Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 9

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LA~(E CONTY INDEPENDENT, AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN. VQL. XVIL- NO. .28. PAZT 1IWO LIBRTYVJLLE, ILL., FYMMAY, APRiLi 8, 1910. $1.50 PER VEAR. IN ADVANCE. Waukegen to Be'Wetv for Two Years Lonâger 'Wet'Maoi rty of O3 Votes Snows Under the Local Op.'tion- Issue Tabulated mesuits off the Town Election la the Tmwnof Woukegan. Comple Rettara of "Wet" awd "Dfy" bsn.. Nomend Office. ' 1 * I711 ! 1 10 i TflYAL DRY-Yeu ..........r - 93 r 76 4119- - V WET-No.'....... . 142 157 1iSO1171 33 24 n i Asist. Supeëviso'r- - - .O.Wynn......177 '26 ~ 253 1107 172 107 165 lis John G. Dei.r t 193 122. 234 108 l.84 19 184 104 Tim 8Sp01Iman ... 79 119 65 110 162 108 189 41 Tfown -Cierk- 17814 10 Ga.. Iutchnon. 2 0 340 1 32 134 214 l R. J. Douglas ...... 280 177 341 194 312 127 172 11 R. Ê. Mutaw ........224 186 277 110 13 24I0 J. 216letn..... 155 25 107 193 121 179 0 Phlip Dongari 32 51 I60,10711973 103~ Justece ot _11e o 113 11 3i8 3 J. G. Welh....280 14f340 r194i i312 r119 152 107 Sehool Trusîe- - i-~ _______ J. F. Rooe.....7 2 1 87 163 102 149 109 W.B oi>.........75 86 ,19r1 64 j13 190 41 (rm Weaneud.a'aSun.) 1heavy vote polled by TlmothY Speli. WaukganJO t reain wet* fo ýman for auistant superviser, Who a9 Waukgan s 10reman weY fo the demfraiccandidate scored! Up another two years. 17 oe fis y s16 n 1093 injority for the saloon side 17 oe glstWns16 u pf"te lcalopton qeston elî th Demoresî's 13M6 jwte lcaloptin qeston tllethe Nexit ta1the Wet Issue. Town Clerk star>' scdncîly George 1-utchluson led the repoblican T1here were 901 votes for the drys, 'ticket wth 1913 votes ta bis redîl. and 1994 for te wets, which makes & This may be tlitn as a great coMPII total of 289r, vole, or the large@t vote me» and tribute ta one ufthe11 town's that Waukegan township ever ,olled.,ntost valued public servants. lu sufite of the decePtive appearance éut nOhrTws of lnaetivity yesterday. Osuits n 01cr Tware s fi The largest votes were lin1the îthIr<. Rslai te un r sfl fIfttb sixth and tenth preClucîs, Which 10we: are known ln the city as the lhird- Grayslake iAyon) wet again by 66. second and part uf the firet wards. Antloch t Antloch) went wet again b>' 113 votes. Not Precinct Went ODr,. VerW<un went wet agaîn b>' a small The noteworthy tact ls tisat net a ul&srgtn. te precinct of 1the ten lunte îown weut These are 1the ouI>' towns beaîdea dry, or evea came near It. The firaI Waukega where the test was made. went wet by 19 votes, h, second b>' OhrTwnEeto. 64, th1e third by 14, the fourth b>' 95..e onclcin. b the fiftis b> 208.,1the slxth b>' 185. the Electons 0of officers a In ther towns th seventh by 234. the eighth b>' 21, the' reseulteiase follows. In cass where ta nlnlh b>' 82 and the tenth-by 171. The t11e vote la net gîvelu the succesà for Io fh and the sixth, whlch comprise the - candidates beingilisied or denoted. an second ward ln clty pariance carried r off the -honora" of the day wltha ANTIOCH. el wet majorlty comblned of 393. TOWN TICKET. Sweeping Republicon Dey. For Aaaesor Beyond the wet and dry Issue lun c(as. Van Patten. no opp. Waukegan tuwn the electlon sigualiz" For Town Clerk. ed a aweeplng republican victor>' ln W. a. Rînear. no opp. whlch e'.ery republican candidate For Colecr. landed the election and 1the office as Walter Taylor, 118 majurily over op- folIows: eoing candidate, Ferry Driscoli. Robert 1D, Wynn atsd John G. De, For Ilighwey Commisaloner. moresi, assitait supervisora. Richard Kaye, no opp. George W. i. Hutehiosoti, towtt For Justice of thse Peace. clerk. i J. C. Jaes no opp. R. J. Douglas, towu assessor. I Spécial Question. Robert E. Nutaw. town colector. r hi hstw ecm uimlo John Bamiuel Peilitant. road com- terrîtor>'? Wets won by large Major- itassioner Iy James G. Welch, Justice of the~ peace. Dr. J. F. Remruer, trustee of echools. TOWN 0F SHIELDS, Resuts Expected. RECULAR TICKET. Tt was generally anticlpated that Fer Town Clerk. Waukegan would "go wet aIl day Martin C. Decker. 444. yezterday. Fer Aeeesaor. The large wet majorlty 0f yesterday T~tyHw.l didflt vensevep~ teach a eson Fer Colector.1 te the saloons, but OUI>' to IndIcate John J. Spellman, 45. ab what appearz ta be a preterence for For HigIhway Commissionsr. tise wlde open aÀloon. Charles Gartie>'b>' 350 Majorit>'. Tise onî>' consolation that the dry. Fer IOhook.Trugute. gel out of the resuli la tisat the dry INDEPEMDINT TICKET. vote of 901 people represents 1the For CollatIon. people who are cunvInced of tise mer- William J. O'Neill, 334. Its of the dry cause and beliag con- TOWNSHIP TICKET. vlnced cao be depended upon ta vote For Cllector. tisat Way. James fliceklnson,. Souriseprofesast e efta grosIncresse PEOPLE% TICKET. ln the vtlng strength of tihe so-called For Town Clerk. wet wards, but tbis le net apparent, Heur>' Vickerman, 229. it l> claimed as the vote il 1the Test For Hlghway Commlesoner. wet and dry electlon totalled over 2800 W*tYCONDA. and was not aubstantiall>' different For Hlghway Commisaloner. from the total yesterdîay. PROPLEUS TICKET. Onue cause of 1the heavy wet vote Fer Bupirvisor. mnay have been the tact that the wets E. W. Brooks wlns. were really badl>' scared and tougbi For Tow1 Clerk. as for their lives at tise poiesail day. (Term 2 years.) Tise>' were wary ot ail volera whomu C. B. Wiseeiock. tise> did!fnot know ta be "rlght" and For Cellector. Insigted 1n somne cases against dry C. U. Pratt. -watcisers, even bqing present aitishe For Hlgh*iy Commissior. »olIngplaces to watch th1e wet aud DItriet No. 1. dry count. (Term à years.) in tise evenlug when the resuIts 1e H. M. Davia w!»o.. cime known thse wets were jubilant For tiîghway Commasîoner. andi expressed the hope that thse dry. Dptnlct 14. 2, ta AIi va=tae>. woulid abandon their attempts to Make (TerSi1 year.). the .cît>' dry. 118541f Doveli. ÏL?2sey diti net read their ,ictorY as PEltilOqTICKET. 1Ula tian an approval of the e*Urv.. 11ouIduet of the saloons. "t he Be. .3 oâ.detui For Hi 124 76 39 ¶.1 901 J-214 1994 69 1363 159 1079 73 l!1913 67 71857 72 1601 148 I$ 50 66 67 35 14; 71 71 1810 68 68 1250 34 150 1076 Leu Gear>'. lghway Commîsaiceer. District No. i, (Teîrn 3 yearm. A, J. Vsaey. AVON, REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Town Clerk. Harry Rich. A. W. Harvey,. For Col:ectr. John Christian. For Hishwây Cemmisaloner. Walter Beak. For Ichool Truste. 1. A. Fenlon. Shaîll t11. town 11eome antl-saloo erritory? 210 Wet, 144 Dry. Sshaîl a tau off ift> cents on eac hnndred dollars valne of ail propert tu town b. tevled *W lafve years fo the purpose of ecohtructlng and malt. tanlng gravel rosis loeated as fof Iwa: The road betweeu Lake VIII, nd Grayslake and th1e road norti from Davis Corner lu Cedard Lake except part ln Village of Round L.ake 166 For, 177 Againet. VMRNON. PEOPLE'$ PART. B>' Petllloh. For Supervîsor. Fred G. Maetber. For TOWn Clork. C. C. Gerbert. For^seur. Frank Weland. For Collector. John Tuile>'. For Highway Commisatoner. Jacob Lelkam. For School Trustes. MarIinKneedler. INDEPENDENT PARTY, B>' Petîtion. For Highway Commiaioner. William Wacissniug. Special Question. Shaîl this towu become anti-saloon erritory!? Nues won.' For paymeuî lu labor ut the district bor propert>' road toi? WEST DEERIELD: TOWN TICKET. For Superviaor. MI Horuberger. 165. For Tovi Clarkt. Fred H. Mey'er, 166. ForA^amaor. George H. GuIdler, 119. For Collector. J. E. Knickerbocker, 113. For Highway Commsloner. Hermaice Wbeeler, 131. For Justice of th1e Peau*. For Thîstîs Comminalon.r. F. A. Cati>. (To 811 vacancy.) Joseph H. Pyle, 181. Dy peition. For Asseeor. FIred Mau,. 103. For Supervisor. John Selg, 8U. For Mîghway CohimlssIoner. D. E. Gibbons, 87. ELA. UNION TICKET. Fer Supervisor. Be. A.' Feke. Ausesýt rmec. Wm, . O.klohuaker. For Mighwî7 C@mmi&aioner. For Sj~o.lTruste.. A.G olwermau. PETITION TICKET. For ýpervlaor. D. Hultingtoiî.r For Mighway ommlsaloner. Wm. U Krueger.M Speclal Question. For and agaînat paynient hi i boi. of district labor aud propertY rond For sud againsî paynienî t of oil,1 tax, For and agnst spcýciai ýXx for:! gra' ci. rock, macadam or ot lier bard111110116 REGULAR TICKET. For Supervisor. Fred Kirschner. For 4Yown Clerk. Eml F. SchaeIe, For Asaesor. E. W. *Rliey. For Cellector. H. Berger. Wm. Giee. GRANT. DEMOCRATIC PARTY. For Supervisor. Thomas E. Grahanm win8. For Towns Cisrk. Otto Mluchreke wins, For Asseffor. JaMes Larkln wits. For Collettor. r Heniry toffel wins. For Hlghway Commissioner. Masrtin W. Freund. For Justice of 1the Peace. Henry Devilo. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Supervisor. George Stauford. For Town Clerk. Albert WlIey. For Asweor. Henr>' Strtton. For Collecter. Henry' Cusisman. lý For Hithwey CemiIabloner. Sumnber Bowers. l'or PjufwèÔVlr4Peace. Alex Tweed. Special Mention. To Ievy 8speclil tlxof $2.000 in build highway between Long Lake ,and Ingleside, 111. Libertyvilie. Fot Supers isor- Henary' B. ger <Reut i............396 W. E. Miller (Dem) ............ 78 For Town Cerk- E. D. Hubhard i Rep i........... 367 Julins Treptow (Denl ) .......... 275 For Assesssor- rLafayette Bond (Rep)........... 345 P. P. Schnable iflen, t............ 286 For Colector- Fred Croker 4Rep. i............. 360 A. G. Fi4her (Deni.).... ......... 304 For Justice urtheia Peace (tu ti va. caucy)- C. A. Beswlck (Hep) .......... 397 E. H. Brown (Demn.i ............ 21& For Commîssioner ut Hlghwaysi (South District)- Chae NI . Wilcux (Rep.> ...318 J. H. Limbery (Demi)........... 332 For School Trusée- -William J. Schrech (Repi.) ...364 IM. H. Carroll (Dem.) ............ 263 LýJ. H. Limberry was th1e onl>' deune- crtecniate elecîed 1. Liberty'- ville yesterday b>' deteating C. M. WII. Icol, republican, by 14 votes. The SUN I4ad 1he Firet Roturna. Inl counection with th1e tOWu eiec. tions tieresud elsewhere tise SUN got the fire and ln Borne cases the ouI>' nesults for t11e people, wbo sisowet thelr ap preciation b>' the man>' caliers ai the office for detalled returns, tise jman>' watchers of the splendId bulle- tIn service, for which J. H. Upham la responslble, and tise mai>' telepluone calla on 25 and 79, whic h 1e upeople bave conte t1 know never failitbem on electîonunigist. Tise SUN badl a man &t eiith 0f tbe te» precincts who stayed outil tise last vote was counted. A large bsl. letln board tisai could 1e reil and un- deratood ai a glance fWsd more th"n tiseone large wlndow. Brlliat habtia reàfutsd upon the canvas. bsde every figure distinct and cleir. .. As late as 10:30 and 10:4590'eloc cille were stil lcomlng 10 111e ijZ ounie. flue 0f tise gresât Surpris6es offi4e eveuing wua th. Vent number. of nies wbo calieti up on tie lp ,o..b b(nave Congo Cloth han a finish that defle the eye of an ex. piert o detinguish frorn Rajah6SUR. jJ I'nioubtedly the lit uf the seasou is Coungo ('luth. This fabrie la made fivoui the highest development of mercerized cotton yarn that exudee thse subdued lus- trous finish of raw silk; in fact tie eloth in buth looksanlad weave niakes favorable compariaou -,with Rajalr' silk, thse uniy difference la # t iRj a wash- able usaterial that cornes 'in al uf thse satwoW~s waauted cMors. The price2 j -9ý in . .. . . ... ..... cBargains Froin .theSufctn A sale that is thc autconme of the most phenominal purchase of suits WC have ever consumated; lnvolimg the product of two of New Yorks famous makers. Every wsavg, every fabric, every style th4t has been ln demand thi:s sason bas. a fullNpiresentation at this sale. We have made extra provision for the crowds that will take advantage of these offérings and have provided extta dlsplayfor this occasion. We particularly cati your attention to the partW % boytng in aur North wîndow, Genesce street front and ta the complet lUne on the second street Remnembe-r, this; Sale Starts, Sat.. April 9 Be on hand early in order to make the mosi choice selections. Theseç garrnents have buen divided into the following four big assortmcnts: Values up fo Values up to I Values up f0 Values up f0 12.50 at 15.00 ai 20.00 at i 25.00 at Thes: Hou»e Dr 3Çfade Wfth the S*me Paintakng arohatYOU Wou1d Te 1j Ail altera- tions arc free'iand a perfect fit is guaranteed on cvcry garments A u o rtm e a l N o . 1 i l 1119 lîlulîgiule ail dre fit ius îu aide wi N u itSthe ite I)listntakiiig teu.e tduit ~tî iîdtake itere yo uîî taklîug it, a tiresit iii wlî ic every is takeîî 111 ail î'eli1tr iîuo is îaiid foi. ex- pe'rt uvoîk iusteiiîtor t -ilsîiiug. yoU t lut tliesi- gfrîuiît lt tt'e test tor a ti'y.oîîtii kBow lhuIN t îev feel, tii see lina !luey look . Afîti- youu have <lune tlîis îel lt-t Noi iititî ii 0>1 a il 1t-hepihe <lothie rt-st. A Il colorat in ( 'liaaîlrays andî Percuales, styles Iluat aregatisfyiug,ptk-ic.Kthat ivoulul wok iardship. Ausortment No. 2 No equal to thes.é Waists atic li~ e u Double the Fric. -S ecal Tlw o lots or sterling Nvorth!; îueludiîîg sîriped( andi einhroidert*1lIa.wns lqud plainî ljook andl Ei , ea î.t stîonglinit tiaei" w iets, 11180 others tuaide with rel jable, 5c celîrd..........I C D uteliem c<tllars and faiiey tLubroidered lingerie »ff(Nits. Thtee waistsarean' I îîîh emroiderei u1111121 rvi ed iîto olote, nasfollowsk Vhef, 5evalue.... i15C L t AnILot lac te, Nwidtlis iij4it i e i w.lsts...4 c lI W*iste..98ejl tirlleî $1.00 Lawn Dressing Sacques Trimmed with ribbons and Pcr&.ln banda special for this sale wbie they Iast at 2,48matNe An unusual sale of boxed hose that repreent the lmit of value at the aturday Price id 10 w USr I' v îîta n-e ktyea.r Wr liolti of hoxed lîo ita (ut sets thie.coliiinitN talking. Tlîi t aasu e madIe our prep- lîraîtinus 4fair iiul4vaum-e, the result isi the' mîuitt plèeîîcîîuink.l values yet prfflented. Thesfe liose coîme tireio pairs in a box, are made of, the vî*rv besî4 varus, are full fashioîîel and hiv uyq.a extra spliced heel as %veli a" toe. Thie retail prie l 35e'per pair Kspetial for tItis male,bo 1 Y m ut 3 pairs .... . .. . . ... . . q Iser- 1 a

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