Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 2

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AUC ONDA. De Cauaping« d WàeUt, H ~ MMIIAN -w-UN--m--ut TMi.Woodmen are baing & emet yak boUt. Idt. Irving 0o! RSfflher Chae. Famwortb, of Anaconda, Mu avtetd ot tihe borne 01 him ant,1r.. JilueChambrlen. lait w.ei and caltd on Mrimd. ber.. miii viola Joues, of chicago. epet agieya&tber borne ier ber. Tb$e eboo tbu amg* Mimn Vatos otea" tht. etool t"i.eontmg pu. it h moreth" tvemTw-ve ygari eab t. echoolbbai!sta ady huher, but Niai Wahion bei taugbh uihn viclate for om ie i md cqmp Ii u.ommea.nod mcvspredlch a plemeimt and profitae .Year. Tue »m monai Suday egeercime. mi Dlmond Laie, Ukilel. d IIan. hom, vwili h. eld stift burcii Sun8-40 ah 2.30 P. m.L.jobnaon, paitor of "oeier curch, viii dlber .tii. Tienvau earge crowd stt he ioda t Mime Radie'. lait Thuredox evenlng amd ai& reprt a Rune lime. 'About 012 a. for titi pnrpéie of d-craing tii miNt.memvm T1ht e quiited thbt ai usai ai e"viiicoma sad brtngflowere aM W ui r Undmoratinr. "DiAie" Bran Fertilluer 0 Chicago hr*iir pu.for «o14 potatome sd * gseim. Dauble ywpour«ps by ang it Mia uinzCo. 4 The Dlamed Lae Oeuioy Amodo. " m m m 3ntvt lr.J . ýRouai, !bucsiaà. lune2 es 2 P. nM. AUl mogm SUrpe to be proaient htht. NeritUsut..oma.v u s vebor a l àM' e he0agyApe4la384d did ~thuIsUii! br dugien LE.L *,Mai.Em. 1910 atthie *qe of uIOMVd Ycaue.1 niati -amidaixtese 46316 Ah the 4Pe!ore"M eause$ho *.m-tu-ghoub ta i ler parenta wWoionhtauhe old'homesha mue &merounnula 18417 eh. va. la auwmgtu Rasry Femeroa, vbo eritebarr 'l imd*iah Ok tkire% EMailG., Wv i d ilu 1900; »OwY' IL; Aubet, vlio did ta 1908: tla ml. MWie fi aimcurvlved hi four dites. ire.CW. S@Impie, lir. Fred flMm ir.Ch. talilsud iiElisaheft *êrievllie, ber onui brotb.r, John 'OiewI;r, r, bavlng dlsd lMay S. 1»11 MW *otflegrand clgUdm4ensd *i ruéaat grand chidren. The lit twvml-tO YereS@ho ivett san uIhan. Tus@lait ton yiana oheWuva tort" $ elmot constant Pain, but eitJveverytblnuber an, chogt vor'tbe vilfanmd happlness.1 ber, e.-l1 ui. Tb@ fumerai vqq j@Ild May 22. 1altamet e"X lu the Dleîuond Laie Oard ef Thinie. Vi iiitq hhmui lie maniy eighbanm "di b"idafor hum indue. sud ait.. anme hoynat hetsdeath and huilio aw u rly beloved vile and mtier. H. FUcxurmTEN AND FAMILY. aunm ci I ter n sd Creecnt Pied lm our on!'you "k&icaFor mie hi Boue Luengca C. WMilSteamillen, i Cicago, vwonfuie igui et thle Fnudeici home ilnndey. lwa bbhm quit. iii, t. lmprovlmg. Jo. Dobuer, of WaUcoude, le ee.lstiug John Waguer. Mu, and lMre.w IiiHucier sud (Gertrude Roôgda& 0IngleMide,'@Peut on day iat vesibhie.. Je Job nsd Henry Flrund and elters, hs nid Kat*, aofliceury, @peut une day leit viii vlth their alter, htts. 1va. Amboun. Bawipmet novlu &Baiimel ire inufuemineg&enmTvvu.r.eLumBEiR Co. Mme .- hoe=., cadi Cd zCure N~~r t~fB4lihum one emn hi qulcily -iz= 1 ira. C. L. Prtt rturu.d ore Tu«>- dey eveulng mter epeedng a viii ith ret V W h Ma am Chicao. - M onI. Gren enerta&ned gmt 'romu Cryt.I l*k., 8nwIay. . ia. olve 3mb.i et Wedneuday br. as ttb ome. f br pmtet. ire. Gelorge Jcioo lea .udicg the we.k viii P. L Cbry md fmul.. Mfr. a»d "iM - H. E. am&n ere lire. Lmu wmàga Msd Mie viola liartin relatives ber. Tuider. Bey. T. IL uke tneuaatett bgelne lu Chiceo, Tueely., ire. I. C. Kent vleted Cifl o rendi sahurw daiamsuday. John Murray ami8em17 V. licOurren iuaismwd ed uslas or village atur,. li. n.sdlire. P. L Cern ipent Tuesd&Y uChieo.11 Umia. Mrgaret .fichendoni. vha la atteodina iéchootluaChiago 'Vtmted rou #mlai anti Tueeday evealng vlth ber parenté e e.. «»g8r MIL sudioldCar raueected builuemelu Cicago, Tusday. Mr. Fannsorth roturnedlram Mexico latFrid asd vi. i.idhhe chiudren ou the Fannaortlt tenu. MLir.Maut Mamaà mi 1frs..Join Wlch, ofI igien Pari, returned han» Tuaetal ter ipendin, s tevdays viti Hlenr Manman d famil. liempriel dey vilI h. obeerved iere Mondsy, liay 80. emorlaladdnem iii Prof. R. C. Knt. lieuiereof thie G. A. R&. W. R. C., Sous of Vetrane, M. W. A., M. W. W. sud teacher.sud pupilmofithie publie mbooi end other clvtce ocities sud itimeos vill foas in prociaion nia" . A. . hall st 1 o'doc p. tm. aud mercih t thcemetini lsd hi tie Wa»conda.baud wiroe the nai Pot ereacules viii b. folovsd hi decaiet- lng t. »i.egavi e iiproeselon viii thiesmari h o Paklsd hall viere an approprislsprogramvilibe renderitt. Cr village sud camunuty va. socisd Soudaiho boear of th e ti o Jaume levle oui of ploner' remdsute suda elersa of t» . cli er, the tourth aId no"dlte opaie avoy la ur on . inua tti e r. l'uncia va iist the 1IL E.chuncit Widn.dy st LU p. 'm. uev. Brj'sai onciatig &miter minci tie renilas, vreon tmelathie feuIl, lot lu tii. Wanada oeultery Coin ipWeeohituMany iiippear Sn eut ii. Speill djomned minof the Waneonia Iinprovement Caub ealid for Modai ev.olng wv a clii o order by PMaiRO.LC ent. Minuta.oluaeh pecis meeting vire collsd! for vhich vire read md approved. Pre. Kent setWt hie muanparpoVoi thie meeting tt. e n. tg vastu, her of comnitte. eppointed et lait mietngto canin vwiti the OddFalonicalued ho holding aa 4th o Jqlyelbiation. B. W. Brooks reporte that, tir ield aeconierenci GUR. Mr. sud liea m atuheul'DaliellMsd laiar e be. ron Iova vstng their inather sud other relative«.. Mmre 8. J. Young le viilting Wauieen frieudi. About elgty couple atteuded tii. dance ber. lait FrUWa lghst. Peter Wileou dt.d .nddeniy iametlni lut Fnlday, h.lng fou"d la b.d tiiet evenlnog by Jamiè Sneby. Pupila lu lie primary roon Rave su Intereeting progranu FnldaY attirnoon. lire. W. W. Âpplyard. vai teien to a, Chicaga hospital Sunday for ae opera. tion. The residence oi W. Bermiable irai bunned lait veek Wedundey. Consider. abl. furnihune va. inved. liemorlel exerclm ii viib. ield et Warren Cemet.ry Buuday eltennoon. Tii. Gunnue sud Graymaii bail garni Wai po.tponid sunday aun account of the rain Mir. Md md e Phiilp Bnalnget, of Lbertyvit.e, penitheti lt of the wvei vii frieudesud relative.. Fatbier oley' le having hiei.boume eubiogThe ii. ork being doce. by Murray Duo.. UielLuz's le ading the ve« Jt ti b LOUISJ. Y0ffl, -NI Doný't forget the. danme rlday nlMot glven by ti.baiemBil Tem. Good an.l uM d upper.E Mr. Lavrm eneid vood iaveri'od Mina ilaKapple t. st home. agmi bavlng ipit MW"era oviii. ith ual. tiveela u odi. J. A. Boumen, of Roicrne, vai la thii n.lgbeniioid Toudey ho re-imm the icbooi hou".. Deipil. tthe rein sud sh4rm Snnslay thie.r . tvuti.Ive en t heh Gegemere Club froin the cthy. Cierles VIton, of ujiiiwg, vlated ble cousin, lire.BInsu Lavrwucerecentiy. We are piiaiethorepoit Blae su d Malda Wrght aile oho b.ont ater thoirn Dr. W. EL Waebroe, c01Vaniagn, vw u itis i. lcuflaitlobrldgw' la te lntutem tehii e uitegeaTam Da Asoclelo, TAC Dly vii1».Jfee Il, th. rer sud B mliaamltfleanre 'tu belp. Tii mmy mgie e. mc4&.. Imder viii b. glad ho hierdielae mmevht bottin. iemtePrh MlatmeemUr. eMd hie (irsysi. htg ii" Mdoo 'ilé eermlu hSorof mithé mcsu, Har obWlM$r>n es. iros u batshol "sIts. Tue hoci u "fa pittlydeioeIebdie "lie al ddauhue Of Md *M 0qiwomU bicoe, 0 r~ à fortunetein n W*imerrimmet, eiOtw m rare a.rd, itou alter vWb"hdu sgr depentidfor thdr bonus ejlmyea very pleaimft eftninir iility4i'e .vere primt. mueai 'Cunn, af Monu "City, roalm oreauthie lait olti »n& ielel d et iti reoptlcý iOMtg.e àbprr tie Aid Socletiy eh Mài i,"uea ternoon, Iunn. ) voev VIlth th* ôui Fellbvensd tbey ipeif then! ag ishu ho holding a loimi ite. mmeut dimb and »tai. lè swo e ie- suad celbutond s nugmite a ee.-I mittie be appotateil te abat miome1 could b. raientho difreyePliea-.Tl"e brougbt forth conalderble dWOcUOUdI in tagad ho the proper pla-ce f olding, th* ceebraitôeon o efavonlng the. vov» sud otiier*8-ts meoI ol rud&. ie i meuh of »è isiiu.eiiopte, ad thé oommýit m a «a"g tiihe ovu s" Mm vb" anm cm hob.ratied. Ca»rwi. PUs. Kaet th"en uildIl Ih voli hp mgà%moatr t o enlrgetii cmmlite, ho ive membelu XbIcb euggiitOu Met vith snmtsl pproval ammd hoaieetilng le applmwtu riEedq Gus egand 5 Murray as netabrsof thb i omt. morei end mnpporw dwe adj«- "wud Tbnrede «Mne, mer 26 et S o'eloek. Motion ecaril. Obituary. Anotiier of sur old sodirs vasen avay lait Friday viien Win!iamBarrde, on. of aur pionier bottiers diéd ai isi home lu our village ate agi60e juvetfd er. Rehâi beem aIII su bou ishome id va.uot m" tle do mmcii of mythuiig but ai tie vartu viather commrno b beano feel botter 9asd about a veeh prmaioue ha hie d.ath b. veut luto tiie yard sud thougit ho would eut a liilt. od. Thiezertim aime ho muci for hlm sud gettlug b.ahed b. eepaeed himmif ho tihe cold air which lidlaitely toati hold of hlm and from a severe oId i .on dev.loPed into poeumnonlsand bis yetem*beln lu suit a viaieneà condition it could uo vitit stand tei uhocI . mugo He va. boum tu- Staiord, Bulgo Co., Vermont, Oct. 24,18814 osudmovid with bis parente ho Wauauda la Dicembor 1854. Wiisutiie civil: ver brobeout b.oenlited lu May 1861 lu tihe 915th 111. lautry and va. dt.chargedà Leater the' batth. of- WIt.e'@Creei an ecMount of Sa diied bond sud came ifhome ta necuperate. He re4nullted lu 0Octoher 1864 luthe Sth fil. Cavalti b ld eeveintil the. claie of fthe ver v-ir, b.hreclvédan subornerait.dis- &charge sud agaiu rehurnad o Wauconda >- ire hobu ha.iuce Mad& hi. home hm. b iat.r, Mim Jan eHardeinkeeping boni. yfor ila. The.louerai vas b.ld froni tit M. IL chnncii Senday aht 2 ociock, 8ev. Bryane offiehlng alter vblch the Wammod a Q.A..ILNo. 868 of vlchu.e vrwua.emember tooi chargeof the remnainisuad emorted! tutuho the aWauconde ceinetery vire the negaiar dPoil cereenonuenwve.Wid al ter vblcb ethe, romains vire luterr.d in the family àlot. N. luen. o mour isi lam on mbrother, HenryK.LMre, vbo la e hreeldent of our vllUansd thr.e mUtter., MimeWuLIafy Harri and Mmre.uars shamvay, of Wauiegau, sud mi". lam eBarris 0f our vilieçe. I hueband. TAYLOR GROV. Bey. Dm.chuir uput uday stt he hivwer home. 1Mrm. E. utlng viii clame her mchoai vitha e iute. Tii Biddlgcme ichool bonghh an orga n sd béoai vith the manai tfroun thirlu stert-naluet . L. Eddy and femiiy recelveid vord 0f thie deth oft--Mr@. Hait, of HIckory. Site la their great gusuductier. lire. Eddy hai been viîh ber titi pait veei. . Whie vlelhiug nihie andin', Harold Dumerkil, aged even va. butted luthi. momach by sa cov and hnnt.d hem fait Maeint ea tone vall. Be vwuuncon. Moe ifor four houm. sud b. laeili lu e cnItie ondition. Dr.B. N. Paràmuter 0f Lake Forest, le attending hlm. He t. paci.d lu tee. Hie Iindm hope for e opeedirecoviry. Mmr. Wmà. Levin sud lina Berthe Craviord ettgndcd a shoyer given for Mi.. lu.. Weterffl d utnStnrng Thureday eveuluz. Shela Pelsuateru sud lai Galiger ver. marridaturiai. May 14. Con. gratulations. Preperahloum are botng maeefon e chilidren' day programu. AUlchildreu Muet et the cineith, 8satedeylMay 2@. lin. Boîta i vIibfflebchrge cf the Mocunt Rust Cemteryfor tiieoeon, a neir levumoirer baibimenrhuad.. MdiaEBlute Divine caliii ou relatives boe lait veei. Shbai h enOkla homae dnrlng lb. vintc*e Mr. Fltcher hmi a iew minorcycte. $Omaao . j« MenWe "Camw" e n aa iiisev vli a bnavw. thi env 'e mavi viiib, 'la ,MWtht Esu wooli ev voci on a iemwittvih a iecia., lnm« tsio a momiw ai Ocaisv" o#av'd. Te nv Issu eW #MWwv vee vuld MWv-Obi, viie9i t. a i1m Johni.y ,.W lh r. ;Jï. Rysu, Jr., epene 8undhé' vitti iaNUla Ch..goe y, v" S.eaffose berattoànWtbti eap de a Gurae, rdienlgAi*.pt Min Ahi Dr.v. of Waukegsn, ipe e. Baturday sud Buudyber.. 2.Mg. sud lMrm.. Touipkile were caular boe.Suodai. bî Ch%ý Sýý ho basubien aloior MM Re. *e pCéon sud littâe grandsoi veo 'Liberu t. callere one dey this Mie Vicielteethaii, vio lea tend- lng Nor*kvaour ollage et Napirvile épot 'menuetday. vitihbeu parente, lu. aÇ ~ s Rhethe"r. Wh*bb On h*ta* ofappoudleitin. - Dr Roge Md lluton Ptteh, ofRigilamd P'at, epot etay viitheoir»nIs, IL W. Ensilerasd famuiy. lit..1Olive IIauthaler, of North- *aiteuu00110314,Napervifle, sccopod by hwo lady iede epent Uetiinday sud uandai »th ber parents, l nmd lire J. P. Bituaataen. ~r, nd Mv. G. qaih n d family '411! hler'a brother. Chai.'Huai alale.lait sunder. lira.8. L. Tnpp, a of iSeleier, spenh o lait ve vlth ber pente. M. sud Mnm. oaeph Richarde. Mire. &E.R.Maison ýttended ü*e uerai o01 ber unce, P. J. Kehoe et Eierett lait Fnlday. Tn.eed vung thie eveti sud elghth grade icholars ogave tiuir teecb.r, Mie. MaryBook e inrprls. parti eh the home 0f Mn. sud lire. Geo. Ammnu. Gai. Blanchlief mri Moyen mand Mary Amens ver. thie .ghti grade chlars vho toi thir fiuai examinetion at Rockefelr, Mondai. 'Obituary Dt.d et isi home Wdenday uarnlng. liay 18, 1910, P. J . Kehae, agid ailty- tvo ren.. Re vas born lu sud camse ho tht. country vhen a email boy viiihie parecte, via a.ttleii la Chicago on uilvmkieAe. Rise taer cou- ducled a groffli store hier. for ymau an&si aknovu by many of hhgfarmeri froïn t. i ocality, vho linlen eday. veuh to Chicago by vagon vith thiir proluce. la 1890 h. vwu unlted lu marlag l ire.MmTeresaloogi. vha eurvve i hm. Tiierebelng no cilidren ho ise hielrunon xcet o. tepion Edvard J. Kiongi; belà aloo urvirni b tire. elesrMlme.Klthy Danner, agned Margaret K.o, or Chicago. ne va roepiwlby a11 Who mev hlm cbaracter. HRevwu lnd#e a mialelminuon.evito treated oeiyone vith ail the respect due them. Pu»enal services ver. huit! Frlday et St. Patricit cburci, EverehI, viiere bigh mou. vas elobrated, Fstiter Qulnu offctating. Interment luthie Everett cemetery. 6Card cf Tianis.. Mri. Kebo. ulehes ho thhsuubernfrends sud nighbor. vha no iindlyamisted ber dtiinthie Illnew and diahi af ber -NOTICE Lote tu hmàh your wiu- AO mmW. u. ' Au#omg otar mai comndhomsarm M.'i.I &W Gisote ow dat we am to do firt-c" wuwoeW.Mians" wrW sfind" O osa 3tc eaaiaiaSyo, ~CsuuteryWork t f very Son, Pý ..B= 283,U>- ___ eàtyvaI.Ulu I Get eruois tnr edoi L Y CM Up S PIAO ..,Chcdo. QUEI FOX LAIe M C. . roin sthrm.d hotu e- uueday mter semutnga fhW do". vit Cm& e. Ricaefaaly ahAutlii.' JO&. Min«r Mi J. PCol ttmid 9. ]IL of C. Joinurg Prlttay C. M. Spriwpnt t Utndy iti ihie daogbtere eh Ub.rh llwe 1George"mu, 0 sie point Hotu, qentt Io Ire t i *9 viii viii he MM e. Harper bai ieah one off iaeg Itakmni ar ring Fmlday aen- lug.14e rne ai eported fImdlmg ae Ib U sur frisàof tA.E.Burnude vill b. unpud to herof dea d.atb, vbtch bapp.ned ah tii. (ermas. Ameoicanoucpibalut Chîcago. Mondai hm, T*u. bore Toudey. A. C. Street sud famly, Plf Chicgo.. have unoved im hie nommier cottage south of hie Boa. Villa, ou Pletaiteer, lire. Louli Kmecasd chidrhn returo.d bome Sonday .veuing, -ai ter apinding 6 viii viii relative. la Chilcao. The Fox Lais Rfflon. Cau you boaitofai acommerical sisocation. At hmaiting held Tuiid evenlng, Ma lti, lu hie iFox Laie vilflebail, the organisation formally delared tiil, Tii Fox La. Cou. nical Aseociatlon, orgsnlsd for the. promotion of the vIiare of hie Fox Lai. region. Riguler officers vire .iaced sud taitalled ai folove: Priai donit C. P. Paueeoup; Vie. Pruildint. Cou ijarbli; Cor. Secnihri, A. J. Smith; Fin. Iecretai, J- . Brown-, Treainrer, L C. DeProlt. A niv 48 page deairp. i. bookiletli. bing lased mcd malledl to itereited persona. Attdnei thie Cor BSeretar._ ____ For Slpenlg LmamMosn, Wwaow ami Dew an rM Z IJPIOLUTRING, &c. HOWMltD BOYES, *Rth Lymbcit e. Pure rd PE3RCHiERON STALLION N4O. Ise., Weihed,1820 ILiii.Whon 2 Yns. li, Snhiloportei Bon lianhle, 2M0 liet u mom Olb«et,2000 lb. 00. of hieToppor Young Stelilome f Amnenta, #th Irholma. on.,d throsgohen, hogonru l ali o f "pidb, mdhie iesh mutt îo mw eeev.Upbemied, sa«eau o la*ow= ie Fn 5 ml veste! Ubethie.w R0 S Swr I "use S RIJSSf Lt Lilifber Yard Foi' Figures ou BUILDING MATERIAL My pricei are right sud grade gond. Wetier you buy ar Dat gat My figurea; PREP ARED WHITEWA8H: r. 3. MEtAD. Prop. Dlvldid mb aichloma ci 00mcrm ,md eubdlbided loto 20 acretract PYMONO & AUSTIN, Agente, -,SRTVlàE,11.. Il B n i il e t I. éhri ver VIN l 1 e Râce Rcord 2l1.2 PUll broher ho Atton Star, 2-119i Foele 1899. B"aci tillon 15% banda M Slre byA.on 6994. Record Sire m f8uicfod luontar, lu ie liet 2:115 ,.bi rtvood600; record 21%. sire of 1M8 luth.olot. Aun "ego'idam GYpeY A 2.-M, dam of 8SmnIl ANTEGObe la aeV7 ybaudiomi blaciviti a smui ~ tu, broien single msdoa gond $dip tiona t. doertun banna., t mm .affeur.,opmn.gited trotter, Rb Wii sted aur bara. - $10-00 tournure, Alil abef isee tovner di. Phores 125, '38.3 ROUND LAKE. ILL. rThom. vb live on tth. riral route. cmn LMUetii. Laie CountY Ixi>Euumozm sud tii. Daty Inter Oeen for 84.00 a yeraMd the Weehiy Inter Ocesuasd 1»w»uT for 01.85 a y.r. GRAND FPENING DANCE AT 'DIAMOND. LAKt, Saturdag E5venlng MondetiAfternoon nad Eveinqgi May 28'a nd 30 Everu. Welcome Msic bu t'apes Orchetra Peul MacOuflln. Atterney et Law. STATS Or ILLUol8.Lý" r Covur'r or LAKUc. j' la tii. Counte Court of eaid County, Joue Probat. iterm A D 1910. la tii. motter of l tii.almttieneut of tii. etate of Mary Agnues Vagbu,ý To Milon V. Wood. Mary V. Goldog. Michaël Vangh2. Thomae IL Yaubi, Julie, V. Korrigan, JophnVei. Levreuce Vaugité, Frank Vegbn, aie Roubi.. Frani MGrady, JoiepliM () . .tlirey lgIam MGady îë G enet,.0Grd, uela Mca. sud MenU. ound, uy ete st lav of Mar angn4.ed suad to Ellm V'. W dd, ay! on, michelvenhTomaISBO ign nu Vapgb. Ju viV.Krîau Lavrem.Vaahu4sud kr ivaugn, he&.e aw sddevis or lgte junde the. lait viii sud t.etn»snt oi SmyAge Vacghn, dicehied. Taie notice hah on -the.27t1î day of 0Joue, A. D. 1910, eahenu1o'co"i a.lm. o as sono thereeer eitii. mattiF c0" board, thgim d . illiiprWM 5to mati;; Cout te rgowu iiLhioEUpMd0 a tii ope Cur8om lpinla ýàe Court Romtet hheoi"d etae f ftithi. ewnaSo uiomatreport m e ictor 'ci "as"àah ta wei mm-b Sie V4,7i thttmmi sh b. ddeaWretg 'authe iaeegm pou Ires noh t o ibu 0 4 -ylJl.1I, Uap Ird. 1910. tha~ Ypoui, umtor of.h tW 1vin eMd ttm t!sh IL Yangba, Gdsiamed %N)Mi 1

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