Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Jul 1910, p. 7

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* Want NONE RECEIVEt) FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS Lait. Ceuftty. loran, ADJ*s Mn, Marcelo itb ve. RIta ames Mamran, eth MorRUn. Ses. 0'Cnn"Ir. Oran, Dlaniel LiD. Colgan, amuet groie" ot (ho North lb veut quar- e (2i rois ity-eigbl (28) North', Range Tirfl Princi- îunty, Ilinois. given tiratit ocres entetid Cause at the ithereat, the Cbancoi'y o! day, (ho l9tb at the baur of muo o! saad doar ofth(e o! Waukegan at public auo- 1 hast htdden iescrihed land ln Lire CotutY noie, to-vit: r ot tire Nor'th ho east tbreo eClion tventy- lx (46> Northr. t o! thre Third nateti lu (ho 1910 r la CirAaer. FOR SALE-Lot' iii the DySmond and Au.tin gubdivition, r,01140; $100 each;I *., dîîwri, $5 çsr iuîith hDYbMN n &A AteTiN. 40-tff fId$t a IWANTED-i,ood soliwitrm. maie anr femal, , aiary sud mcomition. Fi further i nformnation cati un or addrewé A. G.HÀ4 . i cbrtyville. C-40 tf LOTS FOR SALE-tu the B. J. (rlmeo aub-divislon of Libertyvitte, south of, WANTED-Famity oft wo wan t va., eletric road ou Mlwauke.- avenue. B lir dune. Seventh and Brd wav. J. fliLmE. ownei. 1 ;-- tf P3 FOR SALE-Choice ttil C. Frank WANTEDTwoodcitc-bers o di Wrigts addition , : o5, for $200 <>> jand ay 12imt u 0 rd,5i i $25,0.ti0 aud$300.00 lNoruAurNd suad 50 rode, -3 tu 4 f. deep. Wîi 40-t zî4hasn. -36-tU FARMS-Wo have a largoelt of Lako eounty farme to si, also boume and --t iu viltage. DYMONO) & AVwOd11. 40-tf FOR SALE-Good reideuce lot iu Libertyvillo. Dairabie location. J. R. MàcK, LibertyvIlle. FOR SALE OR RENT-IModeru bouse, &Ui lprovemnents. Centralfy tocated. C. aBoys, Libertyvrlto. Illi. c-28-tf FOR SALE-House on FI r@a a Hurt- burt Court 7 mrne s rly nov. etetric hgh, gs. evo, cty semer. .aigaaa. Appfy mnLaycoek, Libertyvillne. f FOR SALE-A 7 room bhans on Mc- Kinley aud Stewart Ave. loquire o0 R P. ScaM4AînLE, Ltertyrille. fl. c-32-ti FOR SALE-On. six-borms paver port. aqie englua anti boiter, uin.Deýondition. The. ovur bas no nu for 15. Enquire at 115fi-ran av. WuksanIll. --23L! FOR SALE-Or viU tr'ad for a lighfî driver.,ai, 8 sr old work horse, velgb fg1250. .J.WHEirtOcz, rayulako,t ,Pl 1 "-8 l MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN -Oun mprové f armes t 5 per cent. DYMoNn & A co FOUND-A poket book containgi ua of money. Owner can havemsa byv proving property and paying for ti ad. 84 SPECIAL. FENCE- Grestly roduced i Pries, 12 lice vires, stLuB steel, stay L luches aipart. hog tght, igh onouabht tuam ail kinde o! stock, 27e per rod tapele given fieswlth overy rol. Bar] vire $260 per 100 pouade. AumEucm WIvE Fr.mct Co. e40-ti GOLD FILLED SPECTACI. ES-wlt canful tet iDciuded for SlnW> amion Have your prisent Iousmschangeal i bave nev framée for yoar premSenfli Truess Liai b4iroi vtf confort., frot $1.00 and nu. UMakmail'ding ston tire Rxali Ding tore, corner Genos et., anti Madion Wankegam, 111. e29« THESE *^Y WEO. ter o! section 7, t).erfleld tovnabtl W. D., $362. Henry Peterson, Wbting.......... 21 REsate of Mathias Herman decea Katberino Baumgartuer .......... 1 ed) to John Carolan. part of nortliwe W. R. Capenor. Portage ý.......... 28 quarter o! section 20, Deerfleld Lo.m Emnma R. R.adam ................30911tP, Q. C, $1. ~M. 41 a, Green BaY .........39 d ~ x4Crawford, zVon City f...F...ans A2hm 1'l,~Orumtrni...............22 Brfnu dWilo!rt and tify tw mi George E. Anderson, St Louis .... .23 pecont but Foes'@ IHoues and Tar gm VIola E. Ahimeyer.............. 19 oas and comfort io the suffern nto A. E. Htgh.......*..... 23 It relievos Lbe congestion iu the heà Amy Maude Miller ........ ...... 19 and hoat aud t@ soothinir and heali William W. Sterling, shkosh...21 Noue gnune but Foiys Honey ai Eda Peterson. Oshkceh.......... 23 Tarinl tho yelcvw package.. M. Brundoutoco, Htghland Park ..26 F. B. LovELL COMPANY. Anna Gyjts..................... 26 Red Comb Poutry all ie@. BeoitIo Thore le no getting avay froni the for tableons. Botd h.v LlsvîsT'e'.î tact that Bradtles & Vrooman Pure Paint "' goos furtbor than any other kind. Iti L.MIiER Coi. wears longer, toc. liake the othor fe- low prove to the contrary. bfore son 'The ttme la not fur off," satd boy the inferior paint hoe tries to setli prominent phystctan 'when a bc yon. Bradley& Vrooman Pansé for sale that bas beeu In the vater even b! . B. LoYELi. CoiipANY. hour or more wiii be able to be vtved." There are many expt menters ta betieve that the bodies Real Estate Trmnsers. peope whih are from the wal - vived. G. A. Reed to Eliza A. Stevens, lots 9 to 16. reoubdtvision o! part o! bockt A tickting or dît cough eau ho quicl 72, Hghlandt Park, W. D.. $1. losnedw ith Dr. ShOops Cougb Rein Christiue M. Johnson and buoband to D). A. Weale. loto 20, 28, 29 and 34 No opium, no eloroforin othing unus blockt 2, Mullery'o subdivision,. North or haroh. Soid by Chicago, Q. C. D).. $1. ALL DEALUAS. SW. B. Smth and vîfe ta D. A. Wze lot 29 block 2, Mullerys subdivteton, -qorth Chtcago, Q. C., $2,00. Every one conversant wtt the b P. W. Churebit and i wfe ta tD. A. peings of the amusement world WVeale, lot 34 block 2, Muliery'e suh- avare of the voudertul succogo vih division. North Chicago, Q. C . D., bas crowned tbe triumphai tour o! 126.73. Selle-Floto circus this season. wi A. L. Rogers and wîfe tu tD. A. Weae the circus proper has beau enlarl lot 20 block 2, Mulirys subdivision, and camnes back to1 us more magr North Chbicago. Q. C. D)., 125.00. cent than ever beforo, the prico A. C. Thomsonl and vite Lu Isaac admssion bas been eut In balf. &cCurdy, nortb part o! lot 4 block 86, great circus var te rangtng betvi Hfighland Park, W. D., $3160. certain combined cireuses on aue a G. t. Piagge and vite et ai to W.' F. and the Independent Selsa-Fioto pec Plagie. 7 acres Iu northeast quarter on the other. Tbe latter are carry o! the northwest quarter of section the battie to their upponouts and 20, Deerleifi township, Q. C. D., $200. people are heneilting therehy. TI Adami Meier and wite to John Carr- the move bas hoon a popular ant clan, part o! the nortbeast quarter ot attested t0 by the tact that lu ev the northwet quarter o! section 20, big cty thifisesason the v: Deorfield township, W. D). $100. agemout vas unable to provide r W. P. Plagge and vite to Adami for its Patron$. 4[eser, 7 acres east Of! raTiOêd 0o!'he IND«PENOINT and . Ws nostieat quarter of uortbwieut quar- InerOnsan l:1.50 a y9se. 'I F OR SAL FOR SALE-Good driving horne, wt. WPf 1650 ;,(,und@, Aloo a Sgenic ti 00, aiiy nqu hi.ld cati handle. Cai t thim office. we@î 41-2 F0F FOR SALE-Driding borses st Mapio very Sprg Fariu. B. W. FOLLZTT. p-41-1 Adi FOR SALE-Oine nlcolY arkedpure bred Holstuin bull caif Sa 1654)10Sj)riI)i F0 Faim. Cal! will h. kept for one week. rv H. W. FOLL"'. p4 dr1Oni and FOR SALE CI4EAP-Binger 8ewlug blac Mdachige, aimat now. Inquire st this Cia office. p-40-ti dri'd FOR SALE-Bail boat, IBiS, buit tbis a' yebr. Chsap if taken et once. laquire "en at thu GBaY@LàKE PAM CY.40-tI tOrne FOR SALE-Forty acres of tandn O hay. part ame sud part wild, nortb o O1 Druce Lake. Inquire of A. J. BKEWER, _ <raysiako, 111. --c-40-tf FOR SALE-A number of eoie C1ie tatd Fu.Inquire CARI, KÂ%E, Diarnond ais FOR SALE-New, modern neveu rou bouse and bath, oak finish 6ruifdo rj yellow pinecnd floor. Hardwood floore throughout. lu Ravine olpe ,i'bdivtoion. S. L. Tiîpe, lRockefeler, lit.C-86-tf FO0 lnqz FOR SALE I FI pasoenger buq. Inquire IF~ uf J. E Boinî, Lhertvtille. 111 . PhoneoeOF (Y64 .c-tf '01U - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE-Acre iots on livîond's W ruî,» iou."loe ta îown and etetric ca9rm, Pree$:300.04J. i î!u&iel.r R SALE- t bIack horse. Ir (lirei. M1. WIuex.iRockefeller,.Ili., Phrone ais. ,c-41-1 ,NTEO-Tvo mon for, faim vwork. tuire nt M. .1. REosioNu FARasi. 3 mils et of Lake Forcit. P. Poitegy. p-4 1-1 R SALE-A nov hay fetider, yuli sei ry reasonàbie aseI have Du use for if. ieus W. B. MiÛ'CLutcz , Gumuee, 1Il p-4 1-1 'R SALE-lO lb. sorrel tamil, rer, teatber trimmeti Concordi bu«y, ie Ivo suabd villagi wagon viti polo id sbaft, dwo s@eso! single hains«, ackets, robes, baitea. otc,, aifilnutirst lios conditio. aoyoue wvsiiu a maii Iver for tanity should Investigate thie ane. for I1ibave no furtirer us for ,e. Wili eoifl separate or aIl. Can bh in y tuMe. J. A. RÂARE, 208 Bouth un Bay Rioad, Highsland Park, 11l c-41-2 R SALE-6 M r bus. Inqulir J. E. B0110 etefl Ili. C'38-41 R) SALE-4ino 120 egg Prairfe Stale id Lvo 250 e gg Model Icnbaioi, bit te uset sud lu exceilent condition, ao sevemat brooders of varions makes mesos P. 0. Box 3. Rlgirtaut Pari, c-25-tf FOR VENT1 DR RENT-fi room idat ou Orchard Si nuire Mss. E. 9. WAaagî. c-ttf R <qsN1 -we have a few good mou, b.4r~ou.," t» eambent. viti r hout b6ard. tlviriîî u& ta-N 40 if WANTED nm LARE COUNTY 114DEPEXDENT, FIUDÂTY, JILY 8, 1910 1 W U IG NM Stiri here vasarbepoar un--ctoay INORTHI CHICAGO ' Sields Indicts Legsature. M.fD. A E. BronM D. ,.HMRl., iii r .li.î F Shiuîds of te IM1) E. F. Gavin. M. D.,S. V ") theK!A lA iha tereampd hee atturw O '>Ie\1.1SV i .elle of , C'iClb. ailu 'l' MJ.Kaifowsky, M., SANE CELEBRATION ii-~~adtrtcoip 'et oi p1i3BG CELEBRATIONs. i aggtîre -pî .\ i ,ates iradbeen stigîly tt;:aeil T'îeiaddiess of the day ltr . Whte haa Ir wt outilor not VWauîlegan 01, 4ingust 1.1 the cit .r rîPei , "'<,ft hiago -V'i. ',. Il,.a-.,.' ?îçd 'ttr of fliîrv rh.edemlo I H aahalsanle !ourth Monlay prob- s'<boa s e. h ail thîlr .tNf, t <oiAta'< s-t TiiIg olt i t'h tT ru0eontmbtiertof 'hie 5îale legîsiatijie 5TUDIES I TESCRIPTUIIIIII -abiy because the peoprle geierally apîtr asdeia*,,.' ~ ' '. ,itall. tto',adffv___ lhîov 2,it their ire vorlis away ilu the luth, ýra;itarrivexi t ,le , t!;ita. , l ti .'<toce i , T ,, ni e tT'iqfo LoafTfiitiosanHi- tî t 'l vWnsfu it kyb fi lorm u , confetti anrd palier curters ,wl rieI aieifi ol ae(ol l " ln ýiýIlr101le.H-fl'llre - SxWneflBbeKib Satursy laj s engtagemenît.ttt, i.size. aind,î ait îti SC i paîr0 ie Pastni Russll of Brooklyn. le__________Th aîIeda afl ftC Ty taltt ,n. l'etS- teafiflg ýiiiittIeff.hllait'ack- White deaer,, In tire worits report sprsed..hete îercrerance legisiatlon comn- - *tirat heir sales were about as large "la Life Worth Savîîg9' Tle pnra le vas c. ' î. ttîe iiîî,.s. o tht ilI wîîd îoi est-n hi-ar BiT now our readors dolubtieu 164 or larger thon usual thero were ticl ie.Mîîe taîv.Ictir1i1lig n -a.g"t. le. îtth, Sltlî'lî IIlîs iroiosedHe thil tle- stI acqoatnted wiih Pastor Rugnon yand the people did nat makte the us-kde n lde, adt. a- beaît reCOTI .ltiti"< aiiiirtey 0f l'oekItlhweekly In commnvith mors th"a ruai amount of noise although lu spite foudnbtey sud biaey*trklI,.alti Soati aîîîi carrtci)ethe aul,,riîî titi l.eirul-dth ores lnf t u pas lu ote !Fly ie tolsdv ille roniient No il, thicagoan'<.ui ittran(dg ht oviidtree bundred of tire ieadlug Amori Y otpia lny fgan ie ,akos*ured ber souud and Shmiroe <Oceisitors, adsoeeies adcifi ih l nterfere v illt the- Sîuilvalootun ipoppeg, lentyi-fl soit ai, I dît îs viii, teaufanit Canatitan Jouenais vt e rv. tny0bxpoîo~~ er ttter hv 'tratircithreoiig biussbands.T Ofllv 10atend bat nhtitlietî-oîîiofuOurge m ae . t r w .p e t o x l s v al s fe e ! kidn ey eas e dil i- a nty vere heaut het uti deor at. d -sand tirais aly v'ho "iiîged thre teo lie ta ban di readers aiready have tire Pasto '.i cadi t * er maue use stu -ouforced santty F. B . Ir £LL i ,d m of Ie socttieslu ne . ete andv thi-eItogelirer against th e co ndltoîs an t e, brairait bo ks In th ir ho mes a ni are, ly o! the fourth or for aome other roason F.B IeL MPN. two uuitormed Austrian societies, eeorct enttielgstuevowîduigtimefclel.tthr (bore were tartes accidents than_________ made a spienditi Impression. Tire fa o c ty local option. liglit andtInlteliectual aud sýWrituU À, *usual and the only renI aident of Progrese club. vhlcir vau. hehîndth îe iggeit Shoot Heid Vet. profit, Il muetttic so. ince th4s's ais the day vas laie at nlght whon an Ded From Wound 1 nflicted. coiebrattun. deserves a lot of credit Tire Waukegan (Ion Club Siînday tn circulation about thrroo mUiilmoaet ar allen held a cannon crackter lu bis Cavert, the 19-yoar-ouI son of J. C. and such an organIzalltrî coulti seu suitdllonday rejoined In the targost copies ofutheliretra volume, "'rie tiae leband vith tire rosuit thatlho font aIicCartuey o! 90) Fat Randoîpli streo ,letrebr. andi mont successful two shoots it bas Plan- Tire Bibis andi Tract Soeiotty tgthmban wefiges.H l e teMagaret Gehm Qucen. yot haldTirey vere thre tiret o! a prize uf Brooklyn, N. Y, poblisthirvl )r humsudtv inor.Hole5.teChicago, vif h a restdenele l in anston, lu the dîsmond i rng coutetfor car- serles vith markemeu mucir laver. urnes et coat pitre go au tu secure Ib 30 Bulet Hole Through Wfndow. Frlday shot aud prohahiy fatal; iynvl queen Miss Ilargaret Gehl altir them a vIde circulation.Thia brifla th orne unkuovu Fourth o! Juty i-lie- vounded biniselt vitir an oid gun pro- 14390 votes von and vas carried tri A D E S D B them vitiutire reacir ot aIl. I. rabor fdring hall carbrtdges sent a bu]- servedl as a retice et the faMIly 5 isoll .battydctdcragentire D OC O C R IN oerito ags aesutelpeie let throngir the sot vindov o! tire grelgtaton tirecioH Hilliard procession, lilas lathei-ine Erista O T RC R I vr110pgssreople oto -Pearce drîmg store early lu tire muru- place on the Beach road, forth Of recetved 33420 votes. Mtiss Mercede-s exprerla charges iirepald, for $1. 'o Ing ou tire Fourtir Tire police 1roirib Waukegan. Neahus 11,670 anhl MIs'< Anis Toi,,- Iteti the lise of baIl cartrldge on any Wheu. Friday nigbt noat 5 ocioct, Imertîp l2.860. Thre ring cotlet was Artirhe commencemeýnt exercises of Set Il., tirree vois. bu match, Onesiy eexcuse. father aud. motbier and, a rîtîher rame slprtted tirrougliout andthelirenany nurses' training school Of -,ire Wauke- 1.900 pages, go for $1.20. teBianit Guris Many. from Evaneton to sece unir ý.oit, wlio frtendis of tire youing vonten coiitl-at. gan liosptlaiTirrsîi5y Dr. AF.Corvin Surir vorkB. at sucir abnornnally lui lt Bianit guns were usod by the -boue- bas been managtng lire gardien trait anlies sioed splendidId -rit inthtie of Chic'ago. In delering bis addre',-i. rates. naturallY attract nome 1)10557 nand on tr tet adee Iia5 n the Intereota o!fibis heair. tirey sîppit of thtirIrcandidates.'made a -Oirts itrc f vsîtrC lovera viro seek te, oeIifor $10 (the ýs In spire o! tire poltre ordors NMouday taiied to fdmithlm t tirh ie aeon Pr euiu pt ir. nlstrig toiilg that 1 %ai&0) viat corts tirembut 83.2b. i su ai da log tre laîk llsIls irepiae ad a one taî,c îti an Tire parkitiseifleisone o! tire moi.t crielt anyvrere aud any tigne le an Tire Bible and Tract Society desfrss pocîad. The reat glant canon crack- xiety boegan as sarch tirai lasieti train beaîîtiful spts on lire north shrore. it abominastion. le assertodti traitlit lis to vain ail tiratiit le uoneceusry te e rs o! large size sud of langerous 5 In the evening iutîl near Il at la situaleti Jîît est of Eights.entir Jtst as cruel to sacrifice animais at psy Isudc a prtce-tirat If Peaitor Rud'- s lîkenese of explosives of ait degreas Ftnd Unconacious In the Ceifar. sloeki n tie 'laite. iu luff Irees at eedo il ntebnso i "tde nteSrp ,c ofdeadly perîl. The Fiiirth bIere vass Tho boygvasefinally fî,tîîd lurons hIaan Rooseveettorjr, tire establishmnft o! nul be obtaunet Othrisle morseolu Theboywasfinllyroud "0"-she, dltamale i anide pacefora Sewift ot Arrmoir as lu tire]shora, vr'nenîîy they viii ho pleased'tO sup- not marie, but vent ou the usuiat ex. clous In bhe cornerof!the er-iar. Thire aPrk 1eddpvlo h oy ftrente.reatives at tiret thoîglit tîtat lire bial ra parkeAsît pli, all pasildirefor tirertors. Blank Cartridge Wound. biroo vorome altir rie lest. ,itsca,u hui and aband 'oncets asntI n -Thicsrcd.artagef d thre Tabernacle at tire prces givon above .. Among the tirer: o!fire child victime discovereti s gun aloi volitdanid lai-. tîraclions mrade a gala tplaci- of science and rire art of ruedicine hias Soknne &tilt Rsmsnbr "5111 Arpe ut premature Fourbir ut ,ulycre- or tount thre aid revolver atthi une r arkalîayatha cotsairic agî riîni Mti'il v le bio.vsRattAj-iu.. 11chamber oniptieti. locl.ed in att day lottg matie lthe -t foîtcer .at' exiteTîcent. il Is a tlruuc u uauti'se nth Suh r elgir Ysear olti boyvirose ironie la art Theoboy vas theit takerlili,îtairs l Iseoie îptiîtt i h-s î cec ri PirinsOtfîe8'" reIlvofrhtir ait 142 soulir Butricit streal. The Ander tebos apuselîi uaiîrîîî oe. ferth e',i-ttliiet th e asi'-. of- s'ire.iissrires of Otan vîlli teh im t ire .Mevoe5m sou chilti awaet lu tire hip wth sud lter aunStambulantce fiotht ie fio are lu wa'<uiegaîîlte akt eek-riv.r.'brises anidte kî,tfe aie needed lial time bnfore ire ifet:- a a22 bmatintcarirbcfge fired froma bla'k o! Laxseu & Conradi retîtni hmbsowîat X tigrpoed etTl lyksishnl iecr cmlstiis t l nosiret ea ibkvtt carritige îttb hrtsBtct tire hospîtal, wvire-il sas -tatet in oI n dtriftîl f tireai l eît le sire iIi tirrotîdilis eanpe he ett o ditîi-et u oigtraîto niîodru I T tn ,ar ttiladvîosehom isstaedthe atternoontiratie ite lhuding iis open iti, Ieauifit t'oss tarit. aiictaîs: a sacrifice of lover forma woiderrui soiltin ofthe grgal moystssies I10 o evarioiisl> ai Lakte Forest, Rond- tit have troabled us aIl oui lM%,*& 1 u n aeBuf .Thre Speakers. loi tire ligirer.- Tireala hiratiy & familiy ,1te bsfou"l oid Tire bilnk carlrti'e caîîsed a nasly Came Here to Recuperate. Tire speakîng in tire affeino i ' Holy Mission o! Nurse. that iras flt otsbi so- loveti on. vhs ýOll îspr-ltacted ntany. speeches hei-utcdrlit1er- tri contliuintg ils atidresa iotirte dleti outside tire cirurcir-utalie thers 9h cri w ounti sendlrîg a ruantlty ut powder Mecartney is s htsk fottgsur 15In tire chid*t fiesir Tire motirer v-asir mouof manhooti lte ira i 1,,11ti tu,,-;etby Jutige N. H. 'elcir et ('lî%aito.graduatirg nutrses, ho saldti iat ieir ai sal'attin. and. If Calvlnlsm bO tins, Id oeti tire sountisas lest sire coulti ding colege sud overwot kittg svirithe Attorney Dasid H. Jaciteon uf Laite voit sud tire ioctors are aaottitelY iOt-ide rif aIlhope anti Inseofo! tarno bot vas varîîed lv a police officer te rescrtt thatlire bruite dtîvî,compleîeîy Forest andtiAttorne.yCC T. Hesîectîr irsepi-rabte. Tirenurse Is as nesces- tareelsd tieer.wafrne mob 1 aei atrzdb iýIin Tire in hoaltir. Ail 'pîayediî îtî' andîl rredof nI Xautegan. All vero of a parlotte sacy to the uredical profession as tire pletur. We tia"e ot tieny théefailli ut sfficer airo chancei to le passing 0on teconsul! a doctor, tire ytiii tsistedtu ,rn and pralseil Northt Chicago for lelephone is ic trrhebuirnssa vorîti.Our athre andsryet can IR b. posible Srînday atternoon wvien tire accident that tirere vas uothing maierilthtie tire sîîendld spirit îusIafcil on tiIs Tire trogress o! tire doctor i15 parelel lirai tire goti moirer andth ie vandsri0 . ccurreti. orderedth ie pîstol pub av-ay matter vilh hlm ant inlralîsv assiedoccasuon,. Tire races anti gamesai- to tiraitftire nurse andtie tire urese cilîtara torever eeParatesl-fnrevsrm 'g untul tire fourtir. it is tearod titatiblod for suggestions as to tle test plan 'r! tracted mauf. lot the baltoort asceir o! tire ourse la parattet to tirait ofthtie oraver? ft. posoning may restait. helplng hlm. Hoe sld he . liîgiri ih,'<tsion lirait t10ie calleti off vraccourutt of tiortor. -lirofleve It la tire rialdity or thons. At Hghand Park. If a plot of grounti ye' ougirt for a tire slnd. In a clear anti concise vay hoe thon teacinas triat nakes atie ansd ini- T Xltia .uhso otilgilaîlPak.gardon and possihly a chircten farm The parateo tinte utf$10 for tire tsrg- oiîtirieiltire essentiessof a goati iappy anti brinai their gray bis'. cM -ageti 12, vas voundet in tbel eft ian lihe vould malitage Il, gel tire freirir air est marcing delegation waaswon ttY nurse. speaidng tira! o!flire confidence In aorrow tu iire grave-a& tout cimfi, S b y a blank cariige. anti thus recuperale. tle St. Josepir society. air Autsian thot vas placet luairer andi o! the neeti fouist gqluj1_- In ZVon City. Tire resuit vas tinritire faîber pur- organizaîlon. Dr. JolIey von tIhe prizo sonte times 'not 10 ose," or 'Dot 1g0 "ris vonderful book mallesno ase,'- * No accidente voie reporter] ai tire chasedth ie aid Milliard place andthie for tire pretiloat decorateti automobile, heall' or "not bu tatk' Loyatty 10tO os tirat ars net vol] susialusit by tie Lake County Sunday Scirool Asgicia- yoîb vas inatalliot iere, sud tire presfor thre Inostrepresent- hlubeat Iisis, te the famlIy. to tihe UittiÎýIiu t Il bufît rip atone hY atoe.s aYoung- atime floass eut 10 tire Modern pattent, andti tatire physcen are os- endi upon sveryasinustafthtietrt" ldit re tIon peue Monday bayotita Had Salon Deapondent. Womnsd ieRyi ogbr. eus.m ,a ti vîstof Gdi.I 'I tore faIt front, tirespeakers' platfarm. Wobscoadth Rya eibbra pyra. »ý. and ito! <od There vere no dlevants St ail t thbie Tire youbb has boon destîondeut anti At Gad* Hillf. Muei b. Cheerfuf. '«rre la notingt luair Dtheibe t piut r eliraio. At tire Volîva even free open air life taitedti In dis- Tlree huntired mothers ant i chtth- celbrtln l e ndreoo oe oyPet tire ffllaflcholilavilhir bb l ieren lu tire Gatis Hill camp et Lake ' ioertdspstosl n o h i trenlatun dotoula, Lut 0"sete wueemeureafftlcted..-l î.0 - Bluff, III., tire camp suppoîîeil by tihepe-eustsaascesulnr. gtuo tiassmtiso O j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I vawuoe lgrl.I as Ibis despondenry tirat led tu GalloHill Conter Poclt ettiomentlo! A bopefut. halpfnt spirit la o! moreotire ,.darS anM gloouiw5Uy it aemun ide atra tied c r tboe ie allegeti attompt upon hirisown Ilte. Chicago, spent tire FourthIntutire oltiipracdhnathrni nv-50lta dtr ilaî ournau.0" ir a n îd arnei o ieTheretleno mare deinite cause in, fasinioned way o! pieute anti patiotlcetidge of 1m:di t oticier udnminlon havesradotaen o m ommb d ne bg Flreoracker Causei Big Tobietvut foite 2eî-ovrt ofisetat ilercshappiflésa attack you; anti remalin tn- isonfesusbt hdhla new anbs Omfeel A fdrecranker le supposeti 10 have Te le on rmte3 otoe opttsli:adhlber eficeru.ltion of QiGot' ok. Thant411emi. -csused tire lire tiraI iestroYed tire ber gun ponetratee the abdomen sud lu thre evenîng a patroîtte service curoaablc drait oallr4 ak 00I bhome of Mrs. J. S. Munrie about iraI!tire vital organe, tire stomacir. the long vas belli lu the ev Gregory memor- "Aos ehs ie al dn wry tewr o ra Upioeate oi 12 a mile soulir of Gi-sysiake Mouday and thre spleen, andt tree I lttle hoile lai hait that vas dedicatoti Monday "Doctos ehpiv ytevr o sasmipbns thp.. reovry y o! othora. IM an or e advauod tireugtt, e M M of! ultimata eovr.Tire service vas in charge of Mi-s. "Blue bas nO Places a aPigment ' t» tIrnkla ~dons thon uer ýwb*tie-S4" tc, Tire lire started ou thre parer rooft euP Tire father, J. C. Mecartney, lsa . LoIs. M artin, suparlutendent of tire tire dspsition any _are tbon ie yet- am .dt t S 50Dw ' IgIt- M M 0 t boi-& A,. posedty tram a firecracker whirh bid eaîîhy Chicago anti Evanston realty cap.v wInues cours«. th.evirvsgd.l«" ,rbeeu throvm or bral. te some vay diealer anti in voit kuovo. The tam- toloiug tire services heo drevaîke 'Do't cry over eptît miik; it la _______ & ogdTheerbas reioat ae i liy la piomînent voeeset off at tire lai front. prohabty vel vsteîed vitiraut youî th tire a n sd outbuildl.ngs, but exceP- t ' Volivana ut pîcnîc. tears. MÀpa o ai 54 Tmioe , So Lbh tiug for snme o! the dovu stairg forn- Notice. White tieLake CauntY Suniday .'A mrry heart maireti a cireerful A im ano senstiaerainmuey*; te Ip iture (ho hquse sud ail Ils contenta To Liros who are holding plan book*, Scirool Association and the Indepenti- countonance." tn in.He tIà zt b%% or vag compietety destrayed. vo voulti ike the returu o! theo sm e,'ifente b.ld forth vitir their sone F'auilirMusical Part Enjoyah o. mouin gond coliation as" am a .tw ma. Twe mort Vcime. @ iuee h ot n fteSio ,, The amail daugirber o! Geo. Siaskus not im use, other pariles deeutinlg tu look Parcnltire autiendoo teeulai TehdesWOvrYisrciejestned0 tM" àbl ir o! Victoria treet vas quiteovereiy aitLire vork. LîaEeRTVvfLLEg Luisas Btei annat Faumih pîle uat the ant iliighly snjoyed iry aIL.Tire 1mu111- Jeter thes&Mru ecivod a ltur f$MM me burned about the face sud eyeo by Co. c-al uortb end. les, part o!fLire progra nlcudiug a thes ovuso f the. pissano.a W' t* - 9tguiipovder, but nuieeriouety al ail Indepeudents are uad 10 have procoenonal sud receuaiouai by Mis. gâcal ltstuea. sauetbat tir. wsuo anmd site vîli Outsufer suY permnent Resigna Post Wilh Easrn College. tirreatoned Iunction ta stop thé A. E Brovn, solos by Mima W118son1, b" Mboulipreporly funi&,, Riio Injury. aperation o! a menl7 go round tbat anti Prof. Laugirlin sud a viollu solu o bote lbli tbe.A1I eef« P A young boy aloed a giant can- Dr. Richard D. Hartan specit Voîva biet 1 amuse the peopl, but by Missie Stainher, vas ail o! thre a repraiani trou ie spov« non cracker ta go off lu is baud Mon- representaflve ot George Wasington failedti 1 getl i. Thon Il la salithey highost clase sud atidedte 10tirepleas- .i ue ui nte pt eday near the court bouse square, University. Washirlni. tD. C..o h appealedti 10Judtge Landîs rover the oie o! the eventng. iburhs ad oig esut ev Y »Abyu et- su'sarsl rsiat a al u pont throc years. and former promat- lang distance tetephone ontY to ire laid vn-an a a enai bi bndwasbal I ent o! Laite Foreet Cllege,'t'uouday that if lhey titi not lbave Voltva alono Auisi for Local Sisidonis. =7oe, On Sd, au betore, »nefut ull juief. Ro i'.tenderet ishieresignation (oLire baard a Unitedi States marsiral vouttlire sent I ieasneo!D.Kib D.tire Instrument. Thaisl..b.hotoU tirs The mrorung of Lire Itouth te i a!oftrustees. Ir vas acceptuti viai out tao ntorce aider. Tmag rsddadmd h r-'b deatment vas eae aWalm rmt Vaiva gave follovers a ticettfor aiagrpeîelsd ai iepe a e ~~~~yeU ettta&oeLylmi.~~ Dr., Harian. In bis tler 0T f resig- a fiee ride on thé merry go round Intation of tIbe diplomas. ?o 5u,'tfs ea Boyn v aîi bre vas a roffifI bnu.sregrets tire &Dfure of Ceon- vîtir overy tilsir o! tee creai upeetm ierglrhsai ugb.dosntIL ie a pa 6 »tryeai bt.ce ath $11vortr O to etend the bene.tas of tire ThreSundsy Ichoof Pienlo. pirns, MisMary Ly'onl poke briediy O! but as uoosi as Ib tano siig it 0111-1 lem taag nles. bot$1 . h lMorritI act ta the District a! Colori- Fitteen irundreti people, ail repre- the vork of (hoe cirool Snd its accoi- aIt out of tuaile uI." ig, 0ebyotie cty playlng vihbis, anti expresses thoi hope Liaitirhe seutatîves a!f(ire Lake County Sunday plishaneuts mince lil vas orgauietlinl ot nie bsudobath vtnran ui enxt session vîil0mes(he pasaage o! Scirool Association, helti the annuat 1906. Sire gatiomatie a pIes. for more KiCng M oni Conissu sulbd ysletia in01) sutailugan ncba tav pirnir 0f tire agneetaiSbIloh Parkl nurses sud askedti (at local Young la King JamesI.o uanata - f njucy lu the baud tirat canBee a Tire perioti uf retrenchmen( roiet-yesterday vitir OvrsearDaelB-disrettrttiuLrevnsdei-knyaîe bsoeiI. plsila t te umonti y entereti mbo by the gaverning ant andtihie Zion lutepentieute as!f ucateti iere at home, statîng tirailire yet recogusei L te paver oft lieoW pyiinto ie strangeeidens- îe ytrHra frbsmsgs rahlocal neati vas greaf or tran lire s ot Oo !Dog Cefebrated. board o! tire unlverslly la tier easiru hosto. Wop-rie of.utcosulons. 8siore~ OMMte vu LE yesterday vas tire celebîattao! tir ion. Tire services o! an extra cf- Flfty doltars iu prizes vere gîven oh isClp nttishteieios ftire ivee aionemsbrs t aw» j Fuiti b abul dg irei erof I th icial, ire says. 'ouotiti hoImposs il yyI ieahel ns ie MaInttire alUtatorY aud valed)ciary vere l.fmt. slrto ghtm timos-ulng giibet satOre cracer, under present conditions, tlst Suntiay sciroot captureti a beantl-ý excellent and brougirt grsotlet creditkoisohng el iNevmstut t. 'eà, ,th ttgi l trni 'vent vitti" as luI is ires yesrs as speciat fol elît Amertean fdag for tire targesit 1to lire scirool sud ta theluselves. tire bn agr iiie inb i ai,bi s xp odeti.Atr ia rrasndorepresentative o! tire univemisiy, Dr. atteudafice anti tireNortir Prairie ITw0o!fdbase vho veme ta, gratuato sd out,"Oh, chai-src% e. .Mffl b itykeeping blmniavsy fr0ontLire crackere Haîlan iras doue considerable vor ecool for tire largest pjerceubage o! veîe Il peet IsBeekrbigia ygs om. i.m~u~ a anisiasasom on daîîln- nancially for tire sciroot, eseally sreutiauce loot np anotirer. tepi avay ly serIons ilîness ant isMmonutedl iitihose on on. ooe$isla e-cd tire crarter lnto the street tire dag directlug bis efforts tovard eecuing Superluteutieut Wlmotd o ieHgebia en uTnoee u I safyqItssil wev sf vouiti go atter lit until finally hoeirati for tire dustrict tir eireoits o!flire Congregatlonli Suuday acirool won the Program. nica. «Tire te'il 1' My sauish * Inojre "arrested' anti itpt untilthte Mortîl aet. He firaesual announceti supertuendeulsé' race and Rev. T. NI. "atekn otépala ier ' vuers rotaiti come anti get mm andi iis plans for tire immediate future. iggnbotbam o! t1e 5sainerirurcir van Organ Solo......Mrs. A. E. Browvu*,and fb. bin o quh.t laaucu7«q t re-, close bim op wviere ire vautt ibe sale. the preaciersB race, Tirore vere invocation. .Rev. T. M. Hlggtnbotiram "al 0h nqIe15emSyue Held Giant Crackter. oe' ide eoi vi Ooa prizes. Otiror rares for atcasso naoy.... NeieC iPPta50II l uk tirshoes et O Aton Strovsky ta conduneitete Foe (oii yRmdywl tire. n people apti o! ail tîntis of od titisunts Solo..............Isaiele B. Wilson moisM hyl uct aeye klyJan MAlltOrirapial s irer ourcse of kitiney aud Miadrier trouble nuo lsei.Atdresse........... Dr. A. F. Corvin eti o!lavng elt l irs iant ealy irti evoti he -oaiut ediine Nonnei- Some *Notable Speaklng. Solo ............Prof. R. R Lauglil ,Eiil od maeuî'nIg b iIledi cannonfilrecl-Scker, 1nuie lri)more. Tiregreat feature of tire eveni.rg pesentat#p o! DIPlOase-------------Aieairo wam2s.u. seblus avoeil- whlch viren t explodeti blew off tire F. B. toVEI.L 1CONîIPA vas the speating. .........................Dr. L. A. Tomhaogbotu teAanieecuý titis ! listinges suda thuir. H ______________Rev George McGlnnis o! tire Wau- Presetation o! Ptnse-....MisLyon insa ndr Istecra.~ mtepse h& irs andWauegn htistimitoeLe kegan .Baptiat edurcir proeided. Violin Duel ................ RUsia- taveling by s rather Importent leu- Othjsebi an cd .linakealn oai l e oIspopula- Rev. Tý M. HIggiubotiram of Lire bath Stamirerg. Josephime Stamberg rond terned for le lnd.l«ters e .*»m' Othr Acidnts tin aros so ofUnceBam lite Congregallonal cirnrch gave the In- Valedictory ...... Loretta E. Sambrg scirsitleTire train semudletber ho- Tvo calltevero madle on druggtsts George M. Coiran tire musical com- ain h io iyqatttenGaut.aothutadyltwllsn lblbe are sud nt is retevu erti ha fore retetedisndairo naywe asnsang a velrome soug. Clas$ 1909- tor tire porer 10 an huie thebeer.ý liclci Iraîy seve cassiol ast eewretownbamn 10 Nir. anti Mis. Pein Oversear Daniel Bryant o! the Inde- Wbeater Higglnbotiranî. WiU you tonl] e Uihs dine. pIuieilli - thei e ee re A co aeti oftulurY. rnfBe arrie, Morer ant i ebttare toing peudonts thsn folove Inlu viner Rev. Nelute M. Relgu. sie md w v irstilat COWM.là OU& 'bite __%bynm Scbvemy, vho rstsnicely. T. iI. Hlggtubotbam o!f(iis ciy d- cCCass 190- lakn orapld gedh. ouMrehtet ira .bsarmioen iry ___e______de ýli . 1 . i t. 1 - - - - - - - - - - , :ZI me

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