Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Mar 1910, p. 3

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GOQUS -$9.45 twiI1payyoIrttoln Ourflm oodsoffer wBflfoýw akng Imm e" üî aiu Sw ock vod- ~Va~v,)~IieOf tus emadi î.dfitvuitiomuial utry Yondt Armait @oodgm Producs.- eRnMAZONS. * paafl"ts< urs for rup muid *other dis«ass of poulb'y. Oe04 Paul" yrai srs ame neer vîthout It. Park. Dames'Km» Dp. ,J4e i.bout a4chepeat ice kller on the maritlWoo mie m rrMaier gemi remesa i ibhis lino. riWkucE ORUG 00. 3 -SÉ es-se4P, !§!@kt, «kheii. RuSad Lake. PAUL IMAýOUFPM< * A1"OMET k? LAW. *DLC«-£ GAOWAY. 01153 OV wnieLO sL'UDmU* Iom .ouas-4rom 1i b 8 md 4I b 8P. - A.IL UTHAMT 218 Washlnqtou Buet pho». 2741 DL GOLDR4GJ DENTIST Houris t12 aan-1 b 5 P.M. J. KilTdr oBuilding with Dr .L.alor-Phone 19 "is. Phono 1092, lbertrvvlie. Illinots DY. EL FL SMITH DENTIBT. .buuau tc 12 m mad 1 t 5P. a. DILI. DU. 1,LL TAYLOL 01153 OVESJ. tuEU9!005 Ea. sovm- to 10 a. tm. 2 10 4 am S 1 Eumidaêao-yu Broadvay. oppositeP&&k Utime.Opp.1810 et Ewetrie tatki offie Phone5m84 am. Phons am0 NOR)TH COICAGO. ILLINOIS W. H. STUDER SURYSVOR Snmtdvldlng, Parm Wurk au DraInage LIBEILTYVILLE. ILL. PHONE 1094. DR. ID w. %j, 551111 BaurslO0tol2. 2to4aud7to@p.m. Office over Lynch Bros. Store SPECIAI, ATTENTION ~ GIVEN TO DISEASES 0F ie THE EYE L*BER1VVIILBE. ILLINOIS ICIIROPODY Bunhone .muid"Conis Treated. i INVESTIGATE I Jais Taylor Telephous 488. 229 Genessee St. Waukogau 11. 224t fienry Sines Sale ýBarn mc BLIORA AVE..ZMON OMT. M.. Renoie2MEtl.ha Ave. Àfl ind 01ornne.. Ramen. Watons Sud Duc- al". for= ars e Nxahst an iiTimOK ,Auc11ON!!RNO FOR PUSIJC SALE Crytal Barber Shop Artie ati Bafr utin250 FlIrat-elaas Work Agent for Sobiver LAýwdrY. CHAS. £r A8N, Proprtmi Basqoupatio ovise sol, YORK HOUSE. Bdth Wilso, of (ne, la spendlug à s ew wa vlwth lira. ELP. Diuaard. Mms. Carde Levn vwu a Chisago vWatorlust waok. ý Mfr. sud Mm. Frauk Buris antartaimid Bev. Hollani over Suday. Frak t Saood vlsted ln Chicago Ibis vasit. Albert nuedlaleoun te lklst Mr. icid Mm.Eliot Bacon end daugbter, Reia", wve aChicago visitors, Mihe Maud Hawktins, vho hbu ùen homu. alcitfor ths putI tva veests0l ahle to agalu rsum. ber dutlesasa Lyon'asaore. 0 ong 10 build Inee les me fige r ou Ite cot. The Brvn feuce stands tihe test. I buili ail kindi of feuves.. Satin. faction gpua.tosd. B.H. . is, Lilartyvile, [Il. Phone 1423. 25.ef. Ellsworth Metealt vent 10 Tex. lust *r ei nd 1fré. Ray Dizon vi.ited rela- tiv«e t Rua,,ell laut Sunday. Moidanms B. F. and E. P. Siver, of tueili. vislted lire. Dr. Young lmat Mis.Mraay . * a0'Chicago, spent the ve at t he oe 0. J. Ormoby. Mir. Ohm. Cape, of Waukegan, vslted 'Wsudn be .lent voek. Mm Au . J. Young returnod Suuday evealns troina Vieit; wt friendo ai At te W. IC. T. . Mations coutet blid at Lake Forest lut Thuray eveulug. te mtal vas won by ire. Jae Ortu*by. Tb@sIBoy&l Nelghbâ,a bad àa "rayai" good time Innt Saturday afternoon celbratlag thir tenth sanlvemry. A Vary fins proprm s~réaderm Iboii oracle eud lth.e .=o ;7ze, aac preomtai vith lautlti ulln. A ban- quet w vsaerrvdst w bhh ovm nver. laid for stxtj.aes. Pains of vome, baud pains, for auj pains toppd lu 20 minustas nuis, vlth Dr. Sboop's Plak PaiU Tahiets. Odu fait formula on 25c. box. SMl by ALL DEALERS Capt. Bogardus &aimn Hits the Builla Eye. Tiis vori lamous rifle abt wvbolhao 1he ebamplonsbalp recrd af 100 pigeoôs lu 100 canfecutive chat. i. living at Linl111I. Recently intarvoved. h maye: "I have nuffred a long time yuLh klduey sud blado trouble sud bave unei saierai volt ituovu kidney medi ine. a of vhicb gave me no rellef outil 1 nlated taking Fale's Kidney Pille. Motre1Iouaed Toley'd Kdne. Pille 1 van nubjctai 10 evrehaace su-ad pain. lu my kittneys vilh .ouppremion and aiteutimes a danudy vodiug. Whii. upan arlolng lu tbe maring I vould get uil headaches. Nov I have takten Ibis. bottiof aiFaley'e Kdusy Pilis sud We 1M utn c ent ttei. I am, usveî bth rri vltb a>idueja or baider and ane More bel lke My avu Soif. Ail Ibis 1 ave eai.lj tu Faley's Kiduey Pille and aivayâ recamaend them ta, my lellav snferer."1 PFEANR B. LovaLL. ailway Mail Clerks Wantea. The Goverrnent paya R.llway Mail, Cleîska oC O b1200. end othan smployeea up to 82500 auinually. Unle Sam viibhln priug exami. tiansthraughout the country for Rail vay Mail Cleit., Cuta. NHons. Clerita, Sbsoffapbeis, Booittoepeis. Depart- mental Clerto and otitor Goveimneu Po- aionus. Thomnsdofaiappalutmoms vil b. maie. Auy man or woman ove? 18. la city or coutry cmn #eb Instruction and lise Inforniation by vlllng t once * bbeBsa i u bsraction, 4590 Hem- 1k uiding, Bocbaslter. N. Y. AYSLAKE E IP. J. DRI& aCE dl M~TMET1± -Advrtieinu. Rat"s OuiApplicationi O. ~. arrn, pent Suîurday aud suniaj lu Cbcag. Mr&. Thomson #peut Saîuîday sud "nwia l4hr eau, Chat 'TomeapaKt xbnr oan d vtleaisthe proud p ame n.1oi hby boy., N@Suai. btbdi rued Mon- day rosa *ek'sviit vltb Chas. Lougeigh sud vilaluChlcago. Ma.BsLoilus sudianghter, AIdait. »ud lira.JasGarwood apent TaesdaY vihfrlsaani relatives aILIbartyville. Misa Baby S.1th e se averal daye ai lest wveksitb ite lnds lu Cicago. lis B9. J. Loltua sud UMiaT. C. Latue ami damber, Launa, af Wilmot, Wl.., spont Woduooday in Chicago. itolantWyn, utWaukegan, vas a caler hoi.Saturiay. ie. Kate Waft. la the guesî aoftir. sud tir,. S. Hamiton ab Rôllin. ibis Mis& Mrcla Wboeler epont Saturday sud Suudeq' i* bar elter lu Cicago, Fa~erejDali Closed. The demI wbleit ben pouding the past wvek teen' lte P. Hohonadel Co. aid the JyjeCanning C., vas braaght toneaclu at Friday sud the demI for lb. Bg*iau tarm eaut af towu vus loasi 1h15 esit kTuesday by the meu.comp ",y. 'A carload of bores. voeehlbpped lar Saturnay for the faima. P. Hohema.del Co. have charge oi the taetarloâ, Ibis one making the eighth. Mfr. H"lfadel vhen inter- vieiked by te reporter bei vory litho tao oay about the motter, but promised a gond article later. B"rrjLusk spent Suond" at Aound Lake. Ekbecirlo UitI Plant Sold. -Chas. liason, te popular barber et The Wilbur Lumla,î Co., closi tbir Aound Laks tranncW lulat PIN a.' vit theNorth Shore Taasd"y. Eleelile Co.. vho nov have charge of lime.atout i. visting 1horreao. Loe a. te e oelrilWhgtiplant ait GflaMke sud Wlaatan, IIL #duo tlwfeod imlii. Grayelako viiinu-. Buter postaiestaIthe. (Iayslake doubtedly ha-mai. a ubetation...Nev plsmc.pales',worlIl lapub lu tram Wiukefflu b Gnajsiaie. broagbout Ithe te"and Mr. MBai@ a iàs ias ce Young, of-[ = . lth imadate laies. Thea viii Chicaglo etOul ardmymsud Sanuday st la plemly of, vork fan Unoman u»d th. B. J. Loflat home. laitorers for th next tva mout.. Mies Aura BattershaUll iitak part Tventy.foar boni services la promisod la & raial givan by hon teacher lu by >Jane lI. Wmn. Springei vho bas Chicago. Friday eveiug. Soverai ofi ho bai charmoi ni tho plant &bill ditalutalua friands have received an invitation sudie poition ma 1f r. Baldvin at Iho viii attend. food mlii. Chas. Brainard, ai Eound.Laite, trank- omarIa busines.bore Tussday. * Arthiur Rockelilffo.Visits Here. tir,. T. C. Lttuns sud daughter, Laurs Aititur Racitelille, a former giadumin @peut soveral.daja vitb B. J. Lotue 0i1bth@Onairalke igh .CÈ1aal speul ami famly Ibis veek. Saardi ansd Suadmy vitb frienda lare. Mis. Otto Waldmau sud ber maîlar Atur la living vith bis parent@ st voie lu Cicago, Tuesday. Weiloa. Iava, sud taiting the touith jear igli mbool vonktbtere. Bels misa Oea. Hoffman, vito reciatly nald bis a meulai af the bigb ochoal basket haill faita o P. Hahenadel viii bave a public team.lter. vblch lan considored one ai Dale nevesi. the best lu' lova, Re played Friday The BouTon store bai a Sb. Patrick'@ vltitbis otom aI Mai»on, for the eowavwvldov tbat vas verY PrettY. mdli i. ecbamplanobip, but they Gen. Hoffsan and faaily viii move ver. delcfloab i ig ta the long ride bock ta Farmer Cty about Mai lot. sud bai condition ai the tean. Thiey Mis. Raines, ai Kenomba, Ala guet at bai van 15 gaines out oai16 in tbe clate , Ciero llenhome ofIoaa 1h1 mason. Arthur vislted Cicer Alln hom. icool Mandmj marning and van given John MorrlU returuei Mouday fron a a itusrty. velcome hi bis echolmato.. tva veeks viit vitb bis sou, Deo n eî.. i ,nt. na ri Sciait,, Wlo. Mr. aud 1fr,. Fra aukiAoau left, for Michigan, MQnday. lie. H. Heitici, ai ugieuide, visle lae Monday. Mn. aud Mn. J. Peck spent Snnday lu Mma.Etta, Pary sud sister. tira. P. UFarr sud XM. D. G. White vere Chicago visitona Ssturday. Mma.Jasas Lougahsagh sud Miss Belle AIapst Saéurda! aIstblcaga. Mmra. e Schloas t eu aturday lu Chcago. Win. VautWloud bought Ove mules of lt.e Ubertyville SpriluECa. la«i veek. Mue. Bd Admmr ami daughitsr. Lillimu, apet Salarial an suderuIn luChicago. Mies Ruth BIler apst Satunday vlth Moinda la Chicago. Mis Zta Masy upent Saturday and Buiay vlth bar parents aà Chicago. Monday. Mystii Workers Entertain. The Mytic Workereuterlaled about 150 guees at their private hop 1.1t Friday eveng sud everyone vho ver. fortunate euough b roclve an invita- tion sud aceotod Il bai a royal good tise. Mmn Doml». tbsad officer of th camp vas prSent viit ber huabaud. 8h. .peaka very ancouraging ofai 10ged snaja tbiej have a chance a1 bolng tii. lmt u tbae ouuty. -Tbey nov have 06 meulais.A banquet vas ld aI 12 o'clock ai thoir 10dm. moms sud the part i d i ualbreak anti the latehboum .One of tii. foauof atll eveulug van a JIg b! Mm .Krinugr sud Mmr. Bovu., wbo proved very llgbl au their feet sud gave nome fancy step4 wblch ourprises te audience. Everj. bady la vatcblng for te net entertal. meut given by lte Mystic Wankor,, Il meano agôoadtime. LOU.IS Je.YEOMAN. THE JEWELER Mis.Kiese le viting lu Minneapolis, DEEFM LD. J mn. Glenn MecCure @peut Suuduy wibh Oea. Mr. anid tMm August Scbepp, oi ?ettie and famly. Gitucoe, MI., visited vitit Min. Antes Mine France. Bidertadt vlitod luSndy Evantan aver Sunday. Mir. sud Mis. Jackt Morris, oi Chicaga, visited with Mr. sdandtr. C. B. Mlbon several day. durlug lte veet. 1fr,. oiees, ai Balte Crasit, Mici., visielai itb S. P. Hutlion SundaY. Woadmsu Tadd bas returued tram bis southernutrip. Mr. and tirs. Fred Pai.oe sud son, ai Ccagam. @peut suniay wib relatives la Deeifieid. e Ben Halo, of Landau, Canada, @pont Bandai vlIb bis maîher, lMma.L C. Bale. A farlij reunion btockploeacé Itbe Iao4ilbame Sundaî, lbe occason blag ym is.Td's biibhday. Conruabioii sorv!cestaIthe st. Paul'@ EvangeilcAl chuich beiilaetld 8UuiaT, Mma. 201h st 10:30 a. Milas Oivs Jeukn videlaila Wauuss Mfr.aM tir.. BPAU. of elv, vit. ed u la u uDsrIsdSaaDaj. -Miss Cora Titus, af Waukegau, "net a few dais lut veek vlth hinde uni relatlves ber, Mmr,. eo. RoeBingr, af Round Lake, va. the guest oi ber purente, Mr. and Èie. Ceil Dorfier. o! Ivauba., Snnday. JasTINtue visité doue day faut veek et Waukegan. Martin Wugner le baving a bai but on bis new place at Ivanitas viere ho expects to, move lante near future. Anidrev Wagner and Oea. Wagner, 01 Wauiogau are dalug lte vaut. John Baelng, of Bkg Hllawv vsllei bis sinter, Mi eOo. Hertis an. day Ilut veek. Miaule Sitoerloln, otlcag,apent lut ftndmy at the Bobs home. 1 #lu Bous.Fredricte le speudlug a isv da»n lu lte ctY. Kat@ Freund, ai lieHasry, opclmSun.m day et tb. Amanu hotus u rda dsvng Atôro N uj Mlen d lffen, Dr. Charehltl, et a!. attended banquet of the* Ramiltoii-ergl-hl. oaI vlich Presiden Taft vas the etao banaL. $9045 svonlng durng lbe veek except Satan- daj *Mise M. Alée. Davis bas arrivod tram Geoaa, DII., sud bas tatou charge aiftte lgnufr ahle.apeclal services. Services especially arrangod for passion fng up to Gond Frlday ovenlng, vhoa tbe Bacrameut ai tbe Lard'. Supper vili la admiuiotered lu memory of the deatb sud passion ai Christ. School Notes. Mesdamies Tipp. Balflard, timoan, Eger, Yaung, Johnson and Aliten viated imssStewart'a@raontthe past vecit. Let us repeat, ve velcame vistais mont cardially. Several childion lu Mise Webb'lrom are absent ou accouaI of germammsules Hugo Gatti lanab"st fr0. thoal@xth grade as a result ofa a pi»alaklue. Frankt Buterieli ha. beau abseut frot Mis.Patteisan'. room for lte pasi tvo veoita. Gertrude Evileisor ha. drapped ber- achool vont. Mrris Wilcoi sud Chailas Freî are absent ira. Higit School biteueoa niuke.l W. hope tb do eamthlug along ltse Une a1 ieldsii attlem atitis sprtg. H the boy. praclie. jumping, vhlcb inuise the. Iiglt jnmp, riolg binai juMP samdalubroO lump, pole vaultig sud lte rua troasmile b bitsbundui yard iash, sud show commaudabie promise. ani Mr. Paghbubaspromisai an inter. clma maset noinsthnslua y. 0f coure., vs hava no apparatusauthe bisoins, @hot haniman, hardies etc., baltlte pre- vlouly mntiloei fate cmn la oasIl satan it uad a belain u aie su Ihat nert jeaN ve cauli buy vbab la usoded. elIGB SCIIOOL ALUMNI ORGANIZED Meeting ltald Saiurday Afternaon ahd Organization Éfiectad by Graduais. of High Scitool. Satunday afternoou the graduates ai tb. Hlgb School. met lu île, auditorium of the blgb echoul building. when the alumni oi greduates vue orgautzod, w bicb viila preidci over by lag Iýdpt Thlwafol: - "Chlckena Coma Home t10 Eoot" viii leEvangeliot Lovry'o osubjeet at the Waukegan Armory Suuday, llarch 20, at 3 o'elock. Mr. Maody viliinig. For mou ouly. Boy@ iuder 12 notadmîtteti. This office i thiicplént oa mcommu- ni*tiou dgue4 ýpfogfrffle,"relative 10 09e opsulagof teoLytto Thestro ou suna. If "Progow." wlll gir. h. Damnsaaguarant.. af "good fath,'" ae in the. contents af iescommunication It viii, appear lu neit veok'o paper, as va are flot laclned 10 do an lnjustc lu a»y respect, whaiever. The autbor's Daaînviila ekept a profound secret lu the thatter, If ho la lncllued to reveal his »aW eognoseu. R. W. MicClure & Co., wili bulld a large abop at Gurus. Ibis aprlng. Tbey viii la thoroughly equlpped to do ail kinde of machine and woodwork, plumblug, beatlng and llghtlig. al"ogasollue on- glue sud automobile vork. Tbey vwi ca acmplaes tock oa- farta impie mente, vagoas,rbuggie, oe., and vwi aiea have the Laieedcunty agoncy for one of thbu at aatomoblso on the mar- ket. Tlay hava already made mveral »Wi., allhongh tliey have ual advertlad s yt. , e5lt M. E. Churcli Servlçes. Cia..Meeting at 10.00 vii la e W by Boy. J. B. MacOufflu.. Proaehtug at 10.30 by thie tutor, W. L. WhlPPle. liorung subleet: "Gaid Rlnderlng." "What Mluet I do tbel Osvai?" -- - -- -- - and treaur.. The abject ai the meeting vas for lb. purpas af i gviug a banquet at tbe end 0f the presest school jear, sud C. P.1 Pugh van appointai as chairman. vho yl leamaised hi Mis..Dlia Croter, Helen Wrght sud Ena DuBois. Thes ahave electian aof fcer. and. the appointmeul ai tb. committee by the chair la a guarantee that the affair vili be a nucceesul an IheY bave t. hei611,11 ta, carry out their part of te voikt ta the letter.. Ater dl çussiug alter minai aclairs, the society' udjaurnesi b meet durng tbe montb ai If ay, aI vblch lime fuither particulurs viila egive.u The dues vere>et st 50c per m9mlar and tb. prilof a "plate" atthe banquet wan deided upen st the rate ai 75 t'et.. Notice. Suuduy, Maich 2U, abîho Preebyterian churcb et 10:30 a. a., by Ibm panlor, tbe !ouitb lu the srs onau?,Bulldlg for Eteruiti ," "Cmii lu the Ar chitet;" bo suive the "Prodigloaa Problea" dlecussod lait Suuday. 11:45 a. mu. Suuday achool. 7:80 a. m. Boy. Wbb.r viii bave charge of lb. evlng serîvice. hAmerlcau WIre Pence Compatiy la the a lae boy. eauesstapes turnishd vith every rail. Barb vIre 89-65 per hundred. 25.1 Electrie Light the fineat and most satisfying method. of illumi nating arii Electric Household Appliances' "ht wowk with igeop!«aridý t labor are possible in the House Wired for Etectricity, The cosl of electricity in the borne ila kw. The cool of house wiring is low.' Let us explain our plan cf wiring, your home at cool, _payable, in 24 monthly instalments. We sal appliAisces on inata- ments. North Shore Electric CO. 230 N. Geneace St. Waukegaai, .1h' Phone No. 258 momN.10 rem. ache or ditu vine doul O lmybal cous udI6i mdi t LeseesDuplictd nm Mtter Vhm e Puecha ed. yeTuiadIes Dr. W. Il. Law, Graduatu OpIdlcIa.w ?ib,àmreïa, iyn Youtý ls th in iaà tugmorthat cetches .the bargafi. PqM W.vm Wfr Fm.e bi cheaper rightt aow titan anyyer iu lIa history. Hov long the nmauiet viii ma--aZ" 'titeprom- eut low price lus a problem. Hence everyfarmeriuth imsection who viii have uced ai fence vithiv a year should'iay ln hisapply at once. Il May meau a aaving of many dollars la yau. ta" can'I come X4 isa SaUgo iaatmPiy tremendoUa. I, ls sast ity is greater taa" y ctharwi fonce ou the Markt. It le the moat econ", ffl O~ and labor-saving fonce you c=4h Sa-vo. yQia50 "Utevery 100 om beaides extra staplea and swoal- tho-brue. Tell your »Wnoigh about Our specWa loy prima, c Page Fonce Yau arc familiar with Page e.- We carry a. fulll une, Incltidi -made ai High Carban,Op- Standard Stock Fence, Hog Fomâ% - Hearîli Steel Wire.. It ha. tE Poultry Fonce, etc., etc. DoXO famous paÉe- Knt-the only Kuo alt u oa us while price la lo-. Coli on or wrîte to AusIIm Clemet V. P., Room 902,.200 Momos Sbt. - QCHICAGO. IL A lady anted a certain ent slo fw day &go, b ovowber a particular kîni ai gouda vhicb h viabsi 10 purctaso. The affabie dort vw» very bow leggd, but with hie aveetesl amile, valklug 10 anoîhen part ai the tore, ho aai: "Walk Ibis way pises." Thte lady replii, "Walk thatwl ioaod gracloits I couidWt i>tthout danger ai breatlng *my neet." A pleaslng innovation lu postal cal bas juer. been maie by thb. PostIffi ce dopailment. Commenelng 'vitb ltse preselit ionti thebodepartieul viiileue a- nov tyle ai pol cari, ultilar la elme and tais i fbahs. nov lu use, but duSer- lng slrltlngly hotu ail alier. lu t bat tse papr ueinof a lilt bîne color prilaI od In bran..ehluik. The stamp an ltse ceri containsa-prile portraitof Willam McKinley. SWe iiHomo Lumbei Company fer oil tinis oa ild emisd. Théte at, of couine. o.24-!1l Np Substitute Acept na'subatitate toi Faley'a Hom 1: and Tor. Il lae lb lansd sii reiésiy- lor coamba, colis, ti!trot s lSugtroubles. fNo oplates. PaM &sKB.Lovui.. WmLAYCOCK C Machine Shoi REPAIR WORK AUTOMOBILA WOR.K A SPECILIr Engin.. Ovorhauled. A IN Line of Sundiims.Tireo a warsi. whe0 n luTrou TELEPIIONEl 661 or 126 1' Eemt»rtbathlie mimu O roa Crasi LityitvmlIsy oal viigo lrtits tbsa mw u ed ooai jeumr. Fo sale ibe H ous LOREN.Couwm, bartl Ini. 1 ' lt r -Mi 1

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