Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 6

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............. S... by PASTOR RUSSELLIS h-ne deslait ath.lie giit t. jeo. Suu yet tut tror ti. mni.<ba*os RUSSU.flotwsun. M ltt<ait a. Buamtlo o T...tS lT e Overthoïw 0of bt nt wid lvc toleucte té sotr. cia àù Satan's Empire iýW oetepu ur-i et tii.b«« tp<wem. ve me. té aW cratastrophe vihlch aiirasait TWI &eww, %4Mar lU.-Albe ge. ommd, <ouglte auj viiiof mn. 1Ho wSrMla rapdy remaii ltfflais vu agate oeovi ta hm rwarned au taainsi, occuit inofluc 0f mwilwes. eissmiiy and Iwu qu*g ae. u evm Pl& . ,gln < aith. lmna al vii r Omh a, 0; ;Worm qe"uqh b w.vd lisonli hb@hiad#cgg Silleton whieti viimets ort a Ueglam jet- submited 'oniy ttheb. Mmi taecmk miiirat». tWhbuities*aui &W mrfl oithwuuiut è by hlm onl".itelltmetly in accordtnce golab. te iitoutoy lithée iob O .Ld *aietibvouo0-r t0éaSie, many vl t im luuctne itu theBible. The. Bible lu ualingattention ta <iii. gr.alt dîne et troubi.. varia the pet:c .4 vhassirce« iliaon, ontu etre Sts a'. £mpr& -«'*a ne mine »ÎleUthé mmb.eearh- Satan.tlirongii= faim, e» 910 of Gai. â80feade osseibe tearave uÏ4 t hlsm u.age.1H. mmrted, ma"i'doctrine@ of devile,' lbas entrenctiai bath i. dOf <b.eou;trav.ruy. uaym& **M l ga", the ie uUiltY af Sa- imseift luthe. .uPeatlpan ani réju- tieek meokue..; ueekrlhteoUsuenim ' tg& DUt mecrdlaffta hlm ubowlng 1l die. neto ny of th iistben, but ciao It MAY hé bat YO %hallbeb u tla thé le tot Mb te amPPam e tii si- af tbe 'clvlllued.The créai& of ti Ith"Yo'hé o -S ue Pe(Smhaulaii O»eW « MDai <qtube saroff c«ok- D*rk Mm e vhduicithé tactthat bhéil, 3).Wit thewrock ar prfflt le- 1ttuiig the. jeai.lihai mcii todo wlth "b rformulati n ttolons Veet, thee ndu«i btoaa be 14 them cu ib Decevr Hlm aiese doctrine,,autagultic ta the, régim . go Sa l o l i i hé thé bout of *, w » é Utul t e b heu n o vlu- Bbe, hav e been patineit oef pon ns Iidad i m - 4 orlf e "Mugeni et <t it bum aidty in i1isgt hé Ctarc i- s verteble Bib ie tr thé-just as Satan tnet <at thé tiriptur . de ear , ýW % du*ammfer hlgM i udIigit for .adeavored ta twist ani inusappiy the- It fiwere not for thé IUtlmt ber. ~4m .Giaiaiimot create hlm a Bible ta lesu Ie lt.vldernesa temp- wouli hé nofa shabsaved. (Mark 111. 60IL '.HO bOeamn *Wb ii uef-perver- tatian (Mark 1. 13). Thug Satan lias 2 *oreInterposition of thé aect au OkI itwst hambition. Ornimy hie causai grensdariiies ta caver the<the Kingiom of Gai muleeune, tbe i bu» *VIsLS clfe-Uorulng Star. . He heathen and considerable igrknea , ogmet King and Rend -ai thé Ulect, la iO* O ettuparents tu =Ben. notai caver theeMcilad ,artiu.But we-m e lmUer Inia 'ta that ia*kcloni. Wbr or ta Produce p race ta <hetr lnte mornlng of té ewDspns-The moment o a mii' etremltyvgiU . Mwn mâ euand e oveteit an empire tion, eIcbiçb JOptglirhng na mnc'hi biais- ti.nmliofGdsoPouil miliii<ie ase hsotUbjeets. lng tte ile *oiaof mn Ind nthe<b, 50 terrible Wviii h<at «hiee t <lieu- Muer ix thoosatiiyearsGol.aspe. ulIg cf Uihe '.. 0f man's under- hle that the Scripturee s-ymboUal mt$uu battan ta exercè&e t'fEéàreafet Sndlitg,nd ln lbyslcal blesl4ige.nd rau etIemawllli;a ai 4i'4tïre power aver the, race and Ù, -cornfortl3' As a resuit we bave thei. a a a dm S orne bave num-int«opret- dbe"la ta bath angels and men thlie tr- w»nderful convenleuce and appuanc ed at<les. tcrlptrs and are expoec<lu< Ob»ui ont si n. as exemplîffletin ofaisamnandi eloctrfrhtY, the. inid a ltenti lurning of <lieeartli. but thé, 'Wbat tlie Apotie terme the «reign of press andthéli eleci l ght, as Intnd Lord denominates lt Uice'tire of bis leal- * aad oui doati, ni thé mental, moral of thetnllow candile andi quuli peunoai usy'whlch ii ii devour Socety. Andt Ou Yi acal dégradatian reutng. the at. *Wiatsoever dotii maleé lien lie tels un that. following <b. Stee »ambais i fot been alane. Not oni>' marifest la liglt;' andi Mb lIlgiit la eftrouble beIi& vfltiratethUicpoapia aa 18 hée "thé Prince af -titis world".'Or due a" et tuis Urne ta God'a cause- Pure message that they 'miy ait cmli 0,90. but additionally hei.îithe -ric crated pîeople. Tii. llumination now ipon <lie namne 0f <lie Lord ta sere et ievlim-demasThfe spaker show- gvanti tae<lie eyes of out understand- hlm vith one consent' ( M à . dmi it eiiScriptes.. «eneeî. H; tag as Clistians, <roui Bible stuti>'Satan bans bai mchiteadSa vlt e> lue a)boy thés. subardlnate de-lielps, ia intentietitaelie for <the Clris- mIupttng the messae original!, ir.n te' iObliai once bain hiiaai pes.ton- tisa vbat tiie are-lighle lut nature. thie Ciiurchbyb Jeiaansu thé Apoiates. in#l*hiea" hei vii ey.8M»&uiand- Manes îtihervlency, teSatan l uTiie Jarring reeii bave made. îW bey. unvilltlng aptirlty. Bren tiiose vha<cordanit -B& * b ave ittv* -itke APeittaPeter glves the. ey<termeure thoir bandage do net generally uLii7 noble -anidloui9100a ris ebe reu *Matha th le matter vhen, recagnise b>' vhom tliey baye m ftin iithé Bible. oiffs naUaog ta géliug tbeev. cnnefl t enlayeti. But gradialiy th bonde <bat Mle comltion oett<lietsiu~ t le, gG héa tolgw tisQgthe f <etth mae reaklng as v e .uar <lie Urnfe a r. <bat ber chang-Wt hé t at <bt Un»mi vé 'la<hé days atait. oiovvm. Âering <te<lie gtasy lnth <e PiUt Bo.usruc ~~~~ilu ,lia' spii< a w< Bibeor Lord at hi. a eiî Airent sous hé e oiipulmoi a t <t~ ~ ~ t 1* I B.-Téeauuav vi ni <the âdv«mary if« ahobnu-thie relsu Of IN ami IMIT MI.,- oM pw« oi te bate a uni Y«e s bat ha mmy decelve mau- ntuiiit he KingiOm et0f iaua. ffltw « théeliium race, vith a Vlav ~ falp, ettnea h hi-<i adg i<évri< te behoi: he asas mii se <hey e iiflences of lght andi Trutiiand suiperititon, etc., vi trminais; le buabie. nivWb% for the pa- r, ae vm hé l et lbase In the, orld 'au1 <le blini eyez wvii héopeumi » et ruioimg uci assstace a nd as a reu4t-'tiie knowîetige cf <the tuthéeticaf cars viii ie unstoppeit' a& pue m dln uv ehissitanperta <l<>r>'of G<>ti @hal tithel0nbis e Lrd'.Pure message oraivs eartMi: Insteai ae the darllnessoaiJustice. Divine Lov-e. Divi»eW.e MIa tRa. hecamne enamoreti of théeat. nedofhearlmw bl c huaitlimi..ant prfereti<li bu th nilitai in ntitieth le. andi Divine Power ererteit on am M-AUIlenai, a prfered he m-'be tlia morulag u of '.' n nd glndness bhélif shahli e mad i nown ta ore7 feggtra op <eir avu muate ausirit andi restitution andi blesslng. 'The sua ereftture. bâlit. The,>' uni ett <el, original of riglteonanetis wîîî arise wîl h Idai- ltellow-Chrlmtiano;, Wiat anu,i 0tt, s Jade aisa explalnm (Judie lng ln bis béants., or <bat glilaug tii-e ta become more, and nfm ore 4 Thèese angls amre <le Ces dec- dey Saint peter spoke. saying, MTmes andi enaet asu<lie Ber ants of Sa »Mafl'<le sons of Go.' noue of af refi-eeîing shal caine fronmt<lie andi gracious a Sgorerelgty-tiiaj the bamau feuilly hélna given <bat Présence of <lie Loi-iL and ble osli enti aur Fatiier nti oui-Redeemer! àAm la4me atter thie faIL Tiisangels vlo Jeans Chi-st. aho hefore was preacli- n-bt an incentive we bav, ta seekx: *8 trou <ber noble vomit andi cOtai!-eatnt you, wlam <lie heai-ens must first. lu Préférence tea il eartbly lutt.. t1bâs ff b aMMe v-oreftng andi sen- rtain tu th e Times aofIRestitution cesta, a ehare wltli our Savior t is Iý 'Mil, nantetid an>' Inlatheir own f ia,, ulilags wlilcb God bath spakea Milianniai Klngdom and isitagracjoion, «eMe theé iownvmid teudene>' Of au 1 themouth oraiilte l lai'prophets vont of hinnan nplift-from tiiedeptia, *e!MUgUaiulB5ofthe. divin, law. aIne, th. vonîti hgan' <(lt; lu, 19-21). o f tln andi degmadntion ta e héheghla 46Ë4 Apouliuma Peter and Jude cear-: Satan's diestruction, accoi-ding ta *the of enrthi>' perfection and éternel tifeli 9-y Ma ketthé Pomiliiet vIsti Bibie, viii net lie consummated ututu Let' Us. ns <lie Apestle. exhorte, 'iay 01w <len sou aioeil'vO t<-buse-: tter the MILLENNIÂL KINGDOX nî!de ei-ery veighlit. andt he in that <lUipi ibi &Mir telSI B *l t51.OP CHRIST shahli ai-e accomphlslied do"s no enalilirieet us. andi let us ru laesmg biSavuiiaittka hein lts glailous work of uplIftlng human- wlth patience <lie rare set before 'vi ltin.sud aIWBtug -nu the, il>'out cf sin anti deti conditions ta (Hebrews xli. 1). Tuls race istlor'R bW@m ai WeTheb neft libmeurbas ttllbumina perfection andth le Image 'crown ot glory','es inembera af <lié bousat biS riail n at Mchli of Gt,. Ail thieunwlllng aud dis- lt i Msouarý Citai-chandt for <i «tle,-àuith<elr îMradon 1-- G111Cebd dieut viiilIe counteti as gsivanta glaons opportunlties <lieu taehémli ,Mi *-u h thOl y augs et: ldit. r.- ef Satan antill ii, tihlm inde de. fortici for <lie realzatiaqftihi<b eut MtiM te le&aSai he ii LAP-le. rc.yailan<lieSecond Deatli--extinc- 'giorlous tres ofaiservice for <lie KIhn 'Çhéinet 4-kn.. -vile theb. amu-frein wiiPli ueri viii beu re- ef klngs anti Lord of lards.î 11100te001- lei * ai ti emptijanor recorer>'. *W. cenmet suppose bat Sataet'a hélas01110c13U1110 asM Ions et 04' av o..t Empire la entirsi>' atlsfactôry te biz,- aue. Ut.git. ver ieaoeferuli, -e misonry watt of brsing seIl.Undaubtedi>' Maleoriginal <bonue 1mv.asamgeis et dai*uese' 'd-,ai.d pUftivg 'ail thé familles of the. vas the organîistion of a rean re., UOi"vichti p&Wita' n-utentaiiy enrthlin tappointai af Gai/or tii. MI- bilait that af the Âildnghty. But tbe vo iauark <bat <be are th Wiltz le121nl ingdom-and, thank Gai. <lie course ai in le ever tia*nwari. Te taWmn<inad>-l'ierlt'<.s. erd:nea ae <atst la ver> usez, yea. oiît,în contrai af aur f«rat parents tboi' ut 1. a tht & Mgbmmutedes n ,sens.. aiready>'beglnning, lis verase i iteitosteps ofai lsobeune reosecbt ueir Powers oai feiwlavhP hu&easnxsare tatimateti b>'the vonier- -min1-andt hé Adrersary i-hmmlft bav-. Ortlthé ho1110Y dangeis. anti witb monfui<rwognas iur <a>. Ever>thlng ing starteti upon thé vrong course cqu Wb&ti- heig fDa longer Privilegedte <aap- w4 auto the hépredeteratîneti number matluin hii owa standing andi bIng- pur us Mon.:<lie' Stijl eek liaunan t Mia14gonar1es shailliav-e been cahieti iomacal>' b>'detemmineti oppasition te, feilahtp. endesvoring ta gainposmc- anti sebuoled andti tedt anti faaiJéhovahi. Ths a lie hesgnlflcance et micaoaihuman betagi .vbo )ylid ti9 wortif athe ,grenu anti honorable, <lie anme gIron hlm inth le icrlpturea- thélg illa, and w» are <lien sakitu' o ot. i.qmlinlal btcd Arra>. lieut pane.e im i iterllso ae he, <muât hé a 'ccpy of o! ni'sdésar So'- '"The Scriptures set forth <bat ail bu. W bu a riiilaay mtp tnnai<ha'90 far as lienrt Intention la concernai. Umanir>' muât, eltiier nov or nome tinae, ilettingPosession aet<the ludidualThen tem, Ultslomrio. wi lor iai- cme ta the point af décisiolhtu <ba t <liueiciieti "", i 'ipeal taelin- n ie<liteu Lod, outhe spirit pla., obedience ta Goi anti iluaboilue maiity taeh ee iet,' - uma <idim- andtivhi m thé>' yul couatitute thé Théealietileut wvi i hguidai hack <p st1I< ) mettim> broui.. i.uiu te, .<0 'iagimof aiGais dear Son, wiilcbtltimate iiarmon>' viththéeOraulli soine mxtent coeuuuuicate. Andt ley 'for a thauunti Yrmviii bles e ud antiaba t h.reward oaiMlitm the Itonate il bh um&hinadctimue vorti anti bring te ae a u<at the. On thé cautrary. tb. iluobeit <beykaovwai iba itmanl>Weal Lord Our Gai bas spaken, anti mare vilfuly rteitlooai a t GaOS obnmon n o ur tie d m i I thr tho <bn w, cSwiibave est"l or thongt riglitem Unom ttba iiout<y wom iiceyerd. -"Chrlstlan people baene néemi<course ai @atan, v iulmaeylai "Satan U&i bis .horilns<es liavi! tprsii tiemelres on th more <athie fate-4ietrnctism ORMaiatl IL 07ameet huas nde.ep- 1<tlie iuoary efforts aof glteen cen- 'Bemponslbilty aithéeddeh e"," thé .Piukoedeciaritiant ilhi taries bave accompllahai comparative- te lit.eéterneland sudith o<uarl laçot héuceasedtbat hé gave Bu)>-1 uttile. Thé>' bi-m no nemi taehils- W te aicb member a 91a' rn Ibw !proofsfor ie ere aima. He couragai vitb <lie tact <bat thé comens monau a»héi.lenla «t lut. aieli anerwteiba;theiiicommunicatians ha- -rettiras shovw<t tla the hat centurykaletige ar thé Ttith. T! lIW«aiby eSluiritmht-Dr. Punit, Profuit .geaetmalnryoiao ee f<olgt Uakoiipe 9MON »Bittr OUteMSM 00Otior-to b h<le proprtionate numbera 0fr<lie boa- Trutii.-thé opprtaunty aofeta@" loulc<tnmtréia the, dead.are thén bave doublai (mlx huniriti ma- vatIOn. lm iecitnite ta ahla d-e* aegt<vo communIcatiouà tram lion, a centurY ago-tvelvm hiun4red ai thé eartli. ta Adam auieq 'Ib~m toi- tapplah. ga fer trout cai.- minions tata>'. Thjialeaiau .Gaiber ef himaehregil U *4 tin boa. rai»Mueranti medl- foreknew an ti nea. GaidlM natieemer' s ria nluo PSu anth itcopton, is aim u,-purPame <the conversion aof<lie heatiien White tlianking Gai fa1«<li imy laeelvemare iteeeve<t anti turIng <hlm age. but commuslani bisbremitl ami heglt aid ~uPnJ feaangotiiera an-.!peopue ta pzmaCli lisGo@ e aeve7try Sa o aayulafr la éi~ lat IL e n 9 Plitualhlc tnation for aa ommftse bat thé-llmct IM ià aunera, W.hii ov bl.' <5 - qd b6iela, hé tecares, v-are 1 ioarliedf er tiié future wark mlgiitt » ud anibflai iLbea us Il 11& 4pOdig te la Bible. 1e91 ha gatieeitroun every cueuntzy, po-ig n ittaye l~MS~tii7PaotI.nmini cure. piseanti tanue. Gaw i'.viibauuai tuvlia" us iilo... le ÎYWWMeaMUinbut de. 1doue. The Aiomury temparui, ua Swa «a <li% Nhl.mul - - r~ *Ü à fièr anl b vo'ybo t,( T b em a tha thti* ueytaoy' or wI4ý bat liy-noleithé.reSoe"~u~ ?Thoms, 14 mm* ilappblaiutnu trwy 4*eId._&bd th$ Arim iiiNavy jOrn I,$ .1% ratber poluigi. ooiý. .WO~O fwReorvito Only. Tii.. lée a"tviý la u.tyàoidroc- iimiff I w '* ti.populailatklu e <bat e ci otesning th*éumaber Of vwIO<g ofthei. ilseut basm 14 Ib* disaPprovaiW IS. 0m f 3mièmoa Gene,.)Tommy 0ftiih ary thé4' aul reomnta entertng the arroy ho huiiOmahAte a»at t.thever. STii.'b iw;JIt, thti.rocruit ornu ho, gWaghu mer the. séfgùaid ot b Taoomat4IoFLithout bis belng mmcii thei. vie.';» nome medical mm pub it, the -ritu t s ado tiirua $0 '"iay Mfl#-wov&bout ho whleii ho mev. fMU* Orrma tuleos bat the ne ditlo, f ffl 11"9More-4lYpioii lac &IL Weutd' hé Typhold proof. 1< le 00la mOut <bat if the-.rocou, leation ofthei.surgeon geru w-0e 8AO*>e& 00 as ta inelud t. 1 PiUia# imiiv for r 1 ia- ' wAw Xe fflâw themoemutea ta et, mut <bat li nt OOipolUtTviài an ttouei1504mmmdo«s notappeas te U"dlual nn*hio aem ilei uste tkp *ce=cy or tipiioli pophyluxlby vauwÈtm, as tii."uuaumain 1 ta a Veil àstaliuisiim act la meila sIeig.'hht la YrOutii parOUS 0s,.e me mm budwite w<OlyplUlIm. Wh" oe* itea lons te mdm lie. AM-U4 terty or 06me àébu ithér bai- the. tIrra aa miiior asemoen brom or hé. domotarwtui atbe la lu- aime.te It. Théemau atwbatch met roexmmit the 0 Maruy. lit»vol à 04V timy a"y et w»4 <ie jappaue Mi ii. gpoatefor, <hem tram typlioi dvrîng tlilr say in <h. army. Vadoliation UOmhtf'i. Therefore te May tii.y ongit fDot ti b. vueoiat.i union ail the oldet Miten at o., le, In th minaladee <lieeémeilcamon. ta anrlt <tm de9 ue hé usI t )*ut bave IL Tbia l4Otbe indicS iett, ~but ia.tors are net tflHhle. lai pomibly the fteroiaiy 0frvWU bua aiaiscon- 1eivati,. ioubt, as taeviiether tho ad. Matage.' tteIU ierlve& trou vacci»a tien arnmo wtei tblliibed as taejus. tit hum ln making tu compuloory.. m»0eMalmon are byna mm agarei ,&«grtasicim J....tva......~ V»rnm W.F ie, t&eai, l.......... mlloUa149wHuilChimoi----, oFws son&e V taa0mi......... » <lispsSuas O>isl ............. AlaSr Ouuua.-. . -Il.....j l«a E.laey, Fort aSlina, 34g MmuaTub1a, 3S& lAsemi Ciml Fat Sauian. JO; Duum., 22. KItr . WrobbeL Mlvaukee, 24;, MIla Schneider. 24., Peter qiiler Petergon. Racn...211 Ne"te Briddls ....:............. 21 Gustave Lofneit, Milwaukee -... 3 010V a. P«Wosq*w luy. 40" *rounad lae oumeon lwa8i S!.e<st -Utao Icebubulr, hiaommlii@hiop. Orsdtobue. 10W. H omay uMWTar bamslbeaa bou&um ovii leitfor &Bi &doumtseoft the thrst Mdi W= or hate d àk ît a bu iule t1 'ont" un Dooplate sni no brmul I*and Tarnalie yslav package, Botnie Patas B. Lovu.. lett.' hmi« l% Mbomiecàri.,,89o- mmt-ve bave bea BD la @oma Adjudlti« lnNotice. !er Asmnuti" u t.1ni moussa. Sa B. -WHILE Y -*.-., ï $4.OOtAýAêrirca tosà 3.5M'Alg Ameica Shoies, - 1400 CI$lIdren"s Shoes,- - 85Cc Cidreo's Shoes = 2.50 Ladies' Vici -Kid 'Shoes, = 3.50 Patent Colt Shoes,- 2.50 Men's Shoes, n - 2.45 'Me 's Shoes, 1.00 Làdies' Woolen Underwear 1.00 Corsets,..e 50C CorWI4. 75C,4 Pitêce Glass Set, 90C fancyg Te& Poôts, : : LAST I M li is is 1 = u $3.09 = * 2.99 * - - 79c 19C -2.99 e e e 1.74 e 49c m :24£ ____'49C, 1dfiCC. Ioree Lncàand Cigrs sérved on jast daViof sale. Corne and qet date and daig of tlwç love est Dé t nssi qýý si ç S'i ç s-1 ý 11

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