NOXALL PAINTS 1 Tho. Pant, are a trictIy nitl.d pait, and foU masure. and only $1.35 PER GALLON.' Once y00use our Eloor and Porch Peinta yoii vilOus no other. We carry à [ful ine or Varuish Sbdius4 Japalac, Ename.Uquid Vemeer. Llnseed Oit, and TurpeMtne. * ,allPaper!1 We bave a nlce hue, of @ample@ ve would lîke to show you at prives that viii Intereet 700. DRUCE DRUG CO. Z3 Stores-..Gragsiake, Rockefeller, Round Lake- Proessonl ~ 'iRailway Mail Cierks DI 0O. F. BUtTrERFIELD VETEBINARY SURGEON. AM&iTA5T 5TATS VETERINAEIAN. UtbertyvIfle. linolà. PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTrORNEY AT LAW. LhetyvIlle, Illnto esoi 88 DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. oFficE rivas LOELLa patte WMRI5. ocRas-from i ta 8 and e tri 8 P. Lfbrtyvtile. lîltriobé A. K. STE-ARNS lAýw Y EÈhi 213 Wsbingtoni Stres 'cauke-gan 'P'hone 271 DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houera Mo 12 arn -I tu 5 P.. J. Eit Trigp Bhuiinîg a itît Dr J L. Teyiuîr-'iiuiii- 19 lic-s l'boue l1092 l1betsville.i înoiîs DR. E. FL SMITH.L IJENTIST- IVEIS LAKE5.Col Si-S isTiO ai CBAK 1i.t Pl IL ii-ntvtille Jitrriîs DR, 1, L. TAYLOR, OFFIE jiVEta ri'i'iia tted ia n irjade-er upiste Peci MARTIN C. DECKER s-a: jjjtixi- -A '- 1,. i 1tui--i utu ut. El. trie St tatioia i tîjeilijîie u'114 ien ibjini- 3u1l13 W. H. STUDER stI-ti XiF "uij1iiu i ig. F cclii I j tI. cmii liaiiiaî.cr 1hIFIITi 'a I1 E1 LL1.1 II H i'.1l14, DR. IEDW. V. SMITHI General Practice ihursliOti 1 -.2 4 crt - l7 t. i Office oî ec lA jeh lIroa Store '1-.tIAL A ITE I N )i l'tII TII LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS llenry Sine's Sale Barn 2-,14 EM18A AVE.,- 7JuIN Cil- ILL jrcdejec i$ l~5 uih. Ai e i. foui, oh ajcccc. ns tu. 11- ujIiu AUCTIONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES Wm LAYCOCK Co. Opoite S aliriitDepot Libertyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A SPECIALTY Fuiglis erlintiled. A Full The Governmnent pays Raiimay Ma&il Cferks 0800 ta $1200- and other employees up ta 82600 annually. l'ucle Sam wlll hold spring ex ami- tions throughout the counttY for Riai1 ay Mal t(,,erk@, , ustom House l'lerko, _Stenograpbsrs, Boakkesîîere. lie1art- mental Clerks aud î,ther Guverîîînerîitl'O- citions. Thousands(iiiapl,<ilntnieflcail &e mde, &ny lîlen jran-wia 1j , I lt11a- rt y o r îjjuntry (-au gi-t in'l rwti ui li i Bi-tlling. lb j ljist,- r iN. ORAVSLAKE DEPARTMENTI P. J. DiRI'CE. Edior Phone No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advertising Rates On Application Rov. T. A. Stevens, a former past.or ri the Congregtonal choreh couduoied the servies boe. unday evsnhug. R. B. Gordfrey, of Antîichb, apet SUn- day wîtItb s parents bere. Henry Kuabk@r drove bis tean t-o Waukegan, Frhday and torik tlîe train to Chicago. W. H. Wlmot, of Waukegan. drove ou% Sunday and called ou hi&, daagbter. lire. Henry Kuehiker and family. lire. Ned Mason, of Lhbertyville, trau- sactsd business bsre tonday. Mis@ Hazel Hoffman wiii remain here wlth Misse Fiii'lti Kuelîker untîl tii, close rif sihool. Gea. Hoffinan and faaiily tiijjveui tliî week front the tarin wlîîî h tbey re-entliv sîîld to tue loljlcîijale ICoi. tii ariivr Cty thoIr formeîr homîie. W e regret lji loft sncb a filnîe ftjily roijiou r iid o I Roy ' Ici lic. iofi I- -la. Iow a. e-us th lig et othlU a 1jv' F.IfB. ec i i, ' al fantiy.1 'Irs. Tloiiiae iiiîiagtiîn le et th l'i eeiî rterîaîtiîîîe1îitea lure clii înil Cc Set iai iery eticîceil lopsretiin Mre liearad, of Chbi-ego, lies rcîted te Lason Cottage. Lkonard Houîk bas redigned bis posi- tion et tueh I . Carflsketcre. Jo ci-b-,sfferJr.basum î-î-cîtemIia e tion lirat,, Mr,îuud i r, KlxIIî- k e li-girll-ciîiuy , A i l -ru 2. "I iiirsuliîi i- % iiu r-j il! t I lii tIi, NIa i N Ire liceguî, and aiiî yare i îij iii., thýI I, a iI Wîgc rhe Sourd Sleep of Goud Heaiih. i-i tft-, NI îji 'Ir- .d I-i 111tiii"i rlii ret,rati- 1,,,,rfi -aiý-r lit jl - lîiIj ii*i i Fiii I-a nit e ,jer ,eîîa n an, a,;al 'iI2 meînt lîîî îpreenttc t isa eîîiî e ýFtii Mss liî it) ,iitilili-,ciii' cci roi lii-aitii j 1,Sotutie F.cEa I lit ici- ua ciet ta i i f the rîîeic s'oacs m-. For eai îtîg tiiie 1I lti1-11c.jUOi- iss fiMaria i-,ijr au jaîlijthie ablIe t,j alent)m(i jtndly g lits. h"a-'cue "I lu niculi! ~lier nu-1hewîî t lA aukehit, pîains aci--s u laik anud sir,-ueî- i %'uir'sdasv îiiy iîîtueYs MY nii,- acoi-ru lijr IM stecs i ali, ,îîAide Loiittas,;pent isti iid y general i uîîiiitiuiîi citaj, i lui Irs , c1 .i.iî.ja~ 'ilis lulit là ,,,urt tujje- cl i ui c a m L ia rj-uki 1 oct andiiilîul iii îîeis alii 1j iiî'c aiiiltiuu jegiv.. -Id oiN uii,Idiu j»Ijýý . 1 k Fi tll, .% h i I i i n-iii lîj-r i ii ual uuî inj, c- î-puuîar la u l li jîu lir. 1j ll ViRcîk Bl'- 1 [i f. 1luiairvilii'j ifui r it 'hjC.-1uit i. tluir, Ilîca-it M I gua r tcu - I, mi lul iit1 ail jjji ii qlc ,iiiii l, n ii. ALL DEALERS I li c l i-i ll' î *îc VsmaIl[ J"uic etc j c 1 ulii- andili- rlruillt lj.-jjjij 1li ,, iî ifu --d i l Nw, .,ul j iii jajil li Il r, Jjejîtîs uud opeit indav and Moin lac lit IitijIl. hti-ir *l v -lertrisu-uju t-j business in i Ili agi -- e 'aisM iitrî - a-uulis, tl j I 'uný Oc, tic guis ieîl ri tien. i--h lifro lu luleîuth, Lili-rtyi IIi, lai r t raitsii.-,-iiiiiîc-- ir, Tluirijat M' 'air1,-l andî C isf, aî.l u i t' Li, lic Mrlui DI R NI. lIttcc t1i-pui iiiiiil lue e , ,cau caie liert ... u.aju lie 2uj 1 ,il ia ro lia, ng cliy tr ijiituiimCi r di-. jmilit tait1 tuo s,i-clmj Tlue- irijraîi giveji ut th,- iijigrecia- îî uitt j( liucu lu aist Taulidai c-îîîîug ar ia sii-se ini ccery xc y. Thle il ii cccl i i.. tr u iihue Caeeîacrgiccli 1,iTat, tii-,n ajui'ar. îarrisjuitae as guI use ii -t îiuîuug aeliie irs as.ii ai tIr tlariulj-j -nue gi-n lîy Mies liiiertia I a aj îîi Mccrs rrsoiThe cuul) ezceptlonally good sud theclun number of tablealuwere ImprssIve and beautifol. Longabtugil & Allen. The llrm of logabaugh & Allen bas@ fhseolved partnersblp, owlng tri the pour health of Mr. Allen. Ds bas friuudi t neeeeeery to moek outmlde wîirk and dîfferent cligate. Hie regrets very nueh I tri leave bis good business prospecte f here, but consîden bis bealtb mure im- portant. The Ohm bas@lieeii cîîîgenial, i unter-prislng and prosperious and tesi the ieceesity rit dioos<ing îjartircîîiîî eeni W \I1%Allen wll I@lase fic I cmi% e tbej mijtt ofMay, white Mr. Liiiugalicogii oui jîitiliithetbobusiness. Obituary. Jhn S. 'aurrie, soîîî,i i euirg, andl l.izaehbMarrie, e-es 1j ii iniii'uoan., Ste- jersey, lune 12 1,-,2,lbat (arnlii' tb i aetat.sjb).iai - oity 1i IL welieun acre bous. >jtfiîls flt lieiug spent in the tua i iiofXia-nHe wa8 United lu merriag- Apil 10, 18-7 9 tu Catbrne L. McCredie T,,tlîîs anioîn wers haro tour sons and1 twoîîdangbters, tbe eldest danghter Ejiiîiic departed this file Aug. 30, IKtie lRoy 1L l.ynu A., Howard E., Mauricie E. and Ida Mabel reluain wltb their îîîjtbor to hoîd in loving remembrante the îînory af a kinîl bueband and father.lIn toung rnanhood bs Uniited e-itii tlie-Coigrege- t ijiil cburb of NMiiliiîi rCOinig ta (iray sle eiin IS91 lie ii1-ic acîîî ltuer (t ttl'iiCiigremgatl--nual j I i . h lre. ie e-a superntedeît j t ti,-Siîiidiay se-h jjjj t- neariy t'ri yeari amli, i i, hy ýd tii lii, uIlent ex te-ti ritiiiilijlip iiat a ici kpcrtciiiiiurtii th.. churj i was a pleeiuirs t lîîiuî t-reiy the nenuory and iaiiue-îîi f lbis Itee wli deepen, a iden andlîrîghte i n tbe beenis and lises ut th- w ahti knace nd laved birn, earthb eas lîrîglîtor tiecen'i he e-as bers and llecceDsnecîie nearen . ecau@e lie i there. Fojr airajit taeuty yvears lis was e iiieiiiber utflirayeleke CampiîuM. W. A ,îou sai rItij eas th, great to ie imade for fls riap as lue euîoyed allwor,. runacctcd a thiit, for nîaiîy yeare bis aas e ii Ij iieiHe a-asi aiso a inember ofthe Court ofIlijnjîr. V-or us lehe silen tiy lbore m i tii patienje tii, siiff.-rîag scuich disause cuoglit tii Iiii ii a'en tb- slent lîc-amli- ett I o ioC kFriday ecenngAjiril '22. 11-T.A.Stepheus utf Lacon, III.,a j cii lst-jr and trienîjl îficieted et th iii ieral. fîls text iîing. lun mi F-atm-i e 1uiuse are many iiteiieious - liiric i jhe lieicrau laie î-cîîetery the M. W -A.î-îînîtnî tiug the sers tis ethe grae Tle tlti rai offerlingm %vers iîcuy aind beantitol l-tj-îativee trîîîîîMilibuau Russell-, L.ak Fo-rest, 'inti- Ch Waa.e- geli and Lakeielia werc lireseut. Card oif Thai-iks. Wt cxti-pd jor hearttclt titanke ta thc fiel wîhuui o lii tje i-uxiressed in îaany waes titi- pirit uit syrîpathy andhlcp- f uîiîeec iluriîg thie lestililtess and deeth uof uur lucluji i-iljue. ( .%ci iiiIMi u aijivNii Fcsiia. RfC!IVÈS RURAL ROUIE RIJIES Fourth Assistant PostmaterOsîseral Calfa Attention of the Rural Route Patrons to Important Requirementa of the Postoffice Ospartment. PostmàAter Taylor bas recel yod coim- munication fromn Fourtb Assistant 'ostnmater General DeGraw, lu charge of tbe division of rural delivery, tu which that officiai calîs attention of the rural route patroini ta Important sclulremsnt, rit the postottice depart- mnt. One of these la the need of keep- ong the hlgçhwars lu passable c'ondlion and the other jeteri te the neceesty of patrons paiuting their mail boxe% ard te poste to wblrh tbey are attached a pure white color. Regarding better rilgbways tbe officiel writes: "As a result of geuirral and epeclal lettera sent ont by lthe di-partmeut, and the cii operation of pîîjtiiiaitera cnd carriers, ther- lias lîcea a greet improveiueat in the lîîglwaye ou wliicb rural rojutes ars esteblishsd. -)-o îuare iiirceid t i mi jriyoîr- self sitb refereieetj tii, uqiditionîiof ruade aud bridges on the rural routes ont oft' vur place and ti ,i i ld tuai they rejîuire illîpros culent you u ho.uld ureseut the ijatter in the errongret and nîiemt pjjsitive we.y to tue luatruins and rondl ufitials, intormiîig thein that imîîrocerenté muet be mjade a8sooj&n as luractir-al. If, alter a reamunable timje bas elapeed, the improvements bave not beeu made, yoîî will report the tact to tlîis office iu order tbet action nîay lie taken ioouiing tÀi the diecontinuance oif tîte sers ire. "The depertinent is nit cîîncernsd in elaborete rijajiiiiiîirîiî cente, but ni the interest j t the lîeet sers je to tie largeet lnu r of îîat rjjnscILtmuet iaI i8tio, athe rmuie l'eing Sitrin giiîd reluair, tiie-lai-k -il e-li, fisiusîîejlly due t(jiipruor grediiig and surfa-e worli. wliiu-li1i-an eajilY and j leaply lie acj-oiniillihedl y îîie wurk and the regular useof- iflic siilitlog draig or Ciiiilier île c-e -It la also the d'aire jfît tie depart- jîjent tliat yjoeernestly reî1uest patrons of rural delivery oiatiif your off-ee to paint their boxies and the poste tii a bibh tbey are attacbed a putre whbite cîjîjr. Tbîe course if pursed, wîill utt only resait in beitetit to thec patromu iu serving ta proteit bis box and putet from damage ljy tîhe sneatler lait miii giva 1ail boxes eajinitiri olur and serve to lix their identity in all parts ofthte coauntry as i niteji ttatea mati ijoxes, aud i iiigiî e tlîeîî a îîîuvu-i ater and more sighty eppc-arani'e than tbey nue- poseesIt lisoejiecil tbat jiatrins lie iaituej tu imprnlt tiîeir naijnes and box rumierasfin boxetsItalack block letters about twojinjcelie igb. If au tbhehbousces in tlîîctua n 'ece painted wîthB lradley là arîjonîcn ul're 'ain t tbcrc w, a d b'iiio r, painutting tîîr et iest -7,ci-arc F.fij'j i lau the agent. LAKE VILLA Obituary Ilîiledt ber home in Lake V ila, l1I.,et 74:30 Wiçtick i'undey atteruoon, April 10, foru moi Foir Sale deat i oruuu fblrali iitri ai aIs 4iec ucr tmiulucil uc l ! L.O IS J. YEOMAN ae-eu A te-ing or dry îuuughî i aul'e jqi khilad -ii iseed a ith D r. Sio, lnsuagilluui y - E H c, i jrulard nu iioi 3 r * * * ýv v ALL DEALERS. n1i-lt hie-etuhue Luituler liii haiu tirÉIii indi uf it eld Send8.Tiihl--tilijiis (.-2 1 tI We 1lue ail ie-cofdrain tîte ln stojck. MIIJ.BURN Riglit pi,i N et aises.ns Liiu GOOD NEWS lr, iihln E1'11 UiL,îu 11quuîHa li. oi3 c.ed M r VH.Milrofgbnd_________ Par, lstc Tliîsiay ait(l Fridey eitb Many Libertyvilie Feaders Have Mrs. Spafiaird. OER N Heard It andi Prenfid Thereby. "urdt ae reei cil Frlday uittbe death Th ltos scey ha uit-I. S. Marris, jout lraymlake. Mr. Morris h - jod neas tras ris tast- and theie s tlîr suuuiii-lac uuof Mr.and Mrs. Aichie eiigle ie ii1frten ofo h liousendsof bed bec-k saflerers in Liber MuCredie and ae cuuiuiof'ars. Juohnchuce tyilîle are gla otehiarn tliet tromît limner. C. T.\jirtiiriili oîtChicago i csiteul lis relief is aithin titir reuh. cMan ' vaý r.ýrA)esn i osKnabohrleels p lame. aeak antd acuing lia--k sbail ii rsIua jdrsiifIt Tehsboie rr er este Sotkain. 1mire, thiinetii Ioans Ktdnî-y Pulls* rctornjilI froju lier visit wîth lier rnotler, lclceî nteSir aii1 Thosende lîpon thîoueenuus ut peuulilu- Mca ,eu. Sttcattg.prepiaijg tii lilull a coci-e ingaiii are ellng he oodnew ofther e p M ss lornce And rso , o La c hercte flil lufr i i ouse stands, enre e-tbhie Otd Quakec ltiiiedy. lieue I ouet. -petit Stonuia > a tb lier iuthcr îîîîîî, Vaýod sen udyn is an exaoîîulu- aoct-hireeding: mtil grandîoother. Mclulli l îugujascîuigle Mars. IL M Jenusen, Calhouîî trevt 'Niis lIce A'alss.ofiChicago LanD, Ns, Gr. ai -lI i Ucads1. iiin le Wouîdmtruck. il]..-say@: Iqlies,- oly N 1i terI lier gruîidîiarents a le- deys. _______M- _T____________ e-ocde tftraîse fur Ioao P Kîdne i-yIîo-,Ilr aujd Mrs W - A. Sefforulment tii I fiaiv eeilîcîju andl have rceiveut su, Il ii ,Monduia> - Mi-. Saefjrd tii attend FREMONT. înncb bejetit tiiet 1 cuîsdi-r it i.,nululîs î îîu-aîuna-d Mus. Saffuind la tii tay Albeirt iStalil.îof Long Groce. j cluil n to tell utlîec 1eruins uitthiii reîîucuy. i suîîîeî uule athiuer daugbter as Wheatîuîu rilý-iai iilu ii, day lest ail- . suflered lic tai, ieacs fruuîa lainesijoxin I 11.Muke l'aiOiiiC cent Suînjlcy jt L.u îg baik kandl i s rcujîsai-usoîm y idnery e sunIilay 'A lr. 24, Mrs. Iieuu ttrang iruice. and wbiI (icuglt j-ild lily iachtue- j,,eelrateji ler r2nd birtbday. Several Mtsi. Juji- luerrîn and dcugîti-r. f ceuuuelame. tlcadachlie and uizay spllit tîle luldreri u eot the day aitb lier. Libertyvillic ijienjt- e fe-dace lest ai-rh alstu botluereul rie andjuI1i-ouîl nut do ails e-or. IIlulluJircuril oan kiney Mi.mmissNlîuTî rotter, of Evauistoji8 uwe-tbhlier plieinta ,Mr. and MrH. laie Pille aud 1 bave impciiced steadiy sînce -sslghcsîtrNr.AK.Bi. Feecu usiog thorn. The pain fa uuy baesklues C. E Trtiic 'aY 1-10: Christ aur Kinîg Mrs. Geo.i lu-rtl,- spent a fee- laysvet diseppeered aîud I teel bette-r lu svery Juin l1S::1:140. Cojserration Meeting, aek autiurelives at Inglesidi-. wey.' ielph Miller, leeder. Quite e number rom bere attended the For sale by al dealers. Price ,0 cents. Tbe Ladies' Aid Society e-W kold their dn,, ai Round Lake Wednesday sveo- Foster-Mlîburu Co..- Buffaloî, New York, reguler aoutbly meetinaMa7 .làgu a ejowebe tm easbe b sole agente for lteI nited Stetes. milIl es mrved lu box syle. Eac Remember the D ame- DLiane-----aud briug lunch for te-a and caffeae-UtI be; taesnu riiher. 80-2t servsd by the Society Sec. Sobscrilue nue- $1.50 Ver yeax. ljyl .c t au Aý n-H. Sheehený Mrs. Sheefhan wae merly Maiss Mary 'A. tyroc. uf Weuke- nShe aas hu un Waken 't., lh, bing tlty tsars. seve ath aend nine deye et the timie of ber at. She was aîarrîed tii Wai. H. chan. Plelit . 6,LScu2.and tii tbem re hum eight i idreu. tirs of e-hum Plis ing licnîi-lMrs. FHenry Atell A Jousep, of Lah 'ia;WNinu.and Dard, ,ît Biliînge. Moatana.;a-ho vther wa li tu-jr tather are iî-tt tii ucl the lu s ofu a hiind and inul genit i and iuutlicr. Pli, csu teaies te-o i.ý grainkuii bdjren endinalîcîîvotiier latices and a large, iIrileot frîrnds and îuîcintaîues ithusaîiy ri-gret ber Aden uieeth. Sue ailil e sediy misefd ail and hi-r cc-eut j udr hIl ever be rrhiixjtcr ilfcadar ori-wiîu bas gone We mii h. ,.,.scosurhomel],a, motter e-e r11188 tlec uls il y place. Aciiauuw 0cr i arille s cast. We min.e c Muisuic u iy face We Wi. thy kli lldj,illi.g haîud Our hoo, daîkl hot hee ISte huis ,h ofrerjoOrc AI hîjî 11liutuii1 Cii-- i mm ar eh l iu- ii ujO l iii- ii-p ,.i a îja h, Iliju ip 11iio tuoli 'ili-i. Hv li' - iii, i i th'. - h-ic a Sil' U1i jreit titi Card rif Thariks. fiea i hu thauk th.- meny kiud frîuîuis andIi iii-glikuuirc aWhousc k indit usus md c iiuor sel ,berpavejiuint, aoi uis îhosou iîndly rementbi-red ,,ir dar luis -I u,1w with l oueers. W ci. Stuîp.uIAN cAIIi U Aciii s. Big shiî,iiirit Puo wn ailal eizaIrs dri cliti l it T l, IEI VLt' Lt-suit:aiCoi C-31i ID Sarah Wathena Brown and the Chicago Boy Choir WILL BE AT 'M1E GRAYSLAKE OPERA iIOUSE IWednesday Evening, May 4 SUGGESTIVE PROGRAM Numbers s-leited at random from soine of the prrigram given by thsm: Four boys Royal Highla.nd costume. Bagpipes, ensemble, solos, etc. Hiîghlandfliug by aIl four boys wlth Mm. Broiwn at the piano, Swotsh soug by one of the boys .dth Mrm. Brown playlng the accompaulment. Harp eolo. Boys as tinte-h Klddies in scee from The Red MiIl. Marimbaphone soit) by Mrs. Brown, played wlth bammere. Also for the firet Urne fu lyceum with toas. Marimbapbîîms iy NMre Browan and boys la Spanisb costume witb castanets and tarnjl.jrjucs prcsenting in a typical and elaborate mariner, la paiojjaý Harp solo. Aurther number is a proce8snînal in (hoir rob)es3 Boy@ start iiig- lug bebînd the el enOe aDi apî.-ar a in ic robes singing a number of hvimns. are a rnamîer t lîright eu jor- 1I ne of them the boys siug tbe sîng -Play Bl anad art out part ofi th, gaaie, in a vpry amusiag mariner. The entertajument is high cascs and sure tri please the testes of everyone, and best oif ail itS FREE, as AT ANY TIME DURING APRIL when your cash purchases total $3 50 at Henry Kuebker's you are entitled ta ONE F-REE TICKET. Tickets also wiii be sold, those having secured at leasttnrifeiree ticket through purchases of $3,50 cari boy sdditional Ones at 35c each. To those flot buying gonids of me tickets wilI be 50c. The tickets are nom resdy for distribution at Hlenry Kuebker's Store One Cent is a Trîfling Sum of Money but if expended for Electrtcîty it will buy from the North Shore Electric Company enough to operate a 16 candie power carbon lamp an hour and a half, or a 20 candie power Tungsten lamp three hours. It will run a sewing machine motor one hour, or a vacum cleaner 45 minutes, or a washing machine 30 minutes, or an automobile tire pump 30 minutes. It will keep a 6-lb flatiron hot 20 minutes, or make four cups of coffee in an electric per- colator, or boit a quart of water, or heat the baby's milk twice. It will keep a heating pad hot two hours, or cook a Welsh rarebit in an electric chafing dish, or heat an electric curling iron 1 5 minutes a day every day for two weeks. Electricity in the home is a Iuxary in ail respects except cost. NORTHI SHORE ELECTRIC CO. 230 N. fiENESEE ST. WAUKEfAN ILL TELEPMONE 258 FARMERS! 1Iam the o Lake County Agent For the LA NSIzNGSILOg Ilav ing two of them on my farm in use 4 and 5 *years, 1 can recomend them in the higliett terms. if desired I will furnish ail staging and ereet the *Silo. Be sure and get our prices and ternis before 0 Oplacing your order. 0. G. HIAWKINS Phone Waukegn 9122 Gurnee, 111. ..... . - I-, ey-t etpertiIr -del-, K iuIuiii - t1e-auj it aili re é auil])ii, re cicsv i I ft uitIra Y..,soe uti ilui.lieuf,r Ho.-é,c a sulu .1. j Dr. 'W suuida S- a ji i i1- 213 w "b SEIEING is BELIEVING 1Believe You ShouId See Me About Your b Glasses. c 1 toun cii Clrechi Claiije"d ith jusý utijaj f m - jug hc j rrj, , i - ake .0 chaij- luy tirjîigjiyîjjuryee u,me. .'e as esmîjiete ..c- le tauîu..Yn"oijor auj. PoeiookT 1jejll put en ejirct-in toUt ame. ETES TESTED FEE. W.l. Law, Graduate Opfkian, ation St-2Ssii loor. WAUKEGIAN.I 11... Public opinion les trongly lu fevor oi ure peint. I yru share it boy Brad- & Vroonxan Pure Paint. ita the vat u nypie.B1~b F .Subscribe Now. $1.50 p~ -~ l clted -a ti-di- i - te. r clati £0 j, i.., it, rt ii 'j i a- aI 1- Inr b.-rwhB.2e iv je- rk tme nt genrs, hop g '2 rietor. 1