iI~V4 1WIfereq d7O L~,m n ma* tee te gai. possessIon o tf -hi .S th î prcne 1 m l eld up untif n ue at O ffe n rea ' m aioue. It lareported i a Ij tersi tàii'tte trust campari>, e fssged 10 suarainteeshtiitte la bec4ume 01ftceM*th"rill lîbel suitt bicb la pendin th Ue appeilate court. o PrO 7~ 1aegl 19 .ndgjllitrendendsl tise PMcS.liry count>' circuit courtj» amlrmed lh. UbîlohIs iouse proiery J>dge w'vil Idb.oll'yihopard>' as tbe judilsien a tas ý lien upon pliproparty ~Pei- awaèàl b> Oierseer Voiva. m forts are, Dow beln.g _mami -e aluaiitise dit- tÏ0 1« itb dü anoà*1 culty *554 get lb.heai trotsgh J.aber Situaton Queu.. QI I1*i~ ~ >Reporta re*cling ble a da>' are tç ____________tise ffect tisat Stous CrtL>'peope.lire .~ beilng laId off ut tbs lae *0 é dat 4T4~5 W i<Siug, tIIS> SJl.~ tiat outliders are b.lng lt"lwed. It A roallie biabecohw entrent ln Eion1<faais> rePortedi bt i nia»> osiderm (t' ta tise ffst tisa MIf rsisli leld after belng assured J9be for seMles-es- Scompiler have offeed Réievr oGu sou are "turn ed downa' aud not glyen 1.Thommas I1750,000 la cash for tise ~-tiiisialter taehves>t.arr. 5>51114er of the Vit estate. Recelver Thom» s Iis aornlng de- ,-»" ltât ais>'such citer huit beesin, IN I! fI A F uhie uni xpre.edsurprise Ihat OM -ità reuso, bai been started . N *hh aer bus beau aMae 40 fras- %2owfae4gnOu9." ald Mr. homaiwv i d tt QFoir 0 élistand "JwP01ld e pÎl to1dispose ofrbe thé- eSPutii l stlc o«tir Saaie If I cmiii gel a muble,,>, l110" offer and the plan met qWith sthé.T OPMeof a Iiisorlty Of the inrea. UnioR MON> Are Vctim of Attack By - ' Trouble &.oic.d For. No lPstîtion te Court Vl._____ Wiun sked tas oviether .Ju.ge Eiwoo d Mi arçb 1G-PIckets roi>. ladîsissi gltven gy amyimatltbuasrueiestlng thiTn Workera union ver. te vWsber lhe vouli continu»q lthe MIattaclmeland besten by mien s'mpioyea elvrblp atter Aprîl 1, Mr. Thom"! tu Police tise f*ctory nnd grounds of utoe6I that ho did Bot think tisai.th tb tsAméerica« Siseet and Tin Pite, teisti-Of a the court baibheen<rciapn>. 'lirtren memiiers of tise 04 e he éttin$ b" mi cil>' Polce force vers vif hie a h' lItepetllos v4chare h lug o! thse cos t bu 'sld not 'nterfers., c"lat.d amoag the. Inventer@, ani, Clubs ware mied b>' tbe fcter-y Polie. Itb Is va wuld aot receive theaattea; sud Aired Devis "id seversi llira ký'"Om f'tii.ludge untîl the petitions'o! tbe pickets voire baily hesteonh 190re formJilY Presented ln court. This le ths tiint eidence ai- violence *bile 130 opinion vsienexpresaed by 9sle hé lbMvotas'oflent Novinter. Idr. Thalusas Il sa tbongit tisat in cs bc resulted li action being taken e Majrityaof tise nnsecurei créditera las tbe f-deri cout. ý aig th peiUos ssd oîniv iaere- Publie aelment bas be"martuirifd et"thépéitin£AndJun l te t- nd Itlafsred Ilint more serions, Outendst otbave court continue ta trouble viii resui at the plant. The pilal t5 rOection aver the a ostte. jday force of- the cit>' police are patroi- tisaIthse th. requet vîlil be arnted t tag thst section af lb. city near I-bo aid therecelvership coutlnued untIl. Un Plat Mille. OUIl oftlb.cibais bave been pei. jAre >Mill Srick2 ShlIeh Dent 14141Up . Too. i'en Csae n i ae of lb. o f esotilal C ral Africab. ~ Tise ChiaoTitis & Trust Comupany naives aveuIl viii vuter loto bua refuaiei 10 guaventee tbe title Io dougMe isubstance. vbich lf sh*t OS1hiisHoua. and the hbar nindthe' la rougIt voaden niolds. Il la tisa diEd latbe sun muid aflrward bakul 110SllUY W",ItIlbur lenn Voiva ex- ïînatfkloa. The Poeul~ar L ~ury Plaao I M*ot iais ane hnndred Pianosbave been aotd ln tise tasied Mtes. Ir yodi soeu tratel from tise At- Iantlc te the pacilet, tram Northt Dakota ga mexîco-.' YOII vossld batt>ly e ablu i-o lied a eettled commumni- ty vbere IINGSI3URY Plaises vere not lu dlly. - - use, anmuid ovuid iear lîmalgse or tisemnio ever>' band. Tier lm a reanon for ttle Immense popuarity of th-se Instruments, and <bat la tbate te>' sre the.ver> best ltaI cati be sold at the prlces m4;d fur Ibeni. If you viii compare lte ICINGUBUtt Piblswt5a ather makies fer wviicyou-ga ssi Si»Out the.sanie prices, tiseke vîli be no questIon as ta vblb ypoe vii cbooue. Tise IUNGOBUR? lain a@ ta stand Use clsenttab lubsta b, rtia epie. Ia fuel, the more prosective buyers kâo sot It Ibm htier. 5a*lelld ve are, muid for tkat re0asVihare Iý acoeUt5uuset ]ÏNMBUItYS viser.yon can hare thse I.tp Il vie KINGm B oùTS oS iila I t ià i 6; r C' F ip ind any«e q* bui these iutrulmabt. wa=i PIOMuts hix tise colectlon t ils'C teu buy pon &Il t -lë t you viii not ei-. ersoM it,%e mitI 1"t àî&I I. a .~ - -..a- AM, htlre ZobfConttes Ta riioh1 n Ict.fb . îj eOhio. !teorglbïYe. p saly .A olsentertalului; bit aeph- aeoring a knockout qprly ln the second!iO11 uhn bUedembgra, aTrob re " 0f 4.a oe frn iýào . NI244Sroind te-o4Iaat< u elgread tr â fý Mtch :et*ruacWiIeCofr.yadLah j rirnk Precopaws aent 11 1C SIIkenganit andtebXedetree runds bord foir-i e ougnd ni>-bis1.a- a p1 lbJ.gr. hvtrnCsdîa ac SGorga W. - A. J. Levia ae.lt yeaterday lni OpOnnttaou. a alai-gev s*tIan be. welgb- chamPlI O. tt ibe (> . bA. en Sgura Ciu0b"hur. fnsrlY CîtY trbesurer of Chicago.. WaIahIgan F/iobtr puspo t . lng ffue pîil-or. Hey lq o d i . uldplay C or.j ImS, haibsen 81'rssfd on au lndlct. Frosp tlb muplier 4cts viich sP.i~~~ ~~~ la-en on tLd:ux en nuKI efrls0 p ie-ut lhofacd Happe. save for à a 1v fr11105541 onnection wtb jury bave bedfis t l cOmilag ~ u wlî S.. Met Kd Jf-tonas oo asa mtcblaarrnga.Iminutas wrlat work tact niornn; iilniI.-. l he CI1cker willlMatrial li euHuir ais , uî; lt e i - #qrés aê SaMnéPlaos-WaukeganitO emJcnn repo(rte thatb acod r.~tPofUlUhafi -a1laCh-r* . ift I Cntoy. a re ra.l rick'a nlpfltw ~aù # romaies Mod Mignifcent ShowInglin Lady. spîleidî<îtriatment by the citizens of Wrd*l»@ sriUl. te KeaiaIsldrs -do . EOW» S. MOLS tlAL r1>e-mon***-amirlgn h l Th ~~W i~lsLSfl usd ploadgd bsli FaiEs cham. of Prasticlng Mod. 'M n>5ld l rcradCon-j Piani tM.beiltpo ui~lea1uSd a iak- Nielu Jensen arrlved froin La13dy- HL MA OEANEEJ wut ei uieRegstowd. 1P te iej IiIp-gfts gbl saii<5, Wls., -th . is mornlng. He ue- Ouc i 8,LOE N Y céieàeln puttins bis Mfan to aloepl) lnCornes ln Cen*aê Wth l4alPin At Rsa. Mw4 6Udt .Co1tib~~5 b upt #Ithe' il;> 4scodround lthere on Monday Vau reraeew*slnhsgno4.4isçffoars uni sAI iit ~ ~ ~ s t nlght. Ho fougb lb G aay-sauit ie4.4ya.be dogrt M8414d or0fPaWtn&>c p~ vsa i 4fAmblabd, Wian Jeunen tates that Lafayett, lad,. Mai-ch 1O.-Dr. Jas,.jmonter oooffle P l AId, U., a. >x, &Î4j WP i" J4 111, i1ta"@ For Chio&"1~l. EagrsI el Caaldy played'the rin ger game on D. mlilles, ciyh*aJth oMcer, is.In lit. Assistan UiO gaman XA. .Robnatt, IL S. Te LeS As*.- editem ïerune.ý u'eUlyejy blmi. am be as hiIled au George An- Eiizabetha sositxl, staséing from an e"" vas as-rsiThe t« tise Bhulerlor crln t. 5 g 'Il ha aylngaicourt berm oa iag 0 r.0luaaMoro1.Cstiun h a ii elst derson. tbe luiniser jack champion. nijury caufet > d pnta ny~Igmdclgtotbls elasaif theiDevtatb. eom>mte 'A for thse ladst tii. Hisa Clice Tblnklsîg Ibat be b.d an eany mark, Coat hlm an oye. lu Msuuita &Cmid«c em luJese.Casiylnlse Uat~ Dr. Hillis vibite4 a local vaudevilile Mascuet.~LdCmlsoe Rl theb Nortb Chtcago Lan-d Associa. thenJeeren, Calsitii.nsiroed.tbetvtseDr. Covien van arraitaed cmeusil I.the mIilatlon b«nàsU sa ision. 'sinier take ail thse recelptg. Jcnsen Ehoved agalaSt a large haîpln vorucm en eur. p 5 rand biT> *. 1 1 liais 51abtrte>_______ agreed and won. a handsome purse. by a routas lu, front of- hMr. SIte Shturday," Dr. Coales pr*eaii mot top. siê ftglheo. Ioday,êtmous. Tbe tlglttook place ln the lAdy- mmcnd qilckly aui tisepoint ofb.r suilti nnd vas beld ln #506 bonds' 0* atetaart agi medînters bo C. P*tkisaf lu«bas tiken smltb opera bouse before a large atpin ceogbt lb. bysîlclan squarely Clarksoui P - lve»« lforriluzys oueno!niais aec ltte ainsA let bavas fornPothe -f lieje, ttisa Us-swIng- mahall. prdisels ,-n rrw.When Jensen- succe.-ded lu n fh_,tss talgt' ~ebi-Pia'evenlot.. w îuur t, - - _________ ~ji~ - I t' a There isn't a doubt but what we mr going tob~utU t11é sMi- jority -1of Waukegan's be* *em4! ifh Mb' wonder why we art so 4rm itin ccluslonti~ ô questioià when once, you mulioe thorôtugh tktiàii of tbé: *0 24srts we'are showfiýg. Wî4peéialy invite every m#4to W durlng this openibg and maIke hiii"t tat oh e té1l*t the store and take a carflI1ook, at the ne thing.I o woutd like to inspect our lUne' of suits- we'll be owy~ too gla to ihôw vyou otùr cm,,pletie aeWààotet. D n t e itI5&k ~ tae alot Of Pains i showlig you that you have got to uy There is one-baif of our entiiç main floor devoted to'the diïpay of sulta and fixings for men, a, bigler selection of -fine clo thtian was ever seenin Waukcgau bef6re. In hits immense coliecUon arc hundreda of Kaufma pre-ahrunk ga ments-we'ré proud ta mention the fact too-for the name stands for the besît thre is in men': cloths;#they'>'p dosîgned and built by articts.,they a ..-arc pure wool and pocssu character and, style. Other lamous makers products are also included i hi iiiagnifcent array of men's andyon 4&~i Men's suit$. ou'I1 ilever sce hâaiàokncr stf)1es, p"auerns, and 'cbt. than WC have .gô to show you. Our pîke smalt ranges fromi 410*00to $30.00. * YoU#* Seils Cyqett 5pr1I»j Outflt Q4boy s~ai n nislA" estand -inmst cispein the City. 1,tie yOu Ut, akn!àfhaiiiiijust w1ha, yo&w f toou%4Î ê, yos i w' bfiha a àIî tyle ai â#1& - vidugo fo th etm caithot i - - tro" s .. ..... arcl ti ~eason ht 200 broidà wnrth. cluaton Girea C Da SDo nt Co>rset ýàifn Runh WCi thès. it 1