---------- - f 6 IauyTioruu s t pgrtul % 1$BICfOn 15 APPore làgff G.H «beI, an)prdr4apaer, * ~USlk <ce Pre bmadn- * 'ob» s eif tAfon Othafu tepetama urt nrtlaaby e urla prTidi1tGo. Hthes.aeid tto adWO oq"olce.*th8eeountrycutrtbixou tb spm e comut Icort* fle.t t pred4amt upon te ectrnAMI tIbgmfftftI lawyer mont q«@. Marshalf i hda a-'1b awbt it viB bring ti, 4he 4i.cam eta your judicil iduties that beau P--*e 1pl.*I ongratulate you and every mhf. merlea ou yoir preternt. ~G .Warner of -MIci4l-M *a people hm.ed t 1YWof Il»" de -et the .epre w,~ e*oet acèee eftê artr S4pvý Port o e 4" " hêbouch and th.e barM6the 1càr .apolntment ta the airm oi Ci the t uotL" 'Yo~tb#~u bave aceta à Mwt oj Idée 7M, «ès teom ly, *«M eW tetve ,*tia srice. MMg s tIlhall -peer ervcS o a hprem court the cthat o*Mid bave beau made." Hold pUmm setCarse 41WRabPO pue-énry W11Ilame Cwneu a vra avi car wa'hdd , « Mdbelathe trd a", cr ad&gain TuaM ffkrl acn eabler a mil WIIlau. mortally abat aMd, 'The,er, 01l1. Smith, Aor faces t.eh I, , P 4 $Mlhd flcatiOOue soold4--tr ý -*JU mwantadle 42 beq1 i eat " PW e- t - rik C- - - 'I Ç$~Qu t co oow. sei sttï 40M ê4o the g St sttock Of laI on toh clotshat bave corne val 4b- a long wam gera 4n t 47Whe i o Vod ou rnever saw y0u~tfê~ henegra~ 4~~~p~e ,st color arid sur*xf YuI eeag i Suitsin oi*r wtmdpïvbutyuwl xuhgà- varletVof styýes Inside.41 NerSw sueh a neeltwear linyour lifé4 before as we 're 'ihovlig at 50e. Maçle of rich pure fancy silksalso cro- chbets, ehoice at 500 Th~~e aetest value you 0 Y eèe ffrdyo e ob ts as Th me M ùh ir .0frtaya~ ~-,11edgprreno l fabries. --Novelty stripes in ecaatfte iworMeds an ehevi s, alSO pla 'bue "eres; kn1cekérbekeYtro>Uers, xipohàir lined ëoats, sorne with two PanSý -f 1o 1 - ri ed bélow value at........................ .9d7 W able dresses of 1pledid mtyleadde ;î biity.. ' h cnae olaepnse.dinen èa'-iùtineu witù and bular lhàd- inîgmals fine lingerie-, panel front,, silk bxid- ed, sorne have low nbeck and Ihlfiýd - 1lh- face; very apecally WÇHDRE44ES 4.96-Marte of afl pure lnn u lu a a1de trimed vith buttons, priced very reesonable at..* h». l 4t yue ling pib Ie, cich Imeb nobby dresl........................4q% ,T e i sale of men's ps ca 4 . >g f~s sle.oiailton Browns ISample shoes atd 41fo men. Svr1brknuesfoiour regular AÉtock'have been de for to- morrow,'8U~g The oxfordf3corne in patent colt, guil- met&I -gAi fanleathers, biittôn àlid hhi'her.- The slfoes -are çf éat;ent d F9.lro bandling; si~ea values,z choice of s hs'l! -, oxf or4s smt->. . . ... 6-,esson'S- pçpuhir ds K ~. Ile.y unsuýal offerilg of a. rner9fhe mo 7d silk The -It d~rte ae has a linen wrap and a hi gh finish; fanO eCOsec -moizre a~me ne N4k; a leirag i Çhi~re~'~Uos-Thcwear-for-eveî' stoekings Tfo~.?~fldg1i4'~ihcor heavy ribed, dou- ble knee, heel and toc; tornorrow at, Pafir . . . .................. 1~ ,WoMens'.gose-Fast- blaek, sizes 81' to 10, regulr price 15e; tonmorrow 3 pairs 9 for 25c, or per pair ............. 9 Ribbon-4 to-5 imli plain taffeta rjl)1oI1 in ail desfrable colors; also plain moire and 1R ehiecks; good 25c value at, yard ... Un$on Suits - Womens' Union Suits, fine gauze, higb 'neec, long slceves, ankie length, or lowneck, sleeveless, knee Iength, 45 splendid garments at the low price ofJ Thewot*ler is, how we eau sel such ighcld%,k miii îattlu, ow prce. A Aplendid quahity of Serge in the ma- t1erjalin , gray, bine and blaek, coat ls 7,8 fltting and l Atin'ltnèd, uhaîvi col- lar, bki pr*itl pleattd Ëizes for Wome- ;u Mis ù Asbstaintialý sat#ngý,I& every lady ,whà buYz one of They*âýthUMpetw Id. alueut te rtice ma.de diagonal o#l& a4 Un e"Ç 74 "1Mu 4l4e Ao W4 ieG wtbh fi ke or 49 1 c SawWtcoilar,, rlàd9~ below vtI~at........ ~ ~ht hae ~t~t be~n~depby ux ôrps of tl~l t*a&seeeto~Arol~h ~ chis, Mlan, ad Tùiscan 8traws, in rollig or drooping Shpes or toques o raided straw. .bv'are in"flwd specially priced lots and eaeh price is so reason- able tuit the làyer is afforded a generous saving. WeiMô oi1o inspect the collec tion *9 at 6.50 add ld ..................... *6 k- ILa A vicinil pota" tifle , thep Ical 1 le, ti 6facifil or517 A ÇÇff An iInrrtaut waist -ofer V,,y 16.-tb It 1jlqïr 44a ~tRIAe eMt!onid ai dts The vei alue, rn'pecW %t .. .......... ,ý. , \.19 ýe # ýj - . . im- , @ " A 4 6< a Çen.t T CUT Namn 6 BOA] H ou. Stree Box ^ge Nat Fath Mati, Year Who Con Ociw Are 4tvex Nu,, Are Are Ha', 0w,, If si Fart, Wev Are