Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 3

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~.JWj~j ~ W . 1 D. O.P. DurrhPlBD. PAUL MACCUWIL ATTrm&mwAm AI M C. 8. OAS*WOAY no*u4m 1 tga 8maias 4,eP. a. 218 Waiion teto .DENTIBT Rou1r 8 o 12 a.m.-î tu5 P.m. J. EH TriggeBuilding wlth Dr. J. L. Talor-Pbone 19 -,>t. Pion.1092 Lhsevlib 7h1 D IL MW$hum DMTMS. 3VU L ii 5UVTyAtIàAlin. ov»- ate 12 0. M. aMd 1 ho a P..m D. .LTAYLOR. OhvmSOVEsa . Dtu. Tileai LD. sonn-7I o 10 a. M. 2 ho 4 ad ô hoà S sp.m.. Isde&sx %*'nBroadway. oppoiltePark. iàerqTvif».iuinoi&. MNTIN C DDCER ufilceOpp. lftiîi St. Electric station Offle.Phone 5884 B".. Phone 3608 N02TH CRICAGO. ILLINOIS 'W K MHgTDER SURMTOR Suadlvidlng, Fat. Work -Drainae LIDDRTT VILLE. ILL. PRONE 104. DR. IDW. VW SMITH emmai Puace Banursl0to 12. 2 to4asud 7to 8p. m. Office over Lynch Brai. Store t 8PECIAL ATTENTION 1 ~ GIVEN TO DIBEASES OP' TIIE EVE LIDERTYVILLP. ILUNOIS Htenry Sine's Sale Barnt 2714 ELISHA AVE.. MlON CITY. ILL Reldence2Mi Rsh. Ave.m Ail glisdaof Horse«. Bains,. Wagon and U. ilas for Rai @~r EchmanesiAl Tms AUCIONEERINO FOR PUBLIC SALES c Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opesat. il.PMsI pnlgh Det Ubettyville, lliînois Macçhne Shop ý-tPAM W0« AUTOMOBILE WORK A SPECIALTY Engin.. Overhsuled. A Fu Line of Sundriea. Tirea R.- paired. When in Trouble TE LE PHON E UbRtIyvaleEebauge 661 or 1262 Railway Mail Clerks Wantec,. Ti. Govsrnment pays Riliwsy Mail dlemie 88W0le 1812W0. sud other employeeseup 10 62600 annually. ounle Sam in viibah epring exa.l- lions ibraugiaut tbe country' for Rail va>'Mail irî, Custani Houes Crie, Stenagraphel, Dookkeere, Depart- mental Ceriesud other Govrnint Po- sitions. Thouasuis et &aiments vii b. moie. Au>' man or wooma over 18, lu cty or country ce» gel instruction aud fiee informnation hi vvtlpg atonce tu tbi Bureau o! Intruction, 459CHaqi- lin Building, Rochister. N. Y. Pain$ o! vamin, besi Pm"n, or a&>' pain topped la 20 minute. sors, vitis Dr. Shoopi Pink Pain TBbll. Ses fl formula on 25e Box. SlId by 1 LL DRALERS. rôb WILL FINO ::d hi 1:i:aei dis at Our Ioda Foaalavir onviiglti e su prit esCras sd c wse f 1le YOLE WILL FINO Amwn.vun up-to-date lins of Souvenir Goodi aid Postal Crie. YOU WILI. FINO Tour favorite ibiS o! esai>. 'Qualt.y" le oui molto. T@ Quaitr lino.o ai i>y our leader. YOU, WIt. FINO AU th@ laleit ,Lalas Bd ami- of An excellet Na cd 11.1 Goodu, Pe'. fumemiM pce Cme .for th@ enuamer chape et vOUlaM lise inuer girl&. At tii. Grailsie iarnicy YOU WIL. FIND Heaiquartert fgrSpanidi gportina Goise. YOU WILL. FIND Tii. Burlinghoi lmundrY AgP-7-'.AU vonk guaraniss. YOU WILL FINO Our telephons numbor Il.viii. Y=u eaussi u su asi iibutS lues 0 maauactredai iii i pns a md h,. e.dlies tjourhou., uboilens sudM istaieri. YOU WlL. PiNO Ou the tiret Mondai la Ch moti Bt rsysisie tore Dr. pottsi, oye specli" »ud bplcaa eive jere'la Masnie Timnple. Dont forgeS grat Donday la eaci Mmth. YOU WILL. FINO Office i LS£ orUTy, IJWPEINDENT viere ju eau Pei, upyaur suburîption, i.avejour job vort sud adrertisee Wei mi nous. Commutation tickets on ^botb railroade. Pure druges. ssquare des! sud codrteous tr«ennieaiOur itorea. DRUCE DRUG Co. Oraysiake, Rockefeller, Round Lake M. IIENMERICEN, PIi. ". A. WA13ON, Phj. "l V. CLEVEfLANO. IAMILY CRÉS Flelf@mati JIMb.of Valus tu Many a Mother ln Libertyvile. Wb.n tiéesle sddid ta the mai;' caree luseparabis from th rearing of eiliren tual affliction oai veainee 0f the kiducys sud suxiliar>' organe, thi inithoe'sot le far froni s happy one.. Thilecondition eau bu qulcilv cbsuguîd sud abeolutel>' cursi b>' the use of boau'-i Kîdue>' Pille. Wbeq thie le kuowu the mther'. t.orieu uilil b ligbier and hem home happler. Dri. J. S. Farien.r 915 Washngton Ave., Waniegan, Ili., uays: -l arn icad ta us>' ibat i bave o,'ed oan's Kidue>' Pisia in>y faniui>'asd bave founi theni wonth>' of endornseieni. I feel cou- fdfent that ibe>' vill prove of benehi t t anyone suffeing from kildne> trouble. My> son bai dieordered kiduess fur four on ive yeare aud compiained a great dela o! a lame sud vesi back. The kidue>' secretions vere &Ibo unnatural and inflammation of the biadder exioted. We tniedaimait ever>' reniai>' e kuew of. aud cousfulteC dactore, bot tao o avaîl. A .few visAs ago vi pnocejred Doan'. Kidney Pilus sud ince taiug ,ther aur sou'@ condition bas impnaved lu even>' va>. For sain b>' ail dealers. Price. Oceute. Fouter-Mtffbumn Ca..,Bufialo, ?New Yari, sol. agents for the CUiite tte>. Bimnember the nane-Doan'e-sud taie no tme. 34-2t Whatl Everybody Wsnte. Everybodv dusirnsgood lealth vbieb le Impousible un"eisthekiîdneya are souni aud healthy. Foiey's Rime>'1 Renidai> ouid b taie. aitbe tiret indication ok ifr>' irregularity, sua a sriona flui nia>' b. averted. FRANC B. LOVELL. I VOLO MmesAnale Rossieutocher, ofaisu- couda, speut a day iere lait'wesi. Mias Lida Russell, of Waukegan, vas ait borneaven Sanda>'. liDre. John Richardson vlelted relatives a-' Desplaines luai eei. Ur. sud Drs. Wm. Dilon enlertained Mri. C. Dillan, of Wauk&Isga\ iaat veek. Mri. Jamnes Murray, o! Wsucoa, ealidaunfriendi bsrs Thuraday alter- Doon. Hsrvay ilsson, of siaugiion, Wle., le ipendilua afev isys vlth bil.parents boe. Grâdma sBnvill, of Morgan Pari, i. vitWg relatives lu Volo sud vIiat>'. ise. C. Roadiulsce.iasd isugier, Aunis. @peut Tburiiay af lait uesi aI C;ryolal Laué.- Dri. Jeunle Cosman and daugiter, Mari, of Round Laie, vois guets ah the Kînvan home Suuday. Miss Ruby Cok, o! Waueond9, spent a liv dayé lait, veek at thi Eaymond home Cneei Lebigi Valu>'yCasA iii go farther thansu>' bard "oa you bure. For sale b>' tii Hoeu LuNDiuS tComPSET. Lbrly- ville. Ili.i. -10-If YSLAK1E P. 1, ORtfCL E"hi Lou Garooi, o! Cilcago, spout Sun- day st ions. Mises DalqDoôittiesapeni Sunda>' at Arai DssonToUcoDeuduls IiervIce sil tahelfiad Souda>'evilng. Jobn Mai..âdfaMliY spent Suai Mi. htrea Ian nnS l u ay d Dr&iY VIgelandamis»aud dougbter "i t atud" BSnda>'la Chi-cag. ies Vercdig ScIâvmapsi Sauras> ah Chilceo. MW. Zut& Daise>spentSaluras>'asd, &mda>' viii ber parent t iChilcgo. Dr. snd lire. F. C. Wiibunmelrtalid reflatvsfronWauiegmansd Chicgo over snadoy.* D r. sud DUs. Ami entstain.i the Higi sebool sud tisr tesaber lait Fr1 day eveplag lu honoraof Shilîson, Hînli vio gradus. sfron ise(Or#" IieHgb Sebool ibis Thie veaiug vaesepent la piaylug gaines sud dancing sud s Bn. lunciion served. Tii borni.vasi prettil>' iecorsiid la red sud whiietheii claiecolori. Prof. Patter, eyeepeiallt and optielan' viii maie bil. naSal trie ' ihe final1 Mionda>' la Joue at the ijraslace Phar. mac>'. The poat-ollIcela e b.lg , iidicotad. - teveral bave reCeivedegraduating programs- IranArthur Raciclijfe, ai Waterloo, lova, itlalenoticed that Arbur's narne appeari lu the prograni ase veil aselu the laie play. Arthur gradflated froni the Grs> elaite Bigb SeboblIset yeÏ,wbere ho receîved good credits sud bigi maris aud ve are lu. formed thai hi bas bien daiug the .s.i gond von at Waterloo, beiug ixcubd1 fronifiush examinatione on th. credit of tb. blgi stau<iig lu bis vonk. L. Packard,' a var comrade of O. P Barrons, froux )[auaee, sPont aevral dayi ai lb. putt viii ulti Mr. Barron. Dr. BHoeibodil, of Rociiori, wvas bers laokilg aler th.e lesl tof lis Caamnug Factor>' the lut o! tle vesi. Machiner>' la nov on lie grounde forj dlgdggthe viii fer the Condinn Factar>' sud the building bas b.inistaked off mil tbey viii sooa begIn vomi au Sam@e. phie No. il E.B. ?Nevilflse ved word Donday o! lie dialb i o! ii fater, Zsuies Nville, uf Waucouis.#%muueld euWdue.dsy. Mies In" Dliiilae ignuloa!Mi"s #oiunel Oermi". Miss ZeI. Miffy laenetertainlng her niosier ofi Chica. Baverai fr0. leste altended tii Wood. in dam iaI Round Laie, Wsinssdoy Moinenal My Exorcises. suunda', DMy 9. erniciSt aheb.Cou. gregstionsi ebueicet 7:80 P. ni. Mon. day, Day »801h, matliunsic by Aleu'@1 baud Inla Pbli Squaretai8:30 a. m. Soldisr e U inesloîta. m. taie cani«gi for Avon cemilsi>'. iturnilng ai 10:30. Ai 1-.80 ioiierecilline sud ucho>l chîiren assemble et ibi operahanese sud morci la the. Orsysiaki cemmteny decoratsd tie solders grave.. At 2:30 tig iolovlng progrw. viii be gi ven at t6e opera hoUir -Masiol e ....................... Baud So«-I'mvou forte Ylu" Mi5s Rfey's Bom Ployer ........ 1..................ýohi"i Bong-0M 01er,......MXis Oarbns Bom "Dr"@,& Adorent tO me lu . Bary Srimn Bonsg.................... ias Tam. aBoom LSir olU Ogis Og peech.. M ist eher Ernt ans ...ElmesurgiW"sud Clamaent wlhlmore sont .... .......................QuIrlsttis Pétrom o atud.............lin. Ganniisou .on.............. Aura BanersaU Our Hiosud cUr iHritag. '.... Be, . rio -otý mnIa.............REveryhody Tiotbag bas beaun lut union. b>' tii dMoirent cammitties ta maie ibis Dec-oration Day on. long ta Le remeni- huai by a&l vbo attend. Graduiting Exorc ises. At thei Gnsylaiî opera housesJoue 2, vHIi oceur the graduatiug exercios.of tb. tuird yar cais. Those who grain- aleare:, Rarold Amis, Blanche Doolilel, Beruies Davie sud Margaret Glbeit. Tie pagiai for lthe îveuiug leasm follovae:-1...... [nes..i..Flornnes SugI sud Bernard Joues Orsed Iplomel..........Min hForee IIMb .Diom --"::«'***"*Rv. gats"ue oalueelpiv..............Marger«et offil VocISi lo......."«..... --mi"ssAN., lbayea (2 lim * ................... BeimosDab piaw Du .... Mr@. valdmuan sd Miss libteal Bndlng......................M n..Banlieue voca l io.... ........Miss Aur. Esutenal Oruho-ihese Rock" ...:..Harold Ams Piano solo ...................Lillan lemIng Addrsss-"The StSlof a swiede Boy. ........... a. Y. Parao yaIedirsony ................ Blanche Doolltt Vocal Solo..................altto jW&ldn Pao Donue.... Mm. Hook aud Min Iloolnise Ville Dr. J.umsowu va. ang on a patient. h. stopped âtIabI Bbol.and broke a bons lu hi.eail.., C. W. Ruiesl wes irowa froni a borceslaut Tueedsy »d wusa eerely hurt vas unceon.o for nmre lime. Mr. sud Un.~ J..C. Chope vlalted Mr. and Mre, elles Rriformerly of MOIi. humn aItheir home t Lake Goneva, Win O.. N So«. .re nglad to note, wifl motIionsthe sigbtofthieeye, Itila getting along Drs. Arcble MeCredie le atiS very sud bas a nurne. Tlee.Dodge I*ool clous Wedneeday vith B pieuliBI lii ehool. DaW rti lday sveung, May 20. nt th. home of David Tonnar, Uls CMmin. tins, Young aud Peter IdcDonald, of Evanolon, Be" . W. Safford officiatlag. Thé bride la a bluter of Mr. Tounng, met fr0.n Scotland. Oui'lb.theimiedlat@ memb ersvre prssent. Dr. DcDonald1 cane froin Bld &bout a jear ago.1 Theur wvlUmaie their bonms ln EvBaston.9 Conguatlonm. C. B. Toplc. May 29, ,le oure Chriuti»n Nation?" Ps. 33: 8.22. Peari OmIblnd, land«. lsion"vy méstlng vili b. beld ait the. home of Mma Mary Bater Wednedy. aflernoon. Mra. Anderson lave. tis veek for ber borne lu Gola, Kanffa.. Commtander dufhrn A. Pra Post Noi ff8 Dept. in., 0,A. R. Mr. Isaac Cook, Commander of aboyé Post, Kvames, fil, wrIte.: "For a loun ticpe I via bothered wlth' bock- ace sud Pains serasmy kidne-ys. About tvo montha ago 1 started takIig FoIe>' Kldney Pille sud- soon @&W th.yq were dolng juet as clalmed. I kept an1 taking theni snd now 1 amn fre. frorn backache, aud th: ainful bladder miser>' ina&Ilgone. 1 a olyKiducyPilîleo weil that I have told m"Z >' o ry frnd aud comrae about the- and sa recommend theni at e4ioprinî. Pou KI.OTL chair IMg of Dim sud s mort ai. LOUIS J. YEOMAN .*i Monq THE JEWELER pae Thi ---- --- -grsdg WARREN MliesEnimas ituder clouai ber echool at Avon couter Wednesday. Peter Wilson died wreruddeni>' aitue home 0f Dr@. Nellie, uheri he bas boanisi for several jours, Fis>'. Be vas wel noun in ibis vicinit>', baviug came frani Deumari several yeari ago. Memorlal day excerise. vili b. beid al Warren Cenieter>' Sunda>', Day 29, at 2.30 p. ni. The Warren Cenietery' Association viii meet witb Dru. Rosa Wirch Tueda>' afternoov, May Met. Membre piese Dol-e Changea!f day. r- ALATý Charles Srith sud 'wife ýbt t heir vacation lu Ohia. Mr. sud Misa Prellberg eulertalaed relative. froni Chicago lu banor oi Dr. Preilberge seveuty-firet bittbday Sun. day. Mr. aud Mmi P. H. Daithel bai for ibeir guiet Otto Bolman, ai Wlaona, Minu., the pait vei. Dr. sud Drs. B. Thomas viii b. ai bonms to ibeir Inonde on th aid farin for tbe summîr. Mr. sud Dri. J. H. Jaier bat for hein gueets Dr. sud Dru.Fisher, of Oregon. Dr. Fieher vas a resldent 0f Palatine tventy.eeven yearî acoansd meu quite s change. iDri. J. W. Sm'ith entertaiued W.. B. Beardsley' sud family alio Arthuar Hawis, of Kansas. over Sunday., M. W. A. Eatilon. Th. Woodmen excursion fr. Rocke- feller la Kenosaasud rtWg, vilioccun on Wedi1ieoay, JueS, thie koumit beug Oti? This in the oceauloilb sunusl pîclofo! 1h15od.r ai x.thur [aresa largenumber cf *Oodmsabers, [liens ibould b. anu iàîsuai i.raoul.- In fnuat It wvîlib. ofles *» f. .Imdaj I uSI" sud the Neigiht o boah tai Iout inunais. The pbhla hiil attend. Tickets forUÎaletaI0011.fl ut ibi. sn', Flagg's&M', Bacislmma', Morne'@, alsa b>' tii commite... 85.11 ROORMIELER] The tGaugregational i.adie.' Aid Society' wiii bave a eirawberry sud les creara social at the chureh parlori, Wedneeday evening. Jue is. Strawberre s ad cake or ire cream aud cake, 15c. Every' oue lnvited to corne sud ejoy a iodas evening. 0. L. Trlpp and famlyb ai for their guenta Snanday, the former'. moîber, Dri. J. W. Tripp, Dr. and Dri. F. R. Trlpp, Mie. Flora Trupp, af Libertyvîlle, sud Mr@. Ettie stèvens. ai Viroqu, Wls.. Every.bndy iA invited ta attend the Woodmn* Pieuje. ai Kîuoeba, June 8. Round trip*65c. Car heaves Rockefeller at 8a. ni. RUSSELL There vilil e memonlal services next Sunday niorung. A cordial invitation la extendai toalal. The Ladiee' Aid wl! mel uitb Dr@. J. D. Murray., Thurida>' aiternoon Jue 2. Ail intereeted are cordially Invited. Mr@. Wlll Delville aud Harold have bien ou the îick liii. Mie E. A. Iteeves, Minaiesud Arvin weri Waukegau visitgri Saturdav. Mr. sud Mrs. E. j. Durrie &pentsu- dau lu Keuosba. EVERE11 Jusi ta rmmmd you.af9 lb. Festival sud Dance. for benefit aI $t. Patrick'@ cburcb et St. Patrick's bail, Leîretl, Ili., Saluras>'aternoonan sd eveùng,'Mm> 28, 1910. Dauqe liceuS 25c. Dance drawiug for a diamnn ring, Mrri. chair, $5.00 lu golf ud 15 other arhcie. Music byEapieo!LIb.rtyyiu,. EiResuhiut4. Amiple ibid roani for ,sams. Speclal train IDoigo B0 at 9:24 p. m., aiea train tu LIb.nljive aî 12:35 W bave &aimle. of drain hilustock, lthh prie.. You caut mie us. iaB. UW11lLLE Luhi BEi Ca. c-81 Z. h. beiog Y . P. S. C. E. of %bu Preshylsnlan %l viii give a napper sud palrioti pams aSet heToua H1all ou thé even- of asy.30th. luppse viiib. Servid oeloei. Adiesion 25c. m. P. Bosoldinlaentertainlag ber ao! Mine, IIi. lu fleutrte.Duif>' @peut Saturda>' sundsy at h.r bome In Wiimot, Wl. lus Olive Jinisl for homeé Monda>' ning, havlug roilgnei ber poullion atermeiate isacier. L. Hilui, af Evanîton, @pent Suu- na DWielcl. s. Sscisud Dri. Recteuvaid, aid ent@ ai Deenlieli, sud botb of uboni paet 80 yeari of age, vere buried la>'. Riy. Bouali offlciated ai bath lm@. suad Mri. Rd ileimebl am thie praod mti o a baby boy. ifinual examinations o! the eigbtb veiwre held Tuesa>'y, May. 24tb,, ln. ý.simpian, cont>' ioperntendeuc, aprisent. IALL DEALERS Don'i drog the Stoniacu. or stimulai. the Heari or Kidneyu. Thatislewrang. htin lehe weai nerves thai are cryiugt ont for b.ip. l'italie. theas usai Inside cOutroliing nervis vitb Dr. Shoope BRe- etorative, sud ia. bau quieki>' gooi "eath viii corne ta Yo again. Test It sud milSli by HALF DAN Ou Wedneeda>', Day 25, tbee cbooiLa viii close a suceeiaful year with Misase Book. sud Mr@. Knoll a. toucher@,.,Teba@ nernden a! the vesi vii 1h. ipeuipre- parnna Demoaliservices for Sunda>'. Or i Dn. Scbraeder, of Dilwaukee, vsworne II ovsn Sunda>'. et M Tbe dance ai the new paviiiou on Sauday night uight uas uab veil aiteuded on accouut of the bai veather. Dis. Liii and treeuon, of Nebras neturned bers receutly ta maie tui heir * bonie again. Tbree pupilu of the eightb grade vrai. the final exarnatlonm ai Rockefeller iast Monda>'. O Memnorial services@viilb. bli jointiv b>' th. John G. Ragan, paît o! Liberty'- ville sud Ivanhoë, tue local viteran., and our ichool at 2 o'cioci Sunda>', Day 29, in tb. Bai! Day cburcb. Commrse E. R. Lowis, a! Chicago,, ciîrman of lb.e ivti. (.A. R., wulîl11deliven the adisis. The paston of Grace church, Prairie Vieu, viii oSfer prayer sud deiver s short adais. Mines Chard, sali, o! LUberlyvilie, viii renier a uvw seliclione. The Prairie Visu baiid sud miole quartette wili alua renier aýpprpia . selectioni beide tbepatrialle, van sud Memorlal sougeansd matllnsbypnpls o! lbe Hall Dayoechoal. A laeattend- suce l desired ta encourage lb. pupilin their ecforantla bou houoî lu oui elip- lng biîooe, sud maie Il ncb liaI Ibis particular occasion. maybe long ra.. inibraib>' theni. Libertylile Feue,.Faclory le lb. hsl place la buy fonue.. tapls fise uth* ever>' rail. Barb uis 5$2.60 per bundisi. Ses ai. 25.t1 Memertul ~ey. Day 301h bas for man>' yiarn eein set aPari a. Demorial Dai, a day ta houai the metnorlea of the men vbo fouabt lu the Cvil var, tiaI the Union rnigbt b. priserved. The day grew ont of the costum i bei sprang upât thle claie o! the van of decoratlng vlth floveri tbe grave. of the aoldl.r deai. In 1868 General John A. Logea, coûm- mander of.ghe 0, A. R., dîrected liaI tb. various poisuad iemberi shouli oIB1clalIy decorate the graves of lb. ffliems.Tii sentiment appeshi la the piaieenerail.y, sud May 801h wu sel spatrt by lav as a dsy cona.cratdlto lh mimory of theeoidier 1usd. Prom yiar 10 yesr w. seni ta b. growlug more sud niais fongelluli fthe trai punpoes sMd meaulug of Demonlal Day. As vi have conviried lii Fourti of JuJy loto a dai of »enseeeansd mean. lau"issnotes.sud carnage, sa vs have poemituidiMmorlai Day ta beconie Isl' a ioUdoy 0f piay sud.erte. lu thme communitiée vire tien. are organisatIon, ofaohdieri vi resecifuhi>' inougi vwatcb thein march tt h.cerne- teries to place flovera on lb. graves of liii comraies, but toas largle nmber of onookirs b.heuimony la nothig more thane sunteretig gspectacle. 11V do@@ aol cecur ID lhe majoully IbsI Il le tomelbing ln vhlcithe>' ehould havi a Put Boon thei. teran. o! lb. var viii b. go»s. ranis are ibiing nov wlSb amizin, napidil>'. Biforrrny yeare ie lait soldier o! tie Clviivwu viii reçt wltii bis Comriâades. What vi tien heo6sié,otiemorWsiDay? Dois tia due millilon min vire kilW ansd vounuisinluthb.gneat var ta priairve tb. Union. 'Are ve ta forgset the prin- elpis for'hiceh tbey dl.d? Shah ibhe on. dey of lthe year set ide ases me. mariai day tla Ibeione sinipi>'aa holiday divotei ta baIl garne, borne. rare.. plcnle parties, and ta baving a god ime geueraliy" We bave hein graduaily changinît deccoratiln day into desecratlan day. le la ie ta top ti.ltz.le. i.lme ta devaIs Iiseon. daylinbe yearhto bonor. lng the. metorles o! lb. min vbo did that Dur nation migit live,,sud ho tescb thei younger geuiration the meanlg ai t &IL. SCOP Mail BoUiReNpair. Suppoiesyou prested lau «Usgeci youÙ mal hox aMd jour n.lgbbor di tbe ea., sud the viole routs Rot la be la sncb a haniful condition tiaâtih departinent ebouid ardu Il iacontlnued -vial could you do ta maie the. departmeut ehangi ia rind? Foryour ava amusement sud bouâit-picturs yonrseîfla a Bgbl ID hrlng the Uited liàs t.time. If yon have a mais box tbat's a dîsyrace ta yaur plâce, vwy Dot ai ht? lohn spaxce, f,~c WII ae- bli aliter, Mm . . X ti6a, )bertyVille, wba la crtilab L. *ë >nephew, Albert âpford, ai S ( Mri. Dr. Cauvlorsandàaubheo2h, eof Milwaukee, and Dr. Puiforà a»d vi Swoyees, aiChicago, vire giiso# 01Us snd Drs. KB. LPritchard 8$uMdag. MarshaîllLimberry wui eW5 by, phono frani the.Centrai Polies S.0Ià*4 Cicago, Tbursday mamiu, that Ap1. ha. Levie, aitypogfraphicai ou4 vi oe-a oasui* eti#omhro o! Ed Croula,, Wednesday o!flimt w* bad hein arrusi, addvwu la derami, vi. until tb. arrvaalo ta 1#1110. veut ho brlng "Abrahma" hmsto furtiur Preilmlnse. Bridge Clqed Thq Skokl. Dltcib bridge on tihe hova Unbe roadinuthe.tova of Sbleb»as su closed againu siiffi, durlnlàb. e o atruclion o3!4ui bridge. By arise f the Bighvay Commistioner o!fbthevewu of Shields. c5t lie eau funrnieb plissant and profita"l 1ernploymeut, ither singis or unarel bladies, amgesixteen ta, ihirty-Sve, la ««y' 1localit>' la Laie Cont>. çains cios etunlly tu country' as howa ladies, b mE xx D AxUrîc'UuzeeCa, Chicago. Foe>' Kidue> Pilsareati»eptic, Ioule and reptoraive andsa prompt conretive of pi urlnary Irregularities.aMues substitut«. FEÂn BJ.OVELL Electric Plat Iro0i for $290 A't ibise xceptfo)nalîylau prie, s limuted number of thia muet uselul appliance 0f the Standard Pacifie type, velgbt six po-ndi la offered ai our saleerootua. Ask your nelgbbor vio nies ou. about tb. luxurv of an Electic Iai.t groin Il convirts the moet vaarrlag ce hauabiold dete lotIno aiseasy tank. Tii coti foperBtlg B 1 elie rci l 10 NORTH Stt0R ELECTRIC COMPANY WAUKEGAN, iLL. Dancing at the New Pavllion, HIERTEL PARU, MIALE DAY, ILLINOIS Everg Saturdag Evening Evergbodg# Invited to corne and bave a good tim IMPORTED SPANI1l1 JACK NuUmdm ai cl. 1uos t Uâ e Iarks lati. 3-4- mile moi*a«.f eM , i.wephoae No. 3021 ke Foiet. rie $10 et lb.. .1 rve. If mare do.. mot prcwe- la dshe can e e twruedoeil see fig~~ ole aebber place. itract a et oe erv e bug olt veannong lme. RoBrRT ,GRAIAMU maiager The WaUs of These Silos .J.L Goneral 't I'oiî ~,jlj -,,.~ A RE DOUBLE .'N. au Intsrrupted contIfflie *Ir pMpace ail t4'*~ amound from top ýcýub4 tom, thuir affording pouao tprotetion. i wuê Ukto have i1 iel cous eat id- teoemon- themproi tfoi tio of t Us Esilmutus ruflUSlIed rm~. lt g,1i vf

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