Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 11

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Percales Man<hestcr canibric percales. 36 ine<hes wiile, iLht mediumn anîd dark c<lori w nh dots, stripes and ncli de reguluir price 15c., j~ sale, yard. t à -Towelini Pure lîmen înleached crash towelîng, 18 iiiches widè, very absorbiant, auneei lent 10e quaiity, on ' sale at, vard ..... 4 Damask 68 to 72 ineh tahle danask, bleaclied, one-haif bleaehed or unibleae-hed, eau 't be duplieat- d for less than r 79e-, sale price 2 at, yard .... - ndîa Linon Youî'11 find it impossible tô duplicate this quality of India linoni for less than l2yo. t I is extra fine and1 sheer, sale price, 7 c Petticoats- Women's mercerized petti- coats, made of a good quality of "Taffetine," eut full, deep fonewith three 9 c ro sbo irring, 39 sale price .... Calico A standard grade of dress cali- co in an attractive seleetian of pattei'ns, ligbit and 3 - niediiiin shalings, 3. sale price, yard ... "Hope" Muslin- This celerated brand of bleaehed islin is worth ta- Curtain Ends Sampfle ends of Nottingharn and Cable net curtains, very fine qualities, înciud- i vlust? ý3 a 14c Ribbon Pure slk taffu ta ribbon in a (omplete assortment of pre- s aiing cotons, dxi bl.i -k and whie, 3jlu 44 inches wide,12ie grade at, yard...9 Aprons Full size kitehien aprons, made of genuine Amîoskeag apron gingham, priced far be- Iow their value, for thîa sale at .......19 r Seamons Greatest Mihlinery Offer $2.95 is the priec at whieh we~ have asseînbled a s-ast seleet ion of handsomely trimined hiats. Thie col- ~. f lection embraces the latest conceits i' of the best designers. Large brim h ats of roughi and ehipped straw's and 6 tuirbans of faner hraids in ail colors. Trimnend in thie îuost captivating - manne! ili flow'ers, foliage, feath- e CPS ami îiboîm, nany pretty draped C-- - ffe<.f5 inelnded. Ilats that througlh- 't out thle SeaSOso l iat 45.1X) and $kOSurplus L I ,,tP~ V ' s le priec . . . . . . .2 9 tIUntrunmed saesP hstraws &. ii lfl('edim.11iillar ge sh1îo.x, lO ail1 eo lors. wlîile ......ld6t Mattresa The Su-rphua Women's Suits and Dresses Narked for a' Clearance Dresses at 4.79 prinleess dresses of splendid style, -____________________________ofanw.o paniamas anid serges, plaini and<lstriiws; the u'iîiîriîgs represented aire ireeuii bhî, e,.'.vbrowu i» ;Sty'lesthai haîve boeeî favorites ail spa .7îC $ 4 ,97 9 andl $10)vailuies, priî'eilfor.t lue S Surpluis Sale at..................... WASH DRESSES $1.95-A sampie lot -thai's wliu'evithe riee Ila au iow, for thurs are values aetually as bigb as $6.0o; ciegantliy ailored of lingerie and lIuon. ln white and colora. iow or higI nme lace trimmued and handsomely cm- hroidered, sasie 9 prices................, . 95 WASH DRESSES $4.95-S'alitiiaiing îîewy styies. aspicîdidly ialu)red of purs ienuln the natîirai color, coat style. fronti heaulifully liraided andhaéi iwo wlie box ilails; hlghgradeganet ihai lisse neser be-n îifercd for legs tu $7.5f), saie prie ......'. 4 95 $12.50 and $15.0O Suits for $7.95 Sty les that haveencijas cd imiuch poptilai its iii suason iii mooiailsa-ce lainlans tiserges, novelties and w bite serges. 34 îî h mals, semi-flttimîg, satin lined, $12.50 and $15.00 gaîrmemts, $ 7 9 sale price.......... Wash Suits $2.98 - Strictls tailored svaslî sîits of ai gouîl. quality of )utelicrs lineni, i'n white and leading rol- os; :34 inclu u»ats. plaite<i skirts, $4.00) and $4.50.2 9 Sale-A -1 Notions and Dress. Findings PEARL BUTTONS-GeiiuLae pearl bittions. faîîcy, -regular pricesm5e, ai dozen. ........................ 10c HAIR PiNS-i doeilta jpackage, 2 packages for...................... le COMMON PINS-Goo>d grade. 2 pack- agea for ........ ...... ........ .. le COMBS-Wiuite anîd colored ccllti>Iid conuls. 15c valuiesalai............. 10e HOOKS AND EYES-2 diszeîî on carul bisck or whie, al s is, card .. le PEARL BUTTONS-AIl sizes, ie val- ue,.i ai, dozen .....................3c DARNING COTTON-Wbite or biseS. spool ............... ...........le TAPE-All widths, white or blaek, ai, boit ..................... ....... le BASTrING THREAO-Wbile or biseS. ai spool... .............. -... ... le FINISHING 13RAID-Wiiitu' sud cui lir, a 4 yard boit for....... ...... 3 SCISSORS- 6 & 7 inch fîjl i ikeied seissorsi, 25e vaiuea at ........ ..9e SHOE .ACE8--ReguIar lejîgîhe. ai. j'air ...................... ... ... le SAFETY PINS-All gises ai, carul..2e You Can Save Money by Purchasing Your Furniture .Here Writing desk- Chiffomier - Lamrge Ladies' -solid oakc size cbiffomier of writing dcsk, 24 solid oak, lias liai juches wîde and pro- o, adli drawer portionatcly deop, bas bottorn helf;a fitted witli hrass desk of good style andI 3-Fusil size. cotton pulls and knobs, stromîg construction, , top mattress, filled with ex- strong of constu uu celsior, cox'ered sith a good tiomi and w arth grade of ticking, tufted, $8.50, sale priced exccptioqply Jow 1.95 price... 5.95 Go-cart 1.95- A folding go-cart with reclining perfarated back, 10 inch wheels with rubher tires, dur- ahly constructed anîd 9 priced very speciai at......9 4.65 GO-carts $4.95-A anc motion cal- lapsible eart of steel construction, splendidly ppliolstered in Englisli leather, ail colors; a wvon- .A4095 derful value at the price. .. t* Dresser $6.45-A solid oak <rdresser Dining table - Quartered oak, of medium size, strongisî'Yconstruet- round dining table, extends ta 6 ed, straiglit front, Freneh bcveled feet, lias heavy pedestal withi claw mirror, cannot be dipiiatcd under feet; $12.00 is what the average1 $9.00, sale6 5 store wviil charge you, 8 4 prc.................. J sale price .............. B50,MATRE88 AND SPRING, $6.95-A combinaibon offer thatIoi abooluiely wihoist a parailel. A sirong Iron bed in blus. wbhite sand green; Cotton top nasitres Icovered wtb a good grade et tickiag; Bprlng bas ibree ruwa of copper Coli support; canit be duîîliiated for lesa iban $850, sa!jo price ............................................................. 5 9 Iron Bed-White and coi- ors, hea'7' posts withi brass knob, ofsplendid appear- amîce, a $3.50) 26 value at.....26 ITHESE ITEMS ARE SOLO FOR I CASH OR ON OUR EASY I PA'YMENT PLAN. Surplus Stock of 300qw Àdoxi07 Our bu pais a ratheri elearai ieast 1 miodelâ RussiA SHO-1E POLISH-Whieniore'a -Baby Eite" Polisti, conasit huîg of paste and a boutle of liquid cisaner. itc size .....c WHITEMORE'S "Gilt Edge" drsasIng for ladies' gboes, 2ae glas at ..1...19c- sMes1 $3MOO on sa. Men's 1 Broken Unes ol iiy shoesansoi01 aid Ruaia tan 1 $3.50 vaines at, Silks and Dress -Qi Seco Silk-The mueli favored wa for spring dresses; is soft and cliu al bright lustrons finish, cornes ù shade that 's wanited,'reguiar priee 39v, this sale, y-ard ................1.1 Bilks at 371/c-A lot of silks coni silk and linen pongees, 811k niyed fouarda and messamunes in a wide latitu4 of coiorings, values upward te 6Ie, ai, yard.................... ........... CHECKEO 8UITINGS-45I loh blackeaný checksd suiting. 65e vaines e, yard................................. M WOOL MATERIALS 67i 2e-în ibis ec dress fabries are ,..ati-n iinisbed pîu airipes, serges, panamas an d fancy mol. sessons ilreferreîi colors; niaterlals ibat retailiai $1.00 saie price, yard........... SHANTUNG PONQEE-Pure sllu, beatitffl cd, 27 lOches wide, aIl sbadiiiga ai, yard........................... ss Bargain Unprecedented Price M' Too mfuch stock on1 hand --- that's the verdict Of promnisingly that, our buyers, a à ticipating a longer over any previous- year. But tlie weather man snow and pain. While business kept up to a î us-as it did thousands of other enterprlsing merchants throughout1 accounts for our Putting Into operation this glgaritic sale. The offérin you should stuppiy your sp 9n1 'Matchless offers in fine Undermus Petticoats at 69--A b f u i p e t î c a t fî il i n d s J" î îonf î ;floimue ô rutie $1 .29-Be IY inadle <f an extra o grade <<t"iirii<i< fi Sweejî w ith a tlliinee of t ei iii i< <ieiv. licarlud remmit iti-hed tioks;. $l1.75 1etticîeî ,sia . . Gowns 29c-S.lip)-over, m << iec, ade frorn a oîaiv<f uiuiitri a %vitli i <iilr<ii<lv and t GOWNS 8Src-5PIefldid values mt dainiy nnidî' nortno nain iîarred mîilu. Vlieý pver ne high aeuix. sa e ric,. .................. Ohildren's drawers 5cMa i fCorset covers 19c-Nie-ely withi tucks, sale5c w'it h a 1rntlil of eni1- prive......................c br-oiderv-., 25v values at. Women 's drawers 12c-Amî ex- Women'a drawers 23c-M ceptional grade of insij, triiîn- a fine grade oif eanubrie, tri mîed at hottoni with tive r<îws oflat h<ttoîn witli ive rows of fine tocks land a hieinstitehied anîd an eîibroiîlery rifie,, hein; 25e values i2vîrae 39c' this at .............1 Ce..................... of Women's Shoes and Including $3 and $3.50 to gçi at, Pair $1.95 8that lie lias a surplus stuîek of ail, <t 30ý i Bhocs Ii at ie Iuist <ispsose o<f. Ile wo<ilîl [ce i iW thlîater, as thle eliai les roi- ai re faisorialei at tbis t imîe. TI'iîre aire alt styles ini the l<t, ail snivi 1ialiplat vici-k ii, gun-metal, cho(î)lat leat hem s, mch style, but all lot; te5' are $1095j dues, Oxfords tlenuin ansd U'nives- 1gun nisiai, box caif 6%2.48 CHILDRENS FOOTWEAR- Boîys' ansi girls' siioe and ox- fords iiuibluiceSam ii a ilea h- ers, biton and biu luir, sizes Ili½ hi ai 1.19;95 Sheetings Underpriced WVe offer vou our entire surplus stock of aide hlcaehied sheetings at prices that are imîpossible to approachi elscwhierc. t is a reliaihle brand, heavy andl elosel.y oveni. .4 Beaoied sbetimîg, 28e grade. ydil.22c 9-4 Bieclmed sheeting, - Oc grade, yd. 4 LO-Biaclcdsbetig,33e ga-dleyd. 27c LINEN SHEETING For enias, salun and rosis. 90 Incee wide, $1.21', grade, fine ronud f *bEad saise priee, yard ......... PNN FINISHED SUITING-mn an extensive range f~ colorings, plain and sirlîxea, aiso white, 34I nchea vIde, 15e grade 1 i ai, yard ........ ................................ C INDIA LINON A quaita hui atisl rareiy duplilated Kt 25c, flue sheer and splendidly flnisbed, fo-r the Surplus sale 1.- Ayard .........'.............11 Wash Goeds A tablle of vaisli g<<iits :3~> varuls of tuie mîîust Ùesilrahle suuni- ier 'v fahîrics. suieli ais laiss, popdi is, bai- tistes, pomîgvets andu sî 4tîîî fou<ilaruds ;beaîui t ifl tîlatteriîs as xui i ispli n t il<iis ai- lies frmuiît15(.2 to Yuat, y..l 2 Event Waukegan'a Seat and Biggesi Sicre, Iig Economy ini Children's 1 AT 98c-Preiiv six] qmade fpli and stipeil glîîgharnan e a1,gs 2 tu 14 years, lixludig va est t ordInairils bring l.î7 :0 3 Ie Price ... ......9 8 AT 35c-Childrefl s ee f lak and w hite citecked pcle, piped wi red. ages 6 toi14 PrW ..............3 5 C IFNSDRESSES-Nlde of a good irailu o n .ugIuaîui i k, ble and t2o\ a i. ' 18c price ...... .... 1 8 WoinenS' WaIstS 38e-Prettily dcsigned waists of fine whit Iawn; attrtcirl.v embroidercd fronts and neatly tucked; othersv .isk you 7o c for thr same values, s ale price. ........ A Stirring Offer of Men's Nobby Suits at $1475 N-v l vI ) li 1<1.Il ion(Jti lia aîii'i si m1. l îîuil al 11)(Iaîliv "l 1: u -;t 1.i a l \ ' )la ici . i 1-ii i vi ii as s h ilaîlîl1r i" <ii' îiTii lii siVt4111 a ilap y s 55w!l ,.I 1 liii V.\1Iial< xi in- thei. iii tut mus liii I l iS aire askinîîr .-' anîd .'2l')i-ui t iesaine garinents fi\\wil liýI in aiparall<l and~ U sli<iîdh <t ai l adiatagc of h YbvJ <N iirv ilili wi iiiî<utempllates th WAX4 e7 - -1uflw;f d.. May 2.5 to Sat. artmcent managçrs. Spring came budding forthso rseason than usual, more than doubled their orders rsuddenly the delightful spring weather turned to cold, ýnaturally fell short of what we had planned, Ieaving Wth a large surplus stock. The necessity for us to dispose of this surplus àre without a parallel and form a strong and persuasive argument why needs during the next few days. iromen's 12.50. Coats Lowered-to 7.45 coat nifferthat i wthi t al lhr-lll ,tii(- a- e lf i l Ii < I <,1o i laî k a 1 il \r% le rs,\ flletraes, Àdtin ) tis $ hite serge coats-34 irslng, o spîl<îiii lqîalify oftdagona'i -(ý ned Nvith peau- g s-k ting, tîa '400-M lucs at 4.7 .69 for Girls Coats Parents shouid welci(,,il RIdIer the sa %in i. ad van I *, wI h*ere offered 'I bey an iiil sizei, froin ' io10 14 Yeîii i lain anid ,trtiKls ergS i( J aiso ail v.ooi n ,vPltieu ani biark aid vwhite cheu i i ai ...e.... 1.69 Dress 8kirts - Andt atî assol ttient of \'îiei's dr-ess skirt s, etouirsaig panlamnas, serges, No(ol taffetas, Nvii Is andui iol'ei s ini black, bhume and gra -v, reg4ilar anid extra sizes; none worthi less thlani $.5(t, liile otIlors have bronglit 4 5 r <>).sale prie................... . 851 Juvenile Suits - î iBmiîn îl i>îi<i laîî SI vies. solîdîi~tîlî i ît r~~~. ~ ianî iuciv t.anid Nylli tuds, neatlx8 . ~ ~/ ti iiîiîci . d aiges 21 to 8 su ti- al . . .îi.î.e.îts.ait... . Embroideries and Laces Embroideries at 8%/c- tu ;1"> fil ai > s ellir<îaîeries, in 1< îgtiî i ri llIl - 4 d1beuitlp te l-ls , 9 t< 1 2 1 im îî bu s mn w îd tIî iý 2 2 1 d 1 ( aie te regimia Ii <11<1 qiil It Iins8 for tîis sale, vaL d .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 LACE lirue Frenech xil CAMBRIC EM BOIDR- EMBROIDERIES S îneuîîîis îîlgiug'xuuul un lE i iui'l b x du. iuoîallx file i ainuuu iî ueringsý , 1 11( 1Suuul.i lie iisaiiiliig u;" I k ..g',' slis e in lx(iii xxu oriti r juil Ser a ix lui yard li.e l ,a d 10I' a d I aurul. sale Ilu e ai t uvual. lier bouit ..... 4 c ai. , ... 4 c "le 5a i srd121 Sale of Kitchen Needs, Garden Tools and Other Necessities SCREEN DOORS-4 psu il serveiu mur, SUIT CASES-24 inceh mating suIli case. eneî wi1h a -od rrade ol ,ar elothh iiuug i, liernuersbiass Franue paiiuiud grueul, al lu........iu8C bix an sizcui a .... ........ahu r eu........................ 6 5O NUSRYcAISSîiiuully AHIGPWDR Aror NSRY CHA uIeclRs-Sarn aii ain pries..........................lie VAScE ..... ......r ..sass.a .u.3c niai iiaiuini iuigvase la li- prie ... . ... .. . .10e CHAIR SEATS-Fibre ehair seata, ail eoiors snd ail slzes, sale prise, eaeh.........10e OC WýASýHgTUBS-Suuualli builii size wssh tub. l ax gavaixized,i iii l i i:, a figue îîuch hslow salue. ASBESTOS MT a ruîîîi i 1 105 itis x r lu a niceed franis, sail. i i iaih . . . ....2c L ~LAWN MOWER -14 loch luiraen inu hiles, easy riuingandi is paînîedî le irice .2.7 WINDOW SCREENS - 18 L.rgiirlouue washiuig powdsr, sali 1,u11ire 4-5ic packages for .... 15c SOAP-AXrmotir's 1iigithouuse soap. "ale ic, 7',bars for - . ..25e SPRING HINGES-.Iri~iuueb, salu prie. lpair ...................5c BSauce Pans-4 quart enaimiiled , a is1îluîild ba i g a î i l a it . . . . . olos. throuhlyrelabe lChe h li i u to w Summer Blankets-il t gi 'i rade, saIe prie, gallinuu$1.25 ticlues, si r r111-i ......21ce ali ii la lii llii5's s i TOWELBOA R S-1 , huchIes a liii, '()I-i ahi îjiimlg. 9 SNAMEL-Wbite and comors,niklIn,.iIrsiiu i1<iet iai sae pries, can ..........l1c Ilcikel leui i i s. 25e sae ' lr79 WHITE LEAD- GAS PLATES-2 humner Aslll ue À ;Ugao ltesguaane a-SiAnCH Afoi-Ago 0ir WEEDING HOE - i Als fliutely trc50 gas laie, .ipaîied, ah- STARC r ie paci ,r . i 'd(cstel 1usd..,uîg hua,î odgi i c ieed, sale pire. . .9 8C for ............15c mI r hîaîîdîe, sale i' iuie l5c luer PICTURES-1-igh elass pastel icpI- cRee ajiER. h il cbsi . 5eollofPRESERVING KETTLES-1ileavy BERRY Si titres, 14 hy 28 loch glass, 3 lonheiu pepape.iln ]i r orser....s5clochis busus gili frame, brnished corners, baud MATTING- ruis fibre înaîîîucg ln Iish E .ca mounted, each oe a $2.00 value, nin, pri iuy patterns, la warhablc, 4 quri zvi. i fer l sury ib'CTUREg choice............. .........98c sale pries yard .... .......... 29C seial fori-iti-,s sil,.....t sc alues to size, lieavvx 1lOc 1 STOVES-2 bhumer. Jausunu'ýd frame, a ,ruts. xx rîl 1-3 more ......uhî 2.39 ETS-( oiaIdsign, 8 1uni ix foir, Ich sauce l i*, .......... 38c :S - Varloiii attractive auil and mision trames. ýiec au,. chute...19e s, , i .. I Suits at $11.75.- A colleetil)n of iitl>iy gamcmts tlat bave been svlling at $16.50 and $18.00, embraciîîg serges and panamas, hoth plain amnd fancy, salee 11.75 R Hosiery---Underwear WOMEN'S HOSE-Plain cotton hose ln ail Rîzea, spiiced beel and tme, bemmed top, a very remarkable bargain for this sale ai, pair ............ 7 c CHILDRE.N'8 HOSE-Fine and beavy rlbbsd stock- Inlo for boys snd girls, fast black, double tieei and tue, aizes12 5 to, 10, m5c values ai, pair.........12 WOMEN8S GAUZE VESTS-Sleevelesi, low neck, plain taped or faney, oizes 4, 5 nd 6. unusui values ai iSc , i1prie. garment ....i.... .. 2CE BY'UNOERWEAR-Oood quîaluy .ialiggan, long Bleeve sirts and ankis engili drassers; also porous koi ga rmeila wlth short siseves and knee lengtb; 35e values ai, garaient ...... ..... 21c Sale of Boys Suits e v ms paieui sh l aîke iiitiie of. ime 11vsîlaîlil. îý il «aiegarmiîeits. v t 7ai. 395 heios in il -mens Fi Men's Balbrigl drawers, al thuat neyer sell 2-5e, sale price, -if, gai- ument .. .. Mcen 's s<ox in bh sirable faney Ci itv and alwa Offered for thiý sale at,1 pair . . . . . Wromnen 's short of a good grad( rasl patterns, a ings, sealloped etige, sale price ........ Tow Twiiled eotton with red bord( cd, regulation grade, sale priee, yard........ Dan Pure bleached good firin qual 29<; a pleasir patterns, sale price, yard ........ New sprrng Pa tlîtess Slimt:, m cales in lightk àà,ý,grounds, v a e s a t . . These would they are slig fine Swiss, da cre(l, scalloped hcnîstitvehed eè sale price, eac] N_____Ncà A lot of womIý wear, em.'bracf Ascot tics etc., sl soiled, values to sale price, choice, Lace( Fine Notting] net curtains, from handling, ot wuuuld bring fror S6, sale price, pai Dresse An attraetive sa rfs, pillai stand covers; son broidiereil, some! others with open i 'l --+ 41 ira sale priee "-Iw HOUSEHOLD PAiNT-In all

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