Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 6

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LAKE COQUT UDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MARCM 4. 1910 L{betyvle Loca1s, J UlofRTYVILLt'S CHANGE or rACTORY INTERESTS OWNERSI11P ARE RELIABLE, AND COMING TO Carl Bader Ha* Purchased the Lasse THE FRONT IN TI'EIR DIF- and Good Wili of W. F. Kasson, of FERENT PRODUCTS. thse Libertyvllle Mat i. WIII Inçm»s Facilities, AratWorking Carl Bader bas purcbasad of W. F. Ove tml « Products lu Demand Eaaaon, propritor Libertyville Elotai, f sm.oat Cat Otokthe dosla hng consuniatad Satnrday, fNve renCi ta aatr.ulokFa. 26th, wlîerahy Mr. Rader took over fiove Bnigter.the lasse, business aod tMr. Kasbon's - gond willi. Mr. Kason came tu Liberty- I)ùiue wth he oto o "Hmevilla sonie wo years ago froin Leocia, 1)itila t the m radtto ot "Hoe Win., wbare ha did a large botel busines Viit.,tis Woid ftrwad,"thi paarand asince coming tu Lihrtyvilia, bas fa plemsad ta talla ite nuniLarless patronse, through hie sterling business abllity, a! Liertyville's industrie@, and in doiug hult up a ina hota trada. tMr. Kaspou se, lu bh" the bonor ta assure the puhlie, was a gentlanian ta one and ail, ram tbat every factory or sbop is doing the bat dregsed to the poorest. lun busineas on a aolid foundation, tbareby etering the hotel the guet was met tihe wouching for thia article eau ho vani- with a pleasant graeting and ehowed lad astoits wortb and veracity. Every every couîteey tu Malte hi@ îtay as podrt turned out are houe.hold pleaat as possible. As %Ir. Kasson aeaaaetisa in tact tbay ara indespensiabîa seaks new pasinras green oui hat eiebes .and if it were not for thani, the gnod go with hlm. 4ionsewille and fariner 'vould hoaet @sa, Mr. Rader isn oe@ranger tu ns, biug iad mau ho rellable upon as hoing the a min of hlgb standing and pleasing bot and only the boat on the Markt. mànner. The public wil te served wltb Foulds Millng Co. the hat the market affords and treated fltter knawn as tha Macaronfi Con. ln a home likemanuar. Be le aving tha utany,,in Meeting with unlimmted succasa. bute ainodelled on the inside and new 0Monuct @0that itsalne bave inrassed furutura iast.allsd and for tMr. Radar Eeiy 10 par cent over the output for thea this piper pradits a hright and pros- inouthi of Jauuary, and Fabruary 1909. prons future lu hie new hnsiness field, fflyloue records hava hean broken and wifhà ruannln ful ime-auR soane tuae Dalîy Dairy Faa<l epeclaltbiîland bit .uKtro-tha"av bean able to meet the week et thaeIAxERTYVILLE LumBER Co. gow of orderaraeivaddally. Tha gooda c23 .me known tai and wlda, orders are _______ .coeiang lu froinitho Atantic aud Paci*6 eanit, andl a "friand on oui lait" saye IAR 'O that the company May-and let us hope TiHE STREETS m-ho compailed ta increaw Ie ofacilitias. tTbs papar linaeolunsaying that it will et h very long, tili thls partienlar kind Pungeni Paragraphe Pnepared for the of gond wil bave a nniversoi reputation, Patrons ofithis Piper by a Persistent and large nouaignmeuts will ha @But ta ecl uhr forelgu ports. Pni uhr W. C. Mlt Manufacturlng Co. Ti Irin manuactures faather dusters, That the (amuiy trea ai a hunko man wo& o ustea, woob wall dustera and muet ho a eippery ehm. ,carnae mats o Il kiuR. Thot no man can paso inta eteraity, 1bas beasu tated that the abooe out- tomble lis alreadyinluIL. Vattai e Rond froin every part of thea htadgsbr d' sbda i eitry asad the. rlîability o thea iTtet aston'gehrk.eta hda i iwodoct iun aklng theni triends ln thlite u tbat ogr Magect. They aie running fuil tume and Thot laudiords sud tenants ean neyer 'oxpact ta inormase the houra of labur, mie thiougbi the sainieSpectacles. visleh lu a good criterton of the amount That ýwban commuon sens. takes a Q)!buines tbey anticipata the. coning vacation, it lne tua to tand f romn undar. asn.Their 1lc of bnsinoes la a That alter a nian shows his temper, 4'eita b PZe" as the canual hota is ke idlug. .anborvei annot help but notice. That queem as Iftmoen, the fait man la Huit Brothers soouvovrtaken hy nlfortune. Aasa u, aufacturs of wooi and That whaut down lu the. month, think otiser dutens sud undir this caption, of Jonabkha came ont allrlgbt. tItis >P"«5 la esableti ta announce that That mnltrs ought tu ho aviators. " u. etabllimnt lu alo aving a gond TYti can't ksap gond mon dowu. gué l f r output, wbich le mother That posslbly Wall Street le nervous futas*ifor làbrtyvlilasndutrie&s.Thsy àabout the remet. t0, bave not roduceal tia worklng tormeasd 1k. thosa engageR lu the That all's not junk titat glitters. mmutiturlng ltvresté ara wlling ta Tht of cours. thora ln a yellow peniL. make it knawn thst the outlook for the lin't China fuli 0f Fangs? ason lemas "briht an a ailver dollar" Thot «"Beautitul Snow" ls the sort »d UIf esd be. thoy stand ready tu van dont bave tu wada tb.-ougb. imuiswatbirfacititli. As weî as other Tbat wbat lu thera in a fleh pole that factoties, their goud ara becOming la wo destructive tu a man's veracty? kuWn an sd wide. areliable produrte. That "why'e a bachlor a bachelor?", Amoargain Wlns Fonce Campany For the saine reaeon that au old maids Justice would demaud an axplination, an old maid. should ti paper intetianaly Or That wban a womensaye sweet things uaintentlonalb, ovarlook the amount of about Yatu, she le gtviug lber caudid luÀsiuàsinlu oing l in ifhuie of businees. opinion. in tact it te recognized, the saine as That many a nt la not what it le othera. ai ona of the '-iran ciad" cracked Up tu ha. industries, for the reasau that oremyko ago bt raputatlon i t ieo bsns dprwthout a collage education. excellent, for whlch no ona bas reasou ta Roubt. lu tact thir goode are lu Tliat anti-fat remediee are s.ldom nead- sncb a emnd, and on Mouday thay cd by the man who 'leans' on hop@. Increasai the workiug bours from 10 tu That it la quite usebees to tell the guat 18, anR rather th"n ha outdona tbey not not ta 'burttlu," ha wili do it any- wW lustail a day and niglt 8uitt. way. Ii. new addition ta the présent quarters are underway and whan coin- (jet ready tu do yonr tila work now plated. meaus additional bab-and lu wbibe the stock is lu shape tu delivar, one or two instanice extra farce basbi uote abBRYILumm beau employeR. The qnaliiy of wire Co. c23 faunce turneR ont, la a gond, if not botter than ie conipetitars sud froni thair iacreansad hipmanta during the pait two Frani Dr. Jollay bu Optica. menthe of tilayaar. the amount of Niy talk ho 300 this week le ver3 business ton the preant measop wil important, if you are a sutieren frai emalps that of 1909. beadaches oaueed by etrainind thc ayaî The reader ls now conversant wiih It la very in portant ta yau. af course -wbat bas bçen sud wiil ha dene hy aur chat you ehouid s. your eyes but home industries, sud ih wouid pay the nature neyer intended thai you ehoul ýýdRoahtiuIf tay would visit tbem, as abus. thatu. b know that most bead tha hum oft hnebnry, etc. would ho aches rame@ tram straining the norme snolc ta their sers. eye or f rom uiug imperfet eyes, or i Barring tae aboya, Lihortyvibie bas other worde, eyee wbirh do flot focui ,OthrMnir industries a i wbthe My experienca leado me tau era vethe poopiamar pronsud ande wai-ta-do, ail tralned eyes eau ha relieved b apelalmenionofwhirh will ha made properlyfittedglaases. Whntisotrai Ms faut &as tisar capacities Inereaiee. la relleved the hoadache disappean #MI MNEDEtT lu concert with.tae Now reason a littia: If you are ,«ea w lteR uver tha outlook asu aflrar troni baidaches sud you suepe Ibsooenlng business Will eclipse that o that tae cause in stralned vision, the niy argument nuit appeal tu your eu 1>~~-My experleuca, gaineR frein traaitit many casaof eye train lu vauabls 1wt* pouItmy Fisad lu tihebuat you. Tri the. renisdy of gls.m a1 ~we ~ is Coatq, soiR oly by fit thoadioR n wlll not hedisappoin *'---"---~- ita d%,0. -00 ed. Du. b. B. JorLLarCr. iStit a po a lagisprcss.:%ry ,zste 0" aaerl W. mr maklng a apeclal prke. on fu this moth, LiBBsanrVtn..aLcisnssCc 1 c-28 When Hunting Was Good and Dy N. QUAD. iGray Mares Were WofdOt. fC»pyrigbt , 5. by Amierlean Proe sAnso- ciationI hi For tan years Aunt Hannab Day. ce REAL SPORT IN THOSE DAYS. widow and resident of che village of ne ___CldRe, baR bean a sort of termrro mont cf te realdents. Shelilved iealnseth 'Old Jimmy Chambars Tels About Ont quel wai weil to do, aud she just daied tu * aul He Made When He Got Mort en lawgults., At the end oftetn years. h Than He Expatd-Ths Wiiling 0:4 EIder Tbonigs was about the only cit- au *Horse That Cracked Mer 5kin. izen of the. town worth string wbo baR Pl, ne9t beau sued. Bis dîme was clos. et eg "'Talk about yen huntin' tripe," sale!iband, itowavem. Ha tend two ives of al Ibe JlmmY Chambers. "'Wby, there alitbesa lu hIe bac% yard, aud they tead ed nu ban' uowadaya; no, not note, awarmed earlbam tiete waa lookeel for. gr 'tall-leastwisa none wortb mntionlu'. Net flnginaw hures ready, tluey baende "lIt was dîffernt wheu I wuz a passed over into Aunt Haonnah's or- se youg eller. Thani wnuxhutin' daysl! chaiR and tuug ber and-bar cow and a, When ye weut out te bunt ya gai plg belote golug fiirtbaî. 8h. RecideR T sunirbin', I tell ye. Au' mnt abways tu vstart a suit lor amages. ye got a Rom slgbt more 'n ye exper- EIder Thto"pad aRnevgr baR a law- w led. I remember onet down lu oie suit nomr bennu summoued as a juryman w Panueylvanla wheu I baRd a bout as or witnass. He baR a diesel or the y Il", a bout. , iler an ie momile liw, anR the knowiedge that lbe was i i oader rifle that could abot noe;. 1I going t* b. sueset bitembilng. It tI tll ye. Au' Iwuz no aloucbieatboobt- w" nne efor biente 9)oover sud ses in' lu theru Raya myself. I coulil shoot Adt BannaIL She neyer citauged ber te about ai welb as ther nazt feller Weal mind nor settled a case. Ha beard of U, I'went dowu ta thar river ooukln' feriber decision ou. niornlg, aud hoes Pent a air deer. I sen one tandin' r1ght in the. forencoen worrlni over lb. He was rE front of ai big traea. i pulled up ter stil worrylng &fier inuar wben has oaie muzle loader a' let ber go. Jest est out wlth hua on bils shoulder te ai I limeR a bg fisie juniped ont of cher trock tlas cosnaeld hail a mile outalda wa4er, au' niyabot; went pluin tbroug cthe' village. On the edga of tae fildiR hlmn. I1sau nby cher way ha feU rd.waacekado t busa t plggd erbos luhbie. The dea reuBkwal RuOlOMah" u a t le- jest dropped whore ha stood-never d" cndition. Tb. eider bail beau stlrred, jest fell tone Reati. 1bitllup corn, for about a quirter of "'tanushd out laioettanr river a' an heur wb.n a vole calaR ta bleu grabhad Myyfinib 'fore it couiti loat frotteshed. Be relue i h adandi away. With ther liait under my aru lixtaured, sud It called again. Ha drop> i starteR fer ther Rear. A' what <t'ye pedibsoansd took s few acepa for- 'suppose S' help me, ls eSu war , and the vles crieR out: iwhere tient dean stood ther hulet baR, Stop, EIder Thomiaa! Stop igbt knocked er itole Ilutient treeauasbig Wer ouar! as yen ist a' oui oftiethatbobe e an l l? regular arreani of bouey wuzfliowiu' t5 eAn Hua. i That good bouey wuz gaIn' te waiia "Ane yn lu che. shed?" duin fast. au' I hadu't uamy an tbing Frctlsdsakbtw tae 'te stop) It.Lc.,t thonnn alt jomp- Frteln' ezbtwa r 8aed ont of an hole b hatu't noblced, a' y"n dulug way out bene, aud wbat's I grabbad hlm by ther lil legs lest "You ecp teour lcengt hr ai lie n'uz leaplu'. I wuz gin' ta stuf "u epyrplcrghwee hlm lu then hle wheu an dfock of quali yen are, aud lilI tell yeu. I cama oui flewup n thr ohersideof herte pick nome biackberles, tend aften I inca. Tbay wuz gaIn' srraigbtaway, got haro the fitt ook me ta go in swimn- at' thene wuz mure 'n 10,000 of 'em lug lu che crack, b undreseadlu tha It Ter le uzze lade wun'tloaedshed and paddieti round for babf an. an 'thre uizzle loadar w'taded, tbout, and whcu b came oui ut the wa- j an bbameuaf 'wuz ad' say I at.ter 1 founul tient au inferual bog bal, le gotntd oe robt'ei r , 50In hr Id-chewed aib my cotiiez to rage. Thera balge htoieruabth t (n hen in- daln't a piece lIctias ig as my baud. dia ut 'ain, au' nel'va be kce 'ena watiug bers a whole bou." rv a' clawed as he woz gol' through "But what are yen going ta do?" azk- , ther air wuz a caution. Be lauded oR the ider as hae scraticheR cth. back R 'igt ou top outcher wholecenucbe, cf bIS heuR. u' when I got over thene seveuteen "Don't ask fo01 questions! l'va gt of 'emi wuz deati ou cher groud-yes, te gai home, havent I? And I can't 'sin, lest sevcuteen of 'erre!A'them e oewtot oecohs ' shoc badkiled ter rbbl too Henead clotas aveu If I waited tOI miel- Iy wuz ail smasheR nie. I stuck hb aud ih lu cher bos te stop ibar houey tclI t "I guess yon would; but, yen Be, couid go home farnsue, banaele can't tend yen any of mine. Ai l ' "hitchJ a, wthroe rymae got on ins at aduRtrouseis." et rsldan ent hack. T cbopçssd "Who wants to borow ary Of yQU? .t ibe ee lerea Rown, an' thene wua 1 don't. lu, sure. I want yen te go Rd boney ennugh tae6MI ah my barrais. home antd tell your wlfe about it aud e- Weil, I sluug ther Reai a' cher fiit an' bmlug nie bacS a bondis, cf hem clotee. sli thien rabbit au' cher quail on cher sied Sou don'i spose l'R go back te towii in an' starteR home. It wux nome JoaR In iousens. do yeu? Wbat yen jemeak, e. fer thar oie mare, an' 1 'anked at ihem lug nue nigber toc'" net at, kinder coaxia' ber ailong. 1 '1 wanctoeit Rown on tihnt log andl wnau' payl' auy attention te ihar taik te Yeu a mInit. Son sent me 6i loiR, an', hi gain, when we got up te word titis morning tuat you wasagoittg "~Ither bouse there wuz chant thene Jbad te sue nie about tae bees." a*way back lu ther idee f tuer river. "Yen,1 i dR. It wau ail your fanit, & 10f course I knowed wbiat' wuz iber auRd you'Ul have to a py Coat monaî ct nmatter. Thant oie çoqndhog harness for IL,, sun tend got wet an' jas t ti'tfged. I wu It struck the ider au ha ait down a. >lad of huagry. no I jeat tbrowêd ter ount.elogtat theo situation was lu tel ý harnaus over a atump mn' -tirent iuto banda, na te, uy. Thte apat WU 8a teRiinner. Wben I cum, ont again iber qua.rter of a mlls of theuai an d vorY w, sun, liedR Ruedther ibarreau a' tb.m retireR. Ther WUasbXelY a chance Of it. loiR wus mat puma' UP to tuer stttip. tsewcna ianteliug il«oiifmssa ad Tatwuasaine Sunt. Ser don'Lget fwrtwo or thrne d Ays Âdmfutigbt natblW like that itwerdn 1 IteS Y7 .aablaenlmteaCcouipllUh it dlài- TheniUIS 004m Ra7ai gatian ngam camnittele bMd talleR to. MW* I, u«kW «at bar eW Uspr mlel -Weil, w- dlelet y si"ar amd Me » W .ttrWllln't mm tetat«Mar'ut Bann at«w a loegminute. "-lm h5'I leu suytbfnt7w- hiea1 "oyutlk 1i 0st7hr r ff A Suggestion ta Correspondants. Thera la no such word as burgiarire. Do flot use difficuity for flght or quarrel. In accounts of death end tunerai, rater to the body, flot the romaine or the corpse. Every person la supposed to be mournad by a boit ot friands and a large eirce 0 f relatives, and tu have beau good and promineut. PolIt le un)eeuary vo say su. Say apereon died or was maried. Do flot oay lie pa»saeway, or tat lhe was joined lu the holy boude of mati- mony. Thora le nothing lmnmodest in calling amarriag a mairriage. Proni. neat la no oyeruaed thatl it would be a good roi@ to eliminate It Acnnlty of $100, mot an annaity o1 $100 pur year. Nelther a furra] nor a wedding occura; It takea place. Womnan la better than lady; the latter ha. tison overwvorke. Do flot aay wldow woman; wben YOD liay wldow. the woman la lmplled. It look@ 11ke an attampt te make a weak & tory atrong by iaying ttls oue of the emost horrible crimes ln yeara. or that the part, was one of thle mont enjoyable, of the winter season. Use as faw adjec- tives nas possible. Too many lune force. Study the folio wfng expresions whare unnecassary words ara ueed, aud look ont for others: Ail round for aronnd; ln the City of Chicago for Chicago; tiret began for began; nobody else forunobody; entlrely tbrough for'thîough; @truck by an spproacbing car for struck by a car; nait Priday for Frlday; totaily destroy.. ad for dentroyed. etc.-Atchison Globe. Do yon kno* thast it's easy tua hum @oit coal, (if it's good coal), wihout the. aunoyano. of soot and sinoke. Juat give tLe fare a very littie air on top. Don't cbeck tha itove pipe daniper too Closaly. Usa pyrolite Washad Nut. Ton eau gat it fron the. Homes Lumber Comn- pany. It beds cioseiY, but lgbtly, and leaves euough air @paca ln the tira ta hum ail the game that wouid otherwise mnake soot and amote. 164fi 1- ri ---'ebi. - i , For a Clear Eye and Sunny Smile ï È t t up in the moru ng reager for sday a -,,j iù the vim and vigor ia, dri: the ncvv fruit food drink froinuthe. impic., snd drink ht thre times a day, for it Nill put new energy and srtaminka intu your Myteni, new strength inn your niervez. Bonano la a blot table drink. It la just 1ke tei, coffee, cowa n d chacOate--excCpt that it's difteîent. It's different trom coffee or tea because it doesat contain. poison, and doca cantain plenty of good naurishlag fo oltodt. ail IetIlanlyuci rn Itis differont framcoecoa and hoat because taesldggIbanyocadrk It every day rlht &long, as yaîican't cocoa or chacolate. And lt's different from them ail because it bas a new dfistnctIve taste cil In ova-the taste i of delous wholesonie fruit. Bonano is made oaly tram luadous bananas, fully matureal la the sunabine of the. trapics, harvested andl dieal 15re, then ahipped north, granulated. rodatea anal scienti&aIIy blendeal, andl delivereal ta you la a duat-proof, molatiire-praaf a. Nothlng but Uiqulal fruit. No fLavorlng or calorlng, ne adulteration af any kinal. It's t. pret af pure foods... It'MlA . 1, lnmau f - -fm BANANA F001) COMPANY, CHICAGO. ILLiNOIS. Piasse »aod me ssupie of BONANO ad Bookbet. Nam* oftene; you a give Il tthe chfldr en wb.n tbey want caftee or tea., Il V bi nng them rosy chooka. And i wh VIIhlp you ta bave .ound digestion. caim nerves and a bounding pulee--fiUlyou wlth snap and go. Your giocer bam a 25 cent cma for you thah vIl make 75 cupe or, if he'. out, tbe atach oaloupon, sent ho un, wvl brlng you a fi.. uampIe. For Sale by J. E. TRIOO.S E. E. ELLSWORTHI WM. WALROND International Benana Food O., Chicago, inI. MU1,0'7 I walIb miles sont ley road, House on o'cioclr A. without me 6 Head welght 1U N'orman il old; 1 bhi welght Mi Iug colt. colt comuIt 6 moutha 25 Hea( fresit. 2 N sprlngce; bull. Panin 3%; j mi 1 runabou 1 llgbt h blinder; 2 Dise h arr- hay i'ack; atone; I E red basSe bay; quai niouth R Monay ta Loar, on Real Estate. Wa bave tonds teo ban on desirable, reai eetate lu Waukegan and Lake coupty in anme froni $1,000 to $25,000 at 5 per cent to 6 per cent iutereet according to the merite of the oecurity, arc. special attention is given ta busi- nas property and well imnproved farmea. We want good boans. We do net maka what wu conaider undesirabla boans, but we wil bh glad ta examine Your Pro- perty and wiil do se prnmptiy. If w. caunnot maet yonr iela * and make the Iou yon wiah, we wili declîno it wltb tha host of feeling on our part (wlthont expense te yon.) and we wili ho thanktni to yon for glving us a chance te do the business. If your lan ln accepted wu have avery facllity for ciosing it up promptly. Wa realize thst promptnees of action lu decliniug and cioeing ral estate loans bas otten heen iackIng ln the Wankegan market and we ara endaavoring te fnrnisb the quick, huai- ness-iike service borrowers ara entitied te. RtOBERT J. ERSKI'E. 205 N. Genefee St., Waukegan, 111. Telephone 2U4. 23-2t Max Zschau, bead gardner, at the Haneon Stock Fanm wiii he absent for a short time se haI. going te Naw York te ueet bis bride-to-be, wbo le coming froni the other side of the pond. The bride-to-ho wlI ho met at New York hy Mir. Zachan. The young couple wil then make haste te reacb Chicago wbere tbe ceremony wili ho performed. They will than taire a short trip durlng their boneymoon vlsilng f rienda and thoir raturn iwll maka their reaidence ln the nelghborbood of Libartyvilie. Mir. Zechau'a many friands wlsbh lm a pleasant jonrnay and happy meeting. IHE G000 OLB TIMES 1171!. cre«nef aff' wr puirev- erytbtng. One day 1 îez to myseif, «BY ~gum, 1-U give yer er load yer ca't putlt' an' I bitcbed ber to er atonle boat foaded wth aRH ther howlders ln ther county. Site got right down an' Pulled an' pniled an' pufled, but tber load dn't budge. I beard er lîttle crack, but for er minute t dldn't suspicion auythiug, an' bfore I uotlced that tber skia on bar face bal cracked it wuz too late. I yelledaet her to stop, but uh. wii5 no dnm mnd site kept right on pulWin...a ' a'elp me, before I could sUIf> ber sbésd pulled bense'f11ean Ont of hoi akint 1I ddnt Want ta loge tbat tarie mare, an' 1 got huzy an' dId Or Ulesikin grafttisi'fer mysei.' I1 bad s&ois freab sheep pelts, an' I sewed titen an as faut as I could sew. Wel, #Mri, thein pelta toôk root fine. Tbey growed an that titere OIe mare Jest 1k. tbey'd alwa ri beau tbere. an' tii. uext season 1 aheared Jeat 375 potifds of wO&o c ber. She wuz er good oie mare, I teli y., an' every year I got 875 poud& of wool go long as as Uived. Tes, air; lt wus alwaYB Jest 375 poufds. Yer-dou't bave ne sucb borsas nowad.ays. I tell ye."--Outei"s Book. The Pimpernal. Tbe common pimpernel, -pour man's weatber glasa,", bas tbe disadvatitage iot betng a native plant and bas been lalmost cornpietely expelled trom our flower gardens lu favor Of exotlcs ieblcb are rarer, but Iack much Of ho- lung as prtty. The pimPerne làl rcharmlng littie fiower whlcb ope"s about 8 la tbe morning and ci-losslte ;lW the afternoon. but bas the remark- able peculiarlty of indicatlng a coin- 'lng shower by ohuttlng np Its petali A Deadly Insult., "Do you Mie my new bat?*' aked Mis. Brooke. ,,Yen, lndeed," replisd Mrs. Lynn. -1 bad ôOua mat ke It when tbey wer lu style e'-Lipplucot' a 5gainefl. TAMINC9 A TERRE~ the for tal wt ule aio cal cal anq ab t' bu an thl ci 00 mq o0 be siçiernuo? There May De mOrmen cty bugs lu my garden by this time. ,ers are trampe around, and mebho me or 'eut are robblng the bouse.". "l'es. Jest as you say," repIad rte Ier. "but 1 rbluk we'd better bave a 1lk before 1 go alter any clothes. 'hy tibould 1 go atter ciothes for a voman w-boas goiug to make me trou- "SYon dldn't take care of then boss." -And you didrut take cars Of yo-s ýorbes." -Butt 'va tuever stopped a iawmult id nieyer wlli." ,-And l'va neyer luggad ciothes for a voman foli enougb ta jet a bog chaw tber dnde. l'il go back ta work. and ,ou enu gst soit ns ansel." Â&unt Hannab was spuaky, and %ho ioo<l ont foc haïf an bour. '£ben silo miled the eider back la ths log and Lreed flot to beglu suit agalnst hlm. -That aiu't enougit," ho repliai. 'va been thiuking. Yon've made lots >ffolk*Ilots of trouble. IV» cime you opped the lawsnlt business. If you Ln't ose ir that w2y you'l bava f0 rt out of titis 'trouble au hast you eau. ni gotlng tu start for home soon, and ,il ha uelghborly snongb ln ciaoei nest aay tramps on the way tu seaiR am haro. Tbay m.y land you snie otites."1 'Eider Thonias. Ybu are a brutal 'poslng lb was your Vifs!"- -My vlf. dan't sa foikI." Thom ewer, <bruts andarguments id entrsatlss. but thte eider stoad un, i. the. victomy was hIs& wien Aunt haaaa.Iib bd gliven ber solsmu word tgfvé up the. iaw. ho went arter tihe otit..Ho. fot onl' brouglt thorai. but he breugitIdebisfe along as weIl and thosn xslrsd loto te corn and lsft the two Womeu rogether.'it1oeswes plRges sa" proml-ie given, a"R for soars It wao a myeouey tte r*eved itizens of Clyde wby Ânnt Bannait no uddmuly reformeR. Site died a fsw montha ago. and wo thora la no longsr occasion for &erscy. RAVENOUS EATIERS. ilutton>' ef Sefimen and the Appetlta et Louis XIV. Touchlug the natter of eatlng, the stories toldR hy the oid chroniclers and historians of ch. aaormal appetites of certain Roman and oriental men 01 note atlly etagger betief. Gibbon feUse et Soliman, a callpb lu te eigbtb cenutry. wbo dled ot acute Idigestion la bis camp near Chalis, iSyria. Just as b. ws about ho leeRd an army ot Arabe against Constantluo- ple. Re bail enptied two bakets oi eggs and fige, wblch ha swaliowed alternately, and the sapait wae finish. ed with rnarrow and uugar. lu a Pli. grimage to liec the saine callp bhail eaten wltb impunity et a uingle mes seventy pomegranates, a kidI. six towti and a binga quantity cf the grapas n1 rayef. Sncb a itatemaut would Refy helleý were flot others of a aImniar charactat wallavoucbed.. Louis XI V. could bard ly boast of an appatite as ravenous I iolfnan'ai but he would est et a ait tlng four platefuia or different soupe, 1 wbola pheasani. a partridge, a place fui of ssd, mutton hashed witb gar lic. two go-od sized ses flof bain. 1 iisb of paatryasd finish titis ampi' rapszt witit fruit si" swaetmeats.- London satarda-y ieview. The Bible bas heen no calleR only fa te lait 700 years. It was fommerli, calleR "'The Books" oce t."Divine IJ FOR SALE- FOR SALE- Austin eubd $5 down, S AUBIvN. LOTS FOR suh-divisiou electrlc road J. ORME@a,0o FOR SALE Wrght'* bd( 0250.00 and FARMS-W- county tari lu village. 1 FOR RENT about 50 aci weet oft High hay for UN MÂuuxs MBi Chicago. FOR SALE- M. 0 O oas FOR SALE N ortblieid. agent, 1717 FOR SALE gond land, land lu Teas have hargzali for particula talepr, . FOR SALE barn and ut Ad IregsFi, FOR REN1 $2 00 i up.1 Kinihail Agt Tel. 27. FOR RENT ac-re of land $14 par moi FOR RENT Block, Lîbet MILLIER. FOR ited e-'I fil3fl5a5 nisad roorr wi-bout bol LOS T-Suc depot1 and v.i aWhite Stateo l In the Ci John G. 1 vo. tCharles cils. Jose[ Thomas La Gen. No. 4 Public n by virtue4 tered ln tt the Deceni of, or se( MasterIn(n on Tuesda A. D. 1410, ln the art- East door the City, Lake and S lic vendue bidder for ed land ai the Count3 noie, to-wil Lot Qne Edward 0. of the N( Fi-actional Forty-flve East of tbý sttuated Ir State of 1 Dated Fý 21-4 rý ""friffIn's Waukegan Garagle Havlng takan thoe cy for. E. M. F-. "30" $1250 and Flanders "62o" $750 for Lake County We are now ready to to take ordera for these rare. Having only a limited number at our disposal we would auggest that you get your order in early and flot be dissapointed. We alec> have a fulll une of accessories on hand at ail times. Repair Work a .Speclalty Ivery and Supply Co. It will be our policy to try and please al ouT customers. as a satisfled customer is the best advertisernerit we can have. E. J. GRIFFIN, Prop. Phone 215 Morses for Sale. * Monaitaîn Meadow Stock Farm, n, sanad onehall i ule cortb of Wauconda, Ilinuois, ha. eontantly on haad a.d for saie. at iowast market pries, a stock of ail classa of bora.., suitable for the read and ail tarin or:opmand draft, usiful and sarviembia. troni 110 to160 pundi.Prims $80 ta $M0000. No work . o thefam nAi aMclmatedand anoithelbknoe plugs oe trin.tllaîMatand aod aithe osf "Dmn.s. Ail guar&Dtead ou delivery as reprssanted COL. IF. >. BIERRY éeýý

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