)AI~Â, AJL2,[1 JUST RgCEV Our Gardeni and FWo Corne in while t4e a is complete, Rush Park Seet Garden Ste 2 Packages for J. ELI TRIC Phone 25 000"01 YES SIR, WE SELL IT Whatever yon w'ant in Men's Furni8hlngs you'll find hiere-and you'l find It riglit both ln qnality and price every time. IIALF IIOSE : LUBERTYVILLE BRIEFSj LOCAL- AND PERSONAL. MENTION] w«er Seeds e assortrnent o AdCo. eds. G S Phone 3 Youl connot pnrchase half hoe of more reliable qtîaîity -in . ipirenbai a. ccth'e a ici. tlian tlat which we offer. We furnish our stock frornth i . iý at Iis liefeller. very flnest haif hose obtaînable in each price-grade. Ouîr jt lfî.Hubbard, il, neixi. appiiintA' fancy haif liose includes the very latest and sîrtt, eiiiiititIr"lm,iiî,îî'lift designs and the newest shader. Corne in and look them g aiul fdaiiig ,tý en oing niie over. dee'îrating the -Ni E. hunht hre wiii SHO S Mes daSpring fiii'iretîirîîeilfrrni in ail the correct models for the season, are ready for you h'< raritfo otiîiiie e a .bceh iîtd at our store. Our shoes are famous throuîghotît this sec- mis -NIle .e ofe u Des Pliaine.'. wai tion for their stylish appearance and long wear, and Dnm-the gli,'ct .1 the (',F. Wrgbt faiiy of our vustouiers get ail their footwear lîcre. We caîî fit .tatiirdii Suiiday anid Nfiriidtiy. " traîisfer' ation , h te iuterior o yoii perfet1ty frorn ouir vmipiletu' range iof szslL'. <lei xhn"-<.iîrrs <' tîî'ahiebly cii , r. in a it it is r do' tbrougir J. B, MORS[ Everything for llen & c"0 mmNI s,. Naret Si- 'a itI returuîl I LIBER1'YXILLE, I rr. ti..'i. a ClIi' unir C. N<i.lrît .1<a r, i I1 ie rr , . t' lîk, t' 1 !it., t l t I h.' 1 ,rd.;,i. 1, r)' tir rt ar kim. m 1 t'xxii ira riratl lo rie t 1r, lie See us about STAVER BUGGIES Fif tg to select from. Good Prices. Buy a buggyj with a reputation and know what is under the paInt. The Staver is a Staver SUHÂNUK bRose A - L ittle . Clock. Talk. Would you like to uial.c an investmient in (iok lerei le a vlek stock that oint let vou cpend aiîy miiiey un2wieî, If yoi j ut wan t a led r.,,)ii clr ck,.nîletbing îîîerî'i to tell tihe time dont tpend very mucli sajy a dollar or sor Btut il y.u deéiire an ornamnt for your liing rein, payuy îî- ordio, and you'Ilicpend your ieoney wisely. We Repeat--Do You WiSh to InveSt'in Clocks ? If so.-Let us Show You. A. HUSS THE JEWELER Libertyville, Ill. - I .--- ---------- I To hIsurt publication in thee IndePen- dent, copv muat b. In the office no [star than Tueutay of each week. Advef- tisera, especlaIiy. are asked ta take perticealar notiesta thiS effsct. Fied Croker vtslted bis alster lu Chic&. go Bunday. F. 8. Kern was a Waukegan business calter Monday. uns. S. P. Eviteizor wse an Evausten visitor Tbursday. Jean Ryan sd Lie Whitneyr were Chi- cago visiter, Tuesday. Contractar Wsehhuru bas moe d t., Lake Foreet, hi@ future nome. Charles Acers epeut Suaday with R.ockefeller and Waulicgan friends. George Koon, the horseman, w ili move into the Nagle reeidenre on Park Ave. Mr. and MNr. Keen, of Kankakee, are vieiting their Ken. .Arthur. at Sheldon- hiuret. Mise iut hBoit and %lies Flerenie Evilsizor eplwnt Saturday atteruu at Waukegan. Michael Burke, au ex-roadmîacter in the railway field. hae moved to a ('lîja. izo suburb. The sheds of the libertyvlilLe Lumber Company have bveu re-letteird ty parties from Racine, The eleven year eld dauglitpr o et l. and Lire. XNhlpple le ck witli îiiamlee and 1,eiuiaiii!. ix Il iraiîiifoithe turf. ý-,v oe u iî i-eitiiea'pinted fotr te co,- ar,' kîî il tto bu lIe'iiicir ti' ' i '.i' g flc eî'rt i.to 'ugiien b, the Choral w'il ire kjît at t.fîeiliibuUrirrs îS- Ni'vIl a' . 1,are aî'tii in tiheir w ork, jle cul (frse Jrohn (<rie iiirriCir r' il, tundf r r cti'eri i xxiibu,-treated tii an ileat i.ioff litr fou rteen îîîen tue r ii etertaîn men t w uitbi' oiipatroinage. daiiciîter iithe(ii nerai tcig ioli liii iii Tues ýiio - crf îevlu' nd Tiiu rsdai' froi îJi 1-i r liinie. ifash-c, , iii%, i t 1'iwuir.. i i ey ijjYsCau (lie Tiiwn Hall. pneuiiiîtiii.t. ere tIti 'ause uf lir elath. racît tri iii' iiulitg p-ple acre engaged 'Miinifivi iicitin., LiEc l'ditlh ait,1 t. xi ralirlrig attîlîmaiing 2t0,00t0tt('iuiee E.t fi, Sprin ig a tteiile.îl a eux eiti' ebo%%r, c ' f the limnec lhioici.p<er punblîcbed bv ini hîîîmnîîf et rier'îiîîungwseddiiigof Matth.- the Siucirolîi miiiicty Prece4. Millier anîl Tho.u. Tyrreli, Jr., at tiie Tii Masos sunix work in the thîrri de- bhoie rto iif roin eîareîts in iikegre -Satitrdav 'iy iiing. Severai oet ieir glu. lîrrtiter, (roien (N iatigan ixere in attend- %fnIdu.til iia,. art er di iagrueabie <ai ati'e, %%lti accietut iii thte woîrk. A lunch aur the i ali l iii hii r liaive ruad Niarîi wase r ed eafier ilicenmeeting w-asad- 27, îîîeîîrioof .1rii 2. hrai-rf for a hiiiriiei.fl. iririeri i i a cniicr. titi.' <ml ln ient a rriii cmîux. the wind (I iiuigtir the iti( Jment weatber Sun- uns tfltr,î i,., nuîrtht antdl et lriatnt tiidauniv, iith'eiiiiviî"î ar ci'rt t.. hart' fa,, <cetn givéi-ii n t iiirantd at t rpritan- Mii--(Ai,, u'Fuler, %itio aae niurcilliii age ai Laike Bliitii Sunday, wae pset- a aitch iteitgi n i tiit St. Paul ruail six i. iimd ciitili ii vit :iriIiay, rii lng the woekC agi i.reiîiiiri-if lier blahiiîn tbilsweatber <ai. ii ai.ecitie (correct irerîic olii cMotnai . (<ra'(îcltbe ioi',tien. ie. îctban'kfuni aîîd lier many triende îîîîs .Ci , ie t eiu iiei are gis. tiiknîiw titat siue bai recovered -et tuiwu m"'.mLlivuý' ne ob o onbeugiti a watch frein 0cr local troc.ithe sbock ehe reeîved at that tune. jea-eler, A. C. Hus. abouct a year ago, Crowx' are kuoa u te be thieves, snd and wblle John w ae piowiug in a field, wbeii theymake ai.eteailr the tiretsin te, he loct it. Ofrcturse be mourned biec]ose aîîd gem away xx tlî their beîîtv. they are snd hunteil eeer ' ynîiîk and cerner ln likeiy tii reture. Tuecday oeeoe theffe bopes of tlnding it, but ho tsiled. lu peste put n ai aplîcaran. e at the Soum tact tIih ecirre,' iad practii'ally been reiienî e on P'ark avenue and ilayed tbe part ot inri'eni.c am clong ae it was wathed. fuît as eiiîiias 'ire Siocumes baik wam s tîîrmîd, it made a "dix e" at a thre are' old i'iick, and ruade a god e.ale xx tb ite i eitmm Thne Park Ave. p.eoplre are ni)rin arme, and advmee their frieîil. and mîighîrs te priiiid.' gunc, anul tfîe irst nruemmîer of tlîe feathered trilie tfîat rei-cmbiei a crea , "et tîy'i tlîey %Tant tii cave their broilere and fryc. forgotten, bîut w lien he went to loîw lu the saine helîl a tew dayes gii, tiie waUtcli iai ressurree'ted, and bis îoy wa8iîlîmîtt,'d n indimgit. Beecpîiueed it ivas w irtiiii'et as it bad been in the grounîl for aluut a.vear, aud it wtuid net rue. Curiiti"i3 prempted himtt. winîl it, whiiii lie (<tend that tii.' îvrki, were imtact andîl t i' cald tlîat it hie kept goîîîltîîîc iii-r iuie, wblclî lreves that thec nakers ui oct reliable goeds. f NDUSTRY ALONE IS A GOOD THINO and ciiu1iid witb eterprise and prudence is excellent imsurance offi1nai cuccesei. QUR BANK gives the prudent mac abseicte eafety andl î'ery !aciity for SAVING, HANDLING AND INVESTING bic înuitey. M'e appreciate and give careîci attention te everY accoiiut w itb wbich wc are enitructed. The First National Bank of Libertyville Nezi Door ta the Pott-Officte Open Saturday Nigts DEATtt R!UOVMSA SPLfDID CITIZEN Frank B. Lovels PaSsang Brings Regret tu Every Lib.rtyville Citizen. Hia Exemple as an Upbuilder. Lihertyv Ille eau 111 afford tue]ose such men as F. B. Lovell. Be wai et those Who build.ed wei. He gave us the. convenise and protection of a tolt phone syftem ai a time wben the ventueapromissd little of @uoces». ais busines abltty and pereervereuce are as Weil eridenoed lu Libersyville, soplendid phsrmacy wbtch la excelied ')Y Dne iu Le". county. liii effort@ were ait COntrutive-ean upbuilder, a mnu whoee judgment and digntty made the tidear citizen be waii. Nor yet tee, buey te devote te clvtc dutieo of ishitime sud aubetance. Be served ai counilmuan and deveted te his village the came inteligent efforthe did tu private veuturee and w.' have fmprovernente belie lî.eld inangurate sud w hich preeerve healtb, Premlete balepi- nes and increaoe vaiune. et et al these it was ai a bome inilder lie eerred the meet ideal exampie. For hie failix lie provided every care s leving hucbandi and father couid. ln theurliîapî.fnecs3 and content lis tound greateet satisfac- tien. For thern. Wacbie firet tlîîugbt and la tlîem his tondeet pride. Sucb a man, tather, citizen and neigb- ber wae Frank B. Loveli. In hie paeelng Llbertyvilie ]oecs one whose piace wiii net be tied. We are better fer having knowu hlm, as a city we are reinbursed beeause et his citizeuehblp. He wae se mnch, did se inncb aud gave se much, tbere le@ cr este d E. A. Blshop was a Chicago business cailler Mouday. lir. Hoa« Mll occupy the Hurîbut fiat alter May lot. Miss Flore Churcbill spent Saturday alternoon at Waakegam- H. 9. Senborn, of Hnriey. South Dakota, la vlsttng W. C. Ssnborn. WiIi Wrght, of Chicago, epent Satur- day and Suuday with bis parents. Bert Hall, recont4y marricd, bai reut- ed the tlleintein praperty on Lincolin Av. e Mr&. Mande Kttcbeu, ef Fox Lake, vieited ber mother, Mir@. Sprlng, Monday. NIre, . . .Smith eud chili arc, visiting trienîle and reative@ienlevLauctenthie week. M'. %V. Carrol attendixi the tîlieraf of bis niece. Joue Caroilat (N iiiette, .Nienday. lire. Carence ILarsonmi. Fox .ake. wai the guet o! Libert.N illie friendc Menday. Euters report tlîst iever bave there been ce few dccks ffying in LakeC ('eînty ase thie year. Mie. Car] Bader bac rettîred troin Chicago, wbere ohe vîited friende for severai daye. Two candidates were icen the Initia- tory degrpe iu the order of Odd Feliaws, Monday night. Itegular services at St L.a,% rence Mie- mion Scnday atterneen at 2.30 i. dock. E verybody weicome. Manager Murray, ofthte Cas company, was.iu Cbicago Mondav (in L,îîineee coni. neeted wtthte local plant. Mr. sud Mrs. J. T. ltIîbrtein attcnded the wedding etofMr. Reb'rtcî,iiie sie" ter Morocco, Indiana, Wedneelday. The Ladies' Aid Societ ' vef the Ni.F.. chcrcb wili meet at tii.'borînec of Mre. iteeblers Tcesday aft.rueio, i.May :I. The Newcî,mb tamiy.cf l'biragî,i. xill meve te Lîbertyville and vil reside lu the Wbecier bouge on M, Kinlcy avenue. The a.N. A. gave thelîcr îrie.ll <aid partx' and dance of the'meationnin their hall lait Wedueeday evenîîîg. (Il reuport a fine turne. Lloyid Taylorr le nî,w -eretar. ,of the oi.ung Ninericai Cl,, fin- vi a iîcv Iing tause' by the endîfen deýiiartzie, of Chas. 11 iutro lait week. Tlii. tew reidencf- of LIfî e "îîîtli on Ti i d treet. w ili b.' ditdcl< ocl i fî.niiîNiLiIc'vi. t a hirl intîite tlîeî'xiii bc 1< ,îîr in b lofal they lixe Tii.'Il 'i A. will clel'ratce ii. I4thî Aiîiîiî,reîrY of t..E , -,ir ( aiîij , No. P 7, \ia ai uta hi,c ii iAl i Ieiiî lire are î'ntiti,ýd to .Ditv i.' rigie-ýtIregrali. etarir. ait. 0, Alirii, nîra Cee %%hat 3(ru have gene and <lin.' Mî,nîay cveîîiiig. t W,, traugere caille trr towîî wben they boraine tt,îîter,îus, ce iiîcli c,, that it remiiîded tii, eh mettl.rs ef a w ar ivlîce., thet lîcard 3earc aizo. The attention efthe imarchnai wac calied to the manner iu wiiich tbey were conductiug themeeli ee, wben the efficer reîîîînded tbuî that theY were Dot in the far west, and if they dîd net icoes yelling, thoy wouid be pulied. Aliter making nîsny apologies as te their cendn,-t, they con- sented te,<le ce, leax ing towe in a iamb like nianner. Ai1 Barber, wbo enlited tiiirteeu îe<întbe age, iii Ci,îiîpauy (I elEngineere, arrived bhnme Teday. Mr. Barber eerved eleven menthii oethe year he cnilisted for, aiid wae cent te Henolulu. w lier, lie bam been nu) tili twt, oceke ago, Nhlen lie ctîrted for hiomie. lIn ý~.Iwking of tiiei îuntry lie vw ac nlie < c ave tlîat if one bacsl.lenty of meney, dc e iwortlî living, otherwise yen wonld lie fetter off in the brnch, as everytlîing le lîigh in prîce. As te the clîinate. it Je nlice an faait ge, and wili le time beceme mîînoteneus te the plescure eoeker, the tenîperature neyer beiug 8much abeve 75, aitbough It reaehed 843 afor ceverai das. As te bis re-enliiting nlie bac giveni the' matter ne tbeught, alîbougbi there are tinîcem n a seidier's life wben everytbîniz c serene, but ln ethe end there le notbing ieft tueindure a yreturn. as. îexerce@ are quite frequent, ci'l:ieb dîcheartene a celdier boy. At 0precent bie intentions arc te try rail- àroadiug for a <'bang.' ant iileîrcîîhî.eîte for a posiîtion are geod. CIIARMING Ladies', Missesd Children's. Beautiful Line o! Shirt Waists, Lawns, Summer Dress Goods, Ladies' !urnishings. COME AtND SEE US. M. A. PROTINE. -- -- -- -- r - FREI FREETO A Fine Summer Outfit With a Suit, Dress or Coat Order. A White Washable Skirt and White Lawn Waist. FREE For a Short Time OnIy A bank prospers when the people prosper. On the other hand, the people prosper when the bank I)rospers. Neither i independent of the other. It is exceedingly comfortlng for the depositor to feel tlîat bis fuuds are judiciously invested or safely cared for. We always keep a goodly portion of our f unds iiîyested ini securities that are qicikly convertible into caL4h. Cake couenWfational Bank Capital *7., 000. 00 Surplus and Profith 30, 00o. 00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000-10 Total ~130,O00.0uu i w STOCK-TAKING Too busy at it to write rnuch of an adl. We are taking up lots of goods at about haif original cost. We will ha-7e some wonderfnl After-Inventory Bargains for you Soon. TH E FAIR Libertyville, 111. IMPORTED SPANISII JACK WilI make the season at the Doqie & Marks farm, 3 -4 mile northwest of lEverett, Ill., telephone No. 3021 Lake Forest. !ee $ 10 at time of service. If mare does not prove in foal sbe cou be raturmd next season or eeg other mare in ber place. W'11 contract et tima of service to bug colts at weanling time. ->.03m ROBIERT 0GRAHAM. 0Manager a voici we centerupiate with beads bowed le serrowfui a.'knowledigwnt ef wbstth(is unaâsurnîng, kindiy insu meant t., Libertyvlle, Our soîcial lite aud te hie faîiily. The editer canni adeqîîateiy lbere extiresm the unîveceal grief eOîr lues ccasions, nor the deep eympatiiy that goee eut t.. the etrieken wlfe sud dear one. The general regard sud respect fer that lite se, weil lived, the cotn- munity'e; love for that maniy nsu t.. xvbosc memery we i.ow le piofund estecin muet cerve je a littie way te eondole thiîee lu the bornîe ircle w bere bic lîresence î muet mlnseed. Am huelueesemet. and fatherH et Lîbertyvîlie turm ir.nî bis grave sud again take up lites burdene the associa- tionu sud trengzth hie brave eiampie afferded is gene, tbe xxîniug peresona- lity and n'h couglit advicie ef a dear acco. Sat,' le îîiîsseîl.but the iliîiîe ilipreseirîn ef a geodi nan. a rlean lite an.l' a weli (alan, cd iniid remaine w'îtb tilei andl w ili have a lival tbhiîilueîce for giied and Godi, andl on a future generatîin. ý to o "o o lo o lo lo 'Oc CENT 190 - ------------ - ------- 11 le