Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDE)]PIIENTE, PRIDÂAYt- PRIL 8, 1910 w,..'.Seeds M~ie in*It 1 srtmen i!'O* Co te. * Rush Park Seed Co. * Garden Seeds. 2 Packages for --5c : J. ELI TRIGGS * Phone 25 Phone 3 CLOSING OUT SALE NOW ON! EVERYTIIING GOES $15,000 Stock Being Sacrifced Store for Rent Fixtures for Sale Wu Eu DAVIS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. i i Il We have jusi receied a large ship= ment or shoes in ail the latest spring and summer stylIes and weights. Velours, Box Cati, Vici, Ciun Metal and Patent Leathers. Tan and Black Work Shoes in ight and heavyj weights' from $2 00 up Ilip and Knee Iengtli RUBBER BOOTS at rpr"gces that are right. Corne in and inspect our fine. J. B. MORSE &CO. Everyidln forflenLigERTYVILISE, ILI ft LiBE RTYVILLE BRIEFS LQA.AND Pf-,lt*ONAI. MENTION ToeI lmweIwllat@fi ln the Indepen- dent col *"b noIa lter than Tuutôdaof each wee. Adver- timrs..sp<IqIy.are asked tota tks partklusnta1 tf fet Goead P. Wiwam left Fridar for New Yok. Ed Âuetin was a Chicago vletor Wed- 'IM.î Blanche Whitney ftient Sundai ln Chicago. John Woolridge la lowiy Inipro7lng. Jae Swan ham moved from Antiocb %H l Dcker was a Haineeville vsitor to Ibis cty. Sunday. C. W. Sith Snndayed witbbhie parents Carlu Gagliardi vlslted iesissier la in Evanston. Chicago liunday. Will Sanborn was a business caller ln Mr@. C. Flegg ie visitlng ber parent,, Civaago Tneeday. Mr. ad Mr. Jaeâ Gay. harles Kaiser transaiteil business in R. B. Lytie baq sold hie rem'dence (Cbicago Wednesday. pnoperty lu a Chicego party. iThe W. C. T. U. w ill oet wlîb Mvs. Mro. Alfred Klrby returned bhomle lvi- . . burcbill April 12. day alter two weeks viil in Mlwauees Fred Jobnson, of Elgin, cas l,"ýre Son- Brakemen, E J. Medden w'asatJlanes- day visting bis parents. vile, is, Smda, liee h vsitd hs onductor, J. J. ()rlett, of the St. wife.I Paul road. is vieittiniz bis I.oie tri Mi, hi- Iew Flaivg and family are nDic- n gan cupttîg thi-r ne,, borneisnt the Knigbt eua&riftS.LwencN, fat son Sandeay et 2,30) p.ttt Ecerybody Frank Jobnson bas recovered from a invtled. two week'e ilîness froti an attai k Scott Haven je et laele ls.Fi. Bs torîilitis. writee home that it sd a ias country Mis@ Elizabeth Condeile vlstted ber down there. eosuel, Mis Mark Corcovan. a few daye 1Mm. Ben Miller lias gone Jo Chicago, last week. Edmond McGutfin, of Cmi-nnati, 0., in s'fitlng is grand parents, Mr. and Mr@. 'IffIn. Merrill Avers bas gons u ' A tio, b, where be ha. aecel'ts)laje i stî n et a ommiier reeurt. Artbur Crosby, of Ialwortlî. Wts., wes the guet o I' reatd Nir-. Wtt. Wlrond Suniia-Y 11, fiFikte i n vtiiiîr'ugir b reillancier, sbi1i1s'd scirai s' ttings ioi ggs tu Jiis'liiiii aiiîîiigi' et Sj-hane, %Waei. T"fbTi iiia Cj te r di01t-h W , t niister (iled, cmili iii.'cl oi, Xrs. X aryen ;rutiitiiîtt Tîi-ijliiî *')îiifliî setwoe-k. Hl. M \%lie-ir,iii.tri, t sales umaneger wbere abe will undergi aa operation for appendicitis. Charles Aversm ad Rt. bard Ytoong w4w.- .'.Lworth, Wie., triend8 Sunday. Mr. Petrfe, oft *Waukegan, ls .lck at the home o! ber parents. Nir. aad Mrs. W. M, Suydarn. The St%t., Bant ot Lake Forest ba@ been appointed admiinisîrator of1 tbe late John Doyle ut Lake Forest. The Myd'e Workevs and ns îted friends Will snjoy a danve et tie i. ixstic Worker hall, Tuesday evsnung of ient week. Mro. Il. 1). Knox, w ho estîles witb ber deogbter, tirs fBertha Fvx oui lark aee., i8 ser)îosiy iltlir i'hapumoiea. fiv tus litiiililieu. ('iiiilu "r. ls.-Mr.. S. P. Evtlsiz,,v rtnd uigtrs, lev hý Tu-o tmuit.' inteve-te.tlits bri ltb and Nlildr-d,. ocreguests of rela- AXi ielvi, ... -s ofthe Ep o i'tl l.aetu!isi î'i liii- 1' il e s i ,i, î tutu' ti, s;'iii, t ii heiil'lilt wi lIc.' u>iiL ei' i i -liu ii .îîî c t, île 'i t' i Xlr. Il' iii.urt Nl n ii-,' rulitils il i t.îîîî l ii lir-m ilv,'îl viiuuuîîî ia - , \% nii a, i . r. m iii l,,s I!L ,'orc i,' arililr- r. tir-si' tit) i,' g viiiiil li, îc , l mur Ilc. 111, tis il oiit ne, dia nuIsl'y th,,imrr. 'i'lit. peîo le s Partv i i. l c iieting satu riiy evs st g i n thlic t-ii ctliai , ulii, , ir,'sited in the fîîloilî, u ig niiina- tiî,us Il iv Trusteses. i H .l. ixes. ll.'vt Faultner, and Johbn PIliiiviir, foc 'Tle itisntir,,of M rcli lias bri tcf ail p)r-vilt'us resords with ite twelîty-niîîe ciDs.' utile dais of enushîne. Tbe warmn est iaN nas tue twetitx Dintît whlicaths tlîermîîîîîetîîr regîstered u'2 di'gres-s Tue ,-Iiiist lia3 ivs a-IS 'dgv.e on the li- ten'nl. nairrilim3 "inng tii' I..1 à3. 1.bridge o,cr i 1-is i'i' ivrer wces ,ist riui'd lix liv,,. s 'Ili î,'t r, ix d trefili hivfor it,.' tir,,. il"'liliaix luit ia large hir,'e if lîtîn il't î t s ihorjî a 'el aheubridge iii Oij 1,,.'iiiiiuttraitllicerr Lt,-' p_ 1'rilîi 't i'iitig rifuset! t,, sais llit'c i% îîli,iîî i vîerî'îl t,, duri , .andl whb,'qlr' ii ' ,'i. ii,' iiî'iv atteiijted lui puitlits irder i ti','t, cli,' 'îîrîri ,,l tu" tue dru,îtel iitiiienx o hsii'is tu tissme, -lie irs,,',etliogs miv. and Mvs.. V tulcbusiin ervived fvontiii8ietîne,'1l %v a. Xliuiuay and iliee taten chiarge of thte ix rk inthetîr 1aîu dily. Mr. and Mvs. MaIlioeac,îtoes t,' Lertyville weil î,'rîîîîîîîueiîded as ex- ,eri'n-'id wîîvtrs inthte lactîdry îusi- lies, hotii as ilorter-iandtii iîishers and wîl loe'p the rs1utation it l ts Ioundvy iii t he-fron t relit as in the day oft yors. 'li, eiii're t,' ticgiveiii tu the ndl boyi3s FIdae ceaîg wiili e idance w'brre ail wi I seltlîeir lest goitîg tii 'gîod old tîîîîe**îîîîîsîu' and une eventng sof lleasure w iii lis baS. Tliuît'e wlîat ws bear oui the stv,ets Tii,' banîd bosys anmiiîate a vevy iii-t ge r,'il'Iand1 il ail goi 'uo1,0 ay tbsy îî iii. tiey 5wi lushave apaî'ked bios,. D,îî't le't the dSeses youu Iy ttyou lois to dance, A1ril lth. ives la Evanetona e bis dusîslst wret. Amanila Hawita-. uiiii.'hr il Mv'. JDii 'ihelubevd. of Icenhi,- ciiidlGeorge lice kins, et this iy,. heu cI lier l1,,iii.'in i, aetio-Tuesday, i Iiiitkeesand a icaries ii ocvxyw'eil -iii iý y si l, wieithî,re il aligli Nsure' to try t.. uttî thei liviiiiiscioiitsite. Ric i X ai, 'je 1'?rie, ii tev et the i'ves. ltis i î.rîî ,ii u lias nîîîved fronîtise XXilluna ii ît on liieauktee e. tri tue Flieii lîîîu,' tiniPart- aie-. opuposte Xlr. l.os il sý The 1,i.tiaîiiiathi,' new building for thte lailvuiad Men s Home et Highland Part i tii take place April 12. As many as demîve mey attend. It is anticipated that 700 1wîll lie preeent. Sunday is hile Johin XX'ebi îles isbing, le au îiîentiy "giut hooked' by a boot penetraiîig the lttîs inger oîl lus rigbt liaiid. Tue voîîind was oo deep that It lves eîesatx tri have a surgeon remove Fiiirni cuC veli bas returaed fvîîm Flrda. acu'iiapanied by the lîymîond lam ily ' î,, i1hlet1lier parents et Atlanta, (ir-irgiceandîl eter a sbovt étey et tbat pliai'e' tues cwiiresuote théir îournsy boiîîivus iciliti. Tliti' I1 iiiviiiLongue oilgice e l'ioraý S-,ivu~i 'i tl lriday ecei ng, Apr. mhti,. t tir-', ir, i îarliivs forvtue lhefit sol tue'tItli lît05l' eouple 'fie. A pr-ucnriîî '11 e gi celiandl velremli- XX', i I-iiiiî- ied tt lire I it,' nîîrth ivs t )f ii . i %m i le Suidex iliiruitiuî h1iil :;.i11,o' lineralwi asheu1lviioi, tii r"ieu.ii r,.icafttevon, ii Xril ý Ici liiiri i ui ot ofGages LC,u E . ,bh. , îiaîtîîg. Iterient ln LCet. sîd,î Ar i n ag,',l%%îidii w ai, 'igli li iis urvivs. lis lii l.l Wh.,blii. irb i liiigliig thie NlI 1 h i hail ot, i'siil 1, î ticar til,, au i ui il' lure lie 1, utiîta sklo r-'L-i pi utiy ciinrcci,'d iin au l vi ' d.-t 'lii' iisuppoisition s tîct tlîis "Ktiiglr'itf1i,' Air"' caetsariiss tue tev i ils s- ci, i i 'v ieteviel tolii îti ts iliest niiiiirdiagls' cavrî'iiedi othle Tin, s lîmi .r..îvîing, tue X cls1,iigi mtiilul i ir or hoveughbr.'uliiigm lvîîtî l)irX t la ,itiN. Gatteri. eaîd 'oniîier arvîî l it sics ioînd that oiiiofi Ilie "nirters îî ut drad, wbtclî ît i- i lîuîîî,d tts demihwLn tus s oed by lai' tf immî~i in I tii,' ilsi . 1uthle variaes isas tiiiiîi î'reîîpeîl îîii its hi-niliiiilevieýatlh, ucig c, uul,'ii liietit wess iiiiiiieri'ite deeti,. Tli a 1,v hgs w rigii.',l11001 pouond8 WE PAY YOU INTEREST ON VOUR SAVINGS A SAPE, SOUND AND PROGRESSIVE BANK At your service in every particular. Regardlng Money-Matterts The First National Bank of Libertyville Next Door to th.e Pott-Off ice Open Saturday Nights s bat tbey woîîld taests oing the tollow- ing erening et an sntertetnment tsi ie given by tbemn They were talken ly a ittie surprise bot made arrangements to r- present. .%fter their eceningse ntvr- :eining w'tb the i dol Fellîuws tlîey wtre .nguiged by the Masons and trom that ltime tii the pressaI thes Dame "Iaglet3iils ries hîer',ie a naine tta lied tii musi(. lovere and their appewarance et tis.out- 'evt estebltehed eniotiier lînk to tiieir- cuxteneis e fvlendiiî . Alter renîlerîîîg tli lrsvtt ionîler tir as nseeary for thon) ite watt a few tmomflents foîrlthe applauise tii die do% n l,,'fure, rendsvingtan encorv, fîîllowcdtuy lIce reîieeted appear- ences. givîng away tu Alu Hapte, clani net solo, "'Spvîng's 'swakening" beauti- flly rendered and receivsd witb a boret of applause, aîipearlng with a well then appeared on the program as a reader and beldliei audience speil bound. Hes wase eceptionally clever. Hie Inter- pretation of ths youna girl graduate and tbe "Old Oaksn tincket" were fine num bers and found their way to tbe bearts of ail present as was shown by the applause of appreciation. 'l'be vocal duettby the Mises@ Cerne Chard and Ltlah McCormick, "Cbeertulnees," waa beantifully readered. Tbis was Mise Chards iret appearance et any of the band concerta, and being a very promfasnt vocalit. qoite a nomberuaios outo toi bear lier, Mies McCormiek lias epîieavsd et sei'sraI of tbe conoert and bas becoitie vry poîiular and lierappear- ais wtbM iss Chard wes almo lîromît us tit iii et tvetittig the large audiescie '1lie3 iree iiiiiiîq ed to ves;und t i un enov,'. singlîug tit bel isitiful siîug Titi lngleside Quartet took Up the lest nuutiter on the pruigraiii and l 5ter tiieRe o'ittuoed ois i iîalists lied neavly sang titieslves iierse tuier ers e îesited hi Mlv. Smîith tii sing thie'24h lseliii coin pised l i, J leris'vt Liiiert,,n ofthei i1uirtet. It w as . ie-tii fine and tue, qiar:et gai it an intsrîirstatiin tiet u-lit the audîiencie blîe 'iitît iiuly luvelse fth tue*veiigs 4entevtsutttent. Nlv. Siiîltb lois rveiled many voagrato- latine forv the gilir.i n îrk tus bandl le lianed lie aisireeived utany 8rei1ossts tu velisai tuhe,'sni'irt. ttwtng eti i, engaemetnnt wbicb tirs. lliiand '-ouiri ft ibveak the avvumpannuents wrvfe leY 1s'vtîined by Artbur Mtiller. Spring and Sumumer IBeing Received DaiIlj b¶J Mrs. M. A. Protine LIBERTYVILLE' S Fashionable Milliner Styles are the Latest, and Prices seithin the Reach of all. Oeil and see them. Watcl, This .Space N.xt Week,.. BARGAINS! BARGAINS 1 rl!TII COI4C!RT BY TIIE CITIZEN'S BAND Clie Thuradey Evening of Lest Wesk, s Considered one of the Bst of If's Kind Ever I-lid Hors. The fifth concert by the Citizen,' Band given on the evening of Mareh 3181: was one of the. beet concert@ hy the oranisation and ia given op by many Who were ln attendance, te bave boee the but dtertainmont given to the citizen@ of Libertyvilie this season. The town hall wae taxed to f te fulleet repacity. The audience wa@ a most apureeiative one recelving the band wîlb a burst of applause. The band bas neyer been known to play as well as it dîd, every oumber binig of standard c'umpostion gave ths boys a grand opportunfty tu show the publie! what ral)i) strides they bave made over thelr lIrst concert. Many of the audience weve estonished at tîjeir guod work and on congratulating their conductor, C. I. Smith, said 'tbey dld flot ffee bow It was possible for aband so young tu hartdle the guod worko 50 well." They showed their b>e8t interpre- talion lu the overture 'Light Cavalry." The second part of the programn wae rendered by local talent, and aseieted by * Ingleside Qnartt." The firet number. violin solo, "Romance and Boiero" hy Kenneth LovelI was exceptionaiiY fine and weis received wlth sncb appiause tisat he was compelled lu return for an oeore. The second number wae tth. "Wlnters Song" by the Ingleelde Quartet comp))sed of Jno M. Foroyth loet tenor, Robt. C. Dyrenforth 2nd lenor, Ralph E. Llbbertoa lot base, J. Herbert Libber- ton 2nd base. This quartet wae organ- ized in Chcago @orne six years ago, wbile R. C. Libberton wes singlng In one ut the large vborcb choire. Mr. Forsyth auggested that they organIze a qoartet, whcbh was easily accomplisbed, givIng it the namne ot "Ingleelde" meaning "Fire- side.' Slîortly alter beingorgenized and singmng et one of tbeir î'burch fonctions moine of the ) dd Fellow s present asked 1 5c = 1 = Oc m -7c White Curtains, $1, $1 .50, and $1 .75 Shimmer Silks,worth 40c per yjard 25c We are showingj a fine line of Ginghams and warm weather Novelties. Cail in and see themn. Thei coniiervative batnker, ini nîaking lbans, must kuiow to a certaiîîty that lus applicants or sureties are responsible and worthy of credit. Likewise, the prudent depositor will know the character and the standing of the bank with which lie dealso, and the fact that this bank now lias over 2500 depositors with aggregate deposita of over ý,400,0OO,O0 is certainly evidence of this con- fidence of the public in titis institution. We want te, thauk ail our friends for this manifestat- ion of their confidence and good will and ausure thi that it will be our earuest effort to, In the f uture, maintain this higli standard of excellence. I ake county flatlonal 'Bank Capital ~50, 1)00. OU Surplus and Profits , 80, 00o. (4) Stockliolder'm Liability 50,000.000 Total ý10000.0OU A Pair Propsition lu want t) boy the best guods for the h-st mufley, you are 'iti tied tu tilas, if jeu boy for caëh. Ilf ju bluv on tilte, vou have ti pay for the slow pay and ecieutits, aside trom jyour Owii, tii). oercbant is not a philanthropk'ieistitultion! i t iS the Cash llny rrw) are aftssr; wene li't car)' lii w rich a man i,, Ilis credit avculi it am valuable, as the' pîîîr iti*ansh-not lus lit last. Thlio'credit tore m il tei -ulie O ,üses jist as heap. ma be be doet X"iii igh l ait ti i o rit,' site, tliit tîtat is s)10ply unie ints'rsteil par- ties wvord agaiast that of another interesird î,erty. Tae neither ,ne s lout tolow 3 )ut GC'D judgeiiient. And nuw we-' ts t)) our fair propositin. Retors liun)'iasing. prive tite gooda, item for item, flot une ortwo staples, bol EX EIf ITE.NI ou want t)) buy, compare Oise qualiiee and) tbtn boy wibere yoor money will boy the BEST ANI) MOST (1005D. Cati w,' ask anything more tair or more reass)nable? THE FAIR Libertyvilbe, 111. APRIL 16t11. Colored Curtains, Draperies. The 20C Kind, at The 1 5c Kind, at The 1 Oc Kind, at = = mal 1 ý el' 1 - ----------- ----- 1 EveryikAng for Ilen

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