Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 8

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LA"E OOUSTi F Wau-kegan News ait RevivalMeting Close 1n Wauke- gan people wIli alvays have a varm gan Mmv Canverts place in Ueir bearts for hilm and Useir prayera vill follow hlm. prof. Moody, wbo bai charge of tIse Tise LO"r-Moody meetings lu Wau- munie iurlng the meeting, la a true kegn cose SuiaywlU tu-e.gret Oritiasi gentleman. vlUs a trong kel clsedSunay Iththre geatpersoisality sud a *Isar and stroug a, services. Ail diree vere las-gely at- base voe. tessded. H is solos bave been a fenture of Use Tii. audience ln the eveing con- meeting. Me la a splendid leader of pl.tely filled the As-mry. The gai- a large. chorus. Unies- bis trainin-g lery wus used and many stood througb the large choruis soon develaped a bar- Use service mony andi volume vblch vas Inspiring Rev. . W. Wetling offered thse sani anierful. Msny vere ttracted prayer ln Use nornlng; Mr. F~. D. te the. meetings ta bear the slnglng of Everett of Higlan Park lu Use ef- tila splendid chorus. ternoon sani Rev. Miggiubotbam In Mr. Moody la sas earnest, faithful the evening. and tireloosaChristians vorker. Mr. Profeser Mooiy and Mra. Moiy and Mrs. Moody have lead nearly ail sang a duet et the mornlng service Use cottage meetings ssid Mra. Moody entltled "Sonsetîme, Somehaw, Son.- bas coniucted meetings for Use chili- wbes-e." In the afiernoon Mr. J. D. ren, bîgh Schebel girls ansd vonen- SIse Stentz, vho usei te asslt Evangellet bas maie her inuence teit as a Boom- Lowry tn meetings as Use leader of ber of Use large chorus andinl per- munie, was resent froni Chcago and souai vork for Use unsaved ln Use sang a beauttful solo. Prof. Moody after-meetiiigs. sang "My AlI1 Gve ta The," andi These Christian workers have en- ts Use eveclng ho sang "I Want ta go deared thernselves te nany bearts ln There. Dont Yau?" Waukegaus. Sxty-iveacpelCrit.rn h The Lowry-Maody meeting la past, daocnepisbinteCherislte4ngUsebut It vill linger lis Use minis a! many frteieof meeing. se a preclous memory. It yull mark Ue aiesce0f meets, pm for mnsy bunireis Use Urne vien Tii auiene epreseither auir- Uey were bore into Use klngdom lotion of Use fathfnl services of .th of Gai, and for othera the ime when chorna by givlng Uen Use Chautoullua Ueir Cristian lite assumei new sasnts. Evangeliat Lowry Ussukai meausing. They have reuwed Ueir Uhoss ho presidei ai the pianos and purpoae to serve Gai, received a new the. orchestra for Ueir services. caîl te separate temsebves fran the. Ha sald Waukegan people bai treat- varIA and gîve themeelves to Gai for ed hlm with great kinines: he sPOke botter service. .apocially of Use kininesof Mrs. Wilbur Heede. saii Miss Nettie Krafts, vses-e tbry bai roomed and Steel Trus5to Make Generai Advacce boarded. ln Wages. Na further sai Uat Watfegan needei te do just tvo Usîngs te make Use city an ideal place tailiv.: Firet, New York, Masch 30-Managers of Vote out Use saloon and second buili the United States Steel corporation IL Y. M. C. A. have under consiederatlon a proposi- History of Revivals. tion te make a general aivauce lu Durng the montb of December, 1909, bal! a dozen pastors ef the leai- vagea of ail employes other than igb lng cherches o! Waukegan and t wo salariai officers.1 layrnen from esch of Uses. churches F(ew o! Uese employes are uimou met te conider Use question of holi- meo roi Uses-e have been no thseats4 iog a union gospel meeting,.!srkslsay !Uemleo h It vas iecided unanimousely ta holdou tie nayoftemleo h such a meeting. company. employes have as1 Tii. questiou of the evangellst vho mnch dfficult?' as o otiiera in rocou- ebauli lead the churcbes In this effort cillng cnrrset vages and the bhg vas dîscusseil and Use names o! Ev- cot or living. angelies Lowry and Moody vere ulac- Wha ba been doue lu regard te ed in the bauds o!t the cammIttee by nome persoa lu Waukegan who the proposedI ncrease couli net be knew o! Ueir vork le other cdUes. learned from Preeient Corey or other Ater thse committee bai sssured hlgh offices-s lu ttis cty.- Elsewbere Uenselvea Usat the evangeilets vere it vas learued it alseaiy bas been geesuse Christian men, vise lu Ueir iecided te put loto effect higber metilois an succesafuilnlutheir vos-k thay vers Invitai ta coniuct the ser- scales of vagea i n me plants or lu les o! meetings- some departments o! .11 the plante. The postera ot ten churches igiied &-ne time vas spent ln preparatlon MAJOR IA WES for Use conslng Us te evasigelis. For eeoyaks 5cttage prayer meetingas SÉES DANGER ve.hedu > ubmes of thse people ad ne s eek of union prayer meet- luga ln Use aburcises Provieus te Use 8051>51 meetings. Major Hawes, head camp cIes-k af the The Lo-r-Modiy meetings began Modes-n Woodmen of Amerlo, sse March 6 lne se e Armory on couisi Danger If Readjustment sa net Made tr siXeet. Sani ciosed vitis Use service MaendGvsFge.tPre Iasiigât.Md n ie iue e rv About ffftY meetings vere ieîî in COs-1ct0555 cf Stand--Over 33,M0 il; tvsnty-flive evening. tventy mter- Over 50 Yser* Old. noms sani four Sunday morninga. Ali Major C. W. Haves, hend clerk of of!thoss.ers bsldlnhiUe Armas-y; Use Modern Woodmen of Aneise-a, Use but tva vomen meetings. vhicb vere heli le Use Methodiitan d uap- largeat o! Use fraternel orders, contin- tint e chubea; tva versfor men aly, uea bis campaigu lu tavor o!fseajust' tisree fors- vansiosly and several for ment o! rates lu spite o! Use refusai chilis-en sndsiigrls of the higb echool. o! several beai camps te take Use ThenseMeetings vere aIl coniuctei question up. Major Havesa ys Usat, by Eaneis Lovry, except thse tvo atog a enppa.h 5 womens meetings and Use meetings louhtmabenplrelaB for Us. girls of the igh scbool and s.lorougiily couvlnced that seaijjiat- one af the chlree's meetings, vbich meut la absolutely uecesaary, If the Mra. Moody conducted. Woadmeu as-e to carry ont her con- Rlesude. tIes larger meetings a tracts. Uat he can take no ether great mauy cottage prayer meetings course. Addresaing a schoal of lu- were beli dsrlng the campaign.s-cinfrsat euis ao The veater vas Ideal; almost ev- tuto o tt euis ao ery day vas clear and mli. Haves snnounced that another report The attendance f rom the firet te the On the question o! reailustinent of test was geai. approximately 25.000 rates ls helng psepared et Use roquent People atteniei durlug the sesles o! o! the ezecutîve councîl. Use statistidi meetings roi heard the gospel. The helng sufficlently advsuced te provo intereet consinued to grow froi thse ffis-t end reachei a clmax ln the great beyoud question the necessity for s- meetings o! the. test day. adjustment, Great gond bas been accompllshed Miajor Haves ststes Uat ou Janu- by these fous- veek' services. Na ary 1. 1909, the Woodmen bait 960,- one rau ineesure the Influence o! Use meeting. The wbole ciy bas heen 299 beneficlary memsbers, o!fviloi 33, shaken by the preachei vos-i o! Gai. 341 ver. oves- 55 years ehd. Casrylng The gospel has net lost ts pover te the preseot membershlp tventy years seacb and gave the people when pro- te January 1, 1929, allowiug for Us, claimed by an earnest Christlan man. ieaUss and lapses figurai upon the The churches of Waukegan have beaupse xeinensdasmigart avakested, streugtbened and encn--ps xetne n suIgart aged. many Christian»s bave renevoed of grovtb for that time basai upon tbeis- covenant vlth Gai and given Use average gsowtb for the past ten Uemaelves te Hlm for better ser- years, the Woodmen vill bave lu vic siece1929, 364,850 members vho ame56 TIecnsineof Use rommunity erorv bas heen qulckened, the moral toue of eas rvs. Thse experience o! Use the cty elevated sud the forces a! Socety has shao an average mor. rlghteousness unifiai sud greatly moi- tallty t age 65 of tvelve deaths per tIPlisi. Pour hundred anid Uirty-five Uousani sud as the average age of took a stand for Christ. tee3480mmesvl .ao EvangellEt Lovry ls a man clled hs 6,5 ebr iib bv of Gai, au earnest, consecrated Chris- 55, Use number- of deaths lu Ueir Mnas tians. Me bas a peasîng persouallty, lone vilI b. açpsozmately 6,000a a trOng, clear voire and is ielivery year. Major Haves urges that Usese la iignfi.i and fosceful. 11le ses-- tacts he coneiereal nov and tiat the mons are able presentatlons of theWodedontm eUsmiak< great trutis o! Goi's word. There Womnd e aetemsaeo are fev evangelits vho malte suri lie Anent Order o! Unted Workmen large use o! the Bible ln their sermons lu psocrastlnatiug and compromîsbn@ as Rev. Lowry. Be Just hurla the vlth the vital question o! adequaiE word of Godai athîs audiencessani If rts men object te bis Btatements thIr rts contreversy le vitb Goda word. not vti the evangellat. Or Hpw the SeSslon la Far Advence, Me la severe lu is denunclation of akea hi er ail tfs-me o! sin. but kndInlubis irai- l akgnTi er ment o! the elunes-. Be drawa the bne very close betveen rilbt sud tlrcb tblisty-lis-st, and 'lay toies vs-ang, varbdiness and true right,î nus miii s history. ues. He la thorougb i vîh h bis ii verts. He makes'ay io Crist 'i stserday a party o! wtt) know, clear andIinssîas on eveie - 01dpfii t>.aukeganies ral a visit to ihe nev nitly and honestiy givlug thesusels r- (i % Park out h. nid Haine-s place t0iie~vngeîst eer cme t Waue. t , t he metubers outihe iai a VELLE SAD, INDIEN) Real Nam@ols H. M. Lucg, but "Pa- tient,-' Who la Neither 111 Nos- Hurt, but Mentally Deficient, la Qiven tiie Nickname cf 70ellow Like Gol"- De.p Mystery ln Pllgiit af Young Chinoe. ram Chicago. Why la H. M. Lung, slant-eyed coleatlal, sud? Why doehe hang iei heai and refus. te talk? la there à carefuIly hidden ro- mance? Wiiy wll ho lnslst on trylng to gîve tae acii of hie guemba $100 In bileail In a rail? Why, wiien te anîcus ta donste tise century plant fo tiie cammon objacted toamsythlng 1k. aa illng. Would Have &cme Brother. Lung w»arreeted on Ot. Johbas ave- Inue yeaterday, morsslng ln Highland Park. Re refused to lbave the city atter bavlng huxsg about a1wllessly for i about v. hours Frlday and the jdey before. He mae some reeltance to Use ambulance also.1 "A regulasr dumsny" la Use way thei. Higland Park police put IL. Lungà ieciarediie vishai to go some Place1 'wbere he vuli" bave brother. lu five da" or &o." Officer John A( Geneat ma"e Use arreet.1 Dr'.' pr&nk M. Ingalis declared that Use manl la alck ansd orderei hlm taken to Waukegan hoapîtal. Tii. naine b. gave ai Hghland Park was "Chinkuru L«.' a JapaOese tak- lng Use naine down. Thus you can bave your chioce, Wong Kain, Ciinkuen Les, or H. M. Lung. RAIS! SI11,000 fOR AUSTIN CO- good dosaho ang actae Wl i* ~' WaukeaflGripe Auatln AutomOble, jean*? Company'@ Proposition wlth Chai. la tiiere such a thlng ae a crazy atertl. Feavor and chances Are Mongol, and whoever hoard of that Needed Amount will b. RaI.ed What la the hoapital golng to do CoanyldStnok ua l nes Cone wth a patient who la nither alck CmaySokaGo netet cor hurt, except mentally, whoq, An enthuaiatie business mens din- thse Chicago representative of the. uer was held et the Hotel Washburn Son of the. $un, etc, and Brothgr tant week undey th-,>joint auspices o! cf the Golden Dragon, etc., cde- tse W&üuceàan Commercial and Retail clarea that the patient mut bu Merchanta' Association. The dle- kept et the. hospital or the.&aev- uer was held for t.he purpose 0f con- entees, million ancetors of the. pa- sldering the location of the Austin Au- tient wil ba angry? tomolile Compa.ny's plant ln Wauke- You tell. gan and stock lns the. company wazs uh- ecribed In the amount of over $11000. Jane McAllster Hospital officera Seventy-five of tbe leading business are stumpei by an international comn- men of the city were present. Moet plicatIon. of those who alguci up wlll double The "compilcation" ls yellow lIÉ their pledges of lest week. color and for this reason has heen Duret Open@ Meeting. named 'Wong Kam,' meaulng. trans- Ater tbe flne dinner, whicb had lated from the Chinese, "Yeliow Like been prepared by the management of Gold." altbough bis real name la giveis the Waahburn Motel, bad been dispos- as -Hlgh Sound of Chicago" ed of, Tbeodore H. Durst, president The complication laeni it as far as of the Commercial Association, acted can b. learned burt. Nether la he as chaîrman and after a short taik ln sick unless e time honored "bats in wbich be spoke of the need of a busi- the belfry" applies-and wbo ever ness mens club ln Waukegan, intro- heard of a "crazy Chinaman?" duced Attornley J. K. Orvîs. The main evidence that "Yellow Vialted Plant. LIke Gold" le a 'litfle off" i.. bis lm- Attorney Orvis told of bis receni petuous eagerness to give away $1001vsi Il te lant of the Austin com- ln a rol-lust lîke that. pany al Grand Rapids and made à Have to Keep Hlmn. mont favorable report on what be had "Yeflow Like Gold" was caught observed while there. Me stated that alive on the streets of Highland Park Use plant la equipped with the latent Friday. He was cavorting aiong and best improved machlnery and Usat wth a suit case and a wild air when he bai witnessed demonstratiofls of Chief Sheaban coPPed onto hlmi and the cars wich proved tem to bo Use after ahs unsucceesful attempt so get beat cars made. a hoarder and loger for Use city jaîl Facing New Blrth. 1came to Waukegais wlth hlm first Attorney C. T. Heydecker was nezt LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN rsendlng a telephone caîl for an ambu- Introduced and made a plea. that the r Strenuous Mongol. business aoi professional men of the It At thîs end the chie! of police and a clty get together, pull together and ,fcouple of burly assistants ha4l ail stick togeth er. He sai Uat Wau .tiduds o trouble getting the Mongol kegan la facing a new bisti commer :under control sufficlently to take hlm clally andi that the city will remain il to the hospitai but they didILit. a stanistili and stagnate If we do ni Now Cornes the Pisenmr. et new industries. He advocatedE -Yellow Like Gold," or wbatever two year perlod lu wlich the cilj bis name la. refused to utter a word should work for new factorles and in f-fs 's--om sueume1nevas tiptuiet Iret bear-i rom. To al entreatlea he Austin Speaka. turne a deaf unr. Wen he la ques- Ms-. W. S. Austin vae the oext epeak tionei he merely stares witb ail hie er. Be sli that bis compan>' est might sud rearhing lu a patea pocket Dot asklng the people o! Wankegsr bruie ont a roll o! bills tint containe for a gift of any kind, but vas offesin an even hundrei dollars. them the best opportuulty for luvest This he offers ta the nearest Pes-- ment possîile. Me sai bis compas: sou. Me offes-ai It ta a haIt dozen employeonul>' tue igheet and bui dffereet ones Ilait nlgiit. pali clesa o! labos-. Me bellevei Usa Beaides this Omniha bai $48 ln an- other factorles aîong ldnidred line riUses pocket vblii be fought stren iiflo h oalno IeAe uoely a revntbaig iiaovevicampany here. In ils Opinion t) and $15 le hua bonorable suit e Astn ar l the buet car on eartl maing a total o! 3148 l12 ils Jean What he propoees to do la ta, sell th MMP3 IE 8, 1910 Le i th. THIOMAS TO REMAIN AS RECEIVERý aui $15 elsevbere. He vili not part citizens o! Waukegan a one-UIrd inter- Majos-ty of Ail Investors Have Signel !som the $63 sud offars figbt. est lubils buiness. petîtion ta Keep in office Mac Tiiey Wiiat WiII Tiiey Do Witii Hlm? To Employ 300. Regard as Ses! protector-No For, There site YeIbav like Gli np at While but elghty-fi«ve nen as-e eut, mal Reply to Petition fs-cm Court as the bospital an4 there pondes- Use ployai et the Austin Plant at the Yet. present tise, 300 men vîlI be emplOY- Reports !som Zioo Cty as-e to Use nurses. Anotier Waukegan Chines. ed by the cospany within one yeas- effent that the secevership vilI be vaBsuenmsoned te the hospîtal Satur- alter locatlug here aud the average continued that Recelver G. D. Thomas, day te ialk t0etthe sl5iit eyed enigna, pay le between $2.75 andi$3.50 Pes- the man wbo bas so abiy handlei the bot bis efforss fallei to make a dent day. Flfty familles vili remove ta affaire o! the Zbon estate, vil1 be con- asdthse only suever vas that be vas Wukgan If Use plant locates here, tlnuei lu office Iniefloltely by Judge offet- the famons $100. Thse hospîtalis the opinion o! Ms-. Austin. He lu- K. M. brouis o! the teie-al cous-t. vlted the ].o.est Investigation aud vill No officialIinformaîtion bas been s-e- peoplie are beginulug to thiuk that Use affori tves-y opportueity te thse rom- rels ed lu Zion City this mos-ning as te tIi ols-lmet be ,tage mouey,. mttee vblcb vas appoltei Iret eve- the continuaition o! thesecelverssbp, X\ b-n the Chinese consul vas called .nlng toearstain tise fants roi ail bit te ftacthat a nai lyof the lo- In Chicago be declared that the man, the Inf!ormnation vhicb Usey desiee esiors have slgnei petîtions 5o the; lR uwdes- titi protection o! she Chinese' Juige D.. Joues vas cali upon cours t rti that the recelver bei Pt t eak roi sai that he vas mort cosîiinîîed iloffice leais shose vmo as-e, goiesrnes-t and that be moi be kptfasos-abislîsiieased wth the candos- iselli tub, iteS subelieve that She couritst as h shbospisal ontil he le ready 50 roi cotcervaslsm o! Ms-. Austin and .s'il be'i l he expreýseîl vishes o! thse erte as lie bas thse means te pay. Helthe. statienîts vbirh se mie. He houe,'iso! Zion stochs and Mcrtites. 1 conluisedth. epr- psItio ws onrthyof tsaidteropoitinonery-a JutyofcnderaWllln ee wY John T. Judge then etatei that ha was wUhling to subscribe for stock and waa ln favor of startieg the. stock tub- scription imxrnedlately. AttorneSy C. T. Meydecker thon sai Uss± liewas tin lu favor of the appolntment of a com- mttee of conservatîve business men wbo should vlait the. plant and prepare a prospectus, putting the proposition lu black and white. Attorney J. K. Orvis then st.ated that thes uggestion of Attorney Meyecker had been car- ried ont ln provisions of the stock agreement, vbich lhe read. Wrghit at Plant, Too. William Wright wben aaked tb re- port on the visit wblch h.e and Attor- ney Orvis bail made to the plant of the Austin company. decUned ta make a speecb, but sali that h.e endors ail that Mr, Orvis bi sai as beleg true. Samuel Schwartz vas then calsid upen and sai that ha bi faith lentthe company and had just subscribed for $1,000 of Use stock. Fîrst Clase Pout Office. Poetmaster Charles 0. Watroue an- nouncai that the. business of the. Wau- kegais pont office hadl reacbed thse $40,- 000 mark for the. current fiacal Yser and that on Jily Use office wilI ha l. ed a» a firat clasa office, tiiereby i- surlng better postal faciltties for the. City. In speaking or the Wa.ukegan feÊ-0 building Mr. Watrouas tated that h.e hoped it would b. bulît this year and that tse building yl ha s great credît to Use City. Wanta Fis-st Car. Bo"Wynn stated that ie isanti the tis-t car maie by the Austin coin pany ln Waukegan for aivertiaing pur- poses. County Clerk A. 1- Heniee sai that lik. the coloreil people ait icars looked alike taobhlm. but that he bai aubscribed for $500 worth 0f the >stock. Looks Good la Hlm. John S. Reesman. manager for the 1North Shore Eiectric ComIpany, sai<d Ethat the proposition looked good ta -hlm aud that Use stockholiers wonît ttae no more risk than lu any other 1new business. Commnitte. ta Act. A committe of five who wIil act witi Theudore iH. Duret as chairman, wae sielected and Io composed of George Tf Cherrlngton, William Wright, Chaslef tBairstow and Press Arthur. Thli kcommitte. viii visit tbe Austin plant a inspect the books o! the company an( ilnveotory the machines-y, stock an( ýt equipment of the canipaOy and repos it at a mass meeting ta be held probabi: Lt at Use court houa. lu the near future )f Aska 8100,000Stock. ýe The amount of stock wbich must b, sou Io $100.000 and commlttees wil he appointed by the Commercial Ass( rt ciation and the Retail lMercbants' AE sociation to solcit stock subscrlPtionE ?R. J. Erakine told o! the excelleî prospects for the building of a eps of the spur track to the west Bide fax tory district and sali that thîssepu bas heen practIcaliy assured lu cas Use Austin cornpaoy is ianded here. One stayover and One drunk were s the police couid muster this mornini There la a demaud ou the part( the people that the street car compast get busy and repair the tracks. wat( freezing under wblcb forced the bric pavlng up severailoches ln mas places. The resuit la the streel are passable, but dangeroos to horsE 2eand vebicies. e The tremnendou gale o! iast oil idresulted bin he breaking of a valuabl "u plate glass pane lu the Durkln buill building on north Genesee sireet. TI atpane was completey sattered ast .t the lower balf. a Tbe C. W. L. wll hold a social mne ty ing tornorrow atternoon at the bornei n Mrs C. Doyle of norttr Utîca street. Civil Engîneer R. J. Smith bas tl couiraPS for the laying out of ti Lk- roada and drives for the United Stalq sa naval training station reservatiosi au Cape & Sons bave the contract fi g building the drives. t- Miss Lavenia Sylvester entertain iy at carda last olght at the I-anna cej st- dence ou North avenue. aot dLrectly euat ustiltbey reaihed the vacant property of John Thayer visere tsey enoountered a tree, hotii bossa trylng to pasa Use tree on op- posIte sudes. Here tbey dii muclx damage ta the harneas and1 wagon. Mr. White was considerably frIgbt- ened for a moment when be vas ths-own dove by the bore.., but bis only lnjury vas a llgltly burt arm. Hardly had the aiffair been quieted dovu wben another bai rssnaway took place, and elngslarll, ths on. had ltasetarting point from the aame place. Bert Brown vas fastening an- other rs-g to bIs mllk wagon, vIsen his borse. became frlghtened at the appcoacb of an automobile and etart- ei out. Wblle turning the corner of Main and Lake streets the wagon vas overturned and the horse ran Into a telephone pole and itchleg poet le front of the State Bank viiere thse animal trlei to free Itself tram the upturned wagon. The horse vas a little cnt up lai several places and the wagon vas badly emashed. OF STREET CAR, Movement Begins ln Wauk egan ta Have Street Cars Stap an Near 51de of Stsest Craslnge to Obv'iate AC- cldent&-Clalm la that Number ofE Accidenta will be Cut In Two Byt Rule tisat ia Urged. STOP THE STREET CARS ON THE NEAR 81DE 0F THE STREET. This a e .osy o! citîzens ln Waukegan and &long thé. north share. Cuscaga ha* adopted tise ruis. Nat a car stops cn tise fer- aide In tisat clty. Tise suic laneeded hers wiiere cass topplng on the ceas- of tise far eide of a crsosing and thon csoulcg the street alowly willlout the. cumber ai accidents ln two at lesat A gang of allegai is-usken sudun- rnly soldiers froin Fort Sher-ian Bat- urday are sali to have taken postes- alan o! street cas- number 123 &outb bouni at five ten on Use Chicago and Milwaukee Electrin Railroai Compansy. On Use car ver. nany ladies and asnang the male passeugers vere s s- Sadick, C. N. Foeilds o! UibestyvIile and Prof. Fs-ank Maniy o! Wsukegan. Seemingly Use car nsev la alleged to have doue nothlng et ail to brhhg the repoerted diunken sud boistes-ous aoldiers to time sud et ltlgbood Use paumgà- - > -A. Ouied proteet vita leneral Manager- K. W. McUnount. Bleoallegei ta have sai that the rosi la a connon carrier obligei 10 acnept su>' ou. wltb the psIre as a peselenger and that the couductor sud cas- crew ver. poverlese ta reelet Usa eoldiers sud lu acute danger if they The patrons ot the soa are sai to be mucli inceusei at this stand on tise 6 Mattes-and roule o! thes eszkei next dmos-nlng vbethes- or cat tise eafetY suad veifare o! the pssengers are ai dail conelidered as it le clalmei the' stheroudieseheu higb camîival and that their conversation asti action> v ers isuiting 50 women Oand met alîke. 8, The soldiers as-e under as-sest. The rieîesemt îîsitatitu tlreai i of,,- 'ves- yet sie blis-r. 'stittui Healtit tlee .It ise Une sunilavir-aud lamatie in lost oeminute. Ntotedione 20 Or 35, itîintes boiliig. Matie Iron urnse tin s- ed grains, malt. nute. s-t. 'ample li- CORLETT & FREOERICKS- YQL. WC CONSERVATOR'9SALE. Etate o! Illinois, County o! Lýaitesa. lne saCouety Court of County. Msrch Tesrn, A. D. 1910. lu Use mattar o! Use appUication o! Danison Huntington, Conervator a! Caroline Baade. insane, for leave ta tell reel eetate.- By vistue o! an os-der maie sud enterai o! record lu Use &boy,% an- tillai èastse lu salit Cous-t, on the Eigbtb day o! Masrh. A. D. 1910. the undersigned, Denison Huutington, Conservator o! Caroline Basie, in- sane. viii on Tuesday, Use Nineteentls day o! April, A. D. 1910, at Use hous- o! one oclock lu the afteruoou a! sai day. on Use premises iereiuaf- ter iescribed. offer for sale, and tell at public vendue to thse hîgbeet and beat bider for cash, ail o! the rigbt. titie, interest and estate o! the sali Cas-line ilsade, lu sud ta the !oliow- Isîg dscrbei reai estate, altuated lu the Cousîty o! lake and State o!fIlt nols, to-vit: Thse North liai! o! the South veat quarter of the South East quarter o! Section Elgbt (8), lu Towshibp Forty- tire 143) Nor-th, o! Range Teu (10) East o! the Thîri Principal Meridisu, exceptiug that part thereof vhich îles North of the public higbvay; &acs, Ail East o! Road. o! thse Sosuth liai! o! thse South WsVest quarter o! Section Nin. 19), Township sud Range afore- saii, rontainlng itteen acres sud Fosty-Igbt roisa; also, that part o! the West liait o! Use south eest quar ter o! Section Nb, e 9). ln Townaipi Forty-tiree (43) North, o! Range Ten (10) East o! Use Thîrd Principal Merilsu. lylug south o! Use rmai. ex- ceptlug that part thereof sou sund con- veyei to ou. William Graher, contalu- ting Oive acres, &ae excepting there- ! rom tvo sud 47/100 (2.47) acres sold 1ta the Elgin, Joliet & Ensteru Rail- rway Company. 9 Also, the sout bal! o! Use aoutb teast quarter o! Use sontb east quarter 1of Section Eight (8), lu Township Porty-Usree (43) North, o! Range Ten (10) EAst o! the Third Principal r Meridian. Dated Usîs Niuth day o! Mas-ch, A. D. 1910. flENISON HUNTINGTON, Conserý -vatos- o! Carolinue Brade. insane THE PLACE TO BUY Garden Tools, Ilad Cultivators, Lawin Mowers, Garden Ilose, Lawn Sprinklers, Lawn Rakes, Poultri,, Lawn, and Field fence. sURANUK BRose Nome an WEI John Tim Geo. R. J. Collts- J. G. J. F. (Pc WaukeS auothes- te 1093 i. ,pftbe 10( stos-y suce Tiiere v sni 1994 i total of 2b that Wani lun81>11e n o! finas-tivi The Iank flftb. sixils are kisevi second an No The rot precinct o dry, or ey vent vet *64, tIse th] the fiftb bt ~sseventh b3 nintb by 8 lfisuad il second va off tue 'b wet major) Sweel Beyond Waukegan ed a sweE viciseV landed thse foilove: Robes-i i moreat, asi George t clerk. R. J. Do Robert E John sa] mi8lsinerý James pese.. Dr. J. i'. F It vas Waukegass yezterday. TIse las-ge dii not evi te thie sait vbat appes the vide ou -The only get out o! vote o! 90 people vbo Its o! the vlucei nan that Way. Son. pro le tIse votiai vet vands, it >s claima vet sud dry and vasns: frotteUse t One caus may bave b ver. really as for thels- Tbey ver. Usey ii n insistedInl * , atcbers, e polllng _pbac dry ceunt. In Use v -came knavý and eaxpress vouM ahausc th1e City dry L.They iii oe* Two Runaways in Antioch D)avid White, rayesthe Autiocb Ad- vestiser, hai a most remas-kable es- caltetrous sesloue lins-ry Fsiday mos- ing when bis teain of hos-seasan away, knockiug im dovu aoi the horses and wagon passiog over him. Ms-. White bai mast hrought ont bis borses fs-omntbte Kelly hiacksmltb .hop roi vas hltrhlng them to the mllk wagon, wben one o! Use homses, r hlgb-epirited colt. became !righten- ei, sud wheu the horsee started out Mc. White vas standing at their beais and trlei bard to hold hem dovu, but the team vas too, mncb for hlm. lie w-as knocked dovn, !aIiing rigbt betweeu tbe two homses, Just unies- the pole, sud botb horses sud wagon passai oves- hlm, but fostu- nately dii not strike bis body. Mai he been knocked dovu lu any othet mannes-, be psobably vonli have been seriouaiy lnjured us- even kiiiei hy the tailiîpliig o! the horses. lits es- cape was not sncb a miraculous one, but t"rovidence vas certainly aluine hlm lu a moiment wben lu a bad piight. Tht- terni bai gone only a short distance when the uîllk wagon vas tns-ned upsîde dovîs, and the milk cane vers sent rollng lu dîffereni directions. Little Robes-t Morley, who happessed lu ho near thse rosiside, waas knocked duo by onie o! tht cans, but outaide o! a bai frigbt vas "di fi Il ti ti n h f t a: fi ti d

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