Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 6

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6 LAKE COUXTT IDEPBNDENT, FRIDAY, ÂPRIL 8. 1910 MEN'S HEAVY 6OVEkALLS'AND JACKETSWORTig 78e AT 3»C Your choice of a nifty Une of mnens fine suits, in black, blue, and neat gray patterns, strict- ly ail wool materials. Suits ttiat usually seli at $21 for s-000 WAUKEGAN, m m ILLINOIS [~J1 A splendid line of boys two piece suits with stralght or knickerbocker trousers, light or dark colors, wllI stand the roughest wear, sizes 7 te 16 years, fully worth $3.25, for For months we have been contracting for and securing from the best makers of men's, boy's and chUldren's clothlng. SURtS of many models, correctly cut and handsomely tallored. The new hats in blocks sultable for ail faces. Cholce creations In neckwear, new patterns in shirts, the best makes; best In underwear, hosiery, shoes and oxfords of ail sorts. Wearables for men, boys and children of unusual beauty and excellence. We want everybody to see our splendid display and we have sel2cted as our opening day Saturday, April 9th. Greatest sale of bigh grade clothing, shoes and furnishings ever announced sale commences SatudayApril Othy 'allo mqi1 and continues for 10 days only. The quicker you act the bâter values you wilI be able to select. Don't let the chance escape you! Can you afford to? Mon' s New Spring Suifs Made by the best makers in the country. Every garment is cut in in in the latest spring models. Workmanship is thorough and reliable. Suitings are the new shades, olive, grays and fancy stripes, plain and fancy blues serges, black clay worsteds, ail are hand ffi: tailored throughout. Evcry suit Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Reduced prices on ail our new spring suits $15 suits reduced to .......................................... ....... $ IO. $1650 Suit reduced to.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 Our $2250 and $2500 Suita speciai for ibis I80 sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 Young Msn's Spring Suis Ail handsomcly taiiored in ihe newest Spring m dl;$1500 reduccd to ................... u0 0 $11.00 Suite reduced to... .....0.. . ... 100 odd Suit, for young men, sizes 31 iv 36, $10 values for ... . . . . . . . . . . . ....$800 .3.98 Spring Shoos and Oxfords are Roady Our mens, womens, misses, boys and childrens sprlng shoes are now ready a splendid showing of shoes of unusual menit. Theres flot a shoe that were flot proud of, not one that we can not confidently recommend Mens fin.- shoes and oxf' ds, special at Mens shoes, patent ete an u m tlnlc, buiton and blucher, $35 values, for 24 Men'a paient leather an tn98ors $3.00 values, for ..ýý . . . . . . . .8 Men's ofty oxfnels, ali liethers, posîively 29 Lades $2M0 Shoes ai... ý....................... 1.48 Icte, euar$.5valusdor pate..nt .2839 Men's $300 Shoet ai ........ ...198 Boysb Stesc, medum and lîghi weighi sale price ... . ... ...... . . 1.37 $18.00 Suits reduced to ......... 200 odd Mcna Suits ai les& than cost; $9.00, $1000 and $1500 values, for $1,98, $5.48 and. $.. ... 0m . - 48 Great Values in Boys Suis Boys, two piece Suite with stralghi or knickerbocker ti oussn. Ilight ar d ark colors, wli stand roughest wear. 19 Sizes 7 to 16 years, choice at ........... 2.48 Men's fine trousers, worth 2.25 at............ ..... ..1.39 Mens trousers In gray. blue serge and fancy .9 stripes, positlvely worth3.0a............1 8 Mens extra fine trousers In worsteds, dark and lght 2,98 colors, worth 4.00 at .. ....... .......... Mens fine trousers ln black and blue serges, gray worstede and fancy stripes, worth 5.00, choice at ....3.39 New Spring Hats for Mon and Young Mon Mensa $3.00 sofi and stiff hais ai ............... $225 Men's $250 stîff and soft bats In The Sprîng shapes are lndeed attractive, ln black all the popular Spring styles, oniy,.....16 an h;lCW shades of gray, brown 2.. 25 'sa d o ys'.O ap otspcl ai an a 3.00 hais ai. . ......... ....... 25.......speclal for ibis sale at ............. O5 Mon's Shirts 'and Undsrwoar Men's $150 Negiigee Shirts, plain or plaiicd bosoms, rfew stripes, dota and plain white, llghi ' and dark paierns, best $1.50 value ai ... 9 Men's 75c Shirts ai. ,. . . . . .4Ue Mens S50c Shirt, ai........ ... ...........ý. .39c Men's fine sofi Shirts, coilar and cufs attached, In whie, cream, blue and brown; '8 $2.00 values for ..... . . . . . . . . . . . Mensa soft Shirts, colars and cuffs aitachcd, ln white, cream, blue and fancy stripes, 75c values ai .............. 48c 5< READ. >11 riri Boys@ wash blouses, with coliars; Mensa baibroggon U,,rta and draw.- Mena Porosknit shirts and draw- 5Oc bouses, speciai for this e5i rs, ln wbte ansd b.-own 5 e rs, positîveiy worth0C; big sale et .......... .......£c Colora, 3 a u ase, eti-., 20c speclal for ti. is sale .25 ICar Fare refundc4d t>imit of 4 tawn c jtomers up on purchases of f$1 or overj MLN'S SUSPENOERS-A splendid Fine baibrigan shirts and drawers, aseertmeit el hesvy or ight weight in white, black and pink colore. Ail wos1j, up ta ,6c; l IZeS; 6Ue vaiues, cisol-eAt ........ _..........19C e ............. 9 Me'a20e fancy haitMnego ev wr odhaywrksx eua o hoteat...................121c hirtsgWorthea75cwo.. ..39C Gvalueavywrtorglr Mne15c lnen colars ....100 Boys' 75c union suite at .... 4 per pair ..................... 6 Boys' knee or knickerbocker pants, Men'@ fouri-n-hand ties, ail tis 1 mostiy dark mixtures, elzet to 16 scasona patternis, Worth Car Fare refunded te out of town ciîes- I years, SO0esand 75 values, 3, t................. 7. tomers upon purchases of $5 or over. at o.îy ............ .......39C Men'. ih hrs.......4c TisI great sale begins Satuiday, prl 9m 10 dayà, s. tome earIy and secuire the best barguins. Men oi ail ages wli be Iuterested ln the semions choleest wear- ables. Mo1 esawflbe fpentil Imterestela lbe mew modela o1 hildeflagarMènte ma" everybody will be weil repald for coming. MEN'S UNION SUITS AT 59ei s-, FOR SALE rouim oude ville,I. FOR SALE subitdvision cars. Price FOR SALI Austin sub $5 down, 1 LOTS FOI mub-dtilioî electrie roa J. GRIMES, FOR SAL Wrlght'o a4 0250.0W ai FARMS-N eounty fartc la village. NOTICE- more wbere returros anti sanually et inveatmeot se-cure-d iy sssuld yot applle orci. ralize wlb tlsnity isi ic parti-uarsl -kAr,-. FOR SALE oii.2 air,-, FOR SALE ,il l mprovi, rs H. B,,es,,1 For Rent- hiulo 'e, - letraisg Ru FOR SALI isarilw<îod water hFiîst .iîuail fruit ,% au lne a, For Sale- Plion 137 FOR REN $200 uliii hiiobail A, Te.27. orI> .01iuFeee usuulîed roo w1 itoOt tb FOR REN Plat,,tGr *ETriE IMA se,-ueîlv fi :21) oel 12 Cîr--.. m. rd. 2' WANTED or b > smail WA NTEU 4*5 n u il Prairie Vi. WANTED hociing three yeasri Apjiiy Sur Hospital, i MONEY farme ai 5 I I oe o * Q t- e' * <'j Q 0, Q i Boys Spring Suits BOYS' NIFTY SPRING SUITS, $650 values, $398. Double breasted, aide vents, ailwoo1 .9 fabries, in neat grays, casimeres and BOYS' LITT RUSSIAN SUITS, 5 zes 3 to 8, made of ail wool fabrics, neat colors anid blue serges, sailor or milltary collar, big bargains at ..............3 4 Boys' knickerbocker two pece Suis, posdilvely worth $3.75, ai ............................. Big Reduotion on Men's Trousors lI the( ty. Mailîda siadi, Eso derstadi, 1 Publie i by virtue tered lni 1 said Circu Terso, A. signed 5Y Court, w day of bour of 1 said dayt Court Ho gai, ln ilt State of 1 to the hi followIng tate, to-wl Lot Nui (5), in Hi 1

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