y f ,*f I j' f May, b. bas r lid M,4 ,to 'Ohi m&ia ÎuWon dolluri wil)i 0< olthe s"erqW~aukg' Paha o« vires and the. pt0. ,b iay te"ars1 .es ~io dgbvft. ae~rlc bPower CpY, .oieralug ag, .e~lec epntbek r. ~mer di ~ £ of Ott w, omia,,44 Tii.crn~mu wll shoely ~àhe ego toi~t. Wcq-Ietand a CneWs>i Cictybeilevest oS u bt' tl I P" .ýwif' jjlniÈ'j j"b tas iu~sf _ .1fe li t dtprien ate M h ltee eut Cupeur. , Abdl~~egrow S be oe alty é No. - sul e3iilso ,ed- paying triW b. et p tii.t*# lo"almmeboh.tank hlm f»-="8t - Af4wier vws talien teCarson ,City by to CàzUirhLlaa.t'ei' aràj>W 1ý 's 'nied lt" e puty b rbjî«ýoPjk!.qà,i e h e" ate liladaela one 1 flow« lq " ou O 489ty.tJeItw af sud rlarlat& aJ 'i fnoU. reoctip ss*otbYog su foinlt.t Jme araetelptismd.,*y and relIgon are st trvssidh sutçiyad thé latter-lu % s.s4 _t rîa.I0te o ju*atuje t,-Mad dut IWsec;woet .aý 01 1qcrates fumes tuo-Csule theprs -r. M I daâ nin a ùti jeo-U1ue. t -pedial Mmwe io n isfather là a -Ioira..a i ffeto t at~ enli*-~ <Viog~W SN.) nia dput hit, ,.~14~utati h"te ii.'set samq Ihed -ment, are inetes the udli êthve electile fNet sMd itheex"- Sr4unr 1lver th e a 1i,?Cti. ~_ - Prt or~ttt hu he re barg.etib t#e alxd l"oei0<a, -.Jowl.r > lAwýmo is 4egougaii t IMnfo !Of tài OUI andu-a ietez *;L. &Mtrl pboaffaire, for t d*'l't4 hi Obo au. U . à u *r f o bel. ~WU' tbe Nfature ot: p'ea ltfernaîker .t.mW161 '.si. xr Mo. cuti Xafarse, We gIve #b,,ropedylug or iau,. Cbeàe% l urte j.-Jobn mItcheIl ar- ral Goqeroverniot- tfY04lCI h âtt t- d4eisuMti~ bylha f ~~~~H. W .ika, N Mu <th 1Iif ? m.*~ 40Srnlicaffairg ý & k . r s S t h e y w o q 4 h j m oS ieli t t i i . nl u É e î e go h~- i $eeral~s cgi *r&Sgtiums at,. place, fodap. t 14kof effective Tii. tersto<p s tlll-contiutae tlil bWtmaspééta ô; w~ iWP o atilos The Bilg judet l*e"qntly the admhi..Ce an d Iton fépany 8ýappUedfoiýjý Ç' , «Petv ntpp v . fierg lanscetlo i l the1 nited de Poo eurt s uv)o.Au, .luaok. àl une r~hb e0porhi gn~ i g mhjIner, wax lunedlu , i4hteg~o doid upstte court ut linhgvultsy &V 5*4penditares Id UJLU1~4Ij I. tbb t4pai re 55 Sut6e biÇIl" lnIWOW. esta4àes thkess et m* mot&lâtW Mg>jjklogPj meSlowbhssl. who. jog -tüei. fANas osépre of taation viii ltaîi aIa (in, aoi. fl4' wg Ifait $piafI~I ubýatE.ta( rp E D. J. a41st~ on. 'e mhilt. it taet Ir* dob m tir. '-Wbe sore SCoti. gluth stredt power Hup- muet est. the. goueri * proud of, aing bir the. 6 Sfty.algb me thràugb la. dineto.. iei fie by S.itUe four- me into the lue. repre- alid of d for ive 0 Rave e.. em lucreas- til the City, àrbokls the. Inerent ed by the *ets. maay 1le met tihe nd escorted i sud Trut OMOat trans. led... 141