Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 May 1910, p. 3

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VL.AXE COUNTY MDEPKNZDENT. FRDAY. MIXV 90 * loin Mns ue? Lyer's mire? your oves, Every dic lted NOXALL PINÈ . ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT The r. P.J UE.EitrPhtone No. iîi met last Si Thee aittoama eritlyguratee pinan fll eaur. ad rd Orders Talion for Job Work Advertiting Rate On Application ime ida. $1.35 PER GALLON. 0 tiiýyrHa Once you use our Eloor antd Porcb Palntq you will use no otiier. Thm Orayelake Centery Soi îety a iii thaîr bome ait the Wiriis bouse u the 1). J 08b ineet wlth Mmra Engane Hi-nde Thua- taire, wbaer r Hoînies bai'ti-en liv ing Wadneasta3 We carry a full une of Varnish Stains, japalac, day atternoon, May 2fith. Vîitore lu the pa8t. Saveral i enanilsUquid Veneer, Linseed Oit, welcome. There wlll lia a ipeciai meeting tf theatiae lait W and Trurpenine. -rc Deacon Toli will conduct the Wouien's Club, Thureday -ileuing, May lire. Met serie«attheMisio no tSonda,- 26ti at the home of Mr@ .1,Bllard. calier lisea e 9xfn. Eveybody Inviteti to attend. Miss Muriet tjliveiand mclent Sunday Mir@. R. W. Chureblîl visuted relatives wlth lier oncle andi aunt. 'ir. aud Mm. AI i ies ic W ~ il f> ip e ~ Mien Nelson, of Lake Villa, viîteti era1 Haml Prntce Sr., atit] ,ie are at We bave a nica huie o! samples we wouid ike to show you at îricee Saturday. thair teautitul sommer boinc at Tlîiril that will interest yen. Henry Kualiker transaîted ilnetinL.ake foîr tbe Sommer. Chicago, Tuegiday. tir. R. E. Clark, w lii was r,., eutly D R U C E D R G C O . iea. Chas. Wigttman a iII entrtain oTeratei ou at Galeeburw ritirnet iome Çlaeurs lthe 500 Club, Tburetay evenîng . Tîieiitay niglit. He Ill ,v ivýaaibut nlt1 spending 3 Stores-.-Graysiake, Rockefeller, Round Lake. ir, anti lir Allie Kapple, utýlake a "*Iliiif improveti condition itjîl t Mr. andi Mrt SVilla anti Miss Lilati %eCorntick , of iîped tlîat se wîll so n st-i11111 u t. Thi M tiss Lîbertyville, were liraymlake vinitia lBryant R)oeson, (if ;iîkansam, er visitai] wi Us00eea.Suniday.a as the guO8t Of E. B- N ][sudi .ami luîY 'attending Rala Mal- anr] ou-tana-tdbuiets Ither1friads here ti . %-k. Suntiay. j Real !statç Tranglers R iw y Mal C rs Frankltrn tri iaster nem ar of Z dlaai lfrteny Mr.antiM L ýe.uFualehcd By - - -- -'- aften. (irayelake Liv I reariî tCo, e%*@l iyears anti notesa iiîaiîi ,anges terboh Lake County Ttle & Trust Co. Two 10etiare f tImmeCastîle ilîiîor ir an hear hty aona si-ii-rbai d i aie Leîîay ut- Ahîtrai>tm of Titie. TItioe Guaraniteed 1Tis- )oi t the Grayslake Pbarmacey aneas ti syehe .sîul it i-fre luda Ilasonic Temple BlIdg. Waukegan, Il. pasRiwyMl Mims Viola Gorge traneaitetibusincssIlilinois again. Flic reguli Lori s J. .USE Secy. Cl.s 80 to 01200. andi otherinCcao ndy services ssiîi J. H Brdle mdvîf t~employeos Up ta 02600 irinuaffy. Mimsa Eitta Farr anti Ruth Riley mimernt Base Bail. un anay r1 Bradley, part of the northaast quarter Incde Sain wil bolti spring exami. Satriay ntiromedat sslrhMo is Lîlia The Grayalake aine croqeei fate wltlî Lewis, o! of section 35, Libertyvîlle townsbip, tions tbroughoot the country for liai]i the Round Lake team -Suuîlay on the prairie Vlca Q ' 81way %rail Cerks, Cuotom flouse f'lerlom Mr. and M~ra.. (ttc Waitiman enter borna18 round@. 'Tle riea a lose baud anti ili Carnie M. LaYcock a.nd busbandtu t Stémographere, i3oikkeeîe.r, l)part- taîneti friands from Antiocli. Sunday oDebeing 9 te lu lui Gravalake favoir. reitations e Lillian J, Morreli, loý,6 (ex. South 1 mantal Clarke anti other tioverirnant l'o- hi B. liî,tfrey, o! Antioîli, spent Tliur- At the nlnth inning the gaule stooid 7 teoi slioei cit1 matit andi lot 7 block ~ Northwuat ad- stionn. Thouâanîls ifapiiintmnents wif day niglit withi ler parents Onfvro!Oaeaeau u on dîtion to Waukagan, Q. C, si. ha matie. A ny omanrir soman iver 18. Mise Rnlîy Smith, wbo tas taken to Lake tesa want into bat and, brouglit Fred Priesi C.W. Heyctecker andi wlfe t C. E. ln city or country eau gi-t Instruction the iouîiîtai at Chicago last week le Inl taO mure tailles auj for a tmewais e,,ouqI S ayl r, l t 21 bloc 6 L nox u bti vîs- a n ti fre a In fo rm a tio n by w rit n g a t unci, Iso m ti e tter ae xcitem n t ran h g h and l It wa a th o g lt ac l e t a ton. Nortb Chcago, Q. C.. $3. to the Bureau o! Instruîction, 459C' Ham- Bily Springer, who lias ben iuppoiiited the gamns wouid lia a tia Nit Suntiay ng, J W Frye and wlte ta W. N. Frye, lin Building. Rochester, .Y. manager if thie plant heme ')y the Noirth Grayolaka will play î;uruael teamu at MIss Tilli partlot 00, akeForet, W D.,$1.Gurnea andi Round Lake wîll play Johns- withbebr sut prlo30,akFoatW.DS. Preventvaa-thoee Candy Cî,lî Cura Shore Eletri. bas beau preoenteti with bu lï-tt- - wëh,, te il tLbetv J. W.Frye andti itaHann.b le. F. Tablets-will salely anti îuili hibe i àie horse anti wagon toiloot alter the brg barnthnompiaureWa bi,îe l i i t be Stralgbt, Part lot 300' Lake Forait, W. ail cuida anti the (irip. Try theîîî .ocebiness hare blig -mesoa aras.gtti«nd i D, $ i. at îet T .Ba andi see' 4it< 25e. Soli iy The eightb grade ex aminatiene for the Annual Meeting, yard unalie F. W. Ganse adwf oT .Bet ALL DEALERS township waas givan at the tirayslaka gar, lot 23 block 15, North Chicago, Q. ,aboThe annnal.meeting o! the (rayelake The Sunia. C. $1. i-kln r r ogi a a îîikyWomen*s Club vas bliiat the bomae ofwilll observe W J arns t J.At. lttaioun. telnaewibor.rycopa Coangli Remeîly NMiss Etta Farr ba theta risfotuue toi lra. L. Y. Bilas lait Tbureday avening Day" nart S untilyldet 16 of 24 lots lu Juneau iNso opiunm, no chlorofîîrm, nothîng un al eatn e olwn fieswr lcei acmilyI Atiti. Lake Bluff; q. c, 800.0o. bsafe ortndlirarali wok.AMlas.Etta Famr, presîdant. Mns. Kuielker, 0:30 &a. m A.D II nt w!et J ML stale r aLL Sod ALRSMrs. Wm. Sprinwer la antertaining ber vice prosidsnt; lire. Mary Palmer, iat Hoe Joh. ntl -6et îo f 24 lots ln Jo iîtbr!îîî bhdepi.sacretar!; lir. Amy White, coir. se and 0rinaWg neau Atit. Lake Bluff; , wd. $3333.34.1 H. A. Hoimes, wbi, continets the hard- tary; Mm.. Bullard, treaiurer. Aftar the ezamlnationi .%Iaoler ln tbancery to F C.fileter- FAMILY CARES wares stre for Wm. elibaîn. wae business meeting a short program wai Mise franc atadt. lot 1, block 5, Hall antidOmter-,marrieti Satnrday evaning te Mise Myrtie given. Tbe club wilil toile a course in Petera, of b nilatAddt. DeerfIelidtd. $28W00 o. hî frmto Myb.oVau Funk, o! Galeburg. Tiîey will maire Ancient anti Roman Hltery next year. marriaga at Ilarilel tiarrlety ant iafe to dnt yaMthrn iryvilegratulatione. Peter-, lot Io> Etarims subdliiin e ________of___________________________ _ Dan Ritzet bloi k E Highilandi Park, .. D_ $2,- Wlinther, ei adtiedtu iithe,îoany position as@ m ()lt) îar" sinseparallafronmthe reariug îîf The Young tiret Haîtit ihurcb îof Chicago to u<îl ren t bat affliction îof aaknesol]f ý A A~ a spacial mi, Nelc Smiithî. nortb hit of lot 3fthetincys and auiiar3 iîrgani A(J thJe l i Mlay 22. SPE bloc-k 1, tllgblanti Park, W- D.. I$420 I îiitlere lot l i fr fom a happy one. LU S J EMNfrom Prairie W, C Eddy andt a Ii-tu 3llnnle Thisciondition tan lie iluikîs cliangeti Seller. lot 6 block 4, HitlaniParkanîl abslute-ly cured lîy tlîe use o!f %V 1) , ii loans iKiduey Pilla. Wh.u n u î im iJoîhn Gees Th omau ilelir andmill t teF. N known the mother a lurden wîlllie, T H E J E WL E RAlsace, Germa Blakeilve, rot II-xeltsonrt fIil fiit iliglter andl ber borne tialîlier ahintadgeE bloî h 2, XticKai ssecond adidtionu to Mra. J. S. Frester. 917, Wahington atWhe agebof WXauki-ganu,\\ 1),>$1,7oAve., Wankagan, Ill., tai s -I aniglati hn o E 113. A Viasbitiirl1 and lus1ha"dtu to say ti1have uiseti n's K iii ey ______________________ha rame te tbi A 1) i.lo ttSllîîî h",.Itaitiîrutalis i litin tny faiiily anti fia-i lotiIthelii_________________ant i usresiier st11(Ijimi)tj(;rasiae, 1) sIý worll v l 1 -1 on-U _DAMON LA E M UR ý __j Lake eouncy1 do iii Setiriin ant ifai,.tu J, <fi-t jtthat tlie aiiuntil.-i-tît to,01hvn et l<iei, a i-stý-f aitel cas, -loi)te,~t si, Ili aiiyui,. aîferitig ftro itatiii-t troule. Mr.ljilt aud tanîîls'.of Park tRidge, The Illiîaday rueoosei Fiday anti an inter lii litluti lîtituid X ), Zii mo Mail iticîrdprc iidtuesfir tiur iiîîviel tuuthe cottage formerl9 trittiaa lune andtirectations. arîtten o! the WX S, Kiîhiall anit a te to lîlînois or l. e i eans andiijîl îii)lairied a gra itpei i Mr. aîd Mca. Paul ".y Ms lu Ivlui !iobaethîîse aarly set lji-aichSandti& t;naî i-I ioipariu , traitt "i a" f a arîon,.andîî ak iaitakli T,. (e'orge MtchelIla bldiîtng a new Ais., 'i adpiavvtisited the home foîlk@ la lit.i3lie ot landîllu si-etime 34 atîti3. Q . $1 kiîtney seretioni, wer,- aI.-, unuatiral'shet foir lits lîiiitie h-reeeutly pur. Saturtiay anti Suaday. wîtbCatharint Sîiaart Taî or ant i afi-te S. W anti inttaii'matiu o! tilelîladdcexistei. i baieti. W. (j Tioiî t.ent>Saturday with his Tbay vera blet Kniox. Its I,. akI- Forest Fronrt atiilK e trieti alniost everu> rvniety ae kuets1 ir. ,liawren- ssho bas bouglit the, parants in Libertyville Chas. H., Frai tion tuLevwin Park, anti lot 6L.emilu(, uanti iiiaulte diii trs. lut to ie 9utats îrulerty is iîiating graatîlm- Wriii MeG(uireanti Miss Ethel spent Fred Saucr an Park et Druce Lake-. dî'etit.$1l.,00. aial j w w~-km ~,agi S ix.fiured proîeîiiits twon the place[lie interis j Sondas- wîtIî Mr. ail Mm. S i, Hoot, ofsurviveti bY Wi. E. Sindiriii ant i aie to E F Da Kitinev Ptîlîs aîi,! miie taking 1îîîîîî îug ttiereon on the near future. Gjrange Hall. Sternil.l Mrs. Suorrnaii, lot 4. block 1, Brookslie thertiotîr ou emoncîîtiu bas iiitrveij e are, srry te) îay that Mr. Einaman Mr. ant i, n IlcIl, of Waukegan Stahl, Nirsa Ch Ailti i uiîegatia. t slo, G, .~ a a~imiaid nî ,vithî injuries; receiveti whils visiteti thaîr i Guyov XeGuire, Sun it sîil <'u P, NJiFuller su il fii,.liiiil Vii r sale o allilsaleir. P ru.ii e boti.iuliing alhorsnu- Tii,-huOrsi- ucteilhim day. n ine great gi ti, MlIla j i li - Voi ue Pai- rk lî Fia-rMiliuen ('o, Dinali Ne w îîvt ,user andi'ePpeI o ilsanukle.Meacre 9 iiw l'hoi anti Joihnu ughies iie i'l t S f Vi - Xi uri Tuti d oieagefe fr ti,.i j ti STtsFuiii-r îîihililiig a ii-a wagon of Libiertys iii -.ît relativienn thim tnktsfr Fredde iddtrailitr \li-ii i(f' i i tir% E. Lt trike,. oIvi M~ i i tr audil lireloii neitilatigliters 1ev. FhadiiiS i,,] uf Nelrasha. lm,,,u,tîca ts fa. N vi fi S Ii if lotii . Ilîgh u i l ,î fi., l1iii i , ý raL i au - usiitI r. atîdiNlIrs viitiiig huee,i r-M',- 1).i. luitiaîîd aiti agreî-tîîeîî f ut, i ii ~ , What Esereboc1y Waefs. iiri a Ms ltpais i.trSîîtc iid il iifonii E ery bîidvdeiî i-sg îîîîi vali t %fwili:hj X,-are g iail tii reluorît tîat the thc-pul pi t suî , iiiii ting. lte it S li lji lois ::-,,iadi,j j liii, h 4. , iii,8i'I' t il i, id,îiiigiz.,i-ili nstit 1I-ie, f-fP r, a j f i o d aî lehl,. ii li3ha î n , n lL i l iac ii Lak. hi i ciiit tii bu Mr.andl Mr>. liivii oute are itnter- utlisfir atîuuP J1 p îi . i s i -iilu! if nt'e . j tF Ii-ti-ty shoîildi ie tate.ri ut tihretr c,îareil aîîd îunît te,taîî inig Xtre ai i XM -- Xli iînai ti and t iii a9e, 1uti flicginî!i', inc i lcrti1, 'ac nti icatiiin ofiany irregularit 'v mad la eorg,. Itav uiztI IîifrfiBo-, (!fMr. %'oi îîg s sicti r i iii Scothatîi-. iitii i aerîu uue fil tacs iiiay ta ,K Krri-,h i l î ,Bo -, Sp,.n t Suiliffil tsi t hi rlat tues Mmr.i.. - uer ri and l iiiîltreti. iof No i i iît tilf .ivii Spuu iii, îîi. o iii siit __A.___________ t lPark 1tu-le 1 nion (iriiiî,(Xi ,, iidt iti rgîi , Il aîd îar-iuil inu ni-r liai t S,-c 1:,liia lia I anluaduhpari RUSSELL M rse eu n iit l rco ieru u u rioi a the past t%%i-e t a iv-reiýr.ierrît m Il; ciaIl thr Succ 19 anti 'o. Eia Tu i. tiii-tic riuucant.awik uf malaria lever. the ireaniev9liniemsc .i Lguhci t1w,,&i'. Tlivre%%sas iraaehinglast Sunlay,a d A u,(rmsca iltegvna h oe-I.tig, h akeîti it It î,rîîîn en Iir, (rIfufe-tai d i'iî t teAnrue hutlere wîilbe until !urtlier notie. tXu i,. iond akesocial ii lie gia a Th ng e 'tii i r îele ael'iitvtîe Slivrnîaîî. lot 26 fblock 3:, Lake Bluff: MirsE . lji-avec entertaînîc .1 thenigay unti. ake hurchtolieuied - Congregatiuni iur'ti-ih ieb1ut _ a i i7 o itratsford os-ar Suntiay. eeui la1itî roetst b siGAhîou ui, lh' w. firlam ntiwîe ai- .it njor the,.Suuiday ciiiiuC. E. Toiii X i it ttu lue a -- C'hristlîia Okonhea ski te Mathiltia C i ohmadwf -m u nCrsin'A .2,,2, Lae, TeTw Roitilijskh, lots 25 to 2, anti part lot iliir auto Suntiay anti viitati the Cvrins Clieerieta i t 2 bu 1> Laier i.tounr EdwartiiiSui.ln hoSi-c,21, Avon anti Murrte lamilî-e Ae ihave aj) cires uf train tule in stock. .ase anîa t. lu rteater Wlai, , aif. $38o000 eo. 'orrne, o!Ro, hista,N. )., andi fRight iirii.e. 'I îu ian't mise us. Ltn- 29, iitI-ai.,- GIl lu Irneft anti wie et aI te E. Mîua Quayle, loi (<ak Part, vîiteti thair ii tifLi ii<Cl.c lGJRr E'E1li ,ale A.V ii, and wa-ut, the- Burnett (amni onrcle, A. C.terrie. Caer Sunulay - 'dIi lMortont, ni Lai,îVilla, w. .84725.00. Asa Currîs andtit IlMelville stere FRE MONT. *Tha Gurni-i'A'. tC T. U. wuîiiieet 2 A i riial Kanio@ha visiton Satuirtay. Carrnu' Xagiii-riof L ii nr,~ Wetineday aftvrnoi,uMlay 2.-, witii ai o it'rve' ira. Hi-li i-h.i nt2:45. Mtti-tirc Nrs. Viarîîî lîiiiniLbetvle. tr. Lewin anti Dudile-yNeweih ware assistitg ielr mester-ilii aw, tIrm.Mike pieam.a btringvi kM lîv-r sîipr, i M. E. Church Services. Ciaoiistr oîia anrAre. May ('ii i,] uldaughter, of tIr. (Gi-,. \a Clasa ofetingrut 119 a. ni., leadear, 1ev. Gertrudie Blluer, Ifl (ikhicage, stent Son- Waukegaît, ietel uN ithu Irs tiYoung ast ou t îiiti<c ig i J.B.tjeGfjn.Commander Julîns A. Pratt Post NO- day aitb Riuse VIcicik. Saturtiay. dayii Preai'hing at 10:30 the pastor, W. il ep.II .A . Thosm uho attenîld the surprise party H. H. Spuitiiiglae abatis r-si- Mr andl tir- -,l-pAe-.. -gu1- a ttea nta Mn. Isaac Cook. Coîtmnantier ofabos'e on Mns. Mîke duste al enmySu-ten uitllr.et9hy a tda,<i ilav Alitchel epent hast Fntay ane, lima.John Dollenrnaler, ilis. Airs Frank Mitchell is i quite adoptet a the use o! ma-nagea to waik about the iy Schooi e! trace Cliurcb, ce AVomide Suntiay Sehool unday, May 22. Evaryone rviteti. Sunday lichool at 9chlierger, Evrrtt liaeon, sobranberg took civil service 1 at Waukagan Saturiay. i Wabranberg anti Arthur nng (Irove, erraunited lu tEvanston. April 24. Con- nthiaier huas rasignat i.i -si, carrier on route 2. ýgPaîplav Alliance wll boIt isonary meeting Buntiay. Penal singing anti selectIons PAY m mts. ils. -I.iio, l'o So:. lit Sen Reduce the cost of Iiini in a practical manner-live' better than you ever did in ail your life-set a hetter table and supply it with f resh vegetables the %vhole summer long by sowing Winterson's GardenSeeds' The Cost is small and the resuits are marvelous, even y î act bac-kya rd. This îs the only practîcal solu- tinof the htgh cost of liing. Try it this year and prote thîs important fact to your owhi satisfaction. Send for catalog-it's FREE. Mfail Orders Sa/ici td. .hIersn' 45W abnhAe.,Cho' The Wais of0 These Silos0 A RE DOUBLE AND 0 Inependent leaving * ~an iîîterrupted conîtinuîons * air space ail the> way 0 *around from top to bot- 0 tom, thus affordiug perfect 0 frot tprotection. 1 ttoluld * ~like to have iîiterstcd per- * * sons Cail anîd let nie demon- * strate and plot-e to you o the superiority of wnistriic- * tion of the8e silos. JL. IRVlING SGeneral Contractor 00 *Estimates !urnished free. Rockefeller, fil. 0 -- ------ MOU 1 ari b a n- -ilte t 111, atiet anil t Ie st si ,,,î- andlii îetiuîuu With mv mong Yatin ipt u, m lu itiie MY liue o u t cai r- il i' - laes av 1 'i i tano v ee ti.1 iintîict -Iuit ta. i)Mt raiuiii ior5iy.-îi ii i fil..ii fratcite. uH..,s ail, t, M4inii Dr. W.1 t"tu"tol' i21îîuuiii 0"1 0*a>aio~ SIEEING is BEILIÉVING 1 Believe You Should ~See Me About Your tDNk Glasses. Io bc tound mnvuiec Seinc ,juli,ed eth C i o i-anasubrit îiiî 9 îivthe i as i-ta Ucomplets- Mrasce- suic t 1 i-111 i oDY oketh ok . i aii ti C e - i, nrotin e. ETES TESTEFRRE, M. Law. (iraduate Optician. raItOn 8t-2.d FIor. wAUKEOÀN, ILL&. £1 a Obiluary. swîiiem. Sr., tw"s tarnin lany lu 1829 anti diati at bis eaLongCGrea, AMay M, 1910 -f> myaars anti N-imenthe. of about 12 yeare o! aga is countny wltb bis parante- ne o! nearly 70 yeans lu gtvas hîtu tbhe distinction en une if tha aariy fioneers,, re@ting hîctony rmiglit ie le bardalîi;s anti privations ettlars pa&"dîlthruîugli. le was unlitet i iii arriage ne Link, who survivas him. lsati witli thrae sons, John, Id anti two tiaugbtera, lira ind Miss Ellan. Ha is alsi: lIce sistars, Mrs. Chas. iH. Fsusnatein, MIr. Freil r. Stahl anti Miss Elizabeth Fo tengad blrnanti granjeliiitran. Mn. Gose- ,nur,., aunilr,îsp - e,] 1,y ail' iiii o hic i v tiirfijrig anir, i anti uIarit-r id as tîhat tlie a inîjls iutcmL t lii enterul it iiiooJtiî lue tii hue.,arn-hi u.,it tii tire ut u'îîhî,mlim, tija iti tb fi i ie I, iii st ri-igth, I- ag-the r a iloin if il abolitu thrfis- s-arc agu le apupear'l wncub tinal s' ita drupsu . if a , 1, inluitti-i fiýlui -t,.a at tiitanie irirs tiuuiiu i sil l il fuir '.Th ufini-rai mas hId -les C Hufînî,ire îîf tii, îîtli-raî tihurIl tu ifittiniz ing inl Lui îg inuite etiiita ery. AES fLAYE ii "hiiu 'un, tOtior ill ir clutii un Suriday, May rnîuîuit)af lioci,. X il Suviet n aui lrnet Witiu Tliiircdtîy ateruion, Juni- iii ilration usi-'uteuiletai i, ,d i. P[onu it-t trithi i >rî,ir, luit weet. nu, /.aîîht. if Berkel1ey-, tI sîuiî unît dlaîilihuforn at ee, .Suopu ('huard anti famils-, îulted rviatiues lbere Sunday., Ir- Rie lane Movat i ron.I lari i îîtîîthe Con verar loy ai, u usrrng Jd a I -s Keller a--ee Waukagan nesda v. loatioh Gurnea, vlaitcd over Sucday. rk acres tracts gaents, ~iop cl i rs. J. A. Bennett epent Mon- Tuesday in Chicagi,. oodmnen and Rî,Yal \'igilborH Satu rday. 8bail team i gîe a lam(e bers y e'Vening. lwkitifl a@s purfasid a bigli tomobile. )orn returued fr001 Texas la@t %y wbere ha apent t-, monthe. car b0ats of îoal were recelved week by local lealer-8. wzo Webb, o! Mîlîbura, wasaa lait tfaturday, Of fenoe poaaitilla' in track RAItIE IE C fLoomie, of Fond du 1aEw, Wis ia fea tiays i wth is:parents, mS. E. Lîonis. es Erma and 5dîRe Rtizrthal. with their brothr, lien, wbo sebwo, I at lies lliîelaiit Irs. At [l ii harde et4.rtained er, Geîî Rirharde and nephea' linm, o01ilni er Sun- lr G. A. R. Deruoration Dav Ibe at the Hall Day cburcb MAY 2¶ith at 2 o'îiock p. ni. risist ofaddretees Iy Comratie Clhieago, anti Pastor of the r cborch. The J'rairie View îartette will give melee-tions, and mingring lîY the Hall Day lmn, aleo a violiin solo.___ t, owuer o! the Village Sun; qy injured lu a Fmn a.wRy fweek antdi h slowiy recover. ) 1 IMPORTED SPANISII JACK< WilU make the season at the Doijie &Marks Iarm, 3.-4 mile northwest of Everett, MI., telephone No. 3021 Lake Forest. fee $10 at time of service. If mare does flot prove in foa she can be returned next season or anyj other mare in her place. Wil contract at time of service to bug colts alt weanlinq time.i > ROBERT GRAHIAM, Manager AStorekeepW Says: «A lady came into my store latciy and said: " « have been using a New Perfection 011 Cook-Stove ail winter l nmy apartmenrt I want one now for my summer home. I think these oil stoves are wonderfui. If oniy womn knew what a comnfort thty are, they would ail bave one. 1 spoke about mir 110ve t a lot of my friends, andti tey werc aston- isbeti. Tbey tbougbt tbaîtbtere was smeli andi amokre from an oit stove, and fRît it heatet a room justlHire any other stove. 1 tolt tem of My expericnce' and One after anotber tbey got one, and noW, flot onc of then would give bers up for fiva times its cost-' Tbe lady wbo said tbie bi thougbt an oil stove was a11l nght for quîckly beating nùlk for a baby, or boiling a kettie of water, or ta maire coffée quickly in tbe morning, but te neyer dreamed of uaing it for difficult or beîvy cooklng. Now--ab. knows. Dyoa 1atapprec-a Woh*ateNw: Pf.etio 1 ahSto eea» tyo. ? Ne m e toat tae ser,, Do mot.cornlag to th: di..- tubl. .-tiesd ot ttY.. caWest. ,.t ligt a Psmltii. Stos. ad h'5iitey ta. agitfre,,, " intens ... 0.fflhe anhta CàiUs.arynote: B.e. th. 1hà sthat.h..t s .es s ttbt a-e-pl.t. .o-l o dridgry tn th.' rnde . P.eetiar htcWIm whrtant of taieestovés, la suddi. ý New Wx*dictolm St bas a Cabinet Top witb a abelf for keeing plaite.e andi foodi bot. The nckl inis, wlth thé buigbt blue f théebiney, mak.u the anaone mental anoif attractive. Madie with 1. 2Sand 3hurm; the à andi 3-burner iovie can bc hati witb or wltbout Cabinet £Vary douter evuywboe . if Dot et pose, Write fwDr Dapivecirculer te the seareet aOey of th.

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