Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 12

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I Suit& Coats 1111S FOIITUNATE I(l.\E lA JBROJi() 'i l, -'l'O l'?UR iE IlN f 01>O" NEWV SUITS AND) (OATS OF SI>LENID1 STYLS VEEISIW IlOl VEl<V- 16.50 Suits for 8.75 Ladies' short and tiree quarter' leîîgth Jaekets, made of fine Ulif- fos Panamnas and striped or liard finish eovr 'ts, soine ar1: iined and worth to 13098 8.00, for ' ..... S-ei(l liew fuil leiîgtli taipongee coat s, liandsoineiy trix'iîîid xith eîmîl<moidem'e(1 collai' of Persian ef- f ect. This voat reaiiy lias "huies" and worth,9O 12.00, ,Jor ........... Big wsormtuncuîit of higli-grade ladies' full lengtli tan c fuil length Sprixig Coats, mnade of higli-grade covert -ats ini plaini or fancy w'o-oen materials., They- pongee, Rajah or sxxell loth of gold silks. This lot <(<tlt' n avau'etyof sylesof itiir ~comprises au unlimited xaiety and we know that pei'eeti î<aiuîtaioredor aumtyno itemi in this great sale will timut- v laitaloet's, or "ey --f)e 50populaI', wortliî9 8 12.00, for ..............-........... for........... ................... 9 8 (Great lInnclase of over 2010 Saniple Coats, enîlracing ail tuiexv styles in full iength effeets-you'l flnd a great variety oIf 51)endid weax'es to ehioose from, in- cludimmg sxvciî French Serge Coats, in tan or navY, Slephei'd plaids, fine herriiîg boume coverts and swell nox'elty iixtures-not a coat ixn the s lot worth less lhan $15, and sonie worth as high as $20, 8 9 grouped one price............... if you .haven't bouglit tîmat Spring Coat yet, you'ii be weil rewarded by inspecting this wondorful coi- leçtion grouped for tomorrow's sale, at one prive. Beautiful Frene hserges of new colon dex'elopments, swell new weaves, froîn foreign looms, elegant new sharkskins-rieii, plain tailored garments, that show the master's skili without profuse tnimmings. A reaily woîîderful*l~ collection, worth,(o 1 $30.00, at...... .... lu Car fare re. funded ta aLil out -of n town cus- tomners -on p urc hases of $5.00 or ove r. Corne early Yoim don 't vers' oftc n get a chaîo'e to liviiai c w iiat kind of suit -on 're to have at t lus priee, buît an as- Se Sortiument of overi two hummndred suits celled froin thee Vvî<rctxiv xx'ni dress-ing great sainple purcliase. Yoîî uever saw such a saquemts, mxflox\Vcr .deSigns, great lot of all-wool worsteds, xxl'ioc3e lanainas and hcauti Ï iil ('eiliauis for . ...............iO w îu-th up (<4 17.50, Lt7 N\ot of sliglmlY s wcd asli for . . . . . . . . . . . . ... dr<esses wotrt h lp to 7 ".5)0, foi'. ....... 9 c One Group of Sweil Tailored Models at 15.00 liamtiuhvtailored suits of sweill mmcxv sham'ksskin Stunning and Frenvh serges. Tlîi,ý lot comprises «ver 200 Gowns i& sxvehl nodels emnblrac-immg ail the new sinart creatm<ns Sm l front the sxe'l plain tailom'ed suit conx eving theSi pl niasters Skill in simple gracef l1» ~ e s e t<î the proî t'se1 *'vt riinîmîit'g.lrenS. . 0 re s e TEhis is iîolccd a niotablie lot anîd 15 w<t4 30.0 0, for ......t..L t oflamds<in cginghiaîn One Group of Swell 'Taiored Models at 17.98 A îdier o 'il filimd a siit fit foi- a qieen. 'Ne arc making a speviai effort t<< il(-ase thli nost exaetiug- sioxing over thiree Ihumîdxed swell imodels, mlade of excx'v kilowxvn igixgrade îmatexial, lùied xitlii beau- t ifulf soft iinessalîine,.7TlivYx e(4xme ini nalmy styles for ........................179 pre'tt 'v,<'<<lii'comintations anîd triniiîîed Iniai iv stx'les, a real 3.50 19 dî'-ess for.....19 (11reat lot or i x 'di w 001 Panamoa andl Mereerized v oile dresses li iniauîyprctty styles, worth 12-.00, for .........9 The prettiest dress in years the îiexvM iddy dress of al xx'ool white serge trimmrnd with bitte satin collar, cuifs and i)ieast 1iocktt, 88 wVoi'tii $20, for ....8 For the lady who is fond of white dresses, we have se- etired a special lot of sam- pies of the piost heautf fi.wc have ever liad, sottie of thiese are worth up to 15.00 but go on sale 975 at ......... .. Near Postoffice .cials for the Three Days of F'ull size (îîhî Aprouts 11 11 y o~1 iavk utiade of' tint-i Xinosi <.g x cx. fou w N.itl h de giniglmatl, o, xuxt 1 J5 il T'soldlfoi- I<ss for ................ for.......... izinq the miqhty ùnloading power of our great systemn of stores, made us a propositioi rîg garments. We accepted with alacrity their unusual offer, and the resuit wil be one of best materials and workmanship the factory is capable of, and this fact, coupled with the uniu Proery lady to be right on deck at the opening of the sale. ,verything" Waulegan, Ill. ýaie onlym.=Corne early or youp1l get left 15 1141l l îI 1114 i i for - - .. 't < . ... ... îiî ( 1 , if s-ý,11 !1 1 g '<'<'ite wasii h It-., band- soil) <'Ix cilli'44ierei4 ha i.. m fo ......6c L.adî ,' ( haîmoî-ete and 'i- -iic1 gloves"- xx h SýIte50, fiol'. 15C I "'i -~ ji~ -"t' wi -*%ý ~t!I'1F 'r Our Waists SPECIAL-Great lot of fine white lawn waists, embroidery trinimed, in a dozen styles, worth 1.50, 69c Lot of fine tailored waists in plain or pleated effects,89 worth to 2.00, for .... 9 The handsomest lot of fine white this prive, worth . 98C up (o 2.50, for..... Ni~~ 5 I Hundreds of dozens of' new waists bought to give you a big surprise Big assoriment of stunning white waists, aftsornely trimîned in vani- omis îîanner witii cîbroidery, me- dalions anmd lace inîsertions worth up to 3.00), . for . . . . . . . . . . Lot of fine sample silk xvaists, made, of iligi-gra(lo taffeta or niessaline, worth up (o 2e8 5.00, for...... Fcial i fin e wblite s4s, al l(ncx We took ~e manîfac- 8at about edollar, a es, worth 1.00, Our great sample pur- chase included over 500< sKirts at 50c on the dollar (<îeat lot of saxtille Skiî'ts in plain oi- satin fiîishcd îpaniamas, fuull pleat- cd, many styles anid al coloi's, xx <ili 6.00, (or .. e2 2 Li.<t o<f î,xlew o L k iis xxor i u75e, fo ..........39 c ( imeat lo< t 'o f '( hi ren 's drlaxvers xxox't h îp 9 f<i ..... ...f.. 9 Noteworthy G retsspetvdess lus wo tlI 11)10 s'îi Ybesl idrge aa lti 1lIly i i l ad ilie \ i ild4) 1;lfolce , 175- Ouir aS irtd les Big assoî'tîneît of fine ail xvool panmamma skiî'ts in plain anid trim i mied lleateti ef ti s, '9 positix-eiy xxorth 500, for .2 WeV haxve made a special gm'omp fi'om (lie gîreat sammple puîreliase of skirts at (lus piýe.Thlit lot euîi<maves finxe Chiffon, Panaumas, (u'iss, wiry voiles anti a largte ass rtm iem t of no v-eix'rmateriais. rîhîeY v letî 11i1 biaek, hîmme ani ail thmeiicxx shaties and worth np (o 8.00), for.. .3e98 lui neie-u'dm'ox' a livt' dollar bill famther (han vomi (am inÎî (lis great lot of samiîle skiî'ts. I iietly ammong thein is a richi Freneýh vo<ile skii't, lianidsoîîme- 1l* t-î <î'1111ri<lt-i ltîle xîexx' 'Tuîmie "style. We siuoxýv thimt mmi a dozen stylos and guaramitee (bhis (o be a Peai 10.00 skii't, for :5.00 UndIerwea-r Naiiîsýogîk (u4vmssai<eIla sîx-le, x'oke of ei i-o idler v, x'bil<îîm lî: xiaoe A t î-îîîîîîî<'<l sle-,-xs, le4 % Spi<'ai ai.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 ~ ~ ~patternîs, tukdvoke, îegulaiî 7,5, kind at............... 98c 'N oluens'Extrxa Size DIraxver 98C founuee lustr tucked, w-orth 7;-)(, foir............ or, la wn, trînîna id w xth O x'alîme, at ..... 0 square neck, xvude anmd loil 1.50, for . . U4xx us, wrsioiu:îî o 4-î-4-. iillieod, voke( of» v-lh lli o- insvi-t 112. rihbon8 8 C 9. gowvil t')I . .r. . . . . (4e t( i \( 1îd cmxý d woî'tl 7.5o, 1t 1 ..i .. . . Coibiîaiuli Sun s. skiî-t alid 'm-set o c' rnbbon dr\il'ain 11aisi, s>ciii riccîl for the gruzit s;1ilipllc at x4)1 'or.. M'i li('5 5 \il.iiil A r is l( jieket. xx< ut h 26~c 5Oc- for,....... . . . Taffeta Silli Petticoat SPECIA.1Oxl v a linmifed îîn)bex' (d genube oiu hoiled taffe î'tt <'<at. made \ver' Iful i xi h(lel) rufflied fth<ilne anold st Stunning. Millinery Creat: No malter bow tastefully the rest of your raiment niay be if your bat isn't a are flot properiy dressed. Our designer bas solved the problem of sweil headgear at very lutle cost to thie purchaser. an4d1 <îîiIl\itIxx5 <141 Ldis' -ais îpr ig atlî'tmadîe of îî:îl. îîîîît i xxi ail t rxxcxs ad<te.,tiiiii( xxi i jî (t 98C ( lt 4 1 't- uti l - m lt 4<if sxS ( t v' ', cc ý fýll (î1 < liaiîs, mad i f<l i hut' SI axs i 1 alis anîd Fcî<-m ai<is, l<~i iiilii li tx'îiil<<it iin abol<it t foi .. .......3.98 Cape Special axol î<- îuli anx oatl fiii v 5. ili............. 1.79 S\\(11li (lîc 'Ial huis ixu finle Dî'ess iîats of sxxcil ipMis lahns and< Tilîscan ishai<'s and i cigaxtlv tîjliti- iedc xxi tih Fr'en ch ltoxvexs, feathers, ilii t s ie> a 3 0i0 0i to 10.00î, t<.< ....- 1*1111v timua ers and iail n <veli es. 'T orf st'axvs, bi siapes axi tco 6.00, lor 'l' -par-tu-mm inm vxexv Six <N(1((kthis vreatio ini itmaginables shape Worth 15.00, for... ;(1it-at îil d pu îlîase 4<'f's \\(Ilnil mif a rx (ta 1es, In: Ide <<i fil e lt avîll shîS .lîau n (~îIl uiiiîiîîîxin 11111I1Y st\ lus, 1 . 1 1 >Il bas atways been a difficuit t Chilren-s D part entsuit bath the fancy of the chtkd Cniiren AJVJaLLLIIIILthe parents. A great Stock 11k.« fi r . . . . . . . . . ;iiris' idresses of<finues plaid I gilglmaiul, xxoî-th ( 49C lairias inî sizes to )14 ci s, x î I t o 2 . 5 o , 9 8 i1............ . . . i uipedt and<i;(i ct lot of prcttx' littie ehlildren's 8~ 9c s i7inal coloi's, 1 8 fi ................... plaia iii <oi il wox'th142.50, (ils' eoats inaterials in Jacket ifeet doulie, for. i. W. urge every lady who is hard to please te give our shoe de'partmeant a test. Snoehave tender or sore feet w. recommond our farneus easy waiking S h o es bee and the price w. guarantes to b. the Iowest saimdais, iim patent, ll, gumî-mîeta98C andl Vi'h- id leathem's, xxoî'iîlO up tii 2.50), for .............. oxsaid gii'l's sehool and <im-ss sins-s, made (4f Vii-Kid and otheî' Icati-x', 13f -îthcm- but ton or lace, xxoît] 2.50, ti'.......................1 3 Lot of gi -'s sxxell dî-css sm-s ý, iiîall bath- er's, iîîîi uor lace, woithli <<iie, for------------1.67 4, 5 anmd 6 sti'al effeets, xvortl up (o 3.50,1 9 Afo 11,09oxmauta As tib slion saeca 3t.................... 24 e A fiîoius mmanufacture'-x- xii< nuakes (the i 4.00t slm<e iii the xvo'Il. li as gý*veIi 1us pe r'imissio nî ((4seI luhs slio2e duinîg (lus sale at....... A 15.00 Suit for 6.98 ('orne on now vou thrifty ones, now is xour chance. W<<e took a pinuge on abouit one hundred we-ll-tiade -trictlv nan-tailored suits of fine ail-woolpaaa and sWell diagonals, nieely trinned with satin lajuels, cmats are satin lined and skirts are full pleated, worth Up to 15.(X), 6 09 for ......................... New White Serge Suits This is a great opportumnity for tlie lad-,.,vho is unde- ided as to whether she wants an) expensive suit ni- iinexpenýisive one-for in this lot she xiii find an ex- pensive one without the expense. There are ovel' 3(X) in this collection, inafle of snch al xx-'oi fabiis as worsteds, Ianlaias and serges, creani serge, plain '<i. with black :stripe. ManY a i ndi l dvors. Cloaks are satin ljne<1 skirts ]lcated. In faet. vou 9098 ...c a $2-0.00 Suit for ................ Excellent Tailored Suits The siglit of this box of Suits is god for "sinc( e ves," also goo(l for the pocket-for Iere vouNvxiii ind an cuorînous lot of fine suitfs madie of fine pîwn- nellas amd sxx lsergesand diag- omais, lîuîed with gfaranteed 1 for.................. .......7 Three of the world's, greatest manufacturers of women 's and children 's wearing apparel, take off their hands for ca-rh their entire sample lines, comprising thousands of beautiful ne most sensational sales in the history of the stores. Everyone knows that samples represe prices which will prevail during the life of this sale behoo Sale Days Thurs= day, ? 4 Fridayt ê~ Sat= u.rday Did Y'Ou ever hunt for a certain% coat at a certain price and fa iléd to find it? That won't happen f0 you here, for we can show you an extra large assortment at al prices during the three day3 sale. la-momm ,Àod l'ou-t otf<j meaiix- nie e full lengthi '04, made of' px'tty lioie-spun mati ciais anmd ueatlv trinniied wth id<ksat in vcî<laî', Wor't h SA), 3e49 for............... I/ /ilý 4 4 a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . à Of

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