Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Mar 1910, p. 5

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Or G* tuent ParIk Seed Go. Garden Seeds. 2Packages for J. ELI TRIGGS Plionc- 25 Phione 5c 31 WHat and -Celp PromFeb.26 to Nlarcfl 17, 08.00 Soil and Siff Mats ...........................S...I....... 2 $250 8*4~ and Stiff Mais ........... .......................... 02.00 Soft and Stiff Ha* ........................... .....1 IDIG0 Mat& and Caps .....................................S........ 1 $1.00 Mat@ and Caps. .75 Mate and Cape- .60 HMtand Caps- *Shep uned Boys' and MWis Coats. S" ohm asw0lbedosed out at 2'5 per cent. 'off trou regwmirioe Bdée. lsue g. pur lg Suite. give os a Caous me Moe.b4 amà"gt poes. W. e ageats forthe STAR CLOTlIING Co.. wiic îs ..l.d fer ls lateastybles and perfet fts. Séitsa mae te erder front $11.50 and up. LIBERTYVILIE, ILLINOIS. We bave jusit receiv ed a large ship- ment-of shoes in ail the Iatest spring -and summer stiies and weioghts. Velours, Box Calf, Vici, Gun,.Metal andPqtent Leathers. Tai and. Black * Work Shoes in lightand heavy , weights, - from $2?OOup llip andi Ka«s. enoth RIJBBER BOOTS et rpries that ore rîght. Cer n and Inspect eur rne., J. B. MOIRB &OC. To in u caUil i In-heIndépen- dent, efp, muthe ln t" eoMfce no làter thon Tsdiy of iaah ussi. Adeor. tisera, speoaily,-are askod to tako partictlar " M@t thb ete ffect. i - Mise Lth Soit "MenSudoy laCil. ie. . D. Hubbonil le convaielng' frosaàalgue 00 iiee ,Mi.fspd Mu.. Neownm llint suulay wit relatives et Osk Park. fl e or. reeetly eoid for 88 per busaetaImu miction »«nemilvidere. Mises M. Alice Davis, of Omuo&, le the guesl of ber 51.1er, Mnr. M. A., Praline. lir. S. P. Evilsisor end daugbter, Floreuc, ver Chicago visitais Salir- Cvn thougb aima thoa have hbiesIn. Il looke ilgihy good tlauselbsevwalbs TreurerDurmnd. of tl b siodon fishool. stI Bookitleiler, uea visti ore George Uetan bai ntunned trou s vriil vith relatives lu Bureau Counity,1 -*tei "&te.* Illes M. Crasse bas netured trom ai stmle.dvisil 10 fMOUd& la Chicagog Mdl EvoUwbo -Um' £d»naCàeey. a tombher ilatlb wamondm Sebool vluted bar parentis a"d friede Bunlay. liembers of tlb U. 8. Congres. muet bave, at aia lima, boeen laMissoui, buat thiy bave to heokelitd by Pearyd @ilb thepois question.1 The firet robin bas made bis appear- once Ibis .arly and îovlItaquestion hlwesm hi.a sd the ground hog foi presidouf of tlb Amnnlaclub. ITa minais CouforncB7 Em-1 gdecl bureiiboN elsenh ana ei eta Barringlon, Ill., TbueM&y.1 Bishop W. P. Hell, of Hghiaid Park llnsdffl* .52 Binai bas t, thal il le a tact that a .2 gansaofcrap vas in progresonMIil. v.2 woues Avenue Sunday moulut«. Tii. 1.2 *"shooter@" were not molested in their pasotlne. A sà enliet bas dioeovered that a pair .29 of wvole socke vorn for efizht nontbs .80 vithoul cbaiging canlaie 999,000,000 dWeas germe. This siiould serve ma .62 varulug ta everybay 'ta change ai .48 i lesoltulwce o pear. Mis. Mes DvIe, a noted vocalisI bas h_ esae ali; ug ang lthe revival, ubcila progs stathIboM. E. ciiurch. MsDai'reputalo, as a vocallet le bait erovded bouem greet ber wberever eh. appears Mondiy morilg, passen enila, #o. 1"4, oa tlbC. & ]ILt, Paul, vas1 @Wt out af eomieso* b delsetive fluno&, leginser Giandy, virhavenl»e No. 52,1I m*& lbelrip Io Chicogo, a&sotaing dimlsbled engluet10tlb shope for L7 W. Butler, wbo hbahmbesasilg mas a petit jurar In theU. S. Court et Cic&.- $o, for aima vesis, vas hais londap for a ehort rest. Durig- bis stajlanlbh "MWndy Clty' obe ewaineacquanted vith membere aI 1h. jury, vho ini aj jovial vag are giresr ta lellang @tonies and crohlg joies. The -*torp" part le of ai "eievating" nature aid&"by craie' lii le @o. The viii of the lats William Atteridge vas Oied for prôbate inthe Couuly Court en Mondas. The estate vas valued at $7 5,000 and was divided among tirtp- tour boire. Mn.. John Kemp of tdis ityl aid Mr@. Wn. Hamilton, of North Ch!- cago, ejetere, each re'ceived $10,000; lire. Mgartha Raseonof Saita Baribara, Cal., a haîf-eloter, receive $5.000. Each af the nephews a»J nièces 01,000, and tbe tiaif-nepheve aid nieces $500. The. bal- Atteridge-Lake Foreoter. Thé Citizene Bandviii oller a se eeci attractions for their concert Munch 81. Ti."lagieside Quianlet" aid 'J-na. M. Fateytb, reader, of Chicago. TheQumilet le composed af poing mnnofIhigh musical education and corne la Liberty-1 ïvilie highiy recomnuended by prose and1 public. As a reader, Mn. Forsyth holde1 a higi ronk ini Cicago. The. band boy, have, @o tan, more than pleausd the1 public vith past concerts 'and. tin bex-i pected thhy viii bave an aven taxedi bouse for tbie concert. If pou love good iîgiig, goal reading pan cannaI altord ta miessIbis concert. No resorvo seatn,i coue earlp and avoid the rush. The pragram viii etant pronptly aI 8.00 p. m. l',s are at a bigexpoase tor Ibis concert. Lts show oui approcla- tionrd al ho onaid and onhtins. B. A. Bishop vas a Chicoga vitor Mion day. lire. J. B. Hptt le sick at ber haine vith diptiienla. MliesRose Bush, ot North Chicago, la the guesi cQI triemdellb edcty. lir. F. Aers bas rohurnel ta Utica' "llr a vesie vy»Il*lt relatives bere. a a Iowdo You Loan -Your Money ? W. liegotiete Fuetl Motlge tomn on lntproved farm and village Property for P"ni nveoloemf$ÏWIeng the.bornoyer uoucy au reftoa- bic terme, and itêlander mpeds4r curty. et gea i nterest rate@. W. Invit, tic niiy 0fleadareap orowaet .11 titi. W. so oui Mal, .1er tMpfoiavemm e ggrade bolndseat market NoxI DMo, t li, Ic* fi" Op" aUdU W .,.LiBERTYVILLÊ BRIEFS LiiBF Died prom the. Efecta of a Shock of Paralysis, Kt td.momne of Hi&S on, Sert, et Isabellie. Mchlgan. Auother of Lako Coantp'à venerable ponserî,bua nwored tb. laot roil cali of bislmiker, inatlb pereon of Dole@ PeronS, uo diod as a inuit of a ahoci of paralysie, at tbhanhomeaofbis son, Bort, atIslabele, IMichgan. on Mamb i10. Tbddoeasedas îruly one of th.e ously's oid sestiois, an ho novqd ta LIb.rtY'vlUIo la9year 1860, ubers ho lild for a nomber of peau, aid 0f foto b"hade d.hie bon»i. ith bis cblldreç, butitl;so boppensid thal ho breatlied bis lust, ubsu no oin em, exeptIWOof hie grand cUdren, as bis son Bort aidovifs bad loft homo on thot taloi day to do shopping, and viion mol ky thein cbuidru&, *ore toid that "grand. Pa bad been saiep a long-,âmtinl bis chair." The. ebock wvasoa sudiien, that fora a ime th.7 could not remit,. thal lit vas extint, but Fatiier Tins had visithe bhomo during lblir brief &bones. Thedeceaselviiiho remembered by amai0f odhmle., mas asoent mmdý copmimetiowsGtiam aldbbisnemory vii ho revolred not only by bis cidmie, grand ebuiren and lgroat grand chUdren. but hiithoewh uboru ils vwon. Desas e asbora April 5. 18l9, star BoumcaFTlle, N. YT. il vas la lbe851h ru i0 bs NPat th tins ofhbis det:. in 1858 ha mauwieSh amlhe, MaS tu thés union ver, bora ton chaure., four,0 aWUv*edisd la their inb a. Thms. vi. nve hi. an reEut E. PotereOoCresgon, fiont»&a; Mrs.Hatti* Johnson, Bogue Pari, IIII.; Fred Poissos, Boger Park, III; Brt Peter- son, Isabielle, Mich.; GeorgePeteison, Dras., In.; aid lire. Neill ip., leaboll, Mci. He misa enves tveaty. four grand cildisi aid oigbt grand obulren. Tii. remiains srrlved Tuesday, aco.. panied by Mr-.-anddlire. Johnson ahd j so Fred, of BogensPjrk, and ion Bert, of Isabelle, Mii. Interinent vas bore Tiesdm attooan. s Manager liurrey of the Gad Company, attended a banquet la Chicago Tuesay evening.' .. The vorldlkbelmg flooded wlthgoid, maye a Yole prolsseor. Pertocty dry out this.vay, prof., Albert Lltebhdtbei returued tramn a prolaîgsd trip 10 Cuba, Fia., and otiier soutiior euse.. Brother Cern, of the Wauconda Leader vua anoted vistai aI th. IrNzraENDer office Monder moruasn. Uns. Fisher ha. rurn.d ta Loo Ani- mai, Colondi@, sfIoa tUne.monlb vvisi li h relele, Mmr. Hugh Carnoy. Our lob potiug fldspartm.ent le alvaye buey. Our von lelnneat. original and lasty. Ami us for pneu on aîythlag in the. prntnlgi0. MireC. I. Pugbi, Who vent ta lbe Probbyterlan bospitol, Cbiego, for mn operation, le dolngai .and vii li e bons in aboîl onu veei. Tisse Rester Moîday donc allibe louna bll, Marb-28, tdvtlb benet 0f 8ItJoseph@e ciircii. Al are cordlally laviteil b ,attend. Thei.W.C. T. V. vw lmset aI lbe homo of Mn. JudSooSore a& 2:30o'cloci p. n., Tu.sday, imarb 22, subjee, "How to0 Maital Iniiese in aur Meetings. Tho other day a 'gentlemen combag along mw anie yonnag lady aid auked ber il @ho wvaauiss vdav. iSe » plisd; ".No. Wby, aut -jon a lava maven?" Chasi upl Il viii soon ho tins 10 rake off lbe front yard, spadetho gardeu, tae@doua lbhe orneshb, get the loa nover uallmbed for action and appear lu jour sprint suit. A. G. Fisho, lax collectai, bas beau granted' an extension of time ta Mrch 201h la wvii ci arturu bis book@. Ali taxes mes hopald befare that date. Il youre are not pald pou hsd'better look alter lbe matter vithout dlay. A monuier of heb Umvation Amy, tram Chicago, vasbhan Mouday ailicit- iug fonde la ihie aem, vitb lbe aider- standing that tiibièSbovould h. repsat. Mi annually. NeHoeured a nimber of donations, ranglng rmu 15 to 50 cents. It viii ho a greal laver ta lthelINr- ]PENDENT nafgeet if pereOne inov. lutg of goad Itema of local nous uauld band tlb.sliair tliphoustlb afile. Wile tmon0f lbeltsqne us.trivial 10 pou tbey are- lnasestu,10mmo0f Oui readere, sspeclally tho..aaitàdbMtancp Joba Noellor, ubo lives a short dis tance tram 1h. lIp, bas a P" oladck thallenup to thé limses la larie more «pge han nature demande. Tburday evealng of lest voek. sold daci vas @utlnlaits ooop. aid durlg lbealgbl, deposltal two egge la il eot. John is rethat tlb treak le ausua", aid le willilg ta lott ho "dueblp" ioep on maklng as maiy '"depoete" as ltpleas. aid hoewyul not complain. Coller. tbe magazine mna, bas joined the nlch Lake Connity aummor bons resident». Tii. Weaver place, d"iè mile sait o! Desrfili, the aid MîbIke place, has been soid ta him aid ho bas aiready etaýrted teariig thinR o acies ta erect thoreon a beautiful home. Tii. cosl vas I16,000 for 40 acres. HeQ i. plan- ning ta exlieid thouiandeofa dollars up- ou It aid je now erectlîg a lover for use ln runoing a *4,000 pipe orga. vhbich he viii inetall in his home. March 10, 1886, Mr. and lMr@. Ley Fiagg were pronouneed man and vite, aid au it i. cutornary ta celebrale veddiig anniversarie@, ith6r bv sur- prise or hy invitation, the. "Joli7 Bunch" of wliich Mrn.anddire. Flagg are men. hors, coîciîded to assiot ln celebrating tbeir tventy-fourtb annlvoreary by gtving tein a surprise in every sense of the word. Tbey did, which lthe hool aid iioeteso aniot deny, as e bBuncii" tbai poseession of their cosy bon. for a tins, viien eociabiity reigned fupreme. Thon vwere garneî, songe, and otiier minor diversions, wbicb remundel ltie couple of their cidbood deys vhlch vere enjoyed lrom the tins of their arrivai, tliii their -departure. 0f cqurse refrehments vere served. wbleb vere of lb. haut and partaken of amuid aughâter. Thie vas foilawed by a "suoker,"l wben thoir.friends bade lbmr adieu, vlobig thon uaîy anniveneorles of the sans nature. I*e £ouu SU Capital $50,000.00 Surplus. and Profite 80,000.00 Stockholder'B IàaV<ity 50,000.00 Total $1809000.0 0 s' CIILDPREN'S DRESSES Cheaper than you can Make th em A line not herstefore kept la LIbertyvIlI. W. made a fortunate Purchase. YOU vili bear more of! i n a kv yods. W. are putting tbe Cbldren's Desses amd6Aprons on sale now a0 prives whlch vil maie you oye uneviîh suspicion. No, vs diid ot eteal thei.n, or are vo tih. aue wha loue the money on thon. ilaise. lava dreu"e, lace trimmed .........................6......150 ýGlngiiam and Cbombray Dresse. in numerous styles, vortb 50 . t 65c, you coud net buy tIi. materlal for ............ 4 Equal[ly vonderfu vaines at .................40.......... , 50 mmd 75e ChUdren'd ApIone vitb eleeves, made trom beet glnighamn......-5 Cildren's Muelila V erkilrte, embroldery trimmed. ..... ...-.e The wgle aihe, mp at 50c wvoeil 1for ................... Ciiocked Cingiiom Dresses, up to s" 14, mode fuIt aid roumi, a 75a article t.ý .... ............................... Won'typu com. and Ivo 0gt,,r orei r "Bud Buiiley @biot a wld goose@i veek. County Superintondont gumpson va* hore Wedmesday on educational motteas. J1. M. Fuller andcehldren, of Waucanda, spent Sanda" vlth bi6 mother, lire. C.ý M. Fuiler. lire. Chas. Rought, af Vola, and Mis. Cerl At.torby, of Waukegan, viaitel lin. H. Lau skatunday. Tii. Womons Guhld of the Epeopil Mission viii hold a Baiory, 0aait lb (u office, BatuvdayI sltenoon, Maic 19. Deputy gbiioi Douais Llmberry, vms able to ho prenant ln lb. bircuit court et Wuaumaa Tseday for thoe1Butlins siue howue vory lnjured4n an auto. mobile ainzldent Ilut failliHo hle11M compUsd teviii viti lbeaOd of crtute ad leareoveig slovly. Teba b hmconsiderableie ceseur r et io hm0f lbheouncilvoteSl maalmoth be.lng 0f cithçL147b FTheatr Soay. In Iooing ovor lthé mminutes ofIf@ilsutImsetng, il vas Ilsrns4thal Corlettad Dais <as àe t*votes asmne.ttlb Permission, m ma heen grmtd. àson.eelsi la the movlngpiclure lime v iiib. alvua at tlb Lricheatre, Tri. day eveaing. It ln s repohition of the jfamous prise figit boIves Johnson and 9Ketheillu in wich Ketichel vos e"kuocied ont." Everyting lea1lftslik, land tiiose' o attend viii have ain yidea hou tiies evoîts are conducted tand the Ceins at ita conclusion. tTuesday a roai] estate agent of the St. îPaul rond, vas ait Rondout, viiere ho ivisltied tii.Bradiey, Atklnsaiud Atteridge l arme, wlth the viow of mai a pur- ach@e, one of vhlceh vas for a repair @hop. Heoaa taok a sample of Clay from thoe Bradley tarin. vhich ho emys le of au excelent quaiity, and viii nakoe e sother vieit soon. Whether the cou. pany bansiax option an the land, l taq not ho learned, but rumors are rife -t l bas. F'or 1ex Collector. if hemrby annonce myoel as a candi- Sdate for tax collector of Libertyville Township, subject la lhe deaiieion of tiie Repuhlicai concis, ta hbe ed Iarcb 19. 1910. Fnu» cioiln.2î e EASTER -MILLINERY ? The Finest and Nicest Stock of Ester Mat&are boURgvo.-, coivod and placod on Diïplay by Mm. M. A.J'Pes 1Styles gestheomLatutoa.mè.wlou 1 ndish h eai fi Jj~aaasm ------------ u II Made te Measure'atH.* Usual Prkces Coma B.d M lb. Sprtag FublonPoriolo of the. Amorlea Ladies'Taiiortng Co. W. have It an show. ' t BsHav ame plelursd-ln ac10mi eolors.-*et six mv sprlng styleïs, Ihidlag mlR i fthe moi$ chmrmlng cemtione. Evsry doua le "Wuhov perfetion. There are suite, coal, skirlu, disses W. it"shovoampiseof 38mevW bI AnUgmmet lupiy le met my lbelse, vU! 1. * Md.10 o mr bmlvim msiers. Rt wUI I made by *9. bsn of mm" os-athe lq.v * taoraheop or.%110bIm-unde lispeasa direction of M. *Kae, M «Put 0«datiMMO 17 iii h. epromptlydelivs o l« »dmie o ur guaratu of perleelsalidotlon.illhie' rig lanevery vwsy» 0 v m le laenot Il. N f" iýi Aiue. onge ab id imliotia, mi e 'eo Iméosidteu hi"h lb. bigbntpd tMl«g servie by pointg.10 l» b hplaIkis Thé -ion f vorn s »fflb o s.liwd thome uoab dy <bar P u ~swm.teby lt4 ener ladies' tlon Suit. hou XU#M40 oeu 'Dises89.50to P-ol 81 8-ae 89.50 t0 822.0--sarte 85.00 op. S.Theseprie s refor m.talored garmen4 &t.,m D 10pourueur.-4 blgbest grade of .servÇs Ut us show you wual <t u O. Ptg suclà service at msn o pries. vtiiout golng a&aWei onboule -lx v 1 ..................................... . ....................... le ........................................................... ý .................................... . ........... . .... . LIbo*yv 44 W. know wO are la a poqltlon to baikndie your buuneu to your ulmost ssaftidoInsd ve Irnidar y71tour servicu laisflmatte.*wttblthe range of judicjou*,ba#king, W. moldt ypur buuineu Wi' ulmb l ortu tiouto Our 8avingi DeporIment la whloh Depsit- ment there bus been deposgod vItit un over $100,000.,00 of thopoopla monel on wblch we pay tliree per cent emi- animal intereut.

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