Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 May 1910, p. 8

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IWaukegan 1 FPOUI PLAY F!ARED ON OISON CASIE E. J.' CarIacu of May and Marlon Streat Reporte the Dîsappearance cf Oison ta Police and ^&ka Readera te Notify Hlm if Mai AnawerIng De- scrlptlon la Locaed-Fears fcr the Woast, smingiy. John Oison, rooring wtb the famiiy of E. J. Carlson lu a dweling aI \May and Marlon alreeîs, has disappeared and, because be bad pienîy of money, vas a tranger in (bis city, and cou Id flot apeak Englal, foui play ls feared by M. Carlson. Carlson le aiso a sîranger lu the City. He'boughl out a saoion aI 228 soulli Genesse alreet recentiy. Salurday wben caited up ou the telelione he tbld of Osons disappear- "OIson vas iast seen Titursday nemi' noon," be aaid, "and 1 believe 1 was amang (hbe ta see hlm last. He bld not been heme long enough 10 get a job, but aeemed piully suppiied vlth Money. Feara Foui Play. "He vas 22, unrnarried, about a year1 In thia country, les han aux feel (al. goot! Iooking, amooth abaven, well dreaset!. He couid not speak very mocli Englila, and as far as I know bas no ralatives la (bis country. "He gave no expianatioxa -of bis ieav- lng and 1 fear s(rongly that he has met vlt.b fouI play. His lrunk andà ail bis properly, Inciuding a collection4 of pbotograpbs and mucli vauabli% perscna.i properly ie bere with ua yet.i He owed us nothing and wouid havei no rason for leaving tlie clty.i "RBecause we ourseivea bave nott been bere more (han a ew weeks andj lie vas lu the fiat before we came. ve do flot know anything 0f bis personai histomy.", Police Id Sought. Carlson Satnirday reported the diappearance t0 the police and stated plalnly (bat ha fears foui play In the absence of any other logical (beory. WEIRD TALES O!f WOMAN UN COURT Worn5n on Whoae Head Husband Broke a Chair a Few Osys Ago and For It Racelved Fcrty Osys In County Jol Tele Borne Great Varnai tu Police and leaus a Raoult Ordored Out cf Cty-Go#@. When Thursday itMr. Thos. ONeill vas put thmougb the (bird degres lu connectian vitb the case of Thomas ONeill, lier bnaband, wito la supposed 10 have baten ber wi(b a chair, some surPriatng revelatians vere made. For instance, tu one thte voman satd (bat alie la lu reaiity the vIle of a machinist empioyed aI the McCormlck reaper vorka in Chicago and (hat ber busband ls a slockbolder and profit sharer In the company, wha quarreied wllh ber and sent hem (o ber sialers ta lve, teling he he would send for lier. He neYer aent, ahesasys. and ahe claims she finaly (00k refuge with ONeill. Anoîher Varn. To St5te's Attorney Dady site aaid ber huaband vas a Kansas City stock man and wealthy rancher and that viten he brougitt bis sister to lIve wllh (hem ahe couid not stand the pressure, so ahe sougtt refuge witit ONeil. Police Doulit Bath. The police douhl both tonies and assert that she la rlghtfully Mirs. Thos. ONeill, but sightiy off menlaliy. Both site and the man ahe csiied husband were ordered out of the cty The itnsband idoke a chair oti ber h ead OLDEST MASON LIVES AT INGLESIDE Preservea wlh Grat Cane Masonlc Certfcate cf Memlership that lo Yellow with Age andtati s Datedi n 1847-lad Magee Bise Lcdge Officers Signed lte pocument, John Tweed tof luglesilt. mii,. la perhaps the oidest living ',tsom, i il- lionis and one of te nid, -i ite worid. le visa boru luin , liii 1821, Sud l ifsnw S> ears mt age.le vas made a utater Nlasonin tmm litti lî. AMUSEMENT PARK AT WAUKEGAN Fise e a Lease cf Eleclrlc Park Haa been Obtalned by New Stock Com- pany and Park i.e1talie Opened for th e Sumnmer Besson May 25h- Ma ny Plcnics Scored for Dates Thus Far.--DeaiFs cf Plan. Titat te siest ide or Elertiic park1 wiii be openî'd Sunday Mai luth ast au amusemnt paîk sud public pic- nir grounds under tenmanageent of Jake Dietutoyer was anîtounced hi At tomney Claire C. Edivards who laseat- Ing as attorney for te new company and Ila preparîng te incorporation papers for te amusement corporation.t The name of the park wîlI be chauged ai once. Tite plans of te prornolers Include lte organization of a crack loca base bail ted!n viicit wiIi play gaines wlch the beal teama twlce weekiy. A fifty' cent round (rip rate f rom: Evanaton ta Waukegan over (lhe eieclrlc line la toing aranged for and wiii resuit ln1 a large patronage frotu Chicago of or- ganizations desiring ta hold picnic,3' Icaige snd union relebratbons. 1 A ise year lease of the park bas been secumed by the promoters andi several tb.Ataand dollars wii! be ex-j pended at ontce lu getting (ho grounds audd ta'brlng pavillon lnn raI clasa tonditIon. A oumber of lIrsI nlasa amusement attractions wIili be aecuredj and installed at once. Jakeiet- rneyer vas lu Chicago loday maklng1 arrangement for some of the attrac- lions. A irat rtass orchestra-wiii ho aecttred for te dancing.1 The iatiters' and plumbers' uniott1 have secured te use of the park for their decorallon day plcnlc and they wiii he the flrst organizalians ta malte use of (ho park. The Park manage- ment vii! have contrai of the park vhen itisa iea.sed for picoica and viii be reaponsibie for te maintaluance of order at ail limes. The park wili he weil police-i The uew venture wîli be advertised lu Chilcago, on the etreet cars and ail aiong te nortit shore. A winning Waukegan basebail tearn viii be one af the bet features ar- raoged for tlie amusement of (ho pub- lic.Th 'f'e (ato vîli hocomposed of local men as far as possible. Nega- tiatians have been entered lotonvîit Billy King, Whyte. Lutter. Ray Puise and Blcky Wilkinson sud it is expect- ed (bat contracta wiii ho classed wlth ail of (hem Games viii be pIayed twice weekiy, s mid week or Satur- day game helng pisyed as voll!ass ans on Sundays. There ls a great dernd for an amrusement park ln Chicago which vîlI include a trolley ride and Itlsl beileved that there wili be a large patronage f rom Chicago. The managenfeul re- greta (bat a shoot (ho situtea canuot be arraoged for owing ta the lack af s vater supply but sucit attractions as Aetickier, bump (lie bumpa etc.. wl te provlded. Titeme viii ho lots dolng and under te management of Jake Dletmeyer vito wiii also be a stock- holder the auccesa of (ho nev enter- prlce ta assured, Died of Brighl'a Disease. Sirs. E. J. Green of 312 north Gen- eetreet dled Saturday at thte famiiy realdence at (su minutes afler flIe, the cause belng Brlght's dîsease of tte kidneys. Dealli came aller a long Ilinesa and Mrs. Green had been lnt a highiy criticai condition for about a week. The laI0 qrs. E. j. Green wss born in 1836 ia Londjon, England, and came 1u titis country when 15 years old. She Wvas unled Ib marriage (o NMm. Westser Green, wlio survives ber, New Yers day, 1856. She vasaa member of the F'irsl Baptlat rturcb and a flne type Of good voman iveil beioved and admlred for many lent quallaies. Heides (he bushand rblldren surý sive ber as foliova: Enisa- lira. Jos T. Parker. Allison W .Green.- Jessle ',Iay-Ntrs. J. H. Upham. Beiie-Mrs. J. j. Parker. becn passed to te Rn>yai Ari, m.h c- After F igiters-Papens Fied. aud la a member of titi'Ktîigtîts 1>-j By papers Biled ln te Lake coonty lar; ho ls Siso a Kuigit omf Mlta mnatd court Friday States Attorney Dady KnigitI af (ho Roi Cross aund \edtier- la found (o be after (lie boxiugesal- ranean Pasa.i bitors 0f Wedne8day night ln Umek's Worslilpfui Sir John Tii.,tl isthte grove lun earneat. posseasor of a 9lasoniec rîrtifit mo ofl The papera are for te laking ln memberablp igned by (heo nIli rs ofi charge of NIela Jensen and Eddie Island! Mages lBlue Lodge, dated April Habhaker an tse charge ofl conductlng 24. 1847. The document la yriiow1 a bozlng exhibition un Lake county vltb age but la hlghly priced by tite'snd were file] laIe Friday. The owner, vbo gave l tu Attornuey t' T. chances are tat many prominent men Heydecker un arder (bat its contents vili be cailed as vitnesses If te case may b. copled sud preasmved. ever cornes to triai. 'Waukegasi Hat Typhpld Epidamie. WtýUkèt3i&Jr A-Y The discussion of the preseflt epi- PLANS 'OR I 910 demie 0f typhold lever in Waukegan ~T w sand ways and means to eradicate the Waukegana OGrat Annuel Cut Loose ý e w s disease occupied most of the time,0f Day $et for June 27 and at Time the city cluncili ondav tight. When Everyone May Joi n Even "Bali lal of the water used nu the the School Chiidrn-Detalia of Ar- homes," was the adî ice given by Dr. VOT FO WO !NF CKnihtth helîhcomissionier, rangemi ta, as They Were Made WANTED lIER! IWlo suent two bour wIt h the city Lati tatMeng W.~ .CoUtcil. "There la lots of biadt water The Waukegau Day celebration will Entie W C.T. . Gaherng t L bI Waukegan. Many of the wellB are be held on Monday, June 27, accord- EntîreU. Gaterung t Lib-Positively dangerous and saine 0 h n oadcso of theprkbad ertyîli Votd Ya ai Whie a Prings are flot above suspicion." atits meeting Frlday night. The reâos iisa Turned In Baiotsa-Finniah and "But Thirteen Caaea.6 on for holding the celebration early Swedith-American Citizen& Vote That there were but thirteen cases hsyaistgttegrudluod for Women'a Ballot, Foliowing L aw o genuine typhoid lever In the city hsyrlatgetegoudInod of0fr w outin condition so that the people may en-q cf TelrOwnCounrs. Monday nlgbt was the asertion of Dr. Joy the park throughout the summer. -. ~~~Knight, after conferrlng with al of 1> wssetîsyab TheSU 'Vte fo Wmen cn- hephsicians of the City . Nany grading the grounds, fixing the dance test came ta an end Sunday atter a who have beeu strlcken with what hll1 and getting the park I0 a present- flatteringiy large vote on a question was believed to have been typhold le-abecniI.NotofhB xns that reaily requires somne study. ver have not bail the genuine typhol id , 1ble ondiren.Nuo this e stepense Here are the reauits: lever, but a peculiar type of disease iofteaswll be ruretisyabouas thCt- 139 womnen votsd FOR womnan which, whlle it resembles the typhoid, will be needed. The board n0w bas suffrage. ls much milder ilu its efects, the ps- <on hand $3,461, and It la boped to 5 voted AGAINST votes for wo- tient usually recoverlng In front a greatly încreaae thîs ainount this men. week ta ten daya. Twenty-o ne days year. This means substantially that twen- la the least perlod whicb the real ty- Excellent transportation facilities tyeight out of twenty-nine women 0f pbold fever mons. wl epoie hsya n hr Waukegan and indeed of Lake county To Have Analyses. wl epole haya n hr are In favor of votes for women. Dr. Knlght has sent saniples of the wiii be many more concesions than Conditions of Content. City water ta the board of bealtb of Ist yseilfr. the euslim acoola i23 The conditions 0f the contest were: the city of Chicago to ho analyzedb.iaefothsaannJne2 1. Women citlzens 21 or over muat and will sendi samples daIlY for sey- and al Of the school chlidren WUl b. be the only votera. eral daya. He will also senti sampîci ahi. la attend. The eiectric lIghting 2. Each one couid vote but once. of ail tbe spring water In the clty for lias beau arraigged for, the wlring 3. The name, address and date mti5t anaiylis, samplea belng taken daily whicb was dans, last year ia'vlng beu be written on the ballot, for titree af four days. A sample of left standing. The Reaulte of the Conteat. the sprlng water wili aiso be talten r About Iliree months ago. it wIll b. Here are the resuits of the corttest after the neit heavy rain. Dr. remilered, the receivers 0f the Chi- briefly stated by points: Knigbt stated ta the round!i that In cago & Miwaukee electrie road came 1. Woînen 0f titis district are flot bis opinion the blarne la ta be placed t0 aukegan In a speciai car and pro- only Interestedi n woman suffrage, hut upon (lie water -aiher titan upon the missed the eity officiais Ibat tbey will are In lavor or women -fotlng on a,' miik. bulid a t'- tVack i0 the park as aocin questions. City Needa Clean Up. as the ciîy can assure the rallroad 2. They ask that the constitution be Alderman Hoban: -What titis City that th1e Haines tract wiil become a so amende-i that they may vote on needs la a thorough cleanlng ui). Ail public park. ail questions. hydrants and water pipes shouid be 3. Two ballots were marked 'Ye-s, cleaned and flushed as weii as possi- In connection with Waukegan Day belng a taxpayer, ' which la a wholly bie. It la up ta tbis couril to do lis 0o, June 27, the rommitte. thiIs slgnlflrant comment ta mate. duty. If we dont we are guilty of week accepted and ronsidered suggps- 4. As the uuderstanding was that negligence. 1 favor a meeting with tdons ta bring ta Ibis cily Glenn H. ballots are ta be mailed ta Congresa- al of tbe doctors of the cîîy ln a Con- ('urtîsa, the aviator, who may be book- man Foss for bit consideration, those lerence sa tbat ways and means may ed for Aurora,; Orville Wright, whose who dld not cast ballots In the SUN be suggeated ta overcome the sî,read pries $1.000, or A.P. Warner, the rontest must be apathetic, as the SUN of the typboid lever" Beloit miliionaire. who bas adopted reaches every home In Waukegan and Morrow Starta t. aviation as a f adt therelore tbe negative votes are a]- Alderman John 'llorrow wss the Titey wiil try to get one of the tbree, moat negligibie. flrat of the alderman ta take ni) the believelng titat people wouid corne the Incidenta of Conteat. discussion of the typboid laver situa- lettgtb of the state ta sec a real fltght. At the Libertyville convention of tion In this City. He stated that In a Plana for the Day. te Womnen's Christian Temîteranre conversation with I.,. W.A. Evans, Plans for Waukegan Day Include an Union Saturday the convention In a ChIcago's iteaith commissioner. last alternoon celebratlon at Haines Park body voled for votes for women and aummer when there was not nearly sa June 27, and a street carnlval like last In favor of wornan suffrage and in de- mauch typhoid lever lu tbe City as at year In the evening down town, for whirb botb newispapers wlll hold o _________________________________________________________ conteat la elect a queen as last year. No chairman bas yet been chosen. Seeral Zia. 'ity and Laite rounly LOUIS J. YEOMAN Cook Telel)hon Companv factory InI Chiuagomendare ' heing îraînie iii te MAN hold reslsnsibie positions with the TH E PIANOcornpauy when It renioves ta Zion Cilty THE IANO MAN In November of this year, The prnin g andI uitlshiug bousse bulld- ing at Zion lm being comnpleted and re- modeled for the (Cook Company, which manufactures telelîhone acceasories. fault of ballots belng at hand wrote present, Ihat Dr. Evans said, "You their naâmes with a 'Ves" after thern have ifty limies as munit tyîtioid fever on a sheet of legal cap paper, whcicbin Waukegan in proportion bo your was then dellvered 10tte SUN. population as we have In (Chicago" About tbirty signed. lnclined 10 Blamne Milk. Besides titese, it la noted (bat whole 'itlaI up to the commissioner of familles signed slips as far as wo- health to utake suggestion to titis men members were concerned and rouincil as ta ways ami means of deai- sent them In. Ing ssîtilt tiis typhold situation. I Another remnarksble point la thal have talked wi1h several of the doc- women whose naines show Swedlsit or tors andfld td that they are lnclined Ftnnish origIn. women votîng at mu- ta blatue Ihe milk. ninipal elections iunte former and at _________ ail Including national elections In the Red Hot Matai Burns Foot. latter country, sent In a great nom- vdLngeofMAstranu ber of thte ballots.Avd udreofBAitrane bast a foot ln an accident at the wire Al Marked Right. nîlîl Thttrmday aftertîoon, \'hitl(en-î Anotiter point la (bat with one ex- gaged In ln pulling scrap away In ception every ballot waa rnarked cor- the rruliiug miii a section of red bot rectiy, sitowing (bat the women COuid metal caugitî about one leg just above handie the ballot sheet rightly I i he the antite and burned the flesit away badl hait a chance, and could vote cor- ta lite boune. He havI been empioyed rectiîy, ton.iunte rollilng miii but about two Conteat a Success. weeks and was 19 yeaks of age. Paul Wagner of Belvidere street the new hot fr-uit table dr The SUN ls pleased and fiattered by was painfully injured In (ho sprîng An the form of a delicious,f the succesaful outcome of a votlng miii Titursday alternoon sbortly be- And at noon andlu at n14 contest, votera In whicb reaily had toi fore the Luudgren accident occurred. B na lai the only be "up" and well posted on public A section of red hot wlre caugbt about t BosILda, M la tht questions, and Monday -night xnailed one tiiumb, nearly severing it lrom then drled, grantiated, roi the ballots together with a letter tell- the band.bvag. Ing 0f the resuit ta Congressman Geo. be ea.eA s ohn Edrnund Foss at 1763 R street. Wash- .Bct tl ohn ington, D. C. This wenit a Watîkeganlte called cannot tAre of t, but viii11 The suffrage amendatent ta thte con- attention ta a peculiar freak of the And every cup you d calendat snd at the lame lime gave tumbh.iie loto your smile. stilltiou Is now before the senate and m atertals for the guessers and am a- - -T _---- _1 - N - L ntsycacore before te bouse at auy teur mamieaticians ta do skime figur ITRATOA ttiew, so that the women of Wauke- ing whicli îtîay or may net be dillicul'. BANANA FOOD COMPAN' gstt and vicinity are alding In the Its tibm CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. vaise that vitally affects the weifare The raluýdar for the year 1887 co r- Pieuse @end me sample of BONA ,o Ile o ben lfade nin latndiaue resîtouds day for day wltb te caien- and Bookiet. IdonIob eaesInItllmnedar of t91f). That ls, every date from Name________ snd lrogressiveness. Janusry 1tat December 31 In 1887 1 One factor itot ta be negtected la corntes on the saute day ln 1910. Thus d I the large scatterIng of votes tram alilyesterdî,May 1 -.y-e----r-----came----- WIRE MILL ACCI.- EGIST KPK DENT PROVES FATAL SIJPERVISOR NUS Il Mira Of Late Accident Vlctlm wlliI According tae(the hest possible evi- Probabiy lie Firet te Recelve Death dence ceOstis enuimerators have flot B0eft by Pian of American Stlel for Borne reason covered the farni are t & Wire Company Whiie Arvid1 within thte limita of Waukegan cit3 Ljundgrer, wlll Gel Fîrat Benefit tc and towt' aithougb duties woultl have Injured. carried thern Into these districts alsoý - As a resuit If the census reports gt> Elmer E. Lindquisî. one of the beat in as tbey wea'e made out and the oui- ktîowu Young ien 0f Waukegan aud a lying districts are excluded the cenlsuis former leader In the nov delunct Cuba af 1910 wiIilfait to gîve Vîatîkegau Âthletic club. being praminent in olh- the population te which It la entitled. er socleties, dled at the Jane McÂlis- What Nish Baya. ter hPsittal near 8 Thursday night Saturday the SUN ralled uic of injuries received ai the Amferîcan Supervisor Niait at Elgin as the oflicer Steel & Wlre Companys plant Wed- in charge of the local census and be- uesday. Rarely of late has desth 1ev- aides Mling compiaIut that the tartn led aucli a terrible tait. districts of the city and tao bat! Be waa (lie son of Mr. and Mme. beeu omitted Bo titat Waukegau wauld John Lindquist and llved at 1218 Mc- net get its luat cduse gave hlm a merles Alster avenue. He vas 32 yeara oid of addresseài of people wbo said (bey and liad beau a resident of Wauke- had been omlitted fmom the cenaus as Kan for eighteen years. or ever mince fam as they know. eariy boyhood. He was a mecbanic The superviser said taI bis special In the rod mille af the AmnemîcanSteel agent bas aiready twice vlsited (bis & Wire Company and hie business was cIty and titat be la making the effort ta repair machInery (bat W«a broken. to do Waukegan'a population justice. Dotalla of Accdent. He ase said that the (bird var! According ta the haeut information censua lis not yet completed In the obtainable, Lbndiquiat vas cauglit up soolli veet portion partlculamiy sot! by a lages boit liock le the belting af Ibat l la iteing flnisbsd just as rspidiy machIînery near whiclhlcl ieh v as as possibîle. It Beerna thal a large varkint ant! deUivered a vlctim te the portion of the larming and truck gard- machinery by the wbtriing bell. ls snlng area In titis yard vas omittet! left braaaf"vas torn, an armton ut and the ground la nov belng covemed. a kilOs cruslied, and ollier severe In- Assistants to the assesr going ternalIinjuries Inflictet!. He Ilved but frorn bouse ta bouse la get figures a few bouma. for lte next assesmeul made te dis- Wlien hem soc. Elmer Lintiquisl, wae covery titat mosl of thte outling dis- brouglit to the hoepltal near 2 o'clock tricts had for amone reason not iteen W'ednesday alternoon lte Young tian 'e taken and titis malter la now belug motlicm vas vialtlng- a woman frlend corrécted. who vas a patient (bers. "I vonder 9iany wito sent Ilu aillai o Mr. Nisit wio lias been burt now." abs ls re- te lte fert that tht-y havi n0t been Porled ta bave aald viten as was In- enutnerated were futind to be regîster- formed s patient bail arIved lrorn the ed ail rigitt on te tala>siteels. -Mr, vire Milii. Niait eqocals ail titose wito have neot Thbe fatal accident was rsused by iteen enuimerateil îîo report. If ltey the catcbing af bIs cloîbes In momnedo flot rare te write te Elgin titey cao eliaftlng and viten plcked up It la de- reptort (ote SI'N office. dIulrsd 1051 the aniy ciolitng that e- mainsd on bis body vas one shae. One arm vwas tbm fmom ils socltet and ans ieg vas terribiy tIsted. The akuli was fractured and the internai 'injur- Les vers cause-I by lte cruahlng ai' severai rIta. Il la bellevsd that since (ho Ament can Steel & Wire Companys volun- tary dealh sud lnjury relief plan vent mbt effeet May i. Ilis helrs of lte laIe Mr. lindquist viii be the firgt 10 be acnomded indemnlty for the deatit and thal at the same lime Arvld L.jund gren, vhose foot vas burned off by s mcd hot rosI. viii he thte firal here ta, lie Indemnlfied vltb lnjury benellîs yi froto the company, eknov (bal a foot bad been cul off. and n tlesI ta vaik avay fram.the acene, s0 oUttie disI be sesm tb feel the acluai i bass. t4undgren vilI mecover. ye losotîli Erasaof 'î'adiorti ave- 1nue, wbtm broke bis iî'g lun Milwautkee a svetk ago, retutuîed to Waukctcav hSattt:uay afîpciis m sas t~iî tIm bis homne ln a rcab. Wyrn Afler Capital. Robt 1).W> un. lte origInal builder of te Fox i..kv uit0 and laber an Officiai of tite Frost alectrlc road ava- lent, I i t ilontias no to tr St . a.ui whero hpho as a ttîetlng aI once vîit blg traction caîîiîaliîtg,. iruhaitiy of' the NlrKinleY s)>stPun, and a confer- once (bat lis as Ils eud tht- gettlîîg of captli iti whtch to laite os,'r arnd exlend l.@ the lak's te Fox i.ok, lime of te former Frost aîstetu. Tite chances are taI ne %M bEbe ut- ressfîtl.ln which rase slit-ed)ywst aide meieloIittefts nîsy hc auttiîated. Frank Hubert, the Tylo Lake le- man. vito la supposeel ta have been drovood ln Lake Elizabeth a week ago iast Snndsy, lsa Bt!1 misslng. Searcit- Ing parties have scaured lte lake as- ery day since the dmovniog accurred. but titos far aIl efforts 10 locate lte body have provesI futle. Reporte la the effecî that the mystery of the drovning bad been disared itpby the re-appearance of Hubert Lt the EshIt ce bouse are flot true. Begin.the Day With Deligsht X VIn the mori-nng when preparlng for the day, tive your stomach llght, nourlahlng food-and drin.k. It w provide you with nourizhrnent, atrength and vigor , rgatbeverage. Lht again the saine wholesome Uiquld goodnes-Bonano. [y hot table drink whikh can be used seven daya a week, tliree ed results. Lfufly matured meat of the bananaà, gatherred La~ the tropioe, and oaated and blended. It makea a golden bro'wn iragrant, mnappy gbut pure fruit in the most palatable and digegtible forin, you like At more evry cup yoeu drink, every day yon use ItL drink w Al put %Mïm into your step, brightneaa into your eyes, and 4ANO There is absolutely nothing but banana An Bonano. no adulteratlon, coloring or flavoring matter of any sort-just liquld goodnese. A 25 cent cmii from your grocer's vii make 75 cup-a coat about haff that of cofeea. Try a cmii toay. If your grocer lauout, notify us, or aend the attached coupon for sample package and bookiet. For Sale bw J. E. TRIGOS __ E. E. ELLSWORTHI WM. WALROND ational Banana. Food Co.e Cicago, Ii. VOL. r"'T' 1 Sensat Acco Burg Laun InU Signe Titree bt le Waukeg them was a featumea of Iliree place Laundry, It Canuey but The atitet ln lie offIce anueth Sherl doubtedly 1 0. T. Val, hâve been@ 0f the launsi aises'ý Bliplflg c oniy le hie -the Hotel IA lice that a b sale. Jus, atreet be m( sd and fled a lar bthe siar muklng bis Val& basil decided t10 nigltitnlthlb ail 0f hie CI and eatoclcini a table. Nes cd by tb. cr soS a Man wIndow. Goc ilellevlng t.apping ltse Veil pretendý commenced He (lien yen and telephuat An omeier vi Water and e accomp)anied saleinen, vs Jurnpe< Thes party proachlog au scape by jo dcv ln the rn tlie Notlive* vas seen by tanlte darkne police. L A. J. Burt- iaundry. bell. fuily famille, cause lie sele inaecurely fat vers tlghtiy i les. The me rectly tu the VOLIVA OF (Prom 1 The slamyt of the ZMon volîva vas CE etral sources aulhentbc. il ly (baltva aio Voliva, one s a lime paym aisea dscared closed IbsI It ferring af tit( tara for hsir the chance (c tbey viii chat tîme proposili PMil1k dealer. lai opinion as lic-enaing mlik mandlng ta Othie"' do no licens s ppt be vigorousIy a

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