Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jul 1910, p. 1

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LÀKE COUNTY INDEPNDEjNT WAUKEGAN: EELYSUN \]iL 7VIII. NO. 43 TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE CuUNiY, ILLI.NOIS, FRII)AY. JULY ý22, 1910-lt UPages PART ONE s1.-w PER YEAR I.NâADVANCE. IfULL TEXT O! PROCIEEDINGS Of CHIRISTIAN q rtNDrAVOR STATIE CONVENTION ILD AT WAUKIEGAN LAST WEEI< (s'rlsA) , Jit1,1 1 7j.1 Il te,10this great 'sort. The leadinq event of the Christian E S Ratison. 1 lbusiness man froin Endeavof state convention hec. to- Chitcago, came lntiis mornlng 10 at- sy was the .nthusasîgic passage of tend misslonary day today. Ht le houtlons directed againiil the jef. supportlng art own trotter as a for- ie-Johnson fight films. tigo mlsionary witrî great succes Next in Importance came liste male. and joyý g for the next set of state officers. At Ravinla Park. The big chiofs of the convention are Sc'.cval siicIisl were citarteresi )es- ight" with Ihis information, but it i terday 10 carry ttc C. E. vsetors tete ikeiy that Water . Mee of Chicago aflernooDn concert at Ravinla given by iii be eiected the neat state president te Ptilharmonie orcchestra, tthestea- ýnother Iikely candidate for preicient ter telng ideai and!te ccrowd goos! sR. C. MacBIrney of Chicago. naturî'd. consequcntly ail enjoyes te Dcatur, Egin and other cilie are atternucni >mpeting for the next convention aI a Mach ltereel stas manifestes!1lte eeing hais! this aflernoon. nesi naval station ans! admiration wasi Ttc -preeet o onlers for th t 'la ieexpressetifrctnt norto srhore. many of stoni nia fili bigIîîg )115FIRST PR5SBYTERIAN CHURCH. ncxl ycac, 'taniticati !u,,i1h, 'aY, lic Leader E. C. Knapp. lnîg stalci tfor a' ýcasitill'e otfic' lire,"Our churches arc nut gettlrtg a t as fîllioss the), stuuld oult tîtle music It t'resid' il Vualter R, e,I Ns'il. j't1I stould Inspire ti(- tearte o!f te cii le e[re- i. ttrit'C \%, lis r,lDe, ani'If 'se stand for ('triai anIl il)- tir chirci t tere muaItcmsw tt bein Seccît d\ s(îe ir-.îl Fî i î'. N, ile . lims 0 s outs! lie i-i il fi, Ittînicu iti dcii i"n ers ice for Si'daNacîicil a., w' Il S ( relaa ý1,'I. cPbf'eters,('tainas 1C E.andi îîermcîtlatt cer% :f c j'ilgri"In th,," litîr ut Trat Js t-i l ca.1 A 'sciit Reýrctr-CI --n M i -Nira tir Meic 't .1 ittnia. 'Nt. leais Idite Thes" TI.ser r ,ol 1i)lai-ti, 1, i hlieun i t1 s,' the ~' tdi Itn Howsardi. S;,rtttszfiId. tteliatrise'5 t Sniçrint'nuuIcnt-s NI a 1 t, t - ' i ta I igli itantLtrd. 1,rg itiol le adv i ret art-ilftr 0le o RDERED îO SE11 uV'jns1thttcsale 10 Voliva. Is ar- g sc1rient w'as based on te as iments DON T VOLIA!if a petîtlon wich tad tîiet sent tu ttc court by the loieidents last Voliva wlns. I aght, and whiebhmias headed lii tîrtge Thursday niorninga attt a liuiitg 1 H arnes and! H. W. Jidd. Tte in U'nitedl States court, C'hicago, Itdeifý petîtion WB$ In tbe nature if a prutesi Kenesaw Mountain Landis ruled In re-, agaînst thse sale andi averred that tte gars! to the Zion estate. present fair cash markt î salite ofie That an order be entered for estate îs $1,40,000. the sale of the Mion estate to Landis Takes Exceptions. Wiibur Genn Voiva for $700,000 Jus!ge Landis Immedilately oit cash, and 1ha5 the receiver, Guostrotrg exceptions to tteus' roîcrîts of D. Thomas, complet. the purchatse tise pelîtion and sIsi idtat te bas at once. 1hîceo enseavoring 10 fIrîsisaItisYer for Thus once again Zion leates thec lite estate for te last elghtitîu montits ranit of cties of te worid worlllyiand thitthlitofer o! $70oîî utu wma. tht' and becomes tht propecty Of a te-1lie cash offerwhich te ha'. lieit able ncracy 'sit Voliva at Its teai even t ban Ttjsg iltcdts as Il w'aa inDow les time and tIl t 1 ta! ttas Teent moýrinter h the tîme 'sten Volisa usurped the, lng with the affairs of the citaittan Dowie powter on coming tere froin te tas ever gîven t0 ans prestoîrs re- Australia. e celverslsip or stîll te lîkeli 10 ever invetors' Vole 1Dgcides. gise tu anotier estale orries'riip The referendum vole of investors lu Can't Consîder Sects. Zion estule fron ail over te 'sorld Ttc court saidt!hat te mi'ili not w ten nanvassed show'cd titat a sut'cnlertcrlglu 11 rtrso stanîlal malorîty of *ttc stock vOtesi factions ln Ziori City 1i itinectioti in favor o! thc sale 10 'soliîa, and! w'it ttc disposai(if titi, cantîhiat thi msasa r"ally a decling faiton vTtcihe s'ould enter an oîdcr turir le sale sole wmas also one of confiitirîe Ib to Cote & McKinnun tii i irîtatîce and apîrtcal of Recels Cv Gi i F)witi thebir offer of $70îu" l If. la Thomnas. The sole was Il lviii outiti ttcstruclcd ttc altorneýs t v Dci tiser ha,e o! stock holdings.(Gus D. Thomas in prepide a ut refor independents Prolest. hi" agir îng andi 10 Ires-i ii lte titis rideli adents through tittir attor 1 afternoon, at whiich ituse Judt'Ltt ans.g ries sad aiilerNlac(uifirit(if Wiite. wll enter thc formai order iIl ri stucn car nu! uth iuun(îtfit ti lber>'ttc receiver ans! windlig îip s lic -tartes!in lu r' ad a long Ptctton 1tiao! the tianhrupt e"' se if titi r- to thic effe(t t litthey wottld if thc Alex ticWiî lbe & N, i !'oit are court gase terî tinte alse enotighi ii !isaelrkr i 1 ia' jrr.înes tu ri.itrlî tht' N olisa 011cr and' tieir lutisnces to bu), iiii-lat il,.ii laite oser te e-laie,'tii cili h(a 'suttratiefer ttchre iit i trdge Landis lntorttel tem tiat b t e r 1ý iss, ur Glen t', CHOIR ROMANCE '0 île I .î ; anîd Conrad CHIIIDREN Of GAD'S ENDS IN MARRIAGE nTire (es](hl ir duhrof: MILL .f IND fILOATER Mr. 'and iMi',. Jo, KIlii of souit The clear sweet soprano o uLdo1. Sheridan road. Mvr, elly ta cmployed iThe itîilriti ut the Gad s Hili en- Amfes blended so pertectly ji h the as a reanster atrit e w ire 'sorks BItas anipniti1t 'sie thrown loto a panic tronz, vibrant tenor utf Richard fud- o!f flsh and a inger- were pcked up Sudt itiglit ticai , 30 witen they dis- dies i the choir of the village churb Iron i te dont along the îar tracts atý covered the bloateil body of a floater at Rockefeller that tire two sIngera. t 30 and corîseYed to tenmorgure. lyitig ulicn the beach durlog an atter- repeating the century nid clitîrh h coIr An autiost wtt, gave the nramneof sîprrnhe a the lake front. romance, concliided that tir lises ai Nagie t the lonce witnessed thte ac Superirîteriden t Eddy ,at once srum- so would blend. So thes 'sere' riarried. pilent a'Id tbld an officer thât 'shen rnoned ail of the ehlîdren to thteas. %However they werte married hlie'sas Iassing Lttie C'atherine was scrnhly routuat the sommer settie- over à year sgo, June 22, 1909, at tanding cri the car tract, Efforts wîi ment 'untîl alter th e body was re- Princeton, Wi., and the fact dId lot lie mtade to secuire his festlmony at inOved to the Larson and Conrad becomne known urit Wednesda i i" ýiniliest tri the hojie that hie may morgue, when prettily engraved ittie 1le alle tii n 'te the exact (ilveoin- oeiledn1vaIoc ee carda toId the fact of the marniage stanices whiî'h attendeil the sacrifice ptoned tu Deputy Coroner Edward to a commiunity from which the iof the chili>Ille. Patrick OConneli (Conrad who brougit thie body to the breath went for a few momnent,. -ho ii esidex in the Bluct flais t alsoý morgue. [t Is belirevedl that the body Tii .dd a pietti feature t, thîsý reîîortcîl 'îîhie w itnî 'ted the fatal nîay te that of Dr. Wassai who was ose stut y front lite thete w.ts lac. a ifit iîeî drowned fron his privaie yac ht off entai opposition tuaI to show tisat Anothet version of the accident as, Racine several weeks ago. Chie! Con- the course of truc loves autotmoniole l odh oe'so'etpeet im-1olly this morning notifiesi the police ever accorurranied with trouble aifi ielsafter thc death sa ihat tht o! Miliwaukee, Racine andi Kenoeha furîher tu derricntrate thte Pr Ciuid littl" gîi ti crossto- the sîreet saw' givlng titein a description of te re- ta te utly utîbeatable candîiate for, thce'ict, ýe autooile approaeilng mains wiich arc In a hadly decompos- olti e. 1andtini dsgingthe auto dd tît notice' ed siate. The naval training station Parent, Objected. the alltoat hiîîg tac tîntît too laie' was also notlfied as there is a posai- WVhite ")r1k uddles i xerciseî hie tPr. J. G.'îtKee 'sas une of the firat biliîîy that the body lathat of soome fine tenot suoice i the- luitketeller iii itrrite ion thle icone[lie stales titat workman cmployed a!t th ig naval holif SIttil1ays- andl ai-oion tî iiitte ar' i ititaîtsv r n t tfit i' Dlidere' echool- t te nights t ulti Anie-.a abeanty i, h strict i i t a tuotierate rate of! Iftasthe-belier o! Assistant Coroner as grand ndIdllinoi's alone cano titer sîccîl atndi tat tht, t ilers are tînt('tioti rad that the body has been in the and a local ai hotil test her s'î isihec iii lIled'ri titaiei- at a sliw sîeit taltE w'a, er for fuily a month. Not a stick i taittitîsl solîtatîri th strlttng f1cItcI tittiitgIl,,t t'Irt" ut clîthing w'as found on the body and! aI. ci and ttîcik 'sîccunibed Nr týlhIf c's t.iti tf Notrth ('h ca. even the shoes were lacking. Tht iiittlc parents of Miss Atîtes accru iiow a- i;fi h ctcarthat 1,4t eî 'elfloats r had heen washed ashore teet let hase objecte(] At least thîs ta te StrePt aboust fixe t' iliiik. at.d reilates totetnsct. the head bcbng still in thtý -toiisraid Su tîtte fine nîtîrnitî i thte sali diciii ut 't'fîîllîîw s nsater 's ien thte remains were re- lune w hen the si cnt ut the-w iid roses AVTi ta ciîîd nmade the fvio *itî noscd. front te laite hy the assistant filîrd tht air anid ttehir-da chu iped iii coiittg ouit o liit tu n'y ¶ îkîtîg icoroner, iteir miatins', Ritclard and L.ulu vire-disn ai flic i rtck 1 ni tîi Ci a ýcIItîg It ls cooeldered a peculiar fact thait tii Prnnetcn 'ad w rc tere a. crt sîy ii I abtout -.x io rîdi r j jt' ttht'the ahoes ertnont found on the body E nII esteaI 10 ~ itt, - I iite aglrieuîulieut iandSi' tad iteard te saine thing tetore ans!d ' i" i "ttirried suIe utfthetar i w's sitt1'iiabutttita an, -tri-ir-titi 'dl'" clii l rs.thus eîrethnref musi that <cast tas! neser- seconîuîanicd it i Mariage Becomes Known. tait 'sun troi te fr-ont 'u it tifle f iiu 'i .i oluI-ru' ltt' 'r 'l., til ac 0 tCsttcnici has cfinianthers esen asit sddntt so'slie said SîtrudaYs a ~a)su> i i i' hut'tfiii Ttltt Ilt rue'eelt ts ta u t hl ssgglt is 'arîtfi ti ls-ni Ila i 5 rccornIinndtd taI ln -mail that tt th otîsa $700,000cli ffer la ttc Zin itrty fIit bibu-coflthe mbrige m ncwfil astCch.liTeeti (basbitemtagi nith r Ga't'siitîu 'bs /uui î tî. < ari .of- tiorulecomnîttselechase test ipossible one sud thatlite couis do! Ttr-ecthousands! tronge i liclouw i ilr .*l'sd Ames. ttc atlistanov, houghtît wil., un ijose for- autl. tn (ta1 il, ui i tares'cf t tîruschoIra. seect audnonless titan auntiltas Zuon affaIrse rs o! WîIbuv Glenn 's'rlîua gIinsr-al rîrd n1ote u onenLielni i sachlci'ntiTl r-ia CF, l'agOlie il'oNoling peil-lo, ti chuosher-seer-l o! ttc fr frusuytitiowtoaesheilof heyCillelaTue(D.ddilestcsisîtThe reaideses 101l rîîndua;nlotrfuiint ddt nî'i I, doett Iris e Clîcag t. uic il ct tiiin~ lîcouli b ehurchw ittout ,e*tlement ansi te w'setes! i Atuustubîeittîrcit o! Zioui in.IUtC-cuo, i kfte ît ad ti ie'aes1îotc cîi rs igr1î. Ausluîîr ansi I istriaii-Nisu touts 1_ ce r Ire t,> digefi.îg musieinthettcSun m'slnd îhem up tr i ui Thendrttsc av dsustteyîngîcîîîulel)sthe aie, a ut ofit hae chItuns ui cîiurie' ti jîtîssnitlslad> holani l eein' it Then te instructesi tht enektu10en. usler ttc nortit short ciTl andsi ods t ncw itinc>moon cr ns ss iis-i'et u, l sîi Mv GTeertetizttailleder tt(,tarliss'giiart)~ndpactalte 1r tht orderIformnai îpossession of tie buildings, Dottamille are promunent ln swtheniatigîi unsansittdC jresentesi ts- folioving resobtion aI ' îietosipointers are t10 Effecte cf sale. 'stîIt ast 'seet again tairue ito t Ier ctur-ct circles. 1 cm htccv uî îuees i h îI uhsiie ttc Armor> I meIngsu 1 riI r I I-c unrtîme abo.Antiipatcd ieffects o! the sait are:.cnla itog t tieactioti o! tte fes!onte aw te attacbment btwen thtý somtiencliermust sbortly learn o! this Vs t1-iERas.iclIso ronIoi> eloit Gîte eîrld ne otI slxsproa ni oiia rlcul dsvns.h rclvrt-c'ouong people long befoce the ols! sas!acciîct No ont seemes! ro inow ln 1mi a syndmicl ung itur0escfthe 4.t l tl stn(.n irn eprestige wstîlite greally tuereased. cii u 'stih toit thernsoser. foîka s nte up, Wto lte chils!'as ans!thse ambulance b llno pi' ittc oandgtuî5i. ttie SIl n un ira noie 21 Htestlicontrol te ale o! aIl I Il 'as lits' a reItaI of tte obs days 'Ai World Loves a Lover, sin cametelutaktetblis!y away. A I retEtlrl!5 t, W anti cetatpie t i'iing ni, fithmsrs!of te prnpcrty of VZinestate, that.- tf i t, or-. as tue 'sas geuerally t> Ttefc tit tat ail te world loi-s ptsulsin an antomohble a's'the sasi WHEEA Weirussetha ~rIt i Kep p ithmulebas uolttherto been Ieaétsi or detd.ý icol, EliaitIl -ans!et tec"se ialoser, or îw'o s shown conclusiacîn ci eut.anis te sonan was lmost hys- fighting la3 a reuiniscent of asagevv It nu chance for iiror choir n cd, 1 cralon mereting,' in tte big tabero- by ttc tact tit Rockefeller ansi tel i-aIý matrng bernles uf bruteut andl n01tblte ciurcit have one lu tte C E 3,I-le can mate It toI for ttheloIne-'aile ductag ttc aflernoon Vsoiia pro- ýitertyvilîje degtdwsbltVRDC 0FJ Y kecping wth Amertean Ideals. ansi se uettirge. pendente by reîosing 10 seli or lease îîhestcd tat ln a short timte the sonsrlor o itarrige n!cngtulahe WEh.RyCT FindUhRYJ.ep M !urtttr teliese taIte exhibition o! Thetîhoagbit 10 take home sas o ae onesii te.sculd again lte starties! ty tht wooofdons are bc geaeneidfonrta uneKelye r, itehc deh. of pmiefg pîtrers anlie ealorîna il',ttacyagng1 oaot 4 lHe gels several goos! tactocy cers ans! miraclestat tt .th Àrs! ilis!ansi Icît.heung accidently truck by Car to ofprze figbt reîîors alit tr eodute Il"' tdre uilings, muet lands!ans!lots ans! cisev-'sortin, Zuon ________ _No. 27 of the Chhcago and Mii- tilnstu pîzefiit 1ictre l rte es Ld .gh'sAdres. erai business enterprises. The tail tor te free wli offertng kaîn eg 0ctross 1h racks cfl paliers o! the ans! hase demoraltzbflg Dr O0B. h'ttaker presîdenl o! tht 5. Tht Asventst' colege location' ilvetedes! ttc marcit atout ttc, cîty ans! VICTIM O f WORST waukeEctc Riradshe pet ialiy tîpon eilidren ansi consetuiot siars e pohe on 'Succese ans!lils Foun 6.Ttc ols! central powter plant r. i filcut 1ast ttc trI-colores! barre] -suhc h Bliee sre y losers tht standhard o! our Chris- dation.&"' ast nigitl lasses loto hîs control. tchat stîttîs lucore tte pulit ansi cast Jsîiîe(ahrîeKly h is ossingon MarBio sretrJul tian ciiizallon: titerefore bli t Amerira le avoonoinouti1opporun- 7lcbcmslieaslt u- iecnIiivotrne aglgfo crs! dne ater- o!>Kvllanus!e'rirs. i 17, onMaion 1910.n u DESLVISTha tc blinos IaI i> tc lae ny th ts! ni Otlator ans! czar o! Zion City relîglousiy 'rixe cent lueces 10 twcOty dollar billsJ'ohns KelIs o! Wautcgan moi Christian Eîdeavor tuson îplaces isleh!ne and! aides!'asbngton 'sten ansi otterwise. tiy ttc inte tn,- issont tas! giventils uatut -t Suay W TFO CND on record as uat10 1550 tiinterbýsgveionaines stas Baoi. tîrnoon suter tIllets!ny h arlfly Ttc nnuT OîR AtNt itY nt unalîcratl! Olipostndslil ofiter boss dngaion toot-neywTh rextenîlierbellanandlierelo!lfobodbisrrdonationI ttct moneyt out seixteen te exhbihtion of ttceî rize figtt pic- er Wi a-ington ansi coda> te, un hon, low'tng 10 blimutfront alîrover the storîs! or eightîcn in' t-- deep ln tht harrei itlts u asre a sictnre a o lstlt îîe1r otbrIf duc 10i IlShieorGpretaeut blnd oyctorier-bans! a10ndtliteluiis lucaîrse of a chiltilsit desnre for cari litertue I Senaor Goe a gor itins! o> wt act that te cao bcbng setlers ands ightl tf Th-,-iler that 'sas mixes! frotnt o tut Ithe colltier-of Dellxutîci' i tA IuusutrdeaithttKelîs home tes! RESOLVED. Thatr'se caî iOtittce fought hi' s ,L5 ioîtetce ser-ate toot as!- citizents onto bis ne's'lans! ans!prop-'sut ltent i i'iailusurt .ti li- iegc n!le rte Dn('arl tes S ieneeon gos oIr ut sa\%bacett ia otiortui sIxril,s l e scecsfint. Il sas '-3u i tloch 'sten ttcZion 'J'iîeliutie t îuîîu tnt tellr- ll, ii cclitt. 's o l'e,lte'ilt îeds! 0eus ans tt seina's f te Vi tatne9.iciR~iigons Intolerance le suit- band tîck ita tse at thteiteas o!fte cilles ans! tos o! the aIe to pot1 - tapeOuri stîtutesifor an Open door. Coltinnit aIt frnues! otstidt of thete aittiuu t ca s i a! uo -uSouieuth' ftii nin dlii c Marlo stvis ulte tcexhbtionu o! salolsi 1tures as ellots sen, bu o0w v'se titilit tem ts t ut Ttc tultoler-tce w-uit calend i 1tcrulade Io t.îltiougi thttcto'sn iii us' tuau 'ulututhaiti ci csiiii îlethIlo'lisiiuia tt u't,,eona. 0iurcts irunjudîr ual tIo te 'scîare o! tte s'aIe. ait c-" nseusetFI ratesu siibAa uttiiO rcrVts rcî,ts"rîct li utruet i I c'te lttIe e li i dilti, tut bar le, prcbslie N d h ti t r e s t ' a s m a n i f e s t e s ! i i I A c r u i i c s o t e to s a r . - " 1 " ( uk o w i t i h e v e a r s t e a n sl nr c u l r i h i h A f t h l i, i f ei I O e s u r i t u i v at ek t ý r 'C " a d I r i e l 1 , n l " " I - ! d I o g t c o t e titis rec'iutuion ans! Il 'sas etutieasls- cdg- ou tilcriri nni l Ilyet i -Uitoti Il One man r-utcliI subsîllutes! for luins! ttesu î(at i the' tindredss'sho aîi u-udngtil' aits c t stu îs k ttatnp caIl> adoltesi sasle a siuîwue-d ran gelt now tesi" c te vle h>iv any. crnuiotti ItiusteiC ots! choir""lll i- ssaiituui roso i tliat ' ie'a ntfs u Ttc Evenung Lecture. fore 300 fins!te dri wncd man. Train 12 Dc g etste plipusr to tut te old Tit-c ;nu ut -tiii c foliostes! iy lte th,,I utu til asîarguu ut 'slo s sI,,h- itue, le wbslop. dou, Dtî J. NI.Gra> lectures! on -The ni ct tttDuuwic leat-e mb etecî again i- 1hui-e,. 't 1e Ineroeial d ttuue îttuig(lehîîio fret ue TI c i r us lui tok i S!toi'sa n Bibletanti Sool ' ostC Ilit e An- Asecond corner tone 10 surce" 5 Tt itt is eise iî aet" it i1'u' inrîmortlla-fî ie i tî 'scri niuout d f"lu - Teluu'tafe .ci etyas ene mory a .li iaeu'td .elerui.natioli lu o Ilo's' i ta- udt. i-Ie' ýLanutis' court ibis Thts -i 'tuu ii tti ts!lustand lth tctutaro ariis e tat11 eitl i stger'.lahen Con Keen interct la tuunile'ted n itisaunicnicsl. Lîke te deteniinulidn 0f! mo' nun. utiil uî clati k ansiafe lt tti u I s l 'er llses o ie u tciittilt'iail- il .- ttti luttenI utn gsuia:uteisort ier ttur-i at oitate. s 'as i rousett i mrnl sleu lte saw' tie saise sale! rîccusu t - ttorîtu t atsp1racnîcs! n in-s i-t luit te reat o!Illte i i ii îc i it i uttt u tt ula ruttllO ontIso 10ticl 'uitperoosun c 10 bsu rîhe sort an ecxlias hte dins! sescrul mnionmullîsoth.1 Ie nourrI te' îronug ltudi Irousheittcdus! and ;sîti e Ilte atule nuittI, icuant fiilt uuuurîa rorng 10 ttcli Ing thenu lu Christ A pampuhlet 'as ti emnflat iuon proclamation, c 1i the.vtre o the Inestors ws'asthet astis!tutufoi iIitt ' t11c" iigltugen tuf th uictu t ite uqresl ans! ite tises! sut aIulcqrt scrîptîce fitr te! A)tIltiwJackson 'sas suin t iicia ii t u-es! t -ntîattx ul- fotuw's: Ttc onu r-tt- itaIjacces! the tan- 1(elt.-tu t-() pi lasscc thutie anIfi' eut tu u it titi t-chue uieF Ilndtla- ise f ie 'irîtan wh s 'ouiig nuJ arrtr If .Jactson decîtles! -4 ni esIlunsfasoes! te cash sale.',inony of te tuttiîo's'as ttc atîack lt1t u tisntITc I ue it 1rn tilist t ierrîax abotie soit]i sinoli7iies. lo du a ttuý1 iutgenreraît> dis!]i. repreýseLtine $1 772',71074 of 'o! ' Eiduer ' Jlulît Tusîirformer atts iv 't u5iniie The îtî'iitî nth iilie t îofî tuti' l fthe c115 ttc A'nws"' Ioa10an> diicaity arc rounil Ttc nu xicornier lone la a itnglî sko toisawt-osiina ill headutlautte hilit ihiis îarcu s thickt iiihid ttuiliticross to e'un lnth li anpleta Extra cuplîýs arc dea The atstt toc a life ime sougitî 147lasonesi ttc linme offî'r of Voli- w ago atduile d sIartlbug ans! su neu enumiliceteme si ceuti.'Ilue cuir "lit ' sîiyjaulat n t lipite to e as!atItetioosy alpctce a 's uodapl fova pibîluiveo!fte Cria ns va. repre-ening $11h,11574 o! ifytng spitte' utilhie former leader. Tue accident is iote cf th tc Ilnuaîhth iii 'siu l. rt tf t is! truck ot socialion. tii Insîtute place. (Cticago, ont> uttîs deatitidsihie trîcuda fins!lth-EIder Tas tir look uîp hie stans! juillttkle'suietciintîtt tcfttcrTcuiao10bvex Ilit.ite face in bis 0's c acros îe 'iii il troin ttc Ziofi COtut o an a iti e ich citirl leene un îuuîCar,-Te\ltuf n tous bveor- - Hospital Work. I liiter ecialion r'. ancter cnrt: î r( u it 'u1nuiîen w ho fax tres! tith- obruti c luoi's, litre a brie! cenc. u't lfar us cif thedete in cuisouppan EVorvfus Rttnedr. I cI wi'îuîtaîVovit ci!WattcrR.laflE tiiens ea Edunutionisu.te! e,' r-il Illerorlimine sale offeva, repire- ony'sas tel( ud at i tcte gencu i wCi-e t il ttbltati ciicrNo, -. 'sicit 1 lîY Atltii sV 'uOrviarepresent-I dessui 'sastots!itu 'satterR Meclousarto diDutit! 'itsfoundilon iC I ciii ~fi <li 2t 4 titedor-t t tt Itheien 1rnotie hi' bCiiii tue1-scîi <ni4.'sasuit carge et tletKi-iu laîtl0unaottcenques a thIle lirunory Ttce'sont of te fore î(trylix10puit on tte cootf.t it oeitetsro!lt eaccuser. il,'st-plain t-erIa s utîu îu.îîtue e l lu.mna lchrg ITt esK,11, uoîîu uit cttheiter es!wa- Cook counly tospitat 'sas given Dere Ibm speater iigreasoed te, speat orgaîuzi.ticn tpau epresenlei $1 6qqfh - 'as rot tii-"iig 'stat 'sas goil n iili r tTu rue a n ~ îuî"t lh ia lAîu 'shere îley itase 1,500paients.Titey aaitllfige tazing ans! frîvotles, £2:1.Thte tctaI antoant of stock 'shirth _____________C. hav a I ili iwo peas out tig-foo tllt iha ateoutontorshi "rButIerlichtIIa'ii 'sho witnessed the scat hae tttuai 'it atetafoirIa i fottat sut lit of n it aai'ss te I antI countesi'a $50TiW-Fiis 80.Thte Kî r ,childt was asîrsnctabout Ttc n]cuisttnfiicttflg tetaioflylesans! uaca ý TteC fEralses! $1,200 for ionucssof modern entcrlainimcnutgIs- g49qf2 Titose w's t ues! ans! bas!no Tretie $0.ti (cc-1 t i îîuîot Betsdere sîrcet and! Io base lieu u i)taIt fa 'ituessa ames! tii wu-tcti ea sctffndarti lsos>onEA os Tc npr-cr it eîrsîîlci$1513 u ira f lt-u fnast blte-li'I iit rIs u iit!uf aI titis 'tIi lTheaRa-. w ho aa's lite fataîil$9,53fr-ont aftsrnoua i-eclt> fixe ersonal work- xni ýandulgivit hIanirrituationsofa o! 'st ,Inc.s Tisuus sr siin 0laemrirfie tsc,td(fenas Inthe, tItiti T ,d i, ic uul 'sa ulaei attis ot. one lit> housuaie theîfietat thtei rs go aIt oer te great tosptat anti man solouallie ua dîsîtoil Oio tt eae emchu îia,-ului ,rc in th es n)ui tîîîîe i ' i-elmattîn e 'uabut eoe li itl Iet.l 'a iegoa iefie ls dur te speat conctfort ants!chier, gise fiu'scrq lslesd tutconsersine te spiritual- trcly lu te hands of the court. .31001ans! rosis eautluafler enîcrîsue i 1lieus i irainumss tougit to1 a stand- atreaf nu-dsing 'sien sîrucit anid poi n en swsty 10 Christ. uîy tY fttc convention îtns evenIug's Many inve&t-trs W'to soles!foc bottIpieu tut gusltu Ttuu-c 'ho pleas! guit -'sît i Tu' sccî'îsîîof a wonoans stut Tht riuîuîîsi 'sas tels! aI lins orloci NIises Cardie S. Barr, a Chicago ttitcîing s"tioi10hase heen tiruts!tht cash sale proposittion and tht rcor-ý t> un h'storiirIttnfon keepîrne stutu -lî' liteacu in'scttc fivel notice ' 1rtîutîuîrniîu ans! following 'sert school leacitîr-.tas tor six >'tare been li atl enlirlaitilua Ciausauqua. ganization plun atndt wiose votes sterel machines 's, c lewis Gervy anti EnrItîtt ii Iuinu rte' hts!of te fatalît> uuîtuuunies of teîjuy i.C.'tIectant. a fatthicl i runer tene ans! great suc- 1 Tent Edeavor. accors!uoelynit counts! represeutes! neat Schiinit i tf laite Zîurih ait! A ci iti tt fol tit wo undres! iii olifcinilînuAl<'Conradi. ibutînes OtIe cesbas totitiwes ihecr'soct. Scores Ttecst'Oilig service openes! 'sIt astock 10 te vainei'of $4767D. ISennis bI ' l ittelroprietor idii' p tiu igattiii'cd andi (fficc'rs lu IiedIlel Tiîill JohntrtituuIl ans!C. have been iaecd bII, ler personal stork. r'uuning soti e ervice;ite C. E. song 011rs Pelilion. the akeiste îtîn tnai 'auconda. An 1Fr-ank 't iotui l Il 100e as! dtFi " 'tniitf. Tstn hundresi und ninely hersons hi, book Is uses! ans! le most acceptahit Attorney Paul MacGuffn of Lberty- otter deteitfat.' lîa agrees!1 peurtut i Iîîlt lt oîu!î urtu these seveutlfiat 'or-hers ila agrand utder ttc leadership o! Prof. Moody, ilsh a!ben/îie!h tctmrrsd'ii pcotatly yen-tsi'na's'au uruni tthe nuangles! rminsg, TcIDPNETBsmr stok. tcgrelca tessnescote _____________________Independents t10 fightl tht saeto10VoltrlteFame finîe, wtuit 'sîitte cOst wticb 'si-te gustieres! togetter ans!, scrutersaend he best advertisine tb tht C. E. stockera sito giseteir (s'ONTINUENt u PAoGnrE 6.) va, asidresses! the court ans! argues!i amounte 10 $122 50 coscies it'sii uwsîîaiesec untîl rit 1medium ln Lakte couroty. Andrti tha tcdrie al anasr nth fartthgat the dlimedthanh, dah ln batrresi Tite hamucthatliea Icn tîced.tonwth f inding ofite fln one ci ti theepoicandi coron te wliat-r ettîlîtth e Thie adionqratws hei ilptt onsvîorniugTheIong lovws et> gationofthlie death of the Kelly girl. MOT SCRAM13LIE FOR PLACE ON BALLOT Afier camping ont aetlthe Court itouse for more titan twenty-four bours carndidates for County offices and tbeir substitutes were relieved when the town clock sirucit eigbt o'clock, .londay andi aI elght minutes after elgit nine pettion&- hadl been filed. Thos. whose petitions fil- ed and the time of Miing: Lew. A. Hendee, county cierk, 8: 00 A. M. Lewis C. Price, county treasur- er, 8:01 A. M. T. Arthur Simpson, superintend- ent of schoois, 8:02. Eimer J. Green, eheriff, 8:018 Perry L. Persone, county judge, 8: 04. George Quentin, couwnty troasur- er, 8.05. Miles T1. Lamey, counly cierk, 8:06. Jotin Hosige, supe-rrnendent cf schools, 8:07. Cari P. Westerfilid, county trem. sucer, 8:08. At a even o'cioct Sîrnday nioro- lng ('harles Titayer 1laced itis chiaif againal the front donco! lthe CourtI house acting as stîbstîttîse toc Deputy cotînty Treasurer i. C. Price. Mr. Thayer belsi his place first 0lthe îloe utîtii londay tuti nirîg. andi was fre' îîuettly relieveil I, Ir. cPrict. who w as the second te file hie pctiliofl. Lew He-eoilc ltitr.Price tn il at thaI as Lew camte 10 te office aI '1ev- en o'clocit andîsildct bis pellilon prom- VIN on the ctn.eotf cigit. Harry Torlerdell aiiî us substItute for Counly Sîsîerlrîîendent of Scbools T. A. It"rmpisii.tîrie gat tht court bouse ati îîîo olonin Sanday after- noon. He vaus followed by Eimer J. Green, whii reniairses unlil MondaY moroiog ihoîling hie place ln line from threc o duori Sunday aftercoor. Charlea A. Woract and! W. 0. Sampson aitesi as substilules for Cari Westerfild. andi George Quentin re- spectively according to a report. Etîdorse Lynch. Tite coutîtt demorcalir committet, gottogetiter Tîîcsday and announcesi they 'sunisu îpptort lite caudidacY Of tJeo, F. Lynch o! Libertysîlit for tha democrasio nîotitnatson o!represent- aîlve fromIb iis district. il 'sas capltted titat tte local demo- crats wouiît support Thtomas Burns but the apîtearance of the LAe county man lIIIthte race bas brouglt iorth the strong support Of thée oouUxtY demonrat s A slrong supiport la promiaed Mr. Lynchtty itiIs rrction. D. A. Offly hed he ad.,,nsratp ic WitteA s' do r fr In wi Ai l cc ý95 2.98 89C 48c 1.76 1.98 2.49 .2.98 ..4.98 .1.*49 2.98 .3 .98 . ..4. 93 y VI- X V 11L. beaas me ciernueratic cuwwn wu.

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