Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 8

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gt e co &le sn alti l tbLa fi r- %Wvia l sieregi mf muubalag jfiA a.rvnte vl on vam* aita us telatit h le <lsisIeu> Is 4mona osaith piifehve wm esepla ietnantvI wu tbe7movii <eauieCOma IL Omérla Im ae, ac -o ci fie pan urMdnh il.m *0vsseIl gm u. MKi-air Mla 0vi mbe ut tm e amta thel1 ~tkneb u *0ite b aumea jesng 'M otuner ta fiem Obi& Md lu i emt dile dmc * oslismtoNeud oet emti0 m mms Wacbw. ,viftLet cg fthe !4rtb'Ieom k, e mvemiet-ftr a NorhCL wva- $UNS 5f.ady COstrlhutor on Rot 091& front Ogth Hlema.>'Parti l4rier hiuga te s. ul DeniBon fI mlwO Why, If Law 550117 Existe: SIf la Net Lufeoud lna ny Dotait. ta*-MI B DITOIf- H p 'mbl.bsen ta Florida all vic BU~ a cod time. but home look$ s t> gocd f. me. a", . Mn.tior. did fie loglat Mdi ulet meetimo durlua fie vinter »Vrepesi thelav tfitprohlbits fie: diinirg c îlot mamUne,? wl> ti fbey do suob a fus ou fth? th People ha" sivaslocedvlthfi a f - it esst for gmanei tht tb Qm motf miiohlmaare mana t. mn tâW aleumons, barbur sbopua sate sMores. Of Course f bey ccli opoiate io brazsnly If fIcre vma vii ainst tini. opet 1 talif itfor aratuiflth@ft r çr us etbfIl. 0ftda Chef Cmucii bel* do-to the vioiator,Sd fie me.y Mi a ,'sii idaI Our maj o vot 10 utem- fima seo? Net for a minute. *ta&- mastauattaiso>' tsua'* el~14 lut b ut mot loaat, oui ove Mn.1 oa ltamsie Quaye. t*0 terror f to w8 Ac ,a~ M lhovie la a bhiltta lav viole e tbe the-&Mt" f or thae 7gs'etntf p.St t>'fat prevens t figo, vat i 1 ' b.r h de Ifftls 1m wuvasmmtla te . Oo'Wr>, If fiat Jeu, vasM sti W Au»n the peoleouki le vouiemlng bc mmse - p9003" tIomsnob ehprivu lices *0 enuble. vi> oseie eai WU meo hvI thso lav viob dmW sboncemt le Irruet& fia ma et 501 Wh"t te e..on la Tila » e« ImAuire If fhe noume roasos utit Qam the amssof the City a"ndcoucty "eu dais. ciothe*colsamns cf w.Tuf la amoft raeoe. vI> con oi *0 alo machine lav vas rosi mthe e ux buas ot mmda Vota ~ fIls Set cfsesilinfer Mostb% tutu, Icp galet go, long aguleme jo. Md lreeson. Nov ýfur th mIelo f argumui '" imrotut mi la lueres adFi yScm-lfMd fi a *bcsie v ~ube t police. Mr. RobertCoi kw v hy *0 lo machne. au , mrua? WinIbo*0mueormlia it reio %-If ho bas one? Wleft n t b lu antitat.'.attorméi t 1Oi& ou *0 sabject? Wl>' bas aMn. < Me lita e«IV»? ,AntimtltU dosah*SUN loup so quiet M Y.- ,Juet for *0ae »cf ingmeà -vlay tlreIoa resson forflli 9 tbas start- Umao imovment la notono la cou-1 IW vib the Waulus itfaL. -- *00i04 bUtta ansv»r«vbatta MMlitO bo*.Me i le of>. Be>'Gmdaue.r MOties. ao*hng has les dosa, but a» jusuOCt b» ebaen estiasticslly abus q1p àathfe chances are if vii WMt e e maisot .h.P. H. oiard la presidont 0f BasfUebl. fomlj or Russeil, E.. vas gref a divorce fr0 it viLe. LMe., cluls, on groundis of de- isalloMdmmd statutory grounds. lh bus ocomlslt $chahu alget at bis vue h flalet Kcols onApril s cf lmt yeur Mant fiat bu tigoot rnsos e blieuftbe*lad laft iu fie com- PUra>' clf fcDemain. Tic coupl1 rote tc«t o DavouPont. la., lut nol !Brf vasmadetis f0 nt g fe. back (il;f lasu«o»oMfthst ey are stilI MO »MIratiUl> by deg *"s motreproet «bher fil à. u Dmr as divorce co«usl.-l Tb$ police recelvcd ýlbR Gater cf Keni 1*0sg ft manofici *W4 iem a peta OOO 7%0 allgeti bar 90, PM stirong RIu l~*ta fie mm bom aevori Wo aO u n O tue ilfton. WH*.T IiiTHE Rffl ILSGRil NOTE-TII. SUN laslououi matter up ancande fiat suai I f alun, ta Iav provldlngai hnv altyM fIeeoperation of slot um blas N40T les. repeled -BRIT< Lake OountyQocuri m - emr> C. KocI, one of Mnwl pioU manti lest knovu arei vi. tioWgneth fe Bacne court Andte *0 S hQc bi at fie Unly Of Wluoonsn, tii. state bGepifA thé lana 5 et lca«. gui bousoaif leleRson, 'Win., andi îege.mIII..anti vlo serveti asi igrepIL';i engIner on fie t GenealPhU OSierldan ln fie i file reWeUon, tiled OSuday aiÜ rcieace. 199 Tventy-ftf atree yakee, ageti 69 years. ln 187 Hocil stetilla nafor bI Ut Milvanlce. H. tigned ma tbe largetbuildingsla tfiat amona tien ieng fie City hW Welle builing andthfe Hotel P soree -wi prant- Albert J. S"e n cf SamsJ. au th fe vust imilonalre, vho vgê murdereti1 be attaforney' home In Washine oauleva ry. vbo appeared I),189vas foui d ol n led Ut Kenosha Nes. lu àCa IePýroomina bouse an strietln ClaFo. Snell vas bu yeara Cid. ne Pass Aussuli. lvetietathfe roomlng bouse a à message f rom more fhan a year. aosh lae SAda 8 nell vas a brother cf Mrs. osia lt, Su~ne,,_îl Collin - Collnu - Walker-CoMs ,r eMOlad beau man-Loveo0f Antioch, knovu a re veut 0f Ken- Most marrieti anti divorceti vot se fhief vau e en fie UnitediStates. AIe lai le* Lacll t aout4 lied ef tic doafi and asicedti ssl etabot ~charge of fis funeral errangem, "ng anti veut Theo polos nmadeo a tilbrcugIIex near 6 o'clock. o f th0 fe ltticrçonx vbere the dven until near 9 once lOin toau e.cormous forturi deafi la obscultfy. - TIc>'ver ibls. iovsver. tf digevr mai Iled au, a fine ap- fiat Indlctai hether hoe ow a top buggy vas suicide,.vas mnrwdsrd or dueL et. floriIIf u- uracause. te~~Th noe ntàpo-o f Sncll recailed tf l ID s souard for murlen, t*0 ajate r>'cviiil Hadth fe ae= -nverur sa l a vpvas olm hie onol>'anti nHOIaWaseo- A> ofb the*i P tuPurSit ed. ToS dbp»er,&. a Wb àtýýakle t 415M 105IonPortot ta lave b.en ula non Icitdea laumI Partse 0f *0 OÎUIÏ lof csl',,, -1*ve'us -a*, 1 mm ad idur- Ins 1l0 at e. avorage 0f *13.50 an, acre #aifbotigitthiusasof acres of fila lrrlgatoti land la thegroat fract snean Caigany vere sold at $30. The sefflement, ef fie Boy RIver Valley tract fie jer 1as5 bon at à* repli a rate fiat an officai tafement de-. earee u-aet of the Company** land 'undcr#irIgtIon vIl b. dispeseil of ly luoe 30. , The trafle figumres e ielait year blve bee. dmlietf y the tact fiat of a total vbcat'produtIon lut yee.r of l06M84,00-luell.filefarmere of fie dominion are eti i oldin# i848 per cent cer uniry80»M ,00b"siels- Ie far>aera fthe praire provinces a#e Ioldlag 18.90 par cent of tholr lait years uticat, or mare fan 26, 400,M00 uelele. TIe ae etrikina 1mad lntereefIng fgures. fIat liuetrte the veelfi of the tdominion fumer. tWlf I wbesf above thc dollar maric k vîli le nam fIat the rnfle pnsoâe, ernu are fl c tro4ummes. fi7« a e esqulvsienf cf a*essl aien4> W of Md .embrs tegi-veoa enertcstu4y1 F ests., ?t Party . trée 10110vcturea.or bih te axeo f0 tgtacts lad o"ltOb-at bomne snd0 arrâe tt l4 atragin the au >i*nimtureculAsationtloi.a à m. ýabrosti-beaing Ob hfis equestion vith 1 I 1eaf W ufl atrobr 17 vitue 0f momberslap i te Il- &e. W"0f41atulg O ur oMolal pro-1 STASIYM ad ti O thn bt izols, Associaton Of ManUfacur«g rs, t '--tlao tt o fime outil sln15 cot in te - lusci, b* 'ie 1124. Se ~~Complote la everj deta». The t.- lto b.od&F 9M Offoat TakmPoIU@Mft testation and tbo3rW-, IS1*totacOdetmits l a uufStOiiS l a fetntl é bould, Ombrace- Inoft whie Ne la TIua U[ngssi Selters 1n-Th$motive for théattack oM -ý*0 ea option of a vobunfu ystEm or - "(4 a> cw'uaspractica 00400Mra Wd te DBmw Kiilvft md 510041f Fut mm*" cWio 5 4 IMat gbgr t tgId uei Is *oMaed t rongly. , don wlth utate and national Commis- Yst o ens l n UtIiol,Çolme of 1Murder ijt el ait. cliët e ca, désiera Wro- , Tihé »imm-»sdMitlon l lufroAf-1 iatome. V1le I aturse, and viti t t 1. Nerrowly Avrted-Thrs.11110«N# vSfl trllt hef*emea. The bu kesl*If If le Ide @W 17 lolatve oiNmnees W». vo Maut Ovor Todoy. plm a ueà d.~Im éOk vus won Le" bs dtY fiuAaua*it% M Oppose radical andi unjuet logiollationi ster Beak - the olll0S0 atatioua bofore t- mb£,dth50U5 e m10iWffa le * vll9* v Wd sold at efovery mesurs Wbch pê.Stoker Of te olcedeatmutaz - >fy amrIbod i é" emet permhit* sIbmuumcaomposoy.or will bdendrumitetetuIete s vWu omutr--0f omttbutor,.lationuty am Party ofesUintt noere vIcca ho 'o f ýhih rlf rd*0 11r rle rbby ysauiiurus *atorlnt i t mat vtwelndi ý u-*0.U f5h00 aM, ,fte for *0 présent lnieelti obligations. refusi dM",tace aMoI1,ei ansd theIi. UIJeffl 'à 1£ Letern «(b) Wbfle gwaftlng the ancieneof ddbave leau a plut th- "tr the clicer. *0.11, Y, w, t h ju leomiIacti osC, tie Natfi m ac-2 Tho Nela 8t for lis efforts to koop Td p em' nly wot oesue have throsuopthéie W(N Claffonf Manufacturera aboli atiopf layor strictlcrier -om bis haut andi f or* is flUibet f or U 3«m erltds- alrmWamwtestee oir pelIle n a sytam or volontarycontrlutoy attenticu to,ë. mm la ~t , eo q o0t ault ot q0t lotes.theemityIAu"ne vldcilla u le.v __ --m p- ecolld Mo f nd. M&lb, lOagthe11 BOUsM e.?0u; a Vqlumt"7rliaiout, on' oe.peaum n ettweesn hvq«o et mau a: tloum j Ity-oleos faf l Pl"*theiOOMOal ttO t Il *M, da ew'plOyese. -cM iWhIIS bovij air W. TtOM11-Phwd 1» sud outs. at ot hepzme '-- m and itUOUmI»,oI5IM.ISho Ii -bau planta lAerait for file victime or la 1dhtrta Wou firêt prilluer jilUk udW Mme tu 1iDaChlnfll i» ý accidente, Mmd for uthi edutîi 1 ot charge wus. t6ofee uy 11ght- T vaew startai out viUi Mot 54AU -foth. Laro atabltoahmtas cmprobably ia l g. c-m r e etfoerrqo aeOsimme It Mu bcse. at ooes tat thesoM> Carrytbcir 0wn lndemalfy Inhranc 0 1av TftitsusiW.CTS>May. 1. but stace 1Kola, *0ro have Mes offie 5UN o"uas f cdéitte gffl 55v80fla0 for gamatir -tab. wood tAdr@ W Mno-ýol- ade bauon ap averg orpume or two soar-D"Yiptila mouluraMd Of 0flunfarr nsimta tic posîiMty o0, offt*nt or do 810S bondusudmm caeoonomln e t 1srfver eu" ea dal. 1* luius ula et fpians »ubllsilodti viilcoectivé tudsmnlfj Insurance. prêfer. s fc r ofn dsyswhii a tWeAtUol-. Th t 'ýhID la*0 pste t etM ealane historie for file mli>on the mutual plan, mouthlepro- ic> ata. fllrfeenm eieu t f yploil lion.- .A»e IIeluded 5» Motmbers Accident prevOltioII. Shn IL. Lauae 8 me. day fiais, uer lb eti ah asel Tbere to.ALeubt but fIat thae "<«,c) TIe most important vork of TO- And- wAsNU- . &ts.aso 1, an averaeof one tafo o 'mtY XlfOfcturer' A»cotationii mmedats valus vîîcb Our aOCý dor, A'bloody, baffe betv.oem alarge dany. A Partf 0f icnational organl=UtoB,.M a tuaux iS t» athe direction of wrparty of Nnl aer. .plie cUber., ExperteMtatare isno doutbut on fia lifI fie loatmn.. vl partl- accident prevention. Ticeetabfleb. »cote- » ad ctlime b. "ed tu- ls aid ce- f*Mtmuk I& an"'sotnt Mm ul.Ipate ln a contee ta Protést ment 0f standards of uaféty andth fe woultiurdnriqooý <Mirdar 1 D M- tur md m adftb thbe a no-ta 0 tfft atr8t"b bldbythe-" tonf 0 f uty -appitance. and fore t lut ene Mr O 0 sGdl00m dee t ~Itabout thé pessibhlIt# -or y. 'tllaoladivision 0f the national body> prevention dOviocesvoold rêauit ln a Ri,10antid lvM4dutelsrutant ýi mba@à p d*mana; ot ty ýbat b a lss.prompt roduction la the 6 per cent of ho c; tenvalt, fan Innomet biettadsr. tioelcp" a cug fe u&eilnurfthe WX definite annonuement 0f tha preventabie accidentu. it voulti le amf wuslaula t*6neima sâd oSpoiti mjjI. eSSrve coaodiir MM cor edption 0ortic national pollcy bac spproprfate tu off er prises for the beut D5Sdeath, 1>e. &arov w m .. Tu*er»01f frlrcai*6 e o ther vators a ~yOt bff Ma"i@antion. t4 desireti ly accident provention devices. fIreby ti ntherting Pando re ue g cosrwue&the assocition for the simple TesSstlosng Icective for invention. "torsby 00 *M loker»4 W M« Te rosit: r tbbli Iat tic theInvestigation laetilt bêli; "Ant i mnethe preventalle-cci. mat vWho braat fIt t*0y lm MU flit- t*0re laa a mmc »M « tat carriati on- 0"thobn It leende th fe dents are said ta 00cr 250,000 lnjureh mlab ein athc*aSAnIt - EctennuiMverof *vry mhin e. *ecty andti v«r ctfet ffactortes vii le ued tf aprona, and e& financlai 1055te Our sMO aopaet al .11 onab tales na mbnttod f. a: urg e cPaseu 0f legislation ta leooutry of0f 136.000,000nnual. the Cloud Ti lna vere ftbiing vIti ivet ai>'e,.sud tif la additioSw @buta-dreltti uy fie association. each fao- o=mltg of prises to redue ftls tre- O-anti Stoker rebedt t » MM - of * Iaiiý , - s lob ieeen tory a ie taOwn stat- nmondous bec elould proie mn attromc JÎUN. caUage and OBtUi5i wt O 1 the in- Mdnti san md mui-wagons b fioq- Iuimtaiy O of munttasa Concluslona.tive fildtimot only for manutacturing maiu Wpersi hebaffle, Ho 'lteS 1ist-Ouglly nepectei anthe reala an- suzmnla p tic situation, the r&- assocations. but alto for fie enterpls- e'&'m" il fie OMMersanti usuel for a&s- M«&port sM pulisbeitlaAjnorcanIndus- lut msgeaines Or nevepapersantd for abou «Mêe. Fraul Masxm utl MolKil ________tri es tcofficiai. organ of theacia.00 the*0tilougltful pblantiropist." wodbasruche« -fIols aitMm . fil our sees Corn oifl he ous fias. réads: "We muet coins f0 the brut a llbRoot"sl£ Limn Coupàxv, andti thei èkýt foilovina onculuosWisconsin Central Prospere. bi a Star txes' b"d *Mi-io10 epo: «]'Pret.In viev of the Importance 6f sînce ea gutev.y fo Chicago vau ut, ve subject, wmati, Iderlng thce hlot ;red by fie Canidm»PaF*Vr L-ea .ou-icr momberiM asexpresaed lu fils coni- At tle miflees CO4aspondence.Ifla tgthe duty ftWg i îe purccase of the Wisconsin Bt~o th0fei National Assocation of anu- Central andi the ftOW'raillays Ifs rulth Q facturera ta tale ea leadlng position aoundlng prSmprlfy bus started làathe future devlopazlopf cfhe0prob- -ay rmnora 0f atler purcbasei ~~l ofs cf qutably andtiUberally provid-i.vlieh àalle etreet and Wall et rae te lias tm for file lnjnfed ant i lspactated bave regardod vii to reat. ble *Orers.Anxetles vîlol dlafurb fie market bav ' "Second. A dellinife ofliciai prograi cocernlng United efa±ee ralva>'e do te MWj besto. wn ofndamental principles net affect file Canadien Pacifie und l'U7 m u tb adopte ti y our association et m or over the ern lng record surp as et vil>'tic sarlicet possible moment Thie ces fIat of mont of the Weefe rail 1 ----------program cannof I. expeoeti th le vays. For elgit mcpf I. ta 7elruar mt vo_________________________________Complot. af fie start, but If muet leci1tiie net roceipts -ver. $32873,M, à te CO& tecs station, *0e iacet p ionas T 15Ci ompréhensive anti of Immodate prue-gain of 80,000 l ant Ibo Iflux of O)N? I!tIed M lPOR P«ou 'fl Wh IImportant evId«eela the vorît- Come up la respouuie -tothe*0onbsjvdOatoa tioatittc YMP. un»for assistance. Kuiev« êue rs e ctom V eadt h id the apous useantid RXOtevsli'recely.-rottin ovnetu 1banian tiberctlo- s8 mie- cd Ose fgasi lafe he ol -ulicil r.Obvil legiven neztf vpk athfe Il peu- quire t urten ttole d cosm H.e41=11 -nt-e.lnStlig of theNational Lhinevas talon . mtetica Pouce mstatina .Association for * tutIgz anti Pro- OR. surioc ilstly sM M. ot. Vmtios of 1Tuberckx0as, wviiol vii le - Streains ot bloti Orcçs Merclnt bId, la Wasingtonncm ja>' Id auni Hou«a. corner te the police ittasrovealed 3&d Dr. Wllam H. Park, the notec lukle tacf fIata mwUgr rap>'àai c-> P&tiologIt, besdol f the aboratorlet ed ûtt cuna& te, cariy risers qaSu"Mia, . of theNev York Cit y Deparanent «0fý bIt lng. Ret«nvak it Wo lad nopan Healti, Ivifl prsent*the Outs of rrify Yla t*$âIl%,vent ls.bommerdes'.7-M r0f ivestigto«sa, v it fla us- aIl for cd UIthe0klu». vounti 1s mpeiioatei tensfOt. IUI '-go ,an f0 etf le the cout a baitf*blfmjfic.' ý- JukobaaTOveluanUtioii of the timnbmwiltty o0f:.'l 1Wou- vas srrovîy nileci.praal Moueufberculosla from eosat f0-an. a top i>lhomietatStoker lu a -ng fiseaopThe Dleeu.ion. lait Of reste. vas a1sobail>' voondoL Tic discussions 0f fieConvention b= w8r Of The men vlp vers arretei anti vlileo itvfldti tctire section., le- opslivua tbh Ï et 111s brougbf ft* ttion at 2:15gare aides tic udvtsory council. Bernaui et' blt the namet Of Wlfer TomilI andi K. Flexuer Of LOUaVIW ela chairmanof 70 Mr. LnUslt. MmetircevWhover.round. the soclobogica tonoMW mi FraL 11It e d up 1>' the policeetafrive o'oiok Wlng of Chicago," secretar>'. Dr. y11 Or fils morning Md Whio thé policesbcle-611Yi>iiP. Barler btb -City,Ilieve veri e 0cseWhv me th e-. dimna01cthfieUlinical tton a&.4Aa M h bl Ita.. 15 sale M, tic sactit on EoctesvmuîCayu tir names ]Dr. fauseW Hammas. seortary. Dr. Md lUyUanpl~ U, 'dter. M ànirev WeyabmIeE.L aso MWn lmlliSmithl of flouto la 04Wt Andrev Aille. Rislereportedti fit mmm of the pab1ioIog **"wu«es nd the d elu Snife eIen els it*> aiD.Wl ci'C. BMort« ecerotar>' Il MIliot up ea mmmSud the. srmot oiloved ]H.M. Bracde» orf9Lt.Pau ins daw 4011 ms M"àAK ad donday at once. - -msof the atvisor>' oemL Clark wsmTeow Ofinge. rouf h of Mevomieu t 0 -$g bell aMd swin arvst fin le nIc policereporta of the Mrishov Oue of fie moaftreet tfh reports Bô ha m a te* foivtUb «d toor, for a or bealhy, 1 ls ha1i tilat fier. vere eght la fie part, fof fi te meeting vîlIle atê0fortheaie- au the tn. littIe INianders unidfthe fiah sien a tive aecretary, Dr. Ulingtos Pttal- deIuma& etriait us Orace Planneét o "gef" CUbeStoker. HS end. sloivlu4g ewtov r th fe anti------ -------------------- ---, e fiautam --sa~O a-lay- ileard feni cursing lisai» tisir 0v. fuberculosis movemnt~la i ay jw1, tT~AlA uaoafo 70 ma fie lasanae anti bauarreua veral 0fr 19N. The.number or associations for- "*PAN* 1P O MIANY 15 u u a 10 n lutibi a the .pont on varions alarge. theprevention of, onouspfbn lbu lù- main 70N0W lfn mot- to tale The. Prma refuced lta goloe qnîetiy ooused froni290 foo vèr 425; thle nnm. ..- .. lise u M spea OAO ~ 1VL ents. as fisy wve a oguesWteedo and -o.ber et sanatoia anti iospttahisfor 0 ttheulif ,~' aUIna- camne abusive t. *0 policman. -freafmenf of tubqroyi m ame- 3M8 b luaushe Th Tcarregsa er.madc akIhu cor- 400; andthtic scW l ubasadi-elo dIS or auner Of lelviie MdantiOk..StetMd P00551105 tram 200 to pê Dùuwls -------a by 1, clev the Part> cf y. vie oelafer ai. th ear 1909. fllrtpq*a ort 0f - Milfedti ythe pb1>'*0 laiaara ls Ue« fdu"o o»Matures ins..1 1 1.p 1J. B E IG of mat- Ululer la arre0ltlmgtue oS *0 eturb. fie sblettof ctu- ut,:, bcMm un o f tiche aee., Daseata ta *0 fWflt>'-oghbut t wcusv r Théviclut> bosrd fibe M ant abusive Proveaion or ueet < this balancs la bal 0f oinsM M00,00. Tihe>'are holdng fIS vouli uInflair ovs grenadtesnvtng vareboue charges, andti vthfe prospect of an lacreése lu tho v»rue of fis eormoue grain store. Durlng thc lest day or no flore bave ben rumore of a lange coînmunlty of industries ta locale eoufi Weut oa!Wi- legan. Tic location cornes no nearer andthfe facts are no more tiefinite ex- cept fiat scope'0f tbc nev ace.. lai almont b.yond bellef us it la stitetl fiat file Industries vW Atfracf 25000- men» Butvesf 0f -We.ulegaia. Bondout anti rmoreti Planscf . Ostien Armour and ofiera for fis village are recalleL ani It lanasenrr- Wiledti fat flore, are flffy Industril leaders on the nort ilbore alome vbo vouiti le able tu swing suchea propo- aidasn. Affempts ta cet dmalle vers mut vîfi fallune. Laidla In sacb shape tIat te affquIre It voulti le eilld' 4pie.> for encl a project. Tiers bave boen fev If an>' buncleti demIs of lafe In reaify. Superylsor T1,omss Graham of Grant le bot onthe frail of Young & Coun- pany, employeti t0 audit the county books for a tarin of fen years for S3,- 600, lu fi. face of Ils proteet anti re- ifusai toaigstanfe contract. anti Pro- poses fIat the vIole matter shau bave an arlng af a specil meeting 0f fie lourd of aupervlsore vhliebc Isleseela- Ina tc, lave calleti. A-.lthid f fie mamebere le needed ta bave Chairman Merer Cali ti. ipe- clal meeting. The regular meeting la sot for June 14. but If lao lellevret fiat if vil b easy ta gef fie neces- sary slgnmfurumjo call fhe special anti 1air thé Young & Company affair. saviii b recilleti Supervisor Blacli- ler of lAIe Forest la sai tu bave sigu- cd fie Young & Company' refont Ion documents la fie face of ProtetTic heati of Young h Company lea tlke Porete.' gt La re In ta bd es et PA Io id r.v a or

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