Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 May 1910, p. 8

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8 LAKE COU.NTY INDEPJCNDENT. FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1910 IWaukegan N MAYOR WILL ASK îmmnediRsly upon receipt o! the F NEW BOND) ISSUE offii.ynotice from Wash'iugton Lieut, Pesy pcepared a circular letter Foti oto - aynneSlo s whicit aili today ho sent tete nsvy otyêl out o! Fu ortyNin Maoun- departotent for ls approval and thon dey, and One South Gene... Street ditiue raeattruhu h Salon, her [-ansandLicrmecountry. The cIrcular says lu part:n BubnWhr.Leme ndLien " The navy departmeut bas jusl Il Explred un Berne Night Moved Outi Beteen11 nd 2 Sturay. made a vory important announement.a Beteenil nd 2 y Itl ntonds 10 send the battieshlp Bleet E 'Mayor Bock \londay announe- 10 Europe next full, prohsbly te Med- 1, efi that atter the city bas figuned l tecranoan and posslbly parts o! Af-n ils financlal condition snd the exact ries. Fcom nuw on I ilili ho ts Pol- atate of affaIrs la known folloavlng the lcy to send 'tite Bots b foigu part% o collection of ail the saloon license for s fow monlhs every year. money, tse council avouid begn avrk "Titis uteaus that thousands o! on a new bond issue for about $30.000 Young Americans ailiihave a chanceP wIhwould como 10 a vote o! the peo- 10 see the wocid, and gel pald for lil. s plec. rrany people savo money for moutbesi~ Forty-six saloons have 00W paid the or yeassil order to, go shroad. aud Iti Ileunse fees. The number last lime eyer heard of one who dld iait o ce-0 Was ifty-iue. Somo aili yet psy and gretted it. I aant 10 ask yon this n many aili loave the business. bIn mportant question: Are you willing f1ict, mont of the thirteen bave quit 10 travel if you are avoîl pald for lit? and oue saloon just acrosa te bridge' Or aouid ou rathor stay et home andb the. license 0f wbich oxpirod ett he read about il! CI soamesturne as ils ase on tho build- If yon aouid like to travel. If you tl Ing, movefi ot hetaveen 11 aud 12 avouid like 10 make thîs tripi abroal O'ClOck Saturday nigitt, seîîîng op 10 wlth the fooet next fait, think bardS the asat second of the last minute and and think qulckiy, for prompt action t s5till ,noving mbt the bsck yard of a la necosssry. There la an excellent Iý neigbâbor betore midnight. chance ihat1ys'u » bil b one o! thet thousansudewho mako It. shouid youe enlist 110w.The naay îs fuît ut spleit- f IX MILK RATE did opportunities Ihat are vorth white t fOR SIX- MONTIIS t ambitions rongmon. Do you0 - aant 10 make a cuod stact 1n life?t Where Average Pries Lent Summer Travel ia education. bot travol lis only wam 90 Cents, This Ysesr t Wittlbb. oue of the maok advsntages of thet 95 5/6-Auiguàt to ho the. Migiiusinaiy.1 Month - Sciiedule Shades Down ' Please understsmid that the nay from $1.20, which la the Current departrnent dues nut promise you ort April Rate. any one else that parttular trip t Europe. The uavy department nover Followlng la the Waukocan achedule ntakes poie !ta id u o! miik prîces agreed upon by po-t puanro!isens o a ili geluI test weok, the scbedute bing effective because tbousanda o! yonng meu vili May 1, according tetse announce- ho needod for IL. Why sholndtt ment o! Secretsry John L. Cailmors: yorî ho oneofo them? Priena of the Next Six Montha. "Lt me know ahetbor yon lntend 10 liay---------...--------------$ .85 applY at once, as I do not aant more June-------------------------_ 95 than are ueedod 10 SppIy. Write yonr .Tuly--------------------------.. 95 repiy on the back o! Ibis letter If you ÂnguBt-----------------------...1.10 lobsi. Lo-ad PenliWitt do. Use the .September .....................1.05 loclosed envelope sud put no stamps October----------------------..1.05 on Il, as noue are roqulred." This Io an average of 95 5/6 cents Orignators of the Plan. a con aud ls claimed to, ho a shado bel- It la knOovu (al this Plan O! eend- ter titan the pricos last summon. The lng te Bots of the Alaitd Pa- Curyfint rate wiicb goos doavn in de!- cille on extended annai tours Inte erenIce Wlte Bumer seas00 was fonsîgu wsters originatod avit tao o! 11.20. The average vas 90 cents tast the mont diallugnisheil officers of the summer. -navy-Rear Admirai Richard Waiu- ________________ avcgitt. avo noav occupies the recent- GREAT UPLIFI IN iy etahiisbed Office o! aid 10 opera- NAVL TATONtiosand Rer Armirai Seaton Sch- fleot. The. greatest "bont" whikhtheii This fooet la noav ongagod ln mon. naval tnaining schooi heas yet received oeuvres o ffthe Virginla Coast, but la In the. formin f the new ct-dore la- villi soparate 1 na feav days and pro- uid hy the navy depsrtmcnt test ceed 10 (hein sevoral 'home" navy wook by which every young men w (o ýyardsahoro the ccewa aili ho given joins lhe navy le promised "pcraonalY lave. avhile snucb copains as verses conductsd" tours of the worid hy hi May ho l neod of will ho made. Il la IJnoi. Samuel. oxpocted that INlslsourl and the Wls- The new orders are expected t0 cosin. thýse being te oldest veaseis brlng sautet Influx of recrulta for th. unoav ;tac(bed t10 the fooet, aili hore- navy and corne just et lhee urne whcn placed by thte tavo uewcst, Ibose ho- the local training ochool In on th.I ing the recently compieted Dleaware ave of openinlni doona, sud North Dakota 0f tbe Dreadnoutght Go far as la knurNn by the sunounce1- 1cîas ment of vennois that wrti make the The Order v'hicb seuls the Atlarttit. firtutforelgn trip, lu the Mediternanean leet tluh,Ibe Mdterranean. IbIs fait next fait, the only Waukeganite loWco lepotes the dospatch of the Pa- In the navy Who wili go on thi. trip cile fooet tethe waters of South Am- la Allîson Payne, Who la mastter-st-,crics ai an even eacler date. "The arme on the Geongia, s War vessel cf1 Pacilefic let.' the order says, 'vwiii the firt clame, With 14,94.8 tonnage' 19, croise tu Southt Amecican ports laIe in knts apeed snd s force of 812of- the sommer lu take part lu csisbra- cers sud men. lions lu o oMd ln bonor of the one huudrodtb annivecsscy of Chili's Inde- Confirmation of the annîîiuîcomet ptendouco from Spalu.' that the batlishlp fooet v il hi' senti The Pacifie fooet, avicb la noav un- onusn exterided forelgu cciti-e ,î'rarlid direthte commrand O! Rear Admirai New York Weduesda> uit,,,ut,'ttiOf' tilles B.Hanter, la at pregect scatter- su officiai ltoIer fron te naisN deitart- . od ail the ws2 from Bremmecton, mont to Lieut. A. W. Presc', TI. BS. Wash to lMane Isianti. Cal, il cou- N..te offcen lu charge of tite na ail Isists *o! six srmororod cruisers o! a recrultlng office. Te announcoment, aviicit la regard-' ed as onueorithlie most Important is- sued hy the navy depacbtent since (ho one ibat despatcbed te lattleship Ibool on Ils fanions croise aruund te world, indîcates a notable change lu naval poicy as to te disîotlunofu lile Bots in lime of pesc'- Stitl titore lnlerestlng la te farttaIttis cru:'. o! te ixbeonnerîa' atiîcuîlît rîtf I, Abîantic fluet lu the itas nu (bing io do wilh var clouds but mainis' lu gise that part of yonug Amorica avitcit bas castIts for- tunDes avit UnctoSama voit foot an opporbnnily of soeing theo vorl Unique Piaseaof lie Trip. Nover befono ln tho bistoca of 5Oy navy bas sutoi a croise itee under- modern type. Mules vs Auto& Tatt tnulesansd a cash cousldt-ratîon hat, lit i oîtîrd ait automîobiler-bug tIi-ail . V ic.solîualite thatItle boi-se il a rlli c tutl îîîas r ît> h î Illi i utt. îr tai. dmasîli l 'i l, i tilt, III ta ti abouît t ','rlr' ga. ln1duti arîtîli.talcs il, tit,'j,. Il t i1 Il tilt i ojl' qj i t i ii vi, tiý 1,'busli t t rîturcilrît s Iit il i.Drur hrlî' ci takeu for sucit a purposo. Think of 1Sîvali Boy ot Market Street Terrtbly a pereonafly conductod tour b ite njured for LIte. Modterrattean, in a fooet viose ag -___ ggMe se anl ceets taI of baet2 lJOi' Stuner, aged C v ears, and te Luilsnasa! But aviereas titose vito "soit u a'dv'od lira Stuer ttr611 niglt make suait a trip b>- a Lusitania 'lilt ri '("t,ul v. Titîi s . ne rc woulil bave hundrefis. penhapa thons'. - 1--î lur h te aictîtnoruta terrible sadso! dollara to pay for passage aceldetî t iritmsirnr bini for lite aoune, tiane. vo go ontitis trip aill mittonsa\orîtaoestorn train cal off te baveno uebexpm" utvillI b. utile fellow"5 leg. lie vas takeou b vs1l for soin& i te itosptai, R S1ý w E D ni Wý LUS or of Pl se su th sr of ni th lit C8 th bi SE ra tc te d el s; ty 01 w Il E il p vi9 t j uf the Alden niachIne vas broken. votes. Mic Besley vas brought to the cor- Thus the îOîîîîi 'anvasas as an- nec Of Washington aud Goueseououced lasti iichi vas: str-t b a tretcaran e larc Il ... . . .... .127 streota hya stri-et ar sud a.a.remua'-..sdda.c.131 o-d tu bis home ha- Assistant ('bief of i)e!ect i%,a,. solt tceottlcd, there- liri- ýThtomas Tycrîl aho cbsnced -fore...... . 15 Ioo intscrwh'-n the car bringing tbelS ,ortod,u,,i.. t .......8 lujureri man arrivedl A man vito wltuesaerj tho accident tilales tbarthe' Atd-uniachine vas tra- aoling a' s fair rate o! speed avhen the driver sought tb cross tse car tnscks. On- of!thew vieels slIpped on~ terail. canasing te machine to skld dangerousiy. lic Be-al-y vas tosaad higitln the air, The. axIe o! ltes iuîlicar vas broken. No one la beid ceârp<analticfor te accident sud te muddy condition ct Miarion lcooe l t i tongitîlu bave beau te principal cause. The rails arol aiso ichon titan te sîreet, making the croseing o! (hem dangenous. Officers May Ride Test of Ninety Miles Any Old Tîmne. lit-cause thone hb ouactue con- fîîsitrn among officens affeclod by a lea lttîîs crder, te foiiowiug geiuenai ucrdýr ras Issued by te var depant- tre nt, 'IPireafîc- te physîrýat examina. rlimas arri Ir-gsso! olicprs 1îrrr-srrbed ilt crîti-ral orrtrs No. 79, var dopsrt- îî i 1.n 1l90,8,tr wîilbe taken once îItit..alh r trlivlay'-ar, hetaseen i 1îof t ri otî' >ar sud June 30 o!fte, t ilts Ilit e tii c rîîîtou offiiwailI ho criilrî.,d i ir Ikr-mors titan une ex- îî,llntlîtîî torr t-si ducîng sus' one ' 'fTe-crlitîîlt,ri Irs,.o'-n csltaed its' tI- uiîr î'. lit lite Rsasont bore and It, tt 'ilîtîiaand aunîîuertalnty al, to rNa hi-r te originsl orden ne. frc.lir ti,' -alendar or te fiscal tiar Se-rcal ofllcenis retumnlug fcom t 1-,'mlaltrude bave, lu cotsequence, 1, î-n for'i,]t-rta ab te ninsty Mile ide- andi ithîical oxaminaîlon baice tne ru.- rltîî urtweIvoivemonîba, cou- tcary Ii i)ti- eOtî ftheltsoriginal on- de n. Dan t tîrus' tire- toîtaib, or stimniate lte Hl-scî îrr Kirlueysa That la wrong. i t leNte n--àit tei.vputlitare Minlg onluuttforh ita l,@es vakIt lcde rultrlilug urves aitli Dr. fioop', R- sîrtrandrîNé«. iow guickiy gond beitlitt aIli yîau agate. Test il sud it!Selod lry ALL DEALERS The Aldermanic Conleat On five ballots bingos the decision as 1 twer or ont Charles Bsilda- ker iustead of J. W, Barweli was elect- el alderman oft(ho thîrd wacd April8 k w s 'l'9, tat the city election. The liye ballots are writtlc ln var-d iousiy "Barweill aud 'cBarwell,"C and If tbey are cOunted Nir. Baildaker( aili bave lost bis contest of the thîrdt RICI1 5SONi WORKS ward electjon by one vote as wbon te A S A LABORER, ternliued that thug far ont or 281 bal- ______lots couuted 127 aers for Bacwell sud 131 for Baddaker. This leaves Bad- That tbe sont of a Chictago million- daker but a' margin of four. Be-d ire la wocking lu Waukegan as a com- sides these "Sure tbing" votes for botit son laborer aas discovered by a re- parties ln tbe coutest Ibeco aero lif-N orter wbo aislted the pltant of the teen defectives aud eigbt' wicb thes Wilder Tanning Company and cauncil bas declded to submit to at- r'bo found L. R. Wilder, (the son o! J. torneys for counsel. The report of E.ider, president of the Union the city attorney and sucb other coun- League club. and onver of the tan-~ sel as be may seek aili be offered theo ntug factory that beas bis usine, jconucil agit Monday night avben the1 wearlug overallsasnd doing the work contest wiII ho declded finally. iaslly performed by a comnion lait- Vhe elght ballots on avhich the counn rer. cil 18 uncertain Eire as folowa' A Graduate of Purdeu. F've arItten "Mr. Bacwoil" and L. R. Wilder, the son, la a graduate 'Baravell.' f Purdue unlversity, a member of Tavo aritton 'J. B. Baraveli.' hi Delta national fratornlty, and a One aritten "J. Brweli." socisl faorite- He ls a fine. baud- Thero may possily be two instead sorne appesring yonng man and of one of the latter, but this la suit through tbe grime of tou ahieb over- stantially the lino up. 3pread bis face the Intelligent festures The aldermen seenied 10 thluk lMon- f a wasl oducated snd refIned young day night on thoir own book tit the mtan avece pialnly descerniblo. tvo "J. B. Barweli", votes sbonld he Learme Prom Ground Up. set ont, but avere uncertaîn about the Wby is ho bore i0 Wsukegan and on others. th payroll of bis miliionsire fathers jJuat 1ln Review. bg tanning plant as a laborer? Be- As aili ho recalled ln review Badda- anse is father wants hlm to learn ber was nominated by two vutos at th tsnning business thorongbly sud the requblican primarios. but as the becsnse heba hs the good common electlon third aarders arote ln the enso and la wiliig to sink ail social usmeo cf Baravoîl to sncb an exteot auk and filancîsl standing ln order that the Jndges gave the cturus show- .o btter be able 10 become a mas- inc that Barweol bad wona by 15 votes.f or of mon sud a business power ln Baravoîl had prevtously decllned tu o he finaucial avorld. a noninee ~oun1the day of JohanE Wer 15 ant brssonbteffab ecîoncircniated notices to tbe e!- ~r ndduo tt vntbisso tohofoct that ho wouid nt consider him-1 rlbOiied or hecome conceiied. Now seL! a tart> lu the loction sud thati bat ho bas graduated aitit bonor from auts for hlm avouid ho assIed. Elect- one universita'. ho wants bis son 10 cd sud a isiteci by s committee ho de- 'ourane bis studios stili further snd 10 llned to serve as alderman. Then become an expert in bis choson lune of Baddaker served notice that ho avould worki. cunteat. Hia present work la a vacation from If Barwoît. who bas deciined Io the grind o! schoi vork and la civ- serve, s declared elected hy the court- iag hlm a goud phi sical training. cil aftor a revieav uf the ballots, il Wbî-u be returta lu school ho aili ho cannot ho bv more Ihan four votes, as heltor able lu iîrstc bis studios. titre arc on -iv eight duubtfui sud there le fis 22 cears of ago sud avigha is atttargin 'of toutr In Baddaker's fa- ro nsidorabla more than 200 ponuds-. toc nov- Barasel vii lrobably cet Eeîy fu-l an sîhiete, ho enJoys lilft-lte ward of the eiection by 1501 nore ing tea aý shafllng sud sidlng lu the titan une or tavo votes. rentulala of th,,ntachinecy front the nldId f rits decided that thec Bye ballots avooden buildings Io the new brick marked 'Baraveli" and ")Ir. arweil' Structure whtch is ttcsrlng compie- shouîd 001 hc counted for tic Ibird tlot, warder. avio dectiited to qtîalifv, boa- evr-ac.then Baddakcr la clecled. If Auto Accident tituy go the other wsy, bis contest bas John W. Besiey was sorlonsiy Immc' heen in vain, ed Sturav a th coner f Tnth Change Third Wacd Total,, and Saura' i h onr !Tnh Whatoaerte cesquIt, the third avard udMarion streots, avhen ho was otluss as originalla anded out are tbrown fcom the Aiden casoline buggy cbanged by the cou nCil munI The whlcb akidded upun the c trackz. ori ginal cOun.t vs51 31 for Baddaker Mcr. Besioys loftI rm avas broken hy snd 146 foc Baravel As it stands thefore o th colisn, nd he ileBaddakec keops bis 13t bard anti fast thefore o th colisn sd te aiebut the Bacaveil count loses nineteen LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN COUNTY SEAT STORIES The Wlllow, au elgbty-five foot eas- senger boat, had a narrow escape from slnking ln Lake Miichigan lsst Satur- day afternoou wblle on ber way from Chicago to'ber home port, Erie, Penn. ('aptain P. G. Riley of Erie, wbo owns the smail steamboat, and an engineer snd dock baud were ahoard ai the time the boat was foond to be leak- ing badiy. Capetain Riel, a veteran ses dog, declded to beach bis boat as the oniy way of saviug the lives of himseif snd crew and made for Waukegan bar- bor, wbere the Wiiiow was beached opposite the Larsen boat livery at about 4 o'ciock Satnrday afternoon. The leak was located aud repaired and tbe steamer posbed off tbe shore and tied 10 Harbor Master Laraeu's pri- vate dock, wbere ber captain boped that she migbt ha able to ride out the stocmn whlcb broke near mldnigbt. The Willow lsau old passenger boat wblcb la reported to bave sukitn the Chicago river st fait and to bave heen raised thîs sprlng. Thebhat wili probably ho repaired bore before procoeding on ber way to Erie, but may be taken to Milwaukee, wbere the can ho drydocked for repairs. Terror Stricicen Mon. The crew of the Willow firsI discov- ored that the crs.It was losking aI n000 on Saturday wben the boat waB about baîf way between Waukegan sud Chicago. Vhe hoat draws but tbree feet ef watelî sud ber dock lns, la o121Y four feet ahuve watec. Her itrodicament was orie vbicb droae tocE n nus ver the romains Saturday cor l toe hescîs o!fte thi-Pomeu auto.tighi sud lte verdict o!flte jury vas Otanri testeamboal sud lte race for ltat lie camne 10 bis deatit iy oxpos- life lu lite Vaukecan barbor vas awon u. ity a rntailiniargin as te vesse] vas Mc, LeBeau had reslded lu Chicago ftll otfwater whr'n this pîortavas roach- alit bis fathen and was about 30 odyeacs old. Ouiy a short limte ago hie sas In Antiocit avere lho made a At 1I0o dock Sonda> tttortîltîg thrt-e rangemntts lu open up a restaurnt t)olice ollcet s raid 'i a lroktr garnoe asud rtl parlor In tht' ibsynesbud roîtnimtg itithe basoment of ite')li lg bou My 1. Canu saloon on soutit tenesee slroc't New Twin Lake@ Mystery. sud the follrPwlitc avere tab'ttt loto, Tain i.akes seeme 10 o lte rosi cusîîrdv John Lutherali ker-er, aid paefrmsels nKn8acut sea oct ottecarsefrmsslo uKnsacu Vit tOettoti- acr arct-(eu boasd District Attorney Bsker and Sher- The eleponew1re me, kot h t If Ganter have houna aavised of the until about 4 o'clutk InthelitenocnIn g' dîsappearance orf anter mari frrtm ahet Itondrîtteti pIr(-arcd atd 'tea rrai the laboý His disappoanance la a sort 0f te liant>' cre celcaBed on bail. A of a lîscallel 10 lite disappearance of heaciîg vas st-t for 8 o'lrluk ibis: Hernsn Martin there a yeur agu, on moctting befurr'Nliagiqtrate Wal'ter accourit of whichItIberman Kasten vas Taylor, but olily s few outhlt t-,'ai îmdo bcr !mrirl h frsted aypsean.h'a, atrtcircuit court, sais the Keuuslîs News. fo Fbdy.ITiti nov stocY d'-aIs witb te arrange disappescratce of Frankb lin Rbert D. W Ainn forrîîec uror tif bort, s Chicago man, 21tsars crf age, lte Wsrîkegstî Fux Lak, atnd 5 -trvt vsrmiydh i Fi r electrîc linoeaitobas st]aie] ort tri 1'umpwsy aI Tain i.ahekr-a Iîiî'r ing to mabo saileai lu g-i1Copaniaatwn tnit.-ibýr 8 t hatrnl,-vent out lu a hoat oîn is.- e llzait'th strelch oftrlnck otnt of tae hatîts tf theFrot rcelers sas le i dý on l'"t Suday rnoruing in corpnîru lit Foa reeiec ays Ics lone- vlh Fcank'Sumith, author ompIoyr'e alth tcying to tîîakr file deal sud aili restI "IVe cau't corne t au scretn-nt, he sald Iodas Te itfer thlatIi, liaIt, to me La ltaIt 1rai',,- Il <tj itsîîlthe. recelaer aili aitoîlr lite rr-t ortfihe obligations alit luis asîîîuîîîî1 Iîîadr- tite propostio ht lttht-raîl shrruld niake ltolroir-ttis aggt-csinc $t5,0<tO ou cars. s c' lîttro, sud re- pairs focrte trarba a oir vi aîtîld f uke cre u( ifte obigatironsatri t tblie> v'ouldtort cttnsiderril su I an rlîîî, Ules soniemoueyls pîtttht Fox L.ake liii cton aigt-tiner1 r-c' ttte franchisîtnd a iile orf t rai ter iîad shape. The rit .ît.ailt,, Tot al - .u201 b',- Georg- lSewacii tri theflice-ti i Vieas rltt t' eacting tif titeor for ltee at oftîl f i(e t i lîîttlir Itarweili 146 a sIdo frîot tht-mtint lite Itaddaker .........t j Tite W'ytii psaie, 1t0ousti1he- Foxi ArgUment Precedes Count.e,,, -1ea h ulu o ae o Te conliear rami- nIlatterccr Laoathuceufraiksrai tbutig cate had Ite clareaonavwaIa te cournil mtnî-tg. EI i rtst iii t'a, ar tdSaiti tea ;, ('it>' S Ih(krrec: tîgtta(,' itrset tiet, vas lteifit't i Vi ti rîce setutel Baravell of the lsra h-iinah îo ii- cotest snd thtresosort thenefqc, hy l0f rîasîce mnmositVi Baddabcc sand attorneys. c tpoie vre 'tOliars. of Keoi'la, 2, Tenotire o! the conteat socved il ii>4 ! s ear. ivitoîttht- on te cly sud te cessons. larttrcatlemotcd lu arr'sthiiiti alss 3. Bacaveli's valser of service and tlllo a n to t ttc,-ttt bis cousent ru abîd, by wbaîr-ver de-cio fhvn tnahrt n eision lte corincil might make. ibutgy Thon Aidernian trapu aaked if te Peter Mingon. Kenosita lîîcrymnt, enltfire malter voce u tel te cits ar abuse îlace Alyea la alleged to councl sud vas tlir by Cty Attorney base tallel the horse the la> Ol-lara Onvîs that Il la Alderman Hoban tou made a motion that the counicîl sas sitot, miade the Identiflratloti. act as a cormiîttee ofte aviole. The prîsoner vas iurned ovor lu Batile cf Attorneys. Sheriff Ansîlsa o! Laîrorte. aviere lie Attorney John D. Pope thon scuse wsliitda os he.Sol and staled IbsI ho ropcosentod third hoe not ho convlcted lunt..porte counts'. yard citîzons. Ho urged ltaI i he Alyca ai ho turned over to thte Ko- halots Ibat vore lu ho counted for mosha, Vis. anthitnîea. escit o! thé candidates bsyond ans' douhî hoAt'eparalod sud that others lu dcuti- ir0kr'd up. As l turned onît, .Ir. sud lirs. Phill1r Brand o! Bel- Ibis vas vitat s'as dono. ailero streot Itis asteer'lelrrserititi- Attorney Field then arose for Candi- fort>' siit sunla'osray of Ibeir ula- date Baddaker. lie decianed that hoerael ue wy hysaeta dld ont acet te rlgbt o! Attorneyric'naqitvs. Thytloht Pope to Isite rart ln the conteat or orfln four lears mure tey aili celebrate the' thicil vari citizotabtecore ne uas Iboir guidon aeddiug Bîtingî'. lMr. te cuntpst vas itbeen Baddakec Brand la une o! Wankeganus forernosl aud thte man dr'rlared elecled aitb te Irotlred ritizeus sud thte venerable cou- conl sjdAtorney Popr thon cilod irecedent pie havethrepcanloefte and asst-rted ibtIesen as il is the etiire clty. ctlîzpus iicht tb vote l la bis rigit t l _________ see th at te vote la counted. Tei peuple aWhtoretoct 10 office, he salid, Onedge Disaitled have s ighit it he conteat. The Skokle drefige. excavatlng the Attorney' Field rejolnded sud Cily'big drainage canal hotaveen Romdout Attorney Orvia 100k a baud, bultbite and lte county tino ltaI ailI redeern uPebot utfte malter vas thal ou mu- 3,0 ce fwselnbssf titou o! Adermau Charles Crapo o!flte3.00arsovatindtssu final ail o!fte attorneys sacepî te fered ls rt serions break. Te cils'attorney sud ail o!flte cîtizeus dredge lu oteri1lon a !ew days ago ln except Bafidaker aere exclnded andi soeevay îslled tu catch s spud ln the te conuciligot husy ounlte couutîung. rudadsarflttheni o- VhestoIais ver0 flrsî ctecked sud thongrndadsareutleetieo- lte ballots voce separated as descrlb- fit beeled over lunlte Hagen lougit. It ed. viii bake some lIme 10 make the pro- The teliers vere: Aldermen Crapo per repaire and gel bite dredge uprîgitb (t), Hoban (2), and Finer (3). again. ed t la helieved titat h' rnm-t deatih by droavuing. and lte non 51 Tain or o! the $3 knev more about the way to eujoy grand opera Ihan ho dld, Te letton recelara by fsritour ls as !nilovs: My Dear Mn. Baritour You csn't oujoy grand opera onuau empty stomacb F11 uit and goý Price luciosed. (CHICAGO, Artother by Patierson .Ius.-jNlielilil'atterson rf Lib- cii ,II. Il lii r itt a ilee-lslni iiitî' li atel * ro ai lit' sother on-ar-t îplay blsd i nSeat Hsîde ]fr-as b,- lias oli arto( i- l t l is r rra lt a' plan iii a idIleiiiiii tL Iîci'r atît 'il>n(, i uts( als i i a oflcr shotl rtf It is a tIlt- >itlî I i ii ,- N a matitlai-tif liý pt,'i-i, ttatloi ntr i al sîl r.,, itIii tti a part a-. 'îlot lîIn 5,1.* ahI bi hiliî, icliiitrlInlt lt' ititeit Tîttlr- îcsiirriro f the-]aller-c a,tIr tot t -lî s ittcivilalt (rt- iii sut'resi.atl ît tttr lbig clille as il lits iit Chicagor Titrîe wlr, Iivreot4 1, cr. ralrut~-.tai mm, ir tiheiLave - iut v i a t-,ut1 andttt li aitlvInlter lîresu lîr $4 trJr a sean .ndtl uew ,.ekl y vIntert '-rutad i-r air SNT 101 celSt-, a yéea. The Wall These !ý A'ndepi an itterrll air spacý aroîînd fri tom, thuiQ frost prote like to bav sons Call au strate and the superit tion of the [.00 J. 1.IRVI/'« General Con- Estimates furnished free. o r g ggggggg g g Isof Silos )O[JBLE ýAND )edenit leaving pt@d ConîtinuOUR w ail the way iD 7M top to bot- i> airording perfect iD ection. I would vo iuterested per- id let me demnit- d prove to you iD ority of construc- ese silos. ýtractor Rockefeller, Ill. Stearne Explains iakes are dragging the lake for thu Seen on Monday, Rep, Stearnsibody. of tbts district sald that he dtd flot __________ ses wby his vote for Lorinier for The Fatting Fad senator required explanatlon. i nvestigation of the fasting fad It le understood that the local rep- wbicb bas won many advocates recent- resentative voted for Foss lu the logis y at te Latke Forest University last lativo senatorshiir fight util the nine- week rev.-aled the fact that oneOof titi ty-fourth. Then It Is clalmed Foss girl students living at Lois hall bas réleased the mon who had stood bv bieen existing without food for live him either by long distance of by let- days and that four of the men sto- ter Itla sald and wlth the Intimation dents have heen starving themselves that Lorimer was preferred over Hop- for a weok. kins due te the bitter persoual fighit Ming Laura Cowles admltted during ho had witb Hopkins for the ëenatur- the day that @he had subsisted entirely ship. on wster sînce Frlday ulght. fibo ends Thon Stearus voted for Lorinior. ber faut tonighit. __________ -"I have taken just about a quart of Two Lake Mysteries water a day," she sflid, "aud that Burton Lester LeBeau, a young s5eIDB to have satlisfied me" man whoso borne la lu Chicago. wo Four of the meou students, Charles found dead on an Island in Cedar Nelson, Glen Brown, William Baor and Lake et Lake Villa Baturday after- BentleY Barbour, have denied tbem- noon. Baya the A.tloch Advertiser. selve food for a week. The laut naom- The young man bad left the boarding ed bail wavered, bowever. and ho an- bouse lu Lake Villa Frlday evenîng. nounced lu the eveulug that ho wouid and that le tbe last seen of hIrm ajive. partake of a square meal today. He had rowed across to the Island, Donation Affects Hie Faith. suppvodly some time Friday nlght, Barbour bas fastsd from motives dif- as ho was mlssed eariy Saturday mor- forent fromntbose tbat bave inspired nlug, when searcblug parties went to the others. He wanted to attend the look for hlm. opera. Belug a freshman. be dldn't lu tbe atternoon Mr. Miller sud bis bave the prie. Therefore tbe fast. son Harry found the body of the This la the resson be chaaged bis youug man on the Island, who re- mmnd. A frieufi. wbo refused to give ported the discovery of the body. It bis uome, mailed hlm a letter duriug la thought that LeBeau had stacted the day contaiulng $3 sud asiso gave arrosa the lake for bis fathersg sum- the studeut the admonition tbat b. mer home, when for s0me resson un- could not enjoy grand opera ou an known be ieft the boat at tbe Island. OtlLty stomacb. On recelng the Th ntfie'w9 h '* -Y Barbour docided that the don- Beautijful Y La wns are easily oblxairied by platiuIfînterton s Fv'rgrcn a Lion &Sd This is put up undc huspm o f our sccd cxpcc-ts who takc a great deal otf pridu nprdu iV itxure ia xacdy suited to this climatc. JVinterson 's Fývererecii Lawn Scecd is equafly valuable for ld atd new lawns. A snectal cultural c ircular is yours f ,r the a.ikîtiL the cxperlcncc of many ycara boiled down Nlayivusend i -and our big cataloit as weI. M ail Orélers Solicited Winterson's Seed Store 45 Wabash As c., Chicago VOL. ' Provisi iteof ed ar Made In Li (ittiatlinAit Watikpgrn ii (11ititlîtA a ii tad I a mrrkî-rriift Twenly rtî fe' Iutrcasî initellucas t'ottmitloo the associa f romts1the coi four or five oaf takIng oui The featu <'onl t ir I l ti 1litI thiîr, 1,i lu lbh' air- f, Thr- sents, That W. s Young A lion unIesi have s pi pruper equi Thent-et provai and tors ~d a.e. of the chuN Th5e gathe Olturcit of c: Tht' comur fan Hitoiu Welch amd t Qed b ithelitt niomination 1, J. ysgg

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