Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 3

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NOXALL PAINTS!1 Thobu paints are a @trie tiy guaranleed pai, and foulmeaAure. and only $1.35 PER GALLON. Gse you use aur Eloor and Porch Painte you wiII uo@ no other. We carryj a [unl lifte of Veaish Stains, japalac. Enamels.Liquid Veneer, Linseed Oit, and Turpentine. Waqll Paper! We ha ve anica lie of gmtiçles we wouid like to show you at frices t tisat Wli nterae you. 3Stores-.Grayslake, Rockefeller, Round Lake. -r - Pr<4eionl ard ~Railway Mail Clerks DR. 0. F. DI TTERFIELD. The Gosernment pays Railway mail VLETERINABY SURGIEON. a a AIBUTANT STATU VETINAEIÀN. IClerks $800 to 01200, and a011er UlbertyYU. fla.Ilio. employeesa up to $2600 annually. PAUL MAC GUFFIFL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Uheortyvilfe, Ildlnots u'uors 83 DR, C. R. GALLOWA'?. OVVICIC 0V55 LOVELLI DRUO STORE. ore-from 1 f0 8 and 6 ta 8 P. M. LAtbertyvIlle. Ilintl. A, K STEARNS 213 Wasiiigtinn trial Waukogarn Pisiiie 27611 DR. GOLDING 1>E NTIST J. ElhTriggs lulniîngz miii lic J i. 1'4r1' nI i m lwit ville. Il n ie DR. E. FL SMITH. fiEsTIST. )VER LÀKL esNlTv tATIONIi' ANrIs. OUs-M fi ".2 a Ii. anîd 1 fin 5 p. n, DAILY. DR, 1. L TAYLOR, nnr5I( E Olite aIiiTRSIn nou":-.7 tW 10 a. mý 2 fin 4 aind Il In M P. M. m eilni tBiiiaway, nppîllte Park MARTIN C. DECKER ilin) pp. 1 n tii ust. 1El-oticilStittinmoj fnePiiiniîe5:134 Iftee lbn :iinfli Nii:iTII ('11îî.ti;i1,1 ,1.N( >15 W. H. STUDER ana Pilcainageý LIHEILTYVIL. 11,L. PHO NE: 1(îi4. DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practice Ilînira 14) t, 1-2 -, fmi4 anîd n 1), Ofliice usco i.ii-, ia ii SPLIîiAlu n LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS hlenry Sine's Sale Bar i aida Sai will bold spring examl- floua flirougliaut the country for fiai I way Mail Cferks, ('uotom Bouse lerka, Stenographere, Bookkeepera. flepart- mental Cleikea and ntsar Governîîîent l'o- mitinas. TlîousanIeoiiiaplenif t faon ts il 1an ruade. Auy filais oc wtinan inn ci fs, lai city or contry vnisgef fiitrfiilin and free infoîrmation by a cifirnt iin fit tiseBurceau of e lifnii fi ii u liit inîflîg.n, lelcNN fine Sound Sleep of Good HoalIhi i lie oicntii ..m1- -rc nf i 1 - p n aintiilîn, , eniin lnl iLa-lliiIi a, lni F ,,nî r a1,ninjii i n n i n pin.f Iî P -1 I S iltnfn\ liii i n on l anse idennclnnMY iin linî mi1.i andnîrfi t n iinf) m.1 i- lnnnn PIlil t rnI 1, mn mtaflii n nin a.n IL 1knlin -e its mn ii ni, in f, n nnarn f las% .,in.i f5nin~ Inn liiatsn.,cfkt-,iylin n i b nl lilinIn 1,5f iLum lii il IrI .-nn ln 1iinn , r n : , mi ., , 11 n , f ,. -,<n ýi ,nif ;ltc i nu.If Ii, n Ilanîlînli Inci.inl.nnnf- intmu ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. .J. DRI'CE, Edfto< Piton No. 11 jOrders Taken for Job Work Advertlsing Rates On Application] ema a ýct nbasin ymu? 1uni , lliinrsv niaiftT mtl i 1 m tgW ,s 'hr Il~~~~~~' r-ilnnnigi n.iti iin aic.mi.b tnn1nilIIlfi I in. l. Im a ,r i arr n f.r: Iý lr iiitifn.i mm iii le gn t im ti 1,,n, i n if O inn, h i, n f tf o l 'ns i..G n %c Im nnfo . n i a , 1a1 I iis iin k, -ti - iIInn-. n eui ll The Grayalake COMOerY 1acclaf Y will meal with Mi@. E. B. Neville Thursday, April 28th. Vistore welcoma. 1ev. Toîl will conduct tha srviýes at thse mission Sunday evanlng19 Mr@. George Thamson and Mie. Eari Thomseon wera Chicago vlimitors Tiîaedaày. Missas zeta Miaeoay and Floreince Druce willf ntertain the a00fll ul, Tisurs- day avenlîig at the humîîe ou Sireo.0 P. Barri us. C. H. Park@, of Chicago, eefit fa8t Tisuroday tiers looking alter thln tprese iii bis real atata lbera. P'errin iîchardsoti ln (!"K",I laia l honý ,n nla Visit. Wini. Brandoettar if gi o a daine ah flic npera bomuse Aprif l . Notice Ail fansone kuowiaig ti i liscIvcs nîct- nr inn fi ongaliatigli &Aflenii Sm feta cil fu settie by 'lIa) 151tIno ýfi fui nof i..ongzainaugli lnAfloîn lii a nnasnlici Village Elaction Tihe village lîctiotl lire Tîî,sday waa a very quiet affair, flicre ianing otify flirea trusteand village lerk fo leet witli vary littie o;i1iiîitllff Tînere weîe !rty votes cast as Iîfnîns i0. White, village clark. :38, E nilirtin 39, (). Rciardson 37, (fus Siiut/, it ru.tea,, Jî-wSillstiser 'nillgo cc. ,nue mote. Frank T. Powiei, supailitandent of Chicago etreete, traneactad busIneeshser Iset Frlday. Tise Hohendala Compauy was lm towa Fiiday and puichased tisa (isas. Kîîb- kier faim. Tisa Misses Tiffany, oif Antiocli, wera gueste astisae Turner home Saturday and Sunday. Mir. and lire. Dan Hlock @petit Satur- day and Bunday with tiso ln('harle Hook and family of Chicago. Mien Walter fiodfrey la vinitiig lier daugliter, ilire. Geti. McNauara at lina %Ir. and Mis tC. I).lnnngabaliiîiamnt from Tisursday uîîfll Sunday eveiinug with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ongaiiaugln. Mi@eseSuain Paf nier and Eliufly MilIer, oif Lake Bluff, were glîefes of refatnsnns lîcre Frlnlay and Safurday. MimaeBelle Aslen lias gis on un ler woif at t ha Times nîlîi o foruaîsortliiic iini q acfonntenl her euves. The baccliali gaul eSeinl'il uion ania lraylake w his wa8 tfi> l,, pfini off af liucnecSunday wae iiefio n m iicoutiii th ie ran. Dr. R. M. Potter, an tipticiait oho lias licou estallialienl I tif sQcui oTempnle, thiîcagii tînîn hast twîlve unars. bas tak- en r. li.el t a plan-e anîd wîlfintie tii Gray.lafue tiese t fMiitnlay iii cmli, fijiinfîl ina net t afifi intrfient liemr ns il 411(nnînnfav May 2nii i if gftihe date 'licliîtc ii Iliinîgi tnlini ihipfas If i hi n c nînînn I roîm Gnînnîîf fi r fit. Tino irfil hIan I ni, i iifi li ni iia îs .nsnc l liahw - lnii fn. 'i of lsnfig isiud înrnnsî1nn-, ,.- mi,) f-,[une ', -1tl I fXini ii ic iml rijIfi11, if l ic i. nin kIa -inim m i IIf<nui- Inmon .art nw i ,1- 1 II- t1 i n fifilil"n ofîM fililil -ninn T -I, siliiii Nlin irn.i 1 fln- Ilnia>tiAninrîit i 1 n 'timln îî 1rus 1nnrnn.s fýiin. àI 1n iik I j knmnfe < amliii if ' in t I l yi, h ý ali. nli aîn fn e t I i;1i- Tvn , 0, i, in, Mr. an l" I c., dl lnnîlif. i - i t s ami scc 1 -2.- o fnmn id I I k In l u i cinidîs ALL DEALERS IE F' iiL lillim î inrnal i I fiskînlînuns v lti-nis v î iir, anis n iin I ui nas1tii vn ir(Iii n.n nîo ALiln imII nIinii'f uini mt I isi.Ifilior nul f.akce \ ia, fiainln , îL E issu f f - ii i cnîl, fim . fraîlnian fnl1,114l-,nn liti AN ,sngan ii- indîr Foc Sale Lt -inicna-1ci înîo iiiinafî mmi niIra mmio. an ! ,flin tcunn aun ifle corpsie nugnttiing nu f0 r fii Hom i Li m i iin, 17 f i h -~pr f i fin our 1iii un cationn fay n 'immfnfnig mmcdrv .n igi, ,nuii inn k t. ALL DEALER&. un r,14 m iSOlA AiVE-n MON CIT, ILL RIn.doce s60n PUItS An- Al hniniin n Homes, Han-, W agibnr mi ini Rg ýIi . ' ale 'a.r rh t a l T n - AUCTIONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opasîte lSt.Paul freight Deoi Libertyville, Illinois Machinie Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A SPECIALTY Eiîgicias oserltauled. A P'ul I ine of' nn-iidrîea. Tires lRe- 1aired. Whan i, Trouîble TELE PiON E Llbertyvillfe Exchange 66 or 1262 S-, nt2 I fi GOO NEV*S Manli Libentyilfe Feaders Ha.e Heard i and Profmfed Thenreby. NoWefAdvertismng tînnmnr ilkînl Lo <Ii-sand1 jrnigreepli mnni,.nnainiof ur onîy, ba@ a nîninliw 111i rinn ài aN nofnîniertnsing lis stînri, 1.I rtlà, nn iiah,. iragrýeelinfWitln souten n rst-n lasi)inînno ni.nnfIllnanv to one and ei- i n ( mni rtf ir ur (ifst ,enîn.lie i1ii0rsif 1iin.niblý o nr ail fînine whin frade litlu i,nstoref. in 1,tain a fin kot fre o tiihes ii- I i gi v ing tf n i a n rnntn icke o nr tri f n-,0n fnirdc Tird, licetinakos ;t for thv pubîi~ nlllic fi limten tf, a toi (on -i t blii ifIng whaf tickcfîn ho miiny is i- Ilo in onsale at a rvasînînable fi, lin iura n iiloer liifiis 115s iv ini ,,i il fi 1mâw an ievery wi a asmoc r o. -t., mou ill lie Sarahi Wathctna at, tirý nin Sin ln, oncago c eiîr boîys n i là î linitnul b,-. -, ri 15f ficenoperainonise Mioienîs lay 1iflà YEOMI THE JEWELER Ur. and Mis. Wm. Davis, of Waucan- da, were ln town Sunday. Chester Hirouamus, of Round Lake, te staying wlth hi@ grandiparente for a faw days. Mir. and Mme. Ed Luak apaut Suaiday p. mn. with relatives at West Framont. Mm. Battis Wilson, of Chicagoi, called on friandâ haie Monday. Chas. Kuebker's Public Sale Havingould my faim, 1 wtll seilat public aucion ai what te known as tise Whitehead faim, 00e-uarter mile noîtli of GraYelaka, on Wadneeday, Apil 27, etasrting as 10 a. m., tisa ftiiowiig de- sciibed stock, faim lmplamea, etc. 26 head mursh cows, 5 witis iavea by &ida. 4 spiugais, ramaindai milliers. Fuît blood Holstein bull, 2 years old; fui] blood durhsam bull, 1 rear tild; two yearling iseifars, one yearling atirrel colt, fiva eowe, 44 pige by aide, ()ne Cheaster whitfe boar, ona Cheaster nwhitfe 5iwn wt. 125 ptiundm, one iîundred olîickei,four gemme, six duikan a fcîialcw ll< a bîlly goat. lImpleineufa 4-rIl fApifletllu lusker. bnlgn slîaitng aind pulicîs, llecrîog grain binder, Janemvillo fiuiverîeer, iiew, :kainction harrniw, h.,îiîilarrtiw, eisîvef film. Deencing ntocii lînuder, 2 mulLY cultîvatocs an sod cultivator, 14. mncli alking plow,tceenter. uri i seller, lloering isay rake ncarly lilca, Deecing liiîwec nsnarly flew, inonder, corn planter, tino aud cno plantera, ieed cookai, 231)1h. isay rilpe, foîk aud pulley@, Hul- land No. 2 power gider. 2 liay racks, 2 4-is htruick wagoins, f3 1-2inchî truck wagons, milk wagon.,ast 2-knea boba, naw set i>eillatoi bos. 2 double wagon boxes, rnsad wagon, 2 top buggies, set oif drnving isarncea, 3 met tif lly note, l>) grain aacks, fanning minli, 2s.nilk cana., noniling tank. calafiat, s cane. ; î waternng tank, 0;00-1lin anales. 7., bu. lnarlnY iy liantitynillay, 100i0t>liii nirin li crib, îînannfts il ' snofeilmtor, ,ni> li po 00ant ili lii atn, GOigaI. gasinen tan,. i gi iiidl niv to-nfin tallce tni, boi ard, ifi Fre- liili utilnî fi Ternîns *$201andm i iîir, rami,. nier *20 .,liec'seac.n fini îý ,nnnî laîkainlo fnti lîoacing f;rni fit intorst. (IA, Ki i 1l-in l'rnif innînVirîe], Aurioiiir. lu fi WEST FREMONT. IseEnlisa le ýinsol j epending a Weck isitn frîcud8 andl relatives at Cary. LuchIa lGardnoer or îîorking laWiliinctîe lfonncî fInr.icandl Mrs Chais. relick iîiiidniy. Af ril t Otbn a girl. LAKE BLUFF 'sio:ny fi livrne, ais 0011 asm IaL For- elst, Higllafid I'srk.liereniNaîn gzann Ponîdonîît, I iberfy ville lIrici(ci N iviv. Hall liay. Wiecliig (lîago sud Ni>rfhiscîagi feînied tfli u crai iof Mims Mary Morrisoin, nldet daugifer mof I>aîî and Maggîc Ahrinson. nie c <uta.1 amo i, dlA1rilf I:ittandl oas burnoni at Es euoff 'ui fil. Tis, ienaseii nas twclîfy fiet,- yemrs nilage Sie wama gccatfIavorite aiiong ler sef. as nmiiîfî ian acn ly tise nutisîer wiîo i'rnnded tise homnîe nf lier fathler frnnm tise unef stage mf lier ifîneas and tise cortege ovci a mife in lengfltli atf IcI bmen ler body to the grave. It wae fise llrst ueraI isld in flie new clinroli ttev. Quinn sang tise requiem mfis responses by Miss Carna aîîd iaers, eisowing excellent training and talent. Tiese ancfuary was oweil MIllen t mîlalfai boys and 1 regretnouf being able tii gise fiseir naîneSanîod re- epective parts as lrues bearer, ceni-er, naster of serfinon. etc. Alter tîne ituaI lilnnaing nif the leai depnarted. lins. tuoinn renderi nIa vs y tofn in nni hm al iricnflitex. f cillesinil aiuiud teflni ini tain mof the Lonrd. TIno lvn fonlfndand ftle pnure ofl liarf froi n t1ni iniamsefioc fie ail. Many cyca Ocre uininst foiroe liant mcli Iegun and solm ounnlîli e linacî on ail idesisfore fine clonse. in dwvlt inn lier younng le su lieauiloli 'v dîotnfed fîn lier religionii tw recnnnnedmaine oas 10 the ivill olfliceilmigify tif lier sure' life sîn Ici îteîl 10ai tisaf aa gond and linly. HoefuoLe wnîcda nf synîpatliy cin filirfing lier pîrents aîîd tefling fhieî flei lnleesng mil caîaing une fI, adonre ard hi od nema frai cl8 lait îsîI tin rADSi'RTVOLOAlle the liclimerai iiarois andnîlireîounorau liousande of iad back enîfirocan L.incf uortege waas eaI i n xiend thirurNi t f ty ville are glant to l-ulintai fi mii iq 'F 'ine luttercal ofNiWiMrnNnliamSieelian, HrtaIiinnn.o Va c i fmvfn- hn i i nf lcQin relief is nitfinu their eaci n AIamiv i n a i I Shmý i la finiok plfflnc îîtSt. Paftrick',i Oas '11 Nl Mmi la. notfine nnmcfign liiSt Pan rili o .cemnt- lamiesteak aai nng ban hkla liai i,,, é înîîfîri, Iii ICrkor in ast Tisucsda y lilii E f mt % au, ndaia a,,ilSurs ec) cu éidthfinmt Incas cruamnI fice ninrc inukm f o umi ns Kîniîn * I'i< l b cmiii.ýii l ingililmias oassuog by the d mal-iton ltii. s w rc iniuýréccni)tiiiini r ftig Thoiutande ipufînnlfidlsann fini iii E 'atisf rFoe.nmic A i cry 1îngtliy lii nii 1f immiii 1c tilit,- fle g od esWBaonil fnir xrc andfilouliaeihmgi sas frciiliot alter fic 'lios, %1- n1 lu r agniiliif i Il' ,ýluicc lîf n Iii.,no tfin \\i C A ( ri ', cuenifi tnoI)idQukeru ltciinii- Ilmii. bYn Fath L y.nli il fXitiiumIli. lirf ilcnfeIn f wmiidayn ast OM.-k. lic tic ci, olfînnî inniiiiin , Inn iuIlu licV s an itimiifWorthi eaninng Then narcago mof Matlineasf1'. ieye l 'l<i c m itr)ad51Intls n mriiinn iof utnincmllafn i Sica Il 1 Jciino n a oi n- tcei'IV -nl s Mhic n .E I-Iagccf)' fi nil. îhue at St. 'nAunn i Lgs n -ré.glines at ftie Inno , foer, in -I t, -Lis fieron i lnsftil i ll-in Wimidfiik IIn aî I lii c înnf faffnm ks i mmm, h inn Tiînicdas last utfNIfr. su if , (Ira i m ia ughf lml ée oncIn In of mi i l , iîîm ît ANV. CI F.i ofI 'il-n o.rdani f riin.hi ians ,Kidnen 'ftnhmv P nuFil) ilna 11~'isli ? ?ugriiiiin etnf i aor-rf nt ilt îiii-,ini lion ninafi in 1 g mtIl iini in itinc, li s Maare it Me) inîfal ni-mmpci iofimi i ra ase IL c iiif l fi n-il nîcd fît(- tel rii-t tbec m c ns idel f larnt ) n dNiyunuinn. ni î"fi n mut uuiaq aupi mias gî ter ut I,îho o -1liiiiti ic r îi tî iriilum n to tel otbr perns o coter-in-faseresîiefiveiy. Nraddu9"rTega n i(f aufferent ifonn cyaca Icînni painu 0 n~Ç.lnioagsf sas innnîu[ b usc Miîcf .. 1, l'n i ike, w eccco rtcit n1lîiocmiiîuîuîg moît ns ri % îs. cmii îtî blnol.andîa mrn su c l snsa ony idneNt c'l ît, br é , ,wn woaahnn un. ibinmis ccs pthooffiitmflig nfl uvilifatf ron mini oinsr s nt irte homne nilftheblicie. WnNi.I c mt inl lumicy Sfadticid ,l ,e lu uimi.rImni camai a . H l,adno lis and nizzy clice l i flue c Imun ung fn) el 0fse lttno oA mi iiISn m iii g lbtn rh. ii einfniu n i i n<ii entile aoboleclnie andl1Iéonld iot do anl-lvd alolofthinniure ef . elamtjý, itiri anil lmcitîir- i ihoa't lrelIl rv re f' id e lic gcn mlii u ii fe fîuc m ue N si n .1. fi ncardsoin îlit N wock'. ftnue(IlcnsEl ir ine lîflehicupper and a surprise b) y nîai, ffiur a Ier ] W.iNId n Pillsanad f have réiîuprosned steadilse tem l einct-e Milriy lermI ii. tCnrd cf Thariks. uen ieiTue fpain in iii'banuk mliasWek h Vin i s\i, if mtn fiîk tfli muany fieînd s diaappcared amnd 1i bel lettîr lu every --Mr 5ni fr NnlMnlldî.milnmoihî c i esi eii sbfm i Fow aleb ildaer.Pîc 0vet, Pains iof wurnnl lie îc pains, or any Lake, ai té untl ni Iurccl lere Sunday mre-Ihaull] i ou i loi ddaugister aînd is- tacs saleîoesain bealers. fastecar0ecents. Foetai MilliunaiCo., Buffalo, New Yor kpain stoppent In 20 minute@ aore, wifi.t xisOillis wi-i tlatcaredle ecfsagete fr tsa Initd Sttas Dr. Sioops Pink Pain TablaIs, Sea fff MissKafi, l'itimis, of PistwlanîaBay, asvîî. *IiannlNI.Nlorrieon anid Famlly. Remember flic nae-Doa't-and formula onu 2ae Box. Sold by mas thle guosi nf licr cousine, fie Miséses take no cther. f3O-2t ALL DEALER&. Anuie îind InGarali nfo fatt week. S ui infiomItf$1.50lper innar r SEE WIISE COMING rSarah Wathena Brown and the Chicago Boy Choir WILL BE AT TME GRAYSLAKE OPERA IIOUSE Wednesday Evening, May4 Under the management of Hlenry Kuebker Xou catîi em andi hear them free by pur- chasing the merclîandn.e yoîî neued at Henry Kuebker's l)epartmeîit Store. A Cash purchase amoîînting to >;3,5O îîtitles yoîî to a free ticket. Grayslake, 111. Subscribe NOWe I5.eY j i oCata Many Women Splendid Cooks dread having ta, prepare an elab- orate diriner because they are flot sufficiently strorsg ta stand over an intensely hot c0a ai range. This is cspecially truc in sommer. Every w o m a n takes pride in thse table she sets, but aften it is done at tremaen- dous cost to her own vitality through tie wealcering effeet af cookursg on a coat range in a hot kitchen. It is no langer aecessary to wcSf th.anocn yourself out preparinafin ie disflr. Ne- P.rftt." Even in thse heat cf auminer you can cook a large dinner wifliout being -pý ýworn out. £New 1%fe1 Ulm~ GlVes no outelde heat, noesuiellneoninoke. r clýke bggest di 6Vr wiso bcangiskien orthecok. It aimus lylgie m mesd5 ateiy eongiled. h oai lie changer! foui a slow te a quln.k ire by turtnig a handle. There ainodnndgecy cunuected mifhi coul to carry, nol .wid tei chop. Yeu don't havre te wait fifteen or twenfy minuteos it ita ire gela gning. Apply a liglia and ie, ready. By iuipiy aumiiog tflic vnk up or dclon you gel a slow or 5an intense iseal ou the bcttom cf the pot, pue, kenfle or even, and nowenee else. If hane a Cabinet Top wifli ebeif for keeping plates and food hft, drop ehelves fci ceffee, teapat orsasucepani, and even a rack for toniein. lu nane tme. socriy, healfli sud teuiper. h ndues &a a nsneedsaundi tore thasaiise enpects. Made with 1, 2, and 3 bornera tihe 2 and 3-hurner aunes carisho had seish or wii.hout Cabinet. EniY danSaievveymueteIf naIt ans., neafo eserliinire (irruiar ta usscnni uciaiIrh* Standard OH Company SEEING je BELlE VING 1 Believe You Should See Me About Your Il v0 Ptivall'a lnPmtmui-ni anite to hie toinnd aîit y here. honing equniiined wltfl , I .. "l arn n nanfine o îna tke no chanCes he touaflng yinîr ceS totnnla 31 io iofoc tecn in eaaren omlote . an nho fnni nîYwhere. i1 a it any etc,. andi mv prces wilU At nny pocfethook. t1mID Put new tefel Is ea .Id lraine,înrunI d i lîn.s.n a e. irnanc. EYES TtrSTED FREE.. ai t, tinPans n Dr. W. Hl. Law, Graduate Optician. Sinnniaî n P.inn . O ES Waablngtan St-2ud Vinai. WADStEIAN. ILLI. ntersron's SeePe tPa s tnild bc pl snedt on ce. !ors to vn-t& n T n reto u ithinu n îiacn co mpareh ( 'l, ýh %,tf icodini a fl ower. nr ac l--ta ble or de corae ~I vitat in tesn lnniofi ot o ck i l be a su cces- sionf bin th iii,imu th e et ire ,a-in. Or SpecialMi xture i, ounii %Liain n e v .i respctî,ftin n f.î -)u l o ersh th, e tni nfn it01 d%1.5js x aci lS i cnin des bii r dt .\\ cak (i t,itian unuîce atu. Yo umi oreU n/Ou, Bî gG t tn'.]30c n1R1h.SI. MailOr derSo uîcted. - W interson's Seed ýtOure 4545 Wa bash Ave., Chicago- Theatreanad Cimvmns Party Gia, lako <unifs in 'n. snnnîg anil n lil artareil iiiar an ni topp, il tfli ast traini Tlînsnlaî c-i'ng annd affN týof aboiu t fnrty tt if i ,1 i th- n lu s and tIr alrcaflininagon.1 nigniiivricnthfli fiactîcaVWho paffli ifaf. i liimfis gay di- veraloiitti a-alrc ns c lifi r, ainistaf- îng fîstfthsln~inai liiigrarsiing fune. Lcngabaugh & Afler 1,1e iri of LoîgalniigliiS1.' lnu las disi.ols ,d pafirîi iii liîg fifine fînînr isait flin1Mcr.ii iIllasc inîîln il ncne-ary inn vcek onidîno n rk ainî difierenti iIntata H(.. un nt-un i ncyinuin iii Innilc liiiginnn ilnuinont jncispi.~tn lierc.buit rotnsinirs Iinios if miii ce l ii cf tea sf1,.an r. ssSir. -er I do by ma". Dr. diii suinT «"W. tata due, have e Amesoný us mye DU us.e1 1 Pensae a mue seniss tisOnssnde > »w andi ide nom's e. Niebu , ouutrtb . Win,- ommro feus b-u-.Lm rk 0 acres tracts gent$, .S. hop ver ý- m wu .Muge@@ ýqv4wwwwawio

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