Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 3

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:hoI trate" action to rativepp? ,er take a lb..l yosa bave TOW Granite Sof Every Ion bolcted see St 'cli ie pestai! me single eimmr. n to trho maDsalf r 30 fuIl dart. andr emmde .e7 550 chaties meafleddu ahode ut ai 1 do by udib TO1 srasmadrS. . ai~ de-ra =sar v r,* ,9" 2 eXillaihra, od aloavecAmrsics. d5a ni aos Z;tla,=cre ma. Tbs. tr .etes clIth L te-amsi» t u os. ai nmtoaal m b, I~io i rias. Doua ft ,1es anrd :90=beo a o.- Prbas a om aP aoc a"~ Ir Mr 3e0 ymri e3- Pdri û teiSc amir et. o oe M. &b. kma . Mr m TERIAL r anul grades u bu it uic Park rit 630 acres D acre tracts IN, Agents, 1 ILLS. 1 PLÂKE COUNTY ImDEPENDENT, FRDÂY, NOXALL PAINTS!1 Theoe pats arn a »trictiy guarant«sd palot, and lui] mneaeure, and ooly $1.35 PER GALLON. once youn oe our Eloor and Porrb Palots you will ueDo other- We carry a fullifine 01 VarniSh Stains. Japatac, Enamels, Liquid Veneer, Linseed Oil, and Turpentine. Wall Paper! WSaha ve a nilne 1samPewe woud lke t ho u at rires that wHIl interet you. DRUCE DRUG CO. 3 Stores...Graqjslake, Rockefeller, Round Lake. YRailway SProfessional Cards iN DR 0. F. BUTTERRIELD, VETERINARY SURGEON. &5515AT5@TATE VETERINAE5AY. Llb.rtyvflle. liloofs. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORtNEY AT LAW. Uibertyvlle, lUlnias saFR8 DR. C. R. GALLWAY. OrrsicZ OVES LOVELLI 0206 O . nodssr'-fron 1 f0 8 a"d 6 tri 8 p. m. Lt bertyville.Illîiroius. Y-K.sTEARNS LA W ER 213 Walngtoo Stree Waukegan Pboie 274U1 DR. GOLDING DES'T] ifT HoucsH ii12 a.iii -1 tir5 p n. J. Eh Triggr. iiiilirîg t. witli lrcJ 1,F lrr-l'rn'Ai' litA r1-1t, l0 Id Lit-ct, ville luis rie The Governmeui pays, Railway Mail Cierks 1$8010 10 $1200. and other emnploYeC up f0 82500 annually. rodle Sain wil l old spring examuh- tions tbrongliout the îountry for Rail1 way Mail Clerkw, Custom Hfouse ('lerko, stenographers, Bookkecîiers, lepart.- mentl Clerke and otber Govern ment l'o- stiomé. Thousands -f appolutoîcrlts owil liemad-e. Acy îîîau îîrwno0 a er I1, lu cfy orcoruftry cao get lirntuiin and free Inforniationu by wrîfing at hr to the Bureaul of Intîufi .liHn lini Building, N.i ioiti rhe Sound Sleep of Gond Healfh. The restrtt ifia o I-%e- .11 e.r li eji. cuolt t., b er Oti a-i.ui aiul mlut t fUît rer li. It 1- 11, îtlria- t, elîtiir .1, I-. ,Ir tflircr l i, fia"',r tilt saine 'tFurifi J'irgfrie i1 i;"tir,. 1 1i j'ar 1, i . w k i ' I ,rrrirî5ri0 t il I'i P. J. DRI'CE. Editot Phone No. 11 I.Orders Taken for Job Work Advertisng Raits on Application The American engle whilrh bas beon in CG W, Hofinian wam in Chicago Mon. the front window of the "Ne-wHull" for day and purchaeed six bors for hie son years, base been remua ced t,, the rear o!f liner, whlo tiwOrk tbe fntrm former- the storeý. y kn.,sin as the Coudrey tariit, vacation ln the Per bsthiriweeh. Mr.. Ilziel, o! Loon i.k,P. vsteri her Mts John Masîîu, wn l Il"ba-1rosi, qti' sîstor. Mrs. L. Loh)del, Tucsday. Ill n lth rleuîiîatisuuu, is suîtinlhia illn Mis.'Leta Maasey î5 lj1ndilli er rata- proved. tion wiiitlî lier parents i (Iii iîagt L. Loludeilland fanuiiý eutertaîîi-dý( Accidentai Death frieuds froiuî Nîiag fna ewse reîicled lier. Stni-t%-k ruofîti' ClciiiltVi hilii r- ]ue tseeral da: ~l ,iei: il îeath of I 1ruilai I la ii iî o f la wiflî liis, atlîer in CLthîagoi l IN -L.' -01), I llinois, the' uni î r-ii if T, % MiseIfuan Iiatk tu lîiagu ~ . , tex cris, former putfi)r f thre Firsi Coni mis if'il î Cil (ll u.]of af i i l, ti g1 lton l hunu rtI l 1, a. e le hi Satula.ý t-r-n îîUt lîîntîu)g dii ke Nit il t-,i iil 1,(),, îîl--, ! W auàlgaîir,, i..itl l u(it tflc triggler n as. iîigiin éa e, ii-way lit-rt- t'aturda3 aiiî i ll iuîal . a illtu un W it i li litr i il Il W s ftrait ulîuîi f iiîa a t a tz auirlîl tir.- lIt long. li il, _j 1 ,e l ie ls uar tis rl i ii] luuglitrEc I irt i lrî-d tf ils Ilîiiî 1,111 1i, -r rt-gain.t. Th, ,! Mr. ands li rau M ju ne sud ea'i,, ,!ii r i rîfet i rui - tlis Banquef rTe amonie rfurir,.Iwas îout ir full force Iaat Tiiursday afateruçion anX etrenirig, if lIeigfioaeBRithe Of ritffné twe rif their brotbers tiîrongli the inys terie, rit the third degrec. The wori cornmenced hi the aft.rloon and w& cboled by ib banquet at eleven OocuetIl the evening. Repr~sntatl e@ from Waî kegan, Goroee. miilbîîru, ebron, Liber tyville, Anfboiliand IRockefeller lodge were présent. [t le eaîd that the wori ws@done ezcptocouly flne sud fh banquet ni) to tlîe standard was tho, oughly enîiiyed by ail laho attended. Mc. G. W. liofimniaiwili nions witirhb tamrily Ut Carmer (rty in fi, near futur The riu it u trt-groi t r Irîse surir finle family frîîiîî t itrr'rrlt. E IltîrMoi li asr,'llteri tlîitArthîur Ou lidge bouse on theue sîelleld l'la"e 1(Oeu Iteuebatiaand vlaliclnve returor irom l-lor'îrla. rct' vhave ielit t nînter, Mr. l. iîriiîî sal Il.iionu cai rrrt-lyt , tai l i'- ta iiit - lîrilcit' M~1ail 1.Ir~ iî'a ii i tî r u a t l4 a l 'ida've mai ifi r r nier 'NI r.- lias iu Trî br. rlativ e bore trda F- aok Lawsoi transmarir r] irisintes nE Wautegau Monday. Mr..'(fin. Thrîmo sri 1 viiting lier sîs ter. Mm Celby st Lilrrtya lie, for a enuIle (A weeks. %tles tli tiley s ependig lier caca-' fini with Mre ltearY, lociîieriy Mis@ fIcefer, af Momne. Mrm. Clintîru Wamliblrcu a'îaîed ler iîirther at Waukcgau SatîîrdaY. M,ilursiiEl i mud af Lake Vilia Friflay. t'ý Ilarris candiifaiiilî n-crIgleste 0 E C I ... 1 k ai ar îi- ' îl I ~ o riî aveuertbiti isited lit f ti tt'l fliI Irii ' ..... lrriiui 'l r I'ii ' llrrifrair i 1, ..1 ,., awî nu t i I i .s r r) n ii, tacr bin iSlias1 di' riîi f . r li lt. i.îr -ird t l 1i ai'lutt lua- t. lii lu-'.1i lu lii], i' i ie r R îhi- I .i, k 1- ' rurt liraiT -i 'o it'1 jn i mw îîg ier * fiuiie fe ,a tuîtlur'i i ,o-.l. e2, i r'.k.-iiith. i ,l IfiîIili iît aunIcaut irize c-warrdp2-e1 DR, E. H-. SMITH-, ue aiii o' t-i ,o. r-t un -.ý , i utNTST ihe îun1i'o'nî i r tneii oui ca-iîr a ote? t 'T% A iii a i , lA,)(. '.'t a r ' rai (IopIy S m- ai l , I' tir asisi n iitire sa'ing iof wn l ii irda DR, 1, L. TAYLOR, 'T'eI air!i-ati iliitireordi ofil snv li î -- w Miie t. -uiE OUEIj Il"',aeîriitt otfti'. n lihen a nîslu e-tiniaifed sas. 7it) 0a-lJtti 2,4tî111 1 tirt aI Il VV EL.. as ci-vring 1110r,than 8 acres, swept C s feerenetiiiuT HEtaaan1,uîiin iath.northn-arde ibrougli 'ichigan. Thes - LIori a c tPark. ici ur r. Ir ,reatIig of tbia ifon n-as flot disrov- I t, One rit the largest nestingsa corded MARTIN C. DECKER t ________________________________ *.IitiOttl t i- ' att taioesnear Peloal!, Mdl 8f lihi iijp.lMiuli I.iv'cl rtrtirt craintie. li i~~1ui iI ciNotice' ROUND L.AM it extendsd for 28 mifles and averaged (ollico Phone t5334 R-e@. Photne- 3603 O Talîleis t. a :io 'tîîiiÎ ,i tunt"if ., rîhlaaîrîg h Ms.DelaCoveseîîcnth I avilitrct lin lueoran szehi n N:tTH CHICAGO,> ILINI irS ail oillearurlthe- I(; if ioucrt-ti. rîîful f r dltr i. iîrr r- i ,litr tePiela C inverse ra o vth aîtedut, mtreveyts ean serr s ndril ______________________- .dSe"4e ilt iririli ift-r NMari u thit i iuri tcand Mca. tiiluFayvetdo oensa n oemr i Ie t's the wise fanmer that catches that cao on f.Issrnt w. FL STUDER ad ALL DEALE'RS lautrtul-ii2, 2 tfankegrîn flfdnesday. wt hm bywr i bv 5tebran.P eWvnW1 .iol rmnos t isç SUnRdVldoCaiV ii cVora e ' în-- ym i d l,i iî ll irie rr.,tFREMONT, ln trnîlTbncaday hinbis uea atomo- Netted Theni Feoce is cheaper r'ght now than ity is greater than any other Wiro and lDcainage bsycind triremtaIli tiicii'icNu, îili Mc ir.adNMre. E fV. Dca it. nftVanke htule. f5,ny pigeonsmers shot, tbnt the any year in its hitory. Ho-w long fence on the tnarket. Il IEItTYVfiILLE. IL]. vcruetanutir, nore, gail, sierut Suoday mirth t-e latior tirs, 1t.A. Owenrisittted frîcrîde lu buik of t ferawere caught In nets PfHi)NE 109l4.jtiae l ri lii refum.(IraysIai.e ioday placed near their nestIng or monts. the mnarket will mainfain the pros- It is the nuost econornicaflb ny- fJUte ia iiumftwr f coîîrito attended 'trs i-nI I-bndee aigited Iîriens in Thosnets mers 6 or 8f test mde and cnt low price i5a problern. and labon-saving fence youcanbuya DR. EDW5 V- SMITHI OVERTAXED thlitfalnerai "f Jo-- St&lat BufIifalou lIAcagnrday. frot, 16 tcf030 teef lu iength. Thie Hence every fannit-tinthis section Saves you 50 posts every 100 roda,' General Practice trCeoit MriefîtGrayelake. 'as lierepien r bldtithnad Mro Mibeof '(Vaguerle cecu, roiwrr u -riî aai rro igo a re rcawha wil have ued riofonce wjthin besides extra staples and sweat-oi' Hutund7do raofLhcsîi Redr (l, ' vtint lier ffaf lier udd dîedeut saridetî Studal i lio eccf deecovs nube Theredlarge-rtld ayinurîsuplîberhebro. ellyrr nigbd fibuirs 11) tir 12 2fr. I anf - lii tini trublerr ieilg tlîe cause. tOe ath m s moe hn 1,0 Office nIer Lyni1 r os. un e- \ rsl- oiail f Lotng rllrtitbirflfr ur I piro ga A.ulia, In auttonce.iIrflir' fOrtaalite'- oriabout ,vicliiiuueflS fui '(t lv T ill, trruraitr, .ri n . rti a l itu a rt vs l ve ek aitli utr %r. oIcî, t rs Sli. a vi s et.hef.'th, iAr tiaa oi t,, Cmin 011e ititt 'rlcliMsf many dollara to yriu. Page Fence. (rthN fii lic .tir.' t oi l i i I - a in i ti ail I Stro Fraink ViWagnier nei t frit niie on-î Imnrrisii iitit îîîd eal ill i ons au f Iis ler o r anla ihP g e c ec ry a fl ie n Id ll lE sI (l ' StI trIîîirfau î tm i l Ile tler s prn tts at iiuM sr t. t. hLN l illpu n-c ede l acî-i-d a au li t h es' - m ade ri Iîigh Carlton, O pen- Standard Stock Fe ce, H og Fen c%, 'OISUit1,t)IiiiiuninNtut - \r-ii rit t 'l o"' rfile rt ili i i fiî-rdH fru r I liu agi , Ysent aluolflT iai ia'Ct 'i aîinfoffr ir la th'2l \Vc. I ls îeàolr Fe tc, ec LIE T V.E.I Niîii i lr i- ntklu-t tl m' ii1' crîîl efirl -ltr Dn lne arnut aî-criaf TOi- îîî-J.ce gri fi oui amous page Knot tl o oly Knot tai tri see us whire price is law. "ut ;" aptr-c.-forr u-ti Fach ctlani iBen r y '( i LL.nLevI irru 1r ti . t,'s B r ....Iutî,ti.lnia tc tue lias ie-t e Iar n i , irurtnlîîii .e ,i-iotiî er hsiigibrIl Th' ý,,, h', 'til. ee. uninî'r of bini tîten. conseqrueîitiv Cali on or write to Austin Clement, V- P.* k,,r, (,,ii ý' a t tto "letfCHICA OrIL Al imi rI I A S./ h' d I il S.wtr .1 lFî u -l i munI . tt un i d irestkefFre nd.r1) I n 'iio ' gthe N unWr-r .-iî îiam e ho nilcînra ir. 'it ý fi--in l fitnît i t a dtd aiid giý,to, .1e,, Eu h K, ru- .i.-gtî ulii.elitil iotaIir v , ii-g-aIn t'ee f nir.ý AUCTIONEERINCr FOIR PUBLIC SALES aSur i i lInaini,,ite r - sb t-., i î, l Ii n ig n iteriar1 blrr emi c- ru ieuier- arn 'nI rt, i lL ik e The Buttalo,.____________________________________________ ache andîfdîzzîy e1eiit. Thu ie Iîr-5 , j r i ce fVagiernf Ling (iir e - s1elfInt t - tlt ii'fl'irberna n.r. u î'ni Theu iti lnu nîuIRla almost the ramen e a a s .Il'I.\,C tre ýr i iiii a tii i si nu it c- ir1 tfie v t k w t e- , ý t i - i i t c i f o r i , I t e A ie l l I o o r s e s If o r S a l e . u er1 tubty enelshu ,i \ie îandrfamutilaN MfuI Ilnu tlinl . flamoni, ,itl r oli 'nt. Onu lb.' ery , Ii 1 of un t i'liîctnon, Ia few a ~bet itir nîrri Irat sKîn in, l 1 IoîertMcs lit-r ni t lm ssini lie r ,ut tii. unir-n thu- nt anCiIrî~ri c tN, )nîla \ ud 'aift cndmI I t, lore e l ouîî u fr ai le, ai,ininoot rîtartet oie a sockbAi W mr iAY O C K C o . li , , r r etu bi uf u îi a i tIn tî i lu t-c ii t i t ,a l o s eiiian n Ih. pî e r ile n tu of il W a ,îu în d a , I l i o s . h mb aLs t fa n t lY O l- OpostfsSt. Paul Fe PatD pet h i i i ns iiir o î,ýstr r.lin l f\ i.ýg i g. red t c - 'ic it b.. il-ail i ni nit fl a-ero ci r-r-Iis-assed rtf o r lesa , esur maIe t r a stdaIlkaYos Libertyvil le, Ilin ois me hc lrt1 ilI-i nc ipumle icue iti In r laflc ui -f l t' -t ratui 1sf aeîand I il il ttliniiii1t- i-0lii dca i- pat ii atumb'PrproeentIilcîîttîel$20rad0ea 00.aule toU Fuirr ahýie aIl Ial r .n r îo i , etoi my lte Sftaplici Icr- îîlt.Ilumi(, I neboysVit rc-I 10 r111 tIo nro îralett ut521 -0.b Q I rit-iîiecov h.nIt B-runure poi-t nnidren vainnng lukcd. 11o1116r11116uo r rt-mhIglhire oUitoutii fnl DI uiîtînCoulrîtoMNaomitannmari.] cccii flichehorse a o e iiiC uit u f a l ,r, ,tît l 0 1 u r- t hi e s .- il ctfh s w I t h tf e l is n - - 'm n c i ion t h fit iî c ii . i l f h i ta it n f m n i] a r l d r i s k a i9 solu ru rotltfi-nth-r iliDclvi-lon lirtfîrmtI- Iltsrneatd b]itive Ail gim'Iaraltircil titi Aiuit-liasteei oas li, r as re flteetQ M achine _____nPgon siotildn h ii Mli2.Nusic lu, 'Nlasorn mc tlth WEEKLY REALTV REVIEW. _____________________________________ _________________________________ r nS . hiii nIfr.îcc, ltt le ligure ne Thîe i adîe's Aid Society n-tiinne-et nil i f i ,akeoi a t ufy TitIs & Trust Co. Bfr'nf owiel nfiferice standt he ie flc. tflili anydir Tbursday affeýrnoioi c n r uuuittRa rae faoes frte I P R E ra.m ms s dI tet iîltiii ksî ofii felîcos. Satiîe- î tt Thie ililbis flic firet alfer Tneiarepourtlisl-f n î l taa en .ntkm as t atetrNo rit or tei~' ~ ' ' j AUTO OBLE h, MPRTD PAIS JC fa-fo gucaieed. .H.H Fi ki,,u)flîîefrg i he seaon. Eeyrd age ranrf.itird, 117; Deds, $101,666.0i0;, ioans, WiII make the season at the Doqie WO0RK A SPECIALTY Iitutrttaile,1IIIl.tPhone 1423. 25-t1 il r'nrdaiiy iivlfd tiiattend. lrt, narriitY u lep ulflceniîcti '. 6. ars0rm -4mlen 0.s o tt Engiiies Oehue.A FulFoflIcý s. Tiaylîi 0r. aua rms flic ire, but onîy patriote mii heur iPuil Everet, Ill., telephone No. 3021 Lieofvanes. Tes e - orSas ttw days mit> M.fndMc, Cc.Amuse Viy îray cour liard earued mnuy toc Lake foreSt. !ee $10 et time 01 paiced. Whb e n inaTrouble One carload of lbranaon track 8f $24 MiEd.a Kappler le home on a caca- Loca1ltaus wioare reading flthew- a lîlgit unii1cefluaf dot-s not Imt.t service. If mare'does not prove in per fou. Hoiir.LraNBEa CO. 27ff lou froni ber wrirk in Waukegan. su eta iy, tWoin thfe Nintli," Tîe lBrown fence le rgbf hotu qraity _____________ Mr.. Law..n.ewaela Chictago viifor whicb lu helng puhlised lnfie Cliicao aud prire. Estimafes !urrisbcd cir ail foat she can be returned next season Libertyvifle ExCbarige A tickling or dry tqgh an lsie qly Saturday and Sunday. DalIy Newsr are wroderng If Matty se- tinde of fencing erected comnplets. H. El. or a<uj other mare in ber pkac. Will ooee ihD.Sopacougi coed ercd the niaterial for his yam rn t te Fu.î.. Agt, Plions 1423, Libertyville, Contract et time of service to buy colts 66 or 1262 No opium, ne chlorriform, nothlng un Saeetire Home [tomber Compansy for ail final games piayed befween Richmond 111. 25-tf ut weanling time. sale or harsi, Sold hykindi rf itlId fSeds. The baut, oft course. and Gentia. Il he dfid tire finish le sorseO!TG AIA IMn~ ____________________ALL DRALERS. -c244 tr eexfng Substnilte for thre tstEPEaot'tT AWanted. r Shop 15C ttlDr 25 hriver Proprieor. à. 22*e APRIL 8, 1910 ; 1$3,R00 REWARD If YOU rIND îHEi A Storekeeper Says: AnneicanOrniholoiste Unin inRe- A lady carne into mny store lately an3d sid: cent Convention at New York City I - my aavetmen. i w a Noew fetonmy slrneokStme. IUtbi Voted amount In Order that Survi- lm aatet I atnnwomsmebE tii vor ofGane lauhtr Mghtbc these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women kncw whMa sorsof Gme iaugterMlgh be comfort they are, tliey would ail ave Located-WlId Pigeons Like the oe. 1 spoks about nsy stove to a lot 1 Amerîcan Buffalo. of my friends,and tliey were aston- S The pasiietger or mlid tigeon of the isbed. Tbey thouglit that there wits smell and amoke froroannil stove, and past Is a mat er of bltiîre. The Pas Ahtthaeaom1alkayte senger Pigeon, today, is a myatery aintve. 1 told tliem of my experience, au unkuown quauîîîy tbat initîes In- anidonue affer another tliey got onre, and a no,ontnue of tbemn would give ars estlgtlou. During the 109 meeting up for five titeris t cuit. -' oft the Arnerîcan Oruihologlsta' Union Te lady wbn said this bad thougt t New York Ciy, the quies ion ri thfe an nil stove was ail right for quickly liceseut status of this uoblel bird was heating mik for a baby, or boiling a titlle dicusion tPins rl,r se adopfed kettie of water, or to mate collée îîuiv-c iat-jirlonq ickly in the moniung. but ahe neyer ici nîS e a c cîiit ry w ilr' a.arc h fo rflie d ream ed of u ing t for difficut or inîleitg irds, beavy cookung. Nowshe knows. $3,000 lu Prizes. Do yoa resti y ppem e-bat a Ne- Prfection Ofl CoiS Svtomsta oti -? li F oi' ccciii In z a a i onaili iiilécc t i l i m ors osaI n car, y. ns o rs co e t . tir . fuli'îîallorr aîd thli,a i king mlore er d&-ame table to rred out that eY-can't est. uetfitgit a Eceletios St ve and îmeditately t ain if -icu0-il ni i-.,tridri tir at ii the b.est,. noromartnsebloce me hoot c1. kft ae: Bcau. or, tethe botom ai pot, SertIe or ssove.n3-t roi gsi tus tovt'st k y iiîil 'i au - fi r i r ,14ic ior th,-find the ra- on t 'lheaird.'hers a s in o k., ns thet the .san _ietts il gflcosi * - .cî.o emcli. vao o d.hetnsi' odr.dgeeY la th. cta4 " Ne-e Peoitorsa r in o f rie ls f t o . p q s s .'l f'r p ig o n utchn i tei om e o f nither s to, e. I a u e S aîîd leait îg t4 i. Atr i rid the ;,resýiit N eiw oe r teati 1) 1 1,uii frd lfor t,,l ýicrdîî ig of i(' a£ e lC r t g fiaiio liii ta îîe iadilo tci l'onNILl ;ap.0 i il aid he birija ilimoleseui. nllstandil C - k s o r tri recive flot less than $f1f100.00 re li has a Cabinet Top witb a sbelf for keeping plates and fond bot. The d ad Laif aebe prd nickel1 finiLslir wtb the brigbt biue of tihe chinaeya, niakes the atove ornamenta.l tg gla'lnguetflughbts sude escpriptIon and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves sud v ag e ftn aie ndcri cripionure cai be bad wuh or witbout Cabinet. s- ad a arge ftey cooredpictre very desaer.V«Wt:Ul ,Ifbl t .t 0e5, mite fer DesczlptitreClcirler k sowlug the maie, female sud young te (M asat gAey et ta of the passeuger pigeon. 't'ese willft» W In be sent tot any addreee. together wItb a-a complte lot of fe rewards to date _________________________________ t anît wlat tri do to get tilemu, for 6cInb of sampe tri defray Postage and cler-Ical ke work. Addresr à~as. K.Reed, Wor- -.-*- -.- - - - - - bl lecester, Mass. )r May Fînd Few. S EE N s B L I V N The pigeons, If found, are not t0SoN s EIVN nprueted wfitb is tuovemeuf ulabes triSeM AotYu iscce aav ilcîfor f0 molesf them. I ______Me___About_____________ Wh ile ihere la no abslîrurîe proof, If 1ll' u tGlasses. l- ýouffdeufir cxpected tbat a fpw mo -_________________________________ iafed cooies orithîese hîrds are afil My oril .1ohPar ro, iý bth t . lcoh it- l , fre inttaiîrboa elýItilied aitir ,i ff As oo 11asi. is akown deintultey theIlaOt .. ra l îri dn oisctln îî lit masiriigtiihe erîranilîiitu Wino u i'l-sm ps, atir e lia laie o, liaitci by tl iz *llîl iOire yci fi)me. mt~efs wii i e fakesu o pro erftbslirbelaI,',l.ital' i l.- t, ,1-1 - at-iclm .,i r at ,î.îitfa hele loi i Iu -i'10 îii v p ilcet înlll filas' ", 1,ctlO k Im i 'tO W n e a 7 alhsoutleysud a Pi. seuger Pigeon n etIIO îîtOit'fYb..kST >) it wtesi bu Rectoraflon SriuilV ouIl i te formed t l1 ta- ýE LTDF(l ctlfie w i lbthebituat1 iiIon anfîl attemi.pi îuî Dr. W. H. Law, Graduate Opticiari. k s icrease te nibu mbersanad raîli' riofthie n 11 ,21S Washingito Si Anî Flouer.?VAIKEtaAS ILLS. lii hir-ds 1 Matter of Histoy. - Th tu'aorY orithoiutexterminiuouni c 1

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