0 F OI~LAï own+ vosiakma X. 1 MKIo ,tS*aiMeee ?.epaome ;ce. 1141. zUbelyvine iuxObual MUXoet %as lGUce m16tUbetyvil. DM. 8 00.1010w m ate mum vmles.y. UJuv»m«IG uAI NA* axovu on APFLCAtIox. JORIPTIç»l PffI0IL 1.60 PER VEAFI STUICTLY UN AOVANCE PNM. JU14 .. ...1.... .................... ............. d I t e r .......................................... ' i ty ÉEdlor PRU[tifER SALARIIO JUIqYMEN. l4W*,Is .Iotsd ut tegiafr latervels by a vote of the. pq.pl.oor appoléted ~U Wufts end péid àeIau.y of P.000 or 'moe a y.ar wouîd, i -beeve, it taiprovo eusr jury lytÀ, iIch'là a roe. ir. out udti Ouwgs IL M. Sullwiv, d cf o Sth bkun. coty uet> cut ilt 411 $km of ea104 du.owà out «c a m ueutium a solution of a problem of oii~ f lMen ln tile service ould be eut do"n from twelvs te ~ liha su jury aicompIied entirel> of membom .of lh* legal profession.' bo icusat>oethe a test or eeveral este cf reular jurom trained ln the 114.6 04, 8e vold PrIJtuIlcs and blu, tii. weuid h. exciianged ln the. varloub WMI*e.. lTs ot~irmaller rogulgion.e muid h. worlcsd out In dtaîl by a :j4w,,w p9m51!o w e eo t.ajury eempffed eofgecdbusines, -~ 'êi~sel~ 1mn.,Thyare houeM andlevotibsèdi s, a roi$ M* 9khW moi O he Uvauof Vet eu lasabut ~ mta e ti.> lmw m&bout rosi ýWOWMM or, p eea l the laur? W. soita J4do. llio ha. probabIy "t tWbWtI r oé ty $arm lu eeuodyng the I1mw and *atclulug Itsdev.epment l4sid'& 18w udriwordse ilnetructlenm, wIlc, lu a grmet part, lu no w reek ta the. average juramn. Tint part 0f thesyteutla i.rdIcuîly «Auether tiluge the. average business or proesmelnal iran or even a iP#e # l itl"tieor inclination te devete te hl@ branch eofervice, and. t rehOfate If érthle caes p'r.meat8àd %r AdJudication are net gIVeut the italies lte> elieulihave.- t lea ime Vtralt a alawy.r Wio M cure of hlm IIW riilI en hie fe efat »d'mtci rahtrst.hties came tea ajudge, wile elt u tisA haprmfsiïtaklào;u coi e tii ajury." Ybi Prince of Tramps ,aNo. 1,1 the vends "test «UlSui." vasn lJoliet receutly. Sa»y qbe Mrabiý,89onroule trous Ner York ta Mmu Pfuaue via OSI Lendsu £&Mu sCt. 'loemude hlm autres on the~ blini laage e Nor. 2, lb. Aiten L'""= -rlvng se t : 15 snd beo bot oau In= ofa!No, 23 t 3: 05 Il vus the Brt .joet 'iit ot "À Ils, 17 oineJul> 37, M18, und la hi "e tin omes e arranetté enint goe lova W its h., oguurwwl ata >enprachuiiy every vale Ma=4rruilaip*eguèe g4icwal UA of acre lIma ne0 lihulatian la the uIt s tale a Cnaia. l" tAN "Ia peroue usmystes- leouu s te mIgl I' igDufcI- M8U." Basral Meula lackteua hà s vabrumaI. HMo ails. i. nown t lelesia. TIt le I. ~a a ori- 'Mary "bobo" but a Mmnof learulg la &Vtoisutramte lethathontlkes suéauand itu a velu liaI dénotes etriig et Acilevemens.. golet tu urtlermors alvayo neatly irsseti sud. under the aid averal unit, whlch le vearsetrait, cauld hsea ablut mrge suit, ville shirt sai coller baie a gohi vutch sud ohms. Boue tests tirt are credited Stuc. goog ou the. rend fi 1883, he bas truvelol 56M,000 miles. Inlunlg a, trip acta.. thae ocoan sud back, at a total of t$7.61. Ubula. vtl.n e book entitici "itfe *iAi Adsvdeture of A Ne. i," tIcr th$i copyright of vhicbh o received Mis greMetalcontinueuis travel vas traCI.Benle plaina, Iava, le Dénver, COlOrAdo, OflPmile., TeI ~0 'miles, vas made lu il OkY FVOLIL days and 6 heurs. Ife bas been ln every town ln the United Mttes :avlng a population 01 more thae& 500 and ln Canada and, vill Puy U,.000 te sny peruon wie cun nu.. a City that ho vil! flot be aile te tell-th. location oetwtelve business leom xactly. ils has, àetted $1275 front nevapa. Per lnteMvewo ln the. Iast six menthe. Chussi Off Train. The afrivai of 'A No. 1" vu flot vitheut fealures. For the. 1569th i tme accordlng ta hlm own memorandum, le vues chas.d off the. noon train by a Colore« porter. Beveral mew -him fi> hesdloug frein Uic baggage cars the porter crawled out trom the en- 4Mcar and irile Uiey stood by lu- tereutedly, watchod hlm fui! lu au ut- tempt fe Crawl lu ou the. rode o! tii lamt coach. Wblo tiey ver. stili watchiug ho t ulled open bis outer jacket and 1brougbt te the surface a gol<t vatch, tglancei qt tiie time, then doffed coat and everal!. and appeared as well dressed a *man as oee could nleet about, the passenger station. 1 With a 1ew varda ho lntreduced 1hlntselt and thon distrlbuted bis pas- Ltel carda vlth his "name' and photo- [graph lu the ceauter. and witi pictures eto a passenger train, stearnbooat and a pedeatrian figure or a tramnp border. >lng the photo, tegether viti some ef kthe. yecerds tint h. bas establIsbed. k On the reverse side la bis signature with the wording: b "Accept thls as a remebrance et r A No. i, the King ol, Trampa.' and 1keep It viere you wili have it iaudy. If saune daY, You, ten, are'down and e ut Mid BInrIta v, ander. If you shuld meet me and 1 ar n ot roke myseîf, 1 vili treat y ou te a square t- ffie Owmtfves WlM, be Moid, but awsoi b GenlaOoras i WIII hauaen. de e ambUulIe lil tiso ttemper- vieslierent-A Légal ltHoday. Meule>, MiaytOtb, laDéortion Dsv, d« u st apart fOr fia rsu.mbrancsetf lias. wbo MsJUérllétWsr lires s0 e s wMn MIOn ti. reodelu e Our tfoleatisra Itlat a il: acIr "0le lhusands. Irbo viii viil le ity cl bebdead. andippae tontal emble" mea o limouuiuo? brve beacée. To ti Md. #Véry rus Ameirsa thfl oe boli g>y ahaismceta tie sd lissil b. rsIsmlc*6lelll mi fer thli r.face tlIt b. p.ssa, .towoam a le blaosd rapismal, améaosas of 0< lis pa le elttal Ïvél mspet. To tufs *A& biclums ilii b*W«clonpaen"in L beryville, os. su» maail aun opportnulty te Îd;o4mslau t.csr.i*ilaeasiter vîleî ;àIyêW W hoU laI l.41d hoaor tw OMMwbu dii tp savo, liaenational t 1wmc Itgs 4 tr.W, ilplo viaii est.. te lA .e""u ontSmaay uoa, M4.A -mmu lae . olghboriui = mbuoM w1isses Mot9lc.ouigf *OWW»m» ora"u ba e Leigh Um Imux SDIJND OVeR TO GRAND IJRY Edv., Wiliams, Who Stele a Fiih-:4 ta Grand Jury fou. the Octoer Tarm of Circuit Court. Edvard Wiliams, agid 14 year%. tic stele a dleiug taekle. front Sec Enutuî. severab daY@. ac , wa. arresti.d tay ManhblLîaberry,sd and a hIearing &fesJustice Bl@ielk. Tuesla: nor. lux. Willams opent séverai days lu tic elty jliand uni ba aia tome tcf playlng '*olalne."'Aftsr ig thé teaîlmeay- i. tic caase. tiacourt ic.uéd lt aivieeble' t tQ lacehlmunier a bond of 0200.00 te appeau. halons lIs grand jury at tic Oetoier lent o!tle circit court.- A londi vao ftraiaed »dmi llilams viii enley froedomntt ttinte. vie. bii. ymultacs i nuat body:, ven hl@ case vw h. ullpees of. Tbls pagper ras mieiuforetd vhu Il usaeloed tint Mu.. Isabel SUOrgori W"ouriolrnu lebrV*#Wl ansd imate1 Il lié future lhue. Tihé,tellovag noe fruu ber, in manmd euiataacoexpluln ltot LAis» cader h t lsinlb. May 14 - aber Sissa brief am o oan u r-t quo» *î ouaisarnardino. Calwblchb la a.t6llovmr 4I iai you veuld correct a- Iosu ly-n paper Qf May 4, regard. log apy r.lusulg 10 Liberlyvilis, aM ut fisst- 1 have seIntention of telnnn to LiiesIyvIIIta matit ny4psruaset hon, me.Thala a~mI gxlairont bel, lo.iayoser u-emr*uao. vo aboctu vers lait Istho t âln. l fne y I ssreae. k %W" a tos lte.le op s vse8.1 Tblatherlisai»W Subanlis nov.90 fpavr peur. la ths Evideuce t Muai WtMo Ne the. Fohowlng ilirmon Dellvered, Rev. J. a. ?éacouffiut, of Thia lie bu the Preebvterlan Ciaurci, 80 six Menthe Age. The foliowing sermon, aithongi del. lvared la tb. Presbytérien durcI of hile place lenme mix montbe mo, by 11ev. [. B. MacqutRa, bas.npIubîleisi l b.é Nortbwresliru Chri@tin Advotati, leé rLudali'CoumteRecord, the Fmlly Eloelàd iWeekly Star, et - Msim, ,(,a 4 a iax t hal lieue. auffi -&lbt raquet of mM7 it tla nproduced linldit palper. am ti5 anijectIoleonae tiport&me to theehuman fawphy la général, amd la wortiy of considérable thougîl:- Tac WtsB 0F OrTm IPIMT IN casemas EXPEaMaCu. 13s lIaI belleveti on the doof endei bath lb.évllneeetu hîntasif. 'lJolie 5. 10. ,A cbrlellea expérience la a cenaclous chune la ou r lie uhch briugm leia, ey. and poae. Tis a a perforai un*tsr tbml coes e s hîroual aur eonviction of spiritual neolsd"by mn :ssverviag leyalt te i rof heti divine Ide as r.veoled lu thé Bible. Il we liv. lu obédienceo thaie.raies vo will certainly fed thé îopch oethb.divine spiritt loWiepied tient. - Son e of sud la aia ur test friaihierscore nu 1. b.hé ur an inspIration - it et aiusorina Our tiapadler uni give.. »ferv ntang le lits. Tbe.duties ot Ile tint vers once bard b.coma easy. W. bars ,xporlsncod a chaigetni ewrt. oeil l aliaer now. Be psmkaus a thle balis otnature foi vall au i.' u@Ieli prenus...wor tit te film i. praiyer »cd th. burdea. ritf lieare renteo.,W. communes vitI Hlm, uni vs tai ltic bnci0of Hie prseoces. T hie le Christian expérience. We knov flDsfoy> vign vo gel vian tbey ame sud nu tient for tb. purpeeme bor ve .deslgausto accen- pliei. 0y adepllng Cie gospel nmie o Mii aud l>y mUlng Il a viW f orge 14 eduel ecoins1-:10 failevebip vit4 alivie.- inaPtiIou sofl eil #fami blgly pniaed, Thé.trissées ef.-Us Bpirft- asansulacer ls.Smm on f love, joy -il p-aco cn b.iesally iietignulas front any ether inflemne tlicuse Int aur Id. This sidenceof spirituel conditions coins* ouly tte .Christian bellever. Thé Apestie Job.nfla: '-He liat ielieveth on the Son bath the viluese lu Himt*li." Agam bo sayo, "RHereby te knov Mal vs iveli la Hlm and He iu us beeaus. He bas given us et Hie SpiritîY Tic truite of the Spirit are gment- feeted firet te tie pereen la vion thi Spirit dwelle, tien ta hie frianis sud nelgibers.* Sinners eau disceru tic Chrimtia Spirit in lie people vie ane blesaed of Goa. Now, if varldly peo. pie cau see lia. spirit ot Christ iu tié charuicter of Cirititiaus. certaluly Christians eau teed the Spirit lutin tial conviuces tichenrd tiat tiey bave beetai wili Christ and learuci ot Hlm. The religious nature of man le very esensitive te lie divine tauci. W. anre t anlY coueclous ef our lieughla aud 0i wiat v. ane delng, but w. are aise ýcens-iuus oethle kiud of influence exerciaed upon rnud and conscience. Tic dttinit. feeling pro- duced by tîiriunDiuon materlal tacto ls net monre eideut la aur f.i ban tie,,influeuce of spirituel impressien@ %hat terne te us vive ycontemplaIs tb. bopesoletia -ospel. By laklug znotice oft tics.fact. ve .-xperieute a " au ub: aiiy Drez".. ;uno allietr field 01t tiuglit or vert. W. . htaveapenonal relatiou toe eerylhlng we do. Thiuklag and workîug are tia proceSàm by vic e el ret rards ln aH ild ofdmaeffort, the religteue liplo cal epýted. .&Ifve ecept lie gospel raie. fecouduci sud mate tient budina upon oursalvai clu thé adlustuxn te ursoclnlcandltond vs thali1 bavé a Christlan experisurs ebeauseoan e etinCiedernaneiso rtie.promis.: -1If.7e do th ic vii t aj -Fbticr y. shah knev 0f lb.doctrine.P iTic ChrisianIte I. a basy biloefit and gooi varka. W4 bale,. i%àeprornie ?vae put eur ltis in.10pructice Mdi tien cornesconsclon eus img. 1 Pen#onat tIb la Jeanus e a divIne k avicur Paer flbe of .plritual rsuhe eIl ilaepels doalli «dniopenatha dot e spirtualoJ~ i nt SMbviibt mcd rt fui lu the bopeo.ai Immortellt, ,(t il tua.'. InieriWsuMd Unsh aould posseai bIL l Itelaa isart isi"tM@,tleue. i rConvictiun for lalb. sinor'. saper 1 xporienusTic butter-alats ot bils e uel as & mualleel as thé former. SIi rag 1 orroir. Foru<lvên.s.brielge jey eau Prayer la à Pm"snaimattler Midl n eveu.totalla logeairuce w théou vbc .prlas . ma0"net gsIwbal Uqet I le gh Dog nt leieatA tien w. elueub Bul tis lovng spirit lbvhlch ve Prey lvili b. 0ff ntalusitul value le ne b.cam of et icfeeling vs bave rimI Gai la pleassi itI vlat wu bave, iom..Ont W of religions voit M" g Mb. la mre splrilsialmoeiea@ uel aetemporal OM&ee. b evidmero f anuvan te o tç, pe.w é=ter 1iste .gre ~~ vhich 0" meebs ou l~~(e old. Our PWOssM Ctas4ln s eflc lte .lromsfl M*qi*6 wiceIl a"t at i b.vorli 117. Ooti, Jpî'prltoref lia fruit sto 6UNWapoWtospapcroMtneced vitb Berklso thlovarlcMa s ets otMvÏ 11101 a w wapparatus, lthaï matin« It a btolliflBopscacie ihou laatud Pralu MlW of ail Mode snd prieu rlphl. i. À. orq*vebas acceptoi tb. posilion 0s itptsetattveci tii. Amrfcac Educs tioss al Igu% the prime abject heln ta ocaýsclb efter vhich le prouecu tins. Who "Sms sla th litle, «la"i tmoë. àà uw seil a«y . GOsr'l on the aimgt for Iboas Who folev tht. tseaéw ijr ~isng Mcd vili proascuis aul erbublialu ts repect. Iletto e ii.Hlhvay COMMie eion.n i li bortyvillisTovnsiip agi lh. controns for a eontnu, .culivert aet the Hsiàbs-mâoq road teuHM-fcyes, LIso ferth tii sraV agnd gradlag !ôr Mx roae u Ià *6kwuehip tasesvirat con- L ratorsthe. Miount belon sxpeuded lt - luiproi amsta viU n.ch l48000. Eseis. Ibis tlie cotnmnlaiones iii i. ether lsnpro'rements diaburme boit oô000. Wihh thoa aeth îe 1ev.- ehip viii lie .goe4 gradsd aud graveled iilvays, 8v.ry ceontraCter hua giron a bond, thus*ianrag good von'. Aller dellberating on the. question fcr se te a, bafte flally declded te nudertalh go aedia~onal vert and vlîh tbat abjsehla viv, 1 Jiavesongaed vîti the. Am«a Edbe&lloWiaLeane, te npeet' i t h dams educatlenal verst., hoceal. te umost li.the m*a"sdliii ' t in iotis. Mcd faaE M sad ft lb.le zof hit Wyo1~rs:or vu. ou tb. Whit, Sd*Ttiby mnesîA. Dl.Ssrî fe. J. A. Gaevxa, ibertyvil, III. 80 Do yen knov thal Isleas»y te burs soit cealI. (0Ifs'.gandceai, vishout lb. ennoyanceofe sont and amote. jusl gi" ve tirefi a very little air en top. Don't chieckthle steve pipe dusuper solo lose!,. Use Pyrelîle Washed Nul. Yen ce ltiftrou lié Home Lumier Cen.. paay. It bedecloely, but lightl, and eavseenough air epeceila-the frelo bum &ailtle geues hhat venud tiervise make sont and stoke. 16.11 Notice, To thase who are holding plan boots, ve would lite the rzeturu of the same, i; net lu use, etier parties deaîrlng te leok ,et tie wark. LaeERrTVîLLx LIJMBEa Ce. t.31 O F uAIE COU04TY ftbla 1f sl t icowu ofaiu*spabllcan P mari". la he boit TNURSDAY, SEPTEMIER 10. 1910, Llvem Were Endan Fl ad Tuee4ar nonthme. Wu. oery indl.ion durlng a runevay, Chat lb. lvS of à lad.v gsi tfroua Ulglaod Park. vie vuavielllng Ibe %' Clanbea. Oiu fmlly wet o1the. eity. a"d a son- la-law of Mr. Charbonesu. would bbel r» a ouple ivoescentjtir vay to tii. Creatnerywitii nierai cana of.18k luaa aprint wagon. to vibicha. hitebsi s spin of fiery cot. Lecèauma etacld the. barc...M uicb aiad"1tg r»t,mid ile girations s*ued le e. »In 1te bon» eunees.. Witb bell stieds lu tis conditlon a -nnaway vadl nevilabi viien tf ie pouk uok ine end atart. ed out nt a br.ack.neck pesuk For a lime exitein eut ra ib. but vhs. lie> reeebed tis Frank Dvuwnd rmsidsnc. ou Dirviaion St.,t rua lotoa teishens Polo, III. oncenetofwhicb tbrew the occu. peste gote t.renu" i. heung IedY lioag tbheava udndtb nuesofi'th. boises let. ii. ruwaay vwu noliSa bp Mr.. Dyamd, wiio nmv gla predic.. t o theb.lay, and wect le ber aid lu osier to prsvetl trome inJnry. Tb@. lady and .smeuan veto, mone or 10Wf bruleed. and ItlaI a miracle tha er oe net Immmrd morelIa lieyvers. Tihe damags o b tivehiele vas nominal. M. W. A. Excurmiont. Tic Woodmnuexcurioin fron t Roke- feler te Kenoeha undi nIarfi vibI occut ou iVetlnueay, Jane 8, tic round trip, being 65e. This le tia occasion of the auaI picuteeofthIbs order and as Ilene mne a lerge unmier et Woodrncn bers, Cica. aboui b. an unusual ltom ont. lu taet it vili ba conideni a 'faiUy meet" and the Neigibone shouldi ura eut enmassé. Thé pubic ieinvitai te attend. Tickets for sale at(iottis fruit sIoe, Fegr's Flaggz's. Bockelntan'a, Mrs'i alan by tiecucomntte.. 85-lt iCLOTL1ING1 Lua" your mouture for .a tallOr-Made "'lit 01 clothes Îefore the stock of samples la broken. Von Êtit bpfore JUlY?4tb. We eau get it Out tu one week. FIT GUARANTEED. 0 W. ca rry a fulllliuo of Overalla and Shirta. Janesvllle 'make O orduroy Fauts f rom $2 to $2. 50. layer IlIwulkee Dress Shoos$M50te $MA0 Hamilton Brown American Gentleman'si Shoes; .Mt-nzies EIkSkin $ho@@-the hobi ei . E. Wu.',DARKIIURST SCIIANCK'S BLOCK LIBERTYViLLE, ILL', ro,',090,-- ,lr Sodby . IB.ý The eaboe for myms.ainw Pie Tabier prdem e IdmiSeriL me 60gs.fcae mo amesso ull Obia, î ufflre«M loe mm bMr umeue er me. for -, "bel I w PlIIONE 470 Pride of. the -North, Ri#e's rfavorte, Uarlù Gîont White Dent, Reid9s gýê4 g Dent, oIu még. Pt' Reliable Seeds OnIy SoId b4y Spedal on 111e '#Now Clin. *The Batable -Question . . . * If (t perplexes you. Yenu have the red> in o ou huand. CHMNGING GRORRS rt uit piecMofima an t change of eatablu-which ass mretirnes a p"ety ocd * thing te do. THtIS STORE fuel. confdet that it could @ gue yoe r.>duy sataslac"ln It has no doubt whatver * * as te (t. mbiily te please you the(ftrett flne you corne. and te kt eeprgt on pleamiag ou. * Winlyou give it the ppruaty? q> Coiett ~F redericks .i,""eTYVILLE. iLL. 0