Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Apr 1910, p. 8

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r ~n lIarupVT 'DWItTIYUMltT 14RnTDAY, APRIL 29, 1910 BOARD WILL MEET 1 AND SET DATE! sourd will Meet and Set Date Prob- abty for Waukegan Day Bealdes It la Llkly Setting Plans for Holding of Election of Park Commssloners -Second Petition to be Circulated Tlh lbard of commssioners ln charge of tise Wankegan Day Park fumd il meet sorne evenlng net1 wee asa yet flot decded upon and talit over plans for the coming year probably also the day for the annnal Waukegan Day celebration. One o tise mttera to corne Up la that o thse advisability ot holding an election for park commissioners and lit la extrernely lkely tbat tise board vifl decîde to aak tise couty court for sch an election lunvisicisevent a second petition to back Up tise sen- ttiment ieind tise one clrculated lent yer vill h. put out for signatures to find if people stili tavOr gettiuî a publie park. There la a taise Impression cur- rent that the city nov owns Haines park. Mayor Buck owils t snd the city has not yet taken a step te ac- quire it finaliy. CHASE CAR TO CATCH CROOKS Police of Waukegan Trail Trolley to Get Track of Two Milwaukee Thîveà wtio Robbed Milwaukeean of 1500- Lîbertyvîlle and Local Police Seck Waukeganite who Robbed Liberty. ville Workingman. Chief of Police Rbert B. Conol]> recelved a message from Mlwauke Saturday that a mnulnu Milwauke hadl been robbed of five isundred dol lars by tvo well 4ressed stranger wbie riding on a city street car there ChIef onoiiy vas requested to so a through car t Edison court an, ascertaîn If tise robisers vere upo lA. Before tise chief and is asi auts could reach the Edison court sù tion the car bas paBsed tbrougb Wai kegs.-Tise police of Lake Fom ver. notified and an atteinvt mai to locate the men tbere. Tbe poli have a detalled description of! I thieves and vl keep a sbarp lookoi for tbsm. Thlef at Lîbertyvîlle. Tise police of Waukegan and Lii] tyvilie are lookIng for a man vbi only known naine la Steve and wl vorked t tise Fouldes macaroni pa ln tise latter uamed place. Ste roomed ws'tb a Qurnee youug man, Libertyville snd visile tise latterw absent la aieged to bave eteredb room sud stolen $1800. He ls sougbt in Waukegafl as it sald tbat be formerly worked lu vire mile sud tbst be left Waukeg aloo under a cloud. TWO MEN AND DOGS BELTING GLOI Witb s loud crack of thse wbipa a yelping of Siberian woif bounds tacbed tInvisat iooked like an su mobile. George F. Small. "Sborty Short," a native of Ontario, Cana and H. T. Boone. colered deg mas sud a native of Wbalen, Siberia. dn loto Waukegan before dayligbt Fri morulng ln thse course of a Jour fren Nome, Alaska, around tise wo There vere ten full grown Siber voif dogs attacbed to thse autoruo like conveyalice sud tbree pupl yelped &long aise. Boone drove dogs. wbicb were beaviiy barue.i somewhat after tise fasb ion et bor At Hlgginbotbams tbe procesÉ sloved to a bat snd the two men înouted, wsen tise doge, eho% ltcised tandem fasiion. laid de oue one way aud thse otiser thse otbe regular order sud ail lu s string. Will Ddlt thec Globe. While thse twe bave advertised Iudian motorcycle al tbe way se tbe contiueut froin Seattle t10 kegan, lbey are worklug on a n larger feat. Tbey stsrted out te beit liseg on a $10.000 wager nineteeu Mo ago. the Initial point being Nome,j ka. Tieir backer la "Caribou1 (W. F.) Cooper, ownsr of tised Tbe samne dog team tisat ls sovîng namne of Nome iroadcast tiroug tise vorld won tise 1908 eveepst dog race froi Neome to Candis R takiug devn tiseusauds lu prize mc Nov thse doge are lu the greatest ever attempted wtb canines-to tise vcrld and te get back te Nom Cristmas dey, 1912. or before. Out Nîneteen Months. Tbe mn and doge left Nomen esu monthe ago. tisence going te tîs aud tbencs overlaud to Wauki TiseY are nov New York bound to ablp for Europe. Tbe sweepsi wblcb the dogn von la s race0 _________________________________________________Ignored Marriage Law t Io hld because the lats James -,,lilard ot Waukegau, killied lu au Wccident. msrrled bis lest wife witbin k e N e w s1lesstisan a year after be wae divorced1 g a f rom hie flrst wife. bis wldov may $15 00 lettblm sud lise court refus- T-O BE RESCUED FROM Y. M. C. A. for Wau&egan- ed te appoint bier admiuistratrix lbe- ~ 1 Ns Tiers la a good, live husky Young1 cause under tbe Ilinoeis statutesse RESCUL ER'S trAND Meus Christiau Association proposi-, canuot be cousldered as elîgible, ion rigbt lu Waukegan even uow aud Tt la clalmsd. Tise second marriage That the A. C. Frost & Con- lils Iniependeut of ail tise otbers tbat vas pertermd 1lu Grand Rapids, Mîcis- 1an itýe eta, headed by Albert haebe iesetougl. gýanDcZ C. Frost cf Chicago$ the former bvbeuard0tbogby ianDeeber 1, 1909. iackiug just owner of the Chcago & Mlwau- Tise uew proposition la of commen fiteso days of a year afler tise divorce k;ec eectricl e now in the hands seuse from tise ground up and la tise f rom bis firat vite vs grauled iu tbe of the recelver, are lowly but eue tbat bide fair te be in tbe endLacutycrutortuDee- aurely puilling out f rom under the tbe succesul eue that will merge tier 6 98 codIgt natre ruck, developed in congresa thebe1,10,acrlgesutery other day sehen in the course of otiser moveintsansd sweep on te Ui- viso bas looked up thse record. the unanîrnous consideratlon of tilmate succeas. James L.Sayer vas appelnted ad- corne blleln the houle a bilîl As tbe situation stands nov tbe iitrater o.f tise estate by Judge grantlng an extension of time to Waukegan Sesaine club started tise Y. Joues after attorneys rspreseutiug tbe the Alaska Short LUne came up. CA.mvm tmotsaoltb sitroMrHîlrd udbswf Representative Hsmilton la quo- M.C ,mvmn etesol h itro r iladadhewf tedInth cue of the debate fOrt part of the year vitis a dinner at bad agreed te bave tbe public admînis- that followed wt reinark. that vblcb tisere vas mucb talk. traler act. Tbe case came up 1n thse indicate that Frmis' Alaska Cen- Revivals Butln. couuty court tiis morning vissu s tral la te be tuken out of the re- h rvvi utd!annoobrngwsa ntepttI O celvels hands and an attempt hnrvvl utdf n oo-baigvsbdo b eiln0 made to put it On tsteet. ganîzatîon vas pertected. FoIllowng lire. Go. Hillard te lie appointed ad- -tise revivals torty youug min couvert- ministratrix of tbe estats of ber bua- *Tise remarks Ofthtie legilatOr, taik- edgo>t togetiser aud organized a youug band. ten ln conuectlOn viti tise SUNS ex- ac tclusive story tbree monthse ago On tise mn lub desigued te h.etise nucleus Au attorney acting for tbe other -A. C. Frost & Companiy lntersst lni o! a Y. M. C. A. orgsulzatlou. ibetrs of tise estate objecled te aP- Britis Columba tîmber and minerai Tbis club dld net seek or get recog- poîntment ot Mrg. Hllard on thse tcaims, mess, that the former nortis ulîlon freintise Sesame club as an grounds tbat ahe cannot lie recogulzed . sore eisctrlc rosd magnate la nOwov fce uIlr n asili xs* nIlni shelwu ie a 9devoting bis attention te '«empire offcIa uiiren asiil xa-l lîosa i aflvt.Wsl building" in tise uortisvest. sc but vitis tise nderstandlug tisat tise courts bave ruled dlfferentlY, sc- r- Wiat tise Congresloual ptecord sYs Tt vIll merge vîtis a bigger sciseie cordiug te attorneys, ou this proposi- lu quotiug Representative Hamilton: visenever îîit s siovu tiat tisera la a tion, tise prllmluary sldrtnisb lunvisai "In ail parts of Alaska It s dlIf- lre u u xsec. Tise viole wiii probably prove te bie s bard fougisi ýe cuit to construct rallrosds, but In lr n neitne > sorne parts Tt la easier than ln oth- ides of tise young men vas te siaritishe conteet by thse bere vas settled by crs. it la salId that this Alaska bail te rollilng. bas iug tise public admînistrator act. penlnsula, about whlch but little 18 Bigger One Due. Tise isw lu regard te divorceea mer- known in a mlning way, le a flat, New, atter a sertes of cofereuces ryiug lu leas tissu eue year ater a dl- ave, fertile country. Farther saut th-eAFaaka Cen¶tl-Oad utarted t ielveen mînîsters. Isymen, young men vorce bas been granted la very drastit Scontruct a standard guage road, sud otisers vise would bie Iuteresled lu Iis state. whieu people get financed by torne Chicago parties, tise story of tise larger sud more lin- acouud tise stalute by getttng married and, 1 thlnk, *orne New York par- porant organîzatien le about te break. lu anotiser state, thier marriage vill to tes.Theygotonlyte ile75, DI as 1 rernernier Tt, havlng made Teutative stepa bave been taken te net be recogulzed as legailu this - seven tunnels through that rOckY, bave uamed a commlltee of seventeen state, il la alleged by oee ide iu the. -k rough country up around Cook In- reeeualecten.yugiusdcs. let and around what ls known a inluisetsand ciuimen. Sevng en ond___case.___ the Turnagain Arrn. They apent nitradchcme.Sv o a very large surn cf roney-up ln tisese. ail Isymen. bave been uanied Coidl Nips Treas the rilions-and then vient Into thus fac snd viii prebably stand as Tise !reeziug veatiser nipped everY- y the hands of a recelver. That nsmed. Tise rest wili probably be thîng but tiese pring crop ot poitics ee road was projectcd to Fairbanks, uained by tise mlnlstry. hsweanev ttsufrd a distance of thrce hundred andtiswekndentsasuer. es sixty-odd miles, If I rernernier cor- Wheu tise seveuteen or Iveuts- are Tise loss lu Ibis couuty sud vility 01- rcctly. They have been unable to finally selected and ail possible "dead" v'iii be greater tban lu mnauy eas urs proeieed, although Tt lanow ad nuso rnsweeou raiafrtthfot.Teritre ee e. that they ara now about to get out eusodruswedeuo-gna-fintetrt. Tefuttrs c of the hands of the recelver and te tien viii teks place. Tisere are lav- loaded vitis blossoins sud tise frui op try and go ahead. That IlIum- yens. nevapaper men, business inu, crep lorally wouid bave been a bump ad trates the difficulty in the case of sud every sert o! people lu tise tiret er. Tise garden truck of au earl' nu that road." aI-ý 'his passage troi tise preceedîngs draftt tise list. nature aise suffered, as no oes s et tise natieoial cougrese agrees ectly Tise Immediate step te0lie taken la peared te fereses tise frost comnirfga but net se munis lu detsil vils a SU'N tisat eue et tiseminu on tise conimtse ail. au Interview vitis'.Ir. Frost about tiree hsfrwlwatuo th em SrInln ihptcdrkg is est niontha ago sud pubisbed at tisat tîme tssfcvi atuo ieSsis Satu uvtspli akesn de -tisat tise Aaska Central vaa getting club inembersansd secure tiseir co- 4 oclock Fnlday, centinuiug vitis1 u eout frein under tise recelveraip sud___________________________________ te vouid sonon be advanced as a live one tieagain. out Take Up Jeffrey Matter. Tise attorneys lnterested lu tise loug proteeted coudemnatien proceedînge lu be-vicis tise Chicago & Muilvaukee Elec- osThmsB. Jefirey sud otisers are tise LOU IS J. YEOM AN ibo ltîgants met et Kenosisa yesterday ýant morniug sud vent ever the bill et ex- ave cepions lu tise case sud t viii be for- 5son lu tins te bave tise case sel for THiE PIANO MAN wu5 a bearlug t tise Augut terne of tise bis court. Tise appeal lu tise case viii cever tiseussuda et pages o! typert -__________________________________ ten matter sud Clsrk o! tise Court tle Waldo la buey gettiug eut tise varleus tise court records efthtie case for prassu- operatien and approvai o! tise plans te ligist drizzle tisaI merged luto a sun ýgan tation te lise supreme court, lu the oguu e trn ii formai appesl isici bas ieen f1usd n Sunzead g s charter. Tisen sonwt a liait belveen, in vis( cause for tise appeal la slated. but tise another ambassador wîli avait opon tisere was uitIle doiug, ties now begi attorueys for tise railway compauy tise uewiy formed club ef cisurcis cen- 1 fait in ceai escuest at 88 Fritý boid as in tise former appeal tisat tiseyents and merge tbem mb tise bigger ulgist, i-ser te let oputil lif aionut et damages atiowed by tise oy hnalteyugmno h okhdbe ocada fe BE jury t tise recent trîil0f tise case lea oy Ts~ i b on e ftsewr a se oesdsxsfi net eustained by tise evIdence lu tise cty wlii e Invlted lu to loin and bianket put on every green tiig th case'tise breadtis and scoe of lise project grows sitise exception of tise bh sud At tise cenfereuce tise naiiway made knowu. test. a t compsuy 555. represented bv Thsoma uto- M. Spence of Miwaukee, visile tise de- Of Great Promise. Tisere s n doubt but that tiostolI rfor fendante lunlise action were represeut- Tisere la ne doubt bot tisaItise youug effecte on fruit trees sud gardensw iada, ed by James Cavanagis ef Kenosisa and meu viii theneives support au organ- be dlsastrous. ster Wm. Tisempeon o!flise irin of Kear- Izatien that tbey wouid like and pst- Oid Timer Feazed. rove Iluey. Tisompeon & Miyers et Racine. ronize sud tisere la net mucis doubt For tise turne tise oid setiler w ,day Tise argument of tise case lunlise su- Lrey preme court Is expectel to be oeeoe but tisat busiuess men and ctizene le veatiser sise la heuestly stump ,orid. tise osat brilient arguments es-er generally would net ouly join but aise for a 1rcedeut. rian ieard ln tise suprense court ef Wiscon- dlg ln tiseir pockets, visite a ibird pro- Tt Beats Ail. bite- sin piles Tise case en accouuntoethtie large milse always te be iseped for la that If we dont gel t iTii Marchs we do atise soin et MoueY at stake sud tise con- somonee iii make a gift or a pro- Atîril. ssed, tinued ltigalion bas iecome one of %vision lu a viii for sotis a laudable su- Coai Man Sriles. )rsa, lise fanions Wiscouslu cases. Tt firSt îerprisc. Flne iîî-atiser tir tise coal mana saIen touud ils lys inmbtise court ef Kene- tise Esquioseaux doge! adis- sisa ceuuty in 1906 ise0 tise nain lins vera ofthtie Ciicago & 'Milwaukee ceai vas Tise tisernieuseter pderpped t( owu, but and tise compauy ceudemued Will Investigate Hazin'e Saturday moruiug sud steod at 28 ier lu lande lu tise levu ef Soiners betoug- Presideut John F. Noilen o! Lake 10 oclock. 1 u otrJiry Fifîs- tioussud Forest College, returned to tisat suis- ________ ire iundred dollars tees awariled, but ui odysddcddta ie I i nrdle uts e I tise did net salisfy. r Nlna an eie htte IabilIroudlnhesl croass azing o! Wilferd l4ook, a fresisman, ySntrClo ge thu Wau-bySnorClon ge trx mucis Dealh Overtakes John Buliock of Mar- vouid bie lnvestlgated. Tise colege Uncie Sam in ii be lu s position ket Street Suddenly. prealdent vas lu Champaîgu Test Fr1- give effective aId lu teacing tise1 globe John Bulock. seli kuevu man about day visen tise student vas ducked lu meu 0t tise land boy te bake isi nnths Waukegan witis relatives et Racine tise campus poud because et is faîl- sud pie, te cook. te sev sud eth Aies- and Hghtand Park, v-as touud dead ire te oisey the uvrîtten iav o! 5p- vise keep bouse lu s3cientiflc tasi Bil" Fruday nigit at is oins ou Market peariug set dînner vitis bis coller sud Tise blt provîdea fer a bureau e! doga* treet visen trieude v-et te is roi tde on. "Tisat rule le a good one," et sinsInhedprm t g tise te give blul uedicie e -"le ebro- 'msî cecsI iedprie steu ttier et S.ire. C. Ires o! Hgisland Perk sId Presldeut NoliSo, "but the tifr agriculture sud appropriates $50, Riaeessud tise oncle ut Robert îlIv re vs simeul letoB"svere lu tiîscase. tor tIIu.In hs bureau are to eec tie,&Robertson eft tiat cty sud le veil Tise maliter vîl1 be looked luto." dce neigtos5 ets 'ny- kuovu. dce netgtosa etem ýt race Tise laIe "Mr. Bulock had ieen Sm- odeansud appliauces fer lise preparet i bet ployed by Michael Gibselu bis saloon.Yugs nrMae htfoBb ffod ms ou Frîday user 1 o'clock he enteredVonetEryMdThtfrBie0fe. th e pl ce a n a n o n e e t at li wc f T h irty M in u te s f A g e. T ise g ra v e l p It v e at ot B a rrin i l nînet Ill. He bas been a great sufferer frein says lise Review, on tise ceunty1 )Seat- asthme sud notiing munis vas egan. tisougisl 0f tise annuuucemeut. iu tise Saturday morning onsetftiseesos rosd, where Fred Kiehi vas kitie ýo tke evening visen a frieud veut Up te ses enuiel-aters caled st a soutis aide yeac ago, came ueSr bsing tiesea stakes bim ise rusised back vihs tiesetate- bouse sud made tise record of tise of anotiser f atallty lday-mert of 430 ment tisatibe thought Buiiock dsad. 1t.Re I 8 LAK-E UUUNTI Haukov te iroiect Anierîcais. NIEWS AT THE POST Coinvidenital sitis lie probable ce- tirs-nint cf Rhar Admirai Rocs lu Septeuiber. visenstise t'xited States naval traliig station aI Norths Chi- cage is cousileted and bis ife mnaster- piece doue. tisere le a great deal et gosl)iabout lisa probable succeesor. and tise foîloicvig Is a IlsI cf tise near admiirias uov lu active ifs lu tise nasy sany cite cf v ioim may be sta- tioned Sers: Rear Admirai Seaton Sciscorî- Pr-lu couxuxans of tise Atantic fliet. Rear Admirai Jeli B \iurdck- lu command second division At- lanticn test. Rean Admirai Samuel P. Cemty lun command tiird diis ilon eame tleet. Rear Admirai Ciscates E. Vnee- land-In command fthctsdivision. Rear Admirai Gles B. Harber- Iunemmnand Pacifie ftest. Rear Admirai Edward B. Bsrry lun command second division same ftest. Rean Admirai Jobu HuSard- Iu command Asialie ftest. Retir Admirai Sidney A, Statun ton-Iluccummand speciliservice leet, TRAINING SCHOOL VACATIONS. Amoug tise bis tisat bave besu lu- troduced before cngres itis a local Intenesl la tise folovlng, viîclani- plies le tise local naval training enisool. H. R. 24313. ic. Daveen.-TisaI sacS sud every enlîloyees vis hai bave besu empioyed toc s period o! net legse tisaîxveive conseutive emoutise et any uary yard, guu tactony, ual-ail station or arsenal o! tise United ;States, visetiser paid by tise year, 3mentis, day on by tise plece or etiser- vIse, sud le bereby granted, lu each tcaleudar year beginnlng Jsnuury 1, tfltteen vorkiug days' leave o! absence (vitis psy), eXcePt tisat foc sucis ern- f Make your gaden a d Low, vegetbles, plants, and shrub.s. Nlake your bac-k yard a source oif profit anti pleasure. 'Itîrn It into a pleasant place to spenti vour spare moments anti at the same time reduce your Ilixing expenses by planting1 1 fUinterso»'s Seeds -freshi vegetables for the table ail sumniner long e' and fragrant loî% crs to make the home a ,ttraît- ive. Send or eaul for our big handsomil p illustrated catalog. It's FREIÎ. - - - - - - -- - ----- -g o J. L. IRVING : o o ~en~ra1 o 's, tofitractor i Rockefeller, 111. lEstimates !urished free. VOL. Li m Dllch Near Bridge ployees serviug vithout tise limitaetc NOV!L SALOON CON- Cold veather talled te stop tise thse United States, tise leave tisus N Y AM R Skokle dredge frem inbtlug Its vaS' granled may, lu tise dîscration efthtie TROL IN.Y AM R tisceugistise Hagen 240 acre tract issad efthtie departmnt concerned be south asite ast of Rendent sud tise @tne 'tt xee itenwrI Passez Most Drastic Balcon Ordinance big 100 foot machine ls rapidiy near- eoeddntt zedttenvrtu f Probably any Illinois City and la iug a point visere tise Armour bridge days. One of Nurnier of CltîCa that Have wiii have te be coped vils.REPC TH NFR. BeOfrnqGo Exmlst Lest veek Weduesdss' white Foder RSETTEUUOM enOfrn OdEanlst sud Schwartz ef Nappenee, verseops- Tise Des Moines <15.) Capital BaYS: Waukegan wlth Ita Great Number of ratIng tise dredge a piste'n roi btev"Tise manager erthtie Washington tise Balcons. eut aud at tise saine lime s cylinder alec vise bas retused te admit United- isead lefItishe engins used te operats States marines lu uniforin te is play- Sycomore True Republican: Tise lise shovels se tise machine vas forcedl bouse sbould be made te teel tiseineet strîngent drainsop ordînauce Ie suspend wite nese parte anrived te replaice lise btrted eues and ce- stcoug arm of tise tedersi goverumeut. ever iiassd lu Sycainore or any- pairs e esmaie, If fiers Is ne exlstîug statuts (tha visere else IluibtIs part o et bsconutry, Work bas uev been reeumed. viii do Ibis busiunestissu congres aeras kuown. vas that visicis Witt Go Around Brid ge. soi lsIetIll reIîgth numoeyIasseltsSya rely Tise fanons Aruxeur bridge lsaibulit sol el otm npoiigtee h yaoeCt te outwsar tise pyramida and vould necessry legisiatlon. We do net he- council St tise special meeting on requins more tissu one charge o! dy- ilere that lise uational capital vîtis Tiursdsy nlght. namite te dlslodge or te break devu ailIte coîd blooded couventloualities Tise erdinauce embodled ail tise pro- as it la built et concrets reIutorced vils steel sud is tventy-elx feet long. entertaîns any sucis sentiments to- mssmd by Mayor Olin H. Smilth Tise dredge 1s Ire large te cross un- varda tise sallera sud seldiers of the tl Is.speeých before a crevd o! votera der tise bridge and tise bridge Canot nation as to varrant sucis an order whIsîn packed tise opiera housjusl ise- be removed se tise J. Ogdsn Armour ulPon tise part ot auy Washington tihe- fore elention. sud tise passage efthlie engluser bas a! 1er vleving tise grouud rendered tise Lolenon decialon tisaI tise 5er manager. Diaerderiy salioresud ordînauce vas a great vlctery for hlm dredge inust do ail tise movlng. soliera cau be taken cara of lu au sud'a creilit to tise aldermen. Tiserefore tise dradgs vilI circuin- effective manner vîthout such brutal Tise ondinance appeara to prevîie navigate tise bridge dîggiug a dilcis discrimination as tise eue reterred te. fer every contlugeucy -and Is a long about Il sud cons back to tise drain lins ou tise other aide atterv.trds Dscrimination againat tise United eue. Amoug other tisings it pros ides: vorkmen fllliug up tise "dead headed' States unîtorinvonthîly voru la an lu- A bond et $2.000 absoiuteiy suffi- stretcb of dilcis. suit to tise United States goverument Ient. Thsis preceils la ouiy tvo or tireesud sisould be se treated." Escis liceuse allait bc voted on sep>- day ___________NO REVOLVERS FOR MULUTUA. arately. Ther wil b norevlves aallble Only fire saloons this yesr, and Heaihons Throaton ThomTieevibenrvoesaviae thereatter net more tissu eue fer every Seven Chicagoans, five former rosi- tor issue te tise mlîtia before tise lot 1,000 o! population. dents of Barringtou, Lake county. Of June. Tisose nov lia tise poasesl- Ail saloons mnust h. located lu a re- *tisces o! tisei vomen, are believed te sien of lise deparîmnut yl h. over- sîrîcted poertion oethtie business dis- t eImperiled, perisaps statu, in Ho- isauied souuidptulu shbepe fer Issuetitnwko ath"lrlmts' t rien prevince, ('bina, visere. accord- aud as soon as Ibis orerisaullux shah 1fleurs, (-an reixîsin open froin 6 a. y iug lu dlspatcis5s, e relsu ef terrer pre- have been conpleted ail requlsitlena n> te 10 P. ut., but Muet close ou Sun- salla. Tise Chicagesus lunlihe pro- nov pendlug vîlI be 11used. deys aud electiori days. since are. FIX UP FORT SH4ERIDAN CHAPEL. icesxe(i,,il$1,200,îissable lu adt - Tise Rer. sudSNs. C. Newton Dubs, Tise Fort Sheridan post cisapel room rance, cformeriy o! arrlnglen, ic sund SIca. n te excisange building.,visere Rev. aunot seil t 1nticor Oc ,nuardS, ýt Irving Duniap sud Sic, sud Ins. Tise -J -L. Kelly o!f(Cbinage sud tise vo vise muet net be aIIowi-d about tise I odons Subn sud cblld, formeriy o! Bar- regimntai cbapiltins oid services. premises. Il ringtou. bas besu remedeled isy Colonel Wil- Ne ganbting or gantes et any kiiîd. is Ail are lu tise service o! tise Uited lien A. Pîtcher. 17. S. A. Tise large No aide dieurs. [e Esangelical chuncis, wvse China mis- attfr bas iseen enameled visite. New No tins te or n ecised oins. sien has beadiqusrtern uCissng-iSha kneetiug bencisa ers deslgned isy Ouly tise prepieler or Lie aIngle Another post la located at Hankov. Captain ,Iellissv E. Savîlle, post agi-lt altowcd In Saloon eut et hoirs bots cilles beiug lu tise beact o! tise siusterinaatsn. Tise organ bas been sud Se îsîîtr ilfîsen mnlutesIlxiItoc y-prosvlne, shich la neportesi as tise reftlted lîy tise peat excisauge. Nev time'.Inii lventy four boucs. seit et tise native ulirislug. iyiibocks vers obt.ild by \irs Ne ecrel-nilinda or iitben lîlui Notblug bas bee erd frein t ise lics Fiover boxes bave be"uanrannes tii ubsîrutcifrpe vsi f cfru- tyimpeied Chiscageelie fer almeet tv-o caiged in tise vInilevaSI resteore, tire inli-rior ai ail lin-segut o! bours. rsmenthe. Itie onganlet, atso ptays foc tise prison "o lîroplrtor or ei'isaut cau bcienl Dr. R. S. Dube. 912 Heiment avenus, Service. toiiexd oi dîîts reCiaobo ro! tise Rev.%r. nDube. REUNION GETTYVSBURG VETS. ls>ur, slderuîîu or 1poice rsali ltsaid yestenday that ise vas munis ver hvthritofsahetilIm. np ied erer tise failure te ber freinis lieut Col . A. Watroue. T. S. A.. No lic-rio- ian be tcausfenced. Y relatives. reîirsd. vise esides in 'Mlwausîkee, hae Axîy uîincn vic svitea aealoon sal t - "It le possible tiset îbey bars f511515 stacied a uuvseut Io brng aboutta e sîîbj(i t tii a file cf nul less,tuan t vietime te tise mous," eald Dr. Duba. reunion efthlie former sîsidiens lu buitt e nions ore $.,î '"Ve have vritten and vired, but bars sud gray on Gecttysbuirg battletietd Ans iliior isSu by fatses r-prn-i- ýar cecelved ne repiy. Tisey are Ini tisa cxl July. tise forty--igbtis annirersary bons as tii lis amie îîitain lquiîuîl n a acenler of tise uprisiug, Ilvig aI ('bang cfftise decia8lse fi gisI Tise batiset a Salooin aisail bi subjeilte a inle cf isea. »Sm. Dube le suîîerntendenx t o t,bnrg vas fougist Juiy I, 2, sud net tees tissu $2.r, uermoestissu îlt - tise mission tIiere.- 3. 1863i, tise couteuding anosies beiug A elicug festuo thIis Ijran ebop Mic. sud ire Dtuiap, v-b e ve lasî ioinmauded by Gen. Robert E. Les and ordinance le the complets prenais" si iseard frein at Hankev. visen lhey Genx George G. Sleade. C'olonel WSt- fer 11e enfoncements. Tise neyer uay vers about le Isave for tise Inlerlor of ous Sateaise 550 anyef tise vetenane auspend lise tireuse foc 30 das f oc tise tise proslne, are believed le bcIne lu etteisarmIes are nespondiig te fiai iret offense, and for tise second cf- tise cellieret tise Scelle ot terrer . Si-l aps- t ivii e v'-ll te isld tise ce-tenses Il l mendatony ounisi te rc' Dunl p at ende the M oo Ins iu Un on of tie m en vise foug ist iere et voke the mien s, sd the pe con viose Delaetendred ts'oedfor inor sia eI tsîslime, sdtuet ait tvo yeas long- liense is thîxa revoked Csun neer cet- mlselonary.ifils vite, vise formrely er foc thse ittietis aîxniveritary ef lise gage lu tise business lunibis Cityanîl v-as Ese Gîîley. aise attended tise battis. It bas isesu suggested tisaItise entire ameunt et bits lîcensi-ebaîl sciseol t he jireseiie of tise venscabte 1gbt- be tor!elted te tise City. licSuh. vse ef ('Inae fr inalg min of lise blisasd gray seil Effort v-as made te tranefen tSi-se ayeer age, sludiird medicîne ai tise serve leo brng eut munis iutereetiug extraerdlnary poisens frein the uiavcr Norîbvesternu ivrsiaty and la e ,-c ei sitrInal data ceucenning tise cou- te tise City counicil. but the change to n w n h iy it. ouisi net be ffected. ev, Th.ovuvein lise city C WîIi As As Si M r. A. gexi iralI tise ('ic ltallfead sud a bu of vice 1> of th1e mi Pany sud eluide yi or Ibis a Th<-'i hie new1 'at lunlis tlted itu ste about tric raîlw, Operixiing les as Ka ig sud Ji manager Elect ris- ty lias be Bo ns te t ail cenen faction f lu 1555-h Electi In Umout ha eux jlcyex-s, Air. NMcl duties. ns bren afipo MW Man W cet la p la Chit Jesse Il for tise Chi trlci ajîno viso iook i resgned b for reasoxis Ployed vît R.« la Uitcised i<Ioa uC inuo pende: St one Namè or a lx Society traînn min istg la En:t A c~ Impart, steneg vili su ot lifs W. B. It and s Enter tiscee i metiier çEnter PRACI aud atI l Ras Ac Prosi< agei A ýJL ýbý" eu, ...-

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