WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT Correspondent and Agent, IM. E. MAIMAN a otan a much as 20% Of &kalohol; &-Ott,$ Emulsion me na drop. Irnust on baving Scol's Enrnlsion PALATINE Born te Mr. and Mri W. .1. Fisert, of New York , a daughter. May 5th. Miîss Grave i anfloru i pent Sunda.3 Rt bornis nitb lier niiîtler litre. Nrs. Frenchi an]d îaigler returned fromn Wilmngtou, Ill.,w bere the' have spent the a iter. Married reci'ntlyiyn helmein, Iowa, Miss Laura Blumie, eldeéit daughter (if Isaac Bionie, of Palatine. te Ed WagDer of the abot e nanied place. Congratula. tiens eotended. Ja.nes blooelouse formierly of PâtatiDe attended the flireraI (if fils aurat, 'Mrs. John Bryant last leinesifay. NIN. F. Dabînes îfied in Palaîji,, Wednesday nîorning, \lay ilI iN(ý Funeral wam befd Fridaytmoflriin. I.LFB. Lytie and aife. -f Lierlyvvlle, speut the past o eok bere mitIi their daughîi-r. 'hrs.A. (j. Nmitfi. Tht-v make tfiir futuire home i l oiliîgtt.n. Toe8day, May lotlî. John Ifergnianu, Sr., celeliraîed lisi. ritelcisecond birtlî daY andf June 24th bis aile rili fie- Dintv vears old. Tht'3 obseri eiltbrir sixty-nintb tcedding annivermary last January. There are fem coupîles wbi. have the privilege of living together for nearly tbrPe quarters of ar ertulýv, C. Richmcnd ]Paves thio week for is home in Sritland. His frît-nde bere wisli hlm lion voyante. Married in Chicago, Tuesday afler- noon, Miss Mahef Mentzer, of Highland Park te Cbarley Futb. Tbey will he Rt home tu, their frfend@ ln the upper fat Of C. Wert's remidency in the future. "Old Abs" Brand Fertilizer cf Chieago fertflzeî worke for torn, potatoesoand gardeno. Double your crop8 by uing kt. HOME LtntnEn Co. c IVANHOE Thsre sere about tbirty ladies t the annual meeting of the Cemeiîery Society St Mr§. lHenry (irabhea last Thursday. Mot of the old officera, were re-lected. À5 pleamat social heur wail @peut alter whlch refrméhments were oarvs,.after which & vote of fbanks was gis-eu to Isr. Grahbe and ber baugbters for their generoua hopitalt,. lir. Nettie Smith, of Gravolake. lei .pading a few days w:tb ber daugbter, Mia. Lusk. i. and Missl Bates, of Waucouda, cailed on frieuds bers hunday aflernoin. Mia. Chas. Beckwitb and tire HB C. PaYDe attennied th, W. C T. f Insti- tute t Libertyville lest Friday. Pev. Hanna is preacig a series cf Sundav eVening sermoin on the. Dreatiier The cbuîcb was asl llled last Stnlay evening. Born to Mr andt M rm. leif a iîcy, last Thuraday. Louis Radke enpects tii go li Teas lu the near future. James Van Plew. of llliagii, t i&îîeif bie pareno reoentl3, SUn CLiuk Starter andî tnt -tu cd toi Jour Young bikgui Vue hile t'y hiOME Lt.'nî us uCo. Blg eipruint now n uail Oi m. oie drain tile. LEN Lîsr<"i1, S îmiii 1i LAKE ZURICH There -ill Le a dane n Sulieniiîig Hall nent Saturda3 evsuing. Henry fluescllilng bhsreturned ti L.ake Zurich af te- a weeks i simt in Chicagoe Peter ant George Meype, FErnîl Eui ht and Wm. Fihirbnl&er , attenitit fliiu-sh at Waukegan Mînday. Mn,. Wmi Tonne a-eut to thi iiest Bide HOspitel l it hiago Monday wlîere ab@ wilI Undergot an operatfurn fîur appendlcitis. W. C. Prebrn et te Joliet Sundav tii - s-wt bis ittle sou, l'au], Orbei seta3 r wth is graudia tbnre. The Lýadies Aid Suîiety of the E,,an ge" aJSt. Peter@ cburiu'h-et lest Tbure- day and electeit nea- offier, Mrs.lleîtfîa Braudlng, piesidexut; Mr@. Mary rchafer, SiS. ps-sodant, Mn,. Ouste Kohlf, treesurer and Mis. Fida Slbrmauin, secretary. Rev. J. J, Silbermaeu and M'm. Li. lu M anan are goîng to attend tie churi h confereuce eh the Nortbern liluols Dm-ý tsIct of the Grman Evangelical SYnoul or North Amreilca. whlcb a-Il be belit tMs wsek le Chicago andt a-lJIl àt netil cat TuW&dy. ' Ou thît account, therej wfII be no cbsich services next Snndayi lu et. Pters chnitb. iý mu. [au j her' and B. C. Barris were Cbiuago visîtirs Sunday. Jofitî Miirphy wae a fraysfakes visitor Sunday eenîiug. Fred Piugle, of arrungtoîî, w as a Wiauccuda calciMonday. Ray Julinsoixi, cf Chîcago, wais bers Saturday loir a short vist wîîh oîd frieud s. W alter Meyer i here on a vacation ati the borniscf bis liarentsi, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mateyer. Mrs. Betty Fuler and coildren viere Chicago vîstors Honitay._ Miss (',ula f.eary epent Sattrday and Sunday ai lhomîe. 1) H. Murîîby trisnsacîted business in Chicag Mondat'. Mis tettit Murra-y, tChicaîugo, epent Saturday anîl Stinday w iii ber parents llehny Nfaimaîi returued homine Tues-1 day eveniug alter speuiduug a few daysb c tb relatives at Chicago andl Wauke- gari. A large orut' i attended the dance at fi. H. Murjliy s pavililn Saturday Mfr. auniMîs. Jos.T'oîiisk3 nîd daugli.t ter. cf Cary,. spelit Saturday anud Sîîîday at theue îîne o f r.îund Mrs. C. L. Pratt. Mtss fi ena Jenks of W aukegan, s1iti cfatiirdae mad elonday at homeil. Mr. and flre B.,.. Su lafler, îîf Me- Henry, tisîtedtelatit es liere miinday. Mr. Wiathîie cwas a goest at J. E.e Jenke buhtme Sunday. Mr. and M rs. W im. Biiiîleît, cf Mllenry, rîsîteit at F. L.Canrn. ,Son- day. Mr. andf Mr@. lRobert Judfson and sou, îîf Chicago. -peuît Sunday at t' L. lirattem C. A. Go.lding trent bock tii Chicagoî Sunday evening alten spondinig a a-ee-k bers. Nlr. andi Mre. Golding a-ill maire theiîr bonte bore durîng the oummer. J. D. Mnrray, of Chicago, transacted buosnees bore Saturîlay. R. R, Kinîherîy. of Chicago, spent the fi rot cf the a-etk bere.1 Miss Winnle Pratt, of tîruce Lake, esn Saturday and Sunday at bei ho me. Agaîn ',the Thimble Cluf i records a royal tîme, Mis. Barry Ford having invited theni Wednesday, May llth ou very short notice, yt tbat did net prevent ber giving the club a flue tîme. The ahove aIa-ays ready a-bon an lu- vitation la reieived and ohows their apprsi'iation by rsspoudiug la fuIl nom- bers. t le wsneraffy the genuina a-el- corne Ithat count, .and ail are sure of that. at that borne, that combineit with the itainties ol refiesbmonts. Asma-al as good @toileA excbanged could Det belp but promoe a god time, ail a-ork botb mental and physical and abandon. ed tbe entîre afteiniion given unite solfit lazy en]oymsent and the expreesicu on every ite e sWbata good tlme wé hai.' Au alternoon @pont ihusu cce8îonafîy brugltens oenud drives duli cars aa-ay. Alil were reluctant te feave, but tîhe te, returuinz waitb inînî'bte think cf, ef a very pleasant nature, untîl otunîch estet-ned bopt andt ieste-so invite u again. becond epecial meeting cf the fVa ucon da lnîPrcrsment Club valled te crder by Presîideot, R. C. Kont, Minutes of lest spe-cial meeting were callsd foîr wbicb wece rt-ad and approscd. Rteporntcf Hoard cf l.irectcrs on re- tht tng of Lîluerty Pole wae called for aînd Mr. Murr-ay re;îorted that thers bad lieeî sîoîe suggestIon in regard te order- ing an ircîl lia.g lîle lîut wsre unable te get pruioeHtii tresesut at this meeting and asksd fur di@.înssio n citlîim matter. LOUIS iJ. THE 0F The Ladies' Aid ailîl ueet Wedneday afternoon aitb Mris. Sbaadles. Myron Wllscpent Wednesday evening et home. Mlr. Trîppts on the ik list. The girls of3Rockefeller are urgalzing a tia8ketlbaliItearu a-biclialîl ineet fur th., tiret time Tbnnsday evening. Mrs. J. J. Rouse, Mre. J. B. Ayuesfy and Mues Nina]8ouse attenitei the en- tortaitrioeet givenr by the- Choral Society at Liberty ville Toesday eveniug. Mr. Ilartbelomew bas been ruade the rt-nf t-tate- agent cf the Sbeldou estate and Edward [(rien bas taten hi@ position as gontral maonager oh die Sheldon Schiel, Ater suomdiscussioin, ît was decideit, rather tlîan bîave the uîattu-r îlayed, it w ould ho botter tu liave ithe ld ipole tixedu admoved and suppcrted te bave the old eue repaired and ereeted accord lugI y. Carid. Nent in eider wes the question in regard te seeoring a flfg for tfîe Liberty PoIs. Moved and suppomrterd tht' Board cf Directors investigate the icatter and seurs a ffag @oitable for omre. Carried. Naxt in'order a-as i'onsideratien ef holding a sere of entert.ainments foîr next ainter. IDr. Fuller reported for thoe Boardt that tbey îîad cookeit into tbe matter and lounit that tbey ceul soecurs, four 'entert>imeuts froni the Centurs Lycenin Bureau fer $140) inluding al expenses except Icealaocb as rent cf ihurcli, piano andt focal prfnting and tboogh tbey coulit self season tickets ai, $1.00 fer tlîe four entertainments andt hy fholding ta-e home talent ententain- muents ccufd pay ail expenses and bave a gooîu surplus te place lu tbe Improve- metu 'b treaouîy. filocei and supported tîhe report ef tbe board of directore as gîcen uy tir. Fnlier he' acî'epted, and the board of dlra.'tors be instnuctedt-e sgn uOp a cotract nilh tlie Ceuîtury I.yueuîi Bureau for tîlîs stýries cf entertaiuuîeîîts. Aller con- sîîlerable discussIon vote by ballot nes takeni, I.,votes beiig rmast h fuieandt 4; agalnst. The board a-as icotdingly imtctîited tii pru.eeed Wl tf the matter. Ntext in erdir wnns tbe subjeot of hlIiclig a Fcurtb cf J uly celebratitui Aflto-r ion- siderablu dicusicu it '-as îuoved and euîihorted. Presideut appcinted a eotu cilitteetu tco<nfer wltli the -Odd Fellows and iake arrangenients accordîngly. Cemttiittet- appointed were Brooke, liabmîs and Storirer. This ccncloiling tIle evenings bosiîieas il nas znoced and souîlurted ttc adîiuirnu ntîl fNlonday evenîig, NMay 2f1 at S c'cloeuk. Obituary. Dîsd t bis borne nortlî cf fiaconda, Tbursday tuorning, May 4, 1910, Mr WillamiHoftt agr-d 77 years and 15 days. Be tres henin n Gerrnany, Aprîl 19o, 1833 and grea- ti mauhcood lu bis native land. Whou bo came te America be settled near Park Ridge a-bere ho livai severaf yeaim, Iateî încving tu Lake ceunty, the farm being neai Quentins Corners. About ta-enty-tire ysaio ago fie bougbt the farni on wbich ho livait util his deatb. At ta-enty-tive yeariofo age ho chose fer a WIle Miss Maigareta Popp, tu Wohobeaes a gond busband. ln the timo of tbe nations poil Wm. Hilooft wes ene of tbe men wbo weut te the itefense cf the uioncause andt l8 recoideit as having beau a goed solitier. Hi@ wifsi died about ton years a&go. The sous are: George. Fred and Albsit, al marilei and reiding in tbls country aiie two daugbteis. Sluce tbseiteath of bis a-île, one dangbter, Nlrs. Vehe. cf Bristol, N. t). bas heen calleit to loin ber mothen; se Lonise,.%Irs. John Geoseelîlje the onlyeFurivinizdaugbteie. Mi. Hooft waa a man cf energy, temperato and frugal and bad aînesse-i a gcodly share of the woriîitsgeedm es a reenît a-hici ho bad givente bis cbildrsn. He bail been ailing for a long tînt' but waa veîy patient after he rsalized hoe ould Dot recover. Beides the iuedlate lamîly there are sixteen graudu'blldren, ta-o bîîîthero and six sisters. four a-be lire Master Eldbn1 days thia week w Mr@. C. Spring inu The VaimnuCas meet witb Mr@. li Fred Sherman, -ilewoýwioiowwwiokl imýo tao e 0 0 --weel - YORIC PreacÎlug service as usuai next Son- day monig by our pastor R. T. Rolland. ID the eveuing D)r. W. 0. Shephard, Distict Superintendeut relîl Piaach. Lâst Saturday Emery Shlaw baid the misicîtune te bruimes lus bindlsecerely wbi'h nsas very paînful. Mr. and Mis, Eliot Hai'iiîiattînded tîhs W. C. T. U. tonvenîtî a t Libearty- ville last Tbursday. Mi. and Mrs. Will Ryan attended the ueraI cf Mrs. Mitebler, tvho n'as burled ait Miii Creek last Mondes. Lest Wedue9day the barn on the farn Ownsid by C. J. Miller wR. hurniedtot the gioundi, also oea caîf, four par-s, cone dog, foui tons hay. ouaecru stalk. Mr. K. Maigarian ianted the place, Nigbbois burried tu heip thein and saved tbe bouse and carrnage bouse. Mi. Miller was a long resldent bisre but ncow recites lu Chcago and bis friendâ are sorry te hear of hi@ Io88. James Duffy la sufferitgiigtt îla sors baud. Robert Rougeanad frlend froîîî Diaîncnid Lake 'isited bis sister, lMts. Jus frcck- son ever Sunday. On Thuicday evoning, lune lu;th at the York House M. E, oliurcb, Rev. W. E. bhaffei seiflgivaeone cf bis popolar lecturero wbieb wifl be very entertainlng aud instructive. Ail come and hearlmn A collection will be talien aIt te close of the lecture. Mr. anîd Mrs. Dlav id Adanis nîsjted last Tuesday and Weduesilay et ('bas4 Buttertiedus t Lethtciu. ilr. P. Deninicore and fauiily.tif Gurner, isited witli Mrs. Joieili'kc ]est Sunday. Tiielma Oison visited with lier teai lier, Miss ladys Stuart, ilf itîruee. iter Suadas. Mr. andt Mis, Dave Erssin slient Sun- day witb Jerry Burris. %lsses May, Francisanit Wilifriîl IGoull Msent Sunday wîtb their brither, Barry flou Id tR hIVXtu ii "TE tro i S'T 5EEC Mrs. Mary Basekins and Miss Maude Hawkuins leit Tuesday, May i.th foîr Essexu Vermonîn. Tbey expect tii be about twe mnthe. Next Sunday May 22, Hec. Sbepberîl wfll preach t the York Hiose cbnrch. .Mis, Carnie Leviso bas retorned te Chicago. %irs, Crever andt iangbter, !la, sperit Sunday witb Mrs. Ira Heldridge. Andiew Giraham hait the misfortune te be thîown frein a bigu wigon Iast Wednoodayv. Ho feîl on bis rigbt aide, hruiaing bis shoulder esulho was unable tc work, Herbert Wlder and frienit calleit on David Adam@i and famlly Sunday. Miss Florence Brooks, of Zion City, le vlsitlng ber sister. Nellie Brooks at Mis. E, Baconsa. Rer, H. L. Hutt, oui former pes;ter will preach bers betb mrnring andt even- ing, May 29. Hie wculd like te ses as many as possible prsent. Mlrs. John Darrîiw entertained tlîe Beach Club last Friday svening, about ifty were prement. Ail report a got timie, Joe Hrccksocn andt Ira Boldridge @peut Suday at Liamond Lake. Mr. arnd Mrs. Eliot Bacon epent Sun- day wîtb fruend eat Litier4ville. David Adams and EmerySbaw vlsîted lu Wînthrop Barbor one day Iast week. lu G;ermm,.Y. "lie funeral a-as bod and have a good tirne. Sunday at the Methodist church, Rev. FOX LAKE ---______---___ Hynnsuficatit Buia aasmaielu Mia. Fred Schultz speut a fea- days KNIOOE & RAYI the family lot in the Waueeuda cemetery aitb frieude in Chicago the latter part cf beside that et bis deceaeei aife. the week, LICENSED Gus Brtudtner s fîaving au addition Embalmers and Foiieral Directors The cleversst imitation et real Coffee boilt on the rear cf is restaurant. RockseelierIllirnois. ever yet miade la tir. Sboop's E aîtb Colles. t i@ flue lu Ifavor-anit la made Mms. Maud Kitchen andt Mis. J. P. Pliosor2(i't2 , ifetyilfle tuay anduiS get Colis in just oeeminute. No tediotis 20 er 30 Cronin a-ors Aitiech calions Baturday. wlakec-ni-n Sahloîacetion 1.uar a t oft iliustes belling. Made froir, pure parcb-Lk ony aifato urned 3 ed grains, malt, nute, etc. 8arnple free Mis. Howard Scott antditaugbter CORLETT & FREDERICKS. spent Suuday with bier parents, Mi. and _____________________Mis a. s. Neisb, t Libertyvillo. laves x e sv ----Mis. David Tobin orpent the finit oh theEx e sv a-sek WItb Irfende in Chicago. Tho epening dance at thelîiiuoio Bote1 Repairs Saturday evening wes weII atteuded. G o YMOM A Leigbtuer, a pieminant galoon- oo Paint pre. YEOMAN ~-keepe en NotAvenuei Cicgo, bac vents rot and decag-saves leaseit the Dunuilil bouse5hor a torn of > r ~ A ~thse yeare. The Dunnîl biothers expect eXPensIVe rePairs. te leava ceeu fuir Mchigan, a-bore they . ] IC A I U Ihave property. Une Dest, pro tec- John P. Spii'zak andt family baveton [or you r house or barn ________________movdIt ute irr umnier home lu the Marlîle Subdiision. iS Bradley & Vrooman Pure The Fox Lanke Si'choof closeit Wednes- Point. Mr@. Dr.,Boat, of Meinneapolsfla spend- day. after a succureesil tcîm couducteit ing a fea- daysa -lth Mis. Bose ou bei hy Miss Florence h) Boyle. l V a way borne frotu the Soth. asosives Tii 0015 rTWK5OU. 1 a u The Ivanhboe. liamond Lake and Jobhnîiaiîey e a Chicago visîtor Quantitg and Qualitg. Full fIokeieller churceswailI nulte lu gtving Weunesday. galion in every galion co. theur rueuxorfaf servicesa thia yaar t Ivanboo. Mis. A. i.. Brnside ralieit on bier sîster Justin Hilfstl left for MontanaWed-lu Chcago, Wednesday. rotsasne So Id a ad use d uecitay nfgbt. WiIl Lafleiafter everal otabee Floyd Aynesfey, et Muka-ouago, Wîs., îetnrned home M deday. coninuouslq without corn- spenit Satu rday and Snnday. Tboa. O'Kft- cf Waukegau, movait Plaint for over 3 1 gears. bis barber chair întc Joe Amansaloon. AbsoIuIeîg ptre-mnade of ALL DEALERS Otto, Mueîî'hke. Win. Cbristophei andtCroae 0 ed xd Don't drug tbe Stoniacb. oî timulate Guy Moîrilî att-ndeit the dance at C roae o ed xd the Heart or Kidueyo TLat flà wrongRudLklititedyeeig of Zinc and Linseed Oil. It Io the neak nervem that are cryl -u ndLkWdiedyeeig eut for helîî. fiitalie.e tiese a-eak tuside Mis, CfaraSI" iuig waa the guest of ber A trial wilI prove there is controllng nerves wnlth Dr. Shoopa B@- daughter, M In. K tî lien. Fridav. storative, andl net- oa- quîckly god nobettei' paint mtade. bealtht a-il cûnie te roi agaîn. Test It Miss AdaSiirig, iof tibeityn 11e, called andt see! Sofd by on relatives bere Suuday. F. B. LOVIELL. v ottmn due tog= "MMal'Y.coý Wj.eastAutsfhAsc>,rtat Mr.Lofa Avery wus tfîe puest of Mr. and Mis. Paul Avery, at Lake Villa, rècently. LeeaElutson and Mi8s Delta Croker, of Lfbertvllle, called on friend e be Sun- day. Mis@ Be@see Clougb, of %Wauconda, mes the guest of Helen Rayîtiond Saturday and SuDday. Harry Lusk, 01 Grayslake, and Mies Katherîne Dow@]], nf West Freinent, were ln town Sunday. Mis. Cbaîity Raughttale siiting nt the borne of Mr. and Nrs. Anîbrose Raught. at Lbertyville. Mr@. Jeune Cos8man and daugbter, Murj, of Round Lake, called on relatît es sera Sunday aflernoon. Mms W. M. Fluson, Mis& Nellie Vasey and Floyd Willîania were Mcllenry cal lors 'hfln@qjay Meers. WiiI aîîd Aflvin Hansen are entert.aining a friend frotu Stîîuglîton, Will Otlt, rural mail ilelivêer, mas hickod ty a fiorsc ast net-k and %% as badly l,îuieed. Mr. antd Mrti.Lordfs and daughter, Carrie, cf Chicago, and Mîr. and Mro UGeo Bock and fauiily, tof Highlandl Park, vjSlted with Fred Hiirenherger and fanaify Btndav. Alvin Meyer met witb an accident lest Wedîîesday and fiad two hunes broken in fils anti. Lîttle Donald Easton à@ in the Ciragio Hospîtal. wbere be onderwent an opera- tîo for glandular troufble. Rev. F. Hosoli- atts-nding coufernce n (Chi- ago tht, week SMr. and Mrs. Harold Flowter and faDiîY client Sundas in l)uerfleld. GRAND For Sharpenîng Lawn Monsers. se BuyIns Window and Dmo Sciens or aoyllnsgln IJPIOLSTERING. S&c. SEE IiOWARD BOYES, J wih Lynch Brou. Pe Bred PERCHERONý STALLION B611 Law~r~ll~e NO. 66188. Weighed 1826 Lbs. Wheet 2 Yrs. Oid. Sîreit by Importeit Bon Mlarchie, 2400 Ibo. Dam. aported Clîerte, 2000 Ibe. On ocf the Topper Young Stalîfous of Aruerita , aitb f rmt-class bons, deep tbroughu fîeart. struie ever loins -i th fine sprlng of rnb, and the beet middtle von evor caw. , i'p'.aded, ana tan trot like a hackney. In service sraRoduey FarmI1% miles a-est cf Libertyvifle. R. B. SWIFT. Comneând sec oui herd of Pure Brod Jersey Caf île and Berkshire Hogs. (31J F. BAIRSTOW NOTICE Let us furnish your win- dow screens. We use the best mÈteriai, and our miii conditions are such that we are able to do first-ciass work. We fee? sure you would find Our product satisfactory, durable and superior to department store stock. Write us today for pri- ces. G. M. Harrison & Son, P. O. Box 283, Lii> ertyville, Ill. If YOUR PIANO, NESTUNINtG ioet (itr enfiert Iner iii doe t I.eav, n rd.- oitfî LYNCH BROS. CABLE p-4,N0 CQ.,Chicago ANTEGO Race Record 2:19 1.2 Fufl lîrotîter tii egtnStar, 2:1il ' 1 Fogit-d 1 499, Bfack eîallîîîn 15% baude 1119f1 Sîrr(Ilh iy A@egen i69114 . [iR-otru 2 isi, Sire.if mîul ndiiîg.A-goîî Star, in fî îot2 I,,ha by Nutot tisi 600; tegosm ilaîi(iypgy [A 225,dani ut:lifni tbe je.t. ANTEGO 1averh andsom back ih a sn goiid îlîsîosltlon, i levoier lu fiarnese, and is RaSiluRre, open.galtetitrotter Wilîl standî at titir barn. $10.00 to Insure. AIl nleîdeiits Rt o. ters ri.. LUSK BROSa Phone f25, 33-3 ROUND LAKE, ILL. PRLlîkftEHW IIITEWAtt-.H F. S. IMEAD, Prop. La Belle Park con. Llivldsd Into sections cof(630 acres andt subdivided Into 20 acre tracts Soutbern Land snd Invèstnaent Company DYMONO & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ULS. Crystal Barber Shop Shaving 15C Artistic Hair Cutting 23 Flret-ciass Work Guaratiteed. Agent for Schri ver Laundry. CHAS. E. MASON, Proprietor. Round Lake, 111. Razors pt in order. 22 9 0 0 09900 - - 9~spp The Ie t i 3~ Lake Afstrau>te i ,,oluoi,: Te Ma rble and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence sollclted 12 6 Genesee St Watukegan IF SICK--WHY PAY Unies. KeÉth First Rettrns. Itersla hwts ouid O-i!lt-nle,, tbf- i N - w Y o u t -o l l o t s 1 : 1t î g y t i . y l " ,r f o d tb a t - ' Î .r i o , n n I . ?i c uc.iean do for thse '. 1-te, b& i Pay tinte., b-t-eh 1Cmi roito-'Ai I 1 iii, e itetoratino wlh àa .igned and oaatod 30 da y bobo. No-tP' -rîntract. thtua Ci> .lûoîJ<esliritt rt e )xj llt- lyp!ree 1(f if fai/s". th din do thse- or eàue a thiir î tcrtuiiisu 1 yrin nnd mote i, îît or ltsîj. k.w dey, ..d flotsthoriîit,îtr( ie i noe .. î, h . -118- illiilîce t e1. t fer.ý l lesi.lrn -il. Th-rs I5ri W.l-Isi illu b t it tv 1 Y î,u h -w 1l a ' . -iie i n i g Th-$ ebook. al-oto i l A t-irY hfi 1l't.n ri tellj flirte. t - rii b. lif-111. e i I i toth l . - tiu'stl P -io. il.$ tîil n. . III îi, action or lu, ll i Thoe ock. mIlii O's' it, muR oi t. l, Ifiiii l Ile. th- hoo , -r.,tît vél. Ti ni (rteIl - toIl l'y 1 .. aile teir-Y. 'le4e's1- il. l' ai yi -y araket,, chanuî,lii tt,îa mrodi e rlt-?one t i, r (iie ru bai k lit /itai a& I do frbfI t.leîr,îla rka Jle off, r". $0 write mxtou11, rtiî e '. ,i 1 have &IItoh fi,1 t i - sr I orsnlilà Irr"i .w lieit, .Ui s. flo t e -l teirâi lor itieoil AIl 'i- toht Il t FI -ite . Ri-txeadno but.1 ail -e fotot t.iar,.i 30. î etd. y t du5 t-nsnt and del. Te, Me.al1o-rliiot .nid mr home phy.Iihun tMY sdli- --.d th* book lw 0ware 004-nl siiot s o.. s wr o it oime.1as- .Pns tliotta.di tuy rPrît te rurn.i on ut te.--]aiadIre Pl.n. .. C rieffrt hoesnrli -srruily-, aiPI. le -,- H.o vete n-' hile yîo ha-,efit fesh tn mind, for lomorror tens, 1nmes.. Dr.Shoop. Bon 12, Meis.tle, ~On Tipore&l NI'(cFor Wotuen 0o2 0. the IlUrts No .t5 For Men Not. Oa LKdas- No. 6ou ltb.=smstazs RUSSELL Liliber Yard Fo tr Figiie. s un BUILDING MATERIAL Ily prive-s are rfgbt acîf grades goitîl. W'fiethi-r' îu buorr tîît get i tigures .¶bcago, vIitait frieuda - Kithe Stome alAlcohol Questions sLit bi ganmob Is aicohol a tonlc? No! Does fi make the bIod ure?~ Lîetiyvllloca. n il Nol Does Ut strengthen the nerves? No! Is ?yer's Vii anor, ay2s SarsapariUa a tonf c? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes! Doesit strengthen the nerves? Yesl Is it the oly - Sarsaparlila entlrely free from' alcohol? Yes! Asic your OLO doctor about this non-aJcoholic medicine. If he approves, of Mlton, Wis..waas a YOur confidence wi b. compiete. . C. Ayer Co., Lowdimýaa day evening. Linl oswf I -1.ll . H- --- . ... -.--- J. H. B Bradley, çp Oh section Carie lN Lîllan J, rodi and lh t. W. Hi sayler. lot ion, Noith JWFr part lot 30( J. W.Fry Stralght, pi D., $S1 F. W. Ga] ger, lot 23 1 C.. $1. undItvided Add lAke A. D. Gîf John, undîr nsau Adit NiasIer lu 6taoit. lot 1 niun Add., Dihlîlef ils Peterit. lot bloî "' First BaIt Neiliu Suf block 1. 1111 W, C Eu Neilfen lot f Hiekeulet, I1- bîio k -% file Wiauiigaiî. EMIf.A Vi A 1)liih e Jc-n.,fi Se fitS, Kiî1 Bfeauhb Sanid ot latndln >o St,-sart T duon tii [ca Park at [Dru W. -E. Sur Sheormaun, Ie iiiitillltu ni S., HI la. N '.u lh- h ' i' Pa 111 lu111,fi4101 .1 pal S l. ifcciii. an Shermn. lo wu. d1 3 -a5n fl-riti Roitiliîkli l Edwands W i., xi .f fi \\il ii m al l.okî VIII Addititi M. E Class mneetli J.B. tiac,uf Preai'bing t Whlpple a-Il " Missionary C tbe City of Ch attendeit by the union, ma Bible achoc ing service. Epwortb leader. Mies I1 Preactilng Cowarad.' OF THfE New Pavillion tfertel's Park IIALl DAY, ILL. Saturday Evening, MAfAY 2I1 fEveryjbodyj invited to corne MANUFACTURER or