Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 May 1910, p. 9

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T EL-Y FMAY2,190 JN ~rn~: D.ý $1.50 Pl the -Gr av«of the Ilert J, i o0ti t V fState Anti- «"g .a tat _isaer tr P«&.M*aMt ' b. Wii e en a Xito ji tIsé rsaaiîîy- ~~1olowii a qulld à«a memq, $9 Y., for the. hortare he ,tttRd'tht ie pre. 440wMUa #or»4 rred tu ~< ~qsatjei.i. àmad a the re- ter dlý -, ,lj.i later. He i nla, l .-~wur i Y UQUOa 0" )W d cm bn ~todWi b~~utkité ai .snesma dmou1s banad-, Ma t,tauPe«ors Waht L. utioa f Ont41 t etorrs«on. . gHlm uairebutatien te (wiaxy eaminaatlu rCot# 16 utbh S bqoasieed gond ae t, sfoleura wffe t*tW onimsià~.Tisa4u~~a4a l~la,~5chius, gretiysorprined le hç4r c0;ti tti&on iê~y o#as sa-fI hé ourd'U' UItiv foeoh ilm of tthe <adrai aplwd. .10,s the, hitOa 9aat"ilste 0awao. ta (gogerfétrail, ue la ail , pout oma at fté no ami juy la tib' ?.15~tnaïsm Ul di unaaed aCc(jt chcks. iLtle aid. 'a ni ai i. 51w IéofoS wOrx asti eaed tai ncy on the pi>ae. t 1p pemtm. Orsa, c4as. 'mm M a~'W s4teet mUni h.e coin- ;aîay bpresm)P, le <!fer rýtBpresent ~ t t'~w~ptaa4~ita*aslsgJ~a ~ Pot illut, refor,.Th,,,re- *"t i-UP k*p ssmaed, Wetiier vait comcernPis a sarre4t -ereited ormipt lpe Ira ken nim4d thra viettinof ide surprt i e t lgbwvocl al ihg. PP.O1i Pe h. J"Mthaat. it thtland Prk ~~ i CALl KmJs~V ~utLga'ualiadaj VTft~R0FîiME utlq iotTU 0 . nfiu ater or An¶crcap niW'Cs 4sUS6yafor-"Yew g -..aUn . w*iu* P- taisq M *~w fa~aiu oooai Ontr:s 'lt mthêWU«M tut , e an v.1 tof ntipn gieâm Yotufa aing o uomehe iw thé wtebrpotfwiyexlsaoimi y qt llp l ier4asId ng . Quae jmasltsut t tat euu.hstuaiwjp 1ors btiaai fapi a reeratlo Mandisr ai. meievai. ýaip1 tihe btter mét ri avat la nov tii. Coloiet Aftiiur4 p t 'cviar Bt iit Dashorougla J10.lkLing» tend$ or .Cem"LaaM te 1» Ji ft à fohà» t,14w flta'rpremeuettle 09 Mmtcu Léa g.. -.4si»ta Wa prday, iaten'iawhgauel "d. u~ .êtIi id Ptid ta locat .ptwi , h, a qi* t eiguiO le uk« tuai thbe henfb, cc r*0,40en by the met&W i8kadana *0a $10»# OMM vw, fffurtad la 3VmetMm Th*bott o omor he*b FRUIT (jET T14E COINI Lake Ctiunty People Who Have Sqtded latii, West Repoeted Te Hua'.Excellent Crops (VIOm weaeieas s uc.) Oga0karie. 'Waahi., May 25.-MiIla b Siiokasa an&i througlaout the Inau %pire are vorking day and night on Apple. Pececherry,. pim and herry boxes, more tban 1mOiiOOO of vilci, eacI hlodinsg 50 poundis. iiila e- gulnoê tu Paclk the fruit cr01, lunAit- erg Wesiiuaaton %d Oregon, north anud OSais-aliiàlawestern montana sud aoate!atrn Britisha (olumbia lie Coisi m'uuaer 'and next f alil. taeke ,W##_ & fat hiese packages viii Ilin Mr06 t-cars or 625 traîns of,# c&e8ýaa. 'The value of the croÎ àta ~Ja at aI rom 815"000,000 te 82O&- -~W aiimY r.eiaa bigher fSare ban.or thi. h.rt.ges. reportad la 15141. vSarostates. i,.dQSi Peeple Located Hara. 1mfy aiIA04Wtuboxes vill be tieliv- 15'dIdEêlhnelt less than 2,W»ÔAo I0XIIUWW Ï4b ued ln tire Yakima. vi le7. W ~~ia, sud Okanolan , yod wbilenehb r*j and tree fruit gra N«9, ID*ho,Çip'oir'ûahrnha countrya"Y tie *tp ard* wufi ruas at jeasat500@ bos..A million boxes vilii la. e. FaO14le ilona district tintis-b mahti. -western 14ae. ka i ll1ou Il ç oulntny andjt 1.3U5D t i2 et. valicya and id Ard r parly oits. Other beltg >m4 'Washingtonm and Oregon have ord * P#ýPjr9î tin athe. fruit blt. la th. obs~*~uutryr, in northenas tabia, Én4,~u~oaî country, la veuf. ~~SlA~sttat the outi0qk,4j r0o. le<rd yitilda af applasit ým4 predictions areA tg ~Vpths yeae wiWhdé i r lioy of tbe*00e ill ae -By touity Clek 'Abert'L (ptrm Wadn"a$Dmistal r uIâ.j> County Clark Albert Hendee a;Èthle request by signatures gr ove r nE- thirdl of the memberp of the oouaty board las calied. a speciai meeting of the boiard for june fourth at test tLu the uaornIng te takç action ai thte 1Matter of the ernployment et Yotug andI CorPniay ta audit the oerslty books for a period of ton yeusa Superv pr-GrabgnM led the anavenent againet the OOMP&UY whieh recentiy w»a "Bat uvOn' by thie Chicago City epuncii in ýconnéMton wlth the tel, plIase cornpany audit. SEE F.'ECQMET? flaffe's cooset CkIelY tebe 141ebtBut li Was Ne.rïirw mnuaaaBa 'Ivisible 431.1111%.1the <vri.'dritag hors$ br.44a4ing tai SeaB aa o UteM.. o n StOien rý lte banns oai tla. 0*Stpr (Prout Wedneu<iay'a SUN.) hn di. tqWjm af Saners Satu;dgy luIt Miyof the Itetreateti ssw ~the ne or SitiIdgy n15&ig, vaa racflerei bg U lycornet in the western skies lu ait mP. TUtray Just lasiore nctý~ Ut ht sud sanie who uaw it atranu<>u- Wa ntsi reat 6venra #ty-se otth..v ley icthlaak- it as the cornet at, of Chicago. Snank n1olrai llat O viitch 'they vaeWioolng until iiay 'ijaa OnmOrti em M".ar t t t e Ob 'bail bettar visual evitience throuigca aa farmAa uder arrtat lata hcago isalur of binoculara. ame tet 8 ua li.. ai ofk-t" thî H.Cret diti. net show at Its boat. 191'5. sso Thle laead was dimmer tbsn the i . nt --. u Meat star. The atiistretched out e . NjemllPila pct fA. agie o! 46 degreesaor aen 6 0 r the lia iac 'ne * pold ara t».tIuie Unes tlavarda lhe zenith, but vas é». Nfqwra tar g.airaçIstý bair trs, nettes trarei~ti t tures and ti éat g4 rapila. Varying bj Wsiu et oua.od ~éoud oly h vaui ined. Thq 'e feuN, At dm t1ferPt *UIa damI ia~an tticoid e oeilV lia: iase Ntu=ari ve wtaà la a sut. mes 1 broimOLàgi a ~I.t: ! «0te Un 'tet n*kad eye fslly Plinly, but ua4X t" 1,,d ateua'the feeet las a1rp=t 3I womvtexpresaad d1sappoaipeea 46p - " w» » h ti.roof of lte SUN.b #ldeo e e lfl eM " , k G4arVw4a n ed thers4notmrt fie Thiet Si" to HM.utTM.tfd ne Au ezcltng chaud tralaaaI la reported. ta bave cël, = 14 ih lai thea wetern part ef\the townublp. The purovt îOrLtbe thief la Laid 16 bava led thrWugbCurmes, WAà@rnwàiisd Russell. The ste.ry, adtold.iiyg, tua' mer liis maruing, vue liait the" tit went Put 11bi5 haine ridtug l. h*,*a. herse about. 9 o'dlacq -andi ultIe vas ekaeiy ilursuati laisaverali bite <ta' mers ln bugles. Attenantis i. oati the story were unauccesafui 1h18 usaru.- lng. MAN 0F TI$EËT mea wh..à Mkoe ucu 4m ertISai& , 'I ~zIJ U~V~xc~ s.. rAMI- a »W umet. taBdla i 35 hft ». Thei. m cm viilabla' a obi$ ta

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