Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jun 1910, p. 5

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T. hmu oa aubuitelii Idepn alâdim o dunt, copy msheu ln dmoffice ne atr sscation1 té*"'TnBci al wek. Ader cbreck on W@ ti esp .dhtuy. ér. Bak*d tet i re. E. W.] 0u4wf nmIoU1 bU fet1t. an. Tou [ 4m l'OR SRLU av J. ELI TIG Phone 25 PUR NISPtIJOS e.u etiipl6btiactleton vs vaut jeu to corne and tell us, and. glTe us a chance to - amme good." That's the way we've 1nlt up a steady trrde. No matter how bard you are to -pleaae, we guarantee to please yuu-try us. Corne to us for yonr nev bat, and we guarantee to suit jour'-taste and your pocket book. W. have ail the new, etyllahahapeo and shades-and our bats not only look well, but wear welI. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. J. B. MORSE &ÇO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.1 Everything for t4çn See us about STA VER BUGGIES riltg to select from.' Good Prices. Bug a bifggg with a reputation, and know what is uauder te poInt. The Staver is a Staver SGIJANUK t A L ide.Clock,. TaIIc Would jan m eta make man intmsnt ID locka Bre.le a dock stock tuS own't Syauspeni amy mon.y unvl4.. If VOn lunt van a hcirmom dock, emoting merely ta 5tel tlms don't spuni "" mmucJ-smy a dallaor @o. But if ru desiwa4-auaatlaIb yauv lving wroam, pay ns $5 otse eud yoW'ft sp.Siour motoy visdy., WeReetP94Ws t.U esluOc ? If so-s .Let us s m vo1il. !"af o , Oh Ion rmuiiOu. Plsy tug Uurday? Yu' BailoCrlest Wm OB Chicago viutor PlMU maibolus Mad& for aBig F ourth c#idel Cdsbrmtloni. . '-Mm7be tbeezi" tu viii b. mara«-àar,, M"-aboutJui4. Mioe v. ugle @poudng ber vaca- MW Claastowart le apcadlng ber V"" na t pontiaet, Mlcb. 3~ evpamipan. that propo.d Picole Parle nainmom Âaut. 1 1%Osaiulee Bmse Dm11 Caub yU mm ebol" viii the BRuble:.Sund"3. Clt#I. Raonidhb. bw oul ensgd si. 4ta oi July Celebrmtiem Bt Roônd Lehe. About 100 banda w.,. -laid off st tiie Olver factory et -Wod.tack lait ri. dey. R. H. Cole bam mov.diromtbeJoc.belm fiat to the. Davis cottage on Newberry avenue. Mise L. Wgteon, of &tlach, ttended the graiuatl>igexeren., ai1Liii bigh echool. Ilsay a mat on W aul sireet wIffi thints thatL b. l a bevy1welght le, in reaiy, ouli a penny welgbt. It la nov objected that we can't bave a mieeQrth vftb the. Jeffries.Jobnoon fight on tbat dey. Rogniez service. t ht. Lawrence Mis- dfon bunday atternoon at 2:30 oclock Everybody velcane. .14 MePuller and daugbter, PrIseila. of Vauconda, espent danday wltà hie mother, Mrm. C. M..Fnller. Mr. and tirs. Ium sWilliam,, a1 Chicago, vers entertainsi by DMr, and is. icisi roker, Bnnday. Nuow thatLbthev Wa"tbcommlauioner bu talion a stand aaitsMmfilesott no nercy b. sDown toward thom. If your neigbbor'e hmnascratch up lonr lettuce seed, plant it about two Iftt deep and cuver it vlth cenent. F. P. Locke va. a delegate r. tb. local lodge of Nymtic Workrs, vbich cuuvened in Elgin tiais eek. Still, telling a fishmeory before a grand jury bnu omieelements vhicb are lak- AUR in the corner groeery variety. flince o ue mule picked up a $50 gold nugaut iu ita bout, tfie alifornia'deet wilert it traveled. wi»lleir ely taumre Tii. Elgin wa-1" facory el-med d,,,, lait Saturday evening for a tvo weeks' vexation. This le the èecond lay Vff iu a lhontb. Lew Fisgg, wîfe and dsughter have 'returned irot illwaukee, vicire they visired titeir gaughter, lite. Arthtur MeLaugbin. Dont lorget tie dance at Amanu e Hiall, Rountd Lake,, lii.,Siaturdayevn iug June 11.' and every iiaturday v- ng fulluwing. A Battie Creek doctor may», ail the. vorld vifiiLe crazy in 2175. He muet tbinjk evcrybody i8 going ta move te Battis Creek. Chicago eveniug liaPers are deliver.d in Libertyvllle, st the rate aI 30 cents per moutb. This. rate bai beetiii elfect, ayt nurt Faims fur the. founda- tiou ai a berd therp. Tins Ubhapter ai Westminiister Oulld Wiii meet vitb tMM. Juluis Treptov, Toueday evenlng aI net vsek. Thiais as adjourtied meeting. Adre..M. A. Protine anidMr. anidu. Chas. Kaiser have r.turtied fram inEiu, viers tb.y attended te annual îtmetng of the Dystie Vorkere. la Malin. t lea sii LaS a plow le mae evsry bail minute, a wagon le made every tour mnlutes sud éaurom planter every @lx minutes. Carl Wsterld, CI Waukegan, teppbui. cmn candidate for _nomlnatioti fortheb ofc iourity Treaiurr, as la tova rirday, in Ma elntur.t pofihie c.ndimey. Ao' ai ib. lakeoide Cemm tmr wSi seW for Mmu. ii l.ibda, lune 15. Metl r.uenberr'a for convey.1 Prof. S. 1D. Droiu, oi Robineon Craw- lord C., I1L, leeuWltabsg rand daugh- ter, Armuldis PZ brame, 15.reporte an ail gusbr aoftiOObrre a day recently bored thera. J. B. Flnmm, ai Vf aukegan, vwu her. Fridayduo r.igthe mrits of avaUUMcau amug leaner. 9l. "dernouttatj~" eelted lu evesic sals vllberm Frank Dysta mc boume on the Dy moud tBuwidvlalos viii on Le complet md. W.. SpeIlmaao Ir., piatersi tb. bouse tus ek. Dr. l)yer bai noS de- ciii wbtoor hb viii occpy his n.w bouse or rmot IL LB . P.qiy, of Plalaview, Texas, and Wrt VwtýtDrumnt of Natianal stock TaI atw" alBatik, Bt iEt St. Louis, #te iguete. ai Mr. ani làri. C. P. Vulgbt5nday. Dro. BOT Hrs, of Chicagu, Dr.ami lin. Guy Hughs.and Dr. and Mm. Frmnk Ksame.iy. aifDilîburti, attmniui tii. pmiuatg .xrcei oi thelebrotlari and elister, af Ubei'tyvlle. ~UiLi.WtWi ilUghland Park, la later,bfrothtusditrict. fl rad a that ho in a cite, stroug asRd clean.eut mm, aid ould make a goud Senator1 ifeloctai. The.@boriei ai Buffalo Connty, Via., vas iisqe Ftday ieonipany vitb SrfflréGMIfu, ile ber. tiey called on Députy bliW f Limberry, viien tii.y talkei aveu maltter. connected viti ubsi r oUcI a poultions. VWeitiesir moralng, tie tank of ail- lag 'Milvackes avenn. vas begaunby Street Coasseoner Young and his mli.. Vlan the. 'labrlcator" bas taken prapur hold of znethr eurtb, tuila tbroughlam %viiib hu re lfrons dil and di rt. The Nortb Biore Elctrlc Compay, bave rentei ltheroms lu the. Buhhly1 block, ou 10mIl ke. Bvetn. aam i basin5 the sanie rmodeled tbrougbont. the amrneta la e upiei au an office, and a i'Uutory for elet" alsupplie&. The. dty af Preeport lea&bout ta sstab. lia aninniovation i tii. ay oi proteet-1 ltig f!t.people and ilu aloonk.pers. The cotincil vii paie an ordinance au- thorizing the pbotograpbitig of ever, blacklister sud the. pbotograph viii b. diieplayed in al saloons. Tb. parties vho are in the. habit oai beessaring the show vindove on Mil. wsokee avenue, vith tobacco spiC, or any other pince in towu, are knovn, aud a repetition of mch deviltry viii b. looked into, sud eoimebody viii psy a fine sud cote for theur seemingly piesenre. Tic romains ofl ii,, ged oun eaer, max mnuthesud tweuty-@ix day., son of Mr. and Mars. F. W. Krangel, ver. brougit here froua Chicago. Motiday. Interment at Lakemide Cemetery. Re. dled alCer a liugering ilium.of broncbitie folloved by pueumonis. Thii. eveniug the baud boys viii give une of their pieaeliug ani entertalning dance ln the Town Hall. 0f course fiapke viii be ou baud vltllsorcitestra snd by ite appearauce ont éluevtful ocica15on, a Rood attend&"â le looked. Aiea relreslbmentm viila e rvea] luthe. basensent aS' te usuaibhour, Tii. Kenabs Connty Oh Ssttler. lub bai deciied -'o iticrea. Ils capitil stock Ca $8000 sud viii cni.aydr tu gt many uev memberu among thé Younig gsgeratloou. Tii. additional $4000 lu ta la uaed for improving 5h. grounde at Paddock'@ leke. The. uuicelebration viiie . eu thisi.yesr, thé Faurtb of July celebration sud reutilat the lait veklu Augnet. ,A crook la maklng the round@ af mer. chante i eurrounding tavns. cpklujg for a $20 bill ln excisuge Ior smail change. Hepute tue bihlla a letter amidsemis 1 up, tien begcine countîng out tla change t dt n lsmarchant. sHestam enta sby and explaius that la cati gý h"*r.. Mainer sud Iaveq ta','g bis change WUt bina and learlIng th ea&bd nylope Iing on the counter. Tb@. duplIcate oelapu mmmdle, ai course fempty. llnbaouh.Dow. 81.50 peu ycg. A gat ccunt teiOur Sênk, tgbbuà, adici ta .6cbi wp* sa 'l" yem aI compeun ltwgst viiila o reditsi on mcoat. JIl.y Iàé opnanacu* WESTERN UNION 9; RAMBLERS 2 Was the Score i Sunday'a Garni. Latter Put Up a Gond Garni, but Thoir Contestants Were Tea Swift. lb. B.amhere met viti tueir trivWa Waterloo Sunday, lu their gante viti te VSterti Union, 0I Cbicago. Tb. vWsti« teaux are knavn as 'levlfS baIl toaser," I9layavlng benuvietor. lous thum far titis semon. But tue borne "Ma. "caugbt onu' ta anme tuinge vhlch viii greatly nid tbsm i ime tu -côtae ani Clir defest tqay not ura ont ai bai. ai h may meen. The. batteries ai bath lub. ver. lau fne shape, but the. home eau couli Dat "pick up" or got Site right ..tangetll ai fly,etc., tbatthe Western Union tender'4 tuei. The batting vas fair ta mldillng on bath sude., but vhat counts lu piay- lng base bail insuot for te partyitbe Ito leVILu*J ug.ycomiou5uI iAUr Ume511? UpoMtüU to feel that hie funds are Judlcloualy lnvested or" safely cared for.-- We alwaye keep a goodly portion of our fu"d inyested hi securities that are quiôk1y convertible into cash. ~ CapI~l " 5o,ooo.oo 4aurplne and Profits. 80,000.00 S3tockholder's Llablty aO,000.oo tildI t> 5880w tCIAO 81511la y wIti hep, ' r listmd 01the. playlng vith tii. bail. The. Mamblesare anil right, and they viii înak, a good reord blore the semla pu. selabi STYLS Not. 818 T R WS ds hé.. Ba.5 hsai .l Sa. Çwetb n.m &Ab n - .......... BosDoeu. kmVemput ho s Bii lot 09 odd (JOmte, odd oonuo -J s..,.. o o - o ould@ mvii ni o o o o L0L. g Fi b Ir xlt.y il 1 J. . utere 0 a rni aptr. ii i gaelpationele D. botuo ey Us Pyolie5M~ siengolnd ivisd are an tksu lap ,u r .2 hafi d epi ,a nibe.ofdn ape lion 00M ifro wu-§ in L~ tii ex httii Msy bt. secri "bx t lauIn ttean drown.04dUeo. e" v » P8y Itb. of clau ut l0 th ats" lot t a brnt 'a A àugut leTrytxions. cave 37.1 $ab 5ve iranbVair efaeut i m anW.tb. uer"bin oow ieCuinOIand eNT mthe Ahid." biany mOka URt eeant ie Ppé, ubl fner tl alo ntre.Chego yorave]800 id hlè &ere. a k»y.Uar yr Bmtor Md .fClub vOlncndo tae pwt 8f degnit n b hlre M&tcltItfo h o 1t-tii fobr théilie, (Iof,> rae tin or il.C8.1 evequuhar$Pc at Jaly4. Acujlthe gn viushe laid thlayma]tiogst bt O botor ti. ra-i fon ii. onutoacycl lu bau.» te LbWtVll9inlaorder ta emable ProMPOCUlv contestant, tu gt tbm loi efhhe»land]. Thstrachilaa "inm on. WeIS&aM Z biii b bppei hito excellent lam&ie. Metocycisiteremtle ke la tuai muR oi 5h. voodi, and, o filcfb anie pate a large atte nanc e. . JOb" Blanck, foWfourS.., yeari an cnt- PloyM te i.W*unuda leader, lu thm cmPmcty 01f "uastsr nseanlo" and y. local, wus bt Riim. Mr. BiBîIk bas bis vooatfafromta kmlgbt of the stick, culb &Wquil, and la nov r'- pre.mtlug o j. BILVatans Modical (7ompécy, ori Vilm.mina. He travcle av.wland, hm. a bore. and wagon, and by, bis extensive aqualata n h ii country, bo lmparted ta tus paper that la le unaing gond ntoney. On Thriw ve n, Jns 16, tii. A. New Line ýof Colonlai rp re elomfn g eerfclimea t. M.,y'. Acaisnzy É p r wil e ei. heprgrïm a pp& ,and Curtain M adras, be 61 a musical ma illterbry nature, and__________ ___________________ ta fafltdubluscm imrvl loas dreaahe.. iuronaie 0il l e ~ rs j s flonposmi ca ong lad" womnlknown hi aÔmD Wa LI ne cbaract.rm 1>1 tbieskind, vbii masus thase wlho attend tbat besIdee the rendi. tian af tiie mus"canxd llterary poloitinandma &P WdIý nfCX "f of tla .utertalnment, t i u w ta ouas i xod doubly pleasm i vtb the dramatleicw idfmI partiot Tla Area Baie IaIl croused bats wltb the Dmu Plain.. teau. Sunday, on tbe fomrsgrounds. Th ii mamf2 Aot5 R rC ~ o~ ta 0., This vw Canidrd on. tii 5 fséthe. £ moit ciel ting ai veli asI ntcrmtlng gant uis*mon, as there ver' but 53.00 OxflWds, $22a d $afOO four it. asn.euh side, non. fai b DaoPla"n.until th ftii lnalnt-not on.tuiimblgftrot base until that élus. A retumn gante hmbaslac looked fûr inter an. Tb*. Ares boy,' viii mewé the Gmrm. agpcgatlan next Bun- dey et tbAret bail part. Lait Tbureday etening, the. ".olly Bumcb" finlUWbirslr ciodule of fmrprim, vlanthey iemcsduponVii Saaboa uand fainily. The «'-imenet" vasaifseuh a nature tbat the. Banhon lamlly made thel r guette feel ai borne, sucb as tiiey do ln every instande. 0f courue tuer. vers many diversions durlng tiie evnlng, alnong wbich ver', carde snd jokes from the ridieulame to A bank prospers wheon tule people prospa. thc sublime' Tii refreuhmente ver. On the Other band, the people prooper Whou the; clasred as par excellent, vhlb vspr wu Nihr l neineto fallov9d by a moirer, aller wblcb theibi.rPeg et« I needmt D't "buncb" bade teir boast good nlgbt, other. veil piesasd itu their visit. - 1Iola av,,a o,v &., nnf."'&,..f.% . k. 3- -

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