Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 May 1910, p. 4

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4 I1~EA~Q~ Z1~UT, FRIDAI, .M4y 201,10 IAKE COUNTY INDEPENDNTM!!RNKB. OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY LOVELL COMPANY Dafie Tolophoue NO. 1 FdirO Biidence Telephone No14.Littie ~eExchange Zcatere.d mii te pGsnOce ut Ubetyîuie le i i o SrGcd CfloMoue,'s the New Name Taken up, and ia IMOHO WBMKLY. &UVKT19ING RATE0SMADE klN*.IWN 0,N APPLI.CATION Succemmor ta F. B. Loveil. Consiste SUBSORIPTION PRICE 31.50 PER YEAR STRICTL.V1N ADVANCEý of Mrs. F. B. Loveil and J. H. Swan. FRANK H. .IUST ............ .......................................... ..... Edofor uigtepswe aiivnoyf W M. ARTZ ............................. ............- ..Ciy Editor i te stock of drums, beloogtng to the FRIDAY, MA'i 20. 1,41,eetate o! F. B. Loveil. doaaed. wam takeu. whi.h reetulted iiithe formation of a new frni kBown as the F. B. Lovili BEWARE 0F PATENT MEDICINES. Company, wlth NIs F. 0. Loveil and The federai government through ils chief chemigt ha* laaued à warriing to James Swan as owners the public ellainst certain patent medicinea. whlch ame deelavsd ta, be dan- It je with pleasure that %Ir@. Lovel gemOua. Many of ttiem are classifieci es contributory to tuberculosis. It l" m ad James Swan coueluded to carry on ha worth whie to get the flot and aee them for yoursefl. the business of this popular '@tore, and Doctor Wiiay attacks particularly medicinea that are uaed for chîldreri. the uewt; will be received wth izladneea aathma cures, reliefa for conaumptives and headache mixtures, Say$ the $taiste hi rins nwngtâ h e Journal. He cdeclares the "chief active agents of soothIng symups are wefll terfied-kou ta h . known to b. opium, morphine, heroin, codein, chIoroform and choral hydrate poltation and 8tabiiy o! the business In aom.e combination." %% i be conducted as adopted by the Don't you think that as enough warning againat doping your baby on fî,rmer o wuer, Frank è Loveli. auch mixtures? It1 a * t eeaar! f0 iutrodtice Mr. Doctor Wiley la equaliy emphatlc In commentlng upon other notrumait. S Do He auggested ttiat people leave the patent preparations alone, particularîy1--an1. the public, as he la a vounu thoae ha namnes. man who h&a lived here mo@t of hi@ lifs, The. circular ln which the advice ie contained wlli bc sent toa aly par osand bis business ability la suffleut to upon application. CENTER OF POPULATION HERE. If Illinois lr not the center of the oniverse there la a pomibility that it May prove ta b. the center of the popuation of the Unitedi States, whes the retursa froni the nese censua are ail in and the tatiaticiana have haut time f0 figure out ait he poaibiitiea of the great decenniai report. Then y.ara ago the. tenter was locateu at Coiumbu,lnd, about forty miles aouth of Indianapolis. Ten years previousaIt was twenty-six miles farther eaat. andt in th& two previoun dec.actem t ha& kept rather closa bo Cincinnati. When the fiat cenaus was taken in 1780, the center of population of tha Continen- tai Unitedt States ws twenty.three miles eaut of Baimore. Which each de- cade it ha* moveut fartiter west but ha, continued tot keep ver>' close to the thirty-ninth paraiiei, the latitude approximateiy of Balimrce and Cincinnati. To studanta of the. situation the. wonder la that the. conter of population keepase diaproportlonatoiy fer te tthe east of the conter of ores..It nows tops nt about on. fourth of the. entIre distance from Coast ta o OM The prement pansus, itlanbelieveut wlll b. carried a littie farther seest and a .ittia to the soutit, hacauae of the. growth, of population In Oklahoma. Other western andt southernsautea hava made large additiona to their population, but the>' aima hava leat nmch by mîgrationt te Canada and lstar te Mexico. Last«Ar neweapapura contanut that white the. wmt la grewing the east la nt tauedng mtlii. Tha>' aay the. great Citiez, particuiarly, are growing at a raplut ratel which shows ne sign ef abating. 0f the twolve largent citiez In lihe Unitedt States, b>'the. ceas of 11M00,sglt warae aentf t.e conter of pepulation. But despt thons. tacts thei wot ln boomlng aloig at a gait which promises ta put overything b.hlnd it, and ttiere la littie doubt but whlat the. n.w connua wili proveo taI the new tonter of population wiii be clos. to he liiaolathteiIf net aop s l. WANT YOUNG MEN IN POLITICS. guarautee the surces, of dhe etablisb- Illîntit he future, as it was lu the pont. tir lu. formner- 0e-er. tir, Swan arlîl b. o..isfed by MLessrs. Dcker. LovelI and Forebricli. mli of -hum are reputable long men, and have nmny frienda e-ho , igh flue near Company' uliited sccese DEATII O! MR&. RUDOLPII SITZ An Olut Reident of Libertyville Town- shiP. wtmO PaS8ed Away Wednaadmy, et the Reidence of her Daughter, Mi$. F. Memiming. Mmre. Rudolph Bita, au old resident of Libertyville Township, pansed away tVedueeda>-, Ma>' 11, àAt o lier daugbter, irs. Il. P. Remmlng, o! chia ct. who llved ou ch. nid houtestesd on St. Mary'@ Bcad. Siace the deaclu o! ber hnaband, Rndoiph Bita. 14 yer. &go eh. lived wicb ber oldsst con. Adolph. The fast fcw yeare, ah. b.d been lu pour bealth and o e.pased aaay, lu chef honeet belief o! being eaved locthe heaven. ly kngdom, as ber fast prayers wer. for Mayor ONeill o Auburn N. Y.,et a Utle ordquenthod lnvton .ityZ., _"*""ne . *ayo 0'ail cfAubrnN. ., I a-itle b.nuethal Intha ciy. h, ad no fear o! deaclu for ber wiah advielef the >oung men of hl* city te go int polit11c& .Il la flet a new thouglit waà to die aud Cee ber 8avier. bIr anyuaeaiia but t la one chat needa frequesti>' te b. lmpreaasd uPnong f3ii be e-as borniJul>' 6, 1843. lu 1872, mesn, andu old moni, too. OnI>' there ahauhut be a thorougit undestandlng of eh. came ta thie Country witb ber hual- ~ ahent ant by golng inta poliimtcbanduiand t tarchildr.n. living lilmonche There have always been enough mesnseIn are wîlliisg ta go into pollUec,. infasklî, N Y_, mnd chen moved fo but th. trouble haa been wth tue motive tIat actuated thten. Too offen lb [De Plines, Ili.. v. ber. ah. ll.ed 3 Jears. lam been sit h. sole objact of what they mimghf make out oI t fer thermaîvae lu 1876. ehe and ber famly moved ta They wsauteut poilicai power, they seanfeut paliticai place or the>' wanted poili.Fate Counts on the Vernon Brickyard ticai pull for the furtiierance of cheir osen purposes. Men have feunut that 4te wbhicla 0now tiie Clements Place. peut"a influence vues uaeful f0 them in tker business and thti.> have flot lu 1883 ber luusband louoght a small h@Wtated te useit i ways that are neiiter honest soi IonoraVe. The>' have trac-t of 20 acres o! woodlaud on St. mm tiaatthem a w. a gnose ta b. piocked and tch.' have goîme tnt. politica Mlaryeo Rond, whieh i@ 00w tlue home- vuIa.>' igit have a lanu in the. pfucting. The furcher s inte> got tiie more stead and with ber lelp. leared the land of th. fmathberm Viey Sculu get. handuu for theme os the inside, a tews cattering @o flue> conld faim if. feathea fer thoas ona ch. outer fr-ige. She lev.. ta mourn ber deafb. thre ne t 't tanet for tiait pua-pose for which mes are wanted ln paltics now. sous-. three daugbterp, one siater, one lrimt aelf.oaan gooe-the people. in village, is cît>'.in stata. ln country has brother. and ninegrandchildrcn, Adolpb, leoe vo. e.fully cîred ef being piucked. If has undergone the operation ao Sir@. Etoul ickoiy, Paul, ira. B. F. s~lls that if hurt. now, and tche goose as protesting. t issaquaaking terribly Hemminog, Panlinsanmid Robert. hall* t wanltm protection from che gar.e Anut to get chat protection tg Rnca Funeral servic e e.coudurted b>' mm awlio ame willîig tu go intD politics in order ta give it protection. W Zhenle ) Buerie t thcfle German Luth- teyqueg ama hears hinuseit urged tu go inte poitics he must reaiize that -ru churclu wîth itermeut mc Lakeoide hielts wauled. sot to pin tihe piuckers but ta crowd tfhem out. And ho must Ce-meter>'. r.mlîzs. too. cthat ch. wll flot b. crowded ouftitithouf puftlng up a mif! fight. Tht>' are on the job ever>' minute. ard chose weio would oppose them muet nvrgo ta &&ie. . a-553L5 I LL.Ls MER- CANuILE PURSUITS Carl Bader, 1o!the Libertyville Hotel à[7 4(sP ,1à.. 7 0 :: : P E . the feasthered tribe. The tiret la that of a "Rudder or Diving Duck,' whilin ulue Thsre wiil b. a meeting of the iJhor flight Sonday eveniug, butted toto a Society held at the bomne of Mira. LoinH jA P L s . talaphone Wire Whib i@dambled Its wingc, tiattocke Myndmy evening, May 231. A caalng l t t fall f0 Mother Harth. It fuil att@ndance of the society la soliclted ULA was fonnd by a passer by, wbo gava it by order of the committee. I~I A TI tc.Mr. Bader. ÀAtrio ofCbineme p-hesanta The folio wing mo tto adupted tîy the C(1¶..L17< ATO i ,i jR ta anlother ouperb apecimen, mlhough Keokuk, Iowa, ratail groeis, waa RN - yOong, thoir plumage ilinduemnd a. ch.y publiebed in the Modern Orocer. The Tiie TUuar ek os looor. ioder approach maturicy, tbey are dnnnedi delegaclon front Keotuk werc on haud itowo"aCineton" With Plumage wblcb la a "tbiug of wlch fiff-two deletatea, who pronuin- The. Tubutar roduc.s a@.ver- beAnty and a joy forever.' These are ently diaplayed tha followiug motMfo; W.Iworth saeeîg, cepecially f0 chose atef) * i buS ai n oirbo co I si nttn. thrblcu Who naver had au opportuty f0 sec Eariy1o rise, The. Tubatatremi nwobtain- sPecIMnn of thia kind ofliand and water Worg lite b- cd iilà Yiold more btteorfromme fowia. And adverti*o ' mIse aMounts o titon itis The laet lins is a brsad wlnner fur the * oouhble C0 secur. by otiter ma- Sundmy there waki an auto wreck, chrhnt i»T.uari0 tfo mi. sonch of the Austin Cleinent place, wheu îîoaer rcwo-ulrd for m, less rfh an auto froun the aoutlî w4. diaabled. Th, otfle base ball team defeated towi Macthins. Front eye wttneâaea, it la stated that a the Rondout tearu lu a oins ning game Tii. Tubolar box the moif con- car waa going mgouth w.heu che driver o! at Rondout ou May 15 by a score o! 8 yeni. e lrbleatnd ruuotn whtch igbted oneroonzo in theopposite tu 5. The Rockefeller teaum wiif play at P&.U .letO....T usui.lll oundcar gave more o! the road than wa ueecegaary, iu order fa lot it pasa, as it wa@ ruuuing atm h igl rate of opeed. but wrieu the part>' tram the aouth went te furu )uf, b. rau into, a emaîl ditch, which re.ulted lu the machine tnrning a turtie. R wao learned chat mol'e or leso damoge was doue, tbe moet Important of which was a brokren wbeei. The occopauts o! the dlaabled car wer. ladies and gentlemen o)ne O! the former heiug cighily înjured. Boclu Parties were from Chicago and ln order te returo home tlue uulujured car took ch. ladies home and the gentlemen as far as uligblaod Park; wheu fluey boarded a train. Kili fthe Canada Thiatias 1 t ma>' 00f b. Oufof Place cteay that D0w 1a the tinte to loot alter Canada thiscles If fler. are nov on your fan., and lot walt util flue fown thîstie bommlimioner serve. notice ou vou f0 attend tu thent. lD comaof ouri cbangeo It la nrgcd ib cut or plow them every wsek and te be aurasteocut theut on th. day ni the fu moon dnrlng the nexti our mont ha. If Y0n keep at It yon wili soon have tbam fander conerol andt tinail> ex. termiLnated. Ey«r> farmer and crien u sbould look Ont for foui weedesncb as1 cockie burra, morning glo)rleo, qnact grass. @e They are a terrible nsiance.1 ,Bpriog la thehasboitÈmb. fteilI them ut n hafOre thcY go hoea»»d andtspresd ail ove, th. place. UseYor brain and muscle and keap at if ut il you gat tbe I&Bt rOOt Ont 0f1fthe ground. Do yon knIow that ifs easy f o rmo soft coal, <i ifs good coal>, aithout fthe SUonoyanceo! of Ot and amote.' jugt gir. fLe Oire a ver>' lîffle air ,.o top. Don't check flue store Pipe dam per tco closel>'. Use Pymolit. Wasbed ýNut. you tan get if fronlthfle Home Lumber Cou. pan>'. It heda olosely, bat lilutl>', and eavee enouglu air @Pace inthflue tt boni &II che gates chat would othere-ise CIaILe 8soo and amoke. 16-tf Notice. To thoee-hbo are holding plan books, e-e would lite the retoraOo!flhe @ame, if Douf lnuse, Other parties desiritîg fa look at the e-ork. LiBECaTYVILLE LUtIÉBg Co. C-31 games are accleduled: Miar 29, Round Lake ac Rockefeller; Jue 5, Des plaines mc Rockefeller; Joue 1--, G(mme. at Rockefeller; June 19. Wnuetta mc Rockefeller; Joue 26, Itondout at Ho- ckefeller. The Western Sportiog Gouda, a stioug combluation o! base hall fan@, will cross bats witb flue local fearunSunda>' aftd- nooa on thbe fair gronda. The former fana wer. ber. last seaâou aud pot up a gond gaine, and it is sald the>' are étronger in fthe gmme thila yemr bluan lat, mnd as Libertyville bas a teant equall as good, a Close and exciting gaine ha looked for. An admissiou of 23c wlil b. chargod. At a alecial mueeting of thit City Fathorrs last Fr4daj evening, fthe con- tract for ighfiug the rify fd;r che meaf four yeara waa lettfît ch.Northu Shora glectric Liglut Co.Tbe coutract talla for th. lightiag s"stemt. kuown as the Tuageton saris.. whlch hm.che raputa- clou o! harlng more briliiancy tb others. lu other word.. ch. iight wi b. eqoal throuigbout theCcity', tbnasgliug a farylmnd appearance. The iights will b.afcacbed to a bracket, auspeuded front poles, extending a reasouabis distance from ch. mdewalk, che nmber in ch. neigbboroood of on. hundred, mand from no0w on Librtelill, will b. ou. of ch. " lue lghtad ciffra lu theno;)try. Epworth Loague Electeut Officera Friday levening of lantu week lu the M. E. cburch, wluich vra cpirlted and social affair. Foilowiug were elected to theur respective offices: Preedent-Fînra A. Stmples. Furet Vice Pre@idet-D.ilia Crotor. Sec.ond Vice Preident-Fetelia Max- bau. Third Vie President-Hazol Butler. Fourth Vice Presudentu Mrs F.P. Overson. Secretary-Ethel Wbeeler. Treasurer-Ada Niebolame Organiat-Eva DuBois. Begular meeting lat Fr111a>'in eînh montnbai IM. E. churclu Foley Kldney Pilis are anti"eptie, fouie anmd restos-ative and a prompt corrective of &Il urinai>' irregularifies. Mouse substitues. CIROTH NCiB.lOEL ii!.LAST or TIEIR MPOTORYCLE RACE Are Numnbereut Among the Substantia 0 K .! .A SIERIES Or CONCIERTS SEASON OPfNS Isttuion n Narther Ilîlinos, 4> 1 Back.d by Men of Unceaaing Inte-0 ev yonr meagture for a alrmd suit of * Leofth Lierttaie hl:r-mSoietde Thai~~~~~~~~ iffeLbryîlChalSet grity and Ample Means. 0 clothies before the gtock cif samples is broken. Yoît ai uhe Mehodst Church. Toesday! H,,i.r ,' ' i ftUml,g.-iî ' O wilI want it before JuIyr4th. We eau gi-t it out in i0 Evening. Ar Aprecéai Auoierice L.,mu , tD . at h.- ml'ai r,î ,iîînr I oadoit n'c0ik. FT(U R N E D in Aendance ora -uurta tadon,0 oe e .FI U R N E D itI-i glu- th i,- us le h.-Lîl..rcnFlribrni.arnourig tt, foeoaut 1> * vill Ilileé,,a fo rw* .1 fwn0. un flue cî.uitr -v iur th.- ci,ani etrial W@ carry a fulll une of Ovttralls aînd Shirts. Th uhî,iý t a> c-dt o ,.ian d the firt1roi- I . li-.. 1Tta 1 Jant'-', 'lit' make CordMrny Pnsfor 0t >25. the~ et o t îl iorr . - ~- 1 ri ~- glu-n hefi-ou t, J ui-lt art-I I ;th aire' W tilt are experito-eci-un the vartoas ae-il af odro PDsfoný2t ,.o cotîc.-ltoTîî-.Iai Clt,n otl Il f s litroc-o.miiil -'hl brm~01hait, ht-esofbueuiese rt-pros-uted-t hre:O 0-. thon t, T1.b. ~, - ~ -'-,- u, r . hiîneiWb-, have it-nfrn a o mble 0O MaYer Millwaukee uress Shoes $2.50 tg $4." Dot% lttard l-,r t l .-- h I)e t thfle fa. t that the gallette tiit- iti00tf in luiife toe of îl rît nDeûce 0 0 a~~~~~~~~~ .l~~~la , , - - rdra y.- . i a nd" r v r ' i h l r a a o u t t b . o r o o r ' h n o tI i u - a l oi m e e h o h a e , 0 M t i i r -i IE l k S k i n S h o e s - t h e b e b t m î a d e . 0 flie ,le.1 î.- l i,; ,.[) otrant un a rastuiîî have- tob. aî,n a n îltt ec on tht-ir ,mtî oi ulw l tonî . - oe. member o!flue F A MI. lt-fre bite il e-tI uit1àfh t chir ltThis ia the rie, ao!: - thatc ýIl Prrf i fiîîL.oîîi r e t ittfcd to rmabis ni tit- mn n w ong agd il and M uI., i.. F Hall ,ls --a i i-trIb -t--uia uitdwith fle e-mts fÂaffN Y~Ww olieb-- îîî,u a lrli îî . f the- pub~lié- Thrîr stock o!fe-are. O JEs W . PA R K HUU UI '%I and , tarîîîei4, îlli,'I Their Annuai Meeting. ý. llmiiçaré- !avoratly with those o! ofluer O~a a ~ ;toaîîgiliomi, lirvîalîTue Lihrtvvill,lemeterv téo,tafion f.wus. îîda ienpton r fi0ffu Thei)ayi nri4ré fel il anul metngia heTo n alitfy adpiu i a e lupon. SCHANCK'S BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL 0 Mabeul Hizine e-or.- h ""Yrnrî- Ha ll alMondav .veug. i ea me W Thoir plai-aft,! letesaare mut s o! reeirved itîr la-' ex-illel" t"i.. 1-vqi b-g laitier fLan it i m prea-itio neatuese, tbeir manucr lu canductug te develeipement and itorirete,t i î -j- ings The asse-iaîitu bac reteired amuîtare Ceut iimaly tflrouglut. They'O @ O O @ O * O O O @ * O O . tuons n a rotattnaculîý1r lleîl, IHt-nlmtradunîea ina6eiof are conionfial in erery respect, and are, e-ort as a-cîîuopanîit Ilîrthfli i-î lti on. oufh ,rtn.u îî tiitransmit tona. mu- ainbeiontrsy.> oito!fi sisci espea-iailv Worth filo!in r--'r oarr irdmut-e ',oitlé tht- po sofiitmps.10fu rut> (iratliris ledîe i Kouî-îr I, idiidocument, Isnen- A trp tdai Llurtyrils do.. th italta 1 I I / Nli an Loy Tylr orthi @biiite. dote adiw-ete_ hi god ie la t t mmda erpitito wîîAu om bie violio Thei o -,rk oas -d, - t "as iuol,,-ed ~1"th. 1r.ading o! t> i De'foric madareiiinwl mendabie and cheou v rtmil 'lv amtier. .1itr aeurer .r-jort, the t e,,6ta ir oufjg foi low. Ubertyvlleezceeduother iI ito n cj[onte re4pacts. Tbe building* great gare@.r. ir lurmud Illu ofle haodsofo!thé,ot remuerr amouotiin. th ,oughoare tmodem.The rotiven- psuied ch vitiuuein ber uoîrl od 't.The re, nt c ert f n caste and extir.a.-irn. pesdaf the i, x t iestl-irg en an Wt iucare inutierabla, and oher. are lx. Aio Hapte'. clarionesoo of six dcli, preoirie behld iolbtl" sarwoemspaetti laia marvelous akîlb sud e-oaxîlîrru(tîc,î i,-itrn o! li trtîîra il b. hvclde ý-tadohtassblekcnfmdwe o tru -ti eht-ta îr.îdot, icepniciAil in il il ~las lire, hestllmg place, il a musical criti,, ho wpe-îrovîîi îttocrefary and fromenror. if e-eof-ticbi the rewstadare prood of. af the tOuest efiortd chat lho - cr l W-Oui d idI d ea!.-e to ti îîr(Iitoeaildi- do. M. Hapteti reodîtuton oithetîîona________fo___________rpoie a PotoiaiseMignon aricluArthur lbill,- ý rtO gCîaridfr elif srTlurcns-ssa aklllul aut iimîtbbe rcoopanl oît i lots retîlalo onseîbd anîd tîr dtrtand Cr fTai silitu an Inmitbleaeempaimýjtloiireaeiog, flue ameiation brlteinu ité e W.- ch eft.matlfrienand im uighu enrapture thfle audience.tîmarkto iiîurrbase grouuuts adîmi-efttii Le,rs for tf i.-înd-uee ad aeaae Tboae wha falld taattend tblso-ucrt the pr.ent reuietery. il poesîblo. Oneflîor*îwn dnring flue ifloeesa mdd =aflu certainl>' mtsed a rar muscal treof 115f feiswiliIroue up mc the nextuf ut-t-ur deti blon-l ootbranad aiisth ing. wlih are o! ltereet f0 the. assojl5.Ladies' Aid ai(ifte <.sspe vacfe Dranl of Ut lkinde and priees ilif. nflan ad membera are requesfed ta h. Lucher»n reh for Uabe.«tieuoIosrAlberit W . Lichtfeld LIBERTYVILLE, ILL* 10.0 , o Sotanai ,,*.l U.~yy fie nmachine mfart or Dot It t- zetiier, ThTii. 'oit,,t. boitet aie fr010 accidente emoacO bs eseo. cdgeara or t.Uhviterboats 111.0 th i l.epart..q utoes. one-teoth thtcoe oC eed 0dea n hochet bo.I Th Tubular uaseu ait and mreqoires fcaer rpaira uba ny thiesef.mrtor de alroued thau otiiere P a.Write for (or 1tae. comliete catslog Ilftele 0.moreSot ToboJars, and ~ bat -1 "tlli taru for you tiimn se alýteÙin ho tu&Pace. ~old by Hl. Be EGER, Libertyivlle PIINE47. Engagec Your Seed Uorn! Pride of the North, A Standard. RiIe!j's favori te, Verg !arhj. EarIy Giant White Dent, King of AIL. Reid's Early Dent, Old Staobg. Reliable Seeds OnIy SoId by Lihrtyill IUlifiber Co Speciai on TDe /ow Goigg. 0 The Batable Question ... * If it perplexes you. you have the remedy in your own o h-anda CHANGING GROCERS resuits quite often ina * change cf eatablea-which ia aornetimea a pretty good o tbing ta do. THIS STORE feels confident that it could o give you every day atifaction. It ha. no doubt whaîever O as to ita ability to please Vou the ftrt tirne you corne, and * to keep right on plesing you, o WiII you Rive il the apportunity 7 Corlet & redeicks T.lephon. No. 30 Corlet & redeickSLIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Wh oout of town to buy goocis that yau can Sbuy cheaper antd better ait home. Take these white Sgootis items for instance: Fine Qualîtu' Indus Linon, per yard ........................... toc S 32-indu Perstaît Lae-n, at---------------------t..... oc, isr sud î8C S Extra Fine Perîten Lae-n at 45C value, et per yard- .....30C I Frenchu Lswn, flues. corne 4,, f0 45 încbeî wide, 12,1, sud 22c yd Englisb Long Cloflu et pet yard in, îs, 18, and----.......-----0C Yard wîdr Blearhed Mulu et pcr vard,6, 8½J, to, anti-.î.... 2C Toile du Nord Gingluams, etilI have a good arlectuon of flues., ail N EW G00D S . E x e le nut îu elity e-lu te lluck , 29 tuclues w ude , per yar d .I ...2 0C RJaetGROCERIES Re ak tLobster, i-2 pound dan ......................25C Tops>' touisiana Molasecati......................... toc Couteaux Olive DiI, per hotîr---------------------------...........25e Probooo Pure Apple Butter, large jar----------------------t.........>c Nickel Piateut Saut Irons. 3 Irons, 1 Mandie eahdStand, for ... ..95c W. W. Carroll.& son * W W V W W WflWW - Wr W~W'W.r r r w w - wr ...~ r I .a.s~ -né érné ~ ~. .*.S... .~ ~ .~ - à Je M. Graves 'W. H. APPLEY AUCTIONEER Auctioneer Se. Me Befo MaLed gYu ~e FARrI SALES ONIE PER CEINT omem .Genese.8t. Remldeoce Phone 4M N.Res, 1iulinooedAve. Libertyville, 111. WAIJKEOAN, ILL. PH-ONE 1481. Everythi sT -fift% Buq1 a t -under 0~ Sci Woubd y fier. tgaa Il vou îo don" and, We R Il so- i.' âý q A%00 FL I ou ?on o an ov Tht' No mat pias Io omet yourt 'tyle bu ea .Mdlll , Il Il 111,1ar supply tank ta ýery , M k.UA \ 7 .w.. 0!.jarte capacity gnd n"d

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