArounduns Haver" Itbpp: Mitmna by Wallace, oeud 'seeIa' oncert. Every voice was 4éq Wpareusand lie renderlng of the, .Î4usmb.r va.undonbtediy tihe t, Z Vo.. a a" nsebowing la the a"fesfuy rovemautte. *@ sdue ProfL . B. Lagilln. 4I4uipr Tuh ai the Socety d a el leproof thatIt the bases t, wul rot e- ms BaclEuhma $61 d"elvlngoam WNu "bamhreof the The Ep wortb Leegue Bible Camewyl meet wtb M. and lire. Dobler Friday evening, cor. Newherry and irt 8t. Tie Epwonth Lesgue ai lie ciiurcb bas doubled ite membership dnnlng the, fat two months and partlcipete in a banquet on Tbunsdey evening, Maen. 3, lu tiie church perlons. Tiens will h. covers laid for about one iiundned. An inteneeting prograu bas been arneng- .d and a very enjoyeble evening Ieotth. prospecte. . Tii. banquet le for memhens ouiy. The Womeua Home Msiouary Socety mnete wlth lins Frances Trlpp ou Brainerd Court, nexe Tiunsday. Notics. 'rie ope" a msut tnovn a. opecimmmemasit*2 for tii.constrection of connéebed ever aysom lu thte village of liserrvfLle, HLI, dus ami payl" on or beon er. 10, 1910. J. B. Nouez, vUilageeolistor. IR CAF 1.NI1FMA N4OVeL AMUSEMENT] Town Hall to Have Full Stage Equip- ment, Settingstato Corne Prom Ravinia Park.' Ai the. proceedm of their entertain'meiit, Manch 24-and 25 are tu h. used in the purchaee0o a nw organ, tiie Young ladies' of Westminster Onlld are out to make Imoney. Blieving that the way .ta do this le to give fair value, tbey are iending eveny effort ta mate 'It Happened lu", e big artisanc succee. The tawn bail will bare a new otage on wich will b. piacqd e drop curtsin, foottlgbts and other necessary staet.llgbté,ire. cGýnplete sets of aceiiery siiowing, lContrary liaryse Garden," "King Holé's Palace" and "The Palace of Sente Clans." Among the. prop.rtil.sta h. provided are an electrlc calcium tobh.oused ln :bnowlng colored ligts on the »cenesj "Klng Hole, Famous BlackbIrd Pie" a huge "IJack in tie Box," wbliih wil h. tthe cause of muc l augbter. Tii. Waukegan Sun upon the presenta- thon of tuIS Play iu Waukegan said that "Rhymeland leatthe pretttest, most tune- fui, funnlest and boat cotum.d Play ever pnoented by amatenrs u intii. city.", Elerman Sehui s a ovedinto the. Schück houae. on Mlwaukee avenue. Ward Bain and Miss Irefk. Bain. of Racine, miade a short vtit at the. houte of Idre. E. J. Hughes. Members of tth. Choral So ciety wil kindly returu gong books ln tbeir possesion to Chas. Kaiser. J. E. Bond took (irace Bond and ebolmate. for a sleigh ride to Rocks- ller and return, Monday cvening. Al enîoyad a fiue timê, as the evenlnx waa propitione for the occasion. Sam Schwartz, a capitaliet, from Waukegan, was br. Tueeday evening, on buinew. Whenvér he goes ou a business trip, be generally "uakesgood" and hi, presence bere may mean orne- tbing, f romn a business stand point. The. supper to bo given bvi the maie portion of the Preebytoriai, chnrch, this evening, promises 10 be an elaborat. ail air. It lae aid that several of the gentlemen bave heen taktig lessone lu culiuary affaire, and wiil surprise many as caterers. A good tirne la promioed, and you abouid attend tuis repas%, Charles Thomeon, at one time e promineut druggisl oh Grayalake, died et his home Tnesdey, of Brlght's Disease. Th, deceaeed had many friands in the county who will b. grieved ta beear of bis dmiseand sympathiseswitb the. beev.d inthir affiction. D.cea.ed eaves a uother and liii-..brothers 1<o mourn bis death. Interment at Grays- late ibis uornlng at 11 o'ciock. De- caas.d vas tirty-fonr years of! e. Âcordlng to the cartouons dlaplayed lu bualme bousse, cing attention to the. uen'as upper to lie given et thei Prsebyterien churci, tue svvnlng, mnirly Letyvil la lleed wlth a '.licCntcliob," viiose feue as e car- teoulis bas no rivai. Tho. dofias un. génial, and lie expression of the. lady at the. phone, remlnding ber bnbby of the avent, caps the cimax. This paper bas lu mind's eye the. author, but 'munu" la the word. Friend you ere a peacb. Tiie board of directors of the milt uroducers association wbicb met In Wankegnn, Tnesday, feiled 10 agréé upon thé price to ha cbarged deniers on the. summer contracte. The meeting w as adjourned until March 5. Tii. big dealer@ begin making contracta Marcii 12. The other denler, wait until the Borden corupan3 announces the price il uilI pey and tien they mate a similar offer. The Produce-rh'Associationwuante lu @et the prices it9elf. Tii. grenter part oh Tuesday was devoted ta arranging for the. campaigu 10 raies.primce. The deniers pnid .S! per 100 pountis iast aummer. Tii. producers waut at leat 20 cents more per bundred for thii yeara product.-Antioch Neuts. St. Joseph& Concert. Tii. ladies of St. Josephé churcb viii give go enterteinment for tie henefit of the nw Rectony et the tovn hall, Thursday evening, Match 17, at 8-.80 p. m. The toU.owing progrnm yl b. Openns Addres . Rev. J. Floun. North Chicago Vocal Solo ................ #.Llâh MeCormck Plano Solo. ....... ..,.... Mm. . . Ourand Vocal solo:'«.. Mrs. Or. Bellows, Wankegan Reding........I ...............Mn, reP. Jeat Vocal Solo .... Itevs. .J. P. Dore and S. M . Perry, Râvenswood CIrinet Sole ...................... A. Rapte Vocal Solo............. Miss epehce, Chicago General admission 50 cents. No ne- eerved seata. 23-2t Notice. eginning Sunday eveing, Match 6th, Rv. Oscar Lowry and Prof. George lioody vilI hold esisriee of gospel mieetings in tii Armory, Waukegaa. Tas churches have united lu the dam- palgu and tie Cty expectsa egreat avrakeninut. NpnrWodnts yil, trad- ing or viatinitlantthe ciiy ans cordially Invi*sd to attend the Meetings. Commercial stetlofo-mv.lopoa letrh.a4a, bIIhoWda, carda, Blae- mmtewe hv-ttU &UaInl atier largeor aMunlIota. Time 'is More'Valuableà Ail the While. Employers demand promptnes sued minutes are as vaînable as hours nsed tobc.He. sin a wlseman wbo apprechates tint lime is money. This empiiaslzee the. need oh exact lime piece-s.- No one tii... day. enu aBford ta carry a now.alow, now-fast ilue pince. H. uigbt jut about as Weil gueesa lhe time from the sun as bis great graudfatber ns.d to do. Pleas. remember tiiet we are tîrne speclaits. W. maire igbt ail eorte of wrong timek.epers. We oeil ail the. dependabi, dlocks anà waebes. We match the of prices and we Invite yon 10 bolier us ail yon lite. AN HUSS THE JEWEL ER Libertyville, MI. REMARIKABLE SALE -OF- ALL WOOL .SUITS Strlctly muade to your measurements and tallored ln first-class shape, at $12 Twelve Dollars $12 New York and Chicago. Two books to select from 500 AII-W*oi Samples 500 Als§o Mayer's Milwaukee Shoés. Hamilton, Brown & Co., Shoes. Meitzie Shoe Companly. Full line of Rubbers and Ruabber Boots. E. W. PARKIIURST SCH-ANCK'S BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. To Make a Proper 'sebdkw mor Ho use Paints Keep lu mmnd the fat abat the. coet o! labor 0f 'epresding the paint le tii. greateet item lu the cosu of repelnting. The. puce o! bois.. peints ls tiierefore of no moment provi. ded you wlll tske dnrability lu consideration. t Corte mat asn eli ta - pread poor peInt a. it doës to @prend the. best palt ; con- sequently, the. article wbicb presirv.. yonr building for -the. longuet perlod lae i.cbesp- - . est. ThebetVintisa PURE LINSEED OUL PAINT P jS Lluessd oUl la th i&i gvlng preservative eleusut; sud combined vim o urnimn wbicb the manufacturer kuowa ta be beqt adapted and moi durabie, makes the. identicâJ pioduet. JOHN W. MASURY & SONS Have Maaufactured Houss Paînts for- Fifty Ya.... .. .. i~. oo o o O o *0 o o o o o * o O * o O o o o - o I JIL So b gM .B!GeR. UbrgIlIlo. v e o o o o O o O O o O o o o o o o o o o 1910o Brush -Automobile $485 The Bwuh car won the recent endurance contest over 24 higher priced carss which shows* its durability, relia- bility and endurance. Now s the time to place your order for a Brush car if you wigK tio get one net spning. Albert W. Lichtfeld Aiso Agent for MITCHELL AND RAMBLERS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ::,.Saturday Sf~~ 0At *Beswick's 5 and 10c Store,o jSaiturday, Mairch 5., '10.j Fancy Zephyrs, Dress Ginghams, Laces.o *Faney Zephyr Gilnghams of 15e velue, izo on Saturday for 10e per yard 10 *We will repent our lace male of ast wepk, and give you Valene.ene. and 0 o Torchon Edges and Insertion somne lto inch". wide, for à 1.2e per 0 o yard, on Saturdny. 0 o A Fine New Lot of Dry Gooda Just in. Seo Thorn. 0 * Aiso Heir Gonds, Magazines, Noveha. Table Lihien, ........*...... And Kîlciien Utensila ................... LIBERTY VILLE LUMBER£. DOWN YTUB DOLUDEPOTi» THE PLACE TO BUY C Scranton liard, ail sizesi, Ç 0 Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon- 0 A tas, Carterville Washed I ' LCoke, Ilocking ValeyEt L L ~KINDLIMG WOOD L p Pioneer Cow, Excelsior Morse, Btffalo F E Gluten, Grano Gluten. Doisy E E fleur Middfings, Bron. Shorts, Oats, E D Corn . . Red Counb Po ultrj Food D Phone 47 Libertqville, 111. Fr( jWe Can Please You--Sure Tory- * We handisl.y latkl-u otcou, * lnioi .nasural euoug-ls't i . . * Suposeganlot un do yos up an order someoftlie.edaya tui a wairal- *~~~o se fou o csme. *& .nd so.1ohTm thliat e mais ays tajit. o Don~le. fgt be .Breakfast Bacon. Ineinde ou Canned V.gtabie- b reaxltra uaty- -a &i the ga umber ofeveydeyv i needs e e t palus ta baye 5U5T R GHTO Corlett & Fredericks L'1"ÈÏYVLg i i BARGAIN SALES I - Coing on al the lime. Where eI..e au you huy Standard Prin-t and Stapier inghanî., at per yard, for ........-..................... Not for One Day Oniy, but as Long as the Suppiy Lasha. The very latest in Veils, more than 2 yard@ long, 36 1mb.. nw stnietly new shades, and are only ..............................$1.00 Alover Lawe Yokiugs mnny designe. iucluding (loldwork. Ses th aNew Spring Jabots, oh net and lace, the. :correct thing in neckwi I 45 andi 50. aHair Covered Tunbanettes, 50e~ elsewhere. We seli thent for 25e aWide Flouncings, beautifully woiked, at 25 and -,Oc aSpeciai lot of Val. Edgings and Insertions, in 12 yard pieces, pneut lyi worth 65. Tiey r. new goods, oniy.................... The linoue MetzgerGautemala Coffe. in 1 pound tins at per pound hem. vear, iv.- 40c 85e The Cozy Corner Wnecan grmu le înust to your liaang in our electrie mi. BARBIER SUIOP couteau lmported Macaroni and Spaghetti, alwas 14e, nov ........ Lew FlaggProprietorBeat 4 X Pulverized Sugar, 2 pounds for ...... .......................... 15e Juet around lie corner on Spragu. Street, next 10 the Bohmu hulld- ing and opposite tb. Pester W . W a rlio blaeckmith @hop. W ar i o Cigarsanmd Tobacco Laundry AgSncy Razans Hoased _____ ____ _____ ___-Rom t:e d 1, Se q ly I."" eu D'ý.%h b NO & %iby Tlioe who liv, on tis rural tôtiteS 9a sm the tii. a e ouaty Iimvunx Mdl the Dely Inter Oemaa for #600 isr »nd tii e tInter Oem anmd INDBPMNDENTfr 18 a year. ; J. M.AGaves AUCT lONEER Se. e ~o Mmteg ouaD*is WAUJKEGAN, ILL 03.00 $2.50 $2.00 01501i 8i1.00 .75 .50 Shei Sa off fi Be is m L-c i W. H. APPLIEY Auctioncer FARII SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyvile, 111. PHONE i481. Everyth NOTICE The Bathrooms in the Lester Barber Shop and Bowling Alley .will lie open Sundays, &omý8 a. m. to 1 P. M. JOHN LESTER Proprietor - - -------- pý bý glolow io io io eý iM ký ý- wiowowiowwws 1 *00 -------------------------------- *404S IW IV' "FIV-ýv- zi-= = 40" Fi

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