Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Apr 1910, p. 14

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i -- 'y--- LAXE CÔUNTY d~ty ATTOI~NI3Y TO DEM ÀND CORN PRODUCTS NAMES Rias Writtea Letter to Johnson And Higglns for Insurance Facts Statute to be Drafted Ruling Rebellious Insurance Firms From State Citq Attorney Ocvis Has Nol Given Up Bttie toiGelMny eCams ,îs Duetire Cty fro Copaes I: sarîng Glucose Plant on 2 Per Cent Fire Insurance Tas, Which He As- serts Has Neyer Been Pard. (fl'ronuWetririeda3 s n le-n 10to eh -on. lIrigi:- &(nla tire-1losjirrarice brhi-irs iit Chirago ruai- lue- a deranad 0ou1hein for the- lianes of the- isurralice cnipari-,. tiý lr - r) l trîis1i-u"ont 11e Coin ri ttuiis Re- turling Ct any'arl plantI Ire etiasue- tire-broke-srecef- te 10 ii ilh Illre- de-rarîdri, li-eaie- tiofwàiai -oee-n bL wLllr lire- - r ce-lit0oth,11 trilu ii mi' ay eoliaitil ifor thi, llrenre-us Deil1 slan fut t'coria iiiî 'i.ias a iîy or diariî ..,!h iniai-e---the dedîcloriof Ihe ' ta-r re,,it i'iiî ailce- lax obigalori lipar tire-isured. This me-liod le a gond ane, tort if a doîîted here- won 1il T cii ni t he- lcii eti On o'îtnearly -$1 ,00of mou- e- (lue- t-ýej îîiiui inflirîd vti- i hi, ai- foad y accrîjel A Il rnev' (lii Ias hi-i- n lcoul- îtirui'ru iiiîi ni 1 l'- ltei- ir-ii aire Caimiuisii-er. ni'ho imuarib-.hi i t (tare-rior ie-ne-eu and îlh conii;ilsetî er are- viri-lIng an tire- diafllng of a staptte wv tl-Irwil forbirulail lnuîraici- tcomtianles tram doin i isinie-tain thirý state- who tai ilae uniliii.witi 1ltati jroviiingt>g Ilîr îitnýTntent of 2 per-î ce-hI îf al tiue il' iriaure- Intotht- trcivnr i-lotir .iit llit inI aorp<ritae-d cil les anitdileIle Ouliliî de-lartrie-iiiofrilvi- li-(lu n Isi-il ui ati*î mît sîrto ori Ilie rît Il- A. B. Harrit, repuhliîrarî e-liiii or of Louiiara jîut aler the- ciii war, die-d at iasîdir ,ljtt4 Je-ffersonîr ave-nue-, Chirago, Stoudat-lie- i. site vive-t y oaeri-iou, \toîtnHari iiris af Chielaga. aand wo darîgiters. Brin Flot-ilFiaclet- of Sieamiroat Springis, Vloo -an r il o l chille - liîgiai, 'w ho Las iadu iii','h mie-foi- iia rs wltir Ler fallîîîrain(] a i a.ldiighte-r S ra. Jarme-n iI un Census Men Are Practicing For Start 0f Their Great Task, April 15. ,WAUKFloN TWomRY, ABOUT DRUNKS, Believes They Should be Led To Thoir No meès nsteid 0f ialled In Waukogan Only a Disorder- Iy brunk Is Arrested by Old Custom Chricago Magisîrsîs Famaus for Par- ole Plan ln City Court Now Comtes Forward Wlth Boidness and LuMrgea Mayor Busse tb Amend City Code of correction, loeiug thein ,pomilt, birnging want andi s11,Mlsr-t! 'thW ; famllea, ao4j oflesa limes sterling lIreni ou tire road bo crime. Officare' T-les.le Wast.d. -- Iesldes Ibis, tire lime of tire police office-n tg wasted In waitlog around courtrooma for tire triki of sucir pen- sons0. Recorda o! lhâ rflutlclpdl court sLow more thon 50 par cent of aucir Versons aie ditcirarged on tire hear- iug. tI srggest tiIs amendment la sec- dion 176) of rire-mrunilcipal code: " Provldlurg, that wlrere e persan wtîo la rot a vagrant Is arresled for ilrurulemuiesa onty andl Io not actlig la e disorderty mainer or comilttlng gay breacir of tire peace. 'Il shahll e tire drrly o% lire olficer If ire knows or eao aiscertaîn tire place of resldence of surir persori 10 taire or senul hlm Lome riste-ad o o tOetin mup. -And lu case of the officera bIabil- Ity 10 scertaîn aucir persons place of residence tire-mari shall ire placeul in a ceti fer sale keeplnrg. but shall nol Great Commouer Predicts Vie- tory ForDemocrats. Conlains Reterence ta Quantitative Theory of Money-To Appear la Curie,, Issue of ComnmoAci-. M'a 'tîiriptos. Aprît 13 -The local Decii r-.i. o iiaie planingiîe-a Jeffer- oaril dat derrr he-re nue-ce hrotarinrto clirslcrriatiaon l'y a te-lie-r lirarme '0 IllieHifi-rn William .1. Brysu iii-r. artIýlote ta Lis persanal trie-ud. poîlter 'itetiride. sud the le-lIer osin- îîre d blie ie-ad at the dinrier. 'tr. llna atle- r contained l e-f-k ercul.e 1 0 the ,Id tuarîtîtatie lIe-ary of rluneyt- halireadvi-sot-Clntrithrefr-e- oi e-r dai saud the Dii' i-cI af Coim- hîs llemioeraîsa hurrieul v tirhe le-le-r ta Cýharn'uIICI:-iaîî ad othei-le-adeis. The le-Yrt 0f trieleller vîiI alne-ar iu the Coulre-ut Issue (!flireCammouer. Thuis wiîl Irieure Il r. Bryan's measage ta the falîLhfut gettirîg publîcili ta- nie-hItIcM. Bryan agalu assumes 1he rote uoaf iailLpe-t.Cxlre-ssirig tlireL- Ilef Ihat lîls parîty wil carry thre coari gre-ssalaelectiori EDITOR HAY KILLS MAYOR HART Trouble Grew but of Article Prtnted About Morehouse Mayor. Miorelouse. lIo., Anril I--At 1 otIoc,, Tiesulay alle-ruon iC.IlBiPa,, cuitai- of the !uai-ehoîîsî- Hurntler. stiot ant ilie(lDr. L.t. iHlai-t, a proimînriil t-hNi sIaii sud alun I-Mai-raof Mare- Imue lie rii Il :îrI hut« aiurle-ulman ve-IlI-niýiinil oi;lie;i.Ierne il, lsori 'iri uiie *le-ar-i ego FdI ay11 I1iied iîî-iicotti-ustie aboutt Dr II1i1. P tr. liai-I cîlatized liatirritLe utti uteý Tiiegilat- asliai-t Nia- crihIic outî lif a groce-ri on Be-ai i Ir-le,I.) laiihim nt d l 'e-ta utoceoffltdila 'crfî e. thee sLooilltug 100 laie. Huma,, Blockrs and Puileys. Tire bli amiîîîlnîlici- . or îl' Waaa àgen latie-cIra rucal iliscoti-r . îrt Hatrie rmadntet r-ry jini- arniryse-i-r.r tuf tIres-ab jtout n.itî r hlm aItire i-ci- lk-ieeîtinliiîg o!fre i TIhe mu -lui nartliilo!flire-se la-î't,- lafound ltitîL ePt e- If'you taIrr noui- et-eIIIir1e tilt, o! yorai oie ytiurse thi-, hîodk :ilI IiuIi'vy. nnti, tl rg i ttas îe-rfe-ct ui1q ere-i'lu',I ila siip t. LuI vs;ii qiii riuuil nih Inrrrs thle e- e-la Il nic trîrlirtie ,tiok e-asile irrd sr- hI.vm atl intInut frictioniforonniaturie h N.irliiliîd Ioiitio f lir- alri'iinei-t- u nu>i Ii'î,-r le-cîrarîiral lmInicarting iuv r-l t mliii, 'Iie-lcene-er fait ta wrk- mi tisa ti rerliti, uatndt lienlire duanger' of a oto Iriit u tl-e nrailer-c. Grat Q, pening &nd Season Sale At Waukegan's Greatest Furniture Store To introduce to old friends and institutlng thlis new, our great stock of especially selected furniture, rugs, draperies and ranges. We are great sale of fine merchandise bought at "Spot Cash" pricesand% offer it to you at "Spot Cash" prices thot wilI open your eyes (iO=Carts We-'re agents for al lirhe best Go-Carts. Tire Ful- ton, tire H-eywood, tire Rambler, etc., at prîces liraI are ven3i 10w $2 up to $4 Go-Carte witir i-ooda at 5.50 tb $12 Morris Chairs A gi-cal stock of fine Moiris Chiris. lu act 10 av y Vi.ellrerthem la you ai for unid e' the,, sî-'tir $6.0«i 17-50,. $9.511 for s peciti values. Higirer grades i rp-ortcion up tO tire fnest leather$2 covered t .. ut$2 Turkish LRockers Speciai values in these tine Chairs at for under sa Le. $12.10 asud up t0 $30 RUGS Iron Beds and Brass Beds We Lave carefuily electeni tireirest beda from ail tire iret workers inlire cou ntry andi offer tirem t0 you at pices tirat wili taire your eye at $1.95 up £o$40 Bed, Red Springs and MaUresses I our gi-cal com ination offer of $600 for ail lirree and tirey are Worth $10 R uqcs Oui- beautifuilimues of Roomn size Rugs ln Asmînstera, Biusselia, Velvela and Ta- pestrie%, aI very close 'Cash prîces, $6.010, $8.110 and $1.90O and upward $ 5 to ..... 3 A great selection of fine Mat- inogs, eapeclally imported, 15c and upward 'l J; ta . ... Medium 'size Asminster Ruge upward 4 5 Ose irundreni fine Rockinig Chairs 0fevery style. shape and cotai-,in Oakr, Matogany, Birch, Mapie, Leatir ancl Veleurs and rire prîces wil open yonai- ees at $1.503,1.95 t. $20 RUGS1 Carpelpga in Wooi, Bru sselse and gàd.roomr Carpetînge 30c and upward 15 10........ ...... Smaiaer Axminster30 I Ruge, $1.50 ta .... Draperies, Coucir Covers andi Wîndow Shads , aI ielow valle prices. D resrs A 'pot caýh de-ai on Dressera enairla us ta offrir yea very fine Dreseers aI niorth $1000 te $15.W0. $5.75, $6.50 "wd'$9.50 Other lises aI 51500 Up tb $3500 anti eptoral lew spot cash piices. Combination book cases, andwritlngî desks and sec- tional book cases. We underseil anyone in this line andi for strictly higir ciata gootis. Ail tire styles at $12. and upward 10 $30.00 Me hve lwa%,. mae aspeciatty a!fUlinne- Rom- Furriltire. Ju înnw tic ihave an limtilerse-hle at phiies oct-ccbe-tare enoalî d. Eleganmt-in 5syles and designe, ail tire new finîshes $12.0%, $1450, $17.50, up te S48.00 New designs and styles ln hand polisted effects $16, $20 te $48 SealyMattresses Sec dur famous non-tuflod Beaty Mattress, guaranteeti for 20 years wear. Round or Square in Oak and Quartered Oak,, new elegant designe 1 $7.509 $9, $12, W $35q S China Cabinets A great line of ,rew styles and sirapes in quartered Oakr andi fancy veneereti styles ýI *1,1upto $85 Uihing Chairs We areagents for lte best chairs made annd at Our iew prilous ecd g&5-9e-lb to ait5 Iloosier Kitchen Cabinets We have suppiieti more uofirage labor saving and Ilite proionging cabinets to Waukegan women Iran we can courit. We are local agents andi have ail tire designs ta sLow you tirat range tram $18.50 anid $ý5.0O THE WHYTI3 FURNITURE COMPANYI Lake County's Grçatest Furniture, Rug and 1Rauz5e Store--210 N. Oenese Street - ocw ATN Kam$a& L. but not tailb.-M mission and Pet any Tir 3MIarion, county, K Its lest el mission te thIags are M arlou heam Hl have been whlch le gresslv-e Thre coi under thti wbjcirpr. Maivel Se"A Worilng We have sold a great lot of tirem in WaukIegan andi tirey do your wasing whIrte you rcad àa >ock or do someting ele.L us show tirem t: youL. TIZ city waler doea tire work a n d ail complete for $15 ~II so TretOffcer wli b PocedtOandfthall be realeseti ln tîme to eratite Taire "Jage" ta 0wn ooaseps. hlm to go to work. (Tram Wednesday's Sun:) la Il rlgirt to citro a drunlten man He ln '3attle. as a crimirial? A culm duel vras seen ln Milton Shoulti he Le arre-sted just be-ause park. nt Petershorougir, England. À Le la Le-hie-as front excessive use of irero I lisilng lttir e pond oear llton l riq'uriplJde e-tneC edHautse eaptured a fair.ý Anotber héron,. gives an empiratir "ro" ta bath quea- wlhLdbe ntr ec.a rc tion an, blleingsa.basseton onttrled ta take tire prisa snvay. Tire re- (Ios sdLelee-ngsa.lia Sl 01 fotsuit wns a desperate combaot. a movPeme-ut for the uplift Qf tira birds were fuli grown. tali and ates driuking mari. ly. They frîegirt wltbirlli sud wluig. tie-re are sanie oftire rycommr-nda- rtteriog frequerrt firieks of anger. Trb@ lions andl vieWa Iii set forth ye8te-riay baltle wrrs waged %0) furlousiy traItihe in a letter to Miayor Busse: CaMtiatrrutes eemed lu ire ln lire midat That every Itoxicated man who 0 tu ffaies ie odn. oire rotled aver. and thre otirer, wltir a ia meraly heipleas and net noisy viî-Ir,rlîrr *fraulc stretched its lo* or disturbIlng thre peace, be oc- le-r- i Itrrd i sd li-w up la lire Te. -ç companled ta hie residence by an, A -nIê officer lnslead of being iocked ila iiiîiid llîii troyen litrat lrea a police station.lirIrutt--rkte urii. Tire purpose of à police depart- -_____ ment shouid be ta do tireroat Hie Wlsh. gond fer thre greatest number of Ag-Irshc lad fetlInl love Wtta persoa. sprlgirtly las»ansd determlned ta put il wili promote a spirit of kind- bis fate toatire test. Tire next Utite nets rather tira,, revenge. To ar. met ber wasE t. VaieuliueU dey, mnd rest a man for drunkennesa avors ire boldly sudtab ber, -W111 7e b. MyI of revenge. vaîstîner" For a mari ta be brought irome -N", ellsie reî,tted. ~Iarn anolirw ' by an officer wilI have as great a H evdaog n ad tomoral eflect as ta taire hlm ta a eievetssgradad. u 1police station. 1 Sirure. trIoi, darlun, 1 wlair Y; Contenta of tire Lelter. 1tmiue a otirat icould have aIttsethO tI bis ]citer Judge <lelleord wrIte,: hai£0à 7." -l cari aee- nureason, non do I be- lie- te ere- la any, why a mari, Ifire Tire Dlsappolnted Prodigai. la flot actinrg tir a dlsorderly way or Blowly, wllb trwed besul sud faite!- commIrilng aruy breach of tire pence, Ing step. tire prodîgal sou waiked op 3aaItbL treati-ti as a crIrnal. the gardien paIr. lIn a gre-al rrany cases wirere me-n lia fatber, an old mni, wrinkiad are pilked ni) lu arr itoxicetetimn-lOasd white brde-d. sîood et tire door. dît lau alter lLe r are-put out af tire sa- -"Fatirer. fetter.' cer!uthtie 1. S.. louns aI 1I oclock ggteat Injustire- la "t've corne borne ta die!" done-1taIre-m snd tliri famrlîles. TLey us myuc!grne th o are takeri l tIre potice station anid "Ius etm y lur urane plieoUc lai-keul ri) on a charge of dIsorderly man, l- or nueceplc ronduet erite-red agaînstthlira. Tire-n lapse lest uîîîrul>rI" ire-y are taieri la tire municipal court No veul-Lorîdon Tatien. mî

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