NOXALL PAINTS!1 Tusse palnota are a etriccIy gnaranteed peint, sud fnll meacure, and otly $135 PER GALLO«<. Once you ose aur FEloor and Porch Paint@ you wIl use no otber. We carry a fline of Varaish Stains, japalac, Enamels, Liquid Veneer, Linseed Oil, and Turpentine. WIlIPaper! We liave a ic eHle ofsaumples we woold lke ta eiw yîî t pnCc that wiil intereat you. DRUCE DRUG CO.j 3 Stores--.Gragjslake, Rockefeller, Round Lake. Proiessionai Cards DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD. VETERINÂRY SURfON. &jalTANT IrATE VNTS]UNAEIai. Libartyvifle. Mlinois. PAUL MAC GUFFI. AT'TORNEY AT LAW. Lbertyvllse, Illinois eaoirs as DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. OFFICE OVEZ LOTLL DEUG @TOILE. ,ouna-fron 1 to 8 and 6 ta 8 P. nm. LlhertYvtlle. Illn0là. A . Y-STEARNS LAWYER 218 Waahlngtcen Street Waukegan Phone 2761 DR GOLDING DENTIST Houri 8 %0 12 arn.-I tO f pi.. J. F211 Trime, Building itii Dr. J. L. Tay lir ['houe 1 tteg Pbhone I09J2 Lbertyville. Illila DR. E. F. SMITH. DENT18T. 3VER LARL (NI"TY tNATtIONAL A. ou.a-tt e 12 a. nm. and It W . 5 DR, 1, L TAYLOR, OFFICE OVEIa J. ELL TiltOeilýLui.. uoua:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 tu 8 P. ni. Bte-adeuteil oardwav. iîppoofte Park Lielsie hiinoià. MARTIN c. DECKER Railway Mail Clerks Wanteai. The Government pays RailwaY Mail Clerks 0800 to 01200. andl othar employaeeaup f0 $2500 an.:y Uncle Saut will holil aprlag ezaml- tions throughoot the contry for Rail1 way Mil Clerks, CustoiniHaose lerks, Stenographers, Bokecsee.Dpamt- nmental Clerks aud other (,overrumeut Po- sitions. Thousands of appointmuentsssi be mnade. Any mau or woinu rrlm, lu city or iontry ian get futruetion and free infomation hy wmiting ut onec ta, the Bureau of lustmsîî-tîoîî. 459C( Hum- lin Building.Rite-etr . Y. rhs Sound Sleep of Good Heallh. The restoratis.- pliwer iofeîîîîd le-p iau tUt l4i-,oset-stittateilanduniuiy ail- nient thut [res-nta it s a iieiui-e to heath . J. l_ Sonthemi. Eau Claire. WVis. gas:i-" Fora I Dg rimie Ilialc-eu o'nà- uable tii îles-p .eundiy igfts. -,ause f pua acrosmy bai-k and oren~oef o my kldueys. My uI-tiI.- wag very poor andli my gensiral i-îiiîitiiu wac riti-ilirua niiWB. Ifai -h-en taking FoIes 's Pille but a sm-litt ime audni)010 leo-î.as, a no . i 1at and en]oiiy uieuls. uand i.s geierul -i iîfltîîîîî s re-tîit'v iijniîs cd il- Pile aý1 kri tnîvB.iv iii iii Titre - i- ,îî-, ugi i 1 iiii- il lr us luil-~ aliite- t-I llar. t t i-ir fic g.,,, it-,r iTT0iNtF -A- U IItie- Ipp. ita st. Eie-t-iî-v utiui l-nsc tiiin iuu Ciii I une (Ithes Phone 53314 le-. Phone 3603 iTublets-v. ill suhIIy antid;ui-iîi ic-k NiIfTH CHICAGO1. I LLI NiOIS aI oins anîl tIie- (ip. TmY tîts-ti onîe- anti sec s2. S,,ld bly W.,HK STUDER ALL DEALERS SURVHYOR FoIîlyc Kîdues- yIe-mcdy c-ii i-tiir,- any SuWviing FruiWuk -uetif kîduer and lladdi-r troîuble nîîti and lDrainage eodteeabo eiieNond- f lB)- TYVeILLE. ILL. chevonidIhe ruhi ieucn-N c IHO>NE (. FRANK . BLasLLL. DR. EDW. V. SMITHI OVERTAXED. General Practice __ Hundreds of Libertyville Readers Houri 10 taS 12. 2 to 4 and 7 t s p m. Know Whit it Means. office avec Lx tîcîî tro.Store PLAKE COUNTY INDIIPENDENT, FRIDAYI APRIL 16, 1910 Aler Ganger, of -Antiai-li.wueai;figifftet m. Hcindule of thse Hosdeudale ibt the Turner bornîe Suu3day. Cuaning ompany, transui-ted buminess Mrii. Fleming andîdutgîiti-nlili îrî- Tuesday. spent the sseek lunIlîicagii Wrecks Fat Traie Johun Morseetrausu tel bîim- iiii I î , [ot 1- nuay cvening Le wîo Il lisoiti t ii Chiiu~aFridu~i- 55101ritunilg to the hiome (If Chaltes ChiaSilrii . u k, ti - 55 iere he lias li-r, ii mtguge-îlas Mies E dith Millrir la aglut lt 1h.,- hr adtepsttoya u Win. ranietter hli, 1 . itwii large ruilroad ties taiiwtfii n-k hS-eraI f ifr ier.- uùt lende f t fie ldami w Iiih tIsI some dciuy in t lIi- tapt ut .ntiîîî-lî lu.t t - e i i-i iti it ruin ,wfî eh passes th rîîîîgli lie.-abouîît lire Arthurn Li, f i e-rt ifit. uaiittiuigiit on the Zoo lin,. T4ire isin WaIIkegutII iii -seriiousdamiagel do.nit iîriiy lbreak- iig tle air brukes and soiiiii riîcil hie pureutmSutnnias Bornmo M.ia M iuî lI eb l ilarriîn net Tlîiirela. a lbali' vou ilii.t Adîs il ilttli iîii l.iiitle XI -ifl c-erc guesto ut tihe Liftiils îîtîe ymiituiLiî lims Mar(i-ii V mi-.lnci-it Satu irli atîul fundus wîtli ler 5151cr t in tg àitr uuu lIfri (lia- Hlitiîii 5 it guietc s ()fit und MrwE Fui Ruphi- tili dey. Mm. Jop (urwood sIc-lit Suîîday ut Libirty ville. John Hlook and famîily aud Henry Knebker and family @penit Situday ut Waukegau. Ge). Brandmtetter and blrotliir Fay and Mise Millet- wulkcd ta Wuukegau Snndav. Mme. lrandsteter dmrue ln and brouglît the pedetriani oîti-e Mm. Chas. Tlîuycm. f Wautegun -alieti here Tuesday. Bcorn [At Frfduy lii Mr. uniduMt- Webb Scotto, a baby fîîîy. Mies [telle- Allen anîf uiîtle-r viAitoud ut Keuceha suiluy. lk-hool ominmeneed fdu Mr- Suiitli Wright, ut Waukegun spent scieraI daro wlth ber daughte-r NIre Webib Se-ott. the Puât c-ce-k dent îîîght bave bseun a meililis on, h- le liii ii-it w as reporteil t, fie-iljiirterti ill t c-ci etectis c en- ,,-uit oit. Tley liluaineti the natines i lit11r1-tIlioYs h l iftlýii -uie t tlisil Ilu ,tii-- aY 4)1 John Willilam8on ie muiviug 10 Elk Ilort- bia week. lirs. Chas. Dinon hue xîoved to J,,llet to her son. MI@@ Gertrude Taylor was home iter suday. Miss Grue- Welî-h je speniding ia few 9days at home. The friende of Arthîur Neie-m gare hîîn a surprise party Saturday nighit Do youo IIw tlîat it' e-aY to hum s Sîft mîal, (if ite goîîd voI;al fiîîtbut.- tannoyane. a Iof sot unid iiiik,. .Just ,give tti- lire a verv'litth- ai, u ii to. t[un't ichec kthe sti ire pi p-leai, pir t ou tciiieely. l'se i'yrolite Wuseuied uit You e au get i t friimi the Homeii Lu nie-r I i lu puny. [t bede cIoésely, lut iiKhtiy, and euvs enoiiugli air opav- m the.-tire 10 burm ailt te gasem that n i id t terwi,ý uîake ieeot and -iu. îk- ;Ot! RUSSELL 8 Tiiere wae a sery goiid îteîîaîo t 1thei.-iîty ut Mre iG, A Srion icI. The detectives drs e )ut tt clu- muenuiuneaîîîr cli. ftî ill ii taml ll-kc-i h far t-m selitikng it for gmutcdtlitIho diii the wcomk Thcy usked hlm why he put th.- lies un thse roud and ho repliet-luet for deviltry. They aaked hlm if he dîi not thluk he night be the cansOf killiug coins one and he repleil Ibat he hati nat thought of thut. He was taken tii rayolake and bis case wea trii-d before Jailge Fitch. Sie pleuti guilty andi cas bounil over ta, the.Noveun ber t-m of court and was taken ta Waukeguu by Marshal MeMiflan Tusaday -ornn to the coun- ty jail. The boy lii not üonsidereil jover- lv brlght. but it was cosidoe iharmn- lems. Hiels thet- is ut Waukegan ast present Interestet inluthe uietiugs Con- ducted by the Ruasellites The Huedendule Canuing uompunY putchased ths Nick Hunoen fut-m con- giatng of 98 acres [Or $130 un acre last week. This makes the third fat-m they have boght andl now theY Oc-n over 600 acres of land. Mm. iP. L. Ni-c-cl andi faiyii,-,f /.iin City, spent Saturday c-i tlîte Dudiley Newell family lu Russell. Ruthi Castelcen mreevef a piunoî andi tFlora Dexter recelveti an automobile thafi they c-un in a puper contest îame tume ago. R. D. Carmier Mort-le, had live days vacation [ast week. I. L~. Si ver wmas ant- etitute. Mr. and Mr@. E. J. Mut-rie c-ese Reno- sba visiteurs ast wek. t Remember that the gennine Cros@ Creà Lehigh VaHley Coul c-l go farther tban any bard coul yoo buma. For Boal by the Haut LtutBEî Coii1cÂry, Liberty- ville. Ill. 16-fý L~~LAEj Itemem ber ichool meeting neit Satut-. day eveuing. It le important andi evet-y- body shonld attend. Mr. and Mes. E. Harris are rejoieing orer the arrivai of a baby boy horu April -th. Harold Amise had the mietortuns to disiocate his elboc-, Weduesdlay not- ing. Higiau Pakspent Sunday ut John Crokers. Nîrs. ltey Day. o! Waukegau, is %,isit- ing ut Cha.s. uylersi Wtiii O'Neil hue retumneti froîî ui .-u c-îll a camioud of casie. Fresh air anti sunslite- ptrveut dis- case. llood p ainut lrereuts deuy. t c-ilpuy you to [iotect youm poperty wîth long weamîug Bradley & Vroîîman Pure Paint. Salti (y F. B. Liiecl. St di ye da. Mdi I do byf 'OU. amd. De. 1 ruponi- ltu alth as a.e gr*. mi odvSes a.L l. Shs OMMvn WARREN The Warren (Jeuetery Assecia-ition c-lu meet c-îth Mise Lottie Stearne Neduies- day nimung, April 20, 1910. ALMIA E. Ro8t, Sec. Sec thse HIme Lîtuiibet Comnpany for al kiInde of Field Scede. The best, oi course. C-12 1-V Coo k i n,,Y oncthte eki C omfo rte.Yucnokncmot liere in a atove that gimeino bid eat Anl ib ts la concetrated at the burneru. An intense blue flame (botter than ither white or red) is thrown upwards but not aroumd. AMl the heat is utilized in cooking - none in outside heating. 011 co6k-stove entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and irnmediately the stove is ready. Instantly an intense heat as pro- jected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there is no surroundlng heat - Do smell- no smoke. Wby? Because The Ne-s Perfection 0.1 Cook-Stove ia scientiflcally and prachicaily perfect. Ynu cannot use tonomuch eick -il in autom.aiticaily controlled. Vent get the maximum hieat -no sIobkt. The burrier is simple. One stipe wit b a cloth clea is il-couse- The News Perfection Oit Cook-Stove 15 wonderful for year-round use, but - espectally in sunimurc. lis lieat oper- ates upward to parn, pot, or kettle, but mont bryond or around. [t ia useles for heating a ruom-. [t has a Cabinet Top wiîb abeli for keeping plates andt food hot. [t has long turquoise bloc enamnel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright bloc of the chimneya, malice, the stove ornarrental and attractive. Made wth 1, 2 snd 3 bornera; the 2 Caam~ Ni; Saastiand 3-borner stoves can be bail with 7Mg1 IL on w o sithout Cabinet. sus VîFrretae e,,tIer .LT-.. n -oe ei rida. e atlauL" 1.1fa., Dsipuse c1cirse ah iaeIAs b i l Standard 0OU Comnpany SEEING is BIELII!VING 1 Believe You Should See Me About Your Glasses. Ily Ottical Parlor fs the moset iselete te, be toundaitayshere. befsgeqeiuieed settb the lt-sand lest instrumenut& andt mettinis rit ieaerlsgthOeeeors ilInf Wlti My 1lonir venesof ritI eiie. ye n 1o chancesb, trutmnf yorîî es tri me. Mly lse iUsn,&ieof s uiteîe --are nsastctpe a vail be- 1..sdlnîîwhe'e I 'an fit auor eve, and i y timces willfl i ny pocketbook. I wll put nleu eses is roue .Id tensie or Ytouleî--îio a o-o ,1,0e.EYES TIvSTID FREE. Hour SA.n toit p ni Dr. W. Ml. Law, Graduate Optician, Suuidr. 9i I Ou tri i pii 218Wnahnhton al-32nd Flone. WAUKEOJAN. LLS. Lay in Vour Page Fence Supply WIdle Cost Is Low It's tihe wise fat-mer that catches the bat-gains. Page Woven Wire that cant corne nl. Its strength îs simply tremendous. Its elastiç- Festce ïs cheaper right now than ity is greater tisan any allier wïaie the market witt maintain tise pt-es- eut tow price s a probteits. Hence eveny fat-mer in this section whso c-ii have neeti of fence within a yest shou!d tlas-in lus suppty ut î.ncîî.hi t'Yt-otean a saving ni It is tise malt ecanomical, money and tabor-saviug fence you can buy. Saves yau 50 pouts every 100 ratis, besides extra staptes andi sweat-of- the-braw. Tell your neigihorE about aur special law prices on many du1lîýs 10 sou. Page Fence. Voit are' îamniliari with Page Fence Wè' carry a full lune, including -made of Ilîigh Carbon, Open- Standard Stock Fence, Hog Fence, I le-anth Steel \\ire. It ha thlie Poulîry Fence, etc., etc. Don't 'amous page Root -the unly Kuot l failto see us while price is low. Cai on or write to Austin Clement, V. P., Room 902, 200 Monroe Street. CHIICAGO, ILL. W interson's Hardy Evergreen iawn good seed-eveny bit of it--nochafl -no wecd seeds. Thi mixture îs te rei.ult ofi rnny ywars ux1)riejtce lit peparlng tawtî lrai-n nervs and we are positive you vvili bc pleased wîth the Lawn Seed you wil l nd certain Lrasses titat nmature eartî, îhrrs txut arc especially adapted lii À ithstaiid thse hi-rat s.iic- 'lra t " others that arc at their best in thse fait, thu isam lawvî in perfect conîditionît troughiout tise entîre caoi S An loten,1ie no ie-,sting ancd lrai laitit .ii Sent free Ptiîeý, 1Ib.ii25c; IlU- c5l b,, Ili Winterson's Seed S,.,)., 45 Wabash Ave., Chicav,. i- I liîtit tî,uget the 'lNI %%. t.-mMay 'uns hrie N îgt s.opePn.linjz the wo eek %çitilie r liriitli-m lIe- a autit iiiii NIsoM ahi-i lFort iin ai lara Uiiîc ai t(j hotm ii tisu tclie J. Tiirefeiner. saul tIfi-Cititiîikk e reporteti un tih- gueýli Hojo 1 - ýe hlm outS.on. Th i cing îe-iiPle if Fremoul Catholie chitit-nl iil iiigve tueur annuai dane lu Aiiunn-e hall A1uril 2Oth. Everytiody waelionie The [adi.-' pmogessivectiob meets with mc .Joe Fitz next Thursduy utte-inoon. Evcmytiody c-eicome. Iliamiey Mason bas a bat-ber froni Chi- ix ugo sst hlm un hies@hop anti Fred àfniumu cmc-orkingfr-Armour auth ibele Mm. andtiMmc L(l [froc-n andiAda 11 hýi teojenitNIi ,iidiiv lu Chicagoi. ILOUIS J. YEOMANI THE JEWELER ROUND LAKE MILLBURN lir. Juîuiesîîuî iîad au operaticin [ast Tuesduy tue ufîeeslon the ucck. She o-as set-ioeiy sick fcîr sevrtal duys, but at present c-mtiug te a littIe bette-r Miss Rulby Clereluntis tchiiol cioseti ut FotiHihlluestTucstiuy and she ie home [or a c-hue. fr. in.Clevelandl anti danghter Ruby c-cre Chieago vlitors fast Sutur- duy andl Olive Cleveland rturned with theni. Miss (nez Pollock, o! Chicago, spent Snnduy with hermother. Miss Alice .1 amleson, of Bet-wyn, spent Sunday w! th ber parents. Mrs. Jaes Pol loe and Mm. andti Mme John Pollock, o! Waukegan, @peut Sun- day ut tue uld houme place. W. G Thomti ps-ut sevemul duys owitiî Nfr. Muitat t ltuw Paw, III. SPECIAI. ATTFNTIIN [hie kiulucis anc oertae.Gecige Bnçuwuiig maide-la fuuines B. B. Tuisee andi famiiy leit Wedues- k GIîVEN rO [lare tii)tch liwI l (i'. tript[ i Fox Laîke MuiuiaY. day for thein future home lu Caillot-nia. t 'I'h ellabli t i nY uciîecant iari tliJe iini hre e DISEPASES 0F tein abuint mauy i rîwi i-i-leAtiahaC ognti, Curlcy Business umeeting o! the C. E. socety t THE Epuink-le. iIlykes, [adahecli ded the ibh yanti C JmorgnSondai-met c-ltluMiss C. F. Bater and thse foi- EV ukile1ieih, uuuheî-ddII> tnya amn dylocIng office-ms c-rs cliletid: Presideut, t LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS E-.uly syuiptîîiis oa i kduey lis eveuingz Geortge White; riuýe-prffldent, Miss Vir il __________________________ nnary troubles, daltetes. Brîglît' Philip Fiary bogan bîuidngia nec- ian hîonnem. se-atry, Mabel Bonnet-, I lenry Sîles Sale Barn diseuse fcii-lo. beic sosyu arnon his lot sîîuth uo! Winî. Ioin treasurer, .1. S.Ienian. 2714 F LISIIA AVE., ZION CITY. ILL certtain cire. Ifeslie Bonnet anti isters, MissesVi liteide2608l lllahn A-i H. -I. Koîker, Furit-ec- Court, Wuu- Nifro M. Huctîi spent Muinduy lu Ian antiMabel sjent Snnday with relu- b Al Kids of H.e. Hîue-,-.gcuelot B-u-kegun, I1Wuays : "I Iegan tu suffît Chcago' tires ut Lake Forest, 11. Ies for Sale or Exehante Mu al TI-e& fom kitiuey complulut tfile-s- yeans agi). Misses Relu[tison anti Louiee Kim- Wa huî SLbryiivstt AUCTONERINt FR1PULICSALS b adol!phun ucma@ssmy loins hall risiteti Sturday wîîh NMsMaude Sec- daysThrs, efk c-ith is s, W. G. AUCTINEEKNG FR PULIC ALESant imnbe anti cas aiea subie-t ta bead- stanton ut Inglealde. fw- Thoun.e it issoW.G ache audîtizizy 8pels. The kiiney seuts- Mes Eut Hentiescs-it Nedneduy n Ton timiutuw-ese veny unuattîut u t tintes. 1 lt-aMutessr-s.E. t. Martin, A. U. [Buin anti" osed a grat uuasy rteu-ies but eeiveti__________Ris A. W. Sufuunttrausue-teti busines Wrm. L.AYCOCK Co. iterle niabu w otsao Pis(f oiilpdpisora lChcgNLnia. Opoîlle St. Paul frelgt Depot oheut I1uîdclîet [ans Kiduey Pille." 'ain ledutns 20eu. uil pincssr, wt unJ uuyial ni-acn pakr Sîncyvll, ee inr l Dr hv ~ec limch I. Sîioo[' i nk Pain Tahletm. Sec- ful hivu-go. gai-cii vs- nitemeting utitiese oetr sl l lcaitii. ice50 tformtîtla u in5ce ox. Sclti y Stnday îîîîruîeg ut the chut-cii. F'utr-in ule lt Buail lNs.PiewYoret.ALL DEALERS. ClaYîuu lu-îîuatuo<f Highland Park. sole agente forîhlic 1 niteul States.- vicîteulhimc uounsthis c-eek. MNach in e S io p teniîenuher the uame-Itliiîs-aund ,tîî,cmîî.î tor[lehe t Suri 'NTCf1Etîu[îîu Ni)rnl 17-Gooti cheer lu REPAIR WORK take nou uthien - 28-2t A courege pmuîtcscam hus igurcd t ontuI - y-ý-. 72-6. %ad huaI ceey tutuuuî hoe aths a man die Clevelanih iaul For SaleHe onglît taO eut -laves. Tue Chicagot pultets' strike bit Luke 6~II'<)'A<b1 I I~ ()n lue -u ofîîî i ai oui truck t e24 Farets t hitceek. Tbe e n noc- get Carti of Thanks AUTOM OB IL per ton. [oi).l.Fnîi Co. c-27.tS slxty cents un hlurt andthie eôntt-tor We wiîclî tui tank the mauy frientis WORK A SPECIALTY gete ict on al i ls contmucteti before tbe anti neighfumî frcto their kinti assistance A tickling or dry cuugh ean be quickly sîrike. anti syu.pulfy dut-ng the death anti EgnsOverisauled. A Full oosened wlth D. Shoope Cougis Remedy TeNrhSoeElcreCmaybur fotliiur danfather. Jlne of Suidries. Tires Re- No opium, no chioroforun, nothIng nouwiicmec oknx eko h 2)1 LETSAI N UTR paireti. W he n in Trouble si o aLL odEALER. ant-tation ltic cueected ti Barigtou. ______________it le expecteti thut tise building c-l[l bNtic Noes. TLErtyvlte Notice. completet Iin lems than tc-u mouhse. 1 hure iios euh My Carpet Wearinig LibrtvileExhageMy cife huriug let nme, t1c-I ll obe Marengom cas tise uiy tac-n lu Mc- Business I1uMile coutis ut Roseeana near 661 or1262 respninsible for detts meut-teu tiy ber H1enry coonty te, go dry ut Tuestiayi, Catholc Chut-clu. Ail nu' olti antine ater- Mat-ch 'ilst. Jus.. Donier electian. Harvard, wbleh bas been dry eusiomers at-ec-elcome to, come. Berm- Hainesnille, 111. c-28-2 tom tco veut-e, bus agulu roteti lu saluons liard Rail, Itussell, 111. p-27-3 Icited Obituary Amanda L. Smith c-as bot-n lu Wayne, Steuben Co., N. Y., Mut-cIi 27, 1845, anti .ied at ber home ut 1lvanhoc, III.. April lbh, 1910. The deceaet cas the oldeat chilil o! Eber andl Sarah Smith andi came wlth ier parents ta [l[inoie uit the age of ton 'eues, c-bereshae ba@saine made her home. She was united inlumuet-luge tu Thons- ae B. Huawklus ou Feti. 1, 1872 and lu 1880 hem boshand tifeti atte-r un illincs of neuely twîî yeams, leuving hem ta a-ar the litle fumily alune. Although lhem home cureswc-ecunanY - yet che bound time fîor othero aud c-uc a kînti anti hellul ucîgibor, onue honi ai knec-tbcy coult icu-Iontifor lhelipn tues uofelu-kss and trouleiranti slic e-ouid not fi la resipond. She bud bs-en lu puor heulh fuir about ton yeaes andl died suddcnly al te-r a short ilînese.froni whîch oh@ was nlîought tu be recuvreing. The foneral c-usfield tram thc lvunhoe Cougregationui ehuecis, o! whlch sh ail becu a member sînce 1865, c-ith inter- mnt iluthe Ivanhone mctery. The Uev. Van de Erre, ot Libertyvîlle, proeuet a beautiful sermon froni John 14-2- [*1go tu pepare a place fat- you." and the choir sang "Face tu Face," "Beautiful [aie o! Somewhere, -iii there be uny stars lu my croîru' anti "Shah c-s gatber ut tue river." The pull bearer c-e ChasA. lionileýr, Wiilumd Beach, lotit. Richardson, Luis Rutike, Juiiuc Chucubeniain aud Joihn Snyde-, ail o! lvuuhoe. A sou und daugster, Geoîrge E. Huwk- lu@, of Lihertyrille. andi Mmc. John Sliep- herd. of Irunhme, eut-vive lier; ulsu a con- in-lac-, daugb)ter-ini-law, three, grand. cbildmen, tht-ce brothees andi une sîster. Hem eldest daugliter diet inl chiidhoîîd She aia iaves a hoet of felentis te moou lier lussand the muuy and beau tiful [fut-aI truhutea show the esteîni i c-hlch tlîey neiti hem. rsk ment top 25c etot-. - - - - - - - - - - - - »~ ------------ 00~000m"MM! -------------- i