Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jul 1910, p. 5

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'.LI JEFS N~~SONAM~NTIaN J. ELI TRIGGS Ph=,o25 Pli@tio 3 IN SHIRTSv'W.batve Jra i&da M~insd fany..iW «4wmeice n »%o. Yon'I ld dejlnver ip or, tear NtCWCMl.w!" Sudof ou, auortmet of mm~ Nowbme cmy= fn ld s gumtevariei of, eykuh aIiâo samdsas. sit"blefor m1 asin- bouu, drmud eeigwSr. And you wdll hnd oui pei IFff M *cts . h J-t One.of ame em"-sts' d todté 0ssa oyot appemmimCo me aaJ »M IL.Dit~ yoà-MÀdthi ow Prim. wila s. p ui eme imWpdi. 1, J. b. ' CO flan I t~.I 11A4NG M"-es !R SIDE DCUJWR WEI DAM' ANDlIS~I>A~R TAWN( IF IT'8 IT'S' Try io thluk "Oitéosauth4 m 1more desîrablo for a gif t Trse tbluk bf enuSethlog mare ltful, morseeullcble, mors #ïvmble ex liheao. Tou IMs,' (lut Ojla inwshiou but seêvwat YOu * dmbui md iseee~ao Th.e mahlW orhl Ery piriet9li, je guaratom td tahe m6 ,dot. fflbfft h-Inthsoeof lat er thons Tudal of esaab eek. Aiver- tlffl lIota .p*W*Uy. are sasked te tae Delly Ytrie or Ine DOMa'for P$M Iru'lek, af Foi Lake, i. vlisîing frende thielte. jP. Worovlcb epent Sunday at Oaki Park vîtb trisude. Ch.rlos Grlsvold le visating ie, et ceiso; Vlissoori MIierrsietGridiey, af Evaneton, i. home lèr a vaeatian. Miss Louhe Moyer .psul lait Suday Wber bÉ.laWsst Fremaut. MIte. RIléesa James, aiB*vsnavaad, ~ la a ber sister. Mms.Lms W@ écé wSlafofr the lm mreprte af l6e"tprior te th. lourtb. Ruth b.d MUlrsi Evilalaoî are apnd- ther vastion ac Evausto. . £a" &l am Byth Spriug ver. VeuWe g». viotoru the lare part of the wssk. 0 Mre. Vart4baniua, of Fôrt Vaine,1 -lad., are vilttuILg .Kara and Mamlly. Cbarlu DP, Proctor c and UlY ,sP.at1 Ogodlay at lb.homp oaIL .W, Practar. Mr.»d mailr. Nsblugr, oftavenvoai, spent Ognday vlth Mr. ami Mro. W. A. LytIe. - h3an, Lalirr, af Chieco, le lu the employ of 1ev Flou. of the Cosy Barber Mie. Luin Appley'rternedBSaturday evemlg tram aafoui vooe.svîsit lu Clorado. al MesdamesWalroud mud Le. have iy rlured ram vlaltlmg relativées t wooRvuead. . / ice» Bolar Sarvices st lit. Lavisuee Mis sicon Ouoday afteraoe at 2:30 <î'lock Mms.Crona., of-Fox Lake &M Mmr. b r acla.,m bond.vr.astl i Mss.EL. B. g" ailIis. SIda am. i»0 lm spet Suai.' vIb Ms.. iAr Cottoubmof aWauum e. A Ci"esfalm ceailla Wie vili auve th.e bhiatoiy duisaea OU iPeloehp ou teevealago ay.ami D " Ibis vssb comttbWml ladollarstu the Labce coumsy tog de! tond. ymTe, litais girl a voman may drive ber humbsud ta drial-but h. darusi 1< mabe hlm taes ater. Yeni eau buy Pmumats al ail the vay Imm i$5 ta $O0, but muet af those yau Mseoun h.tee e cet leslmIbsu that. mies Grises ppory, a!1he'phaue alfic. id spsudlng a tva wosks vacation in Miehgan CIty and otber nommer resarta. ,W. P. Estou, au officia! of th. Lake CDut>' ravsl -Ca. vbaoe oncee inl tifégo vas boe. Saturdàj on business. À wv crusher vawu taildst t1he. gravel pit.Manda>'. ThIs makée.tva af &abusbbacinset vork at this laiustey.4 Mr.'&ami 1r. Jahn Flaasry and deughter, Vers, off Jeaevlie, VIs., voe ibegueteaofi. and lire. B. H. Pritebard Suudey., 1TbeBîigevater PoultryFaim ship. ped a tharoughbred cocbsrel te 1h. Maulberry. Arkansas. Poultry Yard,. l1bÏrt>vlile basbeaui vel repsveutsd9 la Vaubegan durlag the carnival, the9 viitais h.iug pleauod vlîb vhat tby bave mu. 1r.. B. &. adelif and daughler. Maoie, of Pltleburg, Peuu., are victiag 9wFred Cokei and !amuiy and, other elolivueboe. Tb@ LadIes'Aid Solty ai the M. B. .uCh"vin muet et thb* home or Mrs. Jamue lusou Third Atieot, TuéeslW allern. JUIFr 5. prsair Pritchard, iremen of the Obleugo, Muivgubs& lSt. Paul B& IL, Who vas lubuaeà svea veels @go, roturnui ta-hie wvaik Monda. During ltb. montb o! lame et hs fté esa agusstores or raue bav benu ilswinlaLibertyvle thomesai iami morse a bout tufollo. Neye Agent 3.117 vil rouive spotlag sations of Ccego P& 1Pem Mueys qveaimbetutof bbe iea a vs tld pu lleatheadfRg. blas rua up itlauiom9rjý de f dmad. t " -'v« 0fdel, t ité >wr« W~ et vhatsvur prigo, TPh.esaw offiMepoetmsi.r et Bar'. rlugtan u a iss lsemd tram $1.500 ta 81,6w0, elsetlv Jul.y 1. Bromni bree. mi M. A. Maiioy, vere avarisith.eoalt hbythe Township Trustme. lir b buàillg of concrets culvertp, lb.eafrgate amnaunt beiug 100.. C. A. Appley bas Puftbaséed a. mv Fard automobile, 'tbb initiai. tria ai vhich vas enj&,ib by i@ eou, Frank, Sondai, vho ml& lit'@ a peacb trom etart ta Sl"." While pul*lag up a rain @pout One nîtht reetli, Luguet Samunelson boi bis psallous lton ilby lghang, vbilch cae dama lh.spout-Bureen Cat Tribu@a. Win. *halu asbeen nurnine one of Jab's aaotso on his efiit baud, Il bas caui hli=lisése. pain. and il you 11rut ta >5.0v vbat ho tblnks about belle, askMman goulu as îon kuav boy. ThPh. 14slip tary lea&bout ta leuisqhahSwmevrutaadoftcigare cailai ,," grsAndinl." it leaiadeo vboiseaes114 ases lb.he ridence ai a esimple w*heh b». besa le! t vith ns fer 'Ph. Lxterq Mdoifltufurniturs fai 1h. ne O oie f tu .Eficîria Company in the' Bulbleyblack arirsi Tusuda mai wbaa i potin lmcth."*Ewecl vfl5uw. Shandi c o m f orlaOaMM -LAet Sude<a me chedulo vent into efic lat.abe oiddg~ot in vbieb 1h.e11:00 o'elocb trea iwI arrive at tb. -»v incuai t id depot -and runnuug s Ws vuS mes Pox Laité. Bemeuh.r tibis le forlu8isysoniy. Bir. 'IMOuMnlarecelved 19» s.d »»ofaithse dealh aof& bis brother. vblhi*accurasi at Oregon, Mod! syme n. 'h.bereansibrother lotI foi abat Plase TUssa, hore be at"Dude b. fumerai oliesque. Osceassi vas 81 140w; * tlah. "Orand Coundl" o!0 tà» "irs" bas deuandod lu. prOYv i MeAdh . m la b is]. Ive up teomtrebaeta Ismeni abat "dru... m@ es àrie bu mare oantary; &leu 14bU b lboht.abpruu e l. eusued. 'Ph. mquo*y of Libertyrilie ciguz» vi l siebgthe Fotrhat Round Leke. As or band furaisisu lb. mugc il le but materaiath"large ulbero vl ne libey mceniues' jodem, vhleb the baye renier vhter t aey go. Pouomater W"ih of EHarvard ad Paetmter Msade ai Hebron vil h. given .alry baa.e bsflunnug todejr, the fürmer having bis ueary lucrmssd frou $2200 to $2800 mnd tb. latter receivinu an Inciss.fat ram 01100 to $1200. The"director of the baud bas bai seri requsuis far numbers Dot ou 15e pragrani. Sncb nubers viii h. playd auly vben ha ie requesed ibelars Tues. day nigbte. Sot noie ibpm tva roquesi nubers viii h. played etoa concert. Chailse Forbricb, ai th. Loveil Drig Comanym, wiil commence a tva vesk' vacatloj todai-Fridai. Be *111 go ta Antioch. vhere he wvOl rmmbeIlath. dais. of this pictureeque portionu0ai lb country, thereby enjoslua a rest vithoul extra exertion. Blly Geilinge ha sauetamable. B11h le a ninuber of the B"ehlor's Club aid thons vba are nsmboru. minus ovaes or atcre are: Fred Smlth. -~ Capeland and MarshalIl lmberri, ta wboui t le thaugbtviliido*Ïs ne i Bih, vbhen the. quota luinbt respect viii bq ilfla. A number aofîug mnmi ave luaniu n asuo"ltion calleit "Figur 8.", TM&i vas eugge.tsd by ans e h U-bsi vhs. th.î nishai their euvîmlus pool morthaof tav, sud in aider té imerMu lb. sajoîrment lu Ibis blhyport. lbi have pracursi a "mOpilu g si." lubhuet tbeî could fSud, aMdi vth a liop, e4%rea»M ump, @bey niae t Igure89 8 llb 11#.urboore strlking tlb valsa. 'leLde'Aid Boeiety Of the M. EB. ckhbgave a lavu socialon EL IL 11ge olaa FtidaY aflemào mi evea k'. iman vas vert"retili ieorsb li, m"sathe candi boolb, Ssiipoisi Ld apm abooîb, aIl ot whleb vutsisssatW la rod itussd bine. la S eva 5M4 mt w ervemd lebo eh- les vheamen lb w à tga. ",A ve tra .00 UIIOaN>cl vupy be oupous ni le llnteo"oaccoun ' TUB TYV L LE Thistie Notice. No" la I. ersbygiven ta blghway tomujesommsuf Ihe lowaship af U1s- ertyilllsta .dmseu ptheïr district. hlghweys, marc&&, 1 ..aand lots a1 ci" ada a bstel son tbsygo ta oudes0 I oliali susbat Ibis lavis tourlîobierved Ail commloite, ahould bt sea$ diret ta L4 the mwusoner. Liviag descrilption of. anzirî,md vhere lacati. Puima Lai y bWUte Commleosuof b. Tovn of Ubrtygille. 111. c-89-tl Card of Thanks. W. vlsh ta *he.k aur tr4uds amd slgbars tor iheiutlrlg sait.mai bord iwor& vIb medur homefboms dsutroetioa by Irea onMouday aigu, Sas e27tk. joax 4eur AND U'ÔIM4 RENIWAI..8PSOMPTLY ATTBNOED TO. CAREFUL ATTENTION èlVW TO SEI.ECTION OF oatsiM G3. C. OGIDLEY, Ms anome, BiermeAi *Pm$ a vssk et L aie»rwmrud amilste Zurich. the Rockfli.r laiscing clam ill iigir. a Bhrtwalet Party Lt McBrlde's ba Setur4ay evmdoua.' lMre. Chas. happer ald children spent lest vsok wM MrM. adMr@. George Leppoi r 0*1.e Zurich. Jacab McIn1ab, sanlamats af thes 144. Coatj Fso>r Fan, dlsd Tuesday alter. aoo oaola go, avlug reScovad bis 9714 leur 01 hie 11Uts. 'l.itaak the rom"i ta Baillas Woda.elay vbere latrmsut wus bai. Suaday, the Baisblers viii 'Isnak@ has" orithe dlamond lua a ao bail vlîh the West Bnd. of KenaSha. 'Th Ie ealthie i bale as evitt, Il net mars su than 1he Arions af 1h. sas place, but that niake, no differeuce Wltthehho» tIss, asiit la equal ta the emergemcy and their friande 1004 torvati la a good gain.. A tank aofaiù coutainlng 80(0 gallons of oil va rscaved Monday, wbieh vas nowi lu eprb*iug the etreete. Thus lW no canipleint bas besu smd. as ta isA Yruelan ot rla.ythelbdue, and as far as kuovu thia remody wUl be. nSe 1hroug>aoa,1 bseoasi Other cliesare toIIovkgUlbus"'wlliexampie lu this respect M reporte,-aofa pissslng nature are cammlit IMfaer Md DaMse. Momlay moralag Il vas an amustak slgbt lause a Iesdag uelusm m rmelAR againe lime VA a 2:80 clip lit the direction aoflbthevwdepaa la aider ta caiela the vwathouai pueffmaer train. &M ud vhob.àrlvoi et 1*9 ispal a mmssezhusied, h. dlecovoired, it va@ un Fume" ofaI frelgbr"t ~l olu la the oppoêle dirutloa. -'Th. rosier 'cr lmedabe vhatho saidahes h.digeovero bM is t* .11...OepellY vhs.Il wuva frle u laofea Icpausoager, bavlag several a"uIs ta opebeore lb. latef vasdue. Hisexhanat pipe lae tnW là 0fl>itliin. Mamdaythere vaes a Pair of suspicion@ L4ki caratleru emen usaithe bént af Diamond Lade, usai theb. Sor-plac, where thsre le a mounulof emrth. Th"î ver. spplisi vlth a prospectras utt satd versabout ta penetrate the mouni vhs, appvoecbluglooatep Ptt aunsud ta their mauoevuers. Il le tbonght by some that. Ibis mauni couteaspie historie relias af a truie01 jlai*aus, #0 tomahawks, ekculle ami akelatomi et Mo -a have lissa louai vtbla a #hos dWimtrus am v h e 1.prospets vue sées. Oustaméeseurses vil b.adoptgi tu piolethlb bis.asIlée-ltay-la lb. mouai, et Itla eou privaI. propety a»d tuspaours souli h. on the "o- out il tbey vaut ta avoa l a baiof beakebot trous an unerring ils. The township fBu#y lebool conves tion bell et Boce&*ller Sumiayb vas lrge yattendo ed v as llrla tbroughoul. The repart et Ume. vertt6 vho attended tbs World's Suuiay Schoal eonvrentiou atWaibgioa, D. C., vas liteusito vth dup lâaisaos ais Ibat of > Mm. Rubis TrePtov, vho atteaisi tbe Stelu ma.!Othool cou. vention. 'Ph. tovnship organlsarlou la Ibis vork la las prospérons condltion. vbich à@ tb. reiult aifosalaus voîkers la Ibis vortby eans.- Aller the reparti vsre'rosi, ather saiurbusiness vae tramuactei. after vbieh aný eloctiost ai omero vasheli, vhich routilsa toliavi: Prsoient, BRey. w.blpple', Sereary ani Tt«ore. Dr. 'Churchill; Superlatoudeut of Tompeauce. unI Payur; SuperintendetoftaITueer' Training, Mr. F. B. Tripp; luperlats.. dentaof Missions, BauMoue; supaluat. dent of Bonnis Dspaitinut, Bey. MacOufflu; Superintant of Primay, r.. John Welch. IN AND This bank înstiorns" kopetom h i &4 erquired b make itd ood" - >P"ibiathm th;owing arouud "h btàk eery poasblessagur luhs aetioa lhm, bmsa su operUaom Oyff seVente= ayessasmdduring t .pra thm" witnesaod many e&y4ng imes in a e.finani.,rksi !nit in e'vey instance the bsuk liii. corne dtwhro unscsthod. LUk2UWY Capital $40,000.00 Surplu and Profit. 8,000.0 Stockholdsl"s Iabilty 80,000. 00 Total 100.0 Bopd v Mueu w* Ii&vt év 'w broidpiei ind Iiiaewtion&g WI& ]Cnbrolds«u for UnmoeuhlU, S bfolimlawi s Mmd O6lWh broisrlss veilwos*,k -aiWO 4 fw b *oieim aa oDW àsteod,04 b. .elmt a péri, ls.. Mverb.lisos,40 fues 'w* --w--' i-.ILr e4 -'r lui - F=7

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