Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Apr 1910, p. 5

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LAE OUNTY'INDEEDENT, FRmÂAY, APRIL 15, 1910 JUST RECEII Our Garden end, fi Corne ini while t4eo is compteE Rush Park Seeq Garden $e 'S tat tbe ngc thre teni la itt la provi- tlllty la icb ta it daes t ; van- wblcb rg for cbeeaj'- IVED o ýwer Seeds *ssortrnent AdCo. ÎGS Phone We have just received a large ship- ment of shoes in ail the latest spring and sommer styles and weights. Velours, Box Caif, Vici, Cun Metal and Patent Leathers. Tan and Black Work Shoes in light and heavyj weights" [rom $2 00 up Ilip and Knee length RUBBER BOOTS ai rprices that are right. Corne in and inspect our line. a Everythlng for lien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. To meure publication In th. IndaPen- dent, COPI muet b. in thé office no ater than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisers, esp.ciaily, are aked ta take partictelar notice to thisefefect. Bora ta Mdr. and Mre. W. Bird, a son. Boru ta Mr. and Mré. Fred Parkhuret a @-On. G.eorge Suydam le recovertag irom meaâieu. The. Ladies' AiU Society of ithe Preeby- teulan Chareh wlll meet at lb. home ai lirs. Jno. Oleeon, Tbursday aftermoon, April 21. Thora will be work. Street Commlauloncr, Young le doing good and comnindable work la grad- Ing tbe etreete, se welilas re-paiting tbe hydraute and walerlng traughe. Tbe new Parochial redecit le tbougzht. will be ready for oecupaacy about May lot. Itle a motieru building iBornta Mr. and Mis. Citas. seier a' th rougbaut and an ornailitent ta thecity. dauglisr. There are good prospe te aif a transiter Bora ta lMr. and tirs. L. J Kaseotj, a (I the Coudrey farni tII-alitaista, weet daughter. of lRockefeller, on w1llli a uew laits will 13. H. Fike bas maved irom Lake St., a îîî*ar, îîtaking aititir resirt in tbe ta Lincoln Ave Clliy Howard Baves lae iurchagetd W. Cty Clerk Carlett watt a Cit-go leetereé machine foîr siiarpeninnz lawn visitar Munday. owl otnei h an W lDymondishi aviig a garage lîlîti[tue iof Ilusîne@s as tliat of Ntir, l'estr, at on lhs@lîreiîtises Lynch rutrs. store. lire. M.A. ftrottui- was a tiitag.i Byron Colhy hait reriît.d-tl l arm vimîtar Maîîday. to ii bon-In-iaw, Ril,*îThomae. Have yau joiued the bai-k-yard lu- wlich reeulted in Mfr. ol,' Iiinjiibastug hrtvemanu cateet a reideie In the rit.y. %who wtll sîtan he Albert Licbtfoid has purcbased a ni-w domiciled la bis new home. Brasb runabout car: Tueeday of nei wei-k the 'tillage pioc- lire. Chas. Regal entertained Mrs. Wm. tian wtli bo held, at wlicl ttlere are three BrammiManday aiternoon. trueteen and oae city rlerk ta be voted K. F. Woolrldge is building a aew uapon. Thora are twa tickets lu the fild resideuce an Park Avenue. tbe People'@ and Ind,çieêndent. The wanderful fisb 8try teîler wîîî There are @oame paperIsiellar toaa soonu ho eutertalnung (?) us, "baua dram witb a beati.' beause tbey Farmers botter test their seeti caru If lik e a 'asen dbur t ha.INt a bead,'fu-i- they don't want ta bave trouble, tue ar"ean "It cauna t a beat - Walter Lytie and Edgar Wells are te theTesoat MeGern, whîîad bsn a guese aiChiago risae tie ack. inniate ai the caunty bouse for a short C. H. Smith delivereti several arders time, died fratta beart troîuble Monday. ai cigare at Lake Bluff, Weduesday. Roemaine were taken tsi Fox Lake Tues- J. W. Miurray bas evereti hie conucc- day, wbere interment wam bad. tion wtth the J. W. Thortpson Stock j. J. Corbett bas returned tram a trip Farm. ta bis home ln Mihigan and reported for lire. Adama Kranz, of RIondaut, visiteti duty at the Mllwaukee depol Mauday. bier daughter, lirs. Win. flrummt Suniday He enjoved bis trip, having met many andi Monday. familiar lacet durlng hi@ brief stay. Charle Proctor and iamily mitent Sua- Tbe base hall season opened Thursday day wittt Mr. andtire. (jea. Maeou, at and It le conjectureti that the nenal Prairie Vu-w. nmber ai grandmotiier ueralis will ho Mfr. and Mlre. Arthtur McLaughlin. ofai anounced bv loyers i ofthe national Milwaukee, vs teeiM1r. and lire. Lew gantse as au excuse ti iWtre,985 them. Elagg, Sunday. Nir. MacFarland iturebaseti the' Lit,- Lyle Smith te buildiing a litw resideute willer place t Taylors Lake andi le re- an luurt lit. Slu,,iter & Appley are mOdeltnlg same into an ult ta ate sunit dîîîîg the w t rk. nier residence. Albe'rt iJI ittleltit antd 'tiereliltl'g bot hîiîîette îatingflrmier otter 1tuIai tradesînen art- dîîng part ai ne, îirdI i i tii'-, ny tiIpri gresmit nin te At reprt-see ntati, e aifte Cicago t1-eord Illjd iwai.- lier, S;atur hlii etlivitng suit-, i-illt Mlr. an(]i lre Lev- Fi t k. of Kîielma, ue,- ,.nterlained by Mtr. titi lime 44ut Wairtînd Sunday. M r.. R. Nittcandi cli1 ,reit are , tetttllR at Highland Park et the hbttie af ber militer. Mre Jas l>0elhaye. lites Emmta Meintzer and frietît, Mn. Stueber. ai Chicago, calleti an Mtr. and Mr@ . %11ni. rumni Sunday. Epîscapal services at St. Law renie Nifîscion Suuday aiternoanat2: lii ock Everbtiily inited ta came. Frederick firumm and famiiy wîeb ta thank their Irtends andi neighbors for their indeose in their sati bere-avement. Mise Clara Httuni. Miss Jenkins, and Jý W-Itreuttes, ai Chicago,. were enter- taillei iv Mr. and INIrs. W. t'. Hait Sun C. I I ' -slia-,tiie- tntrtitL[for thti ratio e ýip Iisetieitts 00w hong matie fri giiiiýe ltueli, (tilt the Creatîtery 4 oitîty Suiîeriiitendienl 'irapson vt-itr dthe slîiiils l inti- western por. titi t ti- cliiiît lt -evrai dttyse ast steelu Citas. Forbrick spent Sutiday tn Chica- gro. [le eturueti Mîmday averland witb fim uew auoobaîaile, which he linrebaseti retently. Jos. Medill Pattersan hli arrived with bis 'bag and hagge' irora Chicago, and uow accupies hie summer home south ai the City. Wedneeday evening, April 2th lu the Wiiadutau Hall, the Royîal Netgbbores wiil give a vard îîarty andi dance. Ad- mîissioîn 15, Mir.and I'trs. Oliver Nish, aifIRacine, %.Vis. are 6pending the week wîth their parentesIbore and carling for their sitster, mites Nabelle. LitibieldtIeliiinsuranief and real entt agnt ai Waukegan, was trans- at. ting buineses lere Thurmday and Fr1- day ofifast %N tek. It H. iî le osîtlives tle ity litîtto, bace,îild fiiitract ai antito A. ftlteindt romî, of Clitaga, wlîo will occupy it as a sunimer residence. Tue tiil gveni ly te Epwarth Lengue of tht' MiE.i(liurcb Tuesday eventug. xiait woiI attendeti andi a neat suain ,alztil shicisel ho devîîted tîîwards operatlng the Old P'eople@ Home ai that lîurch. Aithaugl ht bhlumidtty ai the asather wasDoe ufflicient ta pnîîducelihig Mfînilay, bunt dnrlug the mlld thunder mhower a fiarse belouging ta Dtaniel Morrison seas struet by ightnnug kiing te animal instantly. J. 1t.IReeves, Charlese Lare and family K. luiîlen, ai Chicago, alo Mre. C. B. Newton, Mr. and Mlre, W. N. SeUsedge, Mr. and 'tre. H. J. McCullough, ai Ba-i tavia. costiluteti an automobile party1 eba Snundayed injeLibertyvhlle. Bob Boînd, of the Nortbwestern Schoal ,Ai Parmacy, Ciîcago, is spending a wets vai-atltîn wltb hie friends bers. lie des i te(I i liit iof bis leittre hîturs frit ta a i ii irialit f aiview, ba i ug muct,-ideilii iin litg a large nuirilttr ai good sizeil ti Tiit'dity n-iii iiitttat i i9cii-.Rer hinetII&a iiii,'Iinlitmarriage. lu St. Joisephit e('hurt ti tidor De %liever, ai Narth Chbiitigî, anîd MoIes Carolitne Elier- ing, aiftti, pùitrt' The eeemany wsi beld at toItimu mnass. the cîlifce beiug iled ta.ast'ritîving. Aruaounceîuvutl e made by the Western Union Telegrapit Comipany, that it wilîl ehortly be prevared ta bandîs long nigbl messages at the rates cuetoraarily chargeti for ten word day messages, wbicb Io a oew innovation lntraduced by the Western i1titan. For thhe nelut of the ladies seho live lu this viinity, and are ruembers ai Watrkegan Bite No. 84, Ladies of the liaccaitees, aittiane unable ta attend the mneetings, this te ta remindti tem that Hlive Nuo, 4 vil give a May Party at the i'arim loufsîîe,' Waukegac, on the eveuing tf MaY l It ttitti f cames for htome- steade Itte Spokane Indian Remer, a- tion, titis papvr notices tht' came af George Wt. L.itk. iii Lihortyville, as tont' tif tht'iick nttisý The drawiug taîîk place e% ery liitîi i. ir alter thte boum, anti at 4 o',Ii tk tri te aiternoon ai April 1. Mr. Lnvk wa ae iitunate la bnving Iis name takien froîli the sebeel. WE PAV YOU INTEREST ON VOUR SAVINOS A .SAFE, SOUND AND PROGRESSIVE BANK At your service in every particular, Regarding Money Matters. The First Natioal Bank of Libertyville Next Door to the Pont-Offlice Opcn Saiurday Nilhts1 eASte BALL ASSOCIA- TION ORGAN1Z!D Libertyville Wiii Have on. of the Crack Teams in the Country This Sesson. Backed By Thirty Substan- tial Citizen&. Libert.yville fane have &t iast organin- ed a bal]l eam, the composition Or wblch consists oi good niatertaJ, sa much no that at iffat tfslrty subetaut la]i ctizen@ are backing the. organlzation, and the echedale for the seaéon te eucb that the local team wtll cross bats wlth adver- aaries wbo are np ln the national gaine. fieretofore, and it lei right, there bas been a great deal of uselems yelling, whicb makea It dlmagreeable !or thoee wba attend a game for thp purpose oi eeeing "goot bal'" played insteati )ofîaviug their peace dieturbed bty Inveseant yell- ing. To titis cuti the' Asoctian bas decidedth iat the hi-et of irder will ho maiutaiucd, and parties wlîî make theute@elves3 obnaitous, w i lie taken tramn the groiunds. Furtherîiuare, a grandîtilaul will ho blt, tut ai-ittltidate titi large nuinter v.ho wiil attend, an(] ither imuirovi-- meute are under contemplation !)y the management, thus glving Lil.ertyville the namne ai not maiutaining the beet ai decorum, but bavicg the lîtîtt inviting "diamoud' iu base hall diriles. The firet practiae game will ho "pulleti off' Sun- day aiternoon, aid everybedy le luvied "'ta b, good." A Correction. Those who entertain the Idea that Dennis Limberry bias receivsd monoy ironi the Foreetere for Injuries receiveti are eadly mutaken, as the 8ociety bas not palddhbu ans penny. J. W. Abîsas, Secretary, S. J. D)einlein, Ti-sasarer. The W. C. T. fi. wlll hald a bakery sale at the gas office Satarday, April 16i, ai 2:30 onclock. Will bave on sale cake, pies, cornbread, baketi hoans, cookie and doagbnuts. Monday, ai this wsek, was the firet time that Mise Alie Fuller was able ta lie ap town sice ebe was Injureti four wseke ago, and hiag an eniployeai this office, @he naturally droppsd in. Of course the 'force' wae glad ta, have ber cail. Mises Fuller'8 taînries were sncb, that Il le bard work for ber ta get around, at wblcb tume she is aided by the uose aicruches. Will Sauborui, ai th!s city, ias the cou, tract for building a large reeldeuce for Chicagot parties at Wilmette and when it came ta the opening ai bide fotr mater laI, the Libertyville Lumiir Company captureti the poîrtfolio, as Its pricee were the lawest. Wben builders are lu scareh ai good inechane, tbey noeet not go any furtber than Libertys-ille, as tbey rank among the tiret ln the couuty. Monday was anytbing but ant ideal April day. In tbe ruornlng there was a cold bleak wlnd froni tbe nortb accani. panied by blinding clouds of dust, which made It anytbing bai pisasant for pedles- trians. About noua thore wasa achange. Distant thander was beard, sbiowery cionde put la appearance, and It was aot long until a iigbtebhower of ratanfell, thus taklng the piace of a street sprinkler, ranch ta tbe satisfaction of ail concerned Tbe dance given by the band Frtday evsuing ai last wsek, was ail that conld be dessred, as it was greeted by a large attendance, and tbe music funiehed by Hlapks's orchestra was par excellent. A great deal can be eaid about the many inconventences ai the Town Hail, where the majority ai etertainments are given The stage le toa emaîl and île paraphena- lia je a bai-k aumber. A modemn etrue- ture le badly needed, and it le baped %bat the present one' will pa8m into hie- tory, and a new ane accupy the' sanie site. Thursday svening ai last week, a band ai gypsies invaded the city, and for a while they made theniseives canepie nous ta tbe b'usiness district, by visiting offices and baesies twnees eollciting tbe '»fake" ai fortune telllng. lu ans instance ta particular, threai them wSiit 50 far as ta "corner" a certain young man, and wonld bave succeeded la telliig bis for- lune ln their way, when friende ai tbelr suppooed vlctim appeared wbo put ibeni ta, route. Tbey wsre "stung" lu every instance, and well they wsre as thsy were a na8ty, fltlîy iaoking set af un- desi rab les. Spring and Summer Is Being Received al b!l Mrs. M. A. Protine LIBERTY VILLE' S Fa'i0abe illiner., Styles are the Lates ] rie within the Reach of aIL. SCali and tes thom. Watch This p Space N ext Week. BARGAINS 1 BARGAIN<S 1 APRIL l6-tho Colored Curtains, Draperies. The 20c Kind, at = = 15C The 1 5c Kind, at= The 1 Oc Kind, at - - 1lOc - - - 7c White Curtains, $1, $1 .50, and $1 .7 5 Shimmer Silks,worth 40c per yjard 25c We are showiny a fine Une of Ginghams and warm weather Novelties. Cali in and see themn. The conservative banker, in making bans, must know to a certainty that his applicants or sureties are responsible and worthy of credit. Likewise, the prudent depositor will know the character and the standing of the bank with which he deals, and the fact that this bank now has over 2500 depositors with aggregate deposits of over $400,000,00i certainly evidence of this con- fidence of the public in this institution. We want to thank ail our friends for this manifestat- ion of their confidence and good will and assure them that it will be our earnest effort to, in the future, maintaîn thîs higlî standard of excellence. Lake cooiv falional Bank Capital $Y0,00000 Surplus and Profits 30,000.00 Stockholder 's Liability 50,000.<0 Total i$130,00000 APPEARANCES,. ',4, ail are proue ta judge by aperce The weilldreseed stran- ger with eleek mien and stuo otb ngue i- inviter] ta ur parlar, wbîle ta tue bumble-lookiug, piainly dreseed nian w,' bardly open the back door. And stih tbe latter mav bave more gerine man- baud in hie littie inger, than tbe former In bie wbole body. Store are ailten îudged or mIsjudged the sanie way. The store that aiways looks epick and aeua doee nat aiways carry tbe best assort- ment, nor Bell tbe cheapeet. Our store uniortunatoly dosee fot look splck and epan ; Or etock-keeper la a rather poor excuse, be rather selso goode thanetralghten up. instsad of keeping the odds and ends, and paegoode niceiy hidden under tbe counters and reviewing thema once a yera tc-taklng time, oa.r man of affaire piles theni out on te enuntera or iu front of the door, marks them at hair-price, and selle tbem. Lîke tbe man at tbe hack door, he look» woro than ho lo. Investigate, and you wili find tbat In thoe nu- nierons boxe@ ibat MIî the @tore ta the ceiting, be carnies just as aice goods in many Instances, mach nIcer than any other store in town, and bo selle so mucb, ob so mmcii cheaper 1 The great niajority, bis castomere are weli aware oi these facta. ha le trying ta convince the emaili rinority wbo bave neyer given bim a fair chance, sxcspt perbaps ta matcb a ahade of ribton or a piece of Dries Goode, tbat he ie worthy of a tboroagb trial. The wby he Will tel you lu nelt Week'& INDEi'EDVNT,. TH E FAI1R I Lîbertyville, 111. IMPORTÉS) SPANISHI JAK WiIl make the season at the Doqie &Marks [arm, 3.-4 mile northwest of Everett, W., telephone No. 3021 Lake Forest. Nee $10 nt time of service. If mare does not prove in foal she can be returned next season or ang other mare in ber plmwe. WI contract et time of service to buy coits at weanhlng time. ROBERT GRAtIAM.îIMogs 2 Packages for J. ELI TRIC Phone 25 ;s) by Co. ooo reia oec rel i-o gaes ce r 3 frk ..>e ,,3fo 5 ifor 2 t. 3 frl5c h te Sonl PLEY PER CENT e- J. B. MORSE & Co. L.IBEPTYVILLE BRIEFS L.OOAL ANO PERISONAIL MENTION -xi v oeoeUNTILoo-ae

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