Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 7

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LAUE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1.4107 ..27' - 19 ....19 ....- 87 de ...28 a I-. 488 si 21 .21 18.. - 41 si.8 - 21 ... la ... 2 -. ... 24 .....28 .. 19 .. .26 - -33 .. 25 - 19 -25 ... 251 .....27 .. .27 ?st. 27 . .28 FOR RENT FOR RENT lIa,' "r tciî,1 r-i,11-cM re.Van île Enei, l'ar For Sale-.%']iliuhi ty of î,l g 1']î..îî-1:17 1, J I. Clark, îl-rt t'- FOR RENT-l'i.îiîe, llîîe. $*2004 î~ ri,'îîit iclîcil pi h îî al h'iiiLu-î eF uriitîli l I.27. FOR RLNT-i'iiha-i a f-,ir C". Iloîil- eid maltite tî rn t îiel.lrîiiii ' cci lu té-ieiii î.'i Wl. liit boîardl. u iîii & i HELP WANTED FOR SALE-.New 7 roitui houý r.c11 iiiehrD, urnace heat, Ici' ar-Tîu .A iply to (heo. Fry FOR SALE-Acre lots on muldiviejon, i'lo"e to tocin an, cars. Price$300.044. limomî,'i FOR SALE-Lot'.i tht îlyui A umtiu i uhdiv ioin. ,Oxl44);. $7. dow n. $5 iir lii th. At ATIN. LOTS FOR SALE-lii t4Ii.I ..ub-dlviqioti f l'il.rlys'iile, eletrierorad oun Milwautki'- a J. (mai'.. owiier. FOR SALE--('hi(c- lut'. i M'right's addition, 50x 150, forl #2:,o.0oand $304400.lhcîom, FARMS-We have a larlre liei eount3' larme torsel!1, ali) u» ln village. DimoNt, & Ai STiN. NOTICE-It you -an invf-en moire where It will alter in.' yP returuw and alterS vi-arm rturn Éinnliallv equlal at ia'.! to 3 oui ii-duo-uýt and il thieire,ý ,ecir-d l'y r-aIle).' hou ýtgi -uld1, yîolu lunemt > 'rie ai,,) ra]lC' vim loii.- dpngtIi.e tls tunity le kio)(kirig at yoir du part. jilare e,-' or ciritv M. il o.kA-. Boxn7!), , Ltwrtytilli' FOR SALE OR RENT-Nioder ali inirlivpri)itt, '.'trally k Hi BlîYeq' . ib.'rty v l. 111 FOR SALE S-s.-n niî, ,vatter lient, hlilorî l W*is- l, e 41'..ire ir~il4(iiiit l.rii.- lut kitiîfe of fruit tr.'-e, enali fruit si wat.'r, i i untiý, i ctiir i W uiI gice ai e,. i . ihl FOR SALE--l, î- "n r>t n biirt 4 flrt 7 r ruie rin,si l'o -J WAANTED (ulri ,îîîuîi.ueîî, .Adree-. j' I iu\ 2s3, iirii i- Ilin,,îc 2 i WAANTEO ;in u-a i ii ., iffuIc'c irk ii ana iuul ii ii lt'a the wiae furmer that catches the bargains. Page Woven Wire Fence ja cheaper right now than aniy year in ita Iiîtory. H'ow long the market will mainitain the pros- Cnt locv prico usa oprobîem. Hlenceevcry farmer inthiaaection wlio aili fhave nced of fonce wiîhin a year'choulul lay in bic nupp y at once. It may mnean a aaving ofj many dollarasIci 700. You are fantiiar with Page Pence -made of Hliglt Carbon, Open- Hearth Steel XXire. It has the 271iut u- r..] Id', 1.h-1 l.h. 33,l, 12 ce-. c I &II 31 , .u',ît, Flil. diîui ., l e 11lu, i i - -dý w. -Tt a gI,i hpti iî l- i Ifliuflu -I ,lii .l- i.' -uc-n i . ci Itel- m F lziu i'.X l. i Fk j v 2 1li 'rhere %cisanau unusual air of festlv- lti nt", ut t le sanug bouse. Irlt lig[Ltc nliucfroîn every ciIndoanI, a len tîhe front door wau' throwu cilde u.pcîî a ru-ilgocv froîn the hîall lamp foremiil a hacgroutielfor the mlîîlc- f-rs a crlin cul face. Ehenti iedthat he mas c ulncced lai[bis Suuh(ay otult and ,Ier filsc choider tutereci Orc. X'll biulucr-ci %flic. Ebi-o uuIllatnud the letter andl tunued aca a> .4 he cilt docin tIîo path Mrsv XX'Ilaeîîc 'cIe irose. abrîlI wIth diachuir Il tuî-ut uîl çrutesL 'SIs iuc h,4lit-guit a arty onad- mui>lue d.a;lii 1Idu-i 't sce ow thflu î..u uî uuî.gtoc er 10 Ihe llght î1 i. -e Minaceltîe ult guýi..' ,,t lii ] l, 1,î. Ident heow cm lie-l t îîîgel off ligt-aîo [ise .p'. hastleî l ics]lie urew la ean the ahode of Mics Nuhtie 1H11, Nuala -NMi- I il,a il Most tascc- lt ig liii.' aI13. îa îh ooft browo bhulr landl ces if ti-nder hlue. lHer elîfual!î nuIt îîîîul tender heuirt hud bc- neft lier of theu pocwer te give pain 10 aîuly fi lu c eatinre.Penhape thi'. anas the' rcaaou cbi']u other Caleb inclu tion Elen Gall hudl heen able 10 ci iîî a dcfliîîte alîi-er froti the lady heth mutually adomeel. F or a cihole year 00w the assistant kecluers of the lghthouseehail courted Miss Netîle iBlake. At finit they vi'. lied hem on dîffereut eveoluge Obut au jealeuc]y waxevb het tluey telI upon W'ednevday evenlug ai a preper and fttlng oeefom a lover". attention, andl, a'. neîthîer could be dlsiuaded trom hIe puni'. 'e. tret one and then the other haitlcttîîîied a substtute te watch wth Captalu Fane on Weduiee- day evenlugo. And tHile dual courtshlp dld not dlis- turb Mia'. Netîle". equanlmlty. She wa'. as eweet andl ktnd as ever, and ehe lmpuntlalfy set forth ber tooth- Some appie pies and l ederberry wlne whlle the Ival'. glowered at each oth- er acroî'. ber snowy damask. Tonlght, however, the BIlle white cottage wa'. dark and sulent A eaad- owy forte on 1h.' r)oor.tep lndlcatcid the whereaboule of Mr. Cal-eh Brown. Eben paused '.1 the gale and coughed. Caleb Brown hanged the bras'. k.nocker fiercely on thie door, gleamlng falutIy white behlnd the '.hadowy vInes- AIl was sIlence. The gate craked under ]Cben Gal,# rooli lu thei bai er atieve 1the iîttnug nooruut];.'> aacld 10 1111 theln pipe'. frein Liieestoiilio pouch. Each cia'. uIlîiifuli(,f Ilui iîlu hn-buised e> e and aciare tf Ili,, fîuI - il>'ofet temîutlng to cona ul t fi l ui l hiiiîrlng iv.,ld- . e, Ca.taiii i er anud hie vîitor- ihoul 12 nîbe ie 11u ,'orcd. A cii glu i -.1 ouder Itesiîttlng mooulu),i.-r. -lis lthIiy tanneu it thue poertitI aa ide ., aud Captaîi helen hi mseif. c-, i i,] ]îand îhappy, respli c denut 1I I'01uit r 111e loîfu. '01i frotutcd tî - nii. u.1laiîd a frieutîI3 handl on l iachî i uII "C'luu' -.- Xoî' e Jusb ld ui t]nie. Itre'ai s -i-[]luis cile anud Beicua- uuliî iu(.-i ouit, i 1 un.,'Ne-luiîîîahî L.ia c ced lu r tlii îî uuuNeltie Biait-, 110w Mcc ..iul lu 'flehîtuî.o ui.îc ia cstared '-peu OlOltfýI -l i t i1o, ill(-I'rv cotliluaiy t]u,î filleu l,,îl. l : 11 I i.uig reuuîu, ad li llghitilo.u.'.c,.e r efliîillt'od "les. sure-:'ut uc Nttle aid IMe counited cl eu. n i g uurrled utthue par docagc . .i-il illI ec en'tiung i l ready aind îî -îlliig. Out. seeltig tiuat you tac.. ]îuî> c lu ec.t ou geîtug court log 0ti thu atirltolar nlght. 1I mat cent Word tu 111e lulinnet for the bull lut of 'em to coue oaerr ere aod gel uîarrled at the lîgOt lieiuJamlu. he brought em over lu the I'uch, weddlng cake,i lemonade and ail Now, everyhody set up andl have iouaethlug 10 eut. Yeu'me tee laIe for tîbe ayddlng, for the kuot". all Hled. htnton u an have eome or Mns. Captain Fanle". cake. andl ehe's a royal good coni. Now, Netîle t" Mm'.. Fiuee i.uslued prettily cealue took the ling'e mite the caplabo gave her and thrust il hloth1e thlck wcita lctng, aud as ch.' preîented a elîce to Calot, Broui i îîîd antither te Ehen Gal ehe îalid voftly: "I'n golog ho 0e chief ceok here. Now, I expett you two gentlemen wLfl enjoy the good thîngs Pin golng tua make. and mayhe you like apple pies." Her tender eye'. a'ked forgl-nenes'. as she made IhIs reference t0 thein fer- mer lnîîmacy. Eben and Caleb amîleul eheeplehly at each othen an(d drew closer to- gether. Thelr common di'.ppoltment would lecome the toundation for a friendihtp. Loy'.Ity t0 thelttîle lady cahein hey beth had bopelesîly loved prompted them to speak lu uni- non' "W. like appla pd. fret mte,," theay saMIdbravely. tk - thut cant como off. Its atrengtlu iu simply tremendous. Ita elastic- ity la greater than any other wire fence on the market. It ia the mont economical, moncy and labor-aaving fence you can 0ev. Sax-es you 50 posta cvery 100 roda, besidea extra staplea and sweat-of. the-brow. Tell y ou r neigbboru' about our special low pricea on Page Fonce. We carry a full lino, including Standard Stock Fence, Hog Fence, Poultry Fence, etc., etc. Dont famous page Knot thîn only Knoý fi lu 1 see un while price is low. Cail on or write to Austin Clement, V. P. Room 902,200 Monroe Street. CHICAGO. ILL. i . .11. I i lu-. I i . I, lI i i il, i h il il .ui u, - I i - u i. il> - <2 i - ol i i u u Iii... I i.- i Miii.' c lu iii c Ou-c un I'uiuii il lu liii uli., flulu lu i \l, înoilh 245 \luh'i 'i acuca ln eectlon 17, ,Il, la;iP lIof If, î-,u îî 4.i h i l P h Iîlllhip, XW- p $2,500. - i 'ila i llal u'i Xn îîîandul cile te C. H-. i hicý- luItownsuhî1ip, ai, rloti -, îî ., XXrcnn's addl- ý i,,,n iiiIlîH1911111ailk>aie X',Fl D. i t i" i .1 1f 7 1 XX iil i u X nu ul i I Ic].' 10 J. A. lii i iîhiui-l.' .i.u afi'10Fred THESE MAYf XED. *S*S*O***O*OSSSSSSS ,O;I4'1îrtaiLIve totuch. and as. hic eet NONE RECEIVEOtheAÀ IIuîci lecli O 10 gacnapta Real Estate Transiers FOR LESS THAN I tia gul i 11e iuîîd cccme lreI nli 25 CENTS À Tr* riva]aI leodtd#net ci-ueelic tiionder . i * ~ ~ * lng nt elle -door ot1h i -,lci La k.-Iîuî ii'&F- C.oursnîth' ll Ba, îli fe -a loIz '~. î FOR SA.L.E tertliiig two tallera iruil ,îî.Iil e. liii S'-I. _________________os____ The Endlni Was a Surprise a day. ('i1Y elie". 0tonroi. k:-lu, cîî snu Be athî- FOR SALE Il hît'te,ay u îita it 1Il to Those Whio Losit. If o U'ligo awiiy ytiuIlI 11]liit clil- nu viKn- hig oui-e, al good oiCe, aill îir.kiîiu. iîroll * openi heticior 6uick l'E i~i ý fi r ln iiie" I iln A 1ytl I )iuij ii 1ci. Vlih'.V ti i,,lu-t kin'l. iiî"iv"' leur tatkitîl:a Mi,(na coitce raspeel on t1h, stai Inlkigt 1E1'ma I , i h lotuuIiIo, 1aI' iile, l27-tf Fri -w-itc l. t',,*ic tiVpi.' 1 : o I By CLARISSA MACKIE. air a-s Caleb Browcn Vîî-i 'l r o iis fsi(i' 7 tirait- 'e leIl,îre to li ie rvu-t 44, s s knVc Ik uaî .-'hi . W PD, ' Ili. wrk. Hîîraî-.' luJIki. I 2!4 ni "S]ie dleunt anse-r lîuîN l. I tvtîn s Copyright, 91t oit. yAmertean Pre s a1 l ASî.Iýetrdnt i;:,, t If( ' H' I tI io'i HA'aWialo illke t". you!' Wui ji-)(d v4îl]. r.'- îîrîî i . îîîî liaitilit l'i , i .VcFir- oi Veo-tic untng lIde bombardtnît, 441 tf î,itatî,.'e. Ff ulat.Poe27611 alwuye knock '.pucia-ii 'retîrher,"lX'1.i, LîIertyvih' 2 ' The keepcr ot the Leelge rockIliglit Ico"Miss Nettie a raîe ruî.gni zes AXiton iiihtiIýi it W il ' ien11 aud fiitreit'tstaio aeela'aotms tared aggri--e my kaock. If you'I ti liea îiîoo I fuilîîi, Si [iiî i iorii î î.i 1 (lot 'ac 'lîFR: L- nëIihrVpilr1ot ieley et otle anotîler acroce 10 dli anudlet a gentlemaen liatlia-, corne 1c' (ioitl12, aend jat iii riiiii. '.1 huatiVier 4e44 ubeaîj i.' eng îîîe atîfl- iionuîi,-r.,nn 'tîueih îîndeiIC. 'liNoi .r]anltc' len l nîirti . "e agunt the rmica for lesi tic Tliene was an explivtce sîlort tram '* 115, Grand ai, 'WaukVi-au, 111. 211t1 men 10 stanîd bY tî î ehClhBw.sdteinekr el9fr siîei l a Xlacin, Iî4 i îu ciFos. J. Giîtes well kîîeci," eul the keejuer serrîly. the lunI lime with a lit, e- lngn' thou.1 vlOu Of FOR SALE-Twoilrse powier l'air- "I dont cec hY l' uece'.earY fî,r Thetirent assistant keei'r or i,' lghtl'ak DhIiirli i îîîu h 4 . i iei nîo Iiî- eýnti-. B. 'all.gioiîine Vengin.', wttli inçin cthe two of 30u tb go cuurtlug ou the rail down tire steps and lfai'el he -a, Iuaitr0 e i .S 'i ic 15. if jack, lPuent, soîllit-e('ilîote inl iiousamne nght. Ilefilde,s1 fongot t,, sil3rIval ln the moIonlil epace luf)re thie nhbildeede.$2.îîî ruutîhîg liîl-n. Ilrgan. St4Â" twanited toba la i3tI> el; toîîîght.- house I. C, il î. u iIb n IA.XX ifînsnart(] Wi ii .1 A luA.'Fr- 1. F'rankî lliiom .'23 tI "You r'înin(d tlîat I1chbouti] baie Iluth ni Ebene slmplatiil.I -'o'iiiitenitorice. gus iotnhu-a-,î î (joitil c' I.i lon 14, ,r 244.0 44s .a noiglît off. ' expoiîtulated Eliîn Gall. aud lit'. he'.d ciggedu-4ti i-11111, Crintto1wnsi,î XX I I& At '.Ti'iFOR SALE-I hahy buggy. 1 couch. 41 "You saldl I shoutd hure everv \\ '-] **Say It again!' he cbaleil gnsq.îuenk- I ilad if ,Af, il 40-tf ilitng riouaichairs, ail lngoudcondtiîuuî tieday ujîght off. I have c lady ly îîy acîhult of loi111> fuîork Iil.Fhcmior - hss Iiluire'lot James H. Swau. p 70-3 frlend"- fils volte tralled toto vlgtnllli Eben repeeted hie reliirI. W Ith i"adilut.lghai Pr"QC,$1 et t Lake taCt sileuce. tew embetflshîîeta r,'girîlig tIr. aulit tgitu akQ( 1 eand lots FOR SALE--'One 120 .'gg Prairie Sta '1 h a.'e alady fnlend, tee.' tut ilu Browni's pereenal anrep l tcAlfred1Hil] und IfVil ' i4A.Hil, 440-tf! rdto'îog oe uu'htu.htCalebh iWî angr]fy. "I 'spolie 10 Atter t.ntlucaîîeutîîa'.anî Vstchaif if lotIPi f orki'l. 1.Eauîior j littîl.' u'ed and n excellent cnduiltio,.Captaîn Ilerahout t thîs very uîortî rien i it unit eurprildig tlit etiother adiflliîî ii',aîilî'caî Q 1U . $ 1 8100 or alo several- îrocidere of various make'. Iug- i au> nto hlm. t eaye. 'Mýy lady itant fouud the '.ccl'ta,,tkeetaers Aifret 44iandifi. i',11Frank A. 'achgAdiIres.1'. 1).fBoxt-3, Bugilanîl Park, frierai 'il be Iookltîg for ime rouet pili- rollng wtldly on the grail c. 0WlieieI shch ccsehliitof loi 11i locrk 11, ,diide II.i 7.tI ticuloir torilght. aud I teut dlceîpolnt the trnt bordera. ci herotlelr teels Èxmuor adlditlin tIlHighland Fai i. r ria n laîdy.'Andlyou seaiasd ow I played ha-rotc it] li , _ . lc e \* 1)..2 tuiut FOR SALE-Slei-n riii, b, hui]lluit colldfie off for thi'eeiibij; " He cholcest plant'.. agiaii c.2uuliiiig lui con- -lt nght, on Divisioin St. Fol'u lner parti,îi]]"rd scoci 'd atroce the taifle anishIe elluw et wilh a splny calslia t iiprlckVîl .4,hn Ginffit h alu and ifI, 1hFR I' Kil Ove 10 sanini1uhnil1 1'fC.4G.lIi sQec. I 241111 cireind Etid 3eil G(ili nivautl-k them te greater fr-Iale-rjlait loi i , IlhIFo. S \V.'u ail iipoiiiqiut8a'.ierceIy. At laeî they tell heiil izliet a ~ -Grea'lt fora XYolt car)lî,tlîg,,. end roîten Irpe etump itet uouiurtecl a llc.iîi.andIfccii 10Nîls Eàtir 1 i -,FOR rSALe t1 1 (n)hIl uItI", ilgond lInî'k luiyour iorlii"palutedfliocier tt lctuoIl) qulîn N i.nniiilul i lloutîa iii,,1,'unie, III ~ ~ ~ e. %"'îî,îr i u' Ircn,- Il- l3 uu i icud gi-thî4e lili'sn un bered and tirr)het llIM til îthie iinaaugbt Highlîand Pt'.k, \\' 1),$1, ie, ziloolrItD 2 Pal l,27;. i tlhi vi ili e ui"the) 3clialt-The flowen liii, deieniled. julet escup- RJ luantie miai rui iiiV jshý 'îîseiose-, s S etltsluib tait -I los s ;îiî'i fý, Itl'il c adiionuii h ina.-il~' OR SLE hm] iii i rî r ii] '4"aT'W1eiiliz' iiile-il î alitaîu The ih rlîr f Is, iiuiha talted1 RfX l I nflai, u l lî l' FR SAE-1t,,, N,1' 1lIrk r 'etî-r. risieiii ~.i ifr-nu hbiscthair randl heir eyee. curs, iiuec aîiul ulouthe' .2W tf ;iitat'iee 'ur fir, V g niieil CI. cie t'li l te rluýI.îii bougittbe ci-unfanefe o i l IIt cose. l'uranî -s ;Sch'affiuu-r uandlliianl _ . J'roi..-u ut ,ýn 1r .k , 'luit nit i ltî t ht- f lc oii;, cis laîuy Stifty the>- aro iii 11, flî til each i t) 'Vh1, lill.crl. part lotiiI-, ohî(u i 6J, lIci ltoi i ' 1i, d il ailil.lIc lelîîîîhalul tiit a iiiig other lu lice puile lîglît. In.irtI n ( lîv- Il elilanil l'an. Q C4' $1,f)(10 totuioer Irraîx 1,r,,. l.'ip \ îî'r tii' i-igiuie ne- eled, ci'th ilut-kenî.le clu-canid huiecil Iliar- i . îuîî I .a lil Xtuî iii"' ii eiFOR SALE- To, Ii t il S>, . Ir ( i l 1:,-rî ltiliiuifroi rtue as- Ing foc-c. Ifîcîr Le-ci Il lu", iI i, t ik'iI SIiîiuru hpartulo, ' I; nd 7 Mi ,ik Ilu. uc,. eui.i a i ,i". .ai , cI u i %u I ituiîg lIuîîîi re sitant ki~ir, lit snîllili lennce tîîîy witiu jellowIni ari). o, 'e.- lu- Vi i n cte l'ik je ua I i iti r iiii I i-iv 1iiir-Xî~ i ' l h î 't .ei-1 i , îut1c' nu 'tir iiîi".anîd tHenî of elbi and ulotlîîî g îi I1l," i ltte c ' I ('ii,. l tc,,]libislabuet clu thesanîîd fine earth tronc tht fItu-î-,r t il,C E .,tIIi ftc\oa I IliFOR SALE Il i1i u r u ,îb l j uliiee] hl i 1ii uuucî ,hy eeltorltîvî îr7,îî o b-' Sî li i 7,acl.- I.î Xîîî al 'i lu I Irif u k lISt aind f ~ i- Il lii il..the houit rarbe-d iout of the i'îî,-. ,,-ig ilo Il ii uiIl'. u,, - - ass l,ile rt% i iii' i li) ' tlat ciasIu~l, ale 1Iiiuaelîuî.ree'1cee tf havct'to grVei t îcH:, N etis North 'il.u- I l $11101110 la ii'i',,i 'ui ýthe ifulc lter t10 Sl'ar bîî humlled eyes ea ii bu' ciIs i n u c ýe. l', filas XX i ili.] f' , ' i il z 'rijol ni ..'. .'uhi,l Ipf ll]lu rI eter gehilal- Cule]>) IBrowin otrodle on1 île-ad. anid aI lli1r lot : i 4m- i , 1 , u Xn-n ' FOR SALE-- iI -uc ,Iin' Iuu1 y, - i' toi],iiuN îiug î]iiii doi, tire w citîîg ani nîfrîe'îîdly dIctai o' in.fliic rear .îaddition111 Highilandii l'i , X i :iîîtf ire i îuî.i lro i,lui ir,t l"T - I' iRce. t ure you g] ce It tii Elîcle, a il l P aflV ill :le b: hle as meti >uugel ashome, do". le Tlîycy tawlcd tututo lî u - (tl gory 1 BîNureîanîîî Humlci Siri, J 5S5'SS-SS.SS~~i ar, ul oîe uoit eud lu> c ientiiue tîiiand nuiwed îllently doiu, ilIL,- redslatfi -I fIalon iEaI W itî' lu, FOR SALE-Ai bang. cauru l-f.riu Iî. you I, ii, bdy kîlleme coulîe homu' " that tie llghthouse flfng atcs btie - i u i u'lui 'liuiaci nqfu--I of n-i iI O 1.11I ln XXItîuut a nîînîlEgeî G al cru mned gliii erit'iig ciave'. X' u.1), îuuu I unaill tiid 1Iî, I the letten l; iclsrat tecket. aîud A îoart lîttle launch cia, moomed et XX XX\\'. N icno iii lNi X Pioc, rk l'a-- -tfutu. cith a giîff -Gondl lght" to flethî 1e lgitliouce l'.udlug. sied ci th the 11luot ufli n le)>1 liîch'I Nixron c aoldi- :114I I çkîeler otiflic Iuîid]ti.hfiy unhiioked Idea ot acoiding te parclo Or other - lionîita X'aiiegan, '.1), $1 j WA"'T'ED t ie lavlt chairlîîefronu tt'he oat aud possilei-aliiene who fad laie lty oun F Il Kjuniiunicif, - l li îîîa. rnucced 'ac a inltothe dýirkuece Capti l etc'. louelîneceIthe ta o as- oitoflrc iisro 7 i. lWANTED-\XIîîîu îile- uunk i.. h.- CaputailîiPeter Faoe ilunt hutikloto taute cru-pt qul.'Ily dcliiu loto tir laîenhi, \. . 2 t la -' nul n rt seuuuhîîabt -lunler or 0Sîîîlithe tozy ettlug rode lanid, tlîrowlîgenglue reeun. c, Ore they noîaelee'.ly 1 Ar 1PWnzal X'I. $1Abet og - ndlilruiadvaay SreS'hMr.. îul4 I - hmlu ui na huge nî.klîug chair, îcrnuhlied the tnark'. of combat trom gArn l otsFrand a7I block10-Ali)etlld- - 4)rgatîe ~~~~~~~~laugled utIl thleursane lleel deci i'. tier fac-es and cicthlng.Liurl;g thesegîa-lIi 1ald1bo-k7,)elcl lîr liu-'d ANTD ~ 'iîuîi hal î,rgi nri w.'uthen heaten cheek. abutiotns.there iaoe a munlucd exchaogc tink. \\'.1).- fîI0 r- ba Ilur,- îruîî , i fteî no i îir, itor*gon'ret . I fceurtesles hetweo the rIvals. They Elia A. Bowlcc le A F. cKeîîcn, 17 If dittI r4 ue on shore the twe assistant pasced the sntgle cake of voap bath liait -,itbetcqîuîunîur of section 2-i, __________________________keepere (Ift1h.'Rock leelge lglît pa-un-tadforth sdahi iareel the heulilg cou- 1îî'au n'l iu wii-,lîlt. WD_ $13,700. I eotnuuziliy 1n au omiouecsliente thut tents et a huge bouIle oetvasaeline ciith l u ) hnaréevr o'\ibi euîu I tîî î'I j ~~~~bod roct 0ev-n breken eloce lenvinlg the aroaz]îug affbhlhit3 î >Tîuae etai- I Xîhî a i, farigthouse. The ient-e. rle erte tlufront oG\I11etlJh opcan dun III tI. on Caleb, tîmni h bek the loacer reldMs eesctage endse e I luîl, "inibuîiing, Zîon Ciy, deVd, $92,- 'Ti, 'I r.' h-hci ig iiiilV'of haril 't.-I Wire hî 'ctîe ctag uau eem 4tilai il gaj loi iu.,'fluT, CIWI ., ire )e Vir su' aodn8cm dlcaîpeaired frem a iew. rcllec e tlîem of tcielae uontbc' accu-!lufu tînuéiul adlnn acruue e ilrbmaIirn,-'.chile liiî Gaîl made hise ayiu olatt1 nl oiiAe they îîuletly trod ItRobert Bock et aI te FrankM. Ter- I .-1111 itiiii-tri-ýi IMolli e i oliitîu t.. lroug]î lun upiand path that led hlm 10.' aclîdîig troll ctalrccay 10to elri 26f; 24 9, 4417 Di 2,2)7 2 461 il 6 94 -60lîl0 :3G "21 e i45 81 1:4 2141 51 Palaidtu ou liretui s lîruhrs-Fuir artu-îit îfilu-)itrli-t Xii, S.. b . .. 4492 15 l'ail 1o1ut nIlurevu rasIîruîiircFuir u'cuuut ofîis 'tnrt NX-,(;- ....- ...1:159-2 l'ail ouuît in uirn-tuir a I)rde 'nc Four a-ount of'istict Nio.70.. .i) ....7,58 27 02 Paid onlui n t i i lrni -t, iFi ru*, lirh-r Fiounatielouni ofîDistricNîo i71 ....... ...259 :17 P'ail 1 1 ijt on Dîi'-tr'm t 4rd're-F-'i Wiuount if Dis'tnict No. 7 2- ..... 562 2 t l'ai l out o i 1hratilr*e () rd e -naVfuir ac-o nt ouui îctruc t Nii. 7:1------------.. 780-2 l'ai-I ouît 1oh Ilîr-bur*il lrdersc fui a- ouutt ilflDistrict No. 74------------...4800 13 VId uî ut un PI ru-i'orem I Irulî4,f'i n Coîunt ofl Otiet ctNo. 7f;...............6 35.031 Pajil Trcamun,-r ifluîtrîi-t No.u-- ....- ..- .......-..-.....-....-.-................ ---. 274 7-2 Toutal Expenditunec .... .....................1 ,27 54 C'asihîîain cuil iand eI date' ipril 4, 1110) I-----------------------..- ....-.564 27 'rotaIl Expeuditîîrnc. Loane andl Baance----------......1,291 81 ludo liert,, ly vi-rfy thie' oregiîtg ltqiit tii lue correct. acriirdîng to thc bemt et tîi iowclcdgc an.] liclicl W. C. Tiiic. Trea'urer. Sixurnt,, and iiîhccrhu-d bu-fore mu-, tifi 1 -.h da 'vot Apit A. 1). 1910. Gkil lait H. WiSEct, Justice of the Peace. XFora Clear Eye and Sunny Smile th ailty tagetupuinluhemornng, eagrnfor adayes %ok and Nb br thentand vigor lu mee dridnk teneft food dik fom the topc and drik i hi-v tiu a day o le w putni-w cnegy and samua a tuyuu syse m, ueo.te ngth iubo your uer-r'. Bonano la a Lot table drink. It Is just like tes, coffee, cocea andi chocolate-except that it:s diffement. t sc different f-rm cofice or tea. because it doe'.n't contain poWsn, and due'. contain plenty of good nouriabing food. It's diferent froin cocoa andi chocolate becattse it". easily digestible, andi you can drink t evemy day right along, as yott can't cocoa or chocolate. And it's diferent from them ail because it has a new distinctive taste of its own-the taste of delicious wholenome fruit. Bonano is madie only from lusclotta bananas, fully matureti In the sunahine of the tropics, harvesteti anti drieti there, then shippeti north, granulateti, roasteti anti sdentificaiiy blended, andi telivereti to you fin a dust-proof, molsture-proof can. Nothlng but liquiti fruit. No flavorlng or colom-lng, no adulteration cf a-ny kinti. It'a the purest of pure foods. You shoulti drink Bonano three times a day or M I- NT ER NA T-1ON AL--- oftener; you can give It te the chiltiren when they want 3ANANA FOOD COMPANY, coffee or tea. It wlUI bring them rooy cheeks. CHcICAGO. ILLINOIS. Anti t wil help you to have seunti digestion, calm 2- Pleace seed me &ample of BONANO nerves andi a beundilng pulse-111l yen wlth snap anti go. Qad Booklet. Yeur grecer bus a 25 cent can for yen that wml Name _________________ make 75 cups, or, If he'. out, the attachet coupon, Addre. isent to us, wlibring you a fm .a-pl. ---- --- ---- --- --- For Sale by J. E. TRIGOS E. E. ELLSWORTH- WYI. WALROND International Bîànana Food Co., Chicago, Ili. ýfMui~l Er TIIIMt~ thAMSI1 un 's'%fei 4o, liJb . " iý i l îî i "orthî 4ht-i'ago.î 25 C. V' il k 1t.îie,î Ra me, i. W , . . ... 21 Itirin, CoIîîiî l ., . ii1Iîll iî,*19 lOu' 1 1 iii , ; :j X , ' î.'iî H l,36 lil'.hij,> Q 4'1), $7ci: ~l i \u1111'ltl aiii' n. \h... 22 Maory E' Caution aoi i.i t 1) a 1'x Ti, ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION 0F RECEIPTS AND EX PE N TUR ES "fTîîî -I,1 Iii luimri tfuît]-. i ne 'rite ir 1fi iiî -I \. Il ll1 i N o. Gl uk, l t ' IIiv i. illiring tIr I . iîl i-aIr I.gîiiiiz \I-1 tlii '10 and Euding pjni lii i'loI 'l',îVMi \,11'TR Il: lRRIN XITI)r NF T ITII-î'lîllTll'TEES 1 lii il"> "-F'liti9 FlI'Te Ciiehioti hatii at lîegîririiîg of 1-i iii 1-arr Suril 5,I4111 1 îel j,j z ngt,, rinî îîpal il Tva nehî1î iFutil . .... ........ .... .. -- $u<:î id Cash on han tîîlaI ex'guîn ng io ier i F,-v.field flîîr iie i 'iu t io, ... i 164 R î ii.i rit,.t fruitToîvinilopFu i,].1 .122 S86 Rcl î cllr'ouî i C îîîty SuIwrîîîterîîdeîît ..... .. ..... 1 31 78 Totai .. . ...4.14504 Ilil 1i\VFici-ilTI ti-i Leikti,-and nd Iîc -tllt l' o îa îu fî îe triae ..... .......... ... tlîutrîluti-d aniîlpîîî it r--uii i loti.. t...'... .. ..... 2461, 24 l'iîl I liîlh oflîh îlTrî'aoiîrerr . ....... ............. .. ... 186 41 l'a,i f r piit)lîl]i ng iefnnîîîl report ..... .. . ....... 3 25 Cami )il i Innîl Wiliae,'A i 1rî4, 19 10) , ]lîiii gt' l'rinci pal ol Ti) îc îah i p F uiî . . ..î . . .. .. ..î . . . . . . . .. . . - ..... ... -2 (41l ne] I, liî d 1 Ii ldate, lie],1 i r udistriution . ........ 3 T îîta L .. ..... .... . .. .. ... 1... 4 54 T' M \SlIl'fiTOn x>l RER I N ACCM41NT XW ITH 14 lI 4ITRI(TS -- - GOLO FILLED SPECTACLES-taih MVOJNYTO L)LOA'N liii" "i]l-c l l', liiu tîut i t.u. h i niq il.ur. 'lii rUONEY TO LOAN Ila iliîriiu tl 11aîuiîî . li .l- dhi îg iu farutuna tiI u l-r i-enlt la Alul . Il-ji ' it a-i î. ui .,trc, ia-rn Iîo îcicn- Lay in Yilour Page f~ W hî11ý'. Cost 's Low - I 11 i fl ui tî Rlu li11' Blfil,îl-c fiuîbitîîuja t 1IýieglIltiing 'f lieu-ai ti-ar i h<ri] . f0" fr j ri i distvribution i i liTriimt . .......... ... I-ru l ni Si,,u-al 1 I 'loin t Tui',e. -.... Fi u,îîu Rii Irulaî Tîn-c. ......... I n uîî BIit, lu Tai'ç ..... ....... fruuî i fui-lnitt> îî.ulc l ,r Xuti'c eail-ul lufilîliîur lulriîe.... Fi-i.îu "rf,-îuurc s i uthuer 'I'iliisiiilt. ..o - .... . - - F ,l r î. ., ru îl;atu. Tll uun- Tii- .. ........ . ... T.te lanuM s i Itî\1I-te Nl[ 1- R

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