Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 May 1910, p. 1

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, A K-E 4.O0UNT .NDEPEIlNDEN' WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIII. - NO. 34 TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAK-E COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FID HAY, MAY ý20, 1910-12 Pages PART ONE $1..50o PER YEAR IN AI)VANCE. DODGE POLICr or TWO CITIES *3adly Made Declalof Probably Declded Jensen Fight ae Refer*e Gave De- cision to Habbakr whlie .Jenaen Had Arsen on Count of Nine and Was on Hie Falti kendy to Fght- Detal. of Evetv in aPte Of tue efforts Of Ltates Attorney Day of Lake count>', As- sistant Chie! o! Poice Ttomnas Tyrreil o! Waukegan. and Chief LiewIs Welr of North Chicao thea Lake shore -Athletie Club" aucceeded tu Puing off lwo jungle boxlng matches Wed- nesday nighi, but not hefore the fol- iowing thinga bad bapîîened: North CWscago police drove 300 flght fans f-0, Wojton hall on Thlrteanth set and out of N4orthr Chicago.. 2-Waukaen police drove fana from Womber hall on Nlnth trict following moessge fromn owner of hall te police sasklg them If ho -"could hold a fight ln thse hall." 3-Fans and fighters took re- f uge in Umeka grave between Thîrteentis and Fourtaenth treets and west of the electrlc lino just out af the North Chicago limita. 4-ltt ok twa heure and a haîf af chilI>' standing &round on the part of over 300 people befors lights were brought and the flght between Niela Jensen of Wauke- gan and Ed Habbaker of Fort Sheridan opened somnewhere about eliven forty flve et nlght. The acene o! the matches waa weird lu the extreme. Back nlghî, the tal trees aud the tlu grass, the gaunt dancing plaiform. thre gazoline torches. thte quiet crowd, the laleneas o! the bour, the tierce batlles for physiical sutremacy. The Two Batlîs. Two -moonabîne- contesta were pled off lnu tmeks park beceen Tbirteenth and Fourteerth etreefs ceaI of tlIres-t ide eiectrlc car iUe sud usl outalde ufthtIe North Chics- go iluilîs '%edesday îîlghl. I tbe two Jungle encountirs wbIkh wem .wtxessed b>' tiree bunxdred fight patrons, lrchadlngf1>' PFort Sheridan memhers of the ]Flftaeulh Casai->', Eddiefilahbaker of tIre Fif- leerth was acarded tIre uecsiou lu lb.' sevenlh round over Niels Jenseu of Waukegau lu s boti>' coteeted figIr, and Yourg Lefty sud Young Mc- Coy ianded a draw lu four.' of tht- bloodiesl rounds thaf cere eser foughl onu Lake count>' ilsou a Ioîl>' foughl If la said lIrat a police officer of"Nortb Chicago who had chauccd upon the acexie b>' accident ordered the fighl o cesse wltIr both combalauls neari>' ouit." Ma>' Be Sad Decisuon. lunlIre caae of Jensen sud Hahhaker, Habbaker aîowed ui ineit snd d id &ome great work atnd so dld tIre Wau- kegan man bul the latter cas handi- capped b>' the fact that be had the manageme-nt of the tgbti t se f, chat he cas cillîd 10 the tonelefor,- the open air figt aiarted. andl that the llghtlng cas pour, Itlsl belleved tIraI Jeuseu's chances migbt lie fini' lu a returu match ln a hall. Habbakers blocs Lu the lac inally partiail>' lauded tIre Waukegaulte but there la a s-bol.' lot o! dehabe about tIre decisiou tIraI gave Habhaker tIre ligIr sud tan>' beieve Jeusen could bave fought mach louger than round seveu. The llght sas scheduled for Ar a meeting of tIre Irteratate Detec- ise Association lunîinneapolis, tIre euifiioyoeut of additlonai special ag- enta cas authoizel and tIre funda sitr hlhifou uttmuore -cover up' uter mb othfielSt-I crt-aseh. WAaukegat isla ithlu tIre tcrrltory affecbed sud wdli bexeit b>'tIre nec leuigue organizalion. WtsconsinIlu t. Giorge D. Bartlelf. secretars uf tht- Wscousin Bankers Assocition, re- rurueh on Tueaday frout the meet- ng. Wth hlm front Wiscotnsin lier.' P re id e u î E d wilrn IM .W ing , L a roas su- f sud E. A.lDow. Plimouîrth, ireidetitf o! thte exectIlvi council lu o rîlu ti acqusunt tht-4.09Itinstitutions in titis territory wis-lth l,- drk ftif lb b resu, Pcn rsîsi. cas reîreseuted b>' three officiais. Signa 10 Go Up- 'The ass-claision heiided 10 disîulsy b.' membershtît igri ni the satbi-or gaizaliou sud the lterstste organiza- lu c-ery bauk 'ahlcb la a unber. as s carniiug tb acnhlers aîîd robbers thal tbe bank la profeuied lu> ifs or- garlzatlou of di-fictivses and 'roser uit AUTOMOBILE ACCI- DENTrS SuNDAY lu Turning Out for Larger Car Near Patterson Farm South of Liberty'- ville, Ford Car Turued Turlie aud occupants are Shaken Up--Wouke- gan Ford from Wisconsin Wrecked on Telegraph Pale. 7- BANK ROBBRRMAS A $10,000 [STAT!I Reduced b>' fait living to sic au extremit>' that hie lried ta rob the Highland Park bank ou Octo- ber 13, then committlng suicide b>' piaclug a revolver in hua mouth n au atempt ta biow off his head and obiterate Iis features, ln dy- îng nevertheles. Le Mar Harçis chose home was lu Lot Angeles, ieft an esîate of $10000. 1tlo-titre leters of adunitiaauti iut tit -,ta of bcr bushanui. lu io r, it- application for au alniîilua ti t1, îî tIoi have left Io iii 'at lias humr ihe a bll lI ihe auherior t-ut u tf liiA rgiles Th le appluicatiti scIa fîrtb 11httIre i-e edîiu,-îl itîsissýd ut abtout $10 t ail uit att iit uoî eit ible nature, liads mi ts,1-eMut ij larris, the ruuiuer. Nrs. Nilitarris 1i9 also naint --i ta amiheu - flifeen rounds. mer,"sald Mc. Bartieti -' fing ho Useer on Harris. lu h.' sevenîl Jensenu ceut dos-n the expense andi tht- lîitd anount utf--AIfititis set-ns f0 bave lmmcd iar- before a vîgorous left 10 lIre ise from more>' ou baud, the associationî s-ii us tut ututhuaI and thegi-nerai fast Habbaker sud 100k tIre counitto f0nn. make no preleose lia prciiecf a litounueno lt icrigtal lie-t i ath il TIrenient- Hlere dîtnasses iiffer bat lb.' opinion ber bank. We ilii malle no effort ut-t tf a tutomineut Los Anc-eues fam- oh Waukegaultes la thal be cas up, 10 aîuirehaend or prevent burgiars sud uit.,,aud il eadiiuc- uîcuber 0f tIre Los on bis feet and esd>' Sud able f0 bell scwintulers trom operatlug n those lu- Angýesblai- rec as brilliauf anîd loto Hahbaker ounlIre sîroke of niue stitutions."-tiftotîlanii uarried s brillianuhlyen- by tIre re!emee. Hocever Referee lu 1909 lthe irtersate association ai.- uo'ah îian of note as a singer. For Malcolm raised the hard oh Habbaker tected elgIrfeen Captures ln Wescou- a it tfortunue sas 'aitb hInuilitspibe lu loken of his "victor>' Iii the midst air, focs, Minunesota sud South Dakô-of f is fiitations 'aitb uisauli-r sud of lb.' exclteaeut chule the croculta. thiitutîlcc-ed ceckehforgeries, allcged ciosed ln and tIre ltght cas cudeul dti-faicuttiis tnu alleged coutuuued oh- Hahbaker a Good Oue. FrniJcttt iesPpesl -g- agaînît societ>' drove hîni froua Hablaker Ila some ficher huit tIrh ru .Sml e aersl Hb1d., tl hitite and 'aIf.' antI hi-came delîgt o! his soul la fo granid stand land Park Mater. t- rtu th"cgo muital the cay hrough h.' could TruebRbSk turnt is Iesd tocards hîs soldier The- fllosiuîg iotIre luIstof Iank- leu it-id iot front au Elatistotu frit-nulssud c-lu as fîough aaylng rîtptcy lroceehhtuga ioC(hicago îautrs hItttili tratnutautooile une day sud 99 ait and see chat Fil do to hlm. Fida> uîuuiuuc- t-llisvolumes 0f ont- umade- i t-aliasif Lake'count> banus, As a mater o! facl Ire diduil do s 0flIre tpriuciptal igies lu a Lake For- sieilg i( t-bhi 'a outd rob, le imal- 'aboie lot to Jensen, fgît fans dlaim. est hatlI.'betwetu bus cite aund o- 1> citti5utht- it-inieafîproptosition of ail If la beleved tbat Ire vouid have man alleged to Ire ait afiiuîb, anti ofh toiht- landutu Park bank-aud matie cleaued hlm up ln tIre followiug round ou.' of the ptarties it a Highland Park sn stîeunîîut t) t'ob 1. Iocever. divorce case regenîl> - At te poinlttf a revolver h.'anc- The tigIrIa cere ground llgts and "1773-Frank J. Smith, conductor, ceedcd fmut -ruiîg about $100 cash sud cere a delimeutt 1 o bIr men cille Hghland Park, liabiifies. $.,24177; gof ont ohflit- batik wth ihis amal the chilI ulgIrI air and the corrles assets, $30. Attorney Heur>'A. Ber- amotunt, outi> to b.' pursued b>' the tIraI precedcd tht- Igbb.retarded Its gr" bauk offiiers, tht- Highland Park po- mernîs. lice sud ritizenis Last One Fierce. Tbos@ wdo lire ou îhe rural roules rau Surouuded iii a goal shed rear tIre Mof of lthe crocd clesred out aftar secure tIre Lake Courtp y NDEEgNDET batk Ire cas shot at through tIre cails thre Jensen-Hablaker contest but those sud tIre' Iail>' Inter (lteau for $4.00O a and door sud soute clalmeul that Ire year and tIre Wepkly Inter Oeurson ~d cbo slayed sac Young LeftY>'asd larEPENDENT for $1.8., a year. autalued wourds lu tIre aide tIrai lsîîild lues itabi>' have hiî,ir fatal. li'eelie made one' la, îvild dashl out titioîtgh the possesansd tomianis the iîailr-iad trac'ks. wberr îtiittît ih.' cîî.tItnt .escape, he lputthiex olve nîîie mliiis ntouth andiktl iim- a-lt f Case a Sensation. Th, uromînnent eonnecIrtti,i ol the- insu aud Is spectaatilar i. --t hotu a hlgh pint Inlusocief.jdocit to i tiîilesel of the highwaylDaf mathetti-ase ona of the mont Sensatioitlîs iter- esting Lake coUnty bas -t hail atnd aIl over the Citifftry foi -itiiiî- tite atîerwards other handts rilîd to litale Harria-one young mtitn of tbe indiana-Kentucky line killilug t'ao ln tan unsucceRsful atterlr t ti-pt oser a Job like Harris tri-I Harris' acharne was to asCape inTh l, autotuo- bile after the robbery, lbut theii.guor' suce of the chauffaul- of tiie- tatute of tIre Job snd the fallure tiftbe automo-, bile to work at tIre cructilmoment tuiued bis chances uttetîr. Bar Association to Picnîc. The Lake Count>' Bar Asociatiou met ai 9 ociock Mondla, anîdide cided to Iroid apiet hi- -,iiuîer at Ravinia Park at which thi- attorneys o! four countiea lnuth, iiiiîî aIdis- trict wlll ha gueffsaA tomrnittae- ou arragementB was. a , iti1ted and given Instructious b cg,, aiîead wth the plans for the affaît Olimier-i cere elected and a committi- - îîiîinIPed to draft restlutioua of r, gai ilanitAr.' spect for Attoruey loi il T ievdefek, ar. wbo cii s00itleae iý)ii lt ttise taw lu the state 0f Idaho. TIre followi itg olicîfr t'--e--ited President-W~illisiiit tpii Vice Pretident-J K i î- Treasatrer-(harles Kig Secret ar i la rence ire The las tlwo ware -ret-l The- gries anc.' coniti t ii- ottios-ý Young McCoy get together sud knock eacb other about the impromptu. It la sald that tbere were seveu or eigbt knouk dowie n t our rounds but one man who was an officIai over the' flght claIms there were oniy four. The baies were 'both the mot unique that the couqty ever had. Carry Habbakar on Shouldera. Habbaker the winner of the Jensen bout was carried ou the shoulders of the soldier ladsanad the welkln rang wth their cheers. M4ost of thb.Wau- keganites ducked off tbroiigh harbed wir@.fences and alougbs and over rail- road tracks and down muddy roada Sherwn Stopped Thom. Mayor Sherwin of North Chicago Io the mari who ordered Chief Wlr ho stop the fights t Wojtou hall and a cordon of North Chicago offIcerl guarded every otbar hall ln the burg ail nlght to aee that n fghters crept ln. rTe Waukegan police scted on the tip f rom the bail owoer in North Chi- cago. Beat Ail Recorde.. Tbe figt fans outdid Edward Pay- sou Weston lu the waiking stuni ibut trudged williugly over three fourths of North Chicago and the outinig tlu grass ouiy afterwards to fret-ce iu the chilI air of the' rirai districts where the fIgt was held. As one fan expressed It the ighta were heid ai "Outeiteleugone. 11L.- not lu lAke count> ai a], and chen asked 10 lronounicelbhe naome of is ceird towu eaid -You say it Yotîtel' UNIT! fOR PROTIEC- TION f ROM VAGS Safe Biower, Vag. Yeggman and Other Crooke of Same Type ta be Hunted Down by Speciai Corps af Oetec- lives, Who'Wil Relentisssly Pursue Crîninais of thse Type. Ail the country that extends front Lake .Ilchigan to the Miontania lino and from the Canadian boundary tur the southeru uine of Iowa wil soon aca othe d«M *skaiei *vu v ale biocar and hank robbar, for the word bas gone forth that the' burgiar muet be ellmiuated. aud newiy strengthen- PLUNGE IIIGlWOQD 1BACK TIO VIILLAGE- Aliegation s. tAat Rerent City' Election Resulted in Hogan Coup and that t Netted Alieged Hogan Majority on Board with Resulit ts Report- ed, that Blird Pigs are to Returo. The iolitlcal andi social iight Is as hol aý <in i Hghisood. In l i i ii a ttb h- lin that e h, lîlititi îigs are allegedti bhave crne -bat ý, oiui.-,the further thp I iat: 1 Ryderau-1Irlits atîdresa as Chicago,-----------y jal.tu-- -"ier *** it Kee' ni'-- f traetola h onycek - Made Confession. a o.n y rsdn flhkash Thartheb.' 10cr larîuîîîug -aideope,, nudetrulittri cun>'clrk o j'uasFumel> Pesdet slaasse rbed b> tua t>' luithuavte nives- lice Sa tutu lu e-uttut? afi, i - tý 1î L)itri tivai li ai k iii l t is hi- S>stem uin Wisconsin and of LaIe tfIgahei conditionis apuplhug 11t -t it tine, u ni> l unue -ifulil itf utor1t,0 t lt<t- Headed Sterling, ison & Eastern haie it takt-îaaay chen if 'aas itiicurs andurl ainttrltiîi ;iljiîîigc bott o hcI rIsCedtdwblajrSoi ranNai utrMlsi founud tat Ib ail ooru falsel> s-heu ittuses Tht- chaise to i eilt-'teu frI ihlei rdie ihMjr9oi ranNa orMlsi he ppiud ont Vha h' irt ut litetiard seti uti- stt a<~ Part of Advaucemenl for Past Tisa Leuglb Now, plied utonhe ent.' Ir e asted Ibaf bis cridesauiad af li atuittinitliruugbouf Vears.Trean a lfmesothtn brie sas nttquille 19 yesrs rof ag o 1 htuti ii, tt o ttf t aî .ciitut ti suil batotttir ikes orathager sud sas old that b.' couid flot get th o t fui l ut$10iti0ut iliiitr as 0oh- Edwainr1t. l)ots ha-, ancelît, nI b, canai have hb"011 toluiatnidsrIhb. coi-ited tat r lu>a depul>' clerk aud fee lu luh,- rouiit r tut tut- <tptutre guîtlnaaeslilrte(iitiOItifo oc .S iat leg left thb,-c--an bouse-much disappohnt-t and tti l lot01i tf eic ihtegi- i utse aiI ui eu tert-uit ow ri nt-ar lt, ýTownlri uitblridrge ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l tiitttrt1tt% tiiI iii t titi, tit'1W iut l"rit, H teiuli;,tt ni'wu, heyonti tht- Arnitur place. lie iutiiiitu ittilt lu thre aItttnutuit ast ilt? ý' fouiiiflic 1- ner> if the' 0f th,- -,htkoui i alrîays Chiuiiio% Ture Armotir cuitict,r,-idgeocasrot amud serier] c tIluceuse troua Count>'bltec lu i aX- oi tyirîlot se iiicfliti i on,-fil me gi-neitainmanagertuf irossi-h, but th ir-- i-ges-r.dt Ciirh A iedit' co ws lotpre ii ts tre ,ocitlion aitt lia ht ttiuîîi& Salaitt Rosa rsitss> lit thb,- siuth tandîl iffulîg tIre salera, eut 'abenIre bat applied this mono- tttlc evaril of$lîi) for the cati)-îadifornla, croaacd the rosulnd arite back again lugý 1le gave- bu, agi- as 21 sud tibsIlt"t'iotutu>i iitrs- tiif Altot tite' Ijeccie-ra 0f the, local lmc ha--rot Inlthothe]huit- ot Ilie durcIr tireur.'e of bis bride as 18, Affer he sd rmisai his wil uîhîîlî i>b.' taidti 0 ied the aîuîoîtuîeul surined] excaîsuhutu, left thcbu bildin tît- tas round ihat h h4 t lii ttis5Sketch of Career. TIr.'ToswnuLieii d uttge- s a cooden lue bad sicnid ture crorg naine to tIre Waters Tells Movemrenîs. Fd'alîîi-F lPitî0 bas bis-n gi-tii-ai afair sud sîliluh,- brui dodu for the licetuse- bauuîuc- aîuîlled for it under tutti t r 99 tut t iti tthi, ruaî irt trlte isîî0-RsSkokie-duatu Ahi eîwauds ilb sil Ire the ninei toh Aufreil Ryder sud slgniiug mngro 1 trig dol&Fs hIs natitu, ts Afni t Johnson. 111 -, r1tit1, tItilt, thi- iil gi-il tud Ittiit tutu ttiutu tînt ears. Thce huîîutic rehuil. -ici il Pu t t-Il \titru t niuuIs le I u r i t tut Niiiktu- tait Farmers iAould Fight. A h.lrttfoi,-ture Couple foilorvud. a"' 1, i , t îurî o uued itiilit, , u îîîîi1 -c-cs anid b9\h1le tht-t tutOit.' Ilue luit tp a bot sîbi lastuu îuî.' l b' icttt> tti , i tti i liia l,ucn, inluitr-tuii ight agîtînsi the Skokie rdrain, liroii 1li-ri, tîc-fîil tuan brd e u te c t- î MiIi tt tut i- 1. I tîttî i - 1 lir, iic- ii l Pihîuuil ii hdi l nt0% i s chances arc ta lu ai.'su lu re tal- i t l -tir. i em - fr m u îth , r t-"î\î îit lii i n t t I tut tig le ii it0- t - u t t h li i , [ o s R ul -u nu,- ais f F if a n a t e lii i lt - t i'-i ýtiirîork, a d attîl btis coutil x Ntîtîîii e iow si i-t u ttîît To sIo'a itos the draiuhasitienal- WEEKLY REALTY REVIEW i-ti îhuuu tri itburnthebthotuse 0ejý arutdit-di aliit-t - t-tuad- lied tIre salue of tIre trertYi-ccI TheLue ut usTile sud Titist doilsi itt Iiii ituth,-is Ibroat. if, itn"ItIi titthe ii.pîrîîîeiî j' treaieSra haiuuchestr -. 11h,-thiilks elid uor tel hurtfdo as Ir Connuatu> -swu ,, klii vreport of mal e s- hiflsddntIihtld . i'rforf n nIasogata i tate traiti-i t 1Intt-a-,,- auBUItDorGruOou. Number oh iliituatuisus iled ...... 216 iie, ays hb utstihiff s eritItri IJl, SILI NTEboota cere required iresalk tbrough Deeda .... ........$3223700 tx îi ondas - gutt ahorst- sud tinîtu lie [itiff. Ilil.-Itun ouibrlcf cI$k 'the drain excsvated jugt lately. Loafla......... 14210 00 huope oh Liseurîîuau fCil. Smith. nuiroe Luth.'tluiffreceîied gci-tirai eonmnract te canal cgo0ssIort-rs walked over tIre oulfil toilite iunîina famnuni i-ar tri erect thre t testorp 'arasl ihînîga-the lard lsi t4Mbouta andt he land la (jetyou mweitcoln o th Hob.1'%Nllbrum*ntuail- l rIe Smith horst- for lotis. 26x4() feet. 10 eut t $4,0tc eacb dry sud ire for celer>' raislng or Luc\nîsuuCrusut-sît and gelt ta hast. tiie biont no linre, rode about tIre Ocrera nrume cllhhpld Roibeut Hyde, truck farmluug, as are couumjeas allIer t lakas - bo Ki-uositS Racine sud about,, 28 La Salie treecl Chicago, archiheci, acres "<I agencies for is uttar anihilation r ot satae auy detaila of thre an ride n t cii sonon Ie SI cork _________ C IASED BY AUTO- catttiiiack iii \\a;i c-n <tuI(e Fi BUGG i' _,ýýi li,, t aibis MOBILE AND B G Y boni,- cu, lo rt1Il i aii i il id lirir fîiaitI, a, i1.lst i Hl-od Waters a 1i icar îîtd \au- ldv. il,- saitiMi,, -i te 5yitri hegait )outil, as the i titrai figure lu Migbti 9st W i-îeri 1w -,t-,îoft i s ifteeti mile police tise ii-hîtbggy Offeuse oet u-i i iîii t -tii-fý atnd aut bî iîi ttie lis ,iti teS hi'tu bcbng the titit1iar k ft 91ilîti, il ;,il mnadi- a sild da-l i ti t he- 99îcon-lu cuiqs alait stabe lin.' 10esralwI- ir8Iuit for ai- MdIpls oRn legeil horse thefis Azi itthie,- iot .5 asmplelaRs hall ban exhauied lititýiec cita-the Thelit ort a ti[) frot iti.,i- oi~tior automobile of i'harles tl\ianîkts of hood\sottI- wMb,-re. the iiillc,, a iýreIl Chies o wa n1 t -,11ilinto service sud Viaters ou a umari iiil-,e iMî1. diii h O as Po ,c ifuroht i îî1ll aP îkth. boiciirimare ,it tie toiit flier Assistaut i'ief T, tr, Il imalie the speed sud at the freq'iteit pet il Ot os caitttre near ihi Vi lcon-ii -rate ertîîuric-otriîse ttiitg. lic sais hiq Ue. ou the lav tî.ck tii Watike sas not niakitig for lbhe -tat--lui- liar- gan Waters coifessed t , o of t1b.' tctlariy - fit for any plaite hi-rt 'h. three hors.' hefts of 'ahidhit is '-offi ocrs 'aitli lotinrab hlm li,-5ed b.' la gtiiit Wanbta toJ in Navy. Oti r b.'bit ci t ii tI t '- Naters hidbJ"-t l,hes tiu joiti th.' set-k Titesday at iIJIerti il1, îîîîîîg 1usîay aitd bas su rît-lied for s0011 tiOio Waters atered ibheils cry barn of C.*t He l, rated as a good boy arotîrd H. Smith uad reuteil a staîtholie atîd horses su-d bassvotki-d for bis father hor.' -lesasontheri tot tiitansd for Johu Waibrough, the celi Sundsy. aber allfiltap-tture bhoîuuowii horsi Inu adMitled that buh al traded the'aiti-1 H.'traded lb.' Smith horse 'ahich mal for attother. The hors.' whlch he got at ihertytIle sitb Wills he 'aas drivitîg tiriti rri ti-tiSuitt Webb, tscei nu aîtd uo cash 10 itoot, day belotigcd il, Vilîlis S Webb of he clatîtus Wadswortb. 111 . aîîd'ima a broui ho lsfnisl t odsdbgi e mare, s Iicb ac-otit-i foi the fact that alieteil Waaitga andits. sud en threi- lior-es iii r- îîîîîinotirte pr pcîleaiegnfml. n ,n ,ititt ~ ~ ~ ~ ltr r i -tlte ~creget is la itffoi the lioy alrodiir suitof ile Ioe lit1o nima arient tdue t bis ouitiselfwivllied fou>y Police Gel Tip. lieista -ttîltuthave lit-r- a bad ho> aI th- laitue a tt-I~ tip 'liat the lh-lîtîtni .anîd to bas,- îîîîrited puîtish- yoitng tmaitr ii'i ha(] -,-ti ' îb a it-t t- i htît is liareuts fot bore borse anîd biiggi -ti % rtiiî tut the id ti ii ioah. hitti sec the error rtf stoloni irolîît titti-() i, est t i t> li s mars iii teiisouing sltb blut lu its ('hier iiiiiiitptiti Tii ccli itt-1i iias îîî- 'a tîtîî,orti and rage un- tttudltely startedin pî ittit theb.'tii hi' la said to bac,- beenunubearable. pîolice horse sud buggy Nttî kaow- (hier Japit of Zion cify joint-h the îng that lie 'aas hieîg filloweii Ire Naukega ofllicis lun the chas.' after baung mtan sas ,ioni -iglttd. but Waters yesterdav antd hefore ibis Ed 'ahiiiied tritibis boise ts sortu as h.' Stcorig, Rd Blanchard, W.H. Hoid- sas the uolit e oticeis, sho commandîl rîdge sud others Juillet]l witb fresh lis t heotolce io ordeitutostop the WMalers i an easiîy elaluit1he- eredit tortg mtaibut îîcîtltîr bit hltn The'tif ieadîtîg tb tolie'the litîtgest chase toi-ihbrslmas stoti xhaIist,td ard inbt-art. lilewouid tiot base sas--d a lýIteti ii, ii h Ii G lSital- if ladt b-- crtt-teclthl- Wiscotnsinti hue. as \,.aitîxcait t,o ma, )rit dii tticJtb a , hooffiters îîîîaîd haie catiitrcd-ti it t oitig lait ala, u ,, initii 5cr-t here. Ni c( 1lie sititeaeti tutu- ehi eîtti ttMondial Fiftecn Mite Chase. :utornîug aler telling bis siorY. The t(lias, leti fum tio illtiwaukee Ed'aard Strong. s farmer residlng road Icitire Bu i oad anti theon 00batthe ceaI en r tfelb.' ash intd. on Shertidan rutiti tîîa aia ir(, state t aijma to baie aa-issted the plice- file Anothet ite.r> titis-e dîtîcriby rithe capltuie tf Hatoiti Waters a-id %Valter Sarntels if \N'aikî-,gan itadti o ivll latut a tportiotiftif bcadeî"tised Iho us, d, bhttthe brititi-bi ian îîmais tliai d lie states thire o asia sa abîle tii keeji a safli'di-tauie alîead. inger un the -atîtîîîîîîîhlî- 'hith 01erý hlaIli--, J mait1ýis ',ha Ci hagîîaîî iho look the ftiiti' anîd that hi- took 1h.' tiitiait csatate itlie ctiiiil. Jtiied'd-toli- host-tntîl tgga ttî bis hontie n tire chasi atîd Offetii ttwist orf bis for qt ii'tglît tîîritg car tIlt 0 ih i tiii oise imas Edstiard tiani-iiaiI aud Charles mottoutinlutht- ioît îxc1tiiig (lisse :lotet ititue 'ai-uc s-t ia tciîtîit- lu i,e t aittiessed iti, trtiietîtIllinrois, ii- eîctitg tîtlice cibst-and gof lu Circied Zion City'.:hi- Niai tI ;is auttotanrd mtii-te 'set yoiiug 99 att-t iett is ilii e sud shet the capitir 'ailSaîalle liaivid t tItilitet--lY ci t-eiZiuoi ity 1tîtiitg Alati-. aainiîî-îer iiiiug coi thte Nlil- the t(base sud ms-(tialu irîîîghiîto Saithi-,- roiati %va ilepiboi tii atîd tîtîtnottitisesit f ittVit% u-ar thae gt out tuîotu tti ia idstiibia shîîh W9isiousiri ,rate ]lneTue aautuomoîbile grtiall t ieti- i îîa,ea, a nprogr-is ,isstoit,îîmach rti thle ttti biottîbo\ati-tîtîtureti îiîîti cr0-ss, oad hi- andItit ii'(tPi-ta t ro,,ded-i t- iclii-le foie tii' Aiati s tailtliilsiecibd ,li*lîtîilll hin99i\t I oni t e fa,î ritalu ailt chancii, fore stýýle iti i(liti tff, DOWiNS ACC!PTS lit urire-i-rdîtat i I a luittîglit liaik I \Watiiitgait. tiloi-t-hoi- it s 1ldgi d MANAGERSMIP Suuday cgga sdsy o!fatotîtolîle accidents, wihh two big ones ieadittg, but cith notbiing but sllght casaal- lies fo report lu regard to the tit- man elemeut. Buuday afteruoon ni-ar lte Austin Clement farm aoufh of Libartysîlte qnd just beyond the Joseph 'uledîli Palterson farni there cas a bad auto- mobile aitl I che n au automobile- souih h""'nd "wilh Chicagoans turned ouf for a sîîeedlug machine trom the soutb aud lu so doing rau mbt a small ditch. 1h turned turtieanad became a sreck -th.' damage iuc4nding the' osa 0f a wheel sud other parts. The four or- cupatas sustaixied but sligIrI damage, wiuh tht- excepttion of îc otien, sho wsea hakeu oi sud htrt to a minor exteut. The- other i-ar stoppîer] andti tking charge 0f the ladies 100k thetît to the i up, while theme inet rtii-- art> trok h-'t raini at Hilghlandl Park foîrtChi- cago. Fard Machine Smnashed. A Ford rînaboîît besrlîîg a \Vlîcon- siti tiamber mas bsdly atîtashîcîlSun- dtuv ni-ar 1Il30in xifrontft hi \- V '.1 Stiorig residetîte ou norti Shn-ridan rosud chen the machitu- tan sîîîaî.'ly luto a telegraM. pole. luth toi the froti'aheelss -ýi e broken antîti ci latrrand l ips talier.'e sshi-d. Il la belleîed that thi- sheerlîîg gear muat rhave been atfafult as the car was diiiv 1en up on the batik aI the side of the road before the- teii-graph piole cas reached The ocuer of tIre machine, 'a-o fail ed fn gise bis name, îtrdered if taken tii lbhe (rlftIn garage'Monida) and J. J. Doroey. the dca> maxi, îoced fiIlu The car hears a Wis-onsin number and 1h la thoughî 10 h.' a NMilwaukee machine. The number la 4919 W. If is Sot belleved that any one lias lu- itîrcî lu the amashîîçî as the ocrier t f the machine shoceh no aigus of cd of Charles Witrei 1(i I 1tIl Polte Sud C. T.Heydecker ua, t îîîînî ed A VSmith w t t- ed atîtertîber of tbc execativa comrti îtr, easd i'lai- euce. Smith cas ceeu rt-il a memn ber 0f tIre marne ,ommiliet - tif shirb the president, secretary and treasurer are ex-olfi iii nîcubers 'irtb tht- vice p re id en t Boici bohhery ai Wadsworth. For tht- sceitnotein as inuit v nui] s ha ltî t-gltis MN tîît itear it'aîî dt-t ttiu-rl r o t u tr-hittte of Sialioti Agi-ut Claudîe Lticai a? Nit iitori irearîl it-e t'ao crtss i anîncîd ga- ietii tarti 'aith the r- i t 'a ii leht i rgtars camte iii tlht 1i iii sîtîlîtstIrer,1-r.' ii turet iititas d t itirge froiiît a shtt g-ii aîîd ftiti 1-i ngi i- 'rît- tii - orgaouut dIl i -- out 50anti put st--itrîl -t -, t i tîsî ruaîls tut faut-h tirve gtit 1ir in-,iThIresaine hittie thre ,t iii-îî îlîtii.- tir uttthirie for t ,I r pin Martiage Licerss Causes Trouble. A mInuglîung the namne of Alfred The so calted "deceut" majanît>' wil ait once make an effort to ce- duce the cît>' fromn a Cil>' goveru- ment ta a viage otganizatian an thre grounds that the cit>' espenses are too high. sud subt rasa tl ta ciaimed ta gel revenge for a coup claimed ta have bien worked b>' the Hogan forces ait the iaat cit>' election, b>' whlch the aileged Hogan aidermnen naw rule the City' cauncîl. Itlas furthet clitueil that up s ala t againsi Kerîry-tiée formier marghal, the ettre ciii cautîtaigri 'aas cuti aioug the tiries tif gittiig bini di-iodger! sud that 1h lias lii effect a caupiagn I agatua.utiers lios-trucibis s caui- 001 tic ieartied diflulitely but Il tg Sttreet gosalr Kenîty 1-, î-aîîîî,d tu be wrîthanbsd claitus itat lie îlid nol gel a fair s hak t- Lack of Satoons Cause. The -Ity 0f Higlucoorl desîres 10 go bat k tii tht- sillage forcit of govemn- met-st least a piortion of the cîfi- zens of bhe soldier cit>' bave so ex- prcsscd lhu-useises lu a petîlion chat Is being circtîlatel b> William F. Ben- sou sud Johni leyers, a former police magistrale. The reason glveu for the deairedcî hanîge ila tIrItIreex- penai-of titaiitairiing a city gosern- ment are cou0 irgh tîow chat there la .o luconue front saloou licensea. The cil>' Ias beeu incorîîorsted for ses-eral Years, lIre lime dalirg back ta the time unes loua 10 '-Mayor Gibbrs'regime. Man>' Urge. The naitnes of many of the ieadirg cîtizeus ofh lilgbwood have been aigui- ed 10 lIre lieiron. chlch la headed b>' lb. aigîtatutre o!f Williamt F.Beuson, isho la lbh' attdior for the Chicago & .lillcukt-e elcctrIc road. The cil>' la manch divideti oitlthe propoaition sud It ls belleved ihat tIre shel) backward 10 lIre village forîn oh goverument ciii Ire fought hY uîaîr Iligb'aoosl resu- dents. That the bind îigs are ruuhiîîg lu Ilgb-ood again la tht- charge made hy a 'aeil Inforured itizen of tht- dtp cho heciares chtIalh.y are uoc as nom- erous as Sfau>' îrevious ime. TIre res-sutiiiltp fortibis cotudition la Ii-ii îî ittio tht- thibre.ies> eleceef 8lderiiii-i. 'abrilt ta clalîtcîl ucceed- ý>i lihavi îîg Narsbal JoInt Keur> ik1titaetfroui office sud ciait aptotited to sacî-eeded hluî alto la slleged cas a former' brinS nie rîi-.î. atie .l 1

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