Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Apr 1910, p. 4

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ri LI~Kt COU?4TY YU~IM~ ~~ '04" T.Pah. O , N1I.Uici Me eiience Téléphone N<o 1141. Àbrt7le EXOonge The. Young Améric& Club, Compoaedi O I i ie .C Iock . l k. suSCITINPRC $.0 ERYAR1RITY NADVANCE Y. e tP oin ts led lth be hougt * esla ldoli tocmaireauWl'etiet lU ud a oncnv, ? WM. ART . . Cty Edr O neha yar nung menaYcung mn 01Ldb a lut wataabedonm ockth$mchig nrelyto eil he io _________________________________________________________ succi, and their propbecy thua far bas an etegraatIe FRIDAY, APRIL 15,i 110 proven trill At tbat tlnne the mli doa pend verY Much-àay a dollar or su. the Oust of repa.intluir. objet was, if poiagîble, to lay the found- Bu foudsr a rrmtfryurlin ro.pyne rg, The prie of bouse painti la ation for a Young Menle Christia.n Agio- tn fYudlipa raretfrvu iigrua a @$o o therefore of no moment provi- NOT 80 BAD. cition, and it looûksau ~thugh a aocl.and youli sîeud on ou flO l@ iely. flyuwl ik uaiiyl The American city Magazine, devoted ta municipal Interenti, headi an ation of thia kind wnîî hded aon wlil ttrke durnbllity l advertiseenft for itaelf witir the folowing set of questions, wiich lanfmot bad: as thes memberahip ha@ increaaed from I ot Q. wirt was formeriy tire defifitiofi of a gond citizen? A. One Who tire nominal 'lelgirt" to tiventy-One We Repeat--Do You Wish to Invest in Clocks ?I caijuat au ranch to ketctofjl nd voted "ilt. whichmeana that the meetings muet bpread poor point asi it doeis Q.Why la Itno longer a satisfactory definitiori? A. Because 'good ct- have beeuirterestlrig, or Pige the entroli- If so-Let us Show You. iqety ietriewli zoes" cf the negative type made bail cities. ment wouîd have remained at a stand- prqeerv e rtbicld ing fo Q. what are badlccales? A. Citiez that are run by bogies for bosses stili. Be tirat as it may. the Young mnen and their retainers, and are therefore dirty, ugly and wastefui. test encouraged over thre incrpae. and esrmyo bidn fr G.What are gond citlei? A. Cties that are run by the citizefla for the are as persistent asilever in tireir efforts, theloget oroTCa heC'ai citizens and are therefOre dlean, beartiful, economîical. witlr a "I Will" vas thir niotto. Laet AH USest. The tient paint laa Q. Why cannot we have gond cities? A. Because we have so few good week vas the flrs anniversrary of the U f LN !! 1 AN citizen$. Y. A. C., wben au lertion of officero wae THE JEWELER PUrLnae l eRE liNeSc IgpEIErvative e mtrndrnjd Q. What is a good citizen? A. One who flot only desires ta serve bis heldf wth the ioliowing recuit.iPresi Libertyville, III city, but haa a thorough knowiedge of it needs and of thre meana of suppling (lent, Bloward Mrlanghiin; vice-pri themn as îhown by the experience of other ctics, dentolMorrrvatProctor; seilretar!, Cliarir-st t Q. Wiry la this knowedge necesaary for thre citizen who doca flot hofd Iutro, treneuerCharles Fry; raptrtin -___-__-__-__ -__ -_-__-__-__-__- __-_-__-__-__-__-__-_-__-__- OHN W. A-S-Y &-ON office?7 A. Because wthout it he cannot know whether tire citys affaira are of B. B. club. Hownrd M,rris wth J Have . MAf SURYd oua SPaNS being properiy administered. Perey Wehh as assistant, *OUK bMONE Havee s Manytomaa tou'dubt frF fîf atredHus eit Q. Why cannot ire trust ta the city officiais if they are good men? A A. n br rse ecnpsdn ongC Wetho ,IftoMn etbe Iags'î tii. e neat oa o Or abieir o .fyYas They may be gond men, but not competent officiais. men wlro are wortby of the positions ev.iwy won*isoy>na avox put esL.i 1 Q. Do elty officiala regard a knowlcdge of City affaira by citizenasa de- they dil, and their reai in the uccse WC -n muf-.trr for dit retsa denier, but if you eclnot buy the Mens Soki bg iH. B. EGIER, : LibertyviIIe. Illinos. irable? A. Goed officiais do; bad ane. do not tbey met vwith, speaks suoneirme of indi- b W'lu O tOWn WC willJEU your .r4er direct frontaur iactoey at the Q. Why do bad officiais cansider îuch knowledge objectionable? A. Be- vidus] wortir. rtguc YU -talot, delivoTY chargea pid. and if they iren.t a iozzy ad~ case civic ignorance la the scurce f their power-4rInd wealtir. Every Young man who wii live mp to Carrfi.rtiblm UWCcdaim, do Det Wear the but retura i.mmdacly aBdueu _____________________________ Q. Why do gond officascairider irach knawietlge dsirable? A. Be- iba raIes and regniationa leu ligible for §end yow oe' ay bock and payrcur express charges.- cause tlrey feel the need of thre cooperationan d support tirat can only ha giv. memherîirip, and tiroge wkro are not iO 7 en by an intelligent citizenship. milembers shouid acquaint tbemgeflveaMI HO E 4 . Q. Have 1 the désire ta be a good citizen? A. w ithtbe workingof nitraoeety. ad b, Q. Have 1 enough civic kncwledgs ta tenable me ta check badl, and ta inceealrg tie membershi, the sonner iI support god, officiais and civlc pians? A. Lbsrtyvilie ciii have a Yomnr Mens -1l1»boter lol moe frISl*lle ___________Crlstian Association, whlclo W aun onor au Mt -,--à W oa aey-ilt.. -- OOLLV MADISON AND THE PRESENT. tu anyilyor vilIag.Tberetealo n n- W um W Mi ara"upulehe" Po. s(t fni n oye, Corn e0l' Course thre White Hause kitchen li immune fromntirhe prying eye of the neeiono witi tire Y. A. C. ont-door sport, thýir.thet, saaoffnfst, i xii pliable upp ledier carsed. -L.od"e Committee which ia smoking causes for tire hirgier lavai of lvngcet& the lundi taken irom the tr'asirVfor bo nhvcoaaao einei~ sis rd f te N rh but I as béeait uggested thut tedometic économies~ of tihe président'# i prpsevryyog ubaoxd i be « * ah. . lm nS etaeun"aof peinm f ntsc A fStndard.h -ablithment today wouid serve ta throw ligit on the ecanomnia changea whIlch huYloitntteneiotm3W6panfexsin ht halve taken place ln recent years wiicirthre consumer feels no keenly now. bfecome a member. re mahir solt ad coy e. th ec, boclom a tdalie e,4A Sàna *iloweays thre mîstresa cof tire Wiite Houîe ia not apprised of wirat a dinner Wle orm 'o.-I rmanu wil b. until tire dînner lm aerved.. A ciref!and aiouîekeeper attend tô W*BERMdVnoieAa .mmRiIef " favorite ail that. Simplielty la tire ruie now ai in praicen LIBRocaevelt'AS lentillts mtloi tr Re rg 1av rie --but if la comparative aimpliclty. Tire dinnera neyer are elaborate. A UM ER !ifT ifso Feiuao n t ceus However, tire marketing for tire Whirte Hause table la donc In a vatiy ___ CATALOO H1-WMZEEaI G a t W h e D n, différent wey th Irfin tire day f Dlly Madison, wira went pes ato ea.. markret eacir day adsletdwrtaewns.Has Every Advantaga Over Naigirbor. te =2Iu ~ im [Al Trvgebesad méat are delivered and second dlveris are made in img Towns, Railroad Fa.ciliiea, tira -fo ds 11oca', in rAi cae of nlsatisfactlon. Tire market men maire tire charges caver tire delivery of Minerai Springs, Beaufiful dàe%- te Am" ib.5adBoot «pnt fcouraie, and tire contingency of repiacing rejected steaks or bernes Th UMME-m-- MODentO and orurry-up cais wen Preident Taft uexpectedly invites guests. DrivsanRésdencs..," "F s Mer ROid' S arlbj ent Te. lacartinuance of! ociy Madlsen's system of birylng direct, and tari- oSnar% OueX r.,berâ, *I8o Ing thame irer purcirase on tire front ceas of a carryall accounti for a big share Tn ir eero ie erwr nams glér ib re, &Wusesl Sany of tire lncreased collt o! living, and tire same changea have taken place in the Tise. lmn te. amn o eil a ti niio crs Dadei wdh __ e Cu leeibl e ds(iny d b lrouaeirold management, mot only o Washington hromes but homes througirout -hs fnsn.a pla hýewo6t i d kt.s o tire courntry ince tire telephone iras led housewives to order trier supplies epend tire suuîrnerniontie at resorte ,d,* are iorrking abolit tirer for comlort as9 9mu wit>rout Inspection. mb Tire quiz of rtait grocers, pacirera and otirers have served ta reveal ln wP11 i hastraure drîring tire. ieated terni.I&i art tire enormous tax levled in tire name o! "modern conivenience." isiich lt i known bv rrany chat lilbertvvul i elvilleblmrCo nes causaditirhe frugal buying of Dly MadsonsB day to ire a netlvcted, if not fias liîranr nvtung avenues in tirat re- «.I i e tv leL me torgoen art, na under neceslty betng rev,ved.Co In Chicago, Pittsburg and several otirer cttes wornes agais are qualfying spe, tlu thilfe place it jenoit far I ta ciroane fondé as foaod, înciuding tire different kinds and cuts of meats. Somne frul Chic'ago. rnd a business vonan u ~~I> R I IIL. T I1'Gmq liave vlited ail markets and iearned whiere trie tenderinin" and tirs go and -tinte at the sPanre finienont inter-____,____W.__________________________on______________________ Oround" are cut firoim. Tire telephone metirod of marketing irowever continues feri with hie rorutine of business lai theSC AN KS B O KL EiT VI E, L . .on tire increase-an expensii'e increase. raila tailities are Ieliln their re- A C ' B O KLBE T VLL ,IL WISCONSIN'S PRIMARY LAW. RPi-t. again is famiiy cao enjoy tirhe _____________________________ Wisconsin, anc of th ire primary lai s tates, sa juat passing truf pure, fremb air, air well as hirneelf, thuspinetrrg. s" O f W a Sh he fa v t B ?* astile of supreme caurtitia. The meallure mas upireid by tire state's iighest dirt, as' le usnalvthilcs in Chircago.j Jjl lT Xfh lh_________________________ court and ncw Iftwseil be taken ta thre United States Supreme Court. . "«ialydnring tire ommer.IUL..I U I , Of course tecinicaities entered largely inta tire discussion of tire subjert The mea i Springs aflrdstirem Deens uonthese.)aUUow rwihen tire came was argued. but the court bolide in sunstance tirat tire constitu-ieiitctr ae rmermaed-I uib naiRf at admnyadbr tien permits generai mis ta be made by referendum methrode and that tire law bol a s trhe ni tie r felardbe- liutb ntI ow cgodmnyadhr ln q uestion duo s n t v io late t re b il a f rig rt i because rt on ly doe a ot per- wre cirt e 0v ar e in o res n r ti i et .o k t i t e o o p r o e iibit tire hoing of plilticai conventions or delarationi of party principies, wilarreeiting n te is a parse..e hti utwa apee hnyupatp Put rather contempiates sech action. Nov does It prohibit tire suggestion of 80 to speak Fn esdne, ia Fie esdecw cea Our seeds are fresh. They coame fro hie nme.t rlia- caddtsa eoe ujc ateapoa ftepiais"drivewtays, miles of cernent walki, for b~c rwradw ea.nn hi ahcniec A prcnvnent Wrsconain newapaper commenting editoriliy upon thre law pr1)ruenading, and tire best of al-tire beo owadW eouan hn ihcniec gays: best cf eoiiety. for wliicir Libertyville Id AUl sorts cf FRower and Garden Seeda,,bulk and package "As te tire ettect o! the vote at a primary electron on United Statea sena. kiou,,n Tire peouple. as a rene, are _________________________________ tar, tire ceurt takea the only tenable position-tire action is not final and i- so airi.rnd always make trangers psez no obligation on tire legislature. Tirat body is left ta maire te ohoice frelatot rieirTo enurpiete ine'serjoc - ~TeleprneNo 0' as lit ales fit." 'tir-t, tit)v muet have les. tennit anid o Corlett & rederickS LIBERTYnVILLE, ILL "Tire prlmary electron lais ias becs gîven a fair triali n Wisconsin,. fri ~l Lîbertyviîle je a gocil tirsn iras botir advccates nd enemres, but tire advocatea are in tire majority. Their Irî lusin use en, and ether inductric ave in tire fead for tire reason tirat tire prlmary election Idea s a stop ln tire ae iit houot, ig l rigit drection and nom their position as matevtally strengtirened by the Su- vîîîd of tiolass of pupe "Wh ar-,-r Ib r 4> L ch f l premne Courts decîtion tril ' v andgonsrruîorrîw rnd brrt W.iehtel r-n il net forr thug@ wiro desire ai banrge LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LAKE COUNTY "WET." fl-ruîi ti-jr regular cora quiet rnd petaie -_ ______________________________ against 901 for thicr aboliairment. Tire 'met" majovîty la decisive and dis-. reirrerespend tire summer biere. rnd Notice ta Farmers HSE R pelaai daubt as te preference of a majority of tire votera on tire saloon thir palier tinks tirat if tire business To farailitatetr taking nitir.e cnete.__________________________________________ question. mnene amsoniatiori would puni Lberi v- tirreias bel en et you fvtireCensue eî ermn o ia esl i tnad2cIolr o >5 In Antiacir, Avon, Grant and Vernon townships tire "drys" were defeated ville se an ideai stmnitner reeort, tirat tbre Bureau. Advaoi-s Scireduies o! Agrrcui if pair o remiSc, NouT 1)a shortl cimestandary 25 N oR jie erdo ý4 and Lake county remains soirdiy in tire "wet' caiumn. number coulif be iotrrred itwo-fold. tente. Tirese can eal ail efilled ont, ln8 ar or stc,linOt aiFtRa ot tsimoly.aNhabit n hae irIdesor Hcwever, trhe *'we' vrceores wliII have tu b. repeated éveil two years Wilat sayY()- yoenr spare turne, trnm tire sipl i onesoky ita. h iil.I'ajs ai c ae ae If thre saoon& are ta remain, as yestsrdays flgit la but tire beglnning Of a_______tiens enclosed. Thisamuet bedons before muy prof onged struggle ishichis not ta end ln tire day e! this generatlon, and isil i April iStir. wlen tire enumerator will be ars usn eaneefaimne flikadTn 2s,3fr<5 van' nta ntesit astir sauon ar wel o iniffreniy cgumte. .. --. aroîrnd.PMesse consider, aIse, tire tirue Ladies' "Like filk" specita sumuier weigirt mercerized, 2215e, 3 for . 3tiu wiil save by doing tuis, instead of Mens Endurance Socte, extrta sReer, linen ireels and tes.i 2215c, 3 for 65ec ielng stopped from your work to anawer \Vanted--Men and Mens 'Lite fitk," an extra fine irose la fancy coloras, 22loie, ;I fr. CrSt Il E BOUIMIT A W ae laeilt lir l uit Mile. D tire questions of the enurnerator, signed by o oki h Ladies' Mevceioed Opeowork Sfnrtings, tblack and cofnred, 22y5, u@PidPrAvne bba enLibertycille Census Enurneratrir. p-91 bysfrwrkifh for........................................... PAI O!OVE ALI ieks uef trer i îdfro roicli tact iree Macaroni faCtory. Cilîdrens Educatore, cire beet Sciroîl ftoi'klog made, linen hel wceke s euig fromu ronnd h peu- Steady work. and tues, for ......for........ .................................... ...S;;i lnamce fWihwi oeirnIs ia e sto eadr irrbol fogast psNotice. Aleo siowing lunes rt 10c, 15c, and ...................................... 35 froni thiGirl Who Made Tirerri, He tte PdUirrn iti' wr-i- .Sire lias lPiin 't ue uiet yur teinhd omrr mii Anîwered. i~~gn.tind nuif e, lii irtroi1 urt, rf (,it,- i' odititigi-aresolui lu tiat we are aile to ( R O C~ I 3 o gn, au tue- ,'titr irn' r 'lfurnuin tirvi rlas, w rrk. We fel surea R 0 C EE S tu r b r ll uth tru pe r o r o d e rt itai e't ,F a n cy C a iif irn a N av el O r a n g e s, d o zen . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . Young men ttt ugîit a pair rof tc rrle l.aker- itit IntI cl i i ci isi -rte ut tore itt,.Write. us today for pl-es MoriBroangePoder.pacand........................................1c and louadt run tireur ch.- tr iitre,. - oil eand d riain tri-r l:i),000 are tif M(i M Hi- tutti-o ' &..................i..i...................1. t Ing girl rvbit amade titi-ni He cery wluat ibas bei-n nvaste. lanrd.Theomain G m I ttsN ,Bx23Try tiroe (Chlie Baked Beau., 15e canfor .............. l pronplyw vo te. lier a letter ceitit ail the ditrhi eabout ta i-ity Ict w ide at tire "ueiBad h etzecfe ntii.W in ettusiveness nieeary in eut fli a t, six at tît iottortirnd tenl et dr-rp. VAUGHN'S SEEDS EXCLUSIVELY. andiln due tie rer'ic'ed a rerfly, m iît i -ltrirruiotd Gazette. The afttre li.otc Palieprs~i froit April 12 mo.ruiig. il~e The Cozy Corner --Il J. WN . C arro ll & Son e e O e O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O * O O * O O O O O O 0000 r ( ment sum~ and 1 Wori that ang Everyl

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