~tNR~ ~ ~ ielbtedlnlrvice commande. 00nteut ,f e~6g ~ :t wau cla e sthe Ivlaee for 1911,0M 9 ,'w .,*-, a tOIIWi9 Ut Ime.5&extf-annaln .ue-u...Th@ ~ S fl~ain,5t- -eIweL, i*c oet N la la -Consttut09-IoV*$%eClugtd to e =fl t« 4'ow""Unerfothé 4aie iosima4pilet the bltI ien"lenments la June. Te r*itýje lVgor&. 1ftitres 7YW1I. APofdilig 10 the Mr. JIA.ipene; 1 jr»MOPdmtI*ddrý qt ouj tosuij iiiprohabi>'beq, eIecffed Gran>d Am* la bbau,the.10WoMInqa te a~elea sa ool ~ ~'~<~'Vto omunuaadw nxt-yeAr nd Relief Corp%. te- h.e' tm«ed inla>Ibja *M't**$ =aéer tle ear lAtter tW, t. iIs current expeiages, Of the Ïiepatmbt" ~Ur~r*ae.atUwai>If 4~i> ne.Baya M.r. Ly4M Ma 5 te duiu~*i M sud àlre ty o mhr. wtha -t tahrIbnfl4'ogîg ke.a ecat-n n itépo drm, euat.1Ille eslatties , Wi)~e:wfPreuaçn and &foinln ecxs et bunem, Me bai aorved 0mer- Wfltid »0 W t i owa 'a &op4 im ardte .A.R et In bsl- oral terpie ln the etate legielature, »mi agni M. iat oue . pfrmec# nDoit» ns . CH14* dlPr'OC la Ite rearq bhie Conflued lis publie b7bemul IIUg.IUUI 0 *Pnrt. *" aleetell. u'otviesc oaaman- actlvltlusto acinî ttereeft lu, the Oraàà *MZ lbe aill e. ' uTiroi es oet Waasean Arm»>'votemdu., toit 1 té dioli teo vMt'me kt e19éltO* o L Au~~h~e >n rgl-irtiwrier de'slaffl'tflai Jii 8Pi~ latheia.t1faùwueo p ..Louis,4. M, -la>24,14 Na-; 'ae ia aas.~ nem a vais n -llemtaîeticera l Elerc it Asaslncn- IIP;l.lJ#knfhtr laTeaslm -*aria> u' suSprevepuiag venied lerc lIn mouhag *iIla3,009 -i"tléo ro3jierd laMOIS,';i-;44 wbdu 0f gy imore U«afrnt it. llao ro d: !tguLu lu ptasac .CIUWt ti 1-1ii' eQN tirt ~ ee clieia lç t ( 1chJfs e~sltt 4o :"x1441>larda, 4,naemlb.ut pariie-m tib y tas liryat cmepon.ij.Itlg is t Wîa xta . t.ao t *lme elulued lbît oliva'd jte c phî ve1a.%î< cd lls tJ4 5U I rd1 £U,-n in1 cet lovoe, =4 apastecessa i aea o-';a w~tbieh . Cw.. 01'.. r t ! h etOIen b>' thme t-aotbsi hfollowersaa!1t wft>.I sob J, .The inItIal'sessin was ITble. Awv. 4r [-il# egqpDu in a 7,r erni'vai lhir? >;eïu g¶ qvon -vm.irta reoraites o amit- Ç ~ g.-îamn ~ Içe 19 au flic iiteàct L-uin aZon, ct to.', iatI e mt tity nu> eru"àt. I woder liat ho i~qiadu1ecoul4 umi obtan C. V(-$a aelawP Waukegnd tuthe A i5Ul1'lSt.' avacant lt la vhilth b pia d caelegat* et the ilorIla ti 210Eele.-I" ...$03a 1- feerd., ./ The 'ar fôr who toget j" It %Wofn Receptlen «b>, tie Xav 26.-A&lot brag D I t 'VO, 1 4 1 y Vdon C aio. 8*Lucerne eOimntY e oliery' and w"- 0rid lU« Din gave him a oeVer 0-i #ýt gtePolicemen limi la the Pitrt.. Ja2CIia. "0 boi ie lie owg . t Jimer ofpdel;àu r big boue;, Wàkbaclm1 i9w Ona tIhe adk. a'd la bbe4 before the ros b«s maneants. lgov'l' a.WromlnS bekraok W aéat4the erc4 but tbï lk m~ the arrivsi o _%Os Pead t-' tb. »4W and the Cetegigd ILylvacla Coul'0eÏ. 0on!in the Bau -ig va t. " aieta ulie Fiegai ï daio to *bip he nganu sgi »seeIé 4Mc1.a. and short weiguiaok ihe'bourd.àcoU'l4atlon o!lte iatO 19 fi1- ýe dlSapprov-ed e« éirliÎ6ke L qlaimed thc atrik"~ rsouU~dopmen and lherefop UMt a" vt mi01 authari>'. Cllege.C:sh, cira Market. çaCisgo. '-Mauy-24. w a&ILUUU~éM ç K. 9 ald ululer, t1-0834.10; No. -e bard aluter. 81,0'o 01.06,No 1 0 , 0 -r eî: Ëring. 11.09%; AD.1; 2lo. 2 eorfau gn.O7 1.8:No. 3gP ri]g i0@.7. Curn-No. 2. 59V&USte, No. 2 white. 62%c: No. 2 Ycllow. 61v; No. 3. 67% *z9%; No. a8 i-bile. #2e, ISÇ 3 ye.loW.- 69%ftC@e. O9t9-NO. f wlte, 410 42e: NO. 3 wl*e4?5.I401xe: oi ste. 34fgs>c: etapdam.40 1c Hos-nteelpts 48U0.Quoelr ranieaj ai ?069 75 ab**o gas 'iaery rreddag. 8i.258f8,O gcod te 11a', 25Qi 1.75 chll.ce ,,primo 9tcc Uî , q6 6 C î7 5 g o o 1 0 0 ce b e -Ma. S6.004f.4! select feedera. $6.25ë tro t c-c eeoGicce toclcru. 37.40V. #-le. gpod !e ci:oice rities. Qca;--rcnrcd tU n.5ço tctoco It Iabs. 8aUfl&i) aiiï de eto;ce %ecti-cre. $5,9066-6O.ood te lehoxe e-.ýc-s. $S.5fI9I.2 eoed to a-halva Ceua iLitra 49=bi. -cl-eccçtS 5'.OOO>ezd; aria-t sw ta c 6a-ewr; aftxr t*ro, fi.&O cava and'he(" 7djOE5; westcrn ateeri. 87 '6 r exna tt $0.UO@6.00:,cows W hlelfera,, 1.$5.7 5; canners, .50@4.ià; o e~reand leedeWu. 4S.50fý.20;- Ï-6 4 0@.0;, bâlk, aUge.etc., Receipte ]i,6iiê b'".rkXe IlV? Peut> Par er etlb.. if;chicltent, brllattar n dj~ e.tag,~ ne SasIgetr-l p 3e t. ruc. pi 4 i I * I I i are givt we are: ~bfrWlng Y ou su4 -have ô 4 iè IY*trfi. few st 4 ~ed.I e iarn p-dC' f c Mù -mnd - . ~qpalitieS. tr, $1,00 htoi of il kîd";tsoee, hf IMgtor, John rIg * I'I*ts * 's 1- ,4 OIut ei4u to Mt > fluee r1.81%11 t mne> Ave', Thqne -Siraws wîJil bc ilforai..ll{V$ ýý ,: 'ljqjtobe btheth~;~ ~yso.Lo~&~aft# solm, ej