Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 9

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L -AKE COUNT-Y AND WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII.-NO. .30. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAT. mAi>NL22,191(). EIGHT PAGES $ l>'lVERI.IVA(X hase t ln des. pre- ford, uglit thre the IL. Kuize Ifore anîd o un- Klven a the anti were Dunty iuper- ouuty by ,ad lu lug a cc ni- 1 La- )YB ta it cost ) sald ln thre us. cones And tfrom man 'lothes d Ireip lius, lni aY giît ool, or lar lie before The tige tii îîî 5lin rai sci- 1th ils earti a ical ,îr lier. a-i luti the ed- fa ruirr il lion glt liii ici'ti ini dîîig th,' ailli a, g lti- iforci m t riedi tiiig 0wi as liii, ain thai inacl 'ars 1ilO. ilate iheý îuîd then ates' If îiroiiab i for the L of M\ay expled a- 10 inaheî c of tlii ensus of Ln Borne a of tpe- ýleteti tn urauti iv lia work gents to (li'omn Weulmtcs-day's SUN.) CITY ELECTION. C isiService. For . . . . . . . . . Against . .. . . . Second War - For . .. . 1, Againet .. . . .. . . . Tblrd Ward- For . . . . . . . . . . A@Ainst . . . . . . . . Vourtli Ward- For . . . . . . . . Agalnht - - -. . . . . Flftli Ward - Fer .. . . . .>. . . . Auminet . .. . .- - Totale- F or .. . . . . . . . . . Agoinsi . . . . . . . . M4_Jorty for ... First Ward. Mc0raln, R -...... Brean . ....... .N<tsody, 1. - . . . . . Meicraimme plurallty. 12. Secefd' Ward. î:îr. IfMrbauer, R....... * H litsdt not know Iben blat a bg idelegatlon of rltl'ieis wa., foruulug tii cali upon hlm taday fluantý-s Bad- daker accejiteti bils ovel dtieat a ii alaugli 9f, Hope Barwell Wili Servie. Thte vote temiteret M r. Baris cil ts 243 takemi as a tnitte antI a compimtent 69 to hlm as lios'lug te peoples cou- fidenuce lu lits abltlty 10 serve iliem as 12, aldernian If hl i ll ifIs lugecerally lit,1eîl bythe licolle ihat lie wlll serte lu tlie office Ir oniy !4 for tlie sake of attractilg a lika <lau,. 3 of mn es th ie clty councîl cliamber. anti It ta gent rslly admîttedti hat lic 124 1 would utake an ideal eliy officiaI. Tlie be«t type of citîzeus have Cecu biameti for indlfference ,ln clty affaîrs, ...72." danti laI, elievedt laf te Barwell sac 1ô celtance would open tlie way for niba J uet as able aud comptent to corne 31 heati and transact tlie busLness at tlie rlty hall s UPERVISORS'Circuit ler u enaWtsin Fnian. FINE PHiYSIQULE Ferry- Errolleous Assi s'itents, COMITTEES AR E l Sahartitesednty r eemt, 0f iA TTEIRY MEN wlth Sheriff and Circuit ('lerklç ic- APPOINTEDene ATTRACTS COMMET Hiorenlierger- Ptitnig, License, Purciaimg. ociKennedy-JuiciaIry, Eli-cîlon Pre-ý M<ain Feature of Meeting o cneta Settiemeut wlth Sheriff and'Captain Spalding---Author of Suporvisors Ioday is Cicuit Clerk. Artillery Works --- Is High AnoucmetKirchner MNicelianeouiiCialms, Set- In Praise Announcmentilennent wlth Coaimty Treasuier andi CountY Clerk. Poor. Edwards Resolution for on MaetherbLicetige, Prînîîug, Cointy; IS tigihdOfcl n conCoimlty Farm Audltlg itinguse firan ty Books Audit is Pror-l'oor, Finance. Public Blild- Conscientious Inspect- Passed Oter Important Businvas of the Meet- the Iigi-mst vote,.r,:i4, inig of thle Lake Coanty Board of Tte Civil Service vote. Superviaors-Details of Commnittee Tii c il osýir, tua i,,il srs c 'ste Appointmess' end Men Who WoiI s'a, ligltiti i t1wii'li r îif tht- Tr«..ît' business for the Comirng warîl aliierma: 1t tiglit 4atîi i of the îo- Vear on the Board.f t lito a littli- ofr hli t ttiilfoîr a c'itlvit Iie Tliei7ati'-, sotes (Pront'î.il SUia -lN i fo.- ,'îld 5ii s otel gaînt iil usec The main fealuri' tif ii' ni-tlig ofL vici- TIi i.qc-oud sites I l ii'large stt heboa rd of atle iiiSt iîias wast <tf ior tic vail erviice O ililt la cgest thc appoin toit uttiof il i, coiitnilutees,a Vott' oi thre Issule, .3,12 andth le followtug ta th,- liaIt(if the ap- Fealures of Election. îolntmc'ts made: \liituar te calicîl tht faunsof Standing Coremittees. titi et <ûtIia cri' as fol]cIota 1 County Farm- ri liziiii lits rail, li Inte titrtian iîîîwllltiani as nitWelch. JTascaurora Indien %Wbo CnItessed Murder I Wie Ocober 4,1904. Io Justce James 1 al Autloeb Saturday 1 71 May Contact. 9s The talk today i. that Batidaker may 5t2-4821 cotest the resulta lu the thîrd ward due to tlie allegallon that the came of J. W. Barweilli. wrlften lu ounCthe tick- 173 et& lu varions aund many ws.ys and lobane plu'alfty, . 8tUa fn-teu nil.i Third Wand. W1%ft C4ti fhiffiés. ........tW. .. 131 iOR»Iade the Ward Itsel? anti lu the Barwen, . .... ..... 146-277 clty au a wliole there are dIffurent Barwel's mnajorlty. 15. opinons about the Cimrd ward action. Fourft Ward. aud lu somne cases preliy liard hînga, MEskIna. R. . .... . i6ts are belng sali.i1 No opposition Thre faireat expression la that theq T. Spelîman ....1...thirti -ardi houlti have fougltitis, Fift Ward. battle aitihe lri maries sud hat If t White, R . . ......iwaa iot satisticti witb flic republican, Mccaws. D ...... .273-4181 anti ouly uomiuee, it should bave i Mcanns majorlîy, 128, nominateti some ona it would have -1been satlafled with. 'lie assertion ta 1 S81musthat twa.a utfair mn maki. Cantildate! Defective ........... 27 :1latidaker flglit two ighlt for the saine - oMfce or 10 nomînate hilu andi leave Pieterse ky J. J. Ba.a Foster Johnson, Niagara Falls, New York, in Two Poses Arrangcd Ej for The Delly Sun. ings. Welch-Swftnmp Lands, Publie Buld' Ings, tounty Farni. or of Men W9nn -Si4ttcuient altb ConntY eattery C Personnel Makes Deep Im- Trea-surîýr aniloutty (lc4rk. Fis~ andi pression on Fift Artillery Man and .9aiaîi, q'tMI'MIanîi8ttafains. He Gives Tatk ta Officers on Coming Wit Audit County Books. Sparta Encamprnent and its Ideas Areitilutîitiwaai i;iroduced hiy Su- and Iideas-Details of the Inspec- tiers sur Fdwartl-i îrovud1iig for an tion Gîven. al tit iotf the ciitn t y book s, ant iIt was, ,cart t ed.Tht' cîiftrt i ,Iichoscu hy blillote t cîîîîiiiix ulitors foir lte :î\eiliii StUNi books la as flossClark, t'hlttî'îîdcu îîlattcry c Bas tvitiî li~ tglît anti Crnaîtiani. _______________ty t'aîtaiî0.l1I. Sîiauldtog. adijtatit of the IFith Fî' artilîlei t 17. S HIGHLAND PK. CLUB ELECTION atî statloutd t iFort Siienîtitl. 111. The' tatt'ry iiagscd tîte of thte besi Mrs. George H. Campbiell Electeti Pres- Inspîections Il lias hati tn acterai ycitrs. dent Yesterday. PFrom \Wednesaoavs SIl'N.i At thi' Iliglaiiî Park cltuh clection f estcntay Mca Ge:orge- If.Campbell, ar truc fieuti of thie Lake Couuty Tsîb-1 ectlosila lutitte, 'as electeti preal-1 dent. TIe officers ti detal: 'Mira. D. Roberts, vice presiticut M rs. A.l-olsberg si-coud vice presl-1 MiesaIL t'oale, eocrespoîdiig secre- tory. 111*91,A . Hoîeterg, sccrelary. .Ir.. siulerg. treasurer. WILL GO TO S P A Ili 1 r ry C Encamprment. (From Wedneaday's SCUN.), Sprningfield, M.. Apnîl 19.-The war departmeni io.lay uîîttfieîl Adjt. Gen. Dtcksounof the Ilîliois N'ationial g-nord that the combnueti rcgtîar and nîllitia atlllery cucampminit at Sparta. Wts.. wil ltbeheiti oiiJuIf Il-21. Gen. [itkitoit iotîfit-ulthe ilires 1(lat a tterleytott îrare t iîart IcI- plin thre practice ashîch wailibe at piecca excluatiey.Th,- teparînacut aiso notîllet i hni that the manieuvara of tufantry andtica-. lry ni Indianapolis will bc oit Sepît. 'Il u.At leasi onu Illitis regimeît it ll particîiate lu xcu»- iliese maîîcîvers. Ttoal...................... 1908 litr witlmout opposition omly f0 cut the FUT RPA RIAC Tile big Issue of yestcrday won ouf gromimit from under lits feet by wrlîîug tnemt a canddt~e, waa electedtet of- County Farm Audlitlng-Blackler,___ utthout a strugglefwo teoioDe lunCthe Dame of a mran wliorefuaud antilcdgr a1hnSulln lok nWyo ii If le civil servic oea epes tlli fWuses to serve aa aldermns. caThe seu?~conîd cecti u indePeudent iErroneous Assessments--Ferry. De- ' Service Vet.SN. st morest, Brooks PoeWeduesday'sSN. By te wll of tevtraseps. City$ Biggest Step. TtBlt leeiadmca. IEucto 'nk twrs hte- Iefître civil sersvice esmigo imto ut- eti yesterday thu Police, lire. streFt W'ihout doubt theCliectory for the Te I eetd eort dcain lrFwadCiti-fcct lîcre the Prethit ontilitaucpof the antid engi M g departmoants Wlll go Civil Service Issue ls the Most signal Line Up of CouiclI. tden. ciîy wblch caili for the aitpointmuent nete i VIce, wltli the exception anti important ludivîdual tep ever The lue unit of the city councl wliu'Eetohrcst-twra en 0f every enulioîc ye Ci'eayrat -f 'h r ' iv e h e d s , w i t h i n n n e - Ca k e n f o r e ip l o y e s o f li s c lt y . T h ' t e m u r a a l d e r m e n t a k e t h e i r e a t s e d y , F e r r y . r a t i f i c a t i o n b y t h t c tt y c o n l m u s C tens law a. recently publishadth ie firet ajpoîntees under clvii service Fîrst Chant-s Crapo (Rep).wii- Clark. clati service but niet a serfous oee tu the andi every member or he sud flota man will losbacshajob lie- lBinrIc(,raiii iRt"lt 1 Finance-lit îîîla.Prier, Flcke, As it IRthe iayor apoits andti hu depam-àmo omedti wll beu asured' of cause of hu vote 0f the people yester- Sececti Carl martu (Relu), Wîî- Jutiges of Election-Eger, Blacklecriacil ratifies every ajipolinmeut sex- a Permani5entC position lu the service of day but hu succeasors to the people a inmlinon IlutiDem.). Deacon ' iii iisiisecfs-i' mieit iitiyee a ap thre People anti ouf of poîîtîcs. at prescut employer'willl.from Street Thîrd-Fred Fiitr (Rej).), J1. W. Judicîary-Koîîîî-îy, Clittenticu, Ed- 'li cil sertv iîyîrcleifftur e aya. Attorneys Who expresset opinions laborers uIt, bave te ake an examina- Barwel (Hep.I. wards. 1Clt h CI orclfratil luat nîglit assertedt flat thte issue la ien Co for fitnesa for the positions hcy. Fotîî'th tIohrit orrosv dIep.). L. P. License -\ituitlher, lioreuberger, APPELLATrE COURT. lost because hu 725 votes cast were seek before Cliey wlll lie appointeti. Erakîi, (Relu 1' Grahamn flt a maJomlty of tle votes eust at the ýThere wIll bu hrue commislouers Fifth-Jack Staatz (Rep), Thomas Miscelaneous Claires - Kirc'hner, Ottawa, ]L, -Alîril 19t-The proceeti electlon as a wliole-1,908. Soins of at $50 a year fe bu appoînteti by thie,'tîci'an<Dem ). Brooks, W')ii igs Inu the appiellafe court, secontd dis- hem, were flt cluar on hu law, but maYor. a chef examiner anti pospIbly Eager for Bulletins. Prnîg lo beeMuhr tnltoday wvere: this was file Opinion expressesl. a clark aithu rate of $2 a day. The The SU'N got onttlis daily edition as Demorest. Paddock as. No.rthi Shore Electrie Aldermen slected ln Waukegan expenses of hu commission are limit- usuai. îrefcnriug te get the general Purchasîng-(ottradl Flcke. I'orcu (Comipany; motion by alupellatthat yesterday: William McGrain, edte t $200 a year for aiapeasi news of tue day to hu people lirat, berger. opinion hi withîirswîî anti strîckemi Firot: Williamsns oban, Second; J. hu las,5 la Interpretuti. iresera iug hu regrilar press ime and Public Buiidings-t)cacon, Welch, from the filics; opinnion wlitidrawn froni W. Barweil, Third; L. P. Erekine, Feared the Vote. glvlug the usual competltor-beating Prior. pubication. Foùrth, and Thomas McCsnn IasC nîglit until au attorney conîti bulletin andt teleplionu service. This Poor-Prior. 1Kirchner, Conradi. People as. Conradi; aulimttut ami Fîfth. li ruaciaut sud a fuai luturretationprovei to e be winner with aIl and State Chaites-Chitteuden, Fry ieao tîcluî BARRINGTON went dry by 65 of hu law obtaineti. it was fearudt hat untîl sony late lu hu evenlng ela- flackler. NI Moirll sa. Voliva; motion by votes, the vote beinq 215 dry andi a majority of' hu enire ciCy vote of phone t'alla came into hu office whilu Swamp Lands -Wulch. Ijeacon, plaintiff lu error for ime f0 fila reply 161 wet votes. The majorîiy was 1,908, was necessam-y andti hat there- hundr,îs readti hu bulletins. They Eger, briefa; titîte exîtîntiet April 26; aub- 22 dry votes two years &go. fore hu Issue wlCh lis 725 favorable preferredtiet get Chu dataileti resoîts Settiement wîth County Treaturer mitteul on briefs. HIG~HLAND PARK voft for an otes hati fallu of passage. LaCer it wlth the totals, malorities, anti civil anti Counfiy Clerk-Wynn, Clark, Kir- Adjoîtruedte f9ila. m. teorrow. $811,000 bond Issue. was learneti frein the body of hu iaw service vote ail figured out andti ahu- chuer. Cou 1Il to 2 inclusive. The ityeletio's eatre estr- isif îà civil servece that ouly a ma- laCed. The SUN aiso furuisheti a Settîemnent wîih Sheriff and Circuit Ta a he iy lectionsofeatu. ru eu jority of votes cast on Ita Issue Iltelf compîcte bltlietin service Ou hu coun- Cîerk-Fiche, Graham, Keunnedy. THESE MAY WED. asademnlntethr ar nwere nucsary, se- Cy cittea andi villages andti heir elet- . Each Superviser& Committees. William W. Clark, Jr., Chilcago-..34 s adermanbis lu tsehlire wsrld nu Civil service wins. Clous of officers. There wu. mucl inlu- Blacker-County Farm Ânditiug, AlIce L. Branrd, HighlandtiPark-.. 26 cuetthof elrtetat ie u i f lot eThe new taw anti its putting ilo tereat lu Harnîngtou andtihie fate of Judîes of Election, State Chanies. John Gerzola, aukegan---------. 2 and ditrChu ofer aticiols lahstet f- , iiafc aoC6 epeaI h lhadPaklot su7whie Brooks -Finance, MMlelaneous Alolai Molle. Rame---------1 and ti8nbtia hepls to hau oi. the Zion City lectionualiso attractusi Claims, Ecroneous Assessmeuta Paul fichuette, Nillwaukuo-......25 Luat niglit Mr. Barweli unît S SUN mon Who Sacked It. mauy Inquiri.s. Tlie SUN ot the Conrati f'uchasiig. County Farin. Julila George, saint'......... 21 reporter over hu telephona whon ap- The two men'wbo more titan any fIraC returus ta thu people as always. Poor. Cliarles Stromut. Deerfialti-.....26 ifled hat le liat beau eiucted hy 15 otitero are responsible for the civil Ofter Reaulfis. Chittenden -Siate ChanCties, Judie- tIlla .araon, tante .........2 votes hat lie volail t qualifirat service matter being brougît ft, hu iary, EtincatIon. George HaerCer. ttillwsukeea-....28 serve attention bfthe people for a vote are Iu Zion City hu Volivana won.. ' Cark-Editceationt Settelement wiih Eleanor A. Saar, samne-----------..28 "I deeply appraclate thu honor tan- ÂttorneY Ciaren<Ç W. tDver, Who at- alieti rasuits foliow: County Truasuner anti County Clark, 'dos.mie," le sait. "It waa lt, gr attenldut _ hpei'liiiay egl For Police magistrate Tuppla won Feus anti Salaries. senieus. Md i-i-sa'ed aulot isstzg ,work nd ý y 4*votes. ,Cleimtiuen, Farley samd Demor«t-Fees anti Salaries,Erra- Thre Dactor-Nouienuel Yon bavent 411d aer uon for altermunicgBste by S2 gesyjg Âsssments, a cancer. Booze la what ails yaoiý Edaç~kt . TO- U muât stop dtnlking ait mmmi..T J1 1~ Wi~U~.#. ~ ~ y onus-0e I u l Cat serlou w b? Thi re t li 01 ive ahsentpeasl sxty- nI' i.t licrs hi ng ici elif Out Of an i i,! miiintif sei ciîi-one' The i' îîî iiilii areil la the new olive dah îji)if,',rnj8cil ~t' for ht'avy mar- (thing t Ifi ir anul îmalle afiue showing. Thu i lIiîeî îjin wana very thorougli. Th, P[ 011,1 iftmas , hl'ikcil anîi îrsîîct. l iiiniiit(-itfi'rniiiiiiatîtitht nien were iîîi t il, i thi i enlîg. Thi' Laoti t aa' (Iril(,tIiin the font nmIii'e-lIt sandi aithe giîs The iIIirhninunini iiis iil ofice riand lIf-'ît ýt-.i0 c is iii.i i t hti n. s iejii-cHg îîiicer jn regardl f0 their lîi'owli tige of the guri aOnu other eqalip- Menit. t aptaln Sîîauling sepiettît 1 le, sert' much l tiascîl with the sliowtng i i Ile hattii s lie sapoie Bey- i1rai laior thb' fite 1h o a aîear- d tilci-îof Iti, mcivi n. thai hey are uaoe tilitasveragenionaliiiiiguitrilor- t'ai tîin Stitlding ta lit e ticaSparta, \\i!; ta lit t llýatfr'y iC'gîet liufor it aitiîa i îîaîîîît n Ttiy. IHa Kai' tue olllcet«i îîîaîy sainable suig- piotut iin Cii il Io t hi" t'unintg en- t 'tiîin S1aultling lia" a bla rejuota- tiollitn t te arîîty as an officiýr. He io.ii wnlteu si'erai works on artlllery sulijc tanadtl las 1lcctiîretl Ia Che army -ciîiiiil'u tut Fourt L.,asenworth. IunofarmsSupplywhat Nature Denles Perfect Bust. "They Fool Éverybody But the Baby" ufombustforms areas lýgýlîZ decbefits any figure; PIN PÛNCfTURES AND PRICKS DO NO HARM. These forms are easily ad;usted to the form and are encased in sheer white goods, daintily trimmed with lace and ribbon. In addition to, the above we carry. Complet@ Linos of Sotit Busi Forms, Corset Accossorios & Natures Rivais No Roason on Earthwhy You Sho.Id Not Have A MoilsiFiur Many womnen who spend a great deal of timne, patience and money on their outer apparel are neyer fully satisfied with the resuits; often wondering, but neyer quite, sure wherein the trouble lies. We can materially assist you to perfect satisfaction with these outer garments if allowed the A privilege of starting at the seat of trouble, the corset. ~ i-um We have ln The American Lady, Nemo and Royal Worcester, a Cor. sçt for every figure ..One that Us designed to brlng out those grace- fui and dlgnlfied lUnes so much de- slred. In addition to the matter of cholce, comfort Us assured because of the services of an expert corset- lere who Is always ln attendance to do the fltting. Coc Section lad Floor I'NDEPEN DEN rjý reil circulatedti he neceaaary lîtîtioniq and ilas donc yeomiaaserilce 10 brlnig ltei atter ta a voie, beleviug ln i% l CIT L ER ICE W I S:serv1 ce wlthlitbs usaa whole heat iý-dl c.a ai 1wtliiugness f0 work. votes by Majoritle.. In the firni ward William fîcilcain wou by a uîajority of 12 voes, CIII RBS JLI Sll PRIE he stcndriJWall onlyoa by a mojorlty or 68 over HaarbanîulcscndWlimHtaarwit i. T..~. . lufhe f..rth L. P, ErAkimas att a McGrain by 12in lt aT lLs h n topoiin orbloshdtý Hoban by- 68 in 2nd;I Interview with SUNIh .w,I~.~1î plmnwlt'il Barwell by 15 in 3rid*' lSays He W~illD he nte cd :hma ,MCanso lTYlf DCCIZflC nuîIo0 its credif ithe honora of thte Ersinein th;and to ualfy or'AIL.Ë day with the îluralily of 128 avtes, The total vtew,, 1,881 Votes and cri, are 27 di-fectîses, ahicli tiakes McCann 128 in 5th~ man in Thir (1 ,90 wjrlà Offlffli

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