LAKE COU=W An army cf hiww have responded to the- cali of our serisaom sational sale of ready4tolweU*gari1ents ~~ EAGER women have been filing in ail week, attracted by the mantde ot ......... this sae We have sounded the bugle caft again tonight setat you wil b renidedofthe timely savings wc aeI keeping for you. The crecrm ofthis big special purçhbse of suits, dresses, coats, waists, etc., is still to lx sold., Don't wait longer than tÔrow to mnake'your selection of these beautiful garments We make al free of charge and guarantee a perfect fit. MI a choice selection of thàose'suits at $8475 ElIegantJv tailore(l of plain and. striped aIl-w'ool segin the leading colors for sprrg; ceoats are 31 luaches long and lined with a good grade of satin, trimmed w ith moire; skirt fuil and plaited; regular $1S.(E) values, now .nse8*75 on .. . .. . . .. . . Corst c over emhroidery, I8& Just in a beautiful new line of embroideries which will be --natched up in a jiffy at the price Ther are extra fine cambric and the designs are unisatîlv handsome-, 18 inches in width; cheap at 25c; tomorrow t O1 C at yard ...... Embroidery beadng-Fine Swiss and canhrie ecmhroid- ery beading; wide or nar- .roW; attraetive patterns, values to 18c, loc at.yard ........ Cambricernmbrodery-A big lot of fine cambrie enibroid- cries that ordinarfly sei îîp to 10c; 6 and 7 iuclies 5 wide, at yard......... 5 Splendid econoniy in furnîture Larie oaki chiffonler T)uýab1y con- - str~uted of soiai oak; five tlraw-crs, each dirawer fittcd wîtli lock and ke.v; a good valuie at $7.95>; 4,o95 9 by 12 seamless rug-A large range of thc ehoicesi spring patterlîs, 1lýiaitifîjl- ly blended colors. absolîîîely meam. lesa; floral, orieitaj aud mtd#llon pattern&; an $18.76 rug .ti.... . 95 Dresser $5.95 - Strongl1 constructed of solid golden oak, handsoniely fiiished; 3 drawers, fr11l size; Freîzeh plate nrror. hoveied edge- 14 by 24 Inchies; 5.95 $8.00 dresser t Miung iroom chairs Stauinehly c<n- s tr u etced, straiglit baek, solid Woodl seat, a chair that wiIl stand lots. of liard useage; selle-r at ecd cal co' of1 at 6 per v1as Bed, spring and mattrMs-A com- bination oZre, consistlng- of a beavy iron 4'd with brass knobs, triple enaînel, bine, green or white, also blue and 'white; angle iron spri* with 3 rolse of copper u pport; cotton top mattress, covered .With good grade of tickingsd6.7 Ioutfit Worth $1.50, ata. 67 rlc linoleum-A practi-. llong wearing floor )vering; a splendid range »wv paterna. 2 yard@s wv e, 114 cork b*cký sello, regàlarty 69e. sale prie, rsquare % L. rime;or tes. Made of a ver'. fine qîîality of înuslin; '.ide tioîncee cns-ist- ixîg of fine turks an deep enitroid- erv. $150 and $i00 values at89e These fine dresses are -going wit.h a rush We have stili a charming seleetion of these eie- gant dresses to sihow you. They are unusiually well tailored of French serge and panama ini stripes and plain; eolors include the latest spring shades; some silk exnbroidered and trimmed with braid; $10.00 to $15.00 £ 7 ,5 values at .................... ;- *.:. Wlres Ar. Twlsted a nd By s#noff and Sleet. Ton ~Appears Beosre Hou Com- *#t"Son lesular AftmN TRAmu EOM T, ItTUjsmPO MOtnUS Un M Som Sctions eà *uclceyesae Rain la Fmllinq anU id $*mu Are Bank Puff-Otltor *termes taported. ToI*doý O0, April 23-WItli teflphe telegraph and Intarurbéa vime.twiata mand toc-nby the. weight of theaib,%woa don, traile delayed ln aIl directioniso an-d the peuch troe. an-d otbea orom 0 DarUally de.troyed, thei. ow mg a sies1 stotut blch ia rmgtug -i4 tovne of ,eortiiellxOh10 bld. fairte ta 0s Ss of the Miost Otmtrousntfthe ar. While $avw ey littié,m»»W, nearby tovus report Anyviiere from 1 tw* P. laches andi a t«eteaturs jiest fremjiaThe. lAke Shiort. I.c to 'oglPatoria à Fladley. adthetiToled o. Port Clinlon à I*ke- aide are prcticaliy out of busineus.1 Ail oCiter tnIArurb and sateam roada report traîna hours lait. Reports idl cale tiat mici damnghabu~ ou aUn oiIgo the pau bat. 1£0. snw reafiied *est au for sa Clevotand and os fur oulh as Coluo>n- but. Whie the. veather la moderatlng,. Il ta MÎTi ratnilig. wltb no prospect forg a stop befote another (venty-rour1 bouc-s AIT streante are hmnk full. SNOW AND HAlL UN VIRGINIA Severe Wether lne Wlncheeter se>. lIon Cives Fruit Groesers Alorm. Winchiester, VaL, AVril 20-Bno)w imd bail bau tallionaIl over the. fruit of nortiieru Virginia. The thermometer bas talcen a d.I cided tumble. fallUng forty-five degreesi and approachlog dangorously near thel treezing poInL. Fruit tnuen are groatly alarmed over the proslpecta. REAVY SKOW FALLS UN EAST Pennsylvanieanmd Pertlsi.of West VirglnIa Iln Trmck of Storm. Pittaburg. April 20. - Snow covera western Peunsylvania and parte or West Virglia. Tiie lemperatures range from 41 to 22 above zero. I4eavy Snow Faite In Ohio. Cleveland, 0., Apri 20 -Prom mie te six luchea of vet saow, lie.fal'on thiroughout Ohio, breaking dovu troea and telegraph and lelephone vires. Tt' lo believeid, ho-tever, that the novl ec-yod to cave the fruit and cherl [spelus grovtitram lb th rait. PRICE OF WHISKY GOES DOWN Coét of Jaq Decomes Chemper ln War. Againol Alleged Trust. Peoria, MII, AprIl 20-Whisky prices, 'have drppoed to 1.-30 a gallon, mark-' lng tIi. rat gun* ln the rate war Inde- pendent distillera are wfaglng on the. alegOi trust. Prie,, have beon cut 111# cents la fl*e days nd thie so.caled 'trust bua alye*dy claied one bon»u. The. Inde' puMdeM tllUera hav* a combý;ld capacl±y ai 135,000 gallons of apirîta4 Reautts of Qom*@ ln National end Areerican Leagueig,8taodlomg. National Laed.. 1.t. PCt.1 W. L. Pet Do.. 1 i.6471C'In . . 2 .500 MhI. .2 d1 5ISL ..t 2 . W1 1?4tta. . .21 i.66711rook. . .1 2 .833 Cbl . 2 2 .5OQN. Y. . ..1 2 .333 4,11 'National ltague gaines wçrt pogpoiie on accoulit of rain, côdd American Lehbie. wý L. Peti W. .. - et. * 0ev. .B.31 .38OWaei. . .2 e.40Q N. Y.. .1 .j .600ýt. U ..4 2 .33 Dot. .. -.2 2 .500'hIL _. 1 2 .23 AtBoston-8oiontn gable. R. Pr. Washiingtonl ..607140-0060--1 4 a " ~ tôfi c...10100000P*-2 à 0 rOlýIti and Stlot;lcotto and CaiÈ ýAttlAbon *.aiP_'.. . W.eliIuoa ... 01.1 Q0 0 20--4 4- q e~i~nmi treet; Wo.hl m At Chicago- R.} ~ a~ *tnia J Oxth and i13n-Tweive innîngs. rAiu#iIeaotite 944 acék(i & t S. c .ï l Pt Aski ApProprllIton te £radioqC 4Oik lation Poil Soutit Amirqoà- DfeteFor SoàWag Wshinton. April 30.-W. J. Bryla appeam dvoluntarily befor. th. houa. ,oulaittee on tneul..r affaire te urde mnu appropriatiozl of 1375"00 trý ~ oxterr4onatoa of the. hookiFfflI Porto Rtico and to advocat. théest4 fflmt ie4of a fan-Amnr"& âeî on the tiamd. tTl ,Th* peerlqus leader lu the lsl 4m. lu *aahlngton al. = 'M'W Promident Taft et the. White liquie'.- Tho boue tonaitta. m o*M faima beforewa.blchMr. Bria 5pp4n itu the. Interests of Porto Rico lieg"I Impressed hy hlm argumentasmita ltp. resenlatîve Olnmted, li chaîrman, and a nuanh.i of othér membora made comment aicm*iog that they vero relady and wllling to stand for the. proposition adVocai,4 by Col. Bryan. Mr. Brymu predl-ed <bat 'the popu. lation al South Ameri-a wlll have in- creased, Inflfty years froint 2li000,0 te 60,00,000, That continent, lie de. clared. wU] do for Eurtil ewthat foith America basdose in tet 1.00aL OO &M- by affordins a home and refuge for Immigran t& Reproentatlve fHitchcock o<f Nebra.. ka, accompanied Mr. Bryan 10 tie White Nouse Tih. peerlasa li1kSo waa wllh the premident airecet a» bour. The. conversation relatdaimaent es- tlreiy to the coitntriea wbieb M. Brima had vlited. especIally Cuba &n4 Poil. Rico. Col. Bryan le heartily In fayot of citizenahlp for the Porto XRiand u lie left hi. vélewe on thai .ufUieiithi the. presîdent Bryan lefit for Chlrag. SPIR(E ROBSON BADLY INJURES Phy4dilan Fear Remuit of Kn.okfft t In Britlai PrIre Ring. London, April 20-Spike Rolieoo, vii wu. knocked out ai the National Sport- Ing club by iem. Driacoi. remlne4 Mua- conaclous forty-1jve tnliutele &fter b. lus car»Wto bbis dreaslna room A doctor Gsally revlved hlme but lie b"d a relape. e tfi lalearted bis condition vaï se nserions that he - as unable to b. rennoved from lthe ?#atol iSporting 7club. Th. physiciana AUtendins hl& aemtt hli i» have euataIje4 oser cusslon <of the hymin. Tii, polie vii take no action agalnit DrWaoll ualffl Pobson dies. THE MARKETS Cicago Cosh -Grn fàarkst. > Chica@o. AprflIll'*. Winter viiesiby ampla.- No. I soi. $1 08',%fi 1.10;:n. 3 c-i, 1.04m611; No. 2 bard. $1.07 % (&.0914; No. 3 bard. Çlhâ#~1.08. Spring wheat by sample: N@-.3 spring, $1.000 1.08. Cern, 1W sample: No. 2, L56U5-c; lNci. 2 *%ltii. 6014j6lc; No. 2 yellow. 58c; No. 3, 5608WO; No. 3 wilte, bg%@Ùe; Iko. 3 PUilev, ESWO56C: No. 4.- 0@il. Oats hy MMDIg ýNo. 1 Vile. .481ê@ 4%c; No. 3 wvite.,1 *~c1# w~hite,40@414jc; standard, 4340, 48%c. Chiompo Lîvo. Stock. ýogs--Reejpta 11,06. Quotltimu ranged ai $l.9009.00 for chaiç bhdavy- $8.è0flt.fi0 bucheti S.2ý O5 lie iiet, 19.9«910chekoIt lt, IMORM.83 -à&LvyPackng,' 8.so0S.S gond tu. obolce. pio. ri at $&6 9611for, aoa4l-W £te5 .ý5 ïo0d to choIe. ie oow$s .60 lo6d to Oboleu "f- ,r.~1<.00 g9"l t* cln..emAisi. $a00.S euet f«ere .25 goo ir lachowe. AtQokt c r~d .~ ~ for xa choicee cl le~ ta, choiOe.' cl0pd hý BL' 8.75 blO o0 tdo é tio m CatW-RBceb&tm. #%001: aiI; us esteady to etrong; native *8;e1,co me *.V rs<f4 *edere. -PU7WGf.26, eWW)v 4.- 8 '8-26;q ubi. ⊤, us. U IOh Hog-Receipta%, S0' eed-, jWk. 0O15e C. wQr; bienv, &P 90 %i~d 8SO890; fh l<:$98. 8.0; biilt'of aWldà e' D p-eclt,60 1bead4 nat 1 iSb i oq lower& ium ImaW& e; Iambe, 19010, 4el t 2 cars; markcet Blow. Hoobaa ?-RTWO M Mon TV These wsists arelsel fa They are nîoving lively beca*use it is infrequent that yon get 9,ucli great values at the price. They ordinarily bring from $1.50 to $2.00; made of very fine quajities of lingerie and lawn; fronts hiandsomely embroidered and trimmed with val, lace'; othe.r models of ail-over 89 embroidcry; sale I)riee ..............." Ooats at $10.7-They -are wor- thy values at'$13 and $18; eie- gantly tailored of týn and gray coverts and serges in navy , gray and black; 52 to 56 f juches long; sale price . .0-7 SUR AD REPOR The blgg was denied -Uzenm of ,u*m i-. 'id bm r gMtat t-Vl.,1 forth, when, by tii. 817N 3tOry 1» dota n.e maed Do trace of t & senti-v nd Qemrly iLoJ.> imps of OagKm tt hà@belli berauHe nonq *aid that th wftre asem for a rallitai Mie men. R@ furihi- Were 0out ai 1 tlrday or th quite . robli flong 1 prepti drapei pris to Ilc are tic fecta) Akmins choose RIom Dergeins in]h.os, ati kitch , , 3t Prv~pgkettlea-ieavy g' y gre wIfB bail attached, 4 .iitr gize, âpeciai for tomorrow at. ........ C OU cloth-Table oit loth in atfraé- gstlailpce t yard................. 15C 0ýps and saucera - Pure wh1w c InalxpUntwre,7 tomorroW e pair............7 Mattfng-OIras; fbre nattin ~36 la1~wtoiattra.tivepattert~ i. Tomrros poclal prioe at ........ ýeL riIWv aa". brubm - Good biýgt, les, sniooth bard wocd b....t.. 3r ror's gpw. lpc-tee ...a .. Vamo-T&II glass vaues, elear or colore&, varlou% ditteo.nt abapff tomomtw at ookv',..... .....W 48h tiýtys-HÉtmmered brass il tràyaW ote. Tomoen* ut ............. çlho1ders-Glass candle'heff- edloa6luiideaiÈgns, 'O toedr-~" XW-eP-,Asoapthat iàSýi . Wm Ciiarocb--The Overdr@ýpe,çur- tain rMd Wla. 411. fle~t Ifvation for draping UrtAllW We tAeu her librama ahd orlf............t .11 ,r ', ,