Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 1

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IL WAUKEGAN WEYSUN VOL. XVIIIL -NO. 85 TWO PARTS WtIOE ZON IESTATIE Exaudng tveuts09 a Week in Lake ComaWts Unique Cola am, d orpdftlw tdsBittemesiConte«t inu&nuMuie do@% IleUIuokis.1 T#10e10de11eift Of aiOn* lsuudred la- egalion 0 1oiooivenonotdermine« ommeta vihe wsnt inte cage ota pro. ina apersanal sud public protest te- Mfle aaînst tls, sle aOfZMon etutetfore Judse Kencsaw iMounstainds Veliva fslied te eennéat vitis .udge The> vent Inu-ountthetenttrain, 'LaRdi Thursdy p. m. due ta hle si- arrlvlug t ten after elevon ad ut Oumet afflaimendmlet vend tisaoce . lvades] lic court roamo. bu emOsm e uhm i* u ftseby Try lntI#ýIdçtion i,neone ew biet aa Judes V. V. Wednemday nlght at a casîereace Ilames isesldm tiedelegatiesu, beveen the neceiver, lie Inde- a a 0 00 0 0 e0 0 0e 0 0 00,9 o pendent aid thse Reventh ixD>'Ad- e a veitist Olegation trylng ta get a nev ' Lst*"t devopsitents In the. olocation for lie achool cf Ithe set at o prao snd tise Vallyssales o Meuslota, nst onlj&$o tI formed thal; o aae oil vouid b. impossible t10 close a deal 0 1. Indepesdents cals mass o witi lie Ativentints hbmeu o f the e meeting laZMoni Cit>. oaîending Voilva porchae,0f hbeetat., 0 2. 0lObr» ineI.Chioqoo0 wicLt -includ«es building e deneunoos prsgeeed sale ta Ve .o tho Adventiste, X. sire ta uo s ýsfe e lye andi declares tfmki'f-Et akee e0 Tueheiiag Ia tliôvédbï 'saut- o placs Vaiven ruis yl h.vesrse o 110g9d attempt ta lahlsmdale the r.- oby fer thon under Davie and o ceilver inta kllilg off tiif Voiva deal, othet religieus dspatisns nti biue o and, eventY-dve Independents arase 0 l"swlviii prsvsll, '1o 0 lieir feted sdprotested vîit lthe o &. intispendents snnounce lit a streiighh cf theinfungs as tic>' feit o Chicago that Zien oln s, o0lie ground slipving train beneaîb ticir o about ta b. sold for 00,00tuao feet and anticipatedlie sensation cft a Seventis Dey Ativeaiets MW thlia a lie Vllia contrai overcoming lient. 0 Vliva purchase vii lntirrupt o tadependeuls of Zion City' read the e sale. Decerset I1 ndiana mIl. o SUN article Wedueeday nlgbt lcllingt o loaire la bak afcaloel andti ofo!tle nearl>' cmpleted Volva purci- e fumlshlng thé mono>'. osaiecf ZMon Cil>' vili surprise ans] lie 0 o streets of ZMon ver. next marning 0e0eaoo0 e a 0o00o0aa0a00a0 NothIng smo. 1th. depomng oi the fate*John AlIantier Dowie nue*ver etirreti Zion Cît>' one-harf as moch os thse exclusive sunouusaement Of the Valîva dosi 10 bu>' Zion estate ln tise SUNlast week. Mer, are thée devaiopmnessl of tis veek: @Oventy-flv. Independents are Maidite hev. triedte taintimidate ao*mOIur Thomas lt, net meldng the " sa ltsV@ive et s meting Tisuredzy nîgst, On. hundreti and Myt>'Indepen- dents ppenred bei... Judge Lan. dis" In Chicago Tisuray ha pro- test agaînsItishe compietion Of thse sale la Votiva. Dîstunbanceean tise treets and fteque ilacshies between Voit- vans, receiversa oficers and Inde. pendents. Cicacies] noae. Imprecations. Street corner meetings. PYoless toR1tfiver Tbomas. Tiresîs ta hie officers. Petihlans ans] reinonstrauces ha Judge Landîs . Ruinera cf checkmale arraigemnents. Tiese are tie vaye ln vilci Zion1 City' Independents tast veek receives]1 lie newm slois] In lie SUN liaI Voi-1 va iba, neRrI>' comPleles]bhuadueslfor the purcbase of Zion estale, vfiicb vilI give hlm pover, temporal and spirit- ual, equal la tb, laIe Joifi Aexander Dovie. Volîva HMsOpti,,n, Meantîme Voliva hilm an option on1 tb. entire est-aIe ans] lie deal bas pro- greasetitoc fan 10 be lntcrferod vili. Voilva can ste» Into Dvi's Identicai aices tomorrov sud le, la tact, "ts'y- Ing liem on" ah the preseut moment.1 Tue event ta the grealest 10 lakej place la Zioa Cil>' sIncelthe day Dovie1 annonllcod is putchas. andis Pur-t pose cf foundlag lb. cit>'. cather an Streets. Angry Independents, b,'athlug lireas o f reprisa, -on lie streets of Zicu ail veek. Copisof the. SUN viti tbelr head-1 Ines teliing lie tale ln brief ver. flounisited la the midst cf exciled, vhite faces] and chatlernag groupeansdi ver, brajtdisiicd in thte air as lie1 anar>' citizen. ougt tb empiasize1 hbeir vlevs. The Volivans for bieir part kept cool iO5ds sud <110 not jaîn ln la aggravaIe heaenuesiuation, per-i baps, vihdelgted grina.1 Surriunti Tamblinq Buggy. I Metted tudependents- surronnded tii. buggy cf W. L. Tambllng, r.cciv- er's confidential mais, sud ant engineer,1 and demaded ta kaov the mealang of the. Vlîva deal sud wviiel it wvta compotaet. They>'rsged viien laformý ail tiat Voiva imd tie cption and tiatg tho demi muet go tirough.1 iIuavy Bernas ta. Station, Indge V. V. Barnes vas ciceen'as1 the spokesman fan lie Independeuta fusan sd -#te fautent soins horse la BIni au iied to rush hlm la lie firet 11515 ta Chicsgo, as lihesu cf Bdel- scalleres] vllh excîtedi>' talking groupe sllecussing thie Voliva coup. Voliva nover real>' gaI an injunt' Uiiagalual lic nev ZMOU Mehodiet ciurcb, itle i.ames], but merel>'srv ed lie chiots iti papers deaignes]. it la sais], ta san. Ibein mvy. Tic>' dii MatheQ tié papers, itlaisreportes], OU have &One on vitihohevork. How the MeW deai viii affect tient canneI be ls-mes], but if Voivea finses the déai for lie estate liey viii probabl>' haveMmie tougi sles]dlng. Whet VolIva WiliIBu>'. Voliva acluali>' buys ah lihe remain- ing properl>' 0f lie Zion estate, vhicb Includes aIl the remaiuing public buildings, ail lie cit>' iots, ans] ail tie acroage ais] olier property excepl tiaI iîow acluali>' ovues]ans] lu pos- session 0f private parties. Voliva, beforc bis present deal, cl- isal> bougit and nov owus: The s]- inIstralion building, batel building, tabernacle, temple sile.,ZDon gencral stores, Setl 'ibicute, vilci is lie orig- inal Dowie resîdence lnaZMan City', ZMon underlaking business, lie coal yards ans] numerous smaller plecea 0f Property about the cil>'. Whr. lie Geta th. Moue.' He viii gel lie greaher ainount of lie mon.>' fgr lie million dollar os- tale deal tram folêvers. but Ihere la aiso rumoros] le he a large percant.age af moue>' froin a ihirto unkuovu source, tie nature 0f vhlci la n01 re- veales]. Tbere are Ivo deais ou, one for cauh and lie olier for pa>'meuh on lie ln- talimnt plan ans] viich viii be final- 1>' closes] us not kuovo. VOiva atantes] out as overseer for Australla and came bere viithlteein- tention of succedlng Dovie, but founs] hie pati astahne>' one. Jndependentir buas iar fa fsildtbrougb diaunigu and factioiai d religIons differences ln thir owu ranke. A large percen- tage viii Prababi>' nov dock le Voli- va. 0f tic Davios Mrs. Jane as] Giad- atone are lie cal>' urvivorswviii, Overseer .John A. Lewis stiii dlaIms 1u be tb, Dovie succesor. He là- try- 11ng ta block lie Voliva deui aima, il la reportes]. Tho deail la never>' va>'a ccd» for Voiva and reflecîs great credît upon bis geueraisiip, ai he bu3's tie es- tale =uder the. ver>' nases o! bis o»- panent. The Independents ciaracterize lie sale of lie ecate la Voliva as ope of te rankeal outrages ever perpelrabod. Tic>'« assrt tiat Receiver Thiomaha. Isequ *conniviisg vith- Voliva for, lihe past tire, mentis sud do ual beital. la condemu lie'receiver openi>'. Tué Zion Cit>' News, il ta reported, vas made ha feel tic ax Saturda>' a. tm. vien alan>' Independeqt advertlsers Ordered their fsOs removed ftam the papor becUme of their opposition to the attitude laken b>' the editar lava.- 11n9 te recelver. Waniea cf ie ait>' made a Maum« ofho tcvn ths mor- nJB imn leaeffort ha gelt UL. Indepens] entStu w ille ta thein rMenda am-si lie Inveshor and advise themt againat LIBERTYV1LLI , LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FBRIDAY, MAY 27, 1910-16 Pages vOting ltu ar 09ofthe. maee 1Voliva. Voliva Coneilstory. Overseer Voliva la mina, and rfofumd 10 make a statement this inoruiug, beyond the. tact liat h. viii pUOah on ,Love,, tomorrcv moruing sud . 'idrgivemnss"in the atémnon. a* itseseking to omeliate ail or lhe wsrrig factions asd viii Invite 411 10 corne tthe services s.mot alf-Inthe. movubt ost1 revive the. Mon move- Meut ta ils former magnitude under the regime of the founder, John Ali Dovie. It vas said ln Zion City' 1hat Jutige 1-ndis bas neturnes] 10 Chicago and hae sent vord liaI ln case adelega- lion representing et lesat 11.0000 of lavetienta cornes lu e hlm liat bc vii lgvc-et an audience. . - Thie lut. of 1he recelver's deedi bas -bean issued for lie prenent ut lesat, and lie arder la stop lssuing thein va uiven an Wednesday' lua. The lent court crder for.deeds lnciuded deeds tô about ffI>' lotsad] hios viio have falied ta ecure thei are nov left out lu lie cold. If Voliva' secures tle la lic property b. viib. ablé ta en- force lie terme of tbe leases on al. There te ov a question as to vie- lier the Cookfactor>' viii b. removed 10 Zion Cilty la case tic Valiva deala go tirougi. Vieý contract for tie sale of lhe publiablng bouse building and laid bas bon signed and tic Oiral Payment bas beaunmaile on il. Tii. titis bas Dot passed IcI. bovever, aid a deed la lite propert>' has not beeu issues]. Independeas ow fear thali lie Cook comPan>' ia>' decide la rc. main In Chicago fther than inove 10 Zion Cilty. A meetIng cf ail the Independent leaders vas ciLlled frida>' nigit aid a secret canference vas bel,? in tie offie of Cil>' Attorney' W. P.' Faibry. A large meeting vas alao iield b>'lte BrYanl congregalion. Tii. building af hbeir ne* ciurcb as vel as severai brick busineso blocks la nov icld up andO ltta belleved that ail Improve- Ments plannes] by lie ludependeuta vils be belld lnaabeyance until the. question as ta viielier Voiiva viii dominate over Zion City h" basbn 00f- lnitel>' acttled. .Muet Tslk on Paper. 7le ' Independent delegation Fri- day finalI>' sncceeded la conuecting viti Judge Landis ln Cicago lu lie person of one ion. delegale via vas1 iuformed liat If tlie daims o! thei1 Independenis ver. uhmtted ho Judge1 tandis ln urilten tortu aid la the1 siape cf a letter Uic>' vould be con- sidered careful>' aid veigein lathe balance. The disposition cf court ans] recelv- er ail ticevs>' lbrougii le la give a generoual>' fair de&L. r Tue papers lu lie sale of lie Zion City ' sate ta Overseer Voliva ver. algues] Ioda>' lu Chicago. Wilbur Glenn Voiva, lie overseer of Zion Vas, Present in Chicago viti bis Sltor- ae>' and] Receiver Gus D. Thomas vas alan presenl vith bis attorneys. A rougi draft o! lic articles of agree- nment vas prepares] Thureda>' and vas founs] la besastisfactor>' ta bath par- tics. Bligit changes vcre made anti lie final draft ai lie papers vas pro- pares] for signature Frida>' aflernoon. luveslors Muet Approve. The ulter foolisinesa of al of lie heates] discussion b>' lie Independents la shovu b>' lie tact that lhe doal vîlI not become oPeralive unlema ilt i ratified ans] approves b>' a maJoril>' 0flie investors vho bave Iheir mou- @>' lied Up ln lie estate. Receiver Ous D. Thomas la lu muci the. saine Position as Judge'Landls lu liat i. la acting as truste of the emlate. Tiiere are about 5,000 Invemlors, in- ciuding ail of lie amaîl Investorsansd tic reelver considers lie administra- lion 0f the etal. as a sacres] trust. For Viseur BenefIt. The remainlng ProperI>' belougs. ta lie investore, ans] the deal la made lu goond faith for their benefit. Ti.>' have l ln thelr paver ta ,do vhat lie>' please vith their ovu properl>' aid If lu.>' dîsapprove lie proposes] aie I ilii nI tlakts place. Theta,- ticea so! agreement vhici ver. ined Ioda>' vere merel>' tentative ans] sub- Jeet bti eir aporovai. Investors Decide, There anè a fev of lie laveabors, cosPrUpa-tvel>' apeaking, via reside la Zian Cil>' sud via bave altemptes] tu caere tie receiver ans] lrevent unm front eonluding te deal for lie sale cf the properl>'. The court ami thse necelvet- having recei.ves] Wiat lie>' conider a ouns] business oSfer for the PrOPOrI>' frOm Voiiva considen l thein dut>' ha umiîltlb.proposition ha tho iavestors. Wi De Advis.d in-Full. Tic luveators viii be advtacd b>' lie reclver of the. tEe. ituation -andAU I JViii be given every àetahl 0f the affer. O J T O U I jOther propositions wiii a iso be aug- BY YOUNG & Co jgesied for their consideration and- I le>' viii be abi.le e choose between Oespite the fact thal the Chicago division of the. astate among thein- Arthur Young & Company on th. Chi. seles and the. reorganizatian plan cg oohn opn ok e vbich provides fer the administration cg eehn opn ak . of the estate by a board of moyen trus- cous e council cammittee allsm.d tees. The cou rt and the rectiver are thet the. company waln the puy of the Most desirous of piesminkg a majorit>' teispho ne as wsli ne of the comnittee, Of thel Jn»entWrs &Bctouiuer tuem- selves the. servants Ofthie Investors or To Continue Recuiveu'ship. tbe receiveoUp uIâ b. continued for a PeriOd of At least hurt>'or forty days beronO lune 1,, vhich vas the. date announoedf for the disciiarge of the receiver sud the termination of the. receivrmiilp. This step lu made necessary by the tact liat this. veriod wiii be requirel lu Order for lhe duecls- ion of 1h.eisivestors, vb'o are scatîered al over the earth. te, reacb the court. Tie deai vitiiVoliva ahici, wasi ciofed ln Chicago Frîda>', provides for payments la bc ln th- "iniimehs,, f.ap~ - cft.ZIAy re- POrted bOtrveeu efgbt and twelve years. Tbe Offer ls considered a fair and bona fOde one.. RocqIvor Act for BemI. IIIla belev.d liat vien tie termes of tic offer are made public la detail liaI man>' of lbe avestorm vouls] feel bard" loyrM Judge Landis sud Receivar Thomaus vien lie>' l.rned of the. offer sud founs]*Idt it bas] ual been submfttedhtoi tsa befôre the termi- a.tion of the reelvershlp. Attempts have bea made In Zion City'otet. se IO mpressions b>' lie circulation af a report liatI Ce rcceiv- Or ba- trhsd ta block «lie aie of the. collage buildng 10 lie Adventis. This attemPt to diacredit lhe recQiver bas besn ma"decathss. h bas kept faitb l wth Voliva and refused ta go back on lte proposed sale cf tihe où- tire estale. The Adventis bave bOen dickering for th. coilege building for "evenad Motis sMd are not nov ln a pc.itlon ta conclude the. purcbase aM lie building. The indignation wbici vas helO b>' ZMon Independents ai lb. college build- ing Tiiuraday ulgit vas a Mnost excilIug one ans] Came ucar resulilg la vio- lence as veli as icales] argument and debate. An altempt vas Mode 10 tiodil>' oust W. L. TaMbiing, nglaneer for the receiver. frain tb. meeting. Ant effort vas aclusil>' matie tc thrcv Mr. Tambilng out, but b. stood is grcund firml>' and remained u*Ulthle sud of tie meeting. wbicb flanil> as]- Journed, near 11 o'clock. Recelver Gus D. Thomas vas de- 11ounces] as a Iraitar b>' Professr .. H. HsrnleY ln a lier>' speech. The. ne- ceiver vas almo declared b>' Harnie>' 10 be vorme Itan Vliva and lie son- timent vas expresses] liat bath lie ne- celver sud bis faiful engineer aboutid ha run out of tovn. The recelven vas oPeul>' curmed atter lie meeting b>' sorne of lie hotbeada via stcod about talkiug lu exciles] groupe, me'* Dalug i-ies e& Al of this Invective vas hovered UPOn a Man vho is doing him beat 10 coniserve the interemîs of tie havent- ors, The tim for tieme proteos to beccme effective la b>' votes and If liene la ual a substantiel majorit>' of the luvestars lu fai-or o! thte sale of lihe eBÎit1 toVoliva il yul nover b. Conaummaled, Tils Important bas beeu averbookes] b>'the ladependenta vhc, peritaps, bave 001 bean uformes] of lie details o! tie proposotisalie, Deacon W. R, 1- El>' mas]. a motion ai lie autiet <of lie meeting tli'Ielih- or Mn. Tainbling oritimmif vould bave ta leave lie room. As Mr. Tain- hling toad Pet, Mr. El>' icfI..A gnou» of Independenîs left viti hlm sud tien roturnes] atter a detçrminallcu vas neaches] ta compei TamblIng 10 leave or ta lirav hin out. Marshal John Hoover sloos] near Tambling, but dis] ual atlempt 10 use force 10 eject unm. Fail ta Vote for Outer.. Jus]ae V. V. Barnes preolded aitheii meetling and recognizeïi W. H. Uàcit> via mas]e a molIon liatItIfajyonc vas t0 bo put oulthiat tho action sbauld bo taken at once so titat the. business of lie meeting coul ho car- ried on. Profesmor Harnney, ia oln aptl>'knOvn asthi, Patrick Henry' or ZMon City', lion approacbed Taimbling aMd. asiies]hMn Ifbhavould ual bave Vitiaut being tordu>'y ejecte& . Ms'. Toanblng slated liab he o uil eave if A vote wv atken vici proved 1k. vfequtet hob.tle sentiment et ,thse am. seuil>.'.NO an, Put lhe MOUt Msd Bunlueer Tambling remainedl until tie Young &' Company' have boen goati 'nough" lo"audlt 1h. Lake counl>' ai- fleorm books for s tarm in fyhsrs. The prse.ct* art, brlght nov ln vie- af thse Chicago contrtemps that bone taVeung & Cosmpany', vien 1h.>' wsre OIparni>' how. ta b. a*rvlng "beth 0"odandi Mammon," tisat popular and offciai dlmsatisisctlon with the. firsa hiredti t audit the çoonty boaks WIl cause'ea lrlng ai thse whoie mat- ter before the bard af supervisars et the Juns' meeting and s hot shindy viii b# kîciietiup. Voune £ Company' are to be the ter' gel: for Graham ael many other. mens- bae of thé board. the. ciunt>' book& audlted gels rates iront Vauni &,Company. 2, Samusi 1Sisckler, supervimor from Lake Foesat, naiati liaI Young a CamPan>' g0t lhe contract 10 audit the cousit>'books. The heati ai Yaung£ Compsa>' la e Lake For«eat.s- ,'3. Tihe cosstral la alignod On Black. ier'a inaietihsce, Grahsm refuslng ut- terly ta sign up. The. audit la ta ho; b>' Young & Conmpany' for ton yeors et. nom.0 "The 'lelePioue report' compiles]b>' D. C, & William B. Jackson, cugi- neers. sud Arthur Young & Compaifi, certiflis]public accounltants, vhlcb practIcaîl>' recomnend that tie cil>' ai- low lie Chicago Telepbine Campa>' 10 Incrcaielils rites, vas >'eterda>' hurles] into lic scrap beap b>' lie councilicommittec on gai, 011 ands]dc- tric ligit," aya the Record-HeraIs] o! Ma>' 21. Tii. article continues: "Tue comînilîce at an excitlug "mes- sion, tu vilci sevcraI aldermnen apen- 1>' criticizes] tbe report a hlasd lu favar ai 1h. compan>', unsulmausl>' de. ciedt tisaI»lt vould no langer consider the. opinions of the 'experts4,'and, a»- poinlos] a sub cammiîtee ccnsisting cff Adermen Merriain, Long ans] Pringe, ta 'drav up a plan for makiug a sup- pienuentar>' Investigation o! sufficicul thorouginema to varrant tuis commit- tee ta underlake a revision of rates.' Sierve. City'; Coanyu, Taa. "The action vas taken afier Ader- man Long bas] draivu frain William J. Sutherland, manager for lie Arthdfr Young Campany, an admismion Ibat whiie employes] b>'lie cl>', supposedi>' proiiug Ita the secrets efthle coin- pan', bus conu'ern vas alsa varking for the compen>' as ls certlOied sc- counltants, "When thia admission vas made Al- derman Long denounces] the enire r.- part, forwvilci lb. cil>' pais] In lie neigiborboos] af $8.000, as being 'vorthiss' and '001 vorlh a ns».' i' for one,' deciares] ti, alderman. 'believe liaI w, are wasling tîme con- sldering il.' "'AId. merriam Ibhen introduced a resoluhion cailing for lie appointinu 0f lb. ucommitle. If possible lie subconmllltee vili reporlta lite committee of lie viole Manda>'afler- noon, ans] the malter vIlI bie taký,.. hIle the cil>' copocl l Mnuda>' nigil. Vear Nsmed. for Inquir>'. 'If the subcommiltee reports tiat a compile'invenla try of lie companys plant la necessar>' au apporpr;Îation o! belveen 135,000 and $40,000 viii be askes] la bave lie vork done. Il l9 believes] tiat-a tioroug I nventar>' viii occupy> a year. Meanwil. liere viii be no revision of telepiane ratea, but lie>' viti romain the smin. "The subcommithee giinouneed tial it wonîs] begin vork Immediatel>' and] Itlis believed tala il -li report liaI the only wa>' ta arrive aI the roai fin- nancial standing of the elephone col, pany is b>' havlng unbiases] experts 'laIte a comptlete inventory af the comý pany'a books, reai estahe ans] tangible properly. "Thal an Investigation lmb lie ac- tions ai lie Young conceru viilbc be. gun aI once b>' the Merrian commis- sion vas ualoopracîlcail>'admithes b>' Alderman BHerniain. Sunu>' Expresses Surprise. "Whcu Manager W. J. Sutherland cf the Yug compan>'. under a graueliug line of quiestions siolat I hM b>' Aider- in Mentian, Long and Den, made bis admismion, offlciIai f ho tele Phone compan>' al quicti>' b>, but af- ir he bBs] flisiaes]President Sunu>' aroso and sais]: PART ONE 81.50 PER YEAR ll~ ADVANCI~ -T . 1 $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANCÊ. "'*It tu a great surprise, Indeed, ta U S't1 <tA mel nw that there are some aide r- vb Wo vere flot Informed that Ar. ! SW T' L S tbur Young & Comnpany have been aur epert auditors. We have empiayed ilistoric City Jail acone of sensation- themn for thie Vast six years. Our an- ai Attept to End Lii. an Part of inusi reports are published lu lhe neya noerTee kh rest ee papers signed "Certifled ta by Arthur r@e hrWoTist avr Young & Compan>';" these reports are Arteries ln Wriste and Lego and seut broadcast, and 1 amn Iuch surpris. Bieed tb Denth-Canditon ia Que. ed tbat Ibis thing shauld arise now., tianable. "'Weil.' retortqd Alderman Long, risilg in bis châfr, 'Il: 1s ail nevs to A man vho was arrested asa vat- me, and lu aillMy experience as a bs"i rauI Tbîîrsday by the ,Boit line police, nesi man aud a iavYer I have neyer attenipted t. commit suicide neat Mur beard anYthiag 1ke it.' nlng aI the Waukegan Police station. Meeting Endaý Suddanly. H u isvit U lg ii 'A uddn edla 0ftii metin fol- locked in a ce]] and vas rushed 10 loved lies. excbsnges ofror.marns. tu. the Jane MeAlister hospitai laLli gineer Wnitam B. 35*tk sOn ffl Larsen & Cannai ambulance. the . on bis teot malt of the aflernoon &DB* attended by Dr. A. E. Brovn. H a vering numerous questions regarding Wben- arrested b>' Speciai Agent lie manner lu vblcb the eccinsons Nichais of lb. E., J. & E. lie man set forth ln tic report bad boan ar- gave lhe uame of Joseph Miller. Af- rived at. H. vas alIoved tç ait ter being iocked up at the 'police s- dovu and Mtr. Sutberland v as lihen lion the man suld, "00<1 viii take cars asked té anaver a few 4uestious. oU~bat nian (meaning Nichais) for ar- "-'Mr. Sutherland,' iaueried Alderman rcatingl me. " The. att .etpt aI sgi- [lever lu a lev tous, afler several cied va made about 10:30 thus maIn-. questions had .ben asked, 'lisn't Il a -r~ ~tff g hkhV4%ti10«og lvi- Oiklln f6r' ilèier uied aamagilpiece of glass, the telepbane campat> you ver. alsoo vich be bad concealed ln bis ciothes, working for the cit>' getting Up Ibia and inhiictod severe vounda on bis report?' vriste. He lbat much biaod and ÏIfa>' "Ever>' member of tbe coinmittee die train veakness.- He was rusbed leaned forward expectanl>' as Suher- tu the.boïpitl and ail possible efforts land ln a loy touesansvered 'Yes.' . have been made ta save bis lite. The. 'That setles il.' said- Alderman chances for bis recover>' are said to b. Derpa, leaning back ln bis cbair. 'lt's good., aii off viti liaI report.' "Vl,'continued Alederman Dever turning 10 Engineer Jackson. 'hov View.d Bailoons ln Thilr fligNîles.- about yau! Did yau bave vorking re- Clinton D. Spoor of Waukegan sav laiOn vih the telephone companiy, the balooný "Ceutenaia" Wriday aIsa vile employed tu makie up -titis mornhng vbule ln Konosha and cou- éport?' vermeil vith Captain H. B. Honoyei, "'No, air, said Mr. Jackson Prompt Who tlked vihthe Waukenanite I. 'W. did nu'tirougb a large %negaphone. Spoor Long Grille Accountant. first sigbted lthe balloosieaI5:45 111l- "'What's Ibis?' cried Alderman day moralng and calied le a friend Long, addressing Mtr. Sutherland. 0tou t s1e.00 fe aet an vas dritleg 'Vere you employet b>' two employers f abi ou .000 lestadaortbestriyn who had conflicîing intereesa? Nov, drain eouthst 1ln ke.étel tell me Ibis, boy dit! you decîde vhici inou eos h ae one la aerve tie more falifullric'?' When Casîtain Jlone>rvcll slghted "'Tiiat's net a good question 1> t re Sor .caPuts trug to me,' ni1d Mr. Sutherland. -Ta large megaphoceo, Wiitha va lu l ougbt ta be auked of my employer#.' Ibis?" Spoor repiied "Kenoobs." Af- "'Genîleinen,' maid Campîrolier Wi 1 er iluding out Just viiere ha vas sonariin, 's ter seme o e smeCaptain Hosvweil' vroIe s measage on~~ arising. 'as lier thems la 10 sai tog about this malter, 1 tbink penhaps andrpedivtblcrue ht 1bad beter explain boy il came about lasbe fliaIatug b. set 1 accoHemsin tat 1 emPloyed Artbur Young & Coi-m a iethacroagbes letloa.Spoor pany. Tii.>' ere lbe accouutsnîs si bav te tipso ihthlmaevlypur Who audiled the. books of th. Chicagoul aega ihbsn ypr laite>'m oinpsy. Tey bae doc cased gsomlne tug Four Brothers hai R l as o m p a n y.ork for ame. d oic ev b ad sau lic e a t au p p ly ef g a mo l i a lot etgoo wok fr m. Ikne The litésassvtg crev et Racine and hem la be tboroughly reliable, n 1Kenlosha folloved the balloon for sev- gýeèg he job.' " i'replied Alderman Long 0111 inhiO5, but filly gave lb up. estedl>', 'I dcn'l vant ta ast an as- 'nie ballonn la doscnibed b; Spoor as 0 a large black one vIth s basket wuieh ersions ou eitber Mr, Suan>' or Mr. crld tvaossnes ech Vilonbutasa iembr f h5 cm-people vere groati> excited over the. mittee i don't hbink lie report la apaac ftebggsbt n wortà a rap, aid i believe tiat ve areaperneoli bggsbg d are vasîiug our tîme consideriug IL Itcamel Out mb tiithe trdbta lu Ieir îun't vortb Uic paper il la vrîîîen on., nlgbt cloîbes la order t. vlev IL "Chairman Pringle, vho for nome [me bad seallent, said liat he agreed Cow Tried ta Gor. Boy. wilh Mr. Long for lb. muet part. 1I'm Gaing labo a cov stable on bis* ln sympatby vih haî the alderinan ule's t"1111near Bosecrans Harold bas laid,' declaredthelb.cbairman, 'and Sumersi, the-seven year aid mon or t eed tbat a perjudice vauld arise in the Secretar> of the Lake Foreat 1w te inOs of lb.general public If v. COMas>, 13. laI.rskj va s bunted recommended thîs repart, or reportei]lu lb.thetomack by a ccv and bunÈlid I. However, i doti'tagree liatItilten Itt aMaingt a. brick. vall, liaI la' varlh somelblng. It's varti a formed the. aide of the baru. good demI, but il intsu cia repart as Thie l1514vas unconsciaus vben we could stak. aur lives on." Picked up aUd remaîneil mc fer four Ai Vote for Inquîry. hours ai t theend ort vhh Ime b. "Alderman Merriam Iben Introduc. vas barel>' abl, ta motter "The. ccv ed bis resoluhîctu calling for a sub- bit me wIltiehonhed."1 cmmltee and fi vas adapteti unani- He la nov la a cnitical 'condition moualy. flot a single alderman retingt2.1 lie unce'a fsrm houa. and Dr. B. las volcesIn defense of tb, company. N. Parmentes' 09 Lake Forest tie faii "Previous ta admittlug that thb. "ba] iy pbysiciacha@ made serrerai auto- srved tva masters, 3fr. Suthberland mobile tripe tai the place. Tbes 11111e as] beu asked viy ln bis report he boy la Irept la tee packs. and grave aied set forth Ibat a sinking tnd cf inJurie.pnpally of an Internai 7per cent for depreciation ine lp nature are fssned. lent Wai a neccasit>'. H. explained The 11111e lsd vas malng an sn. Ivouiunously, but ualta li te aider- customed 'visit tac, efarn:and hsd men's satisfaction, and Jusl afier h. Juat b*en glYm Permission to plek out had admitte] Ihat he drev up the re- a lamb for is ovt b>' an uncle. He port vblle varking for lhe telepiione itickcd the beat la lie IDock. compauy, Aldermani ierriain said ta Right att hle be vandered avay im: 'Did yau ever ln tie six or neveu frona the otier cbuldrcn and l ot th Vears you vere workiug for lie tel.- cav bam wvire.tle cas uaitt> o0k houe cc!mpany ecdiitheir attention 10 uPaces, .lHe 'cannot be remnovcdifroi îeii lac of a depreciatian fund?' lie fartn bouse ans] la being atlendetI "'No; 1 nover dis].' replied Suther- lier. lan. WRKEKLY REALTY RIVIEW. "'Ail right,' sas] Alderman Aierriam Thé Lake Comît>' Tille and Trust witi a amîle, 'w. 'ul iet it go at Ihat.' Comy reporta rosi estate tranafora ";Prior b 3fr. Sutiie-ans], Englacer1 for the. veek as toilova: Williamn B, Jacksnvas befarethe NuMber i attsîrîents ec]l I committee and expilacnd lie report. ed- -------7,390 ie anavers dis] not scein 10makcire s .---------------...... muci Impression on bbe commItles, ............____.____ and several limonshoecvaded direct Thse elevereumtitati1700 a01lCos15,0111 questions. @ver "et made le Dr. &hoop'a Be&UJ 1 Coos.,ItleionBe la lavor-6ad ila madé Llberlyvilie P@uc. Factori' le tie 49t; M4..Uslat.N.luius9 place to, bnv fêli.. PTApies freve with mnas biln.5f4t M éver>' roll. Barb vire $2.60 per hundre] d saiml.ut.i. Ses a. -es fL~I PART ONE

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