Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 1

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LAKE CO-UNTY i NDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 27 TWO PARTS JLiDBRTYV.I LLE5 i LAKE 1ULkU1 , ILLINOIS, Il1IDAY, APRIL 8, 1910-1 --)Pages PART O! $1.~ PER YAR XIN IWI.f TRAP Y!GGM!NFlamnes Destroy Ial Bridge South TRAPVEG MEN f Roudoul Is CHICAGO The E., J. & E. rallroad bridge 10- ealed îwo mliles seuib ot Rondout !nstead ot gettIng oeunspect OnIF caught lire Saturday atternoon and lu couneclion wth the numerous salfe seuty feet of Il was deslryed be fore the dames were cxtlugulsbed. The and general store robberles lu western bridge lO 200 fedt long sud sparks Lake couuty aud ln deffereut parts of from a passlug englue, afine Kane and McHenry counîles, the Chi- shortly atter Doon ou Saturday. The cago police last week uetted twe pris- bridge crosses the Dles Plaines river ones wo ae blieed 0 b repon- and affords the only crosslng for thse oner wh ar belevd t beres malinUe of the aiîroad. AUl traffic sible fer the whole serlea wSs lIed up beliecen Waukegan and rhey are: JO]îlet until 2 oclork on Bunday aile LEWANDOSKV, STANLEY, of Doon, when a tempersry structure waa Chicago. M as police record. compieled. Farmers resldlug south et Rondoul GAMBLE, WALTER, cf Lakte lraI dlseuisred thal the bridge vas on Villa sud Chiscago. lire aud notlied thc compaoy's offie The former la bellevcd to have pull- here. The farmers organized a bucIl ed ff he atecrakin& wth he ldet brigade Sud tought the dames unl cd ff hesat cackng wIh tseaid~ pecaltrain arrlved trom Wauke- of the latter, wbe Itla Intlmated &et- sanpwclth a crew of section men. A ed as asosrt et loekcîut or scout large number et buckets ver. taken Known as "lty Six-" le the scene et the lire by ths e il Gamie ita arestd l a olie ds-train and the dames vere etingnlish Gamle as rrete lua plIc de- fIc.-seme time, bot between slity crrPtlOn sent trom Lake Villa, lu- asuddaeveuty feet of the ralîreoa bridge spector Healey, Detectîse Fitzgerald il hi-eu dcstroyed. and Officer 'Muldoon made the arreat. Thc prompt work of the tannera vi- Leadsywas svreatcd st bis1 ldlng near the bridge le thought te Leanow tey blas-c bèecurespeusible for the tact ou where he was local-O la not kne- - _ ,fre ia n eir efforts They wll Dot tell They laudcd their lun nltlng the dasmes Ier greally Sp- mari yesterda, ,fte-vnoou Il la bI- ueratcd by the ralfroad officIaIs. The Ic traifl- betsse-uu bre sud Joliet a llght lcvi-d that thi- cane la nos rounded uauahly ou Sunda3s sud the comnpasly 111,. sas 001 gvcathy Innonvenleuced by the I.iwauulosky la also known as -Sxty fi i i The rosi of reitaîrnig the straîr Six '-MSillerv and bas hec a haugcr ountflre silI he consideraIie, The îdry il seather durIng the apring util lasi lit LaIte Villa for a long lIme. l I gtt was eshonsible for the ire, an- ciahms tu have lived there for two îordi l g to a ralvroad officili s iara The two 1uSd not hecu ui (hi- cago sevy long, Gambie aOmlllcd thal iii- as fnom RUJS11 WORI< ON GREAT Lakte Villa aud theuî abtt iîi, hlkî s dlam BdH4wlI make an, anateuil ut. NAVAL SCIIOOL Lewaudosky followed sui___ Bring Thern IMre Ttcelrlaouirs li-fi îago Tliiiîî c Compltlon of Great Institution Cahis ilsu iuîriîargneuit Slîcuff Grîflt il- for Best Nerve and Brawnnin thse ailei-cor Ftzgerald otfte W-st chi Business and Every Nerve sn Belng naglu avenue poli-- station lii tenu lue Strauned 10 Brung About Deired Fitzgerald auud Officer Iuldoon Titiy E ndI on Ti me-Detaihs of Novel lfi at 2:3oî anu the hrsoncra are n0W Hoisle r Apparatus. fiu the l-aIe county aill Sweating out __ bas tafled to dcveiop auy ucw hutor- V'iork onit1Tu îuuldngs and gîcluds muatien, uînthlu- las ai Traltufig station Is bielg Lict cf Robberies. vu,, ed couiuueuudung ibis sec inore Ttc Iliai etrobrlee wiTh wis h eh o tb e uîisr before ali-i the coustrun- lau sillh le rhavged. itlaIsclaimu-d, 1l11tilhi oitthe geai satnsi 01 55bh-go albo a foiloiesTte Noul Construntion Comupany of Itebronbank, w te yi-ggTicn 1( 1h age tas tîe iontrai-t fuir building narrowly escaped gettlng $10000 cash. te ulîa aiml u ih ilhavi- a seau- but got assy with about $169; Mc- iecalaixfr ahI ofthttcthre tbous- Mahon store at Laie Villa, wbcre thef jsau,,lboy,,s %I,) sîli le trai, d tirrlbhe got $110 cash, stores and safes at r155 ut tie ti-a5tin Round Iake. LaIte Villa, hugieside. Titi brick aîluug for Iis buildng Rockefeller, Ilaîf Day sud other pares tsmi euoll u-i itii s-i-cI sud Il la where they ucîned nterciy 10 or Lu - Ic itýd that fuilî ses esîy ise brIck i-e-ts ln eacb case afier ie pains ta la-s nssil lui gis'en enililoyrmeut for gi-T more.s, ral onîîii tii his unebuilîine, An anc of te offices of1ti-eBar w ifli sil b thelaI en-r'It uy ai bauteti lieî v ilmiiîaiy at n tgiesde the -station. I unînanîîur iape tbas thcy glut tte safe by menuts of the conimeicî-d the liiistrittutiiu 0f a couulhîuai un, shirt waas writicu on al :,],Il dik- as Cucul cf uiaad-sutizi-i lag sud hilîug ai y hi- illid, ot tue riiauls anddrieisais îtiu h silI s' nul safe n 1 roug ow ,t ite ground sud has ail if th', builudinug, Loon Lakte Man Files Application for F iiithie ")itllllîtiioriuuucff t o-ili What la Regarded as Good Thuug. i lIiililue aud Il-,olte ru s' in- %isiuliare lin- uunoiuniuf,-ul h a (il i lurti i t., -a îucicl inIitiiiul ua s edt o I l letii i_ lieu itnel otfIxon Lake, î iclitract-uli o ir gettîiigthîn tut idiîug s eck lied sanhhliaton fo r a pat ent iateialIlui-nu-ý, ii iC kAiiiiî ou açrvaue or holallug machine, plan- in il 15 iîaî- i ý stu, n-n týi-iaunja n'à ueO ln 8aîîntî a sy isTto ift a dead Ira;uuuaihCîI s ilt S-ini iiii-t s iglut t fah) auhount iiiîauudi-ts ît hoit isad bri-ksataiciii- At te plin-t tîue Tii bas ci-n tit Suinlua Lligu- iiîiliai- s struî ete tise as a niodel s machiîne ,, iii lui hufre îî-i-d li intis)li if te huanucd 10 taise a desd weight of anc - ritrtnu Tht- hosunug lita( inu-lifts thousand tuunds or hi-s a i .ifoînu loa-h ttlunbrckstun ot The obtient Ibat Sr IavîhlcI as - îîaîeriîluîî îuIoi lih Tt is ,au swiîn ladislun mludOujinlite e ast nitie Inisu d iivu ub y cars lu s int the has beeuî sorklng gi-t i-ut ia-c upon this machiie ai es iry opport il tys-as To build a bolatiug nîsehine- 0f somte kinO that sould facîhtate te Accident uhat Neariy Coat A Lite aI lackine ertheTise me uthie i-ara fo r Anlioch. sblpmcunt, sud at thte preseol timi- the- Indications are that bis efforts bave been crowed s-th succeas Io Ioaallng ttc cars by tanul tre men arc required b 105ad acar t10 st-l lu tweuty-four Inchea efthttcroof lu one heur.. Mn. Barthel claIms tat by the aid of is machine ouly tien men are requiredt t loaO a car snd Ibat the s-ont rau be accompllsited lu tblrty minutes, Sud be alandlaims that hy lis tise ome more tler of Ice i-an le placcd ln ecni car or withln cigbt Incites of te topt Metallic1 Reproduction Company and Ils Systerns fYlen tlu- SictrReprvoductihon i ont ianyit i tN ortiilitira go ha ri-hilt t c neunoeil kiddung tire for Sute- mobles willIuau-ueIturne. The tire le et su ah--, outn talti muni iiautO iv- cii-O Tog -ni r, canli uit- ixi tta. kuei aouuens itttuitn tuttr ilf-su acrmo TheIireunrs qstîtin 1o t i fi- -bu lent Finu s iunganuicul as a numng lbiug. Il nsy r-s ýeut puoturci. w thiî ait arcide nut Sindy aticrumoon,ý w unît canw sci> ni-ar costing blnbis lift,-laialnug coîîuhueted a nes 111010v tboat lie tad aken ti l o 'iilmol Sud at- teiî-uîld io latnunetit mal helow te dainmTte edOy St ihat point la very sîvoug aujdte bat behng caugbt by It suas sutiriîO'round sud 'round sud at titi same roue'sa.s draWn so close te tefaIt that il sas filîcO and aunk. lie silO the yoang otan s-ho aecom- pan-i ito both sanIt. lot Mv. Hock- i-y sas vauugbt tithei-ruait of the tallsansd sas rescuedl Iy sIt great uifictilly 55 lun i-n tast lue s-as taken fo t- shane lieims 0Cuil îletly ex- autseu sud tnrolnois. A phîyirlan Olii rc osi-Qiîlutftr sieîtitinteie-- filu i teiiittiid lits cotlmiarhoî i scaiedi-itIs, 11h ccl, r i i i Sandisuf utl" ril110 iii1,-tteci., Titîm e sulu, li,- u iiim nut ith---i .esi-i ii-' iI l t- i tiut I ti - si -- aind ti i um% ii iit,-n i , fi-tii - r - I i00 a si-ar auj thc WccivIinlt-vriii ean'auudl 10i iSitTr 5a siar. hANTIflCH WFATHE tPI- i ris ils re tu rus trolusth P fa riPr s, JJ~~IlF aicouîs iderable savlug of t hi- sorhîg1lug s iof- F R- ll e tI lililci9t îî ii fils voltntary STATION O0f COLJNTY tinie of te farmf enunieratorisu d the MALLY WITIIDRAWS i I u'üraian Interest la Speech. 3-r.-uuîîial of Much Of s bateler T111551i- IIlinian itoi1, in t uuJudge lî rnlii-isious sud preJisi îay exist ti-s' iiiiIittlî I i us,.iil) Tîilhl dAntioch Weather Station Which JeSiieiig farusers satn-gsi d ti) the Man Heid In Very Hîgluest Respect liretiil t, Itatîi.i tpir n ith i 3- Medicine Hat of Lakte County rcssi Iar lle important cesuls ex- and Veneration by Fellow Citizens îîîîîosr,a .itîuîIiî,î I t1 I( jp ýIi . i Whence Cornes ail the Officiai 'îce y ebl re'e -, nlted States cutsus Tele How He Has Held Office for ele Ic ;il ai, iii. îeî'-1 si, Weathsr Finds Warmest Day 82 on Itieau to ;ollow thb u se ofthtie Ad- Siateen Years, and la Now Suaty ( judeJîlaI- ups s;tul uit î,île ~,t 29th and Coldest 18 on the 15th. v auce Farm Sehealule, whlci bas beeo Eight-Seiieves thalt te Tîmne ta ' I isedî o0iii-cas% fuîoiie tii d'-ide *r Warmnest SInce Nineteen Two. adoptc d sud iîll be clvcuiated, Rest from Public Lite Has Corne. ailca.e esil N w It-ihe- aîtoi ni s s were la1 trouit the rural1 pestusasters, amoug blut) 111N f lcuulds I t iinL itnidtire O, you suriny March! te farmers sa or înebefor le tMeoi k. Noiîît atoo b ard ou lire> 1 * The officiaInUnlted States Medl- STa etsstking..îde1 oi-,hI a îgtdont salit t tii lcwe-ii fîleuda clu Ilit cf LaIe oun y-he n- The e ploYm eut 0f 1his auvance follosing a dinrte atl h-,bi -eildînci- loi tii-il of t il la nd salît il, reat . tloch Weather Station ln Charge schedotle 1 adistinct Innotion lunat Stîti foth (1eneaci- ai, .-t. tituueu- of J. C. James, Jr., of that Cty- Ceussmethada. It lathe logîcal sudnd Ta ewl o e -i ai ithi t ie- I iai ila ci banld,1Pro- offlilally Stamps March of th[& practical enîceme 0f the (i-us Bur- relection as coaîity judIe. aewr tl i tnelltJr Voar as the Warmnest In at Least eaus persistent effort for soine tîme Tedne osîl hîvls, trial-s uni sticli tiugser ec Eight Vears and the Following hast ho gîve the farmers a iI-ar sud Inetbers of tte bar had he-niî lsted. llsticessluig Toruie , are thse Details: comîîreheusîve prelîminars huios-le(igel - e'lbee hecueosrtepela! A utheelrtin Weather report, Autloch Station, of the Farm Ceusu& questionis and T Ion. buedt hanrdl an ofth ut ial x- - Abouthe elacommont ha for Nlfarch 1910: luduce them 10 keep s ritten records ecdthauounmutatlaly couîu be niade on te iîdgees declara- Warmest day 82 on 291h. of thelr farm eperatonus aud equîp- camee snd al] wcîe vsubly affectedi lion oflItenioni 'uonday utght was t'oldest îlay 18 ou lStb. nient lu readînese for th-e(-al of the whbenarlaing lu bisllace lat the tliai liv ATTîuî les'v V.VBarnes: Ancrage temlieratore 4522 degrees. enumerators, hegîinei Aî,îl t5 next. board, Judge Jonms - eclared ltus Ilu ' The declaration of .tîdge Joues Total raln rail 5-100 Inch. Four- million copies of the achedule tention au thl s euluig I-i open i.maîl. agnan- 1909, Marcit ailîl e prIuted. sud tic distrlbuiton l In lstiieJîdgî- loue-itotd h ow Imous. sud 1îsur tr,- we are ail proud wtb theenîd of Ibis t,,roi lie will bave Warmest day 56 on 26th. of thetn among farm osiiersansd ten- w10 bave the honor lu kuosaing siuch a ColdesM, ýn I7tii anis wlll be entrîtatel to the favm bhec u idge of the colîlîts sud probate, man as be.-- Average tenlîerature 33 41 efomerators soon sfar t c care comn-courts for .-Ixteeo s carSluis he d-lIJîe oi iuliii sbspr Total rain fail 6-111, liii)3tnh suos-) tfiaiollcd.about Alîrîl 1tiuot 'sisti Tii acci lit th- office sazain, îee i- 1iîiuiiyjîe t luiS. \ar<ti- Posrnsaster To Distriute. foîuri-ar-, agi,, hoîs fuiI idilre' alled soualFan1,cl-e ho egil 1Varmýst daytomes Elain i lIlearke.ts-ho.aihe htat- hVaries da cr0112Gilu Postmaster-General ilt (hiuîcs las lleliuî i ru gî us~ cd, ri-fi.-iiTo lun.Thul. ausulatters I oldesi da, 15 011 th, îrouîtsed the assisian i--if fi l eari- he were to niiaipthte-ruin again ai tiesad.tet-hh- ie ilreet1 Aserage tcmîîeratîîr,-35cnient lu the effectit - îTî-tiiuiiofet-cîd cf bis terni Il,- ouilu le 72, Ml iAtiorues P ,L Peisoil-, as far as la Total ram frail 355 lin aeheluile ansd b- w ,ilî au- fli agi- tlowitIIeig lSkilo, il. 1901, arch tructions relative tit(Ii ito i h.- roi uu hl -i-, I lîîi.41i lS %Warni-st day kit(lu21 ai ailpostiiasti-rs Tlîîi u iib , re ilan-ruohi- nld bruilie liadtiiudIn T Ilîldi si daii on 17f11î,irîd To adiin d sut ] r 0l ti-' deiatlil) tiih.- sriuiî i attî > lunThe Courts Aserage t ilril, 4'32 fainers reccîsing iiuî iai tiii. ifI- ii and ( -lient lietî,-the ciltî blar, i Tlîiiaa t i ,- clItîtî,liîo ! r Totfal ralîl raili;i. -, i unit I nch sis hi-adîsuice ta ýprîi î ll îhfe 15 i iai s Tiire luai I-ci i lffeîtt- liii i ln ifc, ii u e 11119, artil:tirnt b th en mcito ie, h-- lui rîal s sone if riearor1 ionii ii-ti,Juil-e Wright the- petîtion Wkaroiî-st das -,,) ,il isi antI 2-tll lit a noi- TO far,ii ii oi iii- front ii nuiielit lu TIP, h-at iof t atîle- lîtî i s- lsil,--l ml \r N uTîl iirslîid haiii and î i tii ifi-i iiig.- if SI-it I,îcki l, T iitlî- ccîînîv jail. Tite I itdest dat 4 on "7 jpage 0f the aciîeîîii I ( - i tDirueior' ort h, lersa siewo uciraortîiiîiîss lre'17h1.nil,-d .1 es jsdeiaîndthe- cnoiiuting of lte $1,200 Totîal ralît rali li 2in2lch srilos-). "litccîrdanne s ii iiii -ttof (o i îuooigý ud I n. Marh geSs th cnsu of11-poplaiontake 'lic sit aid bli, ililaIs tii-il ssiîh lias caus-ei(]itle trotuble lire Fri-d Viarîii-sila, 77 r,è-Sti aril-Itamnis In the T'iitiilstat, siji odI .a Iî-u,tIs si lii -i- îîaîîr itdîersadtand all îilida Kaîsits- Tue ilildîsi da9cifi 01 1h 1higm ou Ahril l.-, 1« fît(iii , luth, rini, for ins (onj l Iaticrîlu-sfoi, Ille-coulhlaluanta arc Aicrage tpnitlerstlre 37 0 tiîter titat date ar n lu i ctlîr w5111 'Itws ilt tO ailnurIiiii 1 wilI AtSfi Ifýd,cr Parrmalce sud Tofal rai tail 26,-,(3 li-ch sues-i cail i our bouse for theitirI)o e e of agiii btit iidîîîîilts.ii lg Pilîle suDav ad loi s siloetRing 'oe 1904. Oarcli iiltauuiilug Informationoîrnerning selîr Io m bul hscenpixalPieadKng Warmieai Oas ,7 ou 2.ih tfair ii NI5 irat i îîîîose 1i to elitertin emltiens statnd tecircuit coulrtt loldi-at day'10 ou Ird sud 4th, . Cave In Asked. the ncuîîbeîa 0f the Lake- (oluxota îar vsîý nled that thte $1,200 musat h e- t Asverage ternîhîrature 31,54. tSiîy of tue lue-stîllus ýh s il o, s b'orusI havi- loti e scl is roui- countcd tor sud ithe contcmlît of courtt Total valu fait (2i 23 Innch 500w) hi askhO soir cîîuvevuîng tîleqciloîli ilSý It us a social obliîgationîî iium i iiinlsla aîîîîvsed. 1113 Mrih eltald ileaton lt 01 frj, ai1 haieiifitn fîýt tit1 î cîsI l ttc i-luiuit court Thuvsdayt \Varniest day 75 on litt ,roct t,îacîrsîeîs su,,ser, i - Ili-iiTotuci oiu it.lii Iuout Jîde vi he tmargieoîf v loldest day 12 ounlasi5 itbiiit uousid.-valile tojIgh: u.nd bornie.ii tons i Tefatre Aveag tepeatuP 0 , 2 b maIn ofcaefl clclaton or 1 i Ms seconud îîurîîosaî il)oMsi-ate Ititien etfSîrs Erniîîa Noetlue fort Toal i r lm .6erature ch40 52 ot esuares.0f refîji -alchais oi i n alIsli ai aiteencd oli 11v l seuit a w it of liabeas corpus, t Tetl al fli 60ilIub ses o istiats Teeoi 'î irî-terni lu office 1sai i noairuîî lgahî i- Toi- motion for a ncw trial sas oser- Il 1902, Marh:ha hi-i-jsent Tii ou in adilie. so rildlv dbcrl al it ui i W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ped foer dyU6nnionbil oyefnasst itChuetin-cS - V \\Illani M.'ilcCannes su. John Con- Coldest day 4 on l7tb s iiir coneîî ienne sundfi-siclu,, ains- vreoýFox LakeIntpelt h Aserage temperature 3883. 15ers iiiiitni. osu I- tîre tre entui- .udge Joncs îhcuî li-ad as ite lus sm- ~ A pcl1 Totl vlu aîlî o crtori-ln ~otten hI-ad befove ubat attarne O aphiellate court s-as pvayed aud al.- tial-rLaheraiun1.9barergetrlîleetiter"'ud 11Icdimpon ttc condition that a bond _______________tlie__ 'i oti an i-ru vi luir o i Toieîîuî-indred dollars le ili'd wulb- 'Par ths frinandfriocicion Ia,ýsci-lei-ulloul oui, or two ouionToto n h resu titi- bru au i liorivleinominatiiareforr t î. - - , luit t i ut y-d anaa IF NO IFIED 1MAif1itls -, o li-e i uîaris i rs toi ,'11 tr Qîu, tdg. Tit i dctdauî w-as roîud guity îy fi S EULES IT ail qî1iis Il tai rCu,ti or- lîr iuti. lI>1ct-taruuîau quife filTii- toiii -ut i'li-j--uîiîtsit bronîg il aid c hosehatuai, utaitie foriirioi- 'nîîîuucrl't'loHu9- rel-- li îîîr gt~s 111 au as Iijî. 11e wiîîtîtie~nau roh-nisu lv Aternes E ýJ. Beidecker vs. al If Yousýe Been Notifled ttait You are îîurseî-ît htiii, "!l ctib~-~li-un tasd wusiiiliceffîliclent, (t iirieSru Tcdenat ta c Cnss Eumraorliii. h for sud ssiitbli. Atileeal, p alTii-irth(IStISîîf ti hroi-eediusc sudH 15 he Censs EnumratorThat ginatfi Iotii tti i- i S f il, agi h iii tksauî tilîiîîv ii ttt Setties lt-ilt'ooacLate ta ThrowlTltlal tie'î-u-,îî hO i iaiont lte ;n .A ý lium-a ewtr- ie ssus rthsiuTlî Up the Job Recause You Dont Lise Iliest ii t fi i i i';Tct ~tolu nncibcrs o tebu ctehOnu îit, A Iýredcp %sigdThs the lNork, or Think the Pay Too iug tior uriri i - ii- 'l'ii ,i -i-t utofvidinug a tilt,..(0îruunet--î il- ' lb luîîuun îun-o! I'la St Small. ii ask soi t Iii. i l igu an I i ici fi-lt fuir tii-ui- ii 1uuýiii u-i ik il 5 ne 1 la i 1,,nl r f o , Tribales to Judges Stand. f1111111119iii ii oIli iuca s, lai i - li-i 1, lacisard Iv, iitîtcouttia-îîîthe-îeriiiisuit S il, b iinargeo0f te cen ilii i, ci-iiii-u iiii fcih-iruuiu-istiul i suIs Sluk are- uuuuw iueîulg 10 earI Hun i suthi-lu luo-ejoft in s-iî I i i l s iîisli i ti .Siug c somî-P of te'iiîil-siat are llkelyNoted Kenosinau Oued un T[p Through le lc io Ilt t il , qNalenti Fliitir, i s Iaifil i tTauy gui tti liuîyiiiho i abutiit tI tir uu nuitii, (Ic e lc ic' r ls iu , i To 1111 TO us in i tue e SXI fi-Wii i i iii- iuuuii- i. , i - l'uîc inii-r Ahlutî.izittui h sýTeiini 'il Sonnoflit eT cul, uuariors wsito 10k cP t niii t figures lu ii.luie Ih,] -1[ iii uîîîîu u,-- i- i,- uauIoii n nul,, xanilnautions anjbaie lcee ac- cehuicd hase sent word toete offici tan nhey desîre 10 le rueievcuh front the son-, soi base Oeclanu-d tuaItuey souîhd non taXe ni, the- enumeratlon, Titi- superviser cari bardhy arcept the decltnatutîs sud will ask il hito have ti-r ,aîts filO ounsd flied witt buni rit onucetat tie may begin the work et seiding eut the supplies. JutuaIwhyty ey are asklng 10 te re- Ieved from ttc work ef enumerators ta unexplained by the supervîsor, and lie is auxlous 10 bave a persoual talli witt those who have sent word they Ocired 10 be relîcycd 0f lte appoint- ment, Ahi 100k the examnatlon sud the sehections sere made atter thse papera had hi-en gonre thrnugh with sud thc men bsd diaplayeti dîness for tbe places. Ifthttcsupervs isr insista he eau force the applicauits to take the Jobs, il la declared. Those sho bave ilieti ont oaths si-st thenu suitthem commission sud basve rctuunued trenut o the superviser cannaI refuse te pevform the ulles of entuiuaious. Tit-Intuctroions te entuneatora nontin a clause 10 the efrect lIi at ,It-r laking the ostvour cnnol w-niuhotî iist aiccautai-,tie lent on uu fusc Ioo rnthiose duties. If sou(10.o siu rýr,- t iisPIf labllc uhion cous htion. to a fini- 0f 001ex- nedine $,,îu- An Innovation. A giemu ni,,- a n tutTe iînrcuracy of automitu le, tutu t - trii Ameril hi. iti-T il a tutiliti- liii unIu lî- i t ifuir fl t " fr tslt ut f W li esudîtenis itIi nPoutpeih. liais- ]lei- -as touunucIp i-ut, 51h bisst,- i,-tu tut un-i - uuct nuit n i-t i ote. I ýn %lîviuso kia llhutiiuîtheî case- n -i l cuethu i a - t--i-O Mr Tif I îlio lg te trlll 1.its aug iluc e fjrj -lui Ch arles il. Kine as fer ' y sas i t1i( il i-i ofthoTtc fiiiji il,-iiiiieu t ,iii, gte t. gti t iun n- I -I-ut ni a . iiSmi itno r igia P r L leagnue. chi(i l A hit utin sd Chicago ihullis or nhi- salliill gal it baI r iasTf tih fItcubn tr ebi A ton all autu ahutitie of aîuîIlTule tal I il îîîuîînul nuttîs i-slitI lu-r hiislsid Franik J.Smit a lI hnl liii nintufutsînesl in e- ston ei'n1,T ltitir-iliiid r -tci st _ihaets hii 5 mb slte i osita aud Chicago 0oi hrty -u avsansd Ph liiiutc hallitiotf utlalsn- o tuIc ait1,duornuueuu.tNira. Smit chars ewas thîle iilne i(ilthe cilucher pneu- (ii lugîîsiteîl îîuîîir 5-sieof Jîudgc Ilier luisianilwsnliu avi iîg ieserucd tii-v malle tire. In I ils huenegagcdIliuthlie Jilsadi ie i i e ast Anîgost eii-case s-as sel for a manufatuIjri-0f hr isand luIn 18J99 uic- tinO i-xtni-sJusiiiiegJaueasbis île -brui-j bis alTenitu-tu To automobiles. ispiei uaîeltoeJitn, Jne iri SI SMr. Jeffery sas inuarvîcd lu 1874 ho Gust of Tributes t0 Jurist, an I 1l31)Friday afttînoon. - Miss Este E. 'iVar etfChicago. He Aiievsuv C, T. tIi suenh-enrecalîcd Ms mt a -bl o ioc la survived bu hti s MdoW, two daugh iuîîhbond aasocl inus sit h udge Iendine luntecircuit court lu wblcb t eva, Mrs. A.R. Carquevillte of Chinago ste chuarges ber buîaband wllb nflldeit- andl titra H. N.Hutdson of St. Louis, jJones ant i ad Iriuut,- To lis ai-vires yadImhcsentlstwwo n -Mo., and two sens,(Charles T. an0 ai juinisi autO hi-tire titat as alterney yas sitvenme W oe H -arold N. Jeffenua8C r sodns n o hn tl Ttc business et J. 1t Jeffery & Ce fudîge Baunes loiti lies lie people cliargpd betng Mrs.Otto Ecketrand s-itI contine as letore under tise dl- fuîîuuî urîhstenuLake ceuintv hase formerhi- of Wiatîkegas sud uow resîi- -reellon o! Chtarles T. Jcffery, s-ho for asssbci-îîles ah suppîîorters or J udge Ing lu Lakte Foreat. Ttc two s-omen r several yeavs hast bas heen actls-chy Juutîc utul of buts leclîlvb etithIe psrtlciiiated hona seusalional Street lu i-large as gencuai manager. auîinouînceui nîtlni iTtfethtitijurist figbt near lte Lake Foret uepot 3-fli uuîîpublie life. sevevai esue iage. Mr. SmithbIla cm- 9 Administratrlx Relessed LIet tributue ý iîntas cati l11115 cd iîy the Chicago aud NTihsaukec irs. Emma Niithllng et HighlandO()Il,%ufure i. - 'lllteiuy te a man î-iectrcrtîiî oao. Park svas veeascI freui euatody lu the lii l--u1imut couIst jail on qaturdav afternoon at' -abouit 5 oclonit 1;te bil slgnted thI Public Wîi Regret. Was Broter ot George Butler of Wau- r final report l inth(,l piderstadt istan- 'llite gi-niai l tc 5 iII aiirev e i kegan and i Lved Here. fsnud agvcîu to pa , ark te twecise cuit tri liu i fi tutîunien etofJîtdge t3 Onl dotlitut tftfiutuda fiti -îî-1 t lii ;'ait Diego, CtuCifîia. titi- calat- fer ssh le i ti Torneys fort tue teins s-coeruif-itue Six davs ktu i htolloiii ii t cifiigpi I:'!*(iIlu 1i att-n a ong IItesl.tlfrel le tht,- u-îuuuîu s is -te suuficient To t 1--, i - -tri-i t iidirui litin-u îîîî s-n i-htte os-1-111., bu-eir itu Ili the mafIer I- i- t 5th a nit, o tt p t nttttu Iisli, liug oui tli, i l. utlii alutte tut-t iii utituiisri t ii i u u4i îtrll citus -tu iir liti-tu olnoa- Toit 1 . ifrA t r -- ti olil houer. i- i n. t.lot r-1:t iiiu . lt Diu teirnu lit, 31t. i i-a te isonrli - f the Parits ;,l !ï1t2,t of t It ni -f t iii - 5 Ilfui- t a Modes 'litgazin- ,tt ist t h,,licDaîts- i-G, -.Il il],- -t tt t- itt - \'-q Inter Orestu andt-il iji ti-endeut ail ie for $P -0 Inn isol-wtf.-î-t'i ii i ns Y ELIECTRIC COMPANY AND IlS PLANS How North Shore Electri- Company wili "Get the Juice' to Western :i Lake County, IncIuinq the Lake Resorts and McHenry County. Ar- rangement of Stations and Sibsta- tions of District. 1 l t he pu rchase of lthe Illois Iae ah-iLight snd Poîve.comilny the Northi Shore Electrlc company, whlch oju-rates ln the aîîburbau terrlîory and nearby country arouud the clly 0f Chicago, bas securel electrîrllight plants of Dundee. Barrington, Crystal Lake, )1cH-enry and Autloch ln Kane, -NicHenry and Lake ceunties. The terrltory thon sersed covers the laits region et uorthero lIllluols and la a favorte place of resort lu the summer time for people living lu Chicago. It contalus many summer hotels and resorta. as well as a large number of summer cottages. By this extension the North Shore Electrle "nmpany adds te its terri- tory applr '-imately 700 square miles. The total area served by this company la now about 1,2401 square miles. This la about the ares of the state et Rhode Island snd ila eehaIt the ares or the state of Delaware. The nearest North Shore generat- lng station lu the uew terrltory la localed at Waukegan, Ill., but there ls also a generatlng station at Evans- ton. Ill, sud these aie couuected by t ransmissionliue i uoniug forth and southb Waukegan Has Power. About eight miles soutit of Wauke- gan tbere ls a substation St Lake Bluff, sut as the uew territery Se. llulred lies wst of Waukegan, s oew transmissilon lue la To be hult, tap- tîiug luto tite exisTlug transmission lhue at Lake Bluff sud belng bult lu tbe forni of a ioop or ring eucloslug the terrltory served aud coming hack to Waukegan, Bulît ln thts ring shape this liue wll be vlrtually a duplîcate Une, for It msy be ted luto elther from the WVaukegan or LaIte Bluff end. This uew trausuilon hune wlll run aouth- wesî from Lake Bluff te Barrington, theure, proceed to Crystal Lake and theu to 2lcHeury sud hack te Wau- kegan. Sub-statlons wlll be located at Bair- -lngton aud Crystal Lakte, sud there wiît be others, the location of whlch lave n01 been deltullely ixed. lu the uew terrllory whlch bas beeu rcqulred tbe sommer resort people and the cettagers are eager for eis- rie llght sud elertrîcal couveulences to whlch thelr patrons, or they them- selves are srcustomed lu the city. Hein and Hope Opening ln Racine a Tremendlous Success. Prohablv neyer l lithe commetcll I ,tors of tiisdistrict bas there beeu unici sn olenhiii.tof a business hanîse ith liehihiand Polpe torna openlng i tiaicini- The tieople were stuîrmlug i, or ai elght lu the morning il il diii aud lu the esienitie forty ii bu svcro ketut lUs, aittnîllug 10 te ciowîls that packed ever- alale orthoi itfour story sud hasement huildiîîg shirt la occiîpied by s'hat îi wltbout a doulît Ra-lne's lare- i-t lire. lifficers were nercusais To control 'i1 criiwds Otint atteiidthte opeulue li-b s wii go dosyji iiitory 5.s most -iiai hable G eorgeitlope la lu bharge of the store ai Racine. Alec ielîî la 00W the hesîl of stores St Racine, Zion City andl Waukegan. Il May Lose Rural Roules Kenosha connty farmeras-who art, htow eujeylng lte prIiliege of rural free mail dellvery ave ln danger of hoslog Ibis service trom ttc goveru- ment as Poalmaster Msaloney Ibis mornlug recelved a letter f rom F'ounth Assistant Pesîmaster General P. V. MlcGraw demsudlng Ihat charges in ttc condition of the roades he made at once ln erder to gel them ln condi- tion demanticd by the posloffice de- partiment. The rmadeIsnlu is county are net sncb as wull pans thse muster o! ttc gevernement aud Postmaster Mialoney and postimanters st varions poatoffices lu tise cousty bave been di- reetedte t make n Immediate lnspee- lieofethtie roadff fronm the varions of- lires sud make a report te thse depazt- mieut wlthln tise ncxt tblrty days.- Kenosha Newa, ls Oniy a Stop Su lu apeak ir,,m ioursighit le hlimnnsq. Perlîasail Ors er ounuirneil 10yuîu that a ils-ent l inte aiglut la <lot as5a cule a dis- ce nil tti- ees ,futen iît sa usc-nditiomn wi h t hi- iv,- ler glitases s i i sut ouly relieve Lut lmailtai-.euitirehy cure, siglut b rstuuri- iy-saarcetmde stnilng lieaîlau-Iia-u huaitrtIhe-nersîmUt I rain i. relZ%-r.d asud iii.- '2--aare a sas'-front huhîî1 duesa hfis' tiî hus c vi 'etrouble a htcru,,0il tl iJa-tii tiet voin. tDr. L. Bl. 1ot, I t'îî&.. tate St'. Nortit Chi cou~ Bleder- n Bis- 3772. n that -c1encu use lu Mareh under- said e26th ýt the non of ut the Van keÉ- id the ouction ar thse Dal es- k Pilve IdIitou tolmty - cash lies on L' 14' n r.TUIWIPIPVVTT.T.V T.AV PART ONE si-50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCV

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