Ys. :'ýN T rOR SAL! BY J. ELI ýTRIGGS i Phone,25 Phone 3 F URNIStIN-9S If Ionus'ver punchas. a.y*hh(, bers that doesn't give yxmn complets satisfaction vo vant-ycu to corne and tell us, and giTe ne a chance to "-make good" Thit'a the vay ve've butit up a ateady trrde. No matter hoyw bard you are to please, vo guarantee to plem e o-tri'un., 1Corne to us for your nov bat. sud vs guaran tee to suit your taste and your pocket book. W. bave a&U the nev, styllah shapes and shades-and our bats@flot ouly look veil, but wear vell. XJWtRYTHING POU MEN. J. B. m ORSE & CO. Everythl.ni for rien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL See us about STA VER BUGGIES iftg to select [rom. Good Prices. Buga bggyWith a reputation end koow what is und=R (le lt The Staver is a St'aver SCIIANUK BROS A - Little.- Ckfck . Talk. Would vou 1k to mako au invetmnent ln locke ? Hors la dock itock abat wou't ]et you spend a«y mouey uuwlae!. If von just waut i bedroona doek, .ootnetfg mereI> to tel the tim don't pend _véry muo-eey a doi or so. Bt If iou dmgue an ornament for your living room, pay un $5 or so, ànd youl spqen4 jour noney wigely. We Repeat-D. u uW"thw est7Àin Cbcks? Il».-Le t gusShow Yo. h U6utyvifl., -M .Te lmeure publication ln thIi ngopen- *dent, copy m et be ln thé* office no lstar : than Tuestiar of' mCh' week. Adver- tisers, "especmty. are asked to, take *part1lar notce tu Ibisafflect. Addlilo."I onee on page 4. 0. IL Lune vWtoid Lake Bluff. Tuemilay. lyt9» w&Y, what are von duiug about .ubooe Mmles? Mma.Ciao. Bilan le vIstlg ber motiier at Waconda. Mur CCI.îk Corlett vas a Waukegan vistai Tuada>. WarrSe Hatb transaclsd huile...il Chloago, Tueeday. dapot, lir. i t "conset party" excuse wou'thbah mauci longer. M. Hughes, of Âutlocb, wu» bere Say, on business. cel, the fariner.,, b"d liai rain gs to tii.. an!va. ba Appley, of lb. Milwaukee freigbî l.ei slck at bhine.mq sud Mr». R. H. Lytie bave gone to mgton, thou futurs home. a. Farebriei sud Clmarce LoveIl la Orme.Lake t3unday. E.Braleiy hs purciamoil a neW 3 car, 09 the. Jtkion type., a! ofus vllf hDoW a lot more viien FI comet returus uoxt time. i nrce Suaali visiteil theboni. of .llieon ah Lelubtan, Sunday. st Kimmerman, 0f Cieago, Was st.of Mine Aima Tript w. Suaday. eM. Alile Davis, of Gonoa, visiteil eti, Mr@. M. A. Protino, Manday. asurmied by many that the xmate population WiII not oxcSsd rtiiat the. çomet bai Dat hillsd dl, lutst naur attentionto, ert Day, of the. Dow' planing mill bukogan, n'ai hors Saturday on îbutase. W. Walrond atonded tbe Episcopal convention viileb canvened hi Chicago Tuemday.. Eldon Lichen, o! Fox Laies, la spend- Ing bis vacabtion vith hie graudmotber, Mrs. Spring. W. A. Arnus,chiof clenk and auditor of tb. Chicago American, bas maveil ta Ilaveuswoail. Chiaries Proctor andl family were guesta ai the. Geo. Maan home at Prairie Viw, Sunday. J. E. Meredith bias reeired 2000 carnation plant@ for bis bat lianes Deir thlb. ad iepot. Pale andl "Happy" vere in Wankegan Sonday, vherecb.y viiitedlfrienaeandl acquaintances. Wm. Waironil attended the memorial services of iii. late King Edwaril, ut Chiago lait vie. The postoffice viii ho loseil Decora- ion day tram 10 o'clock in the morning, 4LI In the. evening. Pogular services at St. Lavrence i"". alun Sunday aflernoan at 2:30 o'clock Every baily veicome. Mies Amy Yager, formeri> of Ibis ciy, spent a few day. lait voek at tii. bome of Ilie@ IrseeTrigge. Andren' Heniienger, af Waukegan, and M. A. Davis, of Baouth Dakota, vers bers Tuesday on business.. Mr. and M es. Bert Lusk, of Waukegan, @pont Sonda> visi their parents, lir. sud Mrs. L. H. Ilrj'ant. Mitr. SainRoies andl son, Harald, of Frteudabip, N. Y., are visiting vith Mr. andl Mrs. Louis Z. Protine. Chen op. Sprilug laaimait aven Nit- Monda> the straw batl li bhein perfect arden--summer vill bave arlvod. Wm. Wiialen ententained ie lmdaugiiter Mn@. Hudiluitan, of Wauhog»ansd a relative fiona Newton, la., lumaday. Mrie. Fîretine, an oId settier, vas barieil tram hon late rWmduatL.»Ighton Bunday, ln th. Dlamoud Lake Cemtary. AttornneyMuer vent ta lilneapolla, Nînu., Tuesda> tibere h. viii transmt business, returnung Monda> of nexi vs.k. Get aur pris on draIn tile hefare buying. HareLum=0o, 27-tf Dr. Bruns Godlrsy. of Cbîcago, and Miss Grae .Klacad, of Notbwet.rn Univerity epeat Suuda> wlth Prof. aud ie. Pugb. E. J. Madds, o1 tii. St. Paul local yardslbas remarwad tram Chcago viiers liaWousa patilt ti heMonroe bospital for mon wsskm The Waukffl«biiol udren ame acting a dsputies taiealtii Comnila ioar . V. Kafght ta enfors. cloanli. nies in that oit>. Thimiprompu dance. given by the. Amici Club Feu.> eveuing, vas veli attended. . Muai, vam furnlsbed by the. MeCornalck orhestre Tie i. ldie'fa keaide Cemetory Auication wIll nuit vitb l]re. Edith Welli on Fridiky altonnoon, IMay i7. Tbere vw lb. work on quilt. Tii. LadiW'Aid oclets of the. Pnesby. terlsan hrà Wvin met at tiie bome of )m i ib.rt L14e, Tinrid"a afrnon, June 2. Thon vwillb. wonk. Tii. Be rCi aypi>Mie Privalis 8ersIai>" viii taà* place .I lthe Town Hall, Thursila> evoaniaJuno Sud et elgbt o'ciock. Prie. 50e and 35c. Tiiers rlllb. a gaine of baue bail an Stands> alunonouion Manday, n'hlch insane tlimt hielocal teani i sta Nr. &Mm-Nra. George Baoehn sd danghtems, 1&1at a rie, rsturned W.dnescday eteni ng i-om Slver Cit,i M exico, Bter speuding the *inter thon Mr. sud lira. Hart> Pester vieflted Gu Bradley sud fnI&l> near Bondant, 1lut Vriday .vaing. Vbul. hers, thiiy ±ook1 àajalt" trip la N. Bradley'@ nsv auto1 Tie. yuMI..a opole dance.giveu by Mise Valiedancing chool at Bock..i Melii.,, iardar aveainglu NcBridelea bat. EvMeebdy luvfttd sud a Cood hmle "Mma.e Joha Voolrldgs, Whoba d etroïmeof omraleu m o ane ime ugo, bu snIflcIea rscovaed su am ta, b.ableatoun'.k about mie born ais rmovry wili b. goi neya 10 hie loion 0f Irlande. Thé. W..hisi lMMtBunda>, put a dmns On the. gameOt baisbail bot W05 lg Wem uSPortél; O(ooda and the local tes.. As farMi - ia.Contest progssmd the. score stoad 2 ta 1. iu favon of ithe vliting club.t Tii. sub.&dlmou of the. Epwçrtlat Leugue Wiicbhald a convention n luho Metiiodist ciiureb lu Wankegan, Satur. day aflernoon and ovoning. A large number tram Libertyville Will b. An attndance. dgilen Armaur ileiiaving 400raiso! the Page fonce put in place by D. D. Herrick. In' tbe meantimp, lMr. Herrickt fini8beil erecting 160 rail, af tii. ame kind of fencing ut Narth Chcago, for a Cblcao party. t Abaut tif t> OdilFellave enteriainedi their wives andl eweeîbearte Mooday eveuing ai their hall, lce.creamu and cake vere serveil. duning whlch igocia- bility tva. ai its heig hi, Bitai whicb a dance tva, beld. Fran and llBier Saturday tbe ticket office at tthe electrie depot will b. apeneil t0 the. public, ai wiildh timo, paseengere can purchase ingle, round trip, airu bundred mile ticket@.. l. Proaser i. the autiiorizeil agent. Tii. Lake Countz Tuberoulosis Tout Colony are again crampoil for quartons baving tunnel aa a ie patiets Isat week. A new bath bous. and s.ptlc tank andil flter bed are b.lng added ta the prosmnt eqnipmeut. Unueeselar> anguiseh vas causl Sun. day hi the bead of a family, who went flshiug and not returnnng home at the ubual tins, tiiat h. bail met vith a sud Ifate, p.uiiaps drowueil, but b. "ubhon'd up" ail the smre, if he vas laI.. Tii Antioch Alvertîzrnhall instalod a Mergenthaler junior linotype, vrhicb vas nsd lu getting out the deilniuut tai l1ats of 179 colmaus, a total 201 extra pages. MNi. Weber will inn tii. machin, bîmeel! ais oon as ho heomes fainillar it lt Il 4J. B. Bnadey, of Rtoudaut, bus beon teetod as one of the ulirée judgu e preside aven a work hors. parade at Chicago on Manday., May, 80. The mnovement was promoted by the ý oth. chll's, Armour'e sud &ailhli edlng owPsesoi gb pde ase eXAMWINATIONS Sugins Friday, May 27th, and Contin. "ues Througl, the Followlng Wé.k. 1lXMIAmni .sin ithe Grades Heid1 May 81et and dune lot. .i 4 4 4 4 4 J isin eidgC re Bouda> moaning ,Mars iiLlbery r1 sdNi77uui va. kept bila> aunsrlg, phone talla tii.wedding of *g »MO tram Kenouha 112 regard to a black Austin Sachem mat AusMa IiIl hors. hltcb.d ta a buggy, whlch b.d Tuesiay evolg i.cem hesu tolmn saturdsy. But ti.y Werm tooplac etat 1. e f th e'brldV ]ate for our vigilant maaiai to do auY The groom liciluth. emploi eci, Kood, as thie tbef witîbistclu proPorîî BShore Eloctrie Llgbt Co., asi* b.d. alread y paeeed tbe point mntloued Bt whlcb place tii.> vill reelde. ln thi e au." ,altbough the> were mseon l Du »O the vicinlit> of St. Mary'@.ÀA<hrmî at r, Columu eu c"em attheIndins-edp.lnt. Maintim sb0;ut 81X 'clock and later on at Hall Bradlley & Vriomau Pure- I D"y, aoutb bound. lesta longeet. Mod by P, IL da 1 1 Eiainatione Ila the Bigb Scheel belns.Friday, Ma> 27tii, and continues 1through the. fallovlng week. The. ex. aumnatluInthe.grade@ viii b. h.ld Tused an d Wedneslay, May 81 aud Tiers viiib. ao meboolilutii.forenoon Mondiv, Nay 801h, on eccount of Decor. ation D*Y; buttibers Win in tIDeb.aller. »aOn. HRawvvrt ters ull b.ean exain. p ain uPhysiceand aieon.tlunLatin 1, Monda> mornlng. On Sunday evenlng at 7.45 o'clock MOnna commencement or Baccaluanrate sermon, vIiib. preaciiedIn the Methodiet Chureh b; Ber. Wlppfe, subjecîr "ýProfié and L4mLa." t le boped uaLtiti. custom.- a-7 union service vilI be beld ln cou- junction wlth marne. T.bursday evening Bt elgbt o'clock the. &»er dam. plsay wll b. ive t t the Tovu Hall, lu the. absence of e mucli deeirmd Auditorium for sncb purposs. Thus pl.y, "Tii.Privai. Secretary," le tii. popular production of chase. Hawtmîi lu wiieh Win. Gillette starrhd much ong tinie. And le, according te theo Drarnatlc Pàhblnig Comupany, tiie moat populI eslling play for amateurs .Out the markeoffoesthis Moon. mms WaYuê Cou>y le Ufing evea> effort te masIL a succets, vhlcii le, of cours. undmtoo& and anticlpated. , Tii. PrIi Sacretar>', vboisspre. or by education, Wta e i.roi@ of &Iii aiormsuid sublect lat for exporlonce, aud tu »Y> the. leeat, la a ver> awkward bsetary, canstantl> in the. w4>.ont of liarmon> vth the, suait st of Loudor .oclsty,as lashovn vien h. conatanti> *-arm bla"galambea" ttahte.Utter em. birrssment o! bis cultursd and cynîcal une, Mr. Cattermoie. The. tallor, who vly attempt& te 001100t a bil for hie goodm. là fallsd and leesved an froquentliai lis la jecou.- ddesd a grad joke vhen bc. matems. Tbe chaperons, MissAghford, ilis ay5 enheiious nid %oul, but itie ivo g»d Ielsgaisd t. ber cmr are toon mahftu be aMd as. tbs'couiat surce of dI appolamtamsu omr. A"Ud hheoiu earastuesiluaIl, thuriss, maie a Mre mI.messtiug sud aflractvoeuasand warrant nla molicitlng a hallhouseon the date msnlloned. The. n-t ovsnlng ai elght o'clok, la lie Meuhodiat Clurch, the. annuel Coin- mnucmsnt ezerclase will b. held, and s 'or> lntersting programme bas bhou arranged. On Teday ovoening. ;Lne '. the Alumini Associationî aie planning abanquet and Iimlabaped that the. loyal Alumini vilI cheerfoîl> neepond.' Tii. mcbool noode the. co.operatlon ai the community in lbie . loslug evente and the. pupils desorve the preeue. of $&eh mem ber of the. family aud a friend te oncourego thein u ueir effort&. May bey not depenil upon it? Mysic Workers Entertalned. Tuesday sveuing the. Myîîic Worker, entortained a number of friende lu thoîr hal at whicii the members and tbeir guesei bai a good social tinis. Tii. rening'm entertainment c )isislof a lterary and musical prograna. tii participante of vbich won many laurel. Beuidoi the rendition of the. prograin le. cram and cake Were served, alter whicb n aid faubloned dane.wa. enjobod. As etertain.rs the. Mystlc Workerie5ars unxcolloil. Failowlng le the prognai gion: Sot ......................... Mâie Quartette Duet-d.~.i...uth Taylor snd Been ICohniey gadng*......................Mrs. Mattocke Solo...... ".................. . eeDivis Rettation......................... is lEer B0o 0............... ......Liu MXcVorrlck Reding ......................ies Hawk ui.*--*..Mr. Mattocîs aud Myrli. Lucé Mr. Puflers SBilver Weddlng ... M. -m Eer gong................... ...... Quartt. Hore'@ a reliable recîpe ta foliow. let a gond paint. ta .pread Bradlley & nrooman Purs Paint end yûu've got a god job. Sold b> F. B. L0vzLL The. Y. A. C. baie baIl] clu b viii crama bite witb the. Highland Park nins on bil Y. A. C.' grounde gaturday. Surplus and Profits 80,000.00 Stockholder's Llabllity e0,000,00 Total $1à0,00o.o0 -ee- Tiie grmaissiWast ergaluilhas ove bie JU'fortune ta purcim; about 8 sloff etf;as Ie sudi fano> hrimmed Shiai Valstg, Maie fnom mercmrhms4,wvile lavu, maim " nve uea mee solil for tram 82.00 to a 0,00. Evi oui bas fane> front, madle of elther PlanesLaceor EmbroldrY; aber., sud bati am e oUy uhd sud, elaboralel> rinmed vîti fi a epn hiadint; aaàcst ever> Valu in Me&s l a differeutoyk .,W. naukedtheu>tomsall .ô. but for ans vsek eail oaBer tien>ai lheextra ispecla prias ut............... ...................... 1. g$1~5 We' have unexCelled Walaî Valu#*, 4 at, $04, 864 and 58.0 tJbwlrtyiý lw h, -OA APEtOABT I L. MREFTIO *A New Line of Colonial Draperies and CurtalQ Madras FulilheQ IIIrirs OooWï" Om ne ud two Sfrap7Saudals, amd Oxtods 1er A Rare.,Cheoce 83.0 Odis. 83.25 md 82.00, SA bank prospers when the people prosper. On the other hand, the people prooper when the bank prospers. Neither la independent of the other. Itlei.exceedingly comfortlng for the dopostor t. feel that hi@ funde are Judlclouély lnveeted or safely gared for. W. always keep a goodly portion cf our funds invested lu securities that are quickly convertible int. cash. CrAke uu fhtm ai hmabb~ capital $50,000.00 :1