Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 8

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8 jikx "UL Waukegan I WIR MLL WORK- one of thernottrecent Instances of ERS GET INCREASE Anoterls the War College lu Wash- - ingt on. In the same way the Con"re- New York,. April 14-Presidents ofi: the heari departments of tht subsid- r lary companîti of tht United States Steel Corporation at a conferonce lu the companies offices thi afternoon rstlfied Oie proposai to grant a gen- ersi advsuce lu tht vages 0f 5.11t- ployees othor than hlgh salarled offi' ciais. Chairman Gary of the hoard gave out Oie !ollowlng statement: "Thre auholdalry compaltes of the lited States Steel Corporation have decîderi ta maire substantial increass ln vagos. Notwithstl.nding tht sol> peet matter Iras hoon undor careful consldera4tou for tht last slxtY daYs, thre exact amounts bave not yet hotu tully determlnod. except as to the ore campaiiles, vhlch have alrtarty an- nounod advances- -Ag teOie othor companits, tht figures ilI ho defiutely arrvtd t lu trne ta bocome operatîve on May 1, exceptlng tht TtnoseOCoal, rou & Ralîroar Company, and the trans- portation companios, whlch ms-y not b. able toananounce Oie Inrea8es un' tiI a later date." Wage increase le Vauntt'. TIre increase la voluntary and prompted by roasotls similar te those vhîch led Oie Peunsylavanla raliroas! to mare lits ioreast--namelY; Tht difficîlty of Its employeets u reconcil- lag curent vagos vltb tht high cOaI of ling An increase 0f 6 per cent mch as that dclared by tht Penyl- "mn, voulri mean su addition Of &bout $900,000 a sear 10Oie stetl corporatIon's psy roll The raise has hotu attcipateda i- tisong i Ilas thouglît liireîy tht com- pany vould follov the same policY as tisat pursueri lu 1902, vhen Instead of a genera.l arivancet at one limle. vages were raised hy degreos lnuont m111 mter anotirer. lu 1902 a 10 per cent tn.a'ao vas gvon ta imore than 100.- 00S men The avers-goenuhor of men ernploy- ed by thre coauPsY hat Y-a.rvas195,- 000, vhile ou Decemhor 31 at. due toan sulcrese ln buiness at therentd of Oie year. thore vore 223.377 em- ployeea on Oie ps-y roUa-. Tht total amount ps-Id out lu vages last y-a vas $161.663».5 fUions are not recognlztd lu suY of the mile of Oie company or lis aubaliaries. This fact promPted Presldont Gompers of the American Pederatlon of Labor ta derlare open var agant the company recenly. flamber of Men Affected. The folloing shovs the number of mort emploied at plants o! Oie fIl- nota Steel Company sud nfillateri coxpaules: Illunois Steel Company, Gary, Iud.............. 8,000 Illiois Steel Company, South Chcago .........7,000 Ilinois stetl Company, Milwaukee.............. 3,000 Joiet Steel Company, Jo- loet..................... 4,000 Total steel nillîs. --..--22,000 American Steel & Wre Co., Jolet ................... 4000 Amox-csn Steel & WrrtCe., wauirtgan.............2,500 American Steel & Wix-e Ce., De Kalir........ -... 1000 Total steel anrd vire... -7,500 Grand total not lucludint teani sbIphUes and vorkmcn lu ore Soeldsa . . . .. .. .. . 29,500 FINIE BUILDING FOR WAUKEGAN h.Waukegan Federsi Buiding when It ls Canstructed, Wii b. Absalute- ly Fîreproat, and t Ail Intente In- destructible-That's the Way Uncle Samuel Bulde Thorn. tire Corcorair Art Gallery, teBureau of American Republica, tht Pension Office and many other Goerumett structures are made practle-aliy Inde- structible by lire. Tht Federal nuth- ormtes are making Il a pollcy through- ont thtecountry, to protet Oie steel frames of public buildings wlth thOf bur.ed dlay fireproofînt materlali KIENOSIIA COUNTY' THE LOSIER Uihiein Farrm which Ha. Trained Above 6,000 Fine Animai* and Now Hi*a "The Harveter" ln lits CIre I ta b. Soid and Transformed mInt a Oary Farm. New Northwestern Une Said tu a 4v Rulned Place for aoded Animais. Kenosha county la to loge another 01 lB features as Uhlein Brothers. own ers of the famous tOckfarm Just west 0. --osha, announ, --.4mJtkee on liday that the earrrc fàrng of fast horsts whlch have made the faryn fa- mous durtng the past hirty years are to be sold la June or July of tht. year and the farta viii be converted into a dalry farin,sasys the Kenosha Nevs. It la clalmed that the fact that the air Ue 0f the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad company passed tbrough the property madie it unfit for a horse rifch There are nov ln Oie uclghhorhood of 350 stallions. brood mares and colts on the fax-ansd nearly every one of tbem represents the hoat trot- ting stock of Americs. The only one of the animais ta ha retÉined vI]l ho the "Har'vtster" Who tg nov ai Memphis lu training for an- other year's campaign on the track The Uihil Brothers bought Oie fanm lu Kenosha courty more than hilrty years ago snd since that tîme it has been famous as a producer o!f fast horsea. Mazry horses now videl3 kuowo ln the turf world were bred or r te tarin. The horses yl ho .old ai onction aud it la understoori that ti rbig sale vil tart lu Chicago early It April and sales wil ho contInuei through May and June. In addition t the large herd of horses On Oie Ke nosha county fanau the company hau about 500 horses lu Milwaukee and LA" fOUTY TVINflEPBNDENT. IFRIDAY. KPRIL 22, 1910 39.4-NORTH CHICAGO. -. orth to FORM Belvidere serlet, thon east ta Sheida,,rd, tl,, north to 4" 4-WAUKEGAN. 4Ie vvà 48.(ki-ZION CITT. tn--Tht fol 57.-KNOSATtrn rigilI atta local sîgi r ery sud cross bridge 10 nd f brothers street, where tomn lef t, foloing Edvnrd a F IRSI AUTO RACEcar lot paît saoiarium. tgte IFIRSTAUTONR CEu r 69.0-RACINE. From here loto Mil- tgtht INCO Ny aukee !ollov voatofli route. ch fisc 97. ->IILWAUKEE, Mueh saad ounh is Automobile Routes Through Northern - ibis colute, prohahit better road brovetted Parto! Sate artluîany Alng <u treslient North Shore are Stated by Chicago iiwtvahryafe Paixer te b. in Gcod Condition for The se Eariy Worl-A Lttle Lakne County,11T LECLIONJl at 32 Lit 1 1say «IUEà A Iir ,.N Accordtng te tht Chicago Tribune, 0 i i lcln edl h an Lake coonty and the Chlcago-UbertY- Of.1teItin ldnthcu-n NvIlltWaukegn course vert the scene ty Tuesdny that at Zion Cty vas Pro-6 of tht first Amerîcan race. Apnrt o! bably the most excitlng of any. Threeb the article ln thc Suudav ie6ue fol- i aldermen sud mne police magistrats low: ýareta10bt tlected. Tht Theocratîc Usually nit this time of Oie year tht forcets are lu personal charge of Qv- route betweeu ChiesWan sd Mlvaukee erseer WIbur Glenn Voiva- Ho ap- la not open to motor navigation, but 1peared at Oie headquarttrs at 6 thist titis sprng la su exception ta the gen- morulng vli a hundred votera sud eral rote, andi tht reports have It Oit party worktl'5. Tht campalgu of the It la possible ta get ta Oie Croam cîîy Theocrats bas heon marked wlth sPe- vithout suy great dIfficulty. Tht rond s tacular offecta. Ail the vorirers are aro dusty in some places, snd. strange wtarlug largo yellow hadges msrkod te say, the voret parc of tht golng la "Vote Oie Theocratlc Ticket." found rigbt at Chîcagos front door, se Help Save Zion City. f ta speak. Throe or four automobiles and a Reporta recelver at tht Chicago Au- score of cas an sd oOier vehicles voe tomobli club taat votk from members uBtd today by the Volîvans ta get out livin lutaout tht north shore toit of a their fulI vote. Ail of Oie vohîclea hart spot near Giencoe. vhore it la ne -carry largo postera lsbeled "Vote tht ctasary ta make a detour througb a Thtocratlc Ticket and Help ta Save big lot lu order ta gel by tht place. ZIOn City."' wbere a bridge la teniporsrily out of DePuty Sherîffa There, commission. This la folînr juat teDtputy Sheriffs Wts Gray and Jenkm otber sddt of Hubhards hilI ucar art aasstlug Captain A. A. W'aker lu Harry Rubens' country' home, te ire preses mg order near t polila As exact-sud even if ont cuis this out seen as tht dcputy aheriffa appertd sud goes tht other vay'-over by tht at tht polils a remoustrance sas made raitroad tracirs lnstead of through agaltrst their serving durint the elec- Hlubbard 'LX'ods-he Euds the goint tion. Acting Mayor J BH Sayres even vOrse. sers cd lotice ou both cf tesheriffs But tourtut s-ould' be interesUingt <at as he had flot sent for them Oiey if ibere wasn't a spire o! advettre to ahould maire no arresta unleas ordertd l t and. tierefore. yotîr truc motorlst to do so hy hini. It wss later fouud F dots net srdeslep the Milswaukeeti,) that Miayor E. N. Rchey hart reîurned -jrst because otftitencoe, s'hlch would' 1tire city durut tht olght, aud Oie. nî t he Geucoet iiry ast. uutess Il ceutd matter vas reftrrcd ta hina. ielt 10k e put some stoenl a motorist«s psth. tht sanie position that Alderman 0 There are many ways oif gesîixg ta Sa> re's. who acta as mavor durlut his Ithe Cream clty ln a motor car, and iu honors absence, han taken. LpoîntingthOem ot lire bureau cf ria Mayor and Sherrff Clash. nsad tours ot tht Chictago Aîtemnomhtle Mlayor Rlcirey calttd up Sheriff GrIf- yclub declares: '0f thte fouîr routes te fin sud marte complalut ta hini Uiat a-Mlwaukte given in the route book of as no requtat for aid lu maintalnlng itht clubh tht western routes are most order had hocu madte by auy city of. ltrsvtled ln dry' veather, while tht ficial ta tht shtriff, lehe hlleved that Scasteru routes are most favored in wtt1 the sheriff waa oversttpplng hîs au- ie id these yl aJso bho dlsPoseOf.o The tarmIn luthîs coutYIn one Of thre mont perfectly nppotnted stock farma in tht vorld and Oie buldlygs vere al bult vîtIr a view of taktng care o! Oie hord o! horss In the twouty sftailîons held at the fana, are msuy famous ires sud Oiey vîlI ho old with tht other horsts. It la sald that the Milwaukee owovurs of tire farm spout over $200,000 on the farm lu tht paît twenty years. In that time mort than 3,000 hesd of horsts have been ralaed on It sud tht hormes sent froni tht Uihleln farm have alvayml been features 0f tht combination sale. Iu Chicago. Moyen Chosen Chairmsn, Hi. C. W. Metyer o! tht towu of Frt- mont, ont o! the focal sund abtoat mon on tht Laire couuty board cf super- isors, sas Petcted chairman when the board cons eotd accordint te eaul near 2 oclock NMondsy aflernoon. Tht oly othex- candidate wss H. C. Edvards of Avoir and tht reaolt of tht vote vas 12 te 8 lu favor o f r. Meyer. Afttr takn tht chair, tht nov chair' man, who suececded M. Horenbergtr of Dterield, sppointcd the foiiowiug ruita committet. Graham of Grant, Fieke of Ela aud Clark of Deerfield. Tht meeting then sdJoorned utIl Tuesday morulng vhen ho ntv chair- man named bis committees. Tht United States Gos eromont ta tht groateat buder In the countrY. Proscutor Garven of New York De- li ovos buildings worth mort than Clares Lakne Forester Ia Fugitive. $300,000,000, and spends $20.006.000 a year on new onos. Tht Govemnment carnies no ireur- Trenton, N. J., A1rii 18-Gevernor ance on ts property-that la, it acta Fort thilataterucoe gave a hearint ou as Its ovu Insurauce company, 1< the application of Prosecuten Garvon sasfeguards ltself against bass by ex-ct- of Hudson Couty for the extraditLon lug buldngs chat vont hum. If It of J. Ogdon Aru ofe Chicago to ibis carried lnsoraoct the premiums vould state for the purpose o! standing trial amaunt ta $600000 a year; as it la. on a charge o! conspix-acy to Ilue-ase the yearly Iosn froni ire la only $10,-the prie of nicat îroducls. Prose 000. cutor Garven declared Mr. Armour Tht Geological Survty bas carried vas a fugitive froni justice. on elaborato tests o! al sorts of mat- ertals, andI Irisdetermlned s'hich re- slt ftne mnt aucce&Muly. Au, a con. Eri Geere. tilt grauddaddy of thon sequence o! theaetetste, In recent ail vhon It comes 10 expert and mas- yekxa Oie flovorumeut bas made its tenîY drîvint o! trotting bornes, la now large bldnsS mfe from Sies by tht aile 10 b. about dally after hlm recent uueof! oov terra cotta tilt lu al tnjory andI bis rttod an eîastlc exer floors, partitiana and columu-coverlng. chser In bed vith vhlch vhen confinei TMti .1e la tlu ame ldnd tht ta used to tht hed he le keoping lu tralulai ta tiie larget snd neet "miyscrap- as taOie hauds sud arms that havE tr. tn New York 01t7. controlledn msuy of the vorld'i 1 r be »w oue ke la Cirteagola greateat harses. utgton. r C 1 ervice - - - - - - - -l- LOUIS J. YECOMAN THE PIANO MAN ruade, as tht ronds lu this section are judged.' ont of tirese routes rua tirough Evanston. Ximttt, Keullworti, XWilu netira, Highland Park, Fort Sheridan, Lake Forest, North Chicago, Wa'ukeg- su, Zion City, KenosnaRaclue. Frauks- ville, sud Caltroila to, Milwaukee, s distance of nintty-umne miles. Tht second o! tht tasteru routes lu genex- ai la tht sanie, except thtat Il varies Lu a few nuiuer details, deteurs bting made at certain points that eut dowu the distance te 91.2 mles. One Way Even Century. one of the western rentes hooked laines lu Niles Ceter. Glenvlscw, W'heeiing, Bal! Day, Liberti ville, Cor lis, and Frankaville, tht distance be- tnt given as 9 miles. Stili axother western route avolds tht aandy stret. ches utar the WiaccnsiuIlilînoisls hu, sud takes iu Wlmttte, Lîhertyville, Msygstls Corners, auri Frankinl. This s-ay it la au even century tc, tht Crtam ity. 1 Part of this strttch up north also la famous bocatuso of tht fact that the first automohile race lu Amorîca was run over the Chlcago-Lbertyvllt-Wftu- kogan course. Charles E. Duryea sud B. mueiet' ore tht contestants. andI it le recslled by zome of tht nId tImers that tvo m.uibers of tht Chicago Cy- dling club followod tire "raers" on s rtandem bicycle. The cycliste topped 1at WAhttllng for dinner. thon vent on suad caught tkrryea sud Mueller before 1they got to Waxrkogan. 9 Pointe of Easern Routa. O Z0.-Cox-utr Jacksoil sud Michigan e boulev'ards. Bamns as western rout as fer as 30.5-Northveat corner o! Fort Sheri- dan. lnttad o! joInt thrùugh gale ta vweat keeP on nortb îiretrgh wond" down bill, page- lu Ig rifle range. w 34.4 LAKE FOREST. Continue or it uorth on boulevard Orough tira r- soode. td 35.6-Nrth end of Lakeo Bluff. Turc ig left. ,e 36.-Tom unorth-lec'tric IUe Ou bf' s atr turulug. F'ollow car tracka tt Mtayor Rlcbey later came to tht city sud aaw ihe sherif, Sheriff Griffint told hlmt that ont of hi. deputits, Cale tain 'Wallncr, had tclephoned to him L for assistance sud hart stated 10 hlm8 chat he fi'artd that thore uîtgit bho trouble, aud had asked chat two dtp- odies be sent te tht clty. Ht had f coniplied wth the reijuet Sud main- talntd that bhi, safuîty vitiluhiet rigts In takinru tht action. Dady Decides With Sherif!. 1 As tht mayor of Zlon City sud tire aherif were cf a diffex-ont opinion. tht quetlion vas rcfcrrtd bo Stattas Attorney R . J Dady, who gaie hie op- lnon te lb,- etiçet chat the sheriff had trot oversteptned hie authority. May-1 or Richey returned te Zion City aud tedNutea remFihtiaolisut. Senir ocar ights occurred at tht olis this monint, Ont ludependent 'alled a Volivan a lier, but no blovs wort trucir. There wert many chai- lentes on btb sides aod msuy voters wort conipelled ta avear their votes ln. Ont man whose vote vas chat- lenged snd vho adMîttoit vhen que.- loued hy the election judgem that be had votod lu Wisconsiu legs than a year ago, lusisteai on hi. rlght te cat bis ballot. A Volîvan challenger urg- sd the tudats ta permit hlm te vote. -A -id --Th, hrother mae aMis- sud ih "r"Iltht irrel rn thi' bat dnt1u v pcotdtshtru tyo epncomnsho eh-pplto euls9 a,1% ly n omnad f hereimnt A te set 'lth the iInstitut- lu aknt tht iso," lniteîîeaîl vewecraintirai lieuteuant colonel. lettaslattîre for fonds te Investutate the lhe figures ailire avaiaîrýi'nucli XXth (,eireral John C.IlBlackr, bis vboto subjeet, tb write lettera sund dis-' rarlîr'r tiaîr Ibe, isre leur >ear'rs tn. long luire î.enrînarierlu rmhecurrýiiutt uraterrai te i'achirrs sard te Court by Mîdeummen. mandcd su expedition trîn thr-Rieoireurd deruOsrtlintearhers te asist Tic irsI sir-In ailbctr Inn larite tir' Grande river 'wich wasscf Interna- Inu startirg bis strudvi'n b,- coummeu liguresr'x-te largex cilles, aud rien hioualimpr1ortance. At tht close of tia sebois. itl corne te îsînuîaîîorîy esltes. If wsr he vas irevettitd colonel surI brit. It as Ilaîrten te ceileet aithle uni-. tlligrr 90 irIlthes l',rarn aLli irotrair adier general hy thte1reairltnt fol serait> moelti qtulpirrent fer agrIcul- 1>irbcsarIe to anunurce rearrits fer tie brave aud mcrlterr'ru' conut. t titre, dourestic scie,-u'tybgieni' sud iargr-r citurs lry tire latter part etf'May From 1866 10 1869 Geutrat Payne t haltb. sudumarnai training lu theire x theflirst of Joue. It la tht exînecia- represettd Lake county lu thteIIII rural achooîs. Other festores o! tht tien of tire burearu to lie sable 1 rush,' nols legisîsture, sud durlut bis second ceference may he reported 10 a sep- .pîublic tht cotnti for tic whole of tirr ttrm strvtd as chairnian o! tht finu- arsie article.iUnited Statesi iy nldaunnmer. suce committet of tht lowtr bouse.. Frank H. Hall'. Practicisi Addretss Tht enref taktug tht cenarus of For several ycasa e rtalded at WaO- Front a great mny yesrs o! practi' rraiifa.turers, which btgan seme kegan and latex- St Evaurtou, bitgi cal study o! tudustriSi training and ag-teks ste o nier the' direction of sit actlvely ongatcd lu tht practice of iav riculture lnîomon cholsSupri-r ial agents, la almost compleied lu util 1887. when falling hesîlih ended tendent Frank H. Hall o! tht Illnoisls Itavit ocajtîts. DIilector Durand is bis profosalonal carter, Ht sud bis Farmers' Institute, who la a 'widely greaty pleased with tht say this sork family thon niade their resînteuce bn recognized nuthorlty wlth both farm- t'as hsndled hy the special agents co Clevelan. Oh(io.rsic soin! irtnie. For ecrs amit sebool men, saîd lu parc'* rbom It vas lntrosted. and he iibould not be debarred trOm ber o! the board o! xvi-ovIn l tht peu- votiug hero because of hts mistaire. sion bureau ni Washingtonl, D. C. lu Peace 10 thet, Let hlma vote.' But 1905 he conilld a '-Digest of De- tht Judges vert obdurate. citions of tht Dtpstmttt o! the Inu terlor lu Appealed pension lsud Land îDe yoo irnow that it'. easy ta hum Bouuty Clalma," witb annotationls, golt cai, (ili îl good coal), ihoot the whlcb wns publlsbed ily tht govern- annoyance o! soot and amoke. Juet ment and ta uow in use In tht pension gire t4 irer a very littie air un top. bure-au. Ht vas St vorir on a corn- Dont chieckr the atove pipe damper too prebensive text book of pension lsv eau n ot ilroni the Home Lumber Con- On January 26, 1 862, Gentral Payne panuy. It heai. ciosely,' but llglf'tly, and eavos r'ugh air pace lu the Ore ti marred Mils Adelia A. Wright St the borniil tire gages that would otherwiîse homer of her ilrother, Gusavus A. mare sartluanmoie. 16-Il Wright, at Osage, Iowa. 'Miss Wright vas the darrghter of the lace Captain Tri envînce a tîrbboru man tbatgood Jonathan Wrght o! Lltchfreld. Conu. paint lanta lougeut show hlm a bouge' She died Inl Washington, D. C., Aprîl paluted, ivSae eare ago wlth Bradley & 14, 1909. andI It la thougt that ber Vroomaa paint. Fulmeasure andI purehuan noetl'yrcvtdfoi Sold hy F. B. Lovell. ubn ee lyrcord oh agriculture loto tic common schools ve shati ilegîn wlth tht vroutg phase' o! It -ile lu tee much haste for s strlctly pedagogical ialai or te haSve tht parts loglcalty xelated: sud that we shalputot 0Ilttetx-coth ou tht seventh and eightb grades. De- mandint firat attention t'. the fact that mauy pupils sud many piaretsai do not illeve that tht preseot star enth anod elghth grade vnr ls especi- ally helpful to prospectIve fanmera. Heoce the Younrg People are Icaving the tlemeutsry sehoola in large noie- betrs. Average Farner Dont Went lb. Not nearly bal! tht formera are ready for Ibis Inuovaton-only soute of tht loadînt, thougbtful, representa. tîve farmers, and Most o! chose vho NOTICE us fumish your win- dow oreens. We use the best rnateriaI, and our miii conditions are such that we are able to do first-class work. We feel sure you would find our product satisfactory. durable and superior to departmerît store stock. Write us today for pri- ces. G. M. Harrison & Son, P. 0. Box 283, Lib- ertyville, HIl. IER LAKE COUNTY thre ,hock of her death. are, believe that tht ecouOmlc phase Genoral Payne was a member of the shauld be made most promîinent ln SOLDIER DEAD Loyal legioti, the Grand Army of the the sixth, seventh and elghth grades. %epublic and other veteran and Ma. lndted It la Oie economle phase as pro- llowlng communication ha. a sonle organizatlons. He teaves one sentedl by Prof. Hopins, Mumford. gnficance partly because the son, Charles Thomas Payne, a lswyer, Frasrer and Blair Oint has brought of the late General Payne, 0f New York clty. mauy te suelits necesslty ln the and Harry. resîde at Fremont, seboOl XVe inuat remenîber that tht wlth two sîsters. Mary and SH1OW BOYS T A "rank and file" of farmers do flot wish The late Genoral Payne was agriculture lur the Bchools. tLake county soldier to ho !ARMINrG WILL PAY Teachers Unwiling ta Undertake t. Id brigadier genetaI by the ___Màny leadiug educatois rtcogrrizt Iantedating Generai Rogers &&Y$ ihat as Fast as Boy 8.0. that the Importance of putting agriculture wweeks. by Remaining ln Sohoci Through loto the achools. but the rank and ;on, ('harles T. Payne, resides and After Eighth Grade H4e Can be file" of tihe teachers do not care to un- berty street, New York clty. Hoiped ln Maklng a Living and ln dertare It Agriculture vas glvtii Ia Eugene B. Payne of Wash- RisIng ta an Incarne He Wlii Stick spoclal attention for two yèars lu the D. C., diged et tht National Ho- Until the Finish. Ogle county teachers' institute, sud ie hospitai ln that clty Aprîl "Show the boy that tarmlng wiîî thon droppcd because teachers were from tht resuilt of a fractureri pay hlm. not lnterested, but after obser'..iii ained by hlm March 18. Pu "Teach hlm agriculture ln the Corn Day lu the schools aud CouutY ýrvlcts were held at the FIrst schaoîl and teach it tram the eca- Corn Day. at whlch thie econoOic ational church et 2 p. au., on nomlc standpoint-ehaw the boy phase came out clearly, tht super- Aprl 18, and were, conducted that tarmlng can be made ta pay visors gave $125 for the next 'CountY .ov. Samuel H. Woodrow, pas- îargely. Corn Show." ti Edgar county by the church. The rîtual ser- -Thataà the way ta keep hlm ln much effort 80 boys were lnterbed ln the Grand Army of the Repub- the country ichooi through and one Of tht best thlngs. ln growing a rosid by M. L. Leonard, com- mauch beyand the elghth grade." Corn breedlng plot, but Just two coro- and Jerome F. Johnson, These are thIe pointe that etod illettd the work- Mr. Foster of La- aof Burnsîde post ln the cîty eut In th. recent addreaaet Prof Salle county trled to get tht boys to hington. Tht pall-hearers vert Frank H. Hail, former Waukegan keep fields and tearn how much It cost from the Loyal Leglon anud superintendent of achools, betore to produce an acre 0f corn; 900 sald he post. Buril was had ln the recent convention of rural they would make tIre trial but la tht on national cemetmr, the tu- schoots of the aas. Outrome there were six. rcsinbigmet et Oie _____ Carried by it. Economie Value. ocesion einggateTis work ln agriculture becomes icort of lnfnntry detaileri from A unique meeting. tht flrst of Ita POPutar juat ln proportion as its eco- yer, whlch, after tht commît-, klnd, w... tht conferencea on tench- notule value becomes apparent. And ervlce, flred the lest sainte. lng agriculture lu tht common i3chools, ln thîs tht farmer la no dîfferent from rai Payne vas boni a Seneca held Nlarch 24-26 at tht University, otuxer peoptle Every sensible man NY., April 15, 1835, and vas Urbaus. Prof. Fred t. Chartes Io ai waîiîs a homie sud foodi and clothes lst son orf Thomas Hubbard tht head of Ibis work lu thre univermity and sasurplus Edu, atlon should brell) md bs 'wft.Susansh tv-Many hoîjîful phases of ttsic teht vb.ount gOmri tegel 5living, plurs, ln (Smith) Payne of that place, were pregentltd by men and wolflen 0' 1hr- right way l'y earnring h by giv- lnger stttern lu thet ownship SxPerlence aud abillt Y, sud general lnig anir e<ilali'ut iu corn or wool, or mont, Lake county,' llinois. Thé~ discussion followel tht brIef papers. siîll or eeuriserl for every dollar ho cestor of the fnmlly lu Ihîs D. J. 'rosby, Uulted States sP.cI.II»tse'r ywas Thomas Paint, who camd ln agriculturat education. gave an illus- The Boy Demanda gomethlng PractiraI rîouth colony about 1622 aud trated lecture showing what bad heen Wt are losLrîg mny puîrils before a promineut man o! his lime, doue lu the scirools. Representatives he complete the elgth grade. The LPayne's grandfatbtr Judge 0f the nornmal schools and the Farm-1byrh mswo be'. s Li t sîll t,, 10 Payne, founderi ht.. of era' nstlîute, ceuuîy su periutendeuts, bh s 'cru,,uî hart qairle 10 rinai n. ou. N Y_. ad was one ofthc college and unisty tueu, wert pies- sud the ho, goes )r ex Mho belile%-'"'il Lrs of Colgal e Uni versity. eut. ne of itbe- urrst belpil ibita of w'.s ut to leis ,'cornll adi antage If) aI Payne vas educated lu the txilrrîî waa ont ibutilhy a gor outr If We' arr, 10 ireid hboys In schoois of L.ake corinîy sud at rural achool directer, J. Il Burrows of seçhreî yIstrrrucrirg agricultirai sci- acaderny tliWaukegatls, Decalur Itirector XW. fiNililsuad , i î îrrrrrît,. pîcselîlerî s itil Is ered the first cîsass of the îaw Principaai1I A. Xladdiciiof 'rtNahbbeoonrpaeinlmlyb4r.i menit of NerthwpsternU mirer , gave Ilueresting deral ofthe John , rrirîil,. týnri'rt lu imade Io briLr'îr' raduatIng lu 1860 'with the de-1S"anuri corisolidsted r, brroi sandils! itiugi t MilIl pay lil, piril to cui ra )fL. I,. B . sut helut admItted !tear bing of agriculture iProf.J. T. ilitnOn audr.rirlr, Tis la s sly bar themarne year. !.Johnsonr i fthteXtacrrnb Normral scbeel imore limplortanrt tharthe LoticLe"r ril 1861, hecaslisted lu ralalut describî-d his soli îlots sud agi icul prciagoglrai prr'senioîrn nrf ilý rs fll co pa y of vounPe s turalinLstructionr glr.r'u achera The Farmner and the T acher. Lakecouny, nd ws eecte ag A standng coumttre on organla- h amrms e.hle os aire~~~ ~~ co nytu a lce ion aud s'rrk w ,re appoîîîritd as fol- t bart fae r mat iri' l red t e a -r ýnd lieutenant. After s month's s : , lo na.asstn ttha iergtiiiu aqir sli eat Sprlug-fild tbe quota of Il. portant as gettint s living, but tht cd- 1auperintr'ndenl of achools. chatrin; r 1rîrrtrrird'l b'frr' for thethtree niouths' service,'nsi abecot rurrnedthatorgettit si'isr i go e tth(ug trieo fuit sud the company unabieý,t hmag;eer urw,'lsetyl rm sela nrgtlv .1er under the first catI for vol-e~(hmagXiBrrs îsetyt rlerau a urtîh rtht men retred home, but Grace G.Boxurie of Lakie Bluîff. lIrss lut i.l p e iy ree ls e n e Alice Jean Patters n. teac br of insa ailc speedlinythreNenllsted under sor.r,, lsaued for thrc years' vol' ur1 tuylutieNoml Birvrsl ru tesujcto tissethbc t Normal; Professra X iiag Py. Census Takers Busy. i s . e a s u b j e t i fl n h s s t hb e ' n e F r e d . ( h a r l e s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y , t rU <r-C n a r r a D r e c lo r D ,r a i d h a , rlr- , in a n y e a s c a t a tI l l un o i w h a h e c a m b a n s T h e i r r e s l u t i en s . d o î t cd b Y f o r n e d t h a t t h e b u îs i e s s ro f t a k i n g I , ' 1' 31h liluls ufanrY.tireconfereuce, Lnciuded al] the foi-rîecennal cr'mi irraartr'rt otf Mitir a ts command he partlcipsted mlu n tenýrush lu vry seNrction of 1h, ,' r rrrrtr utle o Pa irgean PaieItems of Business. I So far as lire oftice at XX asbrtrglrrr sl ý,bcbg wouuded and havlng a cmmte cossitc Prf nfreitreMenehî broîber killed at his aide ln tht omte osaJgo rf nomi hr r ohth n .aured engagement. Throughoui hre. cut ueitnet hr.Tebiet -lsi ,i o leg of Vi ksb rg en ral Pay e harles N c ltosh of 'iontic il ; NMiss together lh i o t <efficient force t irt lgn comfdo Vcbthgritleai Payon Pattersor sud Mre itoffman. weesp- ever eîrgaged Ili cr'ni1ralakilit t'i- commird0f ht rflepit onpolnted toteprepare a course of atudy ltcg tlire 1ii7ratrrtirrîs l,,n'it,,ir th(tir uth of the besieged i cty, undet'Ilu agricultursi nature study for th. ector bave irctn rîrleth Ie frrrc- i l B r r o , s d e t e r d t e a e l cm e n t a r y s c bo o l s . A n o t h e r o î f e r - r , c i -m a r r a t e n i ) s . i l r o rr r t - with Ceneral Grant after thr r i e , n y o f a l s r t u lc u1 s e c e w i i i b , - e l d e t t h t ' u i î e r a l y g a i . 1 t î r s D i r e , r r > r rîr l r r ;ut freur the preceding montlia hlio .ose n<ae.thnairîragu. e ir aîe rt thuiri r,-capablrr'ri r:r i te malaria ho hait contracttd BurrisJssuri Vtir li iaseirert Mfrthtirîrr i e r lrr.ti' ir rn r r, rrr'rtý he exposure. Havint been pro- urw n )-nDNlpr fteý:tVstl (.rI;ýl'i are A ( lb te rau k of major prior 0<o otete of agrir iii rre werr,' airrln ted rrn P tir I e l,-iIrrier ri r I I r e' rttlr' of Prairie tirove and thtIscnurîetecneeli b ilul r rr rfrrr' -rrr l"rrriert Ilrstilrite. uigIrg thi' noces rîrrtreri frr ili, îrrk rrf raiilatrr 1n' Deoet Tire vîtho' By ed y( and e unsler of the ty de temas lu the depar the pi Att4 last n lost b flot a elecîIf them tiIs W A Yoml Fl,'. W. Foù Fltt 8 voti 161 22 TIre day i% as aI spite accep anid d reoi Irrisori votes sor?' "I ( ti p c 19 b IL Agit se. For Agaba Tb For, Voî For Fer Tot For Agair Mcor Bruei eta l

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